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Amshayu (Final version)

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Dear Kursija ji, Here goes the whole article. Please try to apply the method in other charts as well, and let us have a study based on some more example charts. =====================


Calculation Systems

- Written by Sreenadh OG

The common thread between almost all

the different Ayurdaya systems available to us from Rishi horas is that –

"Neecheshooccha dalam hi tat" (Placement in debilitation indicated half the

longevity as indicated by placement in exaltation) as Skanda Hora puts it. All

sages and every text has consensus on this – but differs much in further



While dealing with longevity

calculations, Brihat Jataka mentions and provides us with the opinion of the following

6 scholars – Maya, Yavana, Manintha, Parasara, Jeevasarma and Satyacharya.

There are some similarity and difference between the opinion of these 6

scholars based on which these opinions can be categorized into three.

1) Opinion of Maya, Yavana, Manintha, Parasara

(Pindayu Ayurdaya System)

Mihira mentions

them together in the quote "Maya Yavana Manintha Saktipurvair", due to the

similarity of the system they accepted for calculating longevity. Actually this

itself is one of the major opinion supported by Rishi horas such as Skanda

hora, Sounaka hora etc as well even though they support the other branched

methods ascribed to Jeevasarma and Satyacharya as well. Any way the base point

of similarity between the opinion of Maya, Yavana, Manintha and Parasara on

this is that – they all ascribe a specific number of years to a plant in

exaltation. (The system is usually known as `Pindayu' calculation system) The

following quote from Brihat Jataka clarifies this basic point regarding the

longevity calculation system (known as `Pindayu') even though when going to further details there is some

differences of opinion between these scholars –

Maya Yavana

Manintha Saktipurvair Divasakaradishu valtsara pradishta


Dasa sahita dasa cha swa-tungabheshu



[As per the

scholars Maya, Yavana, Manintha and Parasara, the planets provide the following

years of longevity when placed in their maximum degree of exaltation. Sun – 19

years; Moon-25 years; Mars-15 years; Mercury-12 years; Jupiter-15 years;

Venus-21 years; Saturn-20 years]

As mentioned

above when goes to the details of calculation there is some differences of

opinion between these scholars, but they all agree upon this basic point of

longevity years ascribed to each planet. But please note that this is not an

opinion known to these scholars alone, but was a well known earlier Arsha

opinion as evident from the following Skanda hora quote. It is from Skanda's

teachings to Brahma that even the above scholars came to know about such

teachings, as evident from the fact that all of them – including Maya, Yavana,

Manintha and Parasara – considers that they got this knowledge from Brahma

(i.e. from Skanda Hora – Skanda's teachings to Brahma). I am providing the

detailed Skanda hora quote without commentary which covers this number of years

ascribed to planets and much more below –


Ayushaschintaisha mahan bharoyamagrataH


vyavasthedametavadadya swaswati vidyate

Apyayate krite

njanatretayam pranamsamyamat


Ishtibhir dwapare yuge

Na njanam na

cha yogascha navadhyo vaidiko vidhiH

Kalau tat

parimasama iti kechid vipaschitaH

Manvana iva

tungaste Surya ekonavimsatim


saradaH panchavimsatim


panchadasa prahu sarado dwadasenduja

Jeeve panchadasacharye

daityanam panchavimsatim


vimsatimete cha naivamischanti tat sada

Yavat krite na

tavadvai tretayantadvichakshate


yavadetadvai tavanna dwapare yuge


yavadetadvai tavannaiva kalau yuge

Evam yuge yuge

tasya hrasam kinna vichakshate

Etavattvam mato

noonam na teshanchatra sasvatam


jyotisham sada


neecheshooccha dalam hi tat.



I don't want to

go into the detailed analysis and clarification of the above authentic Skanda

Hora quote; but it is well evident that the system of ascribing 19 years to

Sun, 25 years to Moon etc while they are placed in their maximum degree of

exaltation was well known even from Arsha Skanda Hora period itself. Maya,

Yavana, Manitha, Parasara etc learned astrology from Brahma as provided in

Skanda Hora teachings and they have clearly expressed their regard to his guru

in their texts as well. This is the major tusk of the system of Longevity

calculation rooted in Skanda Hora and the branches with similarity are

teachings of Maya (Surya Kula), teachings of Yavana (Yavana Kula), teachings of

Manitha (a sub branch of Yavnana Kula itself), teachings of Parasara (Parasara Kula). Anyway, a detailed

analysis of Pindayu calculation and the difference of teachings while drilling

into further details as per the Maya, Yavana, Manintha, Parasara universities

is not of our concern here; and so I stop my discussion on Pindayu system here.


2) Opinion of Jeevasarma (Jeevasarmeeya Ayurdaya system)

Jeevasarma expresses

and popularized a bit different opinion. Brihat Jataka speaks about the opinion

of Jeevasarma in the following line -


kilaha Jeevasarma grahadayam paramayushaH swaramsam



[A scholar

named Jeevasarma basing himself on the opinion that the longevity provided by

planets could be similar; considers the longevity provided by all planets as

equal – 1/7th of maximum longevity of 120 years. Thus as per

Jeevasarama the longevity that should be ascribed to `any' planet placed in

exaltation should be 17 years, 1 month, 22 days]

The word

`kilaha' used in the above quote expressing doubt and actually denies the

effort of others to state that this is an `own (self created)' opinion by

Jeevasarama. Just like any other reputed ancient astro-scholar he too was very

sincere and even his opinion has a clear base in ancient Rihi horas. The

opinion of Jeevasarma is based on the following Skanda Hora quote –


sadrisaH putra yatha yuyam yadhahyami


samyantadanuyuktetra sarvatha

Athava tapasaH

svasya veeryenanu prapasyata

Yadi dayeshu

yaH kaschidviseshomeeshu sambhavet



[As my children

(all planets) are equal; their wish (regarding longevity; longevity years) are

equal in all sense. OR based on your meditation capability `know' the power

(and the longevity provided by) each planet and then calculate the total

longevity. Some people follow this path]

As you could

clearly see, Skanda Hora expresses two major opinions in the above quote – one,

ascribing equal longevity years to all planets and two, ascribing `specific'

(`known' by meditation; or better based on `opinion' of various sages) years to

planets. While Jeevasarma took the first path pointed to by Skanda Hora, other

like Maya-Yvana-Manitha-Parasara took the other path of using specific number

of years mentioned in Skanda Hora itself.

Anyway, a

detailed analysis of Jeevasarmeeya Ayurdaya calculation and the difference of

teachings while drilling into further details as per Jeevasarma are not of our

concern here; and so I stop my discussion on Jeevasarmeeya system here.

3) Opinion of Satyacharya (Navamsaka Ayurdaya system)

In the opinion

expressed by Satyacharya is that longevity calculation should be based on

Navamsa sign (Navamsa sign – i.e. Navamsaka). This opinion differs from the

base trends –


"Neecheshooccha dalam hi tat" (Placement in

debilitation indicated half the longevity as indicated by placement in



Harana (deduction of longevity years based on specific


Two specific

qualities that is common to all longevity calculation systems. Even though this

distinct and different from the basic Pindayu calculation system, Mihira is of

the opinion that Satyacharyas system is more dependable. Just like Maya,

Parasara, Jeevasarma etc Satyacharya based himself in a quote of Brihat

Prajapta (a commentary of Skanda Hora) so to derive this system. The Brihat

Prajapatya quote that became reference to Satyacharya was

"Ayurgrahamsakaistulyamanye kechana manyate" (Some other's consider longevity

as equal to Navamsaka). As per Brihat Jataka -


navamsa rasi tulyam bahusamyam samupaiti satya vakyam



[Longevity is

equal to the number of Navaksaka (starting from Aries) consumed by every

planet. The opinion of Satyacharya becomes very correct in most of the

situations (and I appreciate the same)]

If Mihira says,

some thing is specially good, that he must be saying it from his own experience

and it must be so. So we will try to learn and understand this system in


But before

proceeding I want to clarify one major point regarding this system which we

should never forget. No where it is

mentioned that the `Neecheshooccha dala' rule or the `Harana' rules apply to

Navamsaka Ayurdaya system. Actually both Brihat Prajaptya and Brihat Jataka `deny'

the application of `Neecheshooccha dala' rule or the `Harana' rules to

Navamsaka Ayurdaya system. We will approach this system of longevity

calculation in a detailed manner in the next section.



Navamsaka based Ayurdaya Calculation


Let us start

our study of this system based on the popular Brihat Jataka quote about the

same itself.

Standard Calculation


navamsa rasi tulyam bahusamyam samupaiti satya vakyam



[Longevity is

equal to the number of Navaksaka (starting from Aries) consumed by every

planet. The opinion of Satyacharya becomes very correct in most of the

situations (and I appreciate the same)]

It is well

evident that –

Normally, the maximum longevity (Praramayu) as per

this system would be 12 signs x 9 planets = 108 years approximately. But

it could be more than this as well considering Lagna, Lagnamsaka and the

various multiplications suggested by Satyacharya.The Navamsa sputa of the planet and the Navamsaka

count starting from Aries indicate the number of longevity years donated

by that planet to the native.

Mihira provides

a clear calculation method in the following quote –


grahamishtam liptaH kritva satadvayenapte


syusseshattu masadyaH



[As per

Satayacharyas opinion – Convert the planetary longitude into minutes. Divide it

with 200 minutes (1 Navamsa). Expunge

the multiples of 12 Signs. Convert the remaining into year, month, days] Thus,

Longevity = P/200 where P is the planetary longitude in minutes.


For example,

let us assume that 3-2-20 is

the longitude of Sun. Then longevity provided by Sun would be –

[(3 x 30x 60) + (2 x 60) + 20]/200 = (5400+ 120+20)/200

= 5540/200 = 27.7

Expunging the

multiples of 12, we get 27.7 – 12x2 = 3.7

Thus the

longevity provided by Sun would be 3 years 8 months and 12 days.


Another method

that can be used would be – P x 9/1800 where P is the planetary longitude in


{[(3 x 30x 60)

+ (2 x 60) + 20] x 9}/1800 = (5540x9)/1800 = 49860/1800 = 27.7

Expunging the

multiples of 12, we get 27.7 – 12x2 = 3.7

Thus the

longevity provided by Sun would be 3 years 8 months and 12 days.


Following the

same method we should find the longevity provided by every planet including

Rahu and Ketu. Adding all of them together we get the total longevity provided

by all the planets for that native.


But apart from

this simple and straight forward calculation method (which may provide a

longevity number less than 108), some special rules are also mentioned by

Satyacharya, and there too some variants are available. Let us see what these

special rules are –



Special Rule -1

The first

special rule that is associated with planets in exaltation or retrograde is

given below -


vakropagataistrisamgunam dwiruttamaswamsakabhatribhagagaiH

Iyan viseshastu

bhadandabhashite samanamanyal prathamepyudeeritam



[if longevity

is provided by any planet in exaltation or retrograde then it should be

multiplied by three. If longevity is provided by any planet in Vargottama, own

Navamsaka, own sign or own Drekkana then it should be multiplied by two. This

is a specialty in the word Satyacharya. Everything else (every other

calculation) is as told earlier, as usual - normal]

Special Rule -2

The second

special rule that is associated with Amsayu system proposed by Satyacharya is

that longevity as provided by Lagnamsaka should also be considered. This was

not so in the case of Pindayu and Jeemasarmeeya systems. In both those systems

longevity provided by Lagna (Lagnayu) is considered but not the longevity

provided by Lagna Navamsaka (Lagnamsaka-ayu). Let us hear about this second

special rule, from Mihira himself –


bhamsapratimam dadati veeryanvita rasisamancha hora


yopachayassa natra karyancha nabdaiH prathamopadishtaiH



[One more

special rule (not accepted by all) is there. As per this opinion, If Lagna is

weak Longevity as indicated by Lagnamsaka should be added. If Lagna is strong;

longevity as indicated by Lagna and Lagnamsaka should be added together and average

should be taken. If malefic planets are present in lagna then this special rule

does not apply, and (in whatever condition) the `predefined years' and `harana'

(deduction of longevity) concepts and rules mentioned earlier (related to

Pindayu system) does not apply]

It all seems to

be much interesting! First a straight forward rule to calculate the longevity

based on planetary Navamsaka longitudes, and then two special rules that makes

things a bit complex. The complexity comes from two factors –


In case of the first rule, how to determine which

multiplication to apply when there is a possibility of multiple multiplications

(i.e. for example a planet in vargottama and in exaltation)?


In case of the second rule, how to check whether lagna

is strong or not? Strong compared to what? Compared to Lagnamsaka or what?

If only clear

answers to these two questions are available then only the system popularized

and supported by Satyacharya become

simple and useful – otherwise not. Certainly we will try to answer this

question, but before that itself another question should be addressed.

From where did Satyacharya got this method?

From where did

Satyacharya got this method? Was a method self created by him? No! Certainly

this method too finds its root in Skanda hora and finds elaboration in Briaht

Prajaptya, and Satyacharya finds it from there only. The ideas propagated and popular in the name

of Satyacharya is the concept clarified in the following Brihat Prajapatya

quote itself.


kechana manvate

Tungasthasya tu

tadgrahyam trigunam vakragasya cha


swabhaga swakshetra drekkanagasya tal

Dwigunam veerya

heenaya horaya bhamsa sammitam


bhamsena rasina cha samam viduH

Papodaye tu yal

proktam neschanti haranantu tal



[some others

are of the opinion that longevity is equal to planetary Navamsaka. If longevity

is provided by any planet in exaltation or retrograde then it should be

multiplied by three. If longevity is provided by any planet in Vargottama, own

Navamsaka, or own Drekkana then it should be multiplied by two. If Lagna is

weak Longevity as indicated by Lagnamsaka should be added. If Lagna is strong;

longevity as indicated by Lagna and Lagnamsaka should be added together and

average should be taken. If malefic planets are present in lagna then this

special rule does not apply, and (in whatever condition) the `predefined years'

and `harana' (deduction of longevity) concepts and rules mentioned earlier

(related to Pindayu system) does not apply]

It is well evident that Satyacharya does not

propose any rules of his own but only echoes the alternate opinion given in

Brihat parajpatya. Now since the base

and authentic nature of this system is clear, let us go back to our earlier

doubts related to the complexity of the special rules itself and try to answer


Answers to special rule complexity

As mentioned

earlier the special rule complexity comes from two factors –


In case of the first rule, how to determine which

multiplication to apply when there is a possibility of multiple multiplications

(i.e. for example a planet in vargottama and in exaltation)?


In case of the second rule, how to check whether lagna

is strong or not? Strong compared to what? Compared to Lagnamsaka or what?

It is well

evident that these questions will come to the mind of anyone who tries to apply

the Navamsaka calculation method, and certainly Mihira is no exception. The first complexity is expressed by Mihira

himself along with the solution. Let us see what he says –


pravarotra kindu kurvanti yogyam bahuvarganabhiH


bahukhnatayamekantu yadbhuri tadeva karyam



[The opinion of

Satyacharya is highly authentic. But people corrupt this method with multiple

multiplications. But the real opinion and tradition that should be followed is

different – i.e. when multiple multiplications comes under consideration,

take/accept only the largest one (Apply multiplication only by the largest

number and that also only once – and not multiple times for the same planet)]

This is pretty

straight forward and clear. For example

if a planet in vargottama and in exaltation, people – who try to follow the

first special rule - may erroneously first multiply the longevity provided by

that planet with two (since the planet

is in vargottama) and then that number with three.(since the planet is in

exaltation). But this is wrong says Mihira. Such multiple multiplication is not

required and corrupts the purity and simplicity of Satayacharya's advice. In

the above case we only need to consider the largest multiple under

consideration (i.e. 3) and do the multiplication only once. This means that for

a planet in vargottama and in exaltation, we just need to multiply the

longevity provided by that planet only once with three.

Now coming to

the complexity related to Lagnayu, the traditional advice is to add the Lagnayu

and Lagnamsakayu ALWAYS and divide by two – whether lagna be strong or not.

This is done so because while dealing with Lagnayu, Brihat prajaptya ascribes `considering

longevity based on lagnamsaka alone' to `others', while `considering longevity

based on both lagna and lagnamsaka and taking average' is expressed as `own'

opinion. This gives and extra authenticity to the system of considering longevity indicated by both lagna and

lagnamksaka - by adding longevity indicatd by both of them, and then taking

average by dividing by two. This is the very reason for accepting this as the

standard method as per tradition.


OK. Thus all

our theoretical doubts about this system are cleared and now we need to apply

the same in some horoscope to understand whether it is in tune with truth or

not. What use is a system and all the theoretical clarifications, if we are

unable to use it effectively? So let us try it an example chart – for example

that of Indira Gandhi.


Navamsaka Ayurdaya – An example

Let us take the

chart of Smt. Indira Gandhi. DOB 19-11-1917,

TOB 23.11 hrs, POB Allahabad, U.P state, India.

She died on 31. 10. 1984.

That means she

died after 66 years 11 months and 12 days. That was a premature death, and

therefore Navamsaka based Ayurdaya calculation should give a figure equal to

this or more than this, since premature death does not come under Ayurdaya

calculation. Ayurdaya calculation systems provide us only with the `natural

maximum longevity' only. Death can happen, at the end of natural longevity, or

since piety is over, or because of unnatural reasons (such as assassination,

suicide, accident etc). Ayurdaya calculation is all about natural longevity (the

maximum possible longevity for that native) and not about the death due to

other reasons.


Ayanamsa Used: Surya Siddhanta

Ayanamsa (Chandrahari Ayanamsa)


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

Lagna 26 Cn 38' 38.32" Asre 3

Cn Aq

Sun - DK 3 Sc 23' 51.50" Anu 1

Sc Le

Moon - GK 4 Cp 51' 17.99" USha 3

Cp Aq

Mars - MK 15 Le 38' 46.04" PPha 1

Le Le

Mercury - PK 12 Sc 30' 31.27" Anu 3

Sc Li

Jupiter ® - PiK 14 Ta 15'

55.59" Rohi 2 Ta


Venus - AmK 20 Sg 16' 36.21" PSha 3

Sg Li

Saturn - AK 21 Cn 03' 16.62" Asre 2

Cn Cp

Rahu - BK 9 Sg 49' 55.87" Mool 3

Sg Ge

Ketu 9 Ge 49' 55.87" Ardr 1

Ge Sg

Gulika 28 Ta 39' 25.50" Mrig 2

Ta Vi

















Longevity (Decimal)








Special rule-1 & 2




























































































































































































Lagnayu = (Lagna + Lagnamsa)/2






(3.888 + 10.99)/2 = 07.439

















Total Longevity















As per the application of special rule one -

Sun is

in own Navamsaka and should be multiplied by twoMars

is in vargottama and should be multiplied by twoJupiter

is in vargottama and retrograde. Vargottama should be multiplied by two

and retrograde by three. Avoiding multiple multiplications we will

multiply only with three.Venus

is in own Navamsaka and should be multiplied by twoSaturn

is in own Navamsaka and should be

multiplied by twoNo

planet is in own houseAs per

parivritti traya Drekkana (P x 3), Moon is in own Drekkana, and should be

multiplied by two

As per the application of special rule two –


there is a malefic in lagna, the whole of Longevity indicated by lagna

(Lagnayu) gets dropped.

Thus the result I get is that,

her maximum longevity is 91.475, i.e. 91 years 5 months 21 months. This is just

natural and expectable, since what Indira Gandhi underwent was an assassination

(an unnatural death), that do not fall under this system of longevity calculation.

Thus, on post-mortem analysis –


longevity of the native as per Navamsaka Ayurdaya system = 91 years 5

months and 21 daysActual

longevity experienced by the native prior to her assassination = 66 years

11 months and 12 days

What should I conclude after this exercise?


I conclude that, since the multiplication by two and three seems bit

absurd and I should better neglect special rule one? No, I cannot do that.

For example if I do that in the previous example then the maximum

longevity will come around 61 years only, where as Indira lived upto 66

years of age.Should I conclude that, this is not much useful a

method since the `maximum natural longevity' would be always greater than

the `actual longevity' of the native? Yes, I may conclude so – but

`maximum natural longevity' calculation has its own benefit since the

actual longevity for that native would be always less than this only.


One of the

advantages I find with this method is that it is straight forward and simple

and anyone with bit of interest in mathematics can calculate the `maximum

natural longevity' using this method. Let us remember again that the `actual

longevity' may not be equal to this, but would always be less than this only.


Applying Harana rules

Someone may

ask, what if we apply the `Harana' (deduction of longevity years) rules to the

above chart; If so can we get a near to the `actual longevity' value? OK. Let us

try the same as well on an experimental basis. (Even though applying the same

on Navamsaka Ayurdaya system is not supported by Rishi horas).

1) Drisyartha harana (Deductions for

visible half) rule

The major Harana

(deduction of longevity) rule is based on the assumption that planets placed in

the visible half (drisyartha – houses form 7 to 12), do not have full strength.

Let us listen to the Brihat Jataka quote about the same –


tricharana panchashashta bhagaH


vyayabhavanadasatsu vamam


hrasati tathaikarasigana-

Mekamsam harati

baleetyathaha satyaH




anti-clockwise direction, for malefics placed in –


house – the whole longevity gets deducted,


house – half of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/3rd of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/4th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/5th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/6th of the longevity gets deducted,

For benefics

placed in –


house – 1/2nd of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/4th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/6th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/8th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/10th of the longevity gets deducted,


house – 1/12th of the longevity gets deducted, says Satyacharya]


corollary that is considered along with the above rule is that, if more than

one planet is placed in same sign, then the `longevity deduction' for only the

strongest planet among them should be applied. This is clear from the following

Brihat Sounaka Hora quote –


bali harati netaraH


dwavapyetau harishyataH


Sounaka Hora)


longevity calculation), If more than one planets are present in same sign, then

deduction of longevity years (harana) should be done only for the strongest

planet among them and not for others. Even if nearby if planets are in

different signs, then harana rules should not be applied]

The above

longevity deduction rule (harana rule) as given by Brihat Jataka does not seems

to be perfect, but still let us try to apply this rule to our example chart. In

the example chart -

Ketu a malefic is placed in 12th from

lagna, and so the whole longevity provided by Ketu gets deducted. (91.475

- 08.945) = 82.53Jupiter a benefic planet is placed in 11th

from lagna, and so 1/4th of the longevity provided by Jupiter

gets deducted. i.e. 82.53 - 03.825/4 = 82.53-0.95625 = 81.57375. That is

remaining longevity provided by Jupiter would be 03.825-0.95625 = 2.86875Moon a benefic planet is placed in 7th

from lagna, and so 1/12th of the longevity provided by Moon

should be deducted. i.e. 81.57375 - 20.91/12 = 87.57375 - 1.7425 = 79.83125.

i.e. the remaining longevity provided by Moon would be 20.91 – 1.7425 = 19.1675

OK. After this

much calculation, after the application of `drisyartha rule' for benefics and

malefics given above, the `maximum longevity period' we get for our example

chart is 79.83125 = 79 years 9 months 29 days. Still no where near the actual longevity


2) Applying the `major malefic in lagna'


The `deduction

for major malefic' rule applies only when Sun, Mars or Saturn is present in

Lagna. The relevant Brihat Jataka quote

reads as follows –


navamsahatat samstad-


upaiti nasam


vilagnasahite vidhina tvanena


dalamataH pralayam prayati



[if Sun, Mars

or Saturn is present in Lagna then, for the longevity provided by every planet

the following calculation should be applied. Multiply the Longevity provided by

the planet with Lagna navamsa count and then divide the result with 108. This

result calculated separately for every planet should be deducted from the

longevity provided by that planet. If a benefic aspects the (above said)

malefic in lagna then, only the half of the above result should be deducted

from longevity provided by that planet]

Huh! Enough

complexity introduced! Let me clarify the points one by one. First let us see

why only Sun, Mars and Saturn is considered even though the word used in the

above quote is `Kroora' (Cruel) for the

planet under consideration. This is because of the presence of an authentic

Badarayana hora quote related to the same, which clearly states–


lagnage bhavati haniH

Vidhina tvanena

soumyekshite dalam patayellabdhat



[if Sun, Mars

or Saturn is present in lagna, then longevity deduction happens as per the

above rule. If that malefic is aspected by a benefic then, half of that should

be discarded and the remaining only should be deducted from the longevity of

the planet]

From this, it

is well evident that the `deduction for major malefic' rule applies only when

Sun, Mars or Saturn is present in Lagna.


How does this

rule impact our example chart? Certainly we have Saturn (a major malefic

considered in the above quote) present in lagna, and certainly a benefic – Moon

– aspect that Saturn. Thus the full

complexity of the calculation is applicable to us! Damn! OK. Let us do it!

If L is the

longevity provided by a planet, and N is the Lagna Navamsa count, then as per

the above rule –

If a Sun, Mars

or Saturn is present in lagna, then -

Longevity = Longevity

- Lx N/108

If the above

malefic in lagna is aspected by a benefic then –

Longevity =

Longevity – [(L x N)/(2 x 108)]

Let us apply

this formula, in our example chart for all planets are derive the resultant

longevity. Here N (the navamsa count of Lagna) is 9 (counting from Cancer to

Pisces since Lagna sputa is 03-26-38)


An example

calculation for Sun would be - 8.03 -

(8.03 x 9)/216 = 8.03 - 0.33458 = 7.6954. Calculation and corresponding result

for all the planets are given below -












Special rule-1 & 2



Apply Drisyartha Harana



Apply MM in Lagna rule

































































































































































Lagnayu = (Lagna + Lagnamsa)/2
































3) Satru Kshetra Harana (Enemy house

deduction) rule

If a planet is placed in enemy house or

combust some amount of longevity ascribed to it should be deducted. Deducting

planetary longevity when placed in enemy house is termed `Satru Kshetra harana'

and deducting planetary longevity while combust is called `Moudhya Harana'. Let

us see the base quote regarding the same as presented by Mihira –

Hitva vakram

ripugrihagatair heeyate swatribhagaH


tu dalam projcchya sukrarkaputrau



[Except for

Mars and planets in retrograde, for any planet placed in enemy house, 1/3rd

of the longevity provided by that planet gets deducted. Except from Saturn,

Venus, and Mercury, for any other combusted planet, 1/2nd of the

longevity provided by the planet gets deducted]

The following

quote Sounaka Hora quote clarifies that, even for Mercury placed in same sign,

Maudhya harana should not be considered.


vinanyesham budhamapyekarasigam


grahanam heeyate dalam



[Apart from

Saturn and Venus, for Mercury placed in same sign also `deduction for

combustion' in longevity calculation should not be considered. For any other

planet combusted half of the longevity provided by them gets deducted]

The formula for

`enemy house deduction' is –

L = L – L x 1/3


(Where L stands for Longevity provided by the planet)

The formula for

`deduction for combustion' is –

L = L – Lx 1/2

(Where L stands for Longevity provided by the planet)

Let us see

these two rules – of `enemy house deduction' (satru Kshetra harana) and

`deduction for combustion' (Moudhya harana) applies to our example chart.


In the given

chart, as per `Satru Kshetra harana' rule –

Jupiter is in enemy house, but since Jupiter is

retrograde – deduction does not apply. Venus is in enemy house and thus deduction does

apply. Thus longevity provided by

Venus = 11.653 – (11.653/3) = 7.7687Saturn is in enemy house and thus deduction does

apply. Thus longevity provided by Saturn =

17.85375 – (17.85375/3) = 11.9025

In the given

chart, as per `Maudhya harana rule' –

Only Mercury is combust. But since combust Mercury is

placed in the same sign, `Moudhya harana' rule does not apply to Mercury

in this case.













Apply MM in Lagna rule



Apply `enemy house deduction ` rule



Apply `deduction for combustion' rule

































































































































































































Thus finally

the longevity arrived at for the said native is 66.7645 i.e. 66 years 9 months

5 days.

Thus if harana

rules are applied to the chart of Indira Gandhi –

Maximum expected longevity = 66 years 9 months 5

days.Actual longevity = 66 years 11 months and 12 days

That is excellent! How close we are!

Note: At the

end, what we have achieved? A lot of calculation, clarity about some of the

ancient astrological concepts, and it seems that some more study is required on

this with other example charts. I hope that, this could be a stepping stone for

further study on this subject.


0 ==

=====================Love and regards,Sreenadh , "S.C. Kursija" <sckursija wrote:>> Sh.Sreenadh ji, > I am highly thankful to you for sparing your valuable time on the Ayu. I am waiting for your next mail.> Love and regards

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Dear All,

Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -

* Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana (Addition) second(and not


* Rahu and Ketu should be considered

* During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) the enmity of Rahu

and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be considered.

* In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then " Swatungadi " longevity addition

should be performed only for Rahu and not for Ketu.

* During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) Mars should not be

exempted (deduction for enemy house should be applied for Mars as well, if it is

placed in enemy house), but only retrograde planets.

* Even if more than one planet is placed in a single house, then too all

deductions - such as Satru kshetra harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and

amsayu harana - should be applied to all of them (and not just one - as some

quotes points to).

* If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated as a malefic in

drisyartha harana and deduction should be applied accordingly.

If some of you find these rules useful then use them as well in Ayurdaya

calculations - if you find this method useful.

Love and regards,


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Dear All,

Those who are interested in statistical verification of astrology can apply

this objective mathematical method in 100 authentic charts or so and check

whether the success factor is more than the chance factor permits or not.

Since the method is totally mathematical and mechanical, there is no chance of

astrologer's intentions or psychic involvement corrupting the verification. If

at least in 60% of the cases, the method successfully provided values near to or

above the actual longevity then certainly this could be a great tool in

scientific verification of astrology.

Objective tools, methodologies and instances that allow " objective scientific

verification " is very few in astrology. The only areas I could visualize are -

* Longevity calculations (such as Navamsaka ayurdaya system)

* Predicting moles in body parts based on planetary combination

* Using chart for male/female verification - based on objective rules.

There could be some other such areas as well.

Love and regards,



, " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear All,

> Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -

> * Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana (Addition) second(and

not otherwise).

> * Rahu and Ketu should be considered

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) the enmity of Rahu

and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be considered.

> * In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then " Swatungadi " longevity addition

should be performed only for Rahu and not for Ketu.

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) Mars should not be

exempted (deduction for enemy house should be applied for Mars as well, if it is

placed in enemy house), but only retrograde planets.

> * Even if more than one planet is placed in a single house, then too all

deductions - such as Satru kshetra harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and

amsayu harana - should be applied to all of them (and not just one - as some

quotes points to).

> * If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated as a malefic in

drisyartha harana and deduction should be applied accordingly.

> If some of you find these rules useful then use them as well in Ayurdaya

calculations - if you find this method useful.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


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sh.Sreenad ji.

Thanks for the pains you are taking for the Amshayu. I will try your suggestions

and revert back.

Love and Regards
















--- On Thu, 11/12/09, sreesog <sreesog wrote:


> sreesog <sreesog

> Re: Amshayu (Final version)


> Thursday, November 12, 2009, 10:14 AM

> Dear All,

> Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -

> * Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana

> (Addition) second(and not otherwise).

> * Rahu and Ketu should be considered

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house)

> the enmity of Rahu and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be

> considered.

> * In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then " Swatungadi "

> longevity addition should be performed only for Rahu and not

> for Ketu.

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house)

> Mars should not be exempted (deduction for enemy house

> should be applied for Mars as well, if it is placed in enemy

> house), but only retrograde planets.

> * Even if more than one planet is placed in a single

> house, then too all deductions - such as Satru kshetra

> harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and amsayu

> harana  - should be applied to all of them (and not

> just one - as some quotes points to).

> * If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated

> as a malefic in drisyartha harana and deduction should be

> applied accordingly. 

>   If some of you find these rules useful then use them

> as well in Ayurdaya calculations - if you find this method

> useful.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh 





> ---



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Dear Kursija ji,

If you try those suggestions in Rajiv Gandhi's chart you will find that the

Amshayu calculation method gives 46 years itself as maximum longevity! :)


Love and regards,



, " S.C. Kursija " <sckursija



> sh.Sreenad ji.

> Thanks for the pains you are taking for the Amshayu. I will try your

suggestions and revert back.

> Love and Regards

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Dear Sreenadh ji and friends,


Those who are gone , they have gone. Now their data is good for research

purposes and for learning through same. I appreciate the burden

Sreenadhji has taken upon himself to reach some levels of palpable

understanding in this longevity issue.


In the meanwhile I would appreciate if Sreenadhji or someone else takes

my case too and check the longevity. I promise I will not argue or

comment on the methodology but accept whatever lease of Life is given to

me as per their methods. (Yaar bhai log jindon ko bhi khush karo na.

Madhubala aur Geeta Dutt sab chale gaye, hame batao hame kab jaana hai

unke paas).


My birth details once again. 28th June 1961 10.15am 16.45N 81-09E Eluru.


Hope you will do this favour for me. (Ab jindagi mein bahut kuch lutf

nahin bacha . Magar kuch pleasures poore karne baaki hain. I wish to go

to Brazil first, and then Egypt and then Venice and many more places,

and with a new companion alongside at every place I visit. HaHa. Now

Dont feel zealous.)


But on a serious note. Lets enjoy a longevity take on my chart.....if

you are interested.


Love n regards,





, " sreesog " <sreesog



> Dear Kursija ji,

> If you try those suggestions in Rajiv Gandhi's chart you will find

that the Amshayu calculation method gives 46 years itself as maximum

longevity! :) Interesting!

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " S.C. Kursija "

sckursija@ wrote:

> >

> > sh.Sreenad ji.

> > Thanks for the pains you are taking for the Amshayu. I will try your

suggestions and revert back.

> > Love and Regards


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Dear All,

For the benefit of all who are interested in Navamsaka based longevity calculations, I have prepared an excel sheet.

You can simply enter the relevant values and get the Amsayu

calculated automatically. :) Hope those who want experiment with this

method will enjoy it. Note: Please let me know, in case you find any mistake in those calculations.

Love and regards,Sreenadh


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Dear Sreenadh ji.You are suggesting to include nodes indasa calculations, this is based on your experience or ithad sanction of some past authority.In any case , if I apply Ansayurdaya on my case , it increase sfrom 59y2m28d to 71 y 0m 3days on including contribution of nodes .It is another matter that I already crossed 72 years.I hada major bypass surgery in 1994 at the age of 57 years 8 m.Thanks to modern advancement in heart surgery , otherwise,I must have gone long back.The ending period of 1st cycle indicate major health danger.There is lot of truth in these dasa systems , but we should not apply them literally .Regards,G. K. Goel


From: sreesogDate: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 06:16:40 +0000 Re: Amshayu (Final version)





Dear All,

Those who are interested in statistical verification of astrology can apply this objective mathematical method in 100 authentic charts or so and check whether the success factor is more than the chance factor permits or not.

Since the method is totally mathematical and mechanical, there is no chance of astrologer's intentions or psychic involvement corrupting the verification. If at least in 60% of the cases, the method successfully provided values near to or above the actual longevity then certainly this could be a great tool in scientific verification of astrology.

Objective tools, methodologies and instances that allow "objective scientific verification" is very few in astrology. The only areas I could visualize are -

* Longevity calculations (such as Navamsaka ayurdaya system)

* Predicting moles in body parts based on planetary combination

* Using chart for male/female verification - based on objective rules.

There could be some other such areas as well.

Love and regards,



, "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:


> Dear All,

> Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -

> * Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana (Addition) second(and not otherwise).

> * Rahu and Ketu should be considered

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) the enmity of Rahu and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be considered.

> * In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then "Swatungadi" longevity addition should be performed only for Rahu and not for Ketu.

> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) Mars should not be exempted (deduction for enemy house should be applied for Mars as well, if it is placed in enemy house), but only retrograde planets.

> * Even if more than one planet is placed in a single house, then too all deductions - such as Satru kshetra harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and amsayu harana - should be applied to all of them (and not just one - as some quotes points to).

> * If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated as a malefic in drisyartha harana and deduction should be applied accordingly.

> If some of you find these rules useful then use them as well in Ayurdaya calculations - if you find this method useful.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh






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Dear Goel ji,

First of all -

//> There is lot of truth in these dasa systems , but we should not

> apply them literally .//

I agree with you on this completely. Even skanda while dealing with Ayur dasas

state that " I am taking a big risk. Longevity is uncertain in all periods of

time; it is very difficult to come to even a near by right conclusion " . If that

is the opinion of even Skanda Deva, who are we to state that we can calculate

somebody's longevity accurately or that some tools (like the Amasayu method)

that we use would always be correct?!! No way! But yes, even after knowing that

it is difficult to calculate longevity with accuracy, Skanda is not holding

himself back in putting some effort into these methods and suggesting

improvements on them. Since this being to so we too can use these tools to get

an approximate awareness about one's longevity. As bhaskar ji puts it, it is

another matter than our good and bad karma will have an effect on increasing or

decreasing our destined longevity as well. Actually that is the very reason for

longevity being uncertain (since free will is at work) and astrology DOES NOT

force and say that destiny decides everything (it is not at all deterministic

like Newtonian physics or Einsteinian relativity). So there is a chance always

that we may live even after the longevity indicated by our chart is over, in

some cases.

Now let us come back to the initial questions put forward by you in the mail.

//> You are suggesting to include nodes in dasa calculations, this is based on

your experience or it had sanction of some past authority.//

I would say there was neither sanction nor denial. :) Mihira DO NOT give us a

list of planets that should be included in longevity calculations - neither or 7

nor of 9. Further he has mentioned used Rahu, Ketu extensively in his book as

well. Therefore it was just natural to expect that Rahu-Ketu also should be

included since the maximum longevity of human beings is around 100-108-120. Why?

Because the calculation is based on expunging the multiples of 12 from

planetary longitude and there are only 9 garhas considered in astrology. On a

basic approach -

* if we consider 7 planets only (except Rahu, Ketu) then 12 x 7 = 84 would be

the general maximum longevity - A value no text suggest! :)

* If we consider 9 planets (including Rahu, Ketu) then 12x 9 = 108 would be the

general maximum longevity - a value well supported by Rishi horas. :)

So it was/is just natural to know and understand that all the 9 planets

(including Rahu, Ketu) should be considered. :) No explicit statement by Mihira

is required to know this opinion of Sages and Mihira.

Further even if one do not get such info from texts, it is easy to apply the

same on some known charts and understand what is the correct approach - because

a correct approach SHOULD give realistic values that are in tune with the truth,

and not otherwise. :) It is well evident and clear that this method gives

realistic values if only we consider and include Rahu and Ketu as well. :) Check

it and you can see it if you consider the charts of people who already passed

away. :) For me Nehru's, Indira's and Rajive's charts were the prime examples

which confirmed this. Similarly the harana-bharana or bharana-harana confusion

was also got corrected when applied in known charts, revealing the

harana-bharana as suggested by ancient texts itself is the correct order to be


So the point is when the ancient texts, logic and application in known charts

etc are all considered together it is well evident that 9 planets (including

Rahu, Ketu) should be used. Hope I have clarified my stands. :)

//> In any case , if I apply Ansayurdaya on my case , it increase s

> from 59y2m28d to 71 y 0m 3days on including contribution

> of nodes .//

So far so good. :) Anyway I will comment on this only after checking the same

myself on that worksheet. :) To night I will do it and revert. :)

//> It is another matter that I already crossed 72 years.I had

> a major bypass surgery in 1994 at the age of 57 years 8 m.

> Thanks to modern advancement in heart surgery , otherwise,

> I must have gone long back.//

OK. Yes, Thank God that we have our good friend among us even today. :) I wish

you many more happy years sharing astrological wisdom with all. :)

//> The ending period of 1st cycle indicate major health danger.//

Could be - I don't know. I would suggest instead of further going to not so

confirmed conclusions, let us check our calculations first and verify the

longevity calculation result in some more known charts. :)

Love and regards,



, gopal krishna goel

<g.k.goel wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh ji.

> You are suggesting to include nodes in

> dasa calculations, this is based on your experience or it

> had sanction of some past authority.

> In any case , if I apply Ansayurdaya on my case , it increase s

> from 59y2m28d to 71 y 0m 3days on including contribution

> of nodes .

> It is another matter that I already crossed 72 years.I had

> a major bypass surgery in 1994 at the age of 57 years 8 m.

> Thanks to modern advancement in heart surgery , otherwise,

> I must have gone long back.

> The ending period of 1st cycle indicate major health danger.

> There is lot of truth in these dasa systems , but we should not

> apply them literally .

> Regards,

> G. K. Goel

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DEAR SREENADH JI.some times back I have prepared a paper on Ansayurdasa and its antardasa.The is attached for your ready reference.G. K. Goel

From: sreesogDate: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 04:44:54 +0000 Re: Amshayu (Final version)





Dear All,

Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -

* Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana (Addition) second(and not otherwise).

* Rahu and Ketu should be considered

* During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) the enmity of Rahu and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be considered.

* In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then "Swatungadi" longevity addition should be performed only for Rahu and not for Ketu.

* During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) Mars should not be exempted (deduction for enemy house should be applied for Mars as well, if it is placed in enemy house), but only retrograde planets.

* Even if more than one planet is placed in a single house, then too all deductions - such as Satru kshetra harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and amsayu harana - should be applied to all of them (and not just one - as some quotes points to).

* If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated as a malefic in drisyartha harana and deduction should be applied accordingly.

If some of you find these rules useful then use them as well in Ayurdaya calculations - if you find this method useful.

Love and regards,






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Dear Goel ji,

Thanks for the documents. I will go through them.

Love and regards,



, gopal krishna goel

<g.k.goel wrote:




> some times back I have prepared a paper on Ansayur

> dasa and its antardasa.

> The is attached for your ready reference.



> G. K. Goel





> sreesog

> Thu, 12 Nov 2009 04:44:54 +0000

> Re: Amshayu (Final version)























Dear All,


> Some extra rules that I may suggest for this method are -


> * Harana (deduction) should be done first and Bharana (Addition) second(and

not otherwise).


> * Rahu and Ketu should be considered


> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) the enmity of Rahu

and Ketu with Ju, Mo, Su should be considered.


> * In Ra and Ke is in vargottama, then then " Swatungadi " longevity addition

should be performed only for Rahu and not for Ketu.


> * During Satru kshetra harana (deduction for enemy house) Mars should not be

exempted (deduction for enemy house should be applied for Mars as well, if it is

placed in enemy house), but only retrograde planets.


> * Even if more than one planet is placed in a single house, then too all

deductions - such as Satru kshetra harana, moudhya harana, drisyartha harana and

amsayu harana - should be applied to all of them (and not just one - as some

quotes points to).


> * If placed along with malefics, mercury should be treated as a malefic in

drisyartha harana and deduction should be applied accordingly.


> If some of you find these rules useful then use them as well in Ayurdaya

calculations - if you find this method useful.


> Love and regards,


> Sreenadh

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