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FW: Justification of Divisional Longitudes (Transit of Nakshatra..)

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Dear All, Howmany of you would like to answer following view? PVR's view regarding the same is fully erroneous and is against the opinion of all sages (including sage parasara) in my perspective.Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr wrote: Namaste friends, Parasara mentioned planets in exaltation in divisional charts. Even in tradition, we consider it. For example, a planet that is debilitated in rasi and exalted in navamsa is considered to have neecha bhanga. How can one define exaltation of a planet in a divisional chart, without having the concept of longitude in the divisional chart??? Unfortunately, people use many approximations to the teachings of rishis today. They assume that planets are exalted in entire signs. But that is NOT what Parasara taught. Moon is in exaltation only in the first 3 deg of Taurus and not entire Taurus. Mercury is in exaltation only the first 15 deg of Virgo and not entire Virgo. In order to see if Moon or Mercury is in exaltation in navamsa or another divisional chart, one MUST know the longitude of the planet in that divisional chart. It is not enough to know that Moon is in Taurus. One needs to know if he is in the first 3 deg of Taurus! If there is nothing called divisional longitudes, one cannot talk about exaltation of planets in divisional charts such as navamsa. * * * When teaching the special graha drishtis based on "bhavas", Parasara taught that Mars has full aspect on 4th and 8th houses from him, Jupiter on 5th and 9th houses from him and Saturn on 3rd and 10th houses from him. Then he clarified further and gave clear formulas to quantify the extent of aspect from a planet on various points of the zodiac. The formulas clearly establish that 90-120 deg from Mars is the 4th house from Mars, 210-240 deg from Mars is the 8th house from Mars, 120-150 deg from Jupiter is the 5th house from Jupiter and so on. Unfortunately, as I said before, people use many approximations to the teachings of rishis today. If Mars is at 27Ge43, they assume that 4th house from Mars is entire Virgo. But that is NOT what Parasara taught. If Mars is at 27Ge43, then 27Vi43-27Li42 is the 4th house from Mars. (Note: This also explains why Parasara recommended making separate bhava chakras from lagna, Sun, Moon etc. If entire signs are bhavas, one can make one chart and keep rotating it. There is no need to really make different charts. But, if house of a planet depends on the longitude of reference and longitude of planet, then it makes sense to make multiple charts and keep them handy.) Now, Parasara mentioned placement of planets in divisional charts in houses from various references. As a simple example, there is a reference to a planet placed in various divisions in a quadrant from "svaarudha". As the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses from a reference depend on its exact longitude, one cannot determine if Sun in D-9 or Moon in D-10 or Jupiter in D-12 is in a quadrant from "svaarudha" unless one knows the exact longitudes of Sun in D-9 or Moon in D-10 or Jupiter in D-12. * * * When we say that Moon in navamsa is in Libra, it is not a special abstract Libra. It is the same Libra that was described by Parasara in the chapter on rasis. Planets of rasi chart are physical points in zodiac that can be correlated to physical objects. Planets of navamsa (and other divisional charts) may not have a physical representation, but they are abstract *points* that are placed at various positions in the same zodiac! If Moon in navamsa is in Libra, the question arises "where in Libra". In fact, Parasara did not really teach making navamsa chart, dasamsa chart etc. He taught finding the "rasi Sun", "rasi Sun", "navamsa Sun", "navamsa Moon", "dasamsa Sun", "dasamsa Moon" etc as points in the zodiac containing 12 rasis. * * * If one studies Parasara carefully or peruses the above pointers with intellectual honesty, one can see why divisional longitudes are justified and needed. Finding them is straight-forward. Suppose Moon is at 22Ar00 physically, i.e. in rasi chart. As 20Ar00-23Ar20 is mapped to Libra in navamsa, Moon in navamsa is in Libra. As 3 deg 20 min of rasi chart is mapped to 30 deg in navamsa chart, each deg of rasi chart is mapped to 9 deg in navamsa. Moon is advanced by 2 deg in the 3 deg 20 min physical arc of Aries that is mapped to Libra in navamsa. Multiplying by 9, he is at 18 deg in Libra. * * * Some people may be uncomfortable that this opens a lot of messy questions. For example, do we find AK based on longitudes in rasi chart only or use longitudes in divisional charts? Do we find nakshatras, sarvatobhadra chakra, nakshatra dasas etc based on longitudes in rasi chart only or use longitudes in divisional charts? If one does not think straight or research thoroughly, it is easy to draw wrong conclusions. There is no hurry to answer these questions. It is possible that nakshatras or chara karakas found based on a divisional chart have a subtler purpose but we need to find them based on rasi chart alone for the purposes we are used to. In any case, rejecting the concept of divisional longitudes altogether because there are some unresolved and complicated questions that perhaps need more study, is akin to placing the cart before the bullock. It should be the other way around. If there is clear justification for divisional longitudes, accept them first and then consider the questions that rise and try to answer them. * * * Anybody who honestly studies the two research articles titled "Stationary Planets in Transit" and "Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A Specific Principle" has to wonder whether such specific *longitudinal* correlations between transiting planets in rasi chart and natal planets in *divisional* charts can be mere coincidences. Please note that I am not offering circumstantial evidence alone. In addition to this circumstantial evidence, I gave theoretical justification above. Best regards, Narasimha - Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings, "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org Spirituality: Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings - , "yeeahoo_99" <nitish.arya@ wrote: || OM TAT SAT || Namaskar Narasimha, It is futile to use a car that has no steering, irrespective of how good the design is. The question here was how do you justify D-1800 (the 30 longitudinal divisions of your D-60 chart in your software, that require 1800 divisions in Rashi chart) ? Actually your software divides D-144 also in 30 parts so that is something like D-4320 - sounds more like an apartment number ! Please defend that first. Who gave you that "scholarly" idea ? Has anybody ever heard of anything more than D-300 anyways ? Regards, Nitish , "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@ wrote: Namaste, Most charts used were rectified based on several events and several techniques. Of course, one has the right to remain skeptical. Inquisitive students of Jyotish may note that the coincidences are too good to be random. If you look carefully, multiple events are used with several charts in the examples. If you think that D-60 lagna was doctored for one exmaple, what about the others based on the same chart? For example, examples 10, 22 and 23 use the same chart. The native of the chart is a famous astrology savant and the D-60 lagna was rectified by him (and me too). Isn't it very interesting that the dasa lord closely aspected the D-60 longitude of a planet with a strong link to the 7th house by less than 1 deg at the time of his marriage and closely aspected the D-60 longitudes of two planets having a strong link to the 5th house by 2 deg at the time of birth of both his children? A very close aspect on vital planets by dasa lord at the time of 3 important events! I have shown such close correlations in several examples. * * * In my personal opinion, the last two articles on the transit of stationary planets and dasa lord's transit are my best contributions to Jyotish research. In any case, I am not here to sell anything. For a while, I will defend my work as a scholar. After that, I will move on. Whether some fruits will come from this seed I sowed or not and who enjoys the fruits does not concern me, as it is not in my hands. As I said at the end of the article, "If you like this knowledge, please feel free to refine it, use it and spread it. If not, please leave it." Those interested in the article may download the FREE PDF at: http://VedicAstrologer.org/articles "Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A Specific Principle" * * * I gave multiple examples of each type of event (e.g. marriage, childbirth, going abroad etc). As I gave Ramana Maharshi's realization of Self as an example, I wanted to give another example that uses the same parameters, to demonstrate consistency like with other events. While the dates when yogis like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Aurobindo etc realized Self are not known, I happened to have that data for a contemporary yogi who happened to reach Nirvikalpa samadhi and have his permission to share his birthdata. Hence I shared that example. I gave the theoretical definition of Nirvikalpa samadhi as some Jyotish students may not know the term. Looks like there is a lot of discussion on that definition rather than the Jyotish content of my research article. Self is indescribable and so is realization of Self. However, it is not without a reason that rishis attempted to describe concepts and things associated with it. Though theoretical discussions are neither necessary not sufficient for Self-realization, they can be helpful to some seekers. However, instead of using a list dedicated to Jyotish for discussing varieties of samadhi and what they mean, I invite anybody interested in a discussion to join where I discuss matters related to spirituality in depth. Best regards, Narasimha , "utkal.panigrahi" <utkal.panigrahi@ wrote: Agreed, Studies based on unconfirmed birth charts, applying finer D charts could be misleading. regards, Utkal , "yeeahoo_99" <nitish.arya@ wrote: || OM TAT SAT || Namaskar Narasimha, Am afraid that your article lacks scriptural authority and proper analysis. It is based on your unexplained "longitudes of planets in divisional charts" that looks like more of a mathematical gimmick than a REALITY. Essentially, You are attempting to divide what is already a division and exists as a unit (Shastyamsa). And then comparing it with what actually exists, i.e. longitude of a planet in Transit. What it really means (am not counting the seconds part, just the 30 imaginative degrees of divisional longitudes your software shows) is that you are talking about a subdivision which is 1/30th of the D-60 division, i.e. D-1800. While on one hand, you write in your article that research is needed to completely unearth the significance of D-60, OTOH, you are pushing your rather misleading suggestion of "divisional longitudes of planets" i.e. D-1800. Doesn't that double-standard remind us of PoorvaBhadra constellation ? Vivekananda wrote that Truth or true knowledge is never inconsistent with scriptures and analytic and inferential science. It is always an addition and not contradictory to existing true knowledge. Thus, many of your research-things that are based on "divisional longitudes of planets" are not Jyotish but comparable to dark matter theory, which would never be found in REALITY! * * * Here is a bit of diversion I came across in your article. While I understand that you might not be familiar with yoga, your sanskrit knowledge is good by your own evaluation. In this view, here is an excerpt from your article: "Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state where I-ness (individualized Self) merges back into Brahman/Aatman (undifferentiated Self or the Supreme Cosmic Essence) and all objectification and duality ceases. Observer, observed and observation merge into one, without any differentiation whatsoever...." If there is really no difference, Could you please illucidate why you won't use the specific term "Brahman-Sthiti" and instead use a non-positive connotation "Nirvikalpa Samadhi" ? Meanwhile, here is a helpful hint from the now better-known Yogi Sri Yukteswar Giri: "As prophets are sent on earth to help men work out their physical karma, so I have been directed by God to serve on an astral planet as a savior," Sri Yukteswar explained. "It is called Hiranyaloka or 'Illumined Astral Planet.'... No one can enter Hiranyaloka unless he has passed on earth beyond the state of sabikalpa samadhi into the higher state of nirbikalpa samadhi...." It implies that Nirbikalpa/Nirvikalpa is a high-spiritual state, nothing more than a passport to enter another high Astral Plane, and not equivalent to "Brahman-Sthithi" as You are stating. If you are convinced with the explanation of Sri Yukteswar, you needn't reply to this non-astrological diversion. Thanks and Regards, Nitish , "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" pvr@ wrote: Namaste, Another research article on Jyotish is available for a free download at VedicAstrologer.org/articles The article is titled "Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A Specific Principle". It contains an original principle that is simple and replicable, illustrated with 36 practical examples. A small excerpt from the beginning of the article is reproduced below. ---------------------- Introduction Nakshatra dasas such as Vimsottari dasa are very important for timing events. Nakshatra dasa lord is a very important planet and he has a strong influence on the mind of a native at the time. Vedic Astrologers have traditionally used the nakshatra dasa lord's transit in various ways, e.g. houses occupied from natal Moon and natal lagna and aspects on natal positions in rasi chart. I found an interesting correlation between the longitude of nakshatra dasa lord in transit and divisional longitudes of natal planets. I want to share a specific principle based on the correlation I found. Please note that this principle is not intended to replace the techniques that Vedic astrologers traditionally employ, but meant to augment them. Principle Maharshi Parasara defined 16 divisional charts. While mentioning the matters seen in each divisional chart, he said shashtyamsa (D-60) shows ÃÆ' ¢Ã¢ €š ¬Ã…"everythingÃÆ' ¢Ã¢ €š ¬Ã¯ ¿ ½. In the vimsopaka bala of dasa varga and shodasa varga, shashtyamsa is given a higher weightage than even the rasi chart. It seems like a key chart. The correlation I found between the longitude of nakshatra dasa lord in transit and longitudes of natal planets involves D-60. ---------------------- Happy New Year, Narasimha

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Dear Sreenadh ji,


Since here we are referring to what Prasara wrote, It is like someone commenting

without reference. If you say it is erroneous , there has to be reference and if

PVR ji says, it exists, there has to be reference.


Personally, I have read both of PVR's articles and in all his examples, he has

justified and given enough proof for his theory but I am not fully satisfied

because to me, it would have little practical use especially when Dasa is of

fast moving planets.





, " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear All,

> Howmany of you would like to answer following view? PVR's view

> regarding the same is fully erroneous and is against the opinion of all

> sages (including sage parasara) in my perspective.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@

> wrote:


> Namaste friends,


> Parasara mentioned planets in exaltation in divisional charts. Even in

> tradition, we consider it. For example, a planet that is debilitated in

> rasi and exalted in navamsa is considered to have neecha bhanga.


> How can one define exaltation of a planet in a divisional chart,

> without having the concept of longitude in the divisional chart???


> Unfortunately, people use many approximations to the teachings of

> rishis today. They assume that planets are exalted in entire signs. But

> that is NOT what Parasara taught. Moon is in exaltation only in the

> first 3 deg of Taurus and not entire Taurus. Mercury is in exaltation

> only the first 15 deg of Virgo and not entire Virgo.


> In order to see if Moon or Mercury is in exaltation in navamsa or

> another divisional chart, one MUST know the longitude of the planet in

> that divisional chart. It is not enough to know that Moon is in Taurus.

> One needs to know if he is in the first 3 deg of Taurus! If there is

> nothing called divisional longitudes, one cannot talk about exaltation

> of planets in divisional charts such as navamsa.


> * * *


> When teaching the special graha drishtis based on " bhavas " , Parasara

> taught that Mars has full aspect on 4th and 8th houses from him, Jupiter

> on 5th and 9th houses from him and Saturn on 3rd and 10th houses from

> him. Then he clarified further and gave clear formulas to quantify the

> extent of aspect from a planet on various points of the zodiac. The

> formulas clearly establish that 90-120 deg from Mars is the 4th house

> from Mars, 210-240 deg from Mars is the 8th house from Mars, 120-150 deg

> from Jupiter is the 5th house from Jupiter and so on.


> Unfortunately, as I said before, people use many approximations to the

> teachings of rishis today. If Mars is at 27Ge43, they assume that 4th

> house from Mars is entire Virgo. But that is NOT what Parasara taught.

> If Mars is at 27Ge43, then 27Vi43-27Li42 is the 4th house from Mars.


> (Note: This also explains why Parasara recommended making separate

> bhava chakras from lagna, Sun, Moon etc. If entire signs are bhavas, one

> can make one chart and keep rotating it. There is no need to really make

> different charts. But, if house of a planet depends on the longitude of

> reference and longitude of planet, then it makes sense to make multiple

> charts and keep them handy.)


> Now, Parasara mentioned placement of planets in divisional charts in

> houses from various references. As a simple example, there is a

> reference to a planet placed in various divisions in a quadrant from

> " svaarudha " . As the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses from a reference

> depend on its exact longitude, one cannot determine if Sun in D-9 or

> Moon in D-10 or Jupiter in D-12 is in a quadrant from " svaarudha " unless

> one knows the exact longitudes of Sun in D-9 or Moon in D-10 or Jupiter

> in D-12.


> * * *


> When we say that Moon in navamsa is in Libra, it is not a special

> abstract Libra. It is the same Libra that was described by Parasara in

> the chapter on rasis. Planets of rasi chart are physical points in

> zodiac that can be correlated to physical objects. Planets of navamsa

> (and other divisional charts) may not have a physical representation,

> but they are abstract *points* that are placed at various positions in

> the same zodiac! If Moon in navamsa is in Libra, the question arises

> " where in Libra " .


> In fact, Parasara did not really teach making navamsa chart, dasamsa

> chart etc. He taught finding the " rasi Sun " , " rasi Sun " , " navamsa Sun " ,

> " navamsa Moon " , " dasamsa Sun " , " dasamsa Moon " etc as points in the

> zodiac containing 12 rasis.


> * * *


> If one studies Parasara carefully or peruses the above pointers with

> intellectual honesty, one can see why divisional longitudes are

> justified and needed.


> Finding them is straight-forward. Suppose Moon is at 22Ar00 physically,

> i.e. in rasi chart. As 20Ar00-23Ar20 is mapped to Libra in navamsa, Moon

> in navamsa is in Libra. As 3 deg 20 min of rasi chart is mapped to 30

> deg in navamsa chart, each deg of rasi chart is mapped to 9 deg in

> navamsa. Moon is advanced by 2 deg in the 3 deg 20 min physical arc of

> Aries that is mapped to Libra in navamsa. Multiplying by 9, he is at 18

> deg in Libra.


> * * *


> Some people may be uncomfortable that this opens a lot of messy

> questions. For example, do we find AK based on longitudes in rasi chart

> only or use longitudes in divisional charts? Do we find nakshatras,

> sarvatobhadra chakra, nakshatra dasas etc based on longitudes in rasi

> chart only or use longitudes in divisional charts?


> If one does not think straight or research thoroughly, it is easy to

> draw wrong conclusions. There is no hurry to answer these questions. It

> is possible that nakshatras or chara karakas found based on a divisional

> chart have a subtler purpose but we need to find them based on rasi

> chart alone for the purposes we are used to.


> In any case, rejecting the concept of divisional longitudes altogether

> because there are some unresolved and complicated questions that perhaps

> need more study, is akin to placing the cart before the bullock. It

> should be the other way around. If there is clear justification for

> divisional longitudes, accept them first and then consider the questions

> that rise and try to answer them.


> * * *


> Anybody who honestly studies the two research articles titled

> " Stationary Planets in Transit " and " Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A

> Specific Principle " has to wonder whether such specific *longitudinal*

> correlations between transiting planets in rasi chart and natal planets

> in *divisional* charts can be mere coincidences.


> Please note that I am not offering circumstantial evidence alone. In

> addition to this circumstantial evidence, I gave theoretical

> justification above.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org

> Spirituality:

> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> -


> , " yeeahoo_99 " <nitish.arya@ wrote:


> || OM TAT SAT ||

> Namaskar Narasimha,


> It is futile to use a car that has no steering, irrespective of how

> good the design is.


> The question here was how do you justify D-1800 (the 30

> longitudinal divisions of your D-60 chart in your software, that require

> 1800 divisions in Rashi chart) ? Actually your software divides D-144

> also in 30 parts so that is something like D-4320 - sounds more like an

> apartment number !


> Please defend that first. Who gave you that " scholarly " idea ?

> Has anybody ever heard of anything more than D-300 anyways ?


> Regards,

> Nitish


> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@

> wrote:


> Namaste,


> Most charts used were rectified based on several events and several

> techniques. Of course, one has the right to remain skeptical.


> Inquisitive students of Jyotish may note that the coincidences are

> too good to be random. If you look carefully, multiple events are used

> with several charts in the examples. If you think that D-60 lagna was

> doctored for one exmaple, what about the others based on the same chart?


> For example, examples 10, 22 and 23 use the same chart. The native of

> the chart is a famous astrology savant and the D-60 lagna was rectified

> by him (and me too). Isn't it very interesting that the dasa lord

> closely aspected the D-60 longitude of a planet with a strong link to

> the 7th house by less than 1 deg at the time of his marriage and closely

> aspected the D-60 longitudes of two planets having a strong link to the

> 5th house by 2 deg at the time of birth of both his children? A very

> close aspect on vital planets by dasa lord at the time of 3 important

> events! I have shown such close correlations in several examples.


> * * *


> In my personal opinion, the last two articles on the transit of

> stationary planets and dasa lord's transit are my best contributions to

> Jyotish research.


> In any case, I am not here to sell anything. For a while, I will

> defend my work as a scholar. After that, I will move on. Whether some

> fruits will come from this seed I sowed or not and who enjoys the fruits

> does not concern me, as it is not in my hands. As I said at the end of

> the article, " If you like this knowledge, please feel free to refine it,

> use it and spread it. If not, please leave it. "


> Those interested in the article may download the FREE PDF at:


> http://VedicAstrologer.org/articles

> " Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A Specific Principle "


> * * *


> I gave multiple examples of each type of event (e.g. marriage,

> childbirth, going abroad etc). As I gave Ramana Maharshi's realization

> of Self as an example, I wanted to give another example that uses the

> same parameters, to demonstrate consistency like with other events.

> While the dates when yogis like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami

> Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Aurobindo etc realized Self are not known,

> I happened to have that data for a contemporary yogi who happened to

> reach Nirvikalpa samadhi and have his permission to share his birthdata.

> Hence I shared that example. I gave the theoretical definition of

> Nirvikalpa samadhi as some Jyotish students may not know the term. Looks

> like there is a lot of discussion on that definition rather than the

> Jyotish content of my research article.


> Self is indescribable and so is realization of Self. However, it is

> not without a reason that rishis attempted to describe concepts and

> things associated with it. Though theoretical discussions are neither

> necessary not sufficient for Self-realization, they can be helpful to

> some seekers.


> However, instead of using a list dedicated to Jyotish for discussing

> varieties of samadhi and what they mean, I invite anybody interested in

> a discussion to join where I discuss matters

> related to spirituality in depth.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> , " utkal.panigrahi "

> <utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:


> Agreed, Studies based on unconfirmed birth charts, applying finer D

> charts could be misleading.


> regards,

> Utkal


> , " yeeahoo_99 " <nitish.arya@

> wrote:


> || OM TAT SAT ||

> Namaskar Narasimha,


> Am afraid that your article lacks scriptural authority and proper

> analysis. It is based on your unexplained " longitudes of planets in

> divisional charts " that looks like more of a mathematical gimmick

> than a



> Essentially, You are attempting to divide what is already a

> division

> and exists as a unit (Shastyamsa). And then comparing it with what

> actually exists, i.e. longitude of a planet in Transit.


> What it really means (am not counting the seconds part, just the 30

> imaginative degrees of divisional longitudes your software shows) is

> that you are talking about a subdivision which is 1/30th of the D-60

> division, i.e. D-1800.


> While on one hand, you write in your article that research is

> needed

> to completely unearth the significance of D-60, OTOH, you are

> pushing

> your rather misleading suggestion of " divisional longitudes of

> planets "

> i.e. D-1800. Doesn't that double-standard remind us of PoorvaBhadra

> constellation ?


> Vivekananda wrote that Truth or true knowledge is never

> inconsistent

> with scriptures and analytic and inferential science. It is always

> an

> addition and not contradictory to existing true knowledge.


> Thus, many of your research-things that are based on " divisional

> longitudes of planets " are not Jyotish but comparable to dark matter

> theory, which would never be found in REALITY!


> * * *


> Here is a bit of diversion I came across in your article.


> While I understand that you might not be familiar with yoga, your

> sanskrit knowledge is good by your own evaluation. In this view,

> here is

> an excerpt from your article:


> " Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state where I-ness (individualized Self)

> merges back into Brahman/Aatman (undifferentiated Self or the

> Supreme

> Cosmic Essence) and all objectification and duality ceases.

> Observer,

> observed and observation merge into one, without any differentiation

> whatsoever.... "


> If there is really no difference, Could you please illucidate why

> you

> won't use the specific term " Brahman-Sthiti " and instead use a

> non-positive connotation " Nirvikalpa Samadhi " ?


> Meanwhile, here is a helpful hint from the now better-known Yogi

> Sri

> Yukteswar Giri:


> " As prophets are sent on earth to help men work out their physical

> karma, so I have been directed by God to serve on an astral planet

> as a

> savior, " Sri Yukteswar explained. " It is called Hiranyaloka or

> 'Illumined Astral Planet.'... No one can enter Hiranyaloka unless he

> has

> passed on earth beyond the state of sabikalpa samadhi into the

> higher

> state of nirbikalpa samadhi.... "


> It implies that Nirbikalpa/Nirvikalpa is a high-spiritual state,

> nothing more than a passport to enter another high Astral Plane, and

> not

> equivalent to " Brahman-Sthithi " as You are stating.


> If you are convinced with the explanation of Sri Yukteswar, you

> needn't reply to this non-astrological diversion.


> Thanks and Regards,

> Nitish


> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " pvr@

> wrote:


> Namaste,


> Another research article on Jyotish is available for a free

> download

> at


> VedicAstrologer.org/articles


> The article is titled " Transit of Nakshatra Dasa Lord: A Specific

> Principle " . It contains an original principle that is simple and

> replicable, illustrated with 36 practical examples. A small excerpt

> from

> the beginning of the article is reproduced below.


> ----------------------

> Introduction


> Nakshatra dasas such as Vimsottari dasa are very important for

> timing events. Nakshatra dasa lord is a very important planet and he

> has

> a strong influence on the mind of a native at the time. Vedic

> Astrologers have traditionally used the nakshatra dasa lord's

> transit in

> various ways, e.g. houses occupied from natal Moon and natal lagna

> and

> aspects on natal positions in rasi chart.


> I found an interesting correlation between the longitude of

> nakshatra dasa lord in transit and divisional longitudes of natal

> planets. I want to share a specific principle based on the

> correlation I

> found. Please note that this principle is not intended to replace

> the

> techniques that Vedic astrologers traditionally employ, but meant to

> augment them.


> Principle


> Maharshi Parasara defined 16 divisional charts. While mentioning

> the

> matters seen in each divisional chart, he said shashtyamsa (D-60)

> shows

> ÃÆ' ¢Ã¢ €š ¬Ã… " everythingÃÆ'

> ¢Ã¢ €š ¬Ã¯ ¿ ½. In the vimsopaka bala of

> dasa varga

> and shodasa varga, shashtyamsa is given a higher weightage than even

> the

> rasi chart. It seems like a key chart. The correlation I found

> between

> the longitude of nakshatra dasa lord in transit and longitudes of

> natal

> planets involves D-60.

> ----------------------


> Happy New Year,

> Narasimha


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