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hinducivilization , ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli

<shankarabharadwaj wrote:


The problem is this: modern notion of history is entirely different from the

traditional/Hindu notion of history. Here are the differences:


1. Modern history is a post-mortem kind of history and not explained on a

going-concern basis.


2. Modern history gives importance to dates, persons and events. It covers a

much small timespan and it is possible to do so. Whereas Hindu history is too

long and dates, persons or events are too many to be recorded. And it is also

deemed unimportant, for Hindus gave more importance to ideas than events or



3. History for Hindus is not a list of recorded facts - it is a direct link to

their present, their lives. So history is not just an inspiration but a living



4. History for Hindus is a mix of many histories and not just political history,

it includes the history of evolution of ideas, subjects like astronomy, mantra

sastra and so on.


There are many more differences, but this should give an idea of what history

really means to us and why it is not a list of dry facts and dates.


gemiguy25 <gemiguy25 wrote: Dear members


Let me forward what I saw in another forum.


This I humbly feel is different form what is already been posted here

repeatedly... about rAmAyanA.






Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

Shaniwar Peth, Pune, 411030

M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Lit.)[Washington DC]

Tel. No. 020.24450387

email : vartakpadmakar


The Historicity of the Valmiki Ramayana

I will restrict myself to the Ramayana composed by a

great seer Valmiki, who was a contemporary of Rama, the son of

Dasharatha. There are many Ramayanas but they are all written much

later and all of them refer to the seer Valmiki. Therefore Valmiki has

a unique place. He has written his Ramayana as a history and not as a

devotional book as other Ramayanas are.


We Indians suppose that the subject `History' is taught to us by

British people. But it is wrong a notion. Indian sages have done a lot

of historical work in the long past, thousands of years ago. The

Rigveda has recorded some history, the Ramayana of Valmiki is a true

history though written in an epic form. Sage Vyasa also has recorded a

true history of the Mahabharata War in the epic form. An Epic, which

means poetry, was composed for people to cram over and preserve the

history. The sages were truth abiding. Therefore they wrote true

history. Some poetic ideas may have been presented, but the main theme

is certainly a true history.

Valmiki has composed a true history of Rama. He has

recorded facts. However in a later era, devotion grew to a great

extent and it caused additions of many wild imaginations in the

original Ramayana of Valmiki. For example, Valmiki has nowhere

mentioned that Ahalya was turned in to a rock. He writes clearly and

plainly that Ahalya was doing Tapasya and was looking very bright. She

was a lady and not a stone. Rama saluted her in honour. Valmiki has

not written that stones floated on sea due to writing the name of Rama

on those stones. Valmiki writes that the Vanaras cut great rocks using

some machines, those rocks were thrown in to the sea. They drowned. On

that foundation Nala Vanar built a bridge of trees. Whatever Valmiki

has written is pure history and it reveals advancement of science in

those ancient days. Valmiki narrates aeroplanes. Rawana had Pushpaka

Vimana, which was similar to the modern Jumbo jet or Concord. Indrajit

had a jet fighter plane, which he used in wars. Vanaras like Hanuman

had a system of floating in air similar to the modern Gliders. The

floating machines of Vanaras did not produce any sound, but the

aeroplanes of Daityas produced a thunderous sound and smoke.


Valmiki has narrated geography quite eruditely. It shows that Valmiki

had knowledge of Geography as good as any modern teacher of geography.

Valmiki mentions a Coconut tree having three branches, which glittered

like gold. He tells that the tree was erected on a mountain situated

in the eastern side of the Pacific ocean. It is surprising that during

1960-1965, the modern researchers found out a trident on an offshoot

of the Mount Andes in South America. It glitters like gold if seen

from the sky. Modern scientists say that it must have been prepared

for ancient aviators, because it is not seen from the land or the sea.

It is seen only from the sky. Whatever Valmiki has recorded has been

proved by that discovery. In the same way models of aeroplanes made of

solid gold have been recovered from a cave in Bogota. The scientists

of the American Aviation department have declared, after thorough

examination, that those are the models of supersonic jet aeroplanes.

Even an ancient aerodrome is found about 100 miles away from the

Trident. It proves the historicity of Valmiki Ramayana.


From these short observations it is seen that Valmiki has recorded a

true history of Rama's time. But when did the Ramayana happen? So far

not a single scholar could fix the date of the Ramayana. Leave aside

the date, even the millennium is not surmised, century is not guessed

by the scholars. This failure is due to the fact that every scholar

followed the path of the western scholars. The western scholars were

not and are, still, not conversant with the science of measurement of

time prepared by the ancient Indian sages.


The science of time measurement was perfected by the Indian seers with

the help of astronomy. They used the movements of the Sun and the Moon

in the Nakshatras and correlated the seasons with them. Such a method

was unknown to the western people, who went only by the Sun's

movements in relation with the Earth. They neglected the movements of

the Moon. It was for this reason that they had to correct the dates

omitting 12 days at a time, during 1582 AD. It was not necessary to

the Indian method of time-measurement, which depended on the Sun and

the Moon both. Indians cannot delete even a day from their calendar,

because their calendar is eternal and is always seen in the sky. The

lunar months depend on the place of the Moon in the Nakshatras. For

example, if I say it is Chaitra Masa, it always means that in that

month the Full Moon is seen near the Nakshatra Chitra. From the Moon's

position the position of the Sun can be easily calculated because the

Full Moon always resides exactly opposite the Sun. If the Full Moon is

in Chitra Nakshatra, the Sun will be in Ashwini Nakshatra. The sages

knew that the seasons on the Earth depended only on the position of

the Sun in relation to the Earth. They marked the Sun's position at

the eastern horizon at the sunrise and fixed the `Ayana' and in turn

the season. They named the six seasons, which still hold well. The

sages noticed that when the Sun was in the south, there was cold

season and when the Sun was in the extreme north, there was hot

season, which ended when the Sun began southward journey and the

Varsha or the rainy season began.



The seers discovered the Precession of Equinoxes too. There are

records of the Sun's position on equinoctial points, e.g. Vernal and

Autumnal equinoxes and Summer and Winter solstices. They knew that the

Sun recedes back by one Nakshatra in about thousand years. This is now

proved by the modern astronomy that the Sun recedes back by one degree

in 72 years or one Nakshatra in 960 years.


When I correlated the ancient knowledge with the modern observations,

I could fix the exact dates of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. With

the same tool of the modern astronomy I could find that Valmiki as

well as Vyasa has written precise history. The descriptions of their

seasons tally precisely with the modern astronomy, mathematics and



With this background of astronomical science, let us now see the

important incidents from the Ramayana. However, before going in to the

realm of the Ramayana I will prefer to tell that hundreds of books

refer to Valmiki and Ramayana and this fact proves the historicity of

the Ramayana. A fantasy is not referred to by other authors. One

ancient dramatist, Bhasa, has written two dramas, `Pratima' and

`Abhisheka' on the theme of the Ramayana. Bhasa lived before Buddha

and so his date is before 500 BC. Author Shudraka of about the same

period has referred to Hanuman


In his drama `Mrutchhakatika'. Kalhana in his Rajatarangini mentions

Ramayana. Karma-Pradeepa or Katyana Smruti of 500-600 BC refers to the

golden statue of Seeta made by Rama. It shows that even the Uttara

Kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana was popular during 600 BC.


Valmiki Ramayana does not mention `Simhala Dweepa', it all the time

tells of `Lanka'. It proves that the Ramayana is composed before the

name Simhala Dweepa came into use. The name `Simhala Dweepa' is given

by the King Vijaya during 543 BC after his father's name, when he took

possession of the island. This proves that the Ramayana must have been

composed before 543 BC.


A Buddhist book `Maharajawali', supposed to be written around 543 BC,

states that before Buddha's birth the island was called as Shri Lanka

and 1845 years prior to the death of Buddha there occurred a war,

called as `Rama-Rawana War'. In the ancient era it was a practice to

take the digits from right towards left. Therefore 1845 means 5481

years. 5481 years before Buddha's death, the war had happened. Buddha

died around 543 BC. Hence the war must have taken place around 6024 BC.


The Shukra Neeti of 1000 BC refers to the Ramayana. The Garga Samhita

of 1640 BC refers to the Ramayana. The Vishnu Purana of 1652 BC

includes the Ramayana. All other Puranas, written around 2000 BC, also

tell the story of the Ramayana.


The great epic Mahabharata gives full story of the Ramayana three

times. The Mahabharata was composed during 5500 BC. I myself have

proved this date on many evidences, including 22 astronomical

evidences, which proved the exact date of beginning of the Mahabharata

War as the 16th October 5561 BC. Thus it shows that the Ramayana must

have happened before 5561 BC.


We have considered the external evidences to reach to the period of

the Ramayana. Now we will consider the internal evidences.


Valmiki does not mention the Krishna Yajurweda and the Shukla

Yajurweda. It shows that the Ramayana was composed by Valmiki before

the Shukla Yajurweda was composed. It is certain that the Shukla

Yajurweda was composed by sage Yajnawalkya during 3000 BC. We can say

this definitely because it mentions that the Krittikas rise at the

exact east. The Late Shri. S. B. Dixit has shown astronomically that

the Krittikas rose at the exact east during 3000 BC. This shows that

Valmiki was much before 3000 BC.


All the Deities mentioned by the Ramayana are Vedic Deities. The

Deities from the Mahabharata are different. It shows that the Ramayana

was very close to the Rigweda.


The Mahabharata of 5500 BC worships Ganapati, however the Ramayana

does not even mention Ganapati, who is not seen in the Rigweda too.


Ramayana tells that Seeta performed Home-Hawana-Sandhya. This is a

Vedic ritual, which was not in practice during the Mahabharata. A lady

ruling the kingdom was not thought of in the Mahabharata, but it was

considered in the Ramayana. Purohita Wasistha said to Kaikeyi that

Seeta would accept the throne. After Wali's death, Hanuman told Tara

to govern the state. Dasharatha also tells Kaikeyi to reign as a widow.


Warrior women, such as Kaikeyi, are described in the Ramayana similar

to the Vedas, where Queen Wishpala or Shachi are told to have gone on

wars and women army of Namuchi is recorded.


The tradition of Sati is not mentioned in the Ramayana as well as in

the Vedas. However, it is told in the Mahabharata. It was a later


All these points prove that the Ramayana is a very ancient

work, much before the Mahabharata of 5561 BC.


The Ramayana mentions `Taittiriya Shakha' of the Vedas. The Taittiriya

Samhita states that the Northern journey of the Sun began with the

Krittika Nakshatra. It shows that the Sun then on Winter Solstice i.e.

22nd December was between Krittika and Bharani Nakshatras, at about 27

degrees in the zodiac. At present the Sun on 22nd December resides at

246 degrees. The Precession of equinoxes has reverse motion at the

rate of one degree in 72 years. The Sun has receded from 27 degrees to

zero or 360 degrees and then to 246 degrees. From 360 to 246 degrees

it travelled 114 degrees plus 27 degrees. It means the Sun travelled

total 141 degrees. It must have taken 8208 years. Thus, approximately,

the Ramayana goes to such an ancient period.


It is a tradition in India to hoist flags on the New Year day. The

flag is called as Indra Dhwaja. Ramayana in Kishkindha Kanda tells

that Indra Dhwaja was hoisted on Aswini Pournima, when it got spoiled

by heat and rain. It shows that the Ashwini Pournima came at the end

of summer and at the beginning of the rainy season, when heat and rain

prevail. This in turn shows that the then Summer Solstice ( 22nd June)

fell on Ashwini Full Moon day. It means the Sun on the Summer Solstice

resided in Swati Nakshatra then. At present the Sun resides in Ardra

Nakshatra on the Summer Solstice. The Sun has shifted from Swati to

Ardra about 129.5 degrees. Multiplying 129.50 by 72 we get 9324 years.

Thus 9324 years before present the Ramayana must have happened. In

other words 7300 BC is the period of the Valmiki Ramayana.


If we cursorily see the Ramayana we feel that the rainy season then

extended from Shrawana to Kartika lunar months. It is adverse to my

statement above. Even then I will accept it and will show how wrong it

is, if seen with the context of the Ramayana. Rama rested for four

months of the rainy season, Shrawana, Bhadrapada, Ashwina and Kartika.

When Kartika was over and Sharad Rutu was almost at end, Rama got

angry. Hanuman also states that Sharad was nearing its

end.(Kishkindha32) Assuming an exaggeration and excluding it we can

say that half of Sharad was over and during Pousha Masa the Vanaras

marched out to find out Seeta. After one month from their departure

they could see the signs of spring, the Vasanta. (Kishkindha 53). How

could there be Vasanta Rutu during Magha lunar month? How could there

be spring after only two months after the cessation of rainy season?

Kishkindha 53 states that Vanaras launched the campaign after Ashwina

i.e. in Kartika lunar month, while Kishkindha 32 states that they set

out in Pousha Masa. Sundar Kanda (14/2) states that Hanuman saw the

spring in Lanka. Burning Lanka, Hanuman came back to Kishkindha, Rama

went out with his army to Lanka, fought war, won it and returned to

Ayodhya in Chaitra lunar Masa.(Yuddha 124). How can we fit all those

events in spring? It is not possible.


One more serious problem arises here. Rawana abducted Seeta in Hemant

Rutu and gave her a time limit of one year only to surrender. After

the next Hemanta, Seeta was not likely to live. So what was the use of

Hanuman and Rama going to Lanka after Hemanta, during spring? They

would have seen Seeta dead or seduced. But she was alive and pure.

Therefore she must have been released from the clutches of Rawana

during Hemanta.


If Shrawana was in rainy season, Chaitra should be in spring. However,

Uttara Kanda 41-42 state that in Chaitra it was Shishira i.e. cold

season, when Rama returned. 7-42-25 states that one month after return

of Rama, in Waishakha Masa the Shishira Rutu ended. How all the

seasons from Vasant to Shishira ended in one month only?


All this consideration shows that rainy season did not begin in

Shrawana. It is shown by Valmiki by using a term

`Warshika-Poorwa-Masa' for Shrawana Masa, which means that it was a

month before the rainy season. `Jalagama' is another term used, which

shows coming of rainy season. It is further described that during it

there was play of sunlight and shadows caused by coming and going of

clouds. This points to the Premonsoon, which means a period before

22nd June, during Bhadrapada Masa. This was natural if intercalary

month is considered. Usually, the Summer Solstice resided then on

Ashwin Pournima; however because the lunar year is shorter by 10.889

days than solar year, one intercalary month arises after 2.5 years.

Therefore, the Summer Solstice slided back to Bhadrapada Masa.


All these considerations prove that the rainy season did not begin

then on Shrawana Masa. To make this more clear I will use Rutus.

Rawana abducted Seeta during Hemanta and gave her a period of one

year, that means up to the next Hemanta, to consider marrying with

Rawana. Rama approached Kishkindha in Vasanta. Rama killed Wali during

Greeshma. Hanuman went to search Seeta in Sharad and returned in

Sharad. Then Rama went to Lanka, fought the war and released Seeta in

Hemanta. Rama returned immediately to Ayodhya in one day by Pushpaka

Wimana, when there was still Hemanta Rutu and Chaitra Masa. Rama was

coroneted in Chaitra. One month later in Waishakha he entered Ashoka

Wana, when Shishira ended.


Rama began forest life in Chaitra, he ended it after completing 14

years, in Chaitra. It was Chaitra during Hemanta Rutu. Therefore

leaves of trees were shed down. Looking it Rama requested sage

Bharadwaja to use his Siddhi and produce inflorescence. The next month

Waishakha was of Shishira Rutu.


In Waishakha Masa the full Moon resides in Wishakha Nakshatra.

Naturally the Sun comes 180 degrees away in front of it in Ashwini –

Bharani Nakshatras. It was the Winter Solstice at that time. At

present the winter solstice comes with the Sun in Moola Nakshatra.

From Ashwini backwards to Moola there are ten Nakshatras. With the

rate of the precession of 960 years for one Nakshatra we can calculate

that 9600 years have passed since Rama. It means that the Ramayana

happened during 7600 years B.C.


Please note that the Vishnu Purana (2-8-70) tells in clear words that

two solar months constitute one Rutu. One should not neglect this fact

and should not consider the lunar months for the Rutus.


Valmiki has used a metaphor of Mars and Rohini for Rawana and Seeta at

eight places. He says that Rawana imprisoned Seeta just like Mars

imprisons Rohini. Rohini is a V shaped constellation, which appears

like a gate. If Mars comes near Rohini it appears as if Mars is a

guard and the main star of Rohini is imprisoned inside the gate. Thus

the similie is perfect. In fact during Ramayana era Valmiki must have

seen this miracle in the sky. Astronomy proves that the phenomenon had

taken place between 6000 to 8000 years before Christ. It is a proved

fact in astronomy that only the Mars and the Saturn are capable of

arresting Rohini like this. Other planets never come so much to the

north to come in the vicinity of Rohini. Saturn had come in between

the arms of Rohini during the Mahabharata around 5561 BC and is

recorded by Wyasa.


From the observations done previously we have estimated that the

Ramayana has happened between 6000 and 8000 years before Christ. Let

us now fix the exact date of Rama's birth. For this estimation we will

proceed from the date of the Mahabharata war, which I have fixed as

16th October 5561 BC, depending upon 22 astronomical evidences.

Positions of all the planets are recorded by Wyasa in the epic

Mahabharata. From those we shall calculate and find out when Rama was



Valmiki records that at the birth of Rama five planets were exalted,

it was Chaitra Shuddha 9th day with Nakshatra Punarvasu i.e.

Geminorium. The commonly used planets with their exalted position are

the Sun in Aries at 10° Jupiter in Cancer 95°, Saturn in Libra 200°,

Mars in Capricorn at 298°, Venus in Pisces at 357°. The Sun, Mars,

Venus are fast moving and so are not useful to find out a date so deep

in the past. By only two Planets, the Jupiter and the Saturn, it is

not possible to fix a date, precisely; we need at least three.

Therefore we have to find out Rahu or Ketu.

At the time of coronation of Rama his father Dasharatha says,` The

Sun, Mars and Rahu are at my Nakshtra'. He talked like this in

Chaitra, when the Sun always resides in Aries. It indicates that

Dasharatha's Nakshatra was in Aries. Rama had completed 17 years of

his age, at his coronation. Rahu takes 18.5992 years to complete its

rotation. Therefore before 17 years, at Rama's birth, Rahu must have

been near its original position in Aries.


By many calculations, I found out 7323 BC as the year of Rama's birth.

I will not trouble you by telling what troubles I had to face in those

calculations. I will show how all the planets show the positions as

told by Valmiki. I had the position of Saturn at 16 October 5561 BC as

141°. We have to go 1762 years in the past, from 5561 BC to 7323 BC.

The Saturn takes 29.454483 years for its one rotation. So in 1762

years it had travelled back by 295.6°. This comes to 205.4° in Libra.


Similarly, I found the Jupiter at 92.6°, Mars at 283° and Rahu at

181.69°. Thus all the four planets are seen near their exalted places.

It proves that we have come to the exact date of Rama's birth as 7323

BC. It was Chaitra Masa, so the Sun was in Aries and was exalted.

Venus always resides near the Sun, within two Rashis from the Sun.

Therefore the Venus might be in Pisces in exaltation.


From these positions of the planets if we calculate, we find the

positions 17 years later, which are similar to those recorded by

Valmiki at the time of coronation. By deeper calculations Rama's birth

date was confirmed as the 4th December 7323 BC. By similar

calculations I found out the date of Rama's marriage as 7th April 7307

BC, on Bhadrapada Shuddha 3, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. They went to

forest on 29th November 7306 BC on Thursday. Valmiki mentions

Thursday, when Rama's coronation was proposed. But he had to go to

forest on the same day.


Let me tell here that the Weekdays are being used in India since

Taittiriya Samhita, 8300 years BC. Therefore Valmiki tells that it was

Thursday when Rama went to forest, on 29 November 7306 BC. Dasharatha

died on 5th December 7306 BC. Rawana was killed on 15th November 7292

BC. The war took place from 3rd November to 15th November 7292 BC.


Valmiki has given a vivid description of the sky when he narrated how

Hanuman returned from Lanka. There he has placed before us a plan or a

map of the sky showing where the Nakshatras and planets were placed.

Valmiki's language is so beautiful that we get lost in its beauty and

forget the actual situation told by Valmiki. He says, `the Moon was

very attractive like a lotus, the Sun appeared like a beautiful crane,

a span of constellations from Tishya i.e. Pushya Nakshatra to Shrawana

Nakshatra was visible, Punarwasu appeared like a big fish, Mars

appeared like a crocodile, Airawata resembled like a beautiful island

and Swati Nakshatra looked like a swan.' Airawata is the name used by

Valmiki for the sign of zodiac now known as the Scorpio; because it

looks like a trunk of an elephant. The Rigweda has used the word

`Ibha' for it, which means an elephant. Here Valmiki has presented an

astonishingly correct map of the sky. He gives the limits from Tishya

to Shrawana, which means a span from 104 to 281 degrees. It means a

span of 177 degrees from the east to the west is presented, which is

usually seen. The Nakshatras from Punarwasu to Shrawana are seen in

Pousha Masa at the dawn. The rising Sun and the setting Moon are also

seen at a time just after a Full Moon day. Thus it was Poush Krishna



I calculated from it and found that Hanuman returned from Lanka at the

dawn of Pousha Krishna 1, on 3rd September 7292 BC. A day earlier

Valmiki has described a beautiful moonlit night of Pousha Pournima.

The great Rama-Rawana war took place from 3rd Nov. to15th Nov. 7292

BC, only for 13 days.


In this way I could establish the dates of almost 45 incidents from

Rama's life. It is my experience of surgery and anatomy that if we

reach a proper layer, dissection becomes easy and operation becomes

successful. Because I could go to a proper layer of time, I could find

out the exact dates of the incidents from the Ramayana. I am proud to

state that nobody has done such a work so far. It was possible because

the ancient Indian system of time measurement is perfect. I could

understand it and could correlate it with the modern method. It was

the key to my success. I thank the ancient seers for keeping fine

records of certain events, according to their perfected method.


Please note that I have not used either the Julian or the Gregorian

calendar; but I used a reversal of the modern scientific calendar,

which has fixed the four cardinal nodes such as the Vernal equinox on

21st March, the Summer Solstice at 22nd June, the Autumnal equinox at

23rd September and the Winter Solstice at 22nd December. These nodes

are held as immovable points. Bhishma expired on the eve of the Winter

Solstice. Hence the date of death of Bhishma is held as 22nd December

5561 BC. Pope Gregory omitted ten days during 1582 and after 4th of

October he held 15th of October, instead of 5th October. The British

Empire did not follow the Pope, then. However during 18th century they

also omitted 12 days and adjusted with the remaining Europe. Such

changes were not necessary for Indian system; because it was observing

astronomy daily.


The End

Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

Shaniwar Peth, Pune, 411030










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Dear Sreenadhji,Dr. Vartak had given the date of Lord Rama as 7323 BCE. But from Maharajawali it comes out to be 7319 BCE. Let us see how. Lord Buddha died in 1807 BCE. The Rama-Ravana war took placde 5481 years before that. Therefore the date of the war was 1807 + 5481 = 7288 BCE. It was at the end of the 14 years of vanavas. Therefore Lord Rama left Ayodhya in 7288 + 14 = 7302 BCE. At that time he was17 years old. The year of Lord Rama's birth appears to be 7302 + 17 = 7319 or 7318 BCE. This date if only 4 or 5 years after the date given by Dr. Vartak. The exact date is not that important from the chronological point of view. While I agree with Dr. Vartak's date of Ramayana, which is supported by the precessional data, unfortunately Dr. Vartak did not care to take into account the precessional data in case of the Mahabharata war.

Based on the precessional data Dr. Abhyankar and others found the date of the Mahabharata war to be 3139 BCE. Suffice it toi say that now it is known that Dr. Vartak actually foung the date of one Parikshit, who was Arjuna's ancestor, whereas he should have considered the Parikshit who was Arjuna's grandson. I shall not go into the detailed discussion on that as it will be very lengthy and if anybody wants that then one may read Dr. vartak's book on that.Regards,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Tue, 11/17/09, sreesog <sreesog wrote:sreesog <sreesog Fwd: Re: [hc] Historicity of rAmAyanA. Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 12:45 AM



hinducivilization, ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli <shankarabharadwaj@ ...> wrote:


The problem is this: modern notion of history is entirely different from the traditional/ Hindu notion of history. Here are the differences:


1. Modern history is a post-mortem kind of history and not explained on a going-concern basis.


2. Modern history gives importance to dates, persons and events. It covers a much small timespan and it is possible to do so. Whereas Hindu history is too long and dates, persons or events are too many to be recorded. And it is also deemed unimportant, for Hindus gave more importance to ideas than events or people.


3. History for Hindus is not a list of recorded facts - it is a direct link to their present, their lives. So history is not just an inspiration but a living presence.


4. History for Hindus is a mix of many histories and not just political history, it includes the history of evolution of ideas, subjects like astronomy, mantra sastra and so on.


There are many more differences, but this should give an idea of what history really means to us and why it is not a list of dry facts and dates.


gemiguy25 <gemiguy25@. ..> wrote: Dear members


Let me forward what I saw in another forum.


This I humbly feel is different form what is already been posted here

repeatedly.. . about rAmAyanA.




************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ******


Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

Shaniwar Peth, Pune, 411030

M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Lit.)[ Washington DC]

Tel. No. 020.24450387

email : vartakpadmakar@ ...


The Historicity of the Valmiki Ramayana

I will restrict myself to the Ramayana composed by a

great seer Valmiki, who was a contemporary of Rama, the son of

Dasharatha. There are many Ramayanas but they are all written much

later and all of them refer to the seer Valmiki. Therefore Valmiki has

a unique place. He has written his Ramayana as a history and not as a

devotional book as other Ramayanas are.


We Indians suppose that the subject `History' is taught to us by

British people. But it is wrong a notion. Indian sages have done a lot

of historical work in the long past, thousands of years ago. The

Rigveda has recorded some history, the Ramayana of Valmiki is a true

history though written in an epic form. Sage Vyasa also has recorded a

true history of the Mahabharata War in the epic form. An Epic, which

means poetry, was composed for people to cram over and preserve the

history. The sages were truth abiding. Therefore they wrote true

history. Some poetic ideas may have been presented, but the main theme

is certainly a true history.

Valmiki has composed a true history of Rama. He has

recorded facts. However in a later era, devotion grew to a great

extent and it caused additions of many wild imaginations in the

original Ramayana of Valmiki. For example, Valmiki has nowhere

mentioned that Ahalya was turned in to a rock. He writes clearly and

plainly that Ahalya was doing Tapasya and was looking very bright. She

was a lady and not a stone. Rama saluted her in honour. Valmiki has

not written that stones floated on sea due to writing the name of Rama

on those stones. Valmiki writes that the Vanaras cut great rocks using

some machines, those rocks were thrown in to the sea. They drowned. On

that foundation Nala Vanar built a bridge of trees. Whatever Valmiki

has written is pure history and it reveals advancement of science in

those ancient days. Valmiki narrates aeroplanes. Rawana had Pushpaka

Vimana, which was similar to the modern Jumbo jet or Concord. Indrajit

had a jet fighter plane, which he used in wars. Vanaras like Hanuman

had a system of floating in air similar to the modern Gliders. The

floating machines of Vanaras did not produce any sound, but the

aeroplanes of Daityas produced a thunderous sound and smoke.


Valmiki has narrated geography quite eruditely. It shows that Valmiki

had knowledge of Geography as good as any modern teacher of geography.

Valmiki mentions a Coconut tree having three branches, which glittered

like gold. He tells that the tree was erected on a mountain situated

in the eastern side of the Pacific ocean. It is surprising that during

1960-1965, the modern researchers found out a trident on an offshoot

of the Mount Andes in South America. It glitters like gold if seen

from the sky. Modern scientists say that it must have been prepared

for ancient aviators, because it is not seen from the land or the sea.

It is seen only from the sky. Whatever Valmiki has recorded has been

proved by that discovery. In the same way models of aeroplanes made of

solid gold have been recovered from a cave in Bogota. The scientists

of the American Aviation department have declared, after thorough

examination, that those are the models of supersonic jet aeroplanes.

Even an ancient aerodrome is found about 100 miles away from the

Trident. It proves the historicity of Valmiki Ramayana.


From these short observations it is seen that Valmiki has recorded a

true history of Rama's time. But when did the Ramayana happen? So far

not a single scholar could fix the date of the Ramayana. Leave aside

the date, even the millennium is not surmised, century is not guessed

by the scholars. This failure is due to the fact that every scholar

followed the path of the western scholars. The western scholars were

not and are, still, not conversant with the science of measurement of

time prepared by the ancient Indian sages.


The science of time measurement was perfected by the Indian seers with

the help of astronomy. They used the movements of the Sun and the Moon

in the Nakshatras and correlated the seasons with them. Such a method

was unknown to the western people, who went only by the Sun's

movements in relation with the Earth. They neglected the movements of

the Moon. It was for this reason that they had to correct the dates

omitting 12 days at a time, during 1582 AD. It was not necessary to

the Indian method of time-measurement, which depended on the Sun and

the Moon both. Indians cannot delete even a day from their calendar,

because their calendar is eternal and is always seen in the sky. The

lunar months depend on the place of the Moon in the Nakshatras. For

example, if I say it is Chaitra Masa, it always means that in that

month the Full Moon is seen near the Nakshatra Chitra. From the Moon's

position the position of the Sun can be easily calculated because the

Full Moon always resides exactly opposite the Sun. If the Full Moon is

in Chitra Nakshatra, the Sun will be in Ashwini Nakshatra. The sages

knew that the seasons on the Earth depended only on the position of

the Sun in relation to the Earth. They marked the Sun's position at

the eastern horizon at the sunrise and fixed the `Ayana' and in turn

the season. They named the six seasons, which still hold well. The

sages noticed that when the Sun was in the south, there was cold

season and when the Sun was in the extreme north, there was hot

season, which ended when the Sun began southward journey and the

Varsha or the rainy season began.



The seers discovered the Precession of Equinoxes too. There are

records of the Sun's position on equinoctial points, e.g. Vernal and

Autumnal equinoxes and Summer and Winter solstices. They knew that the

Sun recedes back by one Nakshatra in about thousand years. This is now

proved by the modern astronomy that the Sun recedes back by one degree

in 72 years or one Nakshatra in 960 years.


When I correlated the ancient knowledge with the modern observations,

I could fix the exact dates of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. With

the same tool of the modern astronomy I could find that Valmiki as

well as Vyasa has written precise history. The descriptions of their

seasons tally precisely with the modern astronomy, mathematics and



With this background of astronomical science, let us now see the

important incidents from the Ramayana. However, before going in to the

realm of the Ramayana I will prefer to tell that hundreds of books

refer to Valmiki and Ramayana and this fact proves the historicity of

the Ramayana. A fantasy is not referred to by other authors. One

ancient dramatist, Bhasa, has written two dramas, `Pratima' and

`Abhisheka' on the theme of the Ramayana. Bhasa lived before Buddha

and so his date is before 500 BC. Author Shudraka of about the same

period has referred to Hanuman


In his drama `Mrutchhakatika' . Kalhana in his Rajatarangini mentions

Ramayana. Karma-Pradeepa or Katyana Smruti of 500-600 BC refers to the

golden statue of Seeta made by Rama. It shows that even the Uttara

Kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana was popular during 600 BC.


Valmiki Ramayana does not mention `Simhala Dweepa', it all the time

tells of `Lanka'. It proves that the Ramayana is composed before the

name Simhala Dweepa came into use. The name `Simhala Dweepa' is given

by the King Vijaya during 543 BC after his father's name, when he took

possession of the island. This proves that the Ramayana must have been

composed before 543 BC.


A Buddhist book `Maharajawali' , supposed to be written around 543 BC,

states that before Buddha's birth the island was called as Shri Lanka

and 1845 years prior to the death of Buddha there occurred a war,

called as `Rama-Rawana War'. In the ancient era it was a practice to

take the digits from right towards left. Therefore 1845 means 5481

years. 5481 years before Buddha's death, the war had happened. Buddha

died around 543 BC. Hence the war must have taken place around 6024 BC.


The Shukra Neeti of 1000 BC refers to the Ramayana. The Garga Samhita

of 1640 BC refers to the Ramayana. The Vishnu Purana of 1652 BC

includes the Ramayana. All other Puranas, written around 2000 BC, also

tell the story of the Ramayana.


The great epic Mahabharata gives full story of the Ramayana three

times. The Mahabharata was composed during 5500 BC. I myself have

proved this date on many evidences, including 22 astronomical

evidences, which proved the exact date of beginning of the Mahabharata

War as the 16th October 5561 BC. Thus it shows that the Ramayana must

have happened before 5561 BC.


We have considered the external evidences to reach to the period of

the Ramayana. Now we will consider the internal evidences.


Valmiki does not mention the Krishna Yajurweda and the Shukla

Yajurweda. It shows that the Ramayana was composed by Valmiki before

the Shukla Yajurweda was composed. It is certain that the Shukla

Yajurweda was composed by sage Yajnawalkya during 3000 BC. We can say

this definitely because it mentions that the Krittikas rise at the

exact east. The Late Shri. S. B. Dixit has shown astronomically that

the Krittikas rose at the exact east during 3000 BC. This shows that

Valmiki was much before 3000 BC.


All the Deities mentioned by the Ramayana are Vedic Deities. The

Deities from the Mahabharata are different. It shows that the Ramayana

was very close to the Rigweda.


The Mahabharata of 5500 BC worships Ganapati, however the Ramayana

does not even mention Ganapati, who is not seen in the Rigweda too.


Ramayana tells that Seeta performed Home-Hawana- Sandhya. This is a

Vedic ritual, which was not in practice during the Mahabharata. A lady

ruling the kingdom was not thought of in the Mahabharata, but it was

considered in the Ramayana. Purohita Wasistha said to Kaikeyi that

Seeta would accept the throne. After Wali's death, Hanuman told Tara

to govern the state. Dasharatha also tells Kaikeyi to reign as a widow.


Warrior women, such as Kaikeyi, are described in the Ramayana similar

to the Vedas, where Queen Wishpala or Shachi are told to have gone on

wars and women army of Namuchi is recorded.


The tradition of Sati is not mentioned in the Ramayana as well as in

the Vedas. However, it is told in the Mahabharata. It was a later


All these points prove that the Ramayana is a very ancient

work, much before the Mahabharata of 5561 BC.


The Ramayana mentions `Taittiriya Shakha' of the Vedas. The Taittiriya

Samhita states that the Northern journey of the Sun began with the

Krittika Nakshatra. It shows that the Sun then on Winter Solstice i.e.

22nd December was between Krittika and Bharani Nakshatras, at about 27

degrees in the zodiac. At present the Sun on 22nd December resides at

246 degrees. The Precession of equinoxes has reverse motion at the

rate of one degree in 72 years. The Sun has receded from 27 degrees to

zero or 360 degrees and then to 246 degrees. From 360 to 246 degrees

it travelled 114 degrees plus 27 degrees. It means the Sun travelled

total 141 degrees. It must have taken 8208 years. Thus, approximately,

the Ramayana goes to such an ancient period.


It is a tradition in India to hoist flags on the New Year day. The

flag is called as Indra Dhwaja. Ramayana in Kishkindha Kanda tells

that Indra Dhwaja was hoisted on Aswini Pournima, when it got spoiled

by heat and rain. It shows that the Ashwini Pournima came at the end

of summer and at the beginning of the rainy season, when heat and rain

prevail. This in turn shows that the then Summer Solstice ( 22nd June)

fell on Ashwini Full Moon day. It means the Sun on the Summer Solstice

resided in Swati Nakshatra then. At present the Sun resides in Ardra

Nakshatra on the Summer Solstice. The Sun has shifted from Swati to

Ardra about 129.5 degrees. Multiplying 129.50 by 72 we get 9324 years.

Thus 9324 years before present the Ramayana must have happened. In

other words 7300 BC is the period of the Valmiki Ramayana.


If we cursorily see the Ramayana we feel that the rainy season then

extended from Shrawana to Kartika lunar months. It is adverse to my

statement above. Even then I will accept it and will show how wrong it

is, if seen with the context of the Ramayana. Rama rested for four

months of the rainy season, Shrawana, Bhadrapada, Ashwina and Kartika.

When Kartika was over and Sharad Rutu was almost at end, Rama got

angry. Hanuman also states that Sharad was nearing its

end.(Kishkindha32) Assuming an exaggeration and excluding it we can

say that half of Sharad was over and during Pousha Masa the Vanaras

marched out to find out Seeta. After one month from their departure

they could see the signs of spring, the Vasanta. (Kishkindha 53). How

could there be Vasanta Rutu during Magha lunar month? How could there

be spring after only two months after the cessation of rainy season?

Kishkindha 53 states that Vanaras launched the campaign after Ashwina

i.e. in Kartika lunar month, while Kishkindha 32 states that they set

out in Pousha Masa. Sundar Kanda (14/2) states that Hanuman saw the

spring in Lanka. Burning Lanka, Hanuman came back to Kishkindha, Rama

went out with his army to Lanka, fought war, won it and returned to

Ayodhya in Chaitra lunar Masa.(Yuddha 124). How can we fit all those

events in spring? It is not possible.


One more serious problem arises here. Rawana abducted Seeta in Hemant

Rutu and gave her a time limit of one year only to surrender. After

the next Hemanta, Seeta was not likely to live. So what was the use of

Hanuman and Rama going to Lanka after Hemanta, during spring? They

would have seen Seeta dead or seduced. But she was alive and pure.

Therefore she must have been released from the clutches of Rawana

during Hemanta.


If Shrawana was in rainy season, Chaitra should be in spring. However,

Uttara Kanda 41-42 state that in Chaitra it was Shishira i.e. cold

season, when Rama returned. 7-42-25 states that one month after return

of Rama, in Waishakha Masa the Shishira Rutu ended. How all the

seasons from Vasant to Shishira ended in one month only?


All this consideration shows that rainy season did not begin in

Shrawana. It is shown by Valmiki by using a term

`Warshika-Poorwa- Masa' for Shrawana Masa, which means that it was a

month before the rainy season. `Jalagama' is another term used, which

shows coming of rainy season. It is further described that during it

there was play of sunlight and shadows caused by coming and going of

clouds. This points to the Premonsoon, which means a period before

22nd June, during Bhadrapada Masa. This was natural if intercalary

month is considered. Usually, the Summer Solstice resided then on

Ashwin Pournima; however because the lunar year is shorter by 10.889

days than solar year, one intercalary month arises after 2.5 years.

Therefore, the Summer Solstice slided back to Bhadrapada Masa.


All these considerations prove that the rainy season did not begin

then on Shrawana Masa. To make this more clear I will use Rutus.

Rawana abducted Seeta during Hemanta and gave her a period of one

year, that means up to the next Hemanta, to consider marrying with

Rawana. Rama approached Kishkindha in Vasanta. Rama killed Wali during

Greeshma. Hanuman went to search Seeta in Sharad and returned in

Sharad. Then Rama went to Lanka, fought the war and released Seeta in

Hemanta. Rama returned immediately to Ayodhya in one day by Pushpaka

Wimana, when there was still Hemanta Rutu and Chaitra Masa. Rama was

coroneted in Chaitra. One month later in Waishakha he entered Ashoka

Wana, when Shishira ended.


Rama began forest life in Chaitra, he ended it after completing 14

years, in Chaitra. It was Chaitra during Hemanta Rutu. Therefore

leaves of trees were shed down. Looking it Rama requested sage

Bharadwaja to use his Siddhi and produce inflorescence. The next month

Waishakha was of Shishira Rutu.


In Waishakha Masa the full Moon resides in Wishakha Nakshatra.

Naturally the Sun comes 180 degrees away in front of it in Ashwini –

Bharani Nakshatras. It was the Winter Solstice at that time. At

present the winter solstice comes with the Sun in Moola Nakshatra.

From Ashwini backwards to Moola there are ten Nakshatras. With the

rate of the precession of 960 years for one Nakshatra we can calculate

that 9600 years have passed since Rama. It means that the Ramayana

happened during 7600 years B.C.


Please note that the Vishnu Purana (2-8-70) tells in clear words that

two solar months constitute one Rutu. One should not neglect this fact

and should not consider the lunar months for the Rutus.


Valmiki has used a metaphor of Mars and Rohini for Rawana and Seeta at

eight places. He says that Rawana imprisoned Seeta just like Mars

imprisons Rohini. Rohini is a V shaped constellation, which appears

like a gate. If Mars comes near Rohini it appears as if Mars is a

guard and the main star of Rohini is imprisoned inside the gate. Thus

the similie is perfect. In fact during Ramayana era Valmiki must have

seen this miracle in the sky. Astronomy proves that the phenomenon had

taken place between 6000 to 8000 years before Christ. It is a proved

fact in astronomy that only the Mars and the Saturn are capable of

arresting Rohini like this. Other planets never come so much to the

north to come in the vicinity of Rohini. Saturn had come in between

the arms of Rohini during the Mahabharata around 5561 BC and is

recorded by Wyasa.


From the observations done previously we have estimated that the

Ramayana has happened between 6000 and 8000 years before Christ. Let

us now fix the exact date of Rama's birth. For this estimation we will

proceed from the date of the Mahabharata war, which I have fixed as

16th October 5561 BC, depending upon 22 astronomical evidences.

Positions of all the planets are recorded by Wyasa in the epic

Mahabharata. From those we shall calculate and find out when Rama was



Valmiki records that at the birth of Rama five planets were exalted,

it was Chaitra Shuddha 9th day with Nakshatra Punarvasu i.e.

Geminorium. The commonly used planets with their exalted position are

the Sun in Aries at 10° Jupiter in Cancer 95°, Saturn in Libra 200°,

Mars in Capricorn at 298°, Venus in Pisces at 357°. The Sun, Mars,

Venus are fast moving and so are not useful to find out a date so deep

in the past. By only two Planets, the Jupiter and the Saturn, it is

not possible to fix a date, precisely; we need at least three.

Therefore we have to find out Rahu or Ketu.

At the time of coronation of Rama his father Dasharatha says,` The

Sun, Mars and Rahu are at my Nakshtra'. He talked like this in

Chaitra, when the Sun always resides in Aries. It indicates that

Dasharatha's Nakshatra was in Aries. Rama had completed 17 years of

his age, at his coronation. Rahu takes 18.5992 years to complete its

rotation. Therefore before 17 years, at Rama's birth, Rahu must have

been near its original position in Aries.


By many calculations, I found out 7323 BC as the year of Rama's birth.

I will not trouble you by telling what troubles I had to face in those

calculations. I will show how all the planets show the positions as

told by Valmiki. I had the position of Saturn at 16 October 5561 BC as

141°. We have to go 1762 years in the past, from 5561 BC to 7323 BC.

The Saturn takes 29.454483 years for its one rotation. So in 1762

years it had travelled back by 295.6°. This comes to 205.4° in Libra.


Similarly, I found the Jupiter at 92.6°, Mars at 283° and Rahu at

181.69°. Thus all the four planets are seen near their exalted places.

It proves that we have come to the exact date of Rama's birth as 7323

BC. It was Chaitra Masa, so the Sun was in Aries and was exalted.

Venus always resides near the Sun, within two Rashis from the Sun.

Therefore the Venus might be in Pisces in exaltation.


From these positions of the planets if we calculate, we find the

positions 17 years later, which are similar to those recorded by

Valmiki at the time of coronation. By deeper calculations Rama's birth

date was confirmed as the 4th December 7323 BC. By similar

calculations I found out the date of Rama's marriage as 7th April 7307

BC, on Bhadrapada Shuddha 3, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. They went to

forest on 29th November 7306 BC on Thursday. Valmiki mentions

Thursday, when Rama's coronation was proposed. But he had to go to

forest on the same day.


Let me tell here that the Weekdays are being used in India since

Taittiriya Samhita, 8300 years BC. Therefore Valmiki tells that it was

Thursday when Rama went to forest, on 29 November 7306 BC. Dasharatha

died on 5th December 7306 BC. Rawana was killed on 15th November 7292

BC. The war took place from 3rd November to 15th November 7292 BC.


Valmiki has given a vivid description of the sky when he narrated how

Hanuman returned from Lanka. There he has placed before us a plan or a

map of the sky showing where the Nakshatras and planets were placed.

Valmiki's language is so beautiful that we get lost in its beauty and

forget the actual situation told by Valmiki. He says, `the Moon was

very attractive like a lotus, the Sun appeared like a beautiful crane,

a span of constellations from Tishya i.e. Pushya Nakshatra to Shrawana

Nakshatra was visible, Punarwasu appeared like a big fish, Mars

appeared like a crocodile, Airawata resembled like a beautiful island

and Swati Nakshatra looked like a swan.' Airawata is the name used by

Valmiki for the sign of zodiac now known as the Scorpio; because it

looks like a trunk of an elephant. The Rigweda has used the word

`Ibha' for it, which means an elephant. Here Valmiki has presented an

astonishingly correct map of the sky. He gives the limits from Tishya

to Shrawana, which means a span from 104 to 281 degrees. It means a

span of 177 degrees from the east to the west is presented, which is

usually seen. The Nakshatras from Punarwasu to Shrawana are seen in

Pousha Masa at the dawn. The rising Sun and the setting Moon are also

seen at a time just after a Full Moon day. Thus it was Poush Krishna



I calculated from it and found that Hanuman returned from Lanka at the

dawn of Pousha Krishna 1, on 3rd September 7292 BC. A day earlier

Valmiki has described a beautiful moonlit night of Pousha Pournima.

The great Rama-Rawana war took place from 3rd Nov. to15th Nov. 7292

BC, only for 13 days.


In this way I could establish the dates of almost 45 incidents from

Rama's life. It is my experience of surgery and anatomy that if we

reach a proper layer, dissection becomes easy and operation becomes

successful. Because I could go to a proper layer of time, I could find

out the exact dates of the incidents from the Ramayana. I am proud to

state that nobody has done such a work so far. It was possible because

the ancient Indian system of time measurement is perfect. I could

understand it and could correlate it with the modern method. It was

the key to my success. I thank the ancient seers for keeping fine

records of certain events, according to their perfected method.


Please note that I have not used either the Julian or the Gregorian

calendar; but I used a reversal of the modern scientific calendar,

which has fixed the four cardinal nodes such as the Vernal equinox on

21st March, the Summer Solstice at 22nd June, the Autumnal equinox at

23rd September and the Winter Solstice at 22nd December. These nodes

are held as immovable points. Bhishma expired on the eve of the Winter

Solstice. Hence the date of death of Bhishma is held as 22nd December

5561 BC. Pope Gregory omitted ten days during 1582 and after 4th of

October he held 15th of October, instead of 5th October. The British

Empire did not follow the Pope, then. However during 18th century they

also omitted 12 days and adjusted with the remaining Europe. Such

changes were not necessary for Indian system; because it was observing

astronomy daily.


The End

Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

Shaniwar Peth, Pune, 411030






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