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There is no puja as effective as sincere prayer

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-Sreenadh OG11/26/09 05:23 pmAIAThere is no puja as effective as sincere prayer Dear All, Today while surfing the net I found a link which lead me to: http://www.ammas.com/a1/advisors/index.cfm?r=va & qid=154395 & cid=28079223 There I found a download link that provided me with the following file, the contents of which is pasted below. I don't know the name of the other, but I hope that you all will enjoy some of the points mentioned in it - so just sharing it with you all. Love and regards,Sreenadh ========================= For that first of all u must know what a horoscope/ astrology prediction is and how u can change it : Hora sastra says this : “The entire bundle of the fruits of Karma we would have acquired thru many, many births would be distributed to many , many births. A horoscope is that document which shows what part of this great bundle of Karmas we have to repay in this life “( Hora Sastra: Sloka 1:3 “. . . .. Karmaarjitham poorva –bhave sadaadi Yat-tasya panktim sam-abivynakti) Is there any way by which what is experienced by a person be different from what is seen in a horoscope ?? ? Or Is there a way to change the effects seen in one’s horoscope? ? Yes. If horoscope shows bad effects it is definitely due to bad action (asubha Karma)in the past life(s) If it shows good results then it is because of good actions (subha karmas ) With Subha karmas in THE PRESENT LIFE , it can manifest as good results in this life even if horoscope shows a bad effect. With asubha Karmas in this life , it can manifest as bad effects in this life even if horoscope shows a good result. : “yata jaatakataha prasno guna-doshir –vibidyatae Tata-asubha-subham vidhyaat karma-bedai-r-iha-aarjitai†(prasna-margam 1: 43) In short if one can have a good mind and heart and does actions which are good and acceptable, a lot of things can be changed. Especially that firm faith in God can help to change one ‘s natural fate is reliably said almost every where in the scriptures ( for eg: MAha Bhagavatam (4: 8: 40,41) The Srimad Bhagavatam has said this: That “ it is poorva puniyam that saves one when , In the heat of an argument , In the depth of a sorrow, When devoid of good sense, when away from home, In water, In the midst of a fire , On the top of a mountain, in the midst of enemies or in a forest . . . †Poorva puniyam is the puniyam that we have acquired till this present moment .. .it cannot show on a horoscope chart as it indicates previous births ( poorvam= the past = not of the the present ) Now please don’t believe that Bhagavatam is all crap and astrology is ok. . As said in the beginning astrology came from the same Rishis as the Bhagavatam Also , “when a person who has no grace of God falls , it is like a ball of mud… and when it is a person with God’s grace falls it is like a rubber ball . . . it bounces back †( Bharthru HAri: Neethi Subhashitam : Daiva padhathi:3“Yataa kanduka paathena-ulpathathy. . . â€) So that s it . Please see the following for some suggestions regarding increasing ur Puniyam : And remember everything can be changed by the grace of God. This is from the Sree MAha Bhagavatam (3:23:42) “Kim duraapadanam taesham pumsaam udhaama chetasaam Yae-r- asritaha –s-teerta-pada –s-charanaha-vyasnaatyayaha†The literal meaning of this : “What is it not possible for the person with the pure mind who depends on God completely . . .! ! “ The answer is “N O T H I N Gâ€. . . . . There is no pooja as effective as a sincere prayer from a pure heart & mind “Sharana-aagatha dheenaa-artha parithrana parayana. .†is how “ Devi †( the mother of the universe ) has been addressed by Adi Shankara , the greatest of all devotees , in the “Ambha Stuthi†The meaning of this is :“Oh Mother ! One who is a bent on (an expert in ) saving all who have come to u for protection . .. . †Adi Shankara is the one who has prescribed Pooja vidhis for many many temples in India. So fall at her feet . . . Shankara ACharya has said this in his “Bhavani Ashtakamâ€. . (.It should be a great solace for people who do not know poojas / mantras / slokas. ) "To give in offering I know not; Or to sit in meditation . I know not the tantras; Or the mantras; Not a pooja, Or a mudra; U Mother! Are my refuge , My only Refuge " But how can one reach her to address her : No where has it been said that God can understand only Sanskrit / That one can address God only in Sanskrit. The Indian Scriptures have Variously described how God reaches down to someone: . a. IN the Lalita Sahasranama Bhakta-soubhagya-dayini (117th name ): One who gives all fortunes to her devotee( everything that her devotee asks of her) Bhakti –priya (118t) : To whom untainted devotion is extremely dear Bhakti- vashya (119th) : One who is swept off her feet by devotion . b. In the Dhyana Sloka of vishnu sahsranama: -dhayangamyam†( reached by the yogis by Dyana) c. In chapter 11 of the Bhagvad Gita, Bhagvan, after showing his real form to Arjuna (the viswa-roopa) has stated very clearly : “But it is only thru un adulterated Bhakti alone that I can be seen & known & reached as u have been able to now. â€( Gita 11: 54) “ Not thru the Vedas or thru tapas or thru dhaana or thru yoga †â€( Gita 11: 53) (Arjuna was able to see Bhagvan as the whole world . . . that there was nothing but Him. .) Most people have a doubt whether speaking to God can only be done in Sanskrit. Remember people who have achieved similarly have all approached God thru their own language when there was necessity of a language: 1) Thulasi DAs called to RAma in his own Language. . & wrote the Tulsi Ramayana. 2) Meera the greatest of Krishna Bhaktas called to her Krishna in her own language 3) Kabirr Das also in his language. When words are necessary it is best to use words in the language that one know. But then word s are not always necessary.: Bhagvad Gita :9:26 Says this : “If it is with great devotion & a clean mind that (even ) a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water , is offered, I receive that devotee’s offerings with much happiness†Tulasi das in the Hanuman Chalisa has said about the same clean mind using th e words : “Ku-mathi nigrah†. . Means, kill everything in the mind that makes it unclean. Some of the ways suggested to make ones mind clean is: 1) Sajanna- samsarga / sat-sanga : means, have contact with people good at heart. ( This is mutually complimenting . .when one’s heart is pure one comes into contact with only people good at heart & when then happens the heart becomes more & more clean. . ) Remember when Hanumn was in Lanka the only person that he be friended was :ViBhishana , . it was impossible for him to be-friend any one else in an il & flooded with evil people.. 2) Listen to / be in a surrounding which is charged with Positive vibrations : For this best known way is to be in atmosphere where there is vedic chantings. At this period of time this is not at al difficult …since as u know there are numerous sites from where u can download P & its chanting these . But remember that chanting is very different from listening to it being chanted by people who know how to chant. . This is because these are all “Mantras†where words & notations are connected in such a way that by itself they can create a vibration . . but only if chanted the right way . SO it is best not to chant mantras without knowing it . . .Mantras have to be received from a Guru. Therefore when chanted properly they can produce positive vibration & its effects will be very easily seen within a very short period of time. . .there will be an order in one’s house which ws not there before & especially there will be a change in the surroundings. . for eg. The plants will be greener , etc 3) Slokas are recited so that the mind is kept clear of other things. But this can be achieved only by reciting them with full involvement . . & knowing what one is saying. What is intended to be achieved is to keep un-necessary thoughts & emotions to be kept off the mind. But repeatedly saying a Sloka can have the effect of a mantra. & again , if chanted wrongly a mantra can have a wrong effect. 4. Offer everything to God: Bhagvan in the Gita has said this : Chapter9:27 “Arjuna, What ever u do Whatever u eat Whatever u offer (in a pooja or homa) Whatever u give Whatever austerity u observe Do it For me & offer it unto me†If this is always in one’s mind it is impossible to let one mind’s be impure. . .How can one offer something that is not pure to God? ? a lie? ? an untruth? ? ?a dishonest action ? ? ? an insincere action ( word or deed)? ? ? This is one of the best ways of achieving clearness of the mind. . to ask one self whether what I think/ do is good enough to offer to God? ? . . with time one can see / feel one’s mind glowing with purity. . . If this answer has been useful u can open http://onlyifyouwish.googlepages.com/home on the side pane u ll find: 1) audio links to the Vedas MP3 . . keep it aloud when u are in ur house & when u are not 2) Vishnu-sahsranama / other Sanskrit texts. Don’t try to chant nt , unless u know the meaning. . if possible , listen so that it creates a vibration in u until one day it will come automatically 3)Links to meanings & audio of the Bhvani Ashtakam mentiond above. It is a very small stotra & not at all difficult to understand . & the music is extremely delightful to the ear especially if u know the meanings 4) Links to BHAgvad Purana; It is a Sanskrit pdf doc .Pl don’t worry if u cant read it / don’t know Sanskrit. . .It is supposed to be a great spiritual achievement even to be able to come across the Bhagvadam in one’s life. To be able read it, it is said , one requires a million births of puniya ( kodi JAnma puniyam). . . Most people believe that horoscope is a mere coincidence and related to placement of planets in the skies at the time of one’s birth. It s not. What ever seen in a horoscope of a person is the code which tells an astrologer about the part of the fruits of Karma in past lives , that one has to undergo in this life. (Hora Sastra Varahamihira: Sloka 1:3 “. . . .. Karmaarjitham poorva –bhave sadaadi Yat-tasya panktim sam-abivynakti) Horoscope shows bad effects, it is due to asubha Karma inpast life(s) If it shows good results then it is because of good actions (subha karmas ) With Subha karmas in PRESENT LIFE , it can manifest as good results in this life even if horoscope shows bad effect. With asubha Karmas in this life , it can manifest as bad effects even if horoscope shows good result. “yata jaatakataha prasno guna-doshir –vibidyatae Tata-asubha-subham vidhyaat karma-bedai-r-iha-aarjitai†(prasna-margam 1: 43) Therefore there is no short cuts to change one’s destiny except to enhance one’s puniya. Therefore to enhance puniya : This can be by good actions/ prayers/ poojas / yaagas. . . but with Bhakti ( devotion) Having good mind / heart /doing actions which are good and acceptable, is the way to change one s natural destiny. Innumerable are the people saying “we ve done this remedy . . . that remedy . . . everything suggested , but nothing has changed . . .†Astrology comes from the same rishis who wrote the scriptures: This is from Bhagavatha mahathmyam 2: 18 “Na thapobhi-r-na vedai-s-cha na jnaanaena-api karmanaa HAri-r-hi saadyathe Bhaktyaa pramaanam tatra gopikaaha†Meaning : "Neither thru tapa s, chanting the veda or from knowledge one gets from Vedas, or from karmas (like poojas and homas), is it possible to please HAri . Only thru “ bhaktiâ€( devotion). And for this Gopikas are example" Thru out the explanation of the scriptures it is Bhakti that has been up held , not chanting stotras and mantras , or performing poojas . Bhagavatha mahathmyam 2: 2: “Droupadi cha parithraathaa yaena kourva kasmalaath Paalithaa gopa-sundaryaa sa Krishna kua-api no gathaaha†Meaning: The Krishna who saved Droupadi from the evil deeds of the Kouravas and who looked after the Gopikas has nt gone any where . Neither Droupadi nor the Gpoikas have ever been heard of as having chanted a mantra or a stotra or doing a "pooja". For them every that they did was a pooja. Bhagavatha mahathmyam 2: 16, "yaeshaam chitae vasaeth bhakthi sarvadaa prema-roopinee Na tae pasyanthi keenaasam swapnae-api-amala-moorthayaha ...." Meaning : : . . in whose heart is there always devotion ( bhakti ) even in a dream they do not see destruction Therfore instead of doing individual poojas / karma s , best over all parihara is “hari- bhajan†which means praying from the bottom of ur heart . Bhajan is not “singing bhajansâ€. See explaination of Sloka 26 of the Bhagvad Gita on : http://astrojyoti.com/bg9theyogaofthekinglyscienceandthekinglysecret.htm “. Whoever offers Me with devotion and a pure mind (heart), a leaf, a flower, a fruit or a little water—I accept (this offering).†This would cover all dosha s in one's chart too. And if done effectively clear one of all one’sproblems Sree mad Bhagvatam: 1:1:15: “yat paada-samshrayaaha sootha ! Munaya pra-shama-aayanaaha Sadyaha punandi-upaspr’shtaaha swaardhunyaa-aapa-anusevaya†Meaning : “Oh sootha, those who think of God immediately attain cleansing of their sins. Those who go to the Ganga for cleansing, attain it , but with time . . †According to Indian scriptures , a dip in Ganga is the ultimate cleanser of sins . Sree maha Bhagavatha suggests : “Janma guhyam bhagavathoe ya aethath Prayathoe naraha Saayam praathu-r- gr’nnan B H A K T H Y A A dukha-graamaad-vimuchiyathae†1:2:29 Meaning “Who ever with with a very clean mind and full of devotion calls to God who is unknown to everyone, in the mornings and evenings, he is freed form all sorrowsâ€. The opening sloka of Sree mad Bhagvatam: says this: “………Thejo-vaari-mr’daam yatthaa vinimayo….†Which means: “. . Just like, light, water and mud which really are one and the same , are seen and thought as different from one another ,. . †Many 1000 s of years later, a 20th century scientist proved that matter and energy are really one and the same. Therefore, what is said in there does have a basis as much as everything said in the modern scientific word. Also see: http://onlyyourwish.googlepages.com……… to know how no relief may be got even after chanting the LAltha sahara nama for long periods of time. ..obviously because it was done without Bhakti. It is not chanting or not chanting ,or doing pooja or not doing pooja that matters . Everything depends on what is one’s mind/ one’s state of mind , while one chant / do pooja . In short , Bhakti is the basis of all pariharas/ prayaschitha s. =========================

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