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Naming a child as per vedic astrology.

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Dear Members,Please find how to change name or name a child as per vedic astrology.



to Name a Jataka


1).Find rashi in 1st ,4th ,5th

,10th ,and 11th , to moon, lagna and arudha lagna.

2).From the above rashi`s choose the rashi`s common

in all the 3 lagna`s or in 2 powerfull lagna among the 3 lagna`s. Choose

Sarvaastaka Varga scores for the selected rashi and choose rashi which have more than 28

points if possible.

3). From the selected rashi`s from step – 2 find the

strongest sign by finding the strength of lord of the sign and the planets

placed in those signs in D-1,D-9,D-10 and Jagannath D-3 charts .

4).List the stars of these signs and see if they are

from sampat, kshema, sadhaka, mitra and adhimitra group. For finding the birth

star consider lagna star if moon is strong and moon star if lagna is strong.








5).From the above chosen stars count up to your moon

star and ensure that the moon star is within 1st 7 and 3rd

7 stars including abhijeet star.

6).Now from the above chosen star alphabets from

step 5 , check the name as per the Katayaadi method given below:-







Write the word of the name and remove the incomplete/half



II. The numerical value of the letters should be written sequentially as per

the above table. If the name starts with “0â€, it must not be ignored.


III. The number so obtained should be reversed.


IV. Divide this reversed number by 12. The reminder shall show the rasi ruled

by the name. If the reminder obtained is “0â€, then 12 becomes the reminder. The

remainder when counted from Aries gives the sign on which the name has

predominant influence.


The Rasi so obtained becomes the name Arudha of the person and shows how he is

perceived by those who call him by a particular name. This can be judged when

we see how the different planets are placed from the name arudha and find out

the influences of the conjunctions, aspects etc.


The Moon is the sustainer of the Arudha and when Moon is placed in the trines

or 12th from the Name Arudha, the native gains from the name. However, Moon

should never be placed in the 8th from the Arudha. Such placement of Moon is

called Chandrastama and is very damaging to the Arudha, which shows that the

native shall get into troubles, trial and tribulations, if such things happen

in his horoscope.


V. Divide the reversed no. by 9. The reminder so obtained shall show the predominating

planet influencing the name.


1- Sun, 2- Moon, 3- Jupiter, 4- Rahu, 5- Merc, 6- Venus, 7- Ketu, 8- Saturn, 9-



If the Sign,

selected by the above process is Chara Rasi (Movable Sign), then two phonemes

should be selected. If the Sign is Dwisvabhava (Dual), then select three

phonemes name. However, if the sign arrived at is Sthira (fixed), then four

phonemes should be selected.


The Name

chosen should have a benefic influence on the native. Thus if the name is

related to the name of Ista, then each time the native is called by the name,

this would remind him/ her of their Ista Devata and hence would be highly




7).Calculate the name numbers of the selected names as

per the Chaldean system given below:-













































































8).Calculate your moolanka which is total of your

birth day and then find bhygaanka which is total of your birth date.

9).Among the selected names the name number the name

number should be on the basis of following table and lucky number should be of

the planet which has high shad bala:-












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10).Ensure that the Integral name number total is auspicious.

Integral name number results are mentioned below. The Same rules will apply for

lucky mobile number , house number , lucky share etc.

11). In case of mobile number please follow the

following rules also.

a).Total of your mobile number should be on your

lucky number and have the same result of Integral name numbers as mentioned

below. Odd and even numbers should be equal in number to balance male and

female energy.

b).Double and triple resonance at the end is auspicious i.e 88 , 888 etc. But do not

exceed triple resonance as its creates bad energies.

c).1,2,3,6,7,8,9 are auspicious numbers . 4 and 5

are inauspicious numbers even if they are your lucky numbers if they are used

in single digit with other numbers than 5 . i.e 4678900 or 5678900 are

inauspicious where as 45678900 or 54678900 are ok .

Double and

triple use of 4 and 5 is ok if its among your lucky number and used in

end of the mobile number. In starting its average in case of double and bad if

used in middle .In triple it can be use any where.

d). 0 at the end and starting of the number nullify

the effect of that particular number . i.e 040 or 080 nullify the negative and

positive effect of 4 and 8 respectively. So in case you have unlucky car number or house number use 0 or small dot to

nullify its bad effect. Dot color should be on the color of the planet whose

effect is to be nullified. Sun and Mars red , Moon and Venus white , Mercury

green , Jupiter yellow or Sky Blue , Saturn Black , Rahu Navy Blue , and Ketu


Effect of name number 1

Integral Name Number = 10


you will have good self-control and will be

brimming with self-confidence. You will be highly disciplined.

You will have immense fame and comforts. You will be above want

and free from many a worry. You will have a contented

life, according to Numerology Forecast..


Integral Name Number = 19


you will lead a pure life. You will look younger

than what you are. You will be highly enthusiastic even in old age.

You will have a happy marital life.. Mental purity will take you to

ultimate victory.


Integral Name Number = 28


your life will be meteoric. But you may lose all

in the latter part of life. The money which

you give will not be

returned to you. You will have to face many obstacles & hindrances

in the journey of life. 28 is an unfortunate number.


Integral Name Number = 37


this is considered a fortunate number. Even though

your birth is in obscurity you will rise to dizzy heights. You will

be successful in love. Your life will be marked by enjoyment & all

sorts of comforts. Your appearance will be attractive and gait will

be elegant. You will have fame and love for arts. But this number

has a drawback even if they are rich in the first half of life they

will have to face penury in the latter half.


Integral Name Number = 46


this is a number which can take you to the top.

As time progresses & age takes its toll your fame and wealth also

increases. You will be involved in governmental service. You will

be pure hearted & highly disciplined. You will have professional

enhancement as your skill brings you high reputation.


Integral Name Number = 55


this number indicates courage. You will have int-

llectual wealth. Your ideas are innovative and creative and which

are not known to others. If you cannot implement those innovative

ideas and skills you will have problems

with the mind. This is a

number which is involved in creation & destruction.


Integral Name Number = 64


you are basically an altruist. You will have a lot

of friends. Enemies increase. You will have a high ranking job. You

will be very clever & intelligent. Your expertise & gift of the gab

or the divine gift of articulate speech will stun everybody.


Integral Name Number = 73


you will have uncommon mental strength. You will

rise slowly and steadily and will become a rich man with immense.

Effort. You will be able to achieve your objectives without anyone

knowing about it. You will earn laurels from the government. If you

lose your credibility you will fall into the abyss of destruction.


Integral Name Number = 82


this is a number which can take you to the top.

This is the number which requires maximum obedience from others.

You will be blessed with firm determination. Your looks will have

tremendous attractive power. Love affairs can put you in trouble.


Integral Name Number = 91


you will lead a noble life. With yogic techniques

& self control you will increase health. You will indulge in export

business. You will have the discriminative intellect in whatever

activity you indulge in, as per Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 100


your activities will not fail. You will have imm-

ense wealth. You will lead a peaceful life. Your life will not be

tormented by crises.


Effect of name number 2



Integral Name

Number = 11

your life will be marked by crises. But then with

Grace Divine you will overcome all obstacles. You will emerge trium-

phant in whatever activity you indulge in. If you lose faith in God

your happiness will take a beating.


Integral Name Number = 20


these people will inspire others and gain a lot

of great things. You will be able to administer medicine. You are

capable of influencing everything. If you are selfish your life

will be miserable. You have to incorporate the spirit of sacrifice as per

Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 29


you will be involved in legal disputes. You will

have to suffer being trapped in many a crisis. Friends & relatives

will not help you in your hour of need. You won't have much mental

peace at home also. Bhakthi Yoga is the only remedy for them.


Integral Name Number = 38


you will be pure at heart & a pacifist. Even the

mighty will come to you & respect you. You will have fame & power.

But you will never have a peaceful life. You will have many pro-

blems. The decisions which you take will surprise everybody.


Integral Name Number = 47


There is a possibility that diseases of the

eyes may catch you. But you will be able to stabilize life before

your eyesight becomes feeble. Vegetarian life faith in the Lord &

equal love for all beings -these qualities will save you from many

a misery, according to Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 56


you will be a master of many sciences. You will

have wealth & fame. You will be crooked & interested in the mach-

iavellian tactics. You will master magic & the occult. You will

win all & capitalize on that circumstance. Ultimately all your

crookedness will fail. There is a possibility that you may lose all.


Integral Name Number = 65


these people will tread the path celestial. You

will have a life full of contentment & peace. Due to many an adve-

rsity your body may be bruised. You will have the help of friends.


Integral Name Number = 74


you will be interested in religious affairs.

Financial crises will not leave you. This number even though not

good for material prosperity is conducive to spiritual prosperity.


Integral Name Number = 83


you will be successful in life. You will gain

the respect of all. You will have a high rank and regal comforts.


Integral Name Number = 92


you will be endowed with many innate gifts. You

will have savings & a majestic life. You will comfort all and humo-

our all and will lead a noble life.


Integral Name Number = 101


Even though this is not a great number you will

have many benefits from government. You will run many institutions.

But you may not get the rewards for your hard work. Even then you

will survive. Your life will be marked by many ups and downs.




Effect of name number 3


Integral Name Number = 12


You will win all by the gift of the gab. Your

life will be contented. The ups and downs of life its vicissitudes

its failures & successes its joys and sorrows will not upset the





Integral Name Number = 21


you will be selfish. You will suffer a lot and

win success ultimately. You will get happiness only after middle age.

You will be able to bear the cross of life patiently. You will be

able to amass largesse.


Integral Name Number = 30


you will have occult knowledge. You will have

thinking power. You will indulge in every affair even when you know

that it will not yield the desired results. You will not be

a fortune hunter. You can only taste success if you can

control your mind.


Integral Name Number = 39


you will be hard working. You will not be able

to enjoy whatever you have earned. Those who are near you will get

the benefit of your efforts. Even then you will not be destroyed.

With hard work you will be able to survive. Health condition will

not be all that good. You may have to face skin diseases.


Integral Name Number = 48


you will be an altruist helping many. You will

be highly charitable. Your life will be marked by many crises. Fate

will be adverse to you. You will indulge in activities which do not

suit you and ultimately you may have to struggle as a result.


Integral Name Number = 57


you will start all activities well. You will

not be graced by success initially. Ultimately you will have to

fall into the pit of defeat. This is a number which denotes care-



Integral Name Number = 66


you will have a good life. You will achieve all

that you crave. You will indulge in the pleasures of the mundane.

You will have love for the arts. You will be famous as an orator.

You will have good income.




Integral Name Number = 75


you will indulge in writing books and poetry.

You will lead a majestic life with a lot of admirers, as per Numerology



Integral Name Number = 84


you will have a lot of enemies. You will gain

happiness only after middle age. You will indulge in foreign travel.

You will gain as a result of that. But you will not gain the reward

of your efforts. You will shine in spiritual affairs.


Integral Name Number = 93


you will be a genius in all many fields. You

will gain the love and respect of all. You will be knowledgeable

and famous. Only money will not come to you as knowledge.


Integral Name Number = 102


this is not a great number. You will not have

much self-confidence. You will not be free from anxiety. If you su-

cceed in certain fields you will have to face defeat in other

fields. The only refuge is to turn to Philosophy & Religion.

Effects of Name Number 4

Integral Name Number = 13


Even though you may have regal life you will not

have much mental peace. You will suffer due to the machinations of

women. Dolorous events will come to you unexpectedly. Even though

you are not interested you will have to indulge in activities which

harm others. This is not a good name number.


Integral Name Number = 22


you are highly emotional by nature. Gambling

intoxicants-these fill you with interest and admiration. Even then

you will not be subservient to anybody. Because of your efficiency

you attain to fame, as per Numerology Forecast. .




Integral Name Number = 31


you love to lead an independent life. You will have

expertise in the occult sciences. You will lack clear goals. You will

be elated in victory. You will have to face unexpected events. You

will take sudden decisions.


Integral Name Number = 40


you will have high ranking job. Fame and rank

will come after you. The ways to wealth also will come to you. But

then your minus points also come to the fore. You will be ready for

any adventure. But the end of your life will be pathetic. The world

has not understood you properly - this will be your complaint.


Integral Name Number = 49


you will amass largess due to not hard work but

due to other methods. You will have fame & name. Your life will be

tumultuous & full of unexpected events. You will be deemed lucky.

You will have to face many a crisis. You will escape by Grace Divine.


Integral Name Number = 58


you will be a revolutionary. You will attain

fame. Whatever activity you indulge in you will emerge victorious.

Your rise will be meteoric. You will be proud and humanistic. You

will live according to social laws.


Integral Name Number = 67


you will work like a horse. You will be known

as an artist. You will have the help of others. You may suffer after

being inveigled in love affairs. If you are selfish you will have to

bear loss and humiliation, according to Numerology Readings. .


Integral Name Number = 76


you will have to bear loss. You will attain to

peace by thinking that it is not yours. You will be victorious

after indulging in social activities. You will create favorable

circumstances and lead a comfortable wealthy life. In the latter

half of life you may become lazy.


Integral Name Number = 85


after tremendous trials and tribulations you will

emerge victorious in the battle of life. You will reach a position

will all beings respect. Most of the people born under this number

will be altruistic. Your aim will be the alleviation of human



Integral Name Number = 94


you will do a lot of altruistic deeds and become

famous thereby. Even if you die people will remember you for your

contributions to humanity. This number is very fortunate spiritual-



Integral Name Number = 103


this is a lucky number. Your life will be marked

by many clashes.. You will have to change your profession & you will

have material prosperity. You will lead a noble life.


Effects of Name Number 5


Integral Name Number = 14


you will shine in business and industry. You

have to beware of accidents and lightning. You have to be careful

while indulging in love affairs.


Integral Name Number = 23


you will be victorious in all fields. What many

find impossible is easy to you. Your activities will surprise many.

You have to do something all the time. To sit quiet is impossible

to you.


Integral Name Number = 32


you will have the love and regards of all. You

will have high ideals deep thinking and good principles. Your acti-

vities will gain glory for the land. You will be fond of humor.

Even in old age you may appear young. You will shine as the lamp

of knowledge.


Integral Name Number = 41


you will have high ambition. You will have the

power to attract many. You will win in all the activities you in-

ulge in. Even if you taste defeat you will not show it at all. You

will become famous.


Integral Name Number = 50


you will exhibit deep thinking which is capable

of solving all problems.You will shine if you are in the education-

al or research department. You will be victorious in all that you do.

If you indulge in some other trade you will be successful after 50.

Generally these people have longevity and intellectual power.


Integral Name Number = 59


you will be fond of humor. You will be skilled in

literary creations. Due to literary talents you will gain economi-

cally. You may have trouble from asthma.



Integral Name Number = 77


you will attain to prosperity due to self-confidence

& enthusiasm. You will have enough attractive power to attract every-

body. You will become famous. But if you don’t have faith in God these

effects will be adverse.


Integral Name Number = 86


you will climb the ladder of progress by dint of

your hard work. You will have help from others. You will lead a cont-

ented life.




Integral Name Number = 95


you will be known for your valor.. Your oratory

will be the cause for fame. You will make money by trading in mach-



Integral Name Number = 104


you will do a lot of good things and gain fame

and name. You will lead a noble life. You will not do anything per-

manently. You will stop in between and do some other job. That job

will not be permanent either. The first half of life will be plea-

sant to you.

Effects of Name Number 6



Integral Name Number = 15


you will be blessed with a lovely face and tre-

mendous oratorical prowess. You will be selfish by nature. You will

always achieve your ends by hook or crook. You will lead a comfort-

able life with all enjoyments. You will be indulging in trades in

which the gift of the gab is used, as per Numerology Forecast.


Integral Name Number = 24


you will have a high ranking job. You will get

promotion and elevation in status. You may serve the military or

Law. You will have a partner who is richer than you.


Integral Name Number = 33


you will a worshipper of Mother Nature. You will

be an expert in Thanthra. Your wealth will only increase.


Integral Name Number = 42


Even though your financial growth may not match up

to your rank there will be elevation of status. You will try to

amass largesse by the practice of thrift. You will have mental

strength. You will have Divine Grace. You will not have any miserl-

iness when it comes to hedonism.


Integral Name Number = 51


from obscurity you will reach the pinnacle of glory.

You will attain fame. You will have enemies. You will have physical



Integral Name Number = 60


you will be a pacifist and love equanimity of mind.

Your scholarship will be immense. You will have love and taste for

all the arts. Your domestic life will be marked by contentment and

peace. You can win any argument by the power of speech. You will

gain accumulated property. You will lead an independent life.


Integral Name Number = 69


you will attain to progress due to hard work and

perseverance in that field. You will be known as an industrious per-

son. You look majestic. Others will respect you and fear you. Your

voice will be musical and nice. You will lead a regal life, as per Numerology

Readings. .


Integral Name Number = 78


you will be interested in religious affairs. You

will have good qualities. You will be an excellent conversationalist.

You will have knowledge of the occult. You will have medium wealth.


Integral Name Number = 87


you will have wealth. But this may not be via

straight forward means. You will be interested in Thanthra.


Integral Name Number = 96


you will have educational wealth as well as

largesse. You will have the highest fortune of beauty. Women will

fall for you hook line and sinker. You will have success in all

aspects of life. You will have mental strength and artistic talent.


Integral Name Number = 105


You will reach a high status due to high educa-

tion. You will have fame and wealth. You will be liberal by nature.

You will have circumstances which are favorable. You will be won

over by love. You will have a domestic life full of contentment.


Effects of Name Number 7


Integral Name

Number = 16


you will reach the pinnacle of glory and also

will be hurled into the abyss of dissolution in the end. Therefore

you will attain vairagya or nonattachment and become a philosopher

in the end.


Integral Name Number = 25


your life will be marked by many trials and

tribulations. Only after battling with the barriers to success can

you emerge successful.Ulitmately your life will be full of virtues.

You will not move away from the chosen path. After overcoming all

the trials of Fate you will shine like melted gold. You will have

the goodwill of people and spiritual knowledge.


Integral Name Number = 34


Even though you may lead a contented life

mental peace will be lacking. You will subject to the fascination

of intoxicants.


Integral Name Number = 43


You will lead a revolutionary life. You will have

enemies. As time progresses & you become more mature your shrewdness

also will increase. You will not sit in any position. You will have

creativity oratorical prowess and innovative ability.


Integral Name Number = 52


you will be a lover of God. You will gain goodwill

and respect of the people even though life will be full of sorrows.

You can solve any problem easily. One lifespan will not be enough

for you to execute all your plans.




Integral Name Number = 61


your life will be marked by many ups and downs

successes & failures. Even then you will have high fame. Sometimes

you will have to move away from a comfortable life to some other

environment. The latter half of life will be more auspicious.


Integral Name Number = 70


you will be a revolutionary. You may lose comfor-

table circumstances. You will have prosperity after middle age.

All the time there may be circumstances which depress you and

make you suffer, as per Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 79


from obscurity you will rise to the top. You will

be liked by all and will have the patronage of all.. You will have

wealth and influence if not fame.


Integral Name Number = 88


your heart will be full of universal love. You will

gain spiritual knowledge. You will have success in all spheres. Your

compassion will surprise many, according to Numerology Forecast.


Integral Name Number = 97


you will do miraculous deeds. You will be spirit-

ually inclined. You will be a scholar in many a science. You will

be successful in all ventures..


Integral Name Number = 106


your life will be miserable till middle age. After

that the atmosphere will be somewhat better. Even then small small

problems surface. Your faith in God will decrease. Avarice will mark

you for her own.




Effects of Name Number 8

Integral Name Number = 17


you will have to face many trials and tribu-

lations.You will not be heartbroken despite the severest adversity

you will overcome all obstacles by dint of your hard work. You

will have fame and wealth. You will do a lot of good for your land

and that fame will live for posterity.

Integral Name Number = 26


whatever activities you do will end in defeat.

You will have to work hard for money. You will be an idealist in

the initial stages of life. After some time you will renounce those

ideals and a live a loose life. At the last phase of life you will

rectify your mistakes and lead a peaceful life.


Integral Name Number = 35


you will have a lot of wealth. But your friends

will lose it all. These people will not earn wealth through strai-

ghtforward means. You will have to face many adversities. Even if

you escape from that you will be subjected to diseases.


Integral Name Number = 44


you will indulge in activities which relate to

cinema theatre lottery service photo studio etc. You will gain

wealth via straightforward means. You will be doing economic crimes

before the government. Some of these people will be languishing in

jail, according to Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 53


you become strong as age increases. You can

convert defeat into success. You will be trapped by the vicious trap

of life. The latter half of life will give them some relief.


Integral Name Number = 62


your domestic life will be marred by clashes. But

you have the ability to convert even hostile enemies into your

friends. But you will become a failure before your relatives.




Integral Name Number = 71


this is a fortunate number. You will have the capa-

city to lead others on to the Right Path. You will be born in a

middle class family. You will attain to fame by dint of your hard



Integral Name Number = 80


you will be a philosphic scholar. Your life will

be full of miracles. Your life will be marked by many crises. You

will escape from such traps and emerge successful in the battle of



Integral Name Number = 89


you will attract all and respect all. Women will

love you. You will have compassion for all and help others. You

will be free from fear. Your body may be bruised in early life.


Integral Name Number = 98


you will be a scholar. But you will be a lamp

in a pot. Your life will be full of miseries and sorrows. You may

also be subject to diseases.


Integral Name Number = 107


Even though you are famous you may be insulted

by women. Even though you are rich you may not have food in time.

The respect which you earn from people will be difficult to be

got from home. You will have to lead an unhappy life despite

material comforts, as per Numerology Readings


Effects of Name Number 9


Integral Name Number = 18


you will be selfish by nature. Your life will

be marked by miseries and sorrows. You will be to subject to

the tyranny of emotions. If you indulge in love affairs it will end

up in failure. If you can control your anger you will rise high.


Integral Name Number = 27


you will have a high ranking job. Your assets

will increase automatically. You will save those who are in crisis.

You will attain to prosperity due to tireless efforts & hard work

you will be an adept in Thanthra.


Integral Name Number = 36


you will be an instant success if you go abroad.

You will have a big circle of friends. But you will not have anybody

who is really trustworthy. Even if you live a noble life your

domestic life will be marked by discontent.


Integral Name Number = 45


you will not show what is on mind. You will not

attain to prosperity due to hard heavy work. You will have the

innate ability to convert even your enemies into your friends. You

will have a high ranking job and you earn the respect of many. You

will be successful in whatever you do.


Integral Name Number = 54


Even though you are confronted by failures there

will be progress step by step. You will be successful in the initial

stages of life. You will get peace on old age. Selfishness & adaman-

tine nature will harm you in the long run.


Integral Name Number - 63


Even though this is a fortunate number this will

not be useful for good purposes. You will earn money through dubious

means. Mind will always indulge in Machiavellian tactics. You will

not get mental peace. You will have to find out methods not to be

caught, according to Numerology Forecast. .


Integral Name Number = 72


the property which you accumulate will be enjoyed

by many generations. Money will come to them automatically. There

will be influx and not out flux. You will know the value of money

from early childhood. As age progresses prosperity also increases

in the family.


Integral Name Number = 81


you will indulge in the scholastic profession. You

will have money and fame. You will earn bad name due to trivial

things. You have to be very careful in the future.


Integral Name Number = 90


you will have to burn the midnight oil to attain

to success in life. But then you will ultimately reach a good posi-

tion due to heavy hard work. You will not be careful about the

situation. You are blunt and offensive. Your marital life will be

happy, as per Numerology Readings.


Integral Name Number = 108


your calculations will not fail. You will get

rewards commensurate with your efforts. You will be adventurous &

famous. You will be good at sports.


Example :- Visti Larsen 21st November 1981 06:08:52 Narobi Kenya.

Moon Sign :- Virgo, Lagna :- Scorpio and Arudha Lagna :- Aquarius

Rashi in Kendra , Trine and 11th to above are :- 2nd with SAV of

28. Uttra Phaguni is chosen as Birth star so Rohini is his Sampat Star

and his names first letter Vi is there.

As per the Katayaadi method his name value for Visti Larsen is 4

6 3 2 7 0 . now reversing it and dividing it by 12 and 9 we got Cancer as his

Name Arudha and moon is 3rd from it and Rahu as his key planet. His

best stars are Sathisbiksa and Poorvabhadrapada.

His moon star is 9th from is name star so its not auspicious

for him as its leads to poverty and losses and more over his name has only 2

phonemes .

Visti`s moolank is 3 and bhyaanka is 6 so his lucky numbers are 1 and 9 and

his name total adds to 36/9 as per the Chaldean System which is good for him

but 3and 6 combination is not good as Jupiter and Venus are 2 un meeting

ends of a river so he can go for name number 27 which is best for 9 as

lucky number and if he do not want to change his name then he should use

Moon things because moon is the one which exalts Jupiter and got exalted in

Venus`s sign .

Result for Visti`s Integral name number is that if he , visti will be an

instant success if he goes abroad. He will have a big circle of friends. But he

will not have anybody who is really trustworthy. Even if he live a noble life

his domestic life will be marked by discontent.



Raju Gupta


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