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Pindayu (Modified article)

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Dear All, On further contemplation, I have changed my opinion regarding including Lagnayu in pindayu calculations - and now understands that Skanda and Mihira were against including Lagnayu in Pindayu calculations - and so modified my previous article on the same and posting it again. The Lagnayu worksheet uploaded earlier in files section is modified and uploaded again. This time the corrected version. (But don't expect it to give realistic longevity in actual cases, since Pindayu itself is not accurate and a system that needs corrections, even though it itself is the oldest ayurdaya calculation system available to us). Pindayu article is pasted below -===============================

Pindayu Ayurdaya System


Written by Sreenadh OG

Pindayu is a well favored ayurdaya

calculation method approved and appreciated by many ancient sages. In Brihat

Jataka Mihra states -

Maya Yavana Manintha Saktipurvair

Divasakaradishu valtsara pradishta


Dasa sahita dasa cha swa-tungabheshu



[As per the scholars Maya,

Yavana, Manintha and Parasara, the planets provide the following years of

longevity when placed in their maximum degree of exaltation. Sun – 19 years;

Moon-25 years; Mars-15 years; Mercury-12 years; Jupiter-15 years; Venus-21

years; Saturn-20 years]

Is it a method self created and

proposed by Maya etc? Or is it a method that finds its base in older and more

authentic Rishis? Of course the ancient scholars – even though always tries to

fill the logical gaps – never try to propose baseless arguments by their own,

since astrology is an ancient advice that depends on purity and continuity of

the traditional advice. (Jyotisham agama sasra – astrology is a truthful

traditional advice that passes from generation to generation). Same is true in

this case as well. May or Parasara is not inventing a new method, but is just

elaborating a method that is given in the prime text of indian astrology – i.e.

Skanda Hora, also known by the name Jyotishmati Upanishad. In ancient indian

astrology the words of Skanda to Sage Brahma (the contents of Skanda hora) are

so revered that, they are treated as gods own words; words that will always

come true and uttered with utmost sincerity! It is believed that all searches

to find the origin of Skanda hora is futile – since Skanda hora itself was the

prime text of ancient Indian astrology. As old as god, shrouded in mystery, but

shines by radiating the rays sincerity all around! Any way let us see what

Skanda is saying on this longevity context. Here goes the quote –

Athata Ayushaschintaisha mahan


Na vyavasthedametavadadya

swaswati vidyate

Apyayate krite njanatretayam


Ayushmatyadibhistadva Ishtibhir

dwapare yuge

Na njanam na cha yogascha

navadhyo vaidiko vidhiH

Kalau tat parimasama iti kechid


Manvana iva tungaste Surya


Paramayuranushnamsau saradaH


Bhaume panchadasa prahu sarado


Jeeve panchadasacharye daityanam


Mande vimsatimete cha

naivamischanti tat sada

Yavat krite na tavadvai


Tretayam yavadetadvai tavanna

dwapare yuge

Dwapare yavadetadvai tavannaiva

kalau yuge

Evam yuge yuge tasya hrasam kinna


Etavattvam mato noonam na

teshanchatra sasvatam


jyotisham sada


neecheshooccha dalam hi tat.




[Now it is thoughts on longevity.

When I told you that I will think about longevity, it is as if I have taken a

heavy and difficult to fulfill responsibility. Because, longevity is never

certain or fixed; it decreases always -

with the advent of every yuga (such as Krita, Treta, Dwapara, Kali).

During Krita yuga longevity increases due to enlightenment, in trata yuga due

to yoga, in dwapara yuga due to yagjna (yaga and homa). In Kali yuga there is

no value for enlightenment, yoga or yagjna – there is no chance of increasing

longevity in any special way. Due to this even though it is difficult to

determine longevity in krita-treta-dwapara, it won't be so in kali yuga.

Thinking like this, as if they are going to correctly calculate the longevity,

some sages propose different longevity periods for planets. (Actually even

neither me nor they don't think that there is any such certainty or accuracy –

even in kaliyuga longevity is not certain and we can not be sure). They assign

– 19 years to Sun, 25 years to Moon, 15 years to Mars, 12 years to Mercury, 15

years to Jupiter, 21 years to Venus, 20 years to Saturn – when they are in

exaltation. How longevity was in Krita, it is not so in Treta, and not so in

Dwapara and not so in Kali – it decreases with every coming Yuga. How can we be

certain that the from the beginning of the yuga to its end as well it will

remain the same? It is not possible. So certainly in Kali yuga also longevity

cannot be fixed, it is changing, ever decreasing. Even those who ascribe fixed

years to Sun etc knew this. Therefore even they knew that longevity cannot be

calculated with certainty. The only thing on which they all agrees is that

"Longevity indicated by a planet in debilitation is just half as it is in

exaltation", nothing else]

Interesting! It is well evident

that even though Skanda deals with the subject of longevity in his book Skanda

Hora, even he is not of the opinion that longevity can be predicted with certainty.

There could be many factors such as habits of the native, environment in which

he live, good and bad deeds he do, blessings from deities and elders that can

certainly influence his longevity. If even Skanda says that longevity cannot be

calculated with exactness, who are we to argue that the calculated longevity –

whether it be Pindayu, Amsayu or what ever – could in anyway `really' indicate

the maximum longevity? Longevity calculation is just a tool that helps in

approximation of longevity – that is the only thing that we can say.

It is well evident that only 7

grahas – such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are

considered in this system. Rahu and Ketu are mentioned neither in the Skanda

hora quote nor in the Brihat Jataka quote. What the above quote mentions is the

longevity provided by the planets when they are in their respective maximum

degree of exaltation, which becomes half when they are in their respective

maximum debilitation degrees as evident from the Skanda hora bit "neecheshooccha

dalam hi tat" (Longevity indicated by a planet in debilitation is just half as

it is in exaltation). Thus when placed in maximum degree of exaltation planets

provide the following longevity periods –











Longevity (Years)





























































































Thus it is well evident that the

total longevity indicated by Pindayu in general is 127 years; and in general it

applies to people whose age is above 63.5 years only 127/5 = 62 years). i.e. If

we consider this rule alone then, if all planets are in their respective

maximum degree of exaltation then the longevity would be 127 years and if they

are all in their maximum degree of debilitation then the longevity would be 63.5

years. Hum. Do not seem to be much intuitive if we consider rules mentioned

upto this only.

What we already learned from the

Skanda hora bit "neecheshooccha dalam hi tat" (Longevity indicated by a planet

in debilitation is just half as it is in exaltation), is clarified in the

following Brihat Jataka quote –

Neechetortham hrasati hi


Hora tvamsapratimamapare

rasitulyam vadanti



[if the planets are in their

respective maximum degree of debilitation then the longevity provided by them

becomes half of what they can provide while in maximum exaltation degree. If

they are somewhere in between, then the longevity provided by the planet would

be proportionate to their respective position (between maximum degree of

exaltation and maximum degree of debilitation). (Some are of the opinion that) Lagna

gives longevity as indicated by Navamsa count of lagna, but some others (other sages)

say that the longevity indicated by Lagna is in tune with the Sign count of

Lagna (I don't agree to them both)]

We get the following extra points

from this quote –


The longevity provided by planets placed anywhere

between their maximum degree of exaltation (provides full longevity) and

maximum degree of debilitation (provides half longevity) should be calculated

`proportionately' – i.e. by considering their distance from maximum degree of

exaltation or debilitation.


As per Mihira The longevity provided by Laganamsaka should

not be considered; but some others are of the opinion that longevity provided

by the Lagna should be considered. (Yet others add them together and take the

average by dividing the sum by two).

There should not be any conflict

of opinion about the first point of `considering proportion' to derive

longevity provided by planet placed anywhere, since the same is inherent in the

prime Skanda hora and Brihat Jataka quotes itself. What Brihat Jataka states on

the same is well supported by Skanda hora quotes such as –

Ubhayorandarasthasya grahasya


Atha jneyonupatena neha bharo




[if the planet is between them

(i.e. maximum degree of exaltation and maximum degree of debilitation) then the

longevity provided by the planet should be derived considering `proportion' –

it is not at all difficult (there is no complexity involved in this)] We agree

with the same, and there is total agreement between all texts on the same.

Now coming to the second point,

the meaning of the said Brihat Jataka quote could get misinterpreted if the

Skanda hora opinion about the same is not known. When correctly understood, Brihat

Jataka clearly states that, longevity indicated Lagnamsaka SHOULD NOT be

considered and added with the total longevity. Skanda hora also expresses the

same opinion through the following words.

"athaike lagnamamsena" [some consider lagnamsaka as

well (for longevity calculations)]; and "rasinetyapare

viduH" [some others states that lagna as well should be considered (for

longevity calculations)].

It is clearly evident that both

there are NOT the opinion of Skanda hora. Thus clearly Skanda is of the opinion

that, "Longevity as given by Lagna or Lagnaksaka SHOULD NOT be considered in

Pindayu calculations". Mihira is just reflecting this very same opinion in

Brihat Jataka.

If someone thinks that, Mihira

was in support of considering Lagnamsakayu during Pindayu calculations, then

please answer the following natural questions that may arise -


When proportional distance from exaltation and

debilitation is considered for longevity determination of planets, how can we

consider Lagna or lagnamsaka at all (since they have neither exaltation nor

debilitation)? It does not sound logical especially considering the fact that

even the other grahas Rahu and Ketu are not considered.


Even if required that Lagna should be considered, why

it is lagnamsaka and not lagna. Why not the average of longevity as told by

Skanda hora, Sounaka hora and many other texts?

These doubts are clearly logical

and cannot be brushed aside. As per my current understanding, the clear answer

to the first question is that – Just like Skanda, Mihira too DOES NOT support

considering Longevity indicated by Lagna or Lagnamsaka in Pindayu calculations.

Another point is that, if we don't consider Lagna or Lagnamsaka in Pindayu

calculations then, the result derived by the calculations will not be realistic

at all. Thus definitely Sknada and Mihira were right in asking us NOT TO use Lagnayu

– they were all good practical scholars.

Now coming to the second

question, if we plan to consider lagna or lagnamsaka, then what? Should we

consider lagna or lagnamsaka? Under what condition? As clarified earlier while

discussing Amsayu calculations, the traditional advice is to add the Lagnayu

and Lagnamsakayu always and divide by two, as followed by ancient texts like

Brihat prajaptya in quotes such as – "Veeryanyitaya bhamsena rasina cha samam

vidu" [(even when) lagnamsaka is strong take the average (longevity) as

indicated by lagnamsaka and lagna].

Thus we have the following two

conclusions based on the above discussion –

In Pindhayu calculations only the 7 planets – Su, Mo,

Ma, Me, Ju, Ve, Sa – are considered, and NOT Ra, Ke and Lagna.Lagnayu should also be considered. In this case always

consider the average of longevity indicated by langamsaka and lagna.

Thus it seems that our basic rules

for this Ayurdasa are clear. Brihat Jataka goes on describe that the following

deductions (harana) should be applied to the result arrived at.


Satru Kshetra hrana (deduction for placement in enemy



Moudhya harana (deduction for combustion)


Drisyartha harana (deduction for being in visible half)


Amsayu harana (deduction for major malefic in lagna)

Since we have discussed the same

in detail while dealing with Amsayur dasa (Navamsaka based Ayurdaya)

calculation earlier itself, I won't go into the details of the same here. They

remain the same here as well and equally applicable – ditto the same way.

Bharana (addition of longevity) rules are not applicable to Pindayu.

A very important point that

should be mentioned is that canceling Lagnayu if there any malefic in

Lagna DOES NOT apply to Pindayu at all, but the same is applicable to

Amsayu as Satyacharya and Brihat Jataka clearly state. If you forget to

understand and consider this very important point, Pindayu method will fail to

provide realistic longevity values.

Playing with Pindayu based

longevity calculation for various horoscopes gives me the feeling that, even

though the oldest method available for longevity calculation, it is not even as

much as efficient as Amsayu method. No wonder Mihira felt like saying

"Bahusamyam samupaiti satya vakyam" (The words of satyacharya – about Amsayuradaya

– is more accurate). In many example cases the Pindayu I got was much higher

(usually more than 10 years or so) from the actual longevity experienced. I have the following suggestions –

Since Skanda tells us that Longevity years ascribed

to planets in Pindayu calculations is not fixed/permanent in all yugas we

seems to have some freedom to modify these base years and try to arrive a

logical conclusion – and thus correct Pindayu system.Since Skanda and Mihira clearly warns the use of

Lagnayu in Pindayu calculations as evident from their ascribing this to

`other' sages, we SHOULD NOT consider Lagnayu in Pindayu calculations at

all. Further, even if someone plans to consider Lagnayu then too he should

better consider the average of Lagnayu and Lagnamsakayu and then even if

there is a malefic in Lagna lagnayu SHOULD NOT be dropped. (Since dropping

lagnayu is a rule specific to Satyacharya proposed Navamsaka dasa alone).

Hope this document will help at

least some of you.

== 0 ==

===============================Love and regards,Sreenadh , "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear All, > Please ignore the Pindayu worksheet uploaded by me. It contains some calculation errors. I will upload the corrected sheet later.> Regards,> Sreenadh>

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Dear All,

* While using the Pindayu worksheet provided by me DON'T input the lagna sputa

(to indicate this, I have used gray colored cells in that worksheet for Lagna

sputa with 0 as default value).Considering the longevity indicated by planets

ALONE will give a longevity that would be usually higher (at least 7+ years)

than the actual longevity experienced.

* BUT, if you want to experiment with the 'others' opinion as well (other than

Skanda) then input the Laga longitude as well, and the worksheet will consider

Lagnayu also in longevity calculations and will display the result accordingly.

The unrealistic (7+ to 10+ years EXTRA) longevity provided by this method,

prompts us to contemplate some corrections for this method and experiment with

the same.

* Even if all planets are in debilitation, and even if all Harana (deductions)

apply completely, then too a native will get 7+ years longevity as per this

method! That means that under any condition this method DOES NOT apply to

natives died prior to 7 years. There is a 7 years extra longevity inherent in

the max longevity of 127 years proposed by Pindayu (compared to the standard use

of 120 years). This prompts us to ask - Since even skanda states that longevity

years indicated by planets decrease gradually with the advent of Yugas, is it

necessory to change the longevity years of planets and experiment with the same

to arrive at a realistic value?

* If the values provided by Pindayu is unrealistic, why still then too,

Skanda, Daksha, Sounaka, Parasara, Maya, Mihira etc considered Pindayu as

authentic? Is it just because of its 'oldestness' alone? Possibly it is so. This

prompts us to think that, this oldest and 'once most accurate' (in some ancient

period) method needs to be corrected and made realistic again by adjusting the

longevity years given to the planets (This is the only major way of correcting

this method I could visualize).

* If we trust Skanda and other ancient sages and scholars upto Mihira, then

certainly we SHOULD NOT consider Lagnayu or Lagnamsakayu in Pindayu

calculations. That makes the unrealistic (7+ years more than actual) results

given by Pindayu method more unrealistic (extending the difference usually to

10+ years).

Hope some of you - who experiment with Pindayu and the worksheet provided -

will find this information useful.

Love and regards,


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