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Effect of Ketu Maha-dasa & other Antar-dasa

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Dear Sir,

Can you comment on how a Ketu-Mahadasa affects a man in his career / family life. Ofcourse, we need to consider the Antar dasa also.

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Gaurav ji,I appreciate your scientific spirit. I am summarizing how I interpret horoscopes :(1) Firstly, I check Vimshottari.(2) Then I evaluate D1 and relevant divisional  with special reference to Vimshottari planets, at least upto 3-4 levels.

(3) Next I see Varshaphala and Maasaphala (not in Tadjik style),(4) If time permits I check gochar, including Ashtakavarga.(5) Other items are checked only when need arises.Ketu may be good in D1, bad in relevant divisional, mixed in Varshaphala, etc. All these exert their influences. It is difficult to sum up the final result for a particular moment. The crux of Astrology lies in the accuracy with which an astrologer can sum up the final result of all relevant charts. General rules for effects of Vimshottari planets, eg Ketu's MD and Sun's AD, can be seen in BPHS, for which I need not waste my time. But these general rules cannot overpower the peculiarities of an individual's horoscope. There are two important rules little understood by most of modern astrologers while judging Vimshottari :

(1) Most of the time a planet has both good and bad features. But both good and bad results are not given simultaneously. If Ketu is exalted in 8th house, it will give good results on account of its exaltation during the AD of its friendly planets, and it will give bad results due to its residence in 8th house during the AD of its enemies.

(2) But when we want an answer in binary language of yes or no, eg whether a boy will get through an exam or not, we must add up all good and bad features of all five levels of Vimshottari planets, and if goodness overwhelms badness the boy will get through, and vice versa.

(3) If Vimshottari planets are weaker than Varshaphala-Maasaphala planets then the latter will overpower the former.These are some of the salient points. If Suryasiddhantic mathematics is followed, Vimshottari is always accurate upto all 5 levels if birth-time is correct.

-VJ======================== ====On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 10:07 PM, <gauravghosh1979 wrote:








Dear Sir,

    Can you comment on how a Ketu-Mahadasa affects a man in his career / family life. Ofcourse, we need to consider the Antar dasa also.

as eg:




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