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[WAVES-Vedic] The Views of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet

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Dear friends,All the Rashis mentioned in the puranas are Sidereal as shown in the Vamana purana and no other purana had contradicted that. No purana ever said that the rashis are not sidereal. Let Jyotirved show a single statement if any purana specifically mentioned that the Rashis are not sidereeal. All the Rashis mentioned in the Puranas, as quoted by Jyotirved in his BVB6.doc, are sidereal. His assertions that the Rashis are not sidereal would not change what Vamana purana says about the rashis. The Vamana purana tells us which ar the nakshatras in a particular Rashi.. Puranas have not talked about Sayana rashi chakra. Jyotirved is shamelessly continuing your bluffs.Regards,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Tue, 12/1/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:Krishen <jyotirved [WAVES-Vedic] Re: The Views of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:22 AM





Dear friends,


Jai Shri Ram!


Shri Bhattacharjya has said, " No purana had ever said that the

Uttarayana day is the Makar Sankranti as the ancient rishis knew that

the Uttarayana shifts fron nakshatra to nakshatra (rashi to rashi) in

course of time. The Bhagavata Purana was recited before Parikshita in

the 31st century BCE and at that time Makar Sankranti was in the

Dakshinayana and any astronomer worth his salt qwill admit this.. I

mentioned that in my earlier mail and Jyotirved ignores that to his

convenience. Hope Ramji will not go on toleratingsuch bluffs after



Just to refresh Shri Bhattacharjya' s memory, I am quoting just a few

excerpts from BVB6.doc so that the forum members can see it for

themsleves that the Puranas and also the sidhantas talk invariably of a

so called Sayana Rashichakra when they say that on the day of Mesha

Sankranti day is equal to night and so on.


Jai Shri Ram.


******** ********



5. Puranas: I have already quoted hundreds of proofs with

chapter and verse in my Panchangas and other articles. It is no use to

repeat them here again. Suffice to quote a few only from a couple of

Puranas. First the Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68


ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah


tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram dvija



trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim


prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam



tato ratrih kshayam yati vardhate anudinam dinam



tatashcha mithunasyante param kashtham upagatah


rashim karkatam prapya kurute dakshinayanam



"In the beginning of Uttarayana, the sun enters

Capricorn (Makara Rashi) there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After

having passed through these three signs, it just gains vishuvati

(equinoctial) speed resulting in the day and night being equal on Mesha.

After that, nights start decreasing and the days increasing

correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is in the end of Mithuna Rashi,

i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering Cancer, the day is the

longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that date".


Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam to vibhavyete


Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri divam tu tat



Karkatavasthite bhanav dakshiyanamuchete


Uttarayanam api uktam makarasthe divakare



"In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes)

take place with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha (Aries)

respectively and days and nights become equal on those two sankrantis.

The entry of sun into Cancer (Karkata) is known as dakshinayana whereas

its entry into Maraka is known as Uttarayana"


Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6


yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada

vrishadishu panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante

hrasati cha masi masi ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4) yada

vrishchikadishu panchasu vartate tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti

(5) yavad dakshinayanam ahani vardhante yavad uttarayanam ratrayah



"When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on

those dates and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights when

the sun passes through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on

increasing and the nights decreasing by one ghati every month. (After

the day and night have become equal on Tula Sankranti) the nights keep

on increasing during the sojourn of five rashis of Vrishchika etc. In

short, during Uttarayana days keep on increasing till Dakshinayana and

after that nights keep on increasing".


Vishnurhdarmotarapu rana 3/8/6-8 says


tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad dinam uchete,


dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,


"When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva

i.e. days and nights are equal then. From the end of Dhanu (start of

Makara) Uttarayana starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of Karkata)

Dakshniyana starts"


Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate

references from Shivamahapurana: We just quote one 5/51/54 from this

Purana below:


madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida


tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…


"The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya

tritiya. One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets

immortal and thousand fold results)"


It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be

observed in (lunar) Madhava that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana

also Vaishakha does not have any other existence besides Madhava! Thus

the akshyaya tritiya that we observed in 2003 on May 4, was against all

the shastras since solar Madhava had ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava

on April 30! A similar situation is going to crop up in 2005. We will

be asked to celebrate Akshaya tritiya on May 12, when solar Madhava will

have ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava shukla paksha will start on

April 8, 2005 which means it should be celebrated actually on April 11,



Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya

Sidhanta, Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapur ana and Shiva

Mahapurana etc. etc. solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana viz

sun in Karkata, it starts on June 21 in 2004. The first shukla pratipat

after that is on July 18. Therefore, that is the day when the Lunar

Shravana starts in 2004 as per all the Vedas and Puranas etc. As such,

Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and Amarnath Yatra etc. should be

celebrated on July 31 in 2004. Why are our panchangakars asking us to

celebrate it on August 29 instead? Only because they treat the entire

Hindu society as ignorant fools who have no idea about the criteria of

any festivals! Or is it that the panchangakars do not know anything

themselves but are just copying from others like blind following blind?


End excerpt


******* *********



, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:


> Dear friends,


> Jyotirved gives another bluff when he says as follows"


> ///Â Â Surprisingly, all the Puranas and sidhantas (and not the

Vedas or the VJ!) call that very Uttarayana day as Makar Sankranti!Â




> No purana had ever said that the Uttarayana day is the Makar

Sankranti as the ancient rishis knew that the Uttarayana shifts fron

nakshatra to nakshatra (rashi to rashi) in course of time. The Bhagavata

Purana was recited before Parikshita in the 31st century BCE and at that

time Makar Sankranti was in the Dakshinayana and any astronomer

worth his salt qwill admit this.. I mentioned that in my earlier mail

and Jyotirved ignores that to his convenience. Hope Ramji will not go on

toleratingsuch bluffs after bluffs.


> Secondly since Jyotirved does not believe in Sidereal Makar

Sankranti he has no business to poke his long nose into the million

dollar question. Let the believers discuss such points and not



> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattachatrjya


> --- On Mon, 11/30/09, jyotirved jyotirved@.. . wrote:


> jyotirved jyotirved@.. .

> Re: [WAVES-Vedic] Re: The Views of Patrizia



> Cc: hinducalendar, "'subash razdan'" subashrazdan@ ...,

vedic_research_ institute,


> Monday, November 30, 2009, 5:57 AM








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Jai Jai Shri Ramji.I am appealing to you earnestly to tell the truth to Jyotirved that the definition of the Vamana purana is authentic and that the nakshatras are not imaginary. Avtar Krishen takes your name and so it is binding on you to remove his misunderstanding.PranaamYour devotee Sunil--- On Sun, 12/6/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:Krishen <jyotirved [WAVES-Vedic] Re: The Views of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet Date: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 7:00 AM



Dear friends,

Jai Shri Ram!

< All the Rashis mentioned in the puranas are Sidereal as shown in the Vamana purana and no other purana had contradicted that. No purana ever said that the rashis are not sidereal.>

Rashis are imaginary twelve equal animal divisions of twelve/thirteen unequal animal divisions of an imaginary circle called zodiac which ranges between nine degrees aboe and nine degrees below of yet another imaginary circle known as ecliptic. Thus those "equal aninmals" can neither be sidereal nor tropical!

The myth of nirayana and sayana rashis is also a creation of jyotishis without any scientic basis.

As such, if Shri Bhattacharjya believes that even the Pauranic rishis had no idea about rashi divisions being imaginary, that is his prerogative, and nobody can help him!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul


, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:


> Dear friends,


> All the Rashis mentioned in the puranas are Sidereal as shown in the Vamana purana and no other purana had contradicted that. No purana ever said that the rashis are not sidereal. Let Jyotirved show a single statement if any purana specifically mentioned that the Rashis are not sidereeal. All the Rashis mentioned in the Puranas, as quoted by Jyotirved in his BVB6.doc,  are sidereal. His assertions that the Rashis are not sidereal would not change what Vamana purana says about the rashis. The Vamana purana tells us which ar the nakshatras in a particular Rashi.. Puranas have not talked about Sayana rashi chakra. Jyotirved is shamelessly continuing your bluffs.


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




> --- On Tue, 12/1/09, Krishen <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:


> Krishen <jyotirved@. ..>

> [WAVES-Vedic] Re: The Views of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet


> Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:22 AM



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