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Fwd: Astro signs in sreemad Bhagavata

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hinducivilization , " sreedhar.nambiar "

<sreedhar.nambiar wrote:





dear Kaul ji


i am asking u to proov first ur greeko-chaldean -mesopotomian

-babylonean claims in vedic astrology as regrds to signs if it is in

puranas ,other wise u r saying we got puranas frm them .


or u say with courage openly it was also greek contribution or came frm

other cultures other than hiding ur aim and asking hindus so as they may

say wat u want them to say and u can win one of ur prime aims




when asked to prov some thing u r always talking abt ur celebaration of

festivals and it is simply a nataka ( drama ) to fool hindus


first of all u proov what u blv vedic astronomy because it is imp to

support ur claims ( then only i can reveal u in frnd of hindu crowds who

r lazily watchting all this and asking only to ppl like me to proov

where as the luggage shud b on u )


u r neither a vedic scholar nor astrologer nor astronomer nor even a

real hindu ,so what is ur role or ur eligibility to talk against

astrologers and vedas ( tho u dont talk openly as u will loose ur ground

,i can produce exmples u silently supported vedic rish bashing and even

the questions to u to proov it has been met with silence --as ur gang is

attacking hindus and hindu vedic astrology followers or astrologers with

3 diffrnt way one is asking vedic explantion which u urself dont know (

may b u learned some aspects since u strted 25 yrs back frm various

replies ) then asking scientific explanation which again highly

deliberate way as even a cook dont need to answer why his food is tasty

scientificaly it is science who has to offer explation not other way

around ,and another attack is atheist way and senting mails to all

memebrs of vedic astro forums personaly to their ids and asking them to

predict elections or asking them to explain why some one failed in

prediction or greeko roman contribution in astrology etc including u

,all of u r doing this for all this yrs ,who asked u to do or giv

permission to attack some one 's privacy and knowingly u r even aiming

beginers as if they r doing a crime )


has any one has guts to do the same way with christians or muslims ,ask

them to proov jesus was real or quran was logical text ??Then wat will b

ur fate ?




now as regrds to festivals first u answer me my questions


at least tell me how vedic rishies calculated thithies and used it also

their calculation of panchanga ,and again u knowledge abt how many

difrnt calenders they used and purpose




when u answer this ( i know it but will not disclose to u ) u will get

answer to all ur questions .


also if u hav time pls answer all questions which i posted in this very

grp ,so u will get answers frm ur own answering .If u cannot i am

telling u ,u shud stop all this repeatation games here and here itself .


i or any of the readers or hindus does not need to proov u any thing

,first u show ur knowledge than asking questions and then learning frm

it and then keep on repeating and repeating same old foolish questions

,when confronted u r coming with oh i know all this statemnts .Wat u

think of urself .sure i know majority is in dark so u urself is

utilising that opportunity by hiding even known facts .


i show u greeks got knowledge frm indians ,i show u scientific heritage

of indians ,i show u mathematical proof .but u were sitting and showing

as if u dont see all that ,which only net can offer such luxury to ppl

like u .


u copying same tactics like xian missionaries going to tribals to

convert them because they hardly know some thing same way u go to hindu

grps or astrology grps and attacking them ,even ur mails r published

there ,u r files they allowd to upload there but ur own grp u will ban

any memebr talking against u or even u r scanning ppl b4 admitting there

..But u cannot talk to real gaints face to face .


why cant u go to subjuct experts and proov ur claims ??


so u r behaving like same intolerence which semitic ppl has got




even u call any one contributed to astrology or astronomy as frauds

,charlatans etc etc because 1 sec diffrnce or 1 metre difrnce in some

calculation is big crime ,where as what is ur contribution in reality to

call all this




even they giv out all this info some 2000 or 3000 yrs b4 and how on

earth who giv authority to u to call them all this ,even we can say some

of the calculations r wrong with modern context and some r modern

science itself is wrong as if u measure distance frm various points in

earth it wont b same ,so aryabhatta or NASA can show diffrce because of

ecliptic nature and expanding nature of universe .Again same modern

science may proov it is wrong again ,it is because of intricacy of

nature and space itself




so i hope u may prefer to answer all my questions to proov the worth of

of ur points if not i request the moderater to silence him as then it

wont come in civility of any discussion other than harassing .




regrds sreedhar Nambiar









hinducivilization , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


> Shri Sreedhar Nambiarji,

> Namaskar!

> Many thanks for posting some shlokas from Bhagavata Purana!

> These shokas prove conclusively that we are celebrating all our

> festivals as per the whims and fancies of Lahiri and Ramanawalas etc.

> (thanks to the frauds who call themsleves " Vedic astrologers " ---

> especially the nirayana-walas!) instead of the Vedas or the Puranas.


> In fact I have done a similar exercise in BVB6.doc in the files

> section, which was reposted on December 4, 2008, (post No.32417) in

> this forum. I am copying below the relevant paras from that post and

> would request you and other " Vedic astrologers " to start celebrating

> festivals on so called Sayana basis---Makar Sankranti on the shortest

> day of the year and Mesha Sankranti on the day of Vernal Equinox and

> so on-----since that is what has been advised by not only Bhagaavata

> but all the other Puranas.

> With regards,

> A K Kaul

> *** **** ***

> 5. Puranas: I have already quoted hundreds of proofs with

> chapter and verse in my Panchangas and other articles. It is no use

> to repeat them here again. Suffice to quote a few only from a couple

> of Puranas. First the Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68


> ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah


> tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram dvija

> (28)


> trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim


> prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam

> (29)


> tato ratrih kshayam yati vardhate anudinam

> dinam (30)


> tatashcha mithunasyante param kashtham upagatah


> rashim karkatam prapya kurute

> dakshinayanam (31)


> " In the beginning of Uttarayana, the sun enters Capricorn

> (Makara Rashi) there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After having

> passed through these three signs, it just gains vishuvati

> (equinoctial) speed resulting in the day and night being equal on

> Mesha. After that, nights start decreasing and the days increasing

> correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is in the end of Mithuna

> Rashi, i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering Cancer, the day

> is the longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that date " .


> Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam to vibhavyete


> Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri divam tu

> tat (67)


> Karkatavasthite bhanav dakshiyanamuchete


> Uttarayanam api uktam makarasthe

> divakare (88)


> " In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes)

> take place with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha

> (Aries) respectively and days and nights become equal on those two

> sankrantis. The entry of sun into Cancer (Karkata) is known as

> dakshinayana whereas its entry into Maraka is known as Uttarayana "


> Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6


> yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada

> vrishadishu panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante

> hrasati cha masi masi ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4) yada

> vrishchikadishu panchasu vartate tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti

> (5) yavad dakshinayanam ahani vardhante yavad uttarayanam

> ratrayah (6)


> " When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on

> those dates and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights

> when the sun passes through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on

> increasing and the nights decreasing by one ghati every month.

> (After the day and night have become equal on Tula Sankranti) the

> nights keep on increasing during the sojourn of five rashis of

> Vrishchika etc. In short, during Uttarayana days keep on increasing

> till Dakshinayana and after that nights keep on increasing " .


> Vishnurhdarmotarapurana 3/8/6-8 says


> tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad dinam uchete,


> dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,


> " When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva i.e.

> days and nights are equal then. From the end of Dhanu (start of

> Makara) Uttarayana starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of

> Karkata) Dakshniyana starts "


> Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate

> references from Shivamahapurana: We just quote one 5/51/54 from this

> Purana below:


> madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida


> tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…


> " The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya

> tritiya. One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets

> immortal and thousand fold results) "


> It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be

> observed in (lunar) Madhava that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana

> also Vaishakha does not have any other existence besides Madhava!

> Thus the akshyaya tritiya that we will be asked to celebrate on May

> 12, when solar Madhava will have ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava

> shukla paksha will start on April 8, 2005 which means it should be

> celebrated actually on April 11, 2005!


> Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya

> Sidhanta, Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapurana and Shiva

> Mahapurana etc. etc. solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana

> viz sun in Karkata, it starts on June 21 in 2005. The first shukla

> pratipat after that is on July 7, 2005. Therefore, that is the day

> when the Lunar Shravana will start in 2005 as per all the Vedas and

> Puranas etc. As such, Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and

> Amarnath Yatra etc. should be celebrated on July 21 in 2005. Why are

> our panchangakars asking us to celebrate it on August 19 instead?

> Only because they treat the entire Hindu society as ignorant fools

> who have no idea about the criteria of any festivals! Or is it that

> the panchangakars do not know anything themselves but are just

> copying from others like blind following blind?


> Similarly, Janmashtami should be celebrated on the Krishna-

> paksha Ashtami following that Shravana Purnima i.e. on July 27 in

> 2005. But we will be asked to celebrate it on August 26/27. Why? For

> God's sake do ask your " Panditji " and let me know what he says!

> ***** **** **** ****



> hinducivilization , " sreedhar.nambiar "

> sreedhar.nambiar@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Shreemad Bhagavatam

> >

> > Canto 5

> >

> > Chapters 21 to 25

> >

> > Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun

> > 1. Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, I have thus far described

> the

> > diameter of the universe [fifty crores of yojanas, or four billion

> > miles] and its general characteristics, according to the

> estimations of

> > learned scholars.

> > 2. As a grain of wheat is divided into two parts and one can

> estimate

> > the size of the upper part by knowing that of the lower, so, expert

> > geographers instruct, one can understand the measurements of the

> upper

> > part of the universe by knowing those of the lower part. The sky

> between

> > the earthly sphere and heavenly sphere is called antariksa, or outer

> > space.. It adjoins the top of the sphere of earth and the bottom of

> that

> > of heaven.

> > 3. In the midst of that region of outer space [antariksa] is the

> most

> > opulent sun, the king of all the planets that emanate heat, such as

> the

> > moon. By the influence of its radiation, the sun heats the universe

> and

> > maintains its proper order. It also gives light to help all living

> > entities see. While passing toward the north, toward the south or

> > through the equator, in accordance with the order of the Supreme

> > Personality of Godhead, it is said to move slowly, swiftly or

> > moderately. According to its movements in rising above, going

> beneath or

> > passing through the equator—and correspondingly coming in touch


> > various signs of the zodiac, headed by Makara [Capricorn]--days and

> > nights are short, long or equal to one another.

> > 4. When the sun passes through Mesa [Aries] and Tula [Libra], the

> > durations of day and night are equal. When it passes through the

> five

> > signs headed by Vrsabha [Taurus], the duration of the days increases

> > [until Cancer], and then it gradually decreases by half an hour each

> > month, until day and night again become equal [in Libra].

> > 5. When the sun passes through the five signs beginning with Vrscika

> > [scorpio], the duration of the days decreases [until Capricorn], and

> > then gradually it increases month after month, until day and night

> > become equal [in Aries].

> > 6. Until the sun travels to the south the days grow longer, and

> until it

> > travels to the north the nights grow longer.

> >



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