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Dear ones,this one is a good educative post which i would like to share and copied from another group.//A few tips for judging career


By M. Imran

November 23, 2009



1) First things first


Rapid expansion of astrological knowledge in recent

decade has led to formation of enormous online groups. It brought forth positive

as well as negative aspects. At positive front, it provided easy accessibility


astrological texts, online instructors and dynamic discussion platforms. But at

the same time this trend changed the entire course of traditional jyotish


People now start studying astrology in haywire way, read online columns in bits

and pieces, discuss theorems without corollaries from here and there, and

become online guru within no time.


Resultantly, they analyze a practical case study or

reply a request on internet that usually begins with fascinating secondary


e.g. A10 in dasamsa, badhakesh in maran-karaka-sthan, graha arudha, sahamas and

etc. etc. Well, my intention is not to deny or deride these concepts. They are

the part and parcel of divine jyotish for centuries. But beginning and relying


merely these secondary concepts is not a right way to choose. They do matter,

but not more than karaka, bhava and bhavesh. Do read the arudhapad (AL) and

karmapad (A10)

but after weighing karma karaka (Saturn), and 10th house/lord. Similarly, diving

directly into the dasamsa (without judging rasi chakra) may be misleading.

Firstly, because of the fact that dasamsa can not overshadow rasi (D1).


in most of the cases birth time is not accurately recorded. So keep these

points in mind before reaching any conclusion. Do analyze dasamsa (D10) but

after scrutinizing rasi and in the light of rashi. Don’t forget that rasi (D1)


itself a varga, perhaps most important varga.



2) Never neglect Lagna and Lagnesh


Generally 10th house is considered for determining

profession, but before reaching karmasthan, do concentrate on lagna and lagnesh.

It will always help you drawing correct outline of the picture. A well-occupied


well-aspected lagna ensures health, intelligent, and potential. A native having

strongly placed lord of lagna and its dispositor enjoys a stable, honourable

and successful life. The horoscope turns more powerful when rasi as well as

navamsa dispositor of lagna lord favourably occupies in kendar/kona from

ascendant. A robust lagnesh is indeed one of the most fortunate, yet, neglected



Afflicted lagna and lagna lord are often avoided,

despite knowing that all the good and bad revolve around this pivotal point.


having weak lagna and lagnesha and powerful karmasthan may prosper


for a short span of time but they hardly enjoy satisfactory and sustainable

career. Apart from revealing the innate potential, lagna simultaneously hosts

the sukh arghala for karmasthana (i.e. 4th from 10th). That is why, whenever

lagna becomes

abode of natural benefics, native is always satisfied with his profession

(whether he is president or peasant, trader or teacher). On the other hand, when

lagna is infested by natural malefics then he would hardly enjoy satisfaction

and peace from his career.



3) Don’t forget Karma Karaka Saturn


Saturn is a universal karma karaka for all ascendants.

Obviously karma does not confine to career, but career is a significant part of

karma we adopt. Following are some Saturn based combinations for judging



a) Note the stronger between Saturn and its

dispositor. The rasi and navamsa occupied by said planet shows the nature of

work, one adopts. Planets strongly sambandhi (related) to Saturn are also


of casting their influences.


b) The combination of trikona bhava, from the sign

occupied by Saturn, depicts ones professional life. Jupiter, Venus and/or


Mercury trine to Saturn is auspicious yoga, while Mars, Rahu and/or Ketu in

trine to Saturn are inauspicious yoga(s).


c) Jupiter, Venus, and/or non-afflicted Mercury

sitting 2nd (or zodiacally ahead) of Saturn shows good return of your efforts.

In professional life it means, smart income and financial prosperity as one

progresses in career. On the other had, merely Mars, Rahu or Ketu, occupying

2nd (or zodiacally ahead) of Saturn, reveals one is bound to get unsatisfactory



d) Jupiter, Venus, and/or non-afflicted Mercury

occupying 12th (or zodiacally rear) to Saturn indicates agreeable place of

work, peaceful environment, besides comfortable beginning of career. On the

other hand, Mars, Rahu or Ketu, occupying 12th (or zodiacally rear) to Saturn

suggest an unsatisfactory and non-agreeable work location where rivalry,


and leg-pulling tease the native. Natural malefic planets (without shubh

sambandh) sitting behind Saturn further unveils difficult beginning of career.



4) When there is Guru there is Growth



is associated with Jupiter. So whenever or wherever, there is guru there is


The trinal aspect of Jupiter blossoms the karakattawa of receiving planet and


In natal chart, if Jupiter is placed in trine to karma karaka Saturn and/or 10th

lord then one is destined to rise in professional life, earn respect from

seniors and juniors and is known for his dutifulness. In nadi treatises,

Jupiter in trine to Saturn is ranked raja yoga. Jupiter even in 2nd, 12th or 7th

to Saturn promises respectful and successful career. Natives having such yoga

definitely gain promotion when in transit, Jupiter sojourns over Saturn/10th


and their trinal signs. Contrarily, should Jupiter be in 6th or 8th, while Mars

and Rahu are in trine to radial Saturn or 10th lord; one has to struggle a lot


getting desirable placement and promotion in work. Such natives often lead

ordinary lives. But note that retrogression of any of the discussed planet

changes the situation. Do treat retrograde planet (here Jupiter and 10th lord)


locating in 12th from original placement in especially during second phase of




5) Commanding and Executive Position


Assuming powerful position is not possible without cosmic

light of Sun. Natives, possessing potent Sun which is sambandhi with karmesh or

karma karaka (Saturn) exercise commanding position in life (e.g. politicians,


officials, bureaucrats, judges, chairmen, etc. Such natives generally inclined

to do independent work when kendra bhavas are more powerful than apoklima

bhavas. When raja yogas in chart are annulled even then native of a powerful


Sun does not remain unnoticed and ordinary in their circle. If he is a beggar,

he will be head of beggars. If he is a shopkeeper then he will be representative

of the association of shopkeepers. This is the natural trait of Sun’s

association with 10th house/lord and Saturn.


Another signature that renders one commanding and cruel

is placement of natural malefic planets in 3rd and 6th houses. Union leaders

and political activists often possess this combination. On the contrary, natural

benefic planets in these houses, make one tender, follower and obedient. They

are best suited as assistant and subordinate. They lead ordinary life

especially when 10th house/lord and Saturn are devoid of beneficial influence.


Come to

Sun again. If someone has well placed Sun and 10th house under beneficial

aspect then he will always be in good book of his boss. Aspect of natural

benefic planets over 10th house ensures favour from higher authorities and

government as well. Besides 10th house if lagna lord and 10th lord both are


then native himself becomes head of his work, representative of his family/clan

and command pomp and power.



addition to Sun; Mars and Jupiter are somehow connected with higher

authorities. If there is a raja sambandh yoga then native enjoys the ministerial

position, and supervision of powerful and command boss. However, the raja

sambandha yoga does not necessarily make one minister of a king. The native may

be secretary or clerk but will serve someone in commanding authority e.g. head

of the department, general manager, COO, CEO, etc.



6) Knowing for Professional Knowledge


Mercury is not only a karaka of education but also a

significator of professional knowledge. Favourably placed Mercury which is

sambandhi to karmesh and karma karaka bestows skill and knowledge about the

work one adopts. Mercury when aspects or occupy 10th house, or associated with

10th lord shows an adept, skillful, and innovative professional. Company

chooses such guys to have skill enhancement courses and seminars. Such natives


also picked out by authorities as company spokesman. Having strong professional

knowledge they usually deliver presentations, produce manuals, and train


http://astroimran.blogspot.com///Love and regards,gopi.

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Dear Sreenadh ji,good enough.I agree with you totally.Just one thought though.If astrology is simple enough you dont have to write this much.Is it not?.......Love and regards,gopi. , "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Gopi ji, > Astrology is neither too complication nor too simple. It is a long and tedious study that makes an intuition possible - truth manifesting in a moment. Without systematic study of the details and complexity involved the flash of truth in a moment is NOT possible. I will clarity it with an example.> * Just think of the complexity involved in studying about "Amsayu" and its intricacies. We would be studying texts, referring many slokas, filling the gaps with our logical understanding and so on - it is a tedious work. > * BUT when once you master it; once you understand it; THEN it is very easy to see WITH ONE LOOK to understand whether the chart indicates long life or a short one! (That is the flash of the moment Bhaskar ji is pointing to). Why? If there is no malefic in Lagna, if there is not many planets in Drishyartha (especially in 12th), if there is not many combust planets we know that we don't have to apply deduction for malefic in lagna, deduction for placement in visible half, deduction for combustion etc - and the longevity will stay high. Similarly if some planets are retrograde, exalted, swakshetra or vargottama - we can simply see that many multiplications will apply and the longevity will stay high. It DOES NOT take much time! Just look at the horoscope and you can make an educated guess in a moment - whether the it is short or medium or long longevity chart! > Thus both you and Bhaskar ji is right. From the first perspective you are right; and from the second Bhaskar ji. It is the long and systematic study that makes the second possible. While doing the second as Bhaskar ji puts it - "because to predict one does not need a Chapter from a Book to write, but just a moment of deep concentration on what one is looking for." That is where he is right - absolutely. But then, you too is right from the first perspective. So let us conclude - taking the moderate view - "Astrology is neither too complication nor too simple". :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay Goel ji,> > if astrology is so simple why these simpletons still fail is what puzles> > me because they also fail in puzles(God knows about predictions).Can you> > please enlighten me?.....According to me astrology is not a joke of the> > MOMENT.Only jokes are momentery.> > Love and regards,> > gopi.> > , "vijay.goel"> > <goyalvj@> wrote:> > >> > > //because to predict one does not need a Chapter from a Book to write,> > but just a moment of deep concentration on what one is looking for.//> > >> > > Very True !> > >> > > Thanks>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,//Let us all be decent and give everyone their freedom

and space. Everyone cannot be the same, and decisions vary depending on

circumstances, and let us learn to respect everyone for what they are and based

on their creative contribution.//great spirit, Sreenadh ji//I hope that Gopi ji will understand this perspective. //i fully understand your perspective hence i did not respond to pokings as far as posible though they hurt....till my MARS pokes me.You know very well what mars is to virgo ascendants being one yourself.i always would like to speak the language of astrology only and nothing else in these groups since i believe they are meant for it.I know my beloved sat in my 2nd calls a spade a spade.I am helpless.......Love and regards,gopi. , "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Bhaskar ji and all, > All this is not required. I always discouraged PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGERS from participating in any such puzzles and quizes in groups in messages as well as in private communication. In case of Sunil ji, Bhaskar ji etc I always follow this norm - and there are numerous reasons for the same. But to identify those reasons at some point of life one should have been a professional astrologer - understanding comes from experience. If only one traversed the same path, then only one will know the difficulties and realities related to the same - otherwise not. > Since I know them, and understand them - since I was a professional astrologer once - I request all professional astrologer NOT TO PARTICIPATE in puzzles and quizzes. And forcing them so, or pinching them so for the same is against ethics. It is their freedom to decide not participate and contribute through other means in the group. Let us all be decent and give everyone their freedom and space. Everyone cannot be the same, and decisions vary depending on circumstances, and let us learn to respect everyone for what they are and based on their creative contribution. > I request Bhaskar ji NOT TO RESPOND to such statements, and leave it to us.> Ultimately for the group the contribution matters - and not what one choose to contribute. It is not only the quizzes and puzzles that matters (they are just the drops only) but also the huge amount of information that is shared and the doubts cleared. All of them together creates this great ocean of astrology - discussed in this group. I hope that Gopi ji will understand this perspective. > Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , "Bhaskar" bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear gopalakrishna ji,> > > > If You are talking or pointing towards me-> > > > Puzzles is all politics most of the time, and games of Players- Big> > Ones.> > > > In any case. I would reuest you to please check how many puzzles I have> > participated in last 3 years on various forums (About 15 astrological> > forums)and then come to such conclusions.> > > > Puzzles on forums are not the barometers or scales of judgement about> > astrologers knowledge . People like me spend not more than 2 minutes> > when doing puzzles on forums, for me it is a waste of time.> > > > If You feel that I must first win many puzzles and then comment on> > Astrology whether its simple or not simple, then I am sorry, in that> > case I would ask your identity first and the requisite qualifications to> > question me, and if met on par, then challenge for a puzzle to be> > brought in, and at least 10 of them for future predictions on important> > VIP's and then we will decide whether astrology is simple or not in> > hands of Experts.> > > > My contributions are well known in almost all the forums and there for> > one to read. I am sure I have made astrology simplier then what it was,> > to hundreds if niot thousands of seekers till date.> > > > I have already been presented on the worlds best websites of astrology> > and they are not fools to highlight my services. I have approached none> > of them to put me there, mind it.> > > > I have also been nominated for an international award for astrology> > where only 5 people are chosen from seperate vocations for the award.> > they are not fools to choose me, and neither cheap that should take> > money from me to nominate me.> > > > Anyways nothing much I must say. It sounds narcissitic.> > > > best wishes,> > > > Bhaskar.>

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Dear Sreenadh ji and the moderators,


My initial mail if checked one will find that it was not directed at any

individual at all, this much anyone without brains also can sense. Then

why should it elicit a response which is directed at an individual ?


Such playing games must not be allowed to anybody. This is the second

time that such a mail was approved and problem allowed to create and



I was only talking about the length of the article which Mr.Gopikrishna

presented and all i wrote was " This is too much " . Why the heavens had he

to come back attacking me with sarcasm ? And why should he feel ashamed

? That article was not written by him, and if I mentioned that it was

too much and gave my inputs in short, how does it tend to make someone

yellow ?


If they are helpless then they must go for nannies who baby sit, why are

the crying when hurt in an assembly of grown up people ? Where no one

even lifted a finger and rubbed on their bodies still they scream out ?


Attn : Neelamji , you allowed that mail directed at me, and now you must

allow this one to make the account clear, though this one is in response

and does not come out from a bucket which is torn from many sides and

dirty water flowing from everywhere.








, " gopalakrishna "

<gopi_b927 wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh ji,

> //Let us all be decent and give everyone their freedom

> and space. Everyone cannot be the same, and decisions vary depending


> circumstances, and let us learn to respect everyone for what they are

> and based

> on their creative contribution.//

> great spirit, Sreenadh ji

> //I hope that Gopi ji will understand this perspective. //

> i fully understand your perspective hence i did not respond to pokings

> as far as posible though they hurt....

> till my MARS pokes me.You know very well what mars is to virgo

> ascendants being one yourself.i always would like to speak the


> of astrology only and nothing else in these groups since i believe


> are meant for it.I know my beloved sat in my 2nd calls a spade a


> am helpless.......

> Love and regards,

> gopi.


> , " sreesog " sreesog@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar ji and all,

> > All this is not required. I always discouraged PROFESSIONAL

> ASTROLOGERS from participating in any such puzzles and quizes in


> in messages as well as in private communication. In case of Sunil ji,

> Bhaskar ji etc I always follow this norm - and there are numerous

> reasons for the same. But to identify those reasons at some point of

> life one should have been a professional astrologer - understanding

> comes from experience. If only one traversed the same path, then only

> one will know the difficulties and realities related to the same -

> otherwise not.

> > Since I know them, and understand them - since I was a professional

> astrologer once - I request all professional astrologer NOT TO

> PARTICIPATE in puzzles and quizzes. And forcing them so, or pinching

> them so for the same is against ethics. It is their freedom to decide

> not participate and contribute through other means in the group. Let


> all be decent and give everyone their freedom and space. Everyone


> be the same, and decisions vary depending on circumstances, and let us

> learn to respect everyone for what they are and based on their


> contribution.

> > I request Bhaskar ji NOT TO RESPOND to such statements, and leave it

> to us.

> > Ultimately for the group the contribution matters - and not what one

> choose to contribute. It is not only the quizzes and puzzles that

> matters (they are just the drops only) but also the huge amount of

> information that is shared and the doubts cleared. All of them


> creates this great ocean of astrology - discussed in this group. I


> that Gopi ji will understand this perspective.

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > , " Bhaskar "

> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear gopalakrishna ji,

> > >

> > > If You are talking or pointing towards me-

> > >

> > > Puzzles is all politics most of the time, and games of Players-


> > > Ones.

> > >

> > > In any case. I would reuest you to please check how many puzzles I

> have

> > > participated in last 3 years on various forums (About 15

> astrological

> > > forums)and then come to such conclusions.

> > >

> > > Puzzles on forums are not the barometers or scales of judgement

> about

> > > astrologers knowledge . People like me spend not more than 2


> > > when doing puzzles on forums, for me it is a waste of time.

> > >

> > > If You feel that I must first win many puzzles and then comment on

> > > Astrology whether its simple or not simple, then I am sorry, in


> > > case I would ask your identity first and the requisite

> qualifications to

> > > question me, and if met on par, then challenge for a puzzle to be

> > > brought in, and at least 10 of them for future predictions on

> important

> > > VIP's and then we will decide whether astrology is simple or not


> > > hands of Experts.

> > >

> > > My contributions are well known in almost all the forums and there

> for

> > > one to read. I am sure I have made astrology simplier then what it

> was,

> > > to hundreds if niot thousands of seekers till date.

> > >

> > > I have already been presented on the worlds best websites of

> astrology

> > > and they are not fools to highlight my services. I have approached

> none

> > > of them to put me there, mind it.

> > >

> > > I have also been nominated for an international award for


> > > where only 5 people are chosen from seperate vocations for the

> award.

> > > they are not fools to choose me, and neither cheap that should


> > > money from me to nominate me.

> > >

> > > Anyways nothing much I must say. It sounds narcissitic.

> > >

> > > best wishes,

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> >


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Dear Gopi ji,

Ha...Ha... You caught me here. ;)

//If astrology is simple enough you don't have to write this much.Is it


Actually the answer is (as you could see from the previous example) is not

that simple, and that is why I have to write this much. :) Apart from the factor

mentioned earlier, there are many other factors that make astrology complex. Let

me list some of them.

1) It is the 7-fold approach (Sign, House, Planet, Sign-House, Sign-Planet,

House-Planet, Sign-House-Planet) that sits at the core of astrology. This could

be simple. But just remembers the numerous, numerous EXTRA tools, dasas,

transits, various techniques that that clutter the circumference! Now again look

at astrology - we will agree 'certainly astrology is complex'!

2) Look at Prashna. Take an arudha (for example the sign in which the native

stands) as the starting point and predict just like you will do with a natal

chart based on current planetary position. The total concept of Prashna is based

on this alone! And we will agree Prashna is very simple. :) Now tool at the

numerous tools, techniques, muhurta considerations, sakunas and nimittas (omens)

etc that are considered and used extensively in Prashna. Certainly we all will

agree that Prashna is real complex and tough to master!

3) Take Muhurta. Select an auspicious time and do the work - the whole concept

of Muhurta is condensed in to one sentence! Muhurta is so simple! :) Now look at

the various Muhurta considerations like Yama, Nakshatra Muhurta, Tithi,

Ekargala, Kuyogas, Thithi Dagtha, Tithi Kupa, Vaidhriti, Lata etc etc. Consider

the intricacies associated with its application. Everyone will certainly agree

that Muhurta is the most complex and cumbersome subject to study and master -

certainly it is too complex!

The same goes for any branch of astrology. We tries the closer look, we all

gets trapped in details. And then certainly we feel like sitting at the bottom

of a well, and not like flying above in the sky. Then it is no more the eagles

view, but the frogs view. :) We need to have both - the eagles view and the

frogs view - at the same time to master the intricate details (which is

certainly complex) and the eagles view (that makes things look pretty simple and

straight forward) to master this subject of astrology and approach it and use it

in the best possible way. :)

I am the eagle and I am the frog - and I know that every good astrologer is

like that. :) I need to be the eagle to understand the broad picture and give

unnecessary importance to too much details - which might become irrelevant. I

should become the frog to know the details of the well structure with clarity -

with minuteness. :) As you could see, when I make the detailed study, analysis

and writing articles on astrology, then I am the frog sitting at the bottom of a

well, going to the details, but like an eagle flying above at times to provide

the info about the bigger picture as well. Or you can say really a frog - but

with wings. ;) But when I speak about the bigger picture, then I am eagle flying

high above the sky, and the well and the ups and downs and rivers and streams

not much relevant to me, but of course my eye can catch every movement of a

rabbit that hides in the bushes, and a fish that slips away in the steams. :)

Then I dive down to find the details to the river, to the well. You can say that

then I am eagle - that occasionally becomes frog to find the details of the

well, and a fish to know the streams. ;)

So now you tell me - do I have to write this much or not? If it is me who see

- like an eagle or like a frog - without writing how can I convey them to you?

For that I will have to write - right? :)

Now there could be a big pitfall that may happen to the experts as well - i.e.

Having the eyes of a frog while flying like an eagle; and acting like an eagle

while sitting inside the well like a frog. :) That is misplaced perspective -

which cannot be of help even to the experts. Look around - and you will see many

'experts' of this category as well. :)

Love and regards,



, " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927



> Dear Sreenadh ji,

> good enough.I agree with you totally.Just one thought though.If

> astrology is simple enough you dont have to write this much.Is it

> not?.......

> Love and regards,

> gopi.

> , " sreesog " <sreesog@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Gopi ji,

> > Astrology is neither too complication nor too simple. It is a long

> and tedious study that makes an intuition possible - truth manifesting

> in a moment. Without systematic study of the details and complexity

> involved the flash of truth in a moment is NOT possible. I will clarity

> it with an example.

> > * Just think of the complexity involved in studying about " Amsayu "

> and its intricacies. We would be studying texts, referring many slokas,

> filling the gaps with our logical understanding and so on - it is a

> tedious work.

> > * BUT when once you master it; once you understand it; THEN it is

> very easy to see WITH ONE LOOK to understand whether the chart indicates

> long life or a short one! (That is the flash of the moment Bhaskar ji is

> pointing to). Why? If there is no malefic in Lagna, if there is not many

> planets in Drishyartha (especially in 12th), if there is not many

> combust planets we know that we don't have to apply deduction for

> malefic in lagna, deduction for placement in visible half, deduction for

> combustion etc - and the longevity will stay high. Similarly if some

> planets are retrograde, exalted, swakshetra or vargottama - we can

> simply see that many multiplications will apply and the longevity will

> stay high. It DOES NOT take much time! Just look at the horoscope and

> you can make an educated guess in a moment - whether the it is short or

> medium or long longevity chart!

> > Thus both you and Bhaskar ji is right. From the first perspective

> you are right; and from the second Bhaskar ji. It is the long and

> systematic study that makes the second possible. While doing the second

> as Bhaskar ji puts it - " because to predict one does not need a Chapter

> from a Book to write, but just a moment of deep concentration on what

> one is looking for. " That is where he is right - absolutely. But then,

> you too is right from the first perspective. So let us conclude - taking

> the moderate view - " Astrology is neither too complication nor too

> simple " . :)

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

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