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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Vijayadas,


If Drekkana has to show more about

siblings, how can this be shown without referring Drekkana

as a chart? As I said before, due to brevity of words, not everything could be

explicitly mentioned in the classics and more than that it was expected that the it would be taught by a qualified guru, who has been

transferred the knowledge through his parampara.


Now see this statement of BPHS:

One third of a RÄÅ›i

is called Drekkana. These are totally 36, counted

from Mesh, repeating thrice at the rate of 12 per round. The 1st, 5th

and the 9th RÄÅ›is from a RÄÅ›i are its three Drekkana and are, respectively, lorded by Narada, Agasthya and Durvash.


Here maharishi says that the 1st,

5th and 9th rasis from a rasi

are its drekkana. This means that if a planet is

there in the 2nd drekkana of Aries, then

it would be placed in a sign which is 5th from Aries, i.e., Leo.

Similarly you can find that all the planets in different drekkana

can be similarly mapped to different drekkana signs.

What is the trouble if they are shown in the form of a chart.

Moreover, what can you find about siblings, if not consider drekkana

as a chart. Take the drekkana of the 3rd lord?

Then what? What strength would you find… it is known that the trines from

a sign are always friendly, means that the 3rd lord is always well

placed in the drekkana and everyone’s siblings

should be strong and well to do? Please think if this cannot be used as a full

chart, how else it can be used for finding more details about the siblings!


However, if you follow my earlier contention, Maharishi wanted the divisions to be used as charts, that’s why he has given the rules of bhavas etc after describing the divisions; you can know

almost everything about the siblings from the Drekkana.


Best Wishes








vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]

Monday, March 21, 2005 4:31


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:





Dear Shri Sanjay Rath ji


Thanks a lot for taking time in explaining.

I have seen Dr.Raman using navamsha as a full

chart as i have the

books which you have mentioned.Also i know that

shri K.N.Rao ji too

uses Divisionals as charts.

I have also expressed my opinion and Shri Raoji

has read them too.I

also have your Crux of Vedic Astrology.

Giving due respect to all learned astrologers i

beleive a student can

still express his concerns and doubts on a

particular aspect.This does

not mean the student is above them in

understanding.It is just a

particular aspect.

For me it is difficult to consider them as

charts,unless you are kind

enough to explain how it is possible

when classics refer them as amshas or divisions of

houses and not

charts.Also the local texts translated by scholars

of yesteryears

never consider them as charts.

They consider them as vargas of Lagna and Planets.


Could you kindly explain if it was because of

Dr.Ramans and Shri

Raojis usage that you decided to consider them as

Charts or based on

some classical reference.


Divisionals are important and hence can

differentiate strength,even if

we do not use them as charts.


Also lagna in navamsha ,drekkana etc - Do they

represent self or

spouse,siblings etc.This is another doubt.



These are not any attempts to criticize just for

the sake of

criticizing.It is a sincere pursuit.

Also i have full respect for your contributions and

the knowledge i

have gained through your works.

But that does not prevent me from asking doubts

unless i get a

satisfactory answer.






vedic astrology ,

" Sanjay Rath " <guruji@s...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Jyotisa who criticise the word

'D-Charts' or Divisional charts.


> Well I know at least two other astrologers

other than myself who use the

> divisional charts in deciding the results for

the various people of

a family

> or other events.


> 1. Dr B V Raman has used the navämsa

extensively as the räsi chart


> Sages never seem to have mentioned it as per

your understanding of the

> slokas.In 'How to Judge a Horoscope' (a

strongly recommended book by

me), he

> has given some really fine examples and has

shown how to read the


> from the navämsa chart'


> 2. K.N.Rao has gone even a step further in

showing the use of D

Charts for

> timing the death of family members (excellent

example of the Nehru


> and children using the Saptamsa and

Dwadasamsa charts. Have you read his

> books? He seems to use D charts all the time.


> 3. I have gone a step further in giving all

the D Charts and their

usage in

> Crux of Vedic astrology and my other books

like Varga Chakra.


> In all the cases of the three astrologers

(including myself) having


> exposure to the classical Pundits and various

sources, we have

learnt to use

> the D Charts as was originally envisaged (and

hope that the larning

from our

> elders was not diluted or lost in time) and

have shown how to do so

based on

> our interpretation and understanding.


> I cannot reproduce the entire COVA here but

if you want I can

request that a

> copy be sent to you as there are some very

kind hearted people in

this list.

> If after reading all that you still fell that

Dr Raman, KNR and I

are wrong

> in using D charts or feel that there is a

different way to use them


> than the ways shown in the books, please be

so kind as to share that


> us.


> Without the D Charts you have no hope in

making even one prediction in

> Jyotish. For your kind benefit, I am giving

two charts of two women

born a

> minute apart. Would you like t handle this

'twin chart' and show

which one

> has got married? I have many charts of twin

births. Most interesting


> really and very challenging.


> Finally, do you Jyotiña draw a navamsa at all

or are you trying to

tell the

> list that Navamsa chart should not be





> Plese note that the word 'Divisional chart'

and D-Chart' were coined by

> K.N.Rao and this has been accepted as

standard nomenclature by all

> astrolgoers of SJC. K.N.Rao has done some

great service to the world of

> astrology by this standardisation and drawing

of Divisional charts.

So if

> anyone tells you that K N Rao does not use

D-Charts then it is saying te

> most absurd things about KNR. In case you

have any doubts about

this, please

> write to Sri K.N.Rao yourself and get an

answer from him.I can say

that we

> may not see eye to eye in the way we use the

D-Charts but to say that

> D-Charts should not be drawn at all is



> Dr Raman did not use the words D-Charts

initially but later he as

the editor

> of the Astrological Magazine has encouraged

its use and this was

accepted by

> the entire world of Jyotish.So if a few are

now saying that D-Chats


> exist and that Navamsa cannot be drawn,

please do not take this as

the last

> word as they are no authority at all.


> May I request someone to forward this to

K.N.Rao and get his opinion.


> With best wishes and warm regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> * * *

> Sri Jagannath Center®

> 15B Gangaram

Hospital Road

> New Delhi

110060, India

> http://srath.com,


> * * *










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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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  • 4 years later...
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Dear ones,there is a lot of talk going on and on about D-charts but nobody came forward with practical/Live chart(S).I am presenting two charts of a male and female couple and discussing it aswell with regard to Dcharts.It is a love marriage (may be one sided).First of all let me assure that BT is corect and verified aswell and also both are known to me.Marriage on 17-2-1984.FEMALE(Ladies first).The dasas are Mo-ketu-mer-sat.I avoid discussing Rasi chart and concentrate only on D9 & D60 as well...In D9 there is nothing to talk since all the planets involved in dasas are in 1/7 axis!!!.It is the same in D60 aswell...but 6/12 axis.We all know 6th is 12th from 7th and no surprise the marriage is on the Rocks now...they were seperated but not legally divorced.MALE...(RAH-JUP-SUN-MER)Mer with 3L in 3rd in D9 and jup in 4th house of relations.Mer & jup in 6th aspg 12H of bed comfirts and Rah and sun are in 10H of karma with the dispositor of Mer and jup in D60.Mer 8L of surprises/Miseries and 11L of gains is the common factor in both the charts(dasas) during marriage is to be noted and studied.Mer in male is in 3rd with 3L®perversion and in 6th with jup® in a kendra from Sat®.Mer® in female is in 7H of marriage with deb sat and ketu and in 12H of loss/bed comfirts in D60 is highly aflicted aswell.!!!...This is how i understand Dcharts and learned members can have their own understandings.....MALE...1-9-1961;12.55 NOON;BOMBAYFEMALE...15-10-1962;9.58AM;BARODA...Loe and regards,gopi.

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Dear Gopi Ji Thanks for bringing up the subjuct .This D-chartsdiscussions always opens pandora ,s box ( when ever the discussions appears in net grps and u can see there is hell of lot of arguements and quoting of pramana's etc etc as all the famous english medium teaching gurukula's and parampara s has diffrnt take and net is flooded with such junk or even let us call it as informations and every one is happy and will hav a choice to take which ever satisfies his ego means which says his chart is best ) and i wonder why our grp is silent -may b due to self moderated or unmoderated )due to the fact that according to my Knowledge no rishi Horas and classics dont explain it properly/explcitly on how to use it ,the fact is that not even the greek /mesopotomian texts explain it as according to some as we got everything frm greeks what ever we call as astrology or astronomy ( so some even says this d chart concept itself indian cooking on real astrology like the siderial charts -even some says we got the concept of Nakshtra s frm babylone ( finaly we dont hav any thing our own ).But sure the real guru>s has the clue .And they teach to their sisyas too tho real gurus as a species we can call them one of the endangared species in this era of free astrology .Any way i appreciate ur effort in trying to bring up the subjuct and am sure grp will also participate in this discussion without forcing once favrt method against others .Now i hav some questions --can we or u ever try this concepts in prediction ( or what i am asking in simple words is IS THIS CONCEPT is replicable and used in predictiv purpose ) as finaly astrology is not theory nor astronomy but phalita as jyothisam phalamadesa --means astrology as a tool we hav to use it for predictiv purpose -whether it is a showing a trend ,habbit ,event or whatever our chart will hav the seeds of it and the dasa s r fruitifiers and depending chart ( first physical chart and panchanga factors -this includs kaala desa patra of nativ also concerned )So according to u this marriage which survived-tho now in the verge of dissolution- tru ups and downs and passed almost 25 yrs tho all this yrs also the quality was not so good so according to u is it only the dcharts ?? responsible or is the both charts as cpls is not tallying and it can b seen tru charts and dcharts are only simply add ons to it .can we do a real discussion without any bias not pro and against dcharts but same time without neglecting the real charti will try to touch the subjuct of divisions as charts or other wise later as there is no hard and fast rules on this subjuct and i as a practical person welcomes any approach which will not tax a predictor means we shud able to judge and predict the chart in max 2 hrs atleast .Not to go tru all Dcharts then various dasa s then ashta vargas and spent one week for a chart still we r groping for results when the event is known it is easy to jusifyit with whatever tools and also for yuga s one can argue in favr or against even i wonder why our grp is still sleeping and not contributing on this very controversial subjuct sorry my laungae and writing need not convey all what i wanted to tell and pls bear in mind that i hav all the respect to u and all memebrs so long we discuss astrology in its spirit and truth ( there is only one and only truth that is ultimate and it is what we call god too )dear forumite pls come forward and participate .with warm rgrds sunil nair due to my lack of quality time i cannot participate in discussions in proper manner and i know there is so many pending replys frm me , "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927 wrote:>> Dear ones,> there is a lot of talk going on and on about D-charts but> > nobody came forward with practical/Live chart(S).I am> > presenting two charts of a male and female couple and> > discussing it aswell with regard to Dcharts.It is a love> > marriage (may be one sided).First of all let me assure that> > BT is corect and verified aswell and also both are known to> > me.> Marriage on 17-2-1984.> FEMALE(Ladies first).The dasas are Mo-ketu-mer-sat.> I avoid discussing Rasi chart and concentrate only on> > D9 & D60 as well...In D9 there is nothing to talk since all the> > planets involved in dasas are in 1/7 axis!!!.It is the same in> > D60 aswell...but 6/12 axis.We all know 6th is 12th from 7th> > and no surprise the marriage is on the Rocks now...they> > were seperated but not legally divorced.> MALE...(RAH-JUP-SUN-MER)> Mer with 3L in 3rd in D9 and jup in 4th house of> > relations.Mer & jup in 6th aspg 12H of bed comfirts and Rah> > and sun are in 10H of karma with the dispositor of Mer and> > jup in D60.> Mer 8L of surprises/Miseries and 11L of gains is the> > common factor in both the charts(dasas) during marriage is to be noted> and studied.Mer in male is in 3rd with 3L®perversion and in 6th with> jup® in a kendra from Sat®.Mer® in> female is in 7H of marriage with deb sat and ketu and in 12H of loss/bed> comfirts in D60 is highly aflicted aswell.!!!...> This is how i understand Dcharts and learned members can have their own> understandings.....> MALE...1-9-1961;12.55 NOON;BOMBAY> FEMALE...15-10-1962;9.58AM;BARODA...> Loe and regards,> gopi.>

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Dear Sunil Nair ji,thanks for coming forward first and also requesting and leading others.That's why you are diferent!!...Kudos..There are so many firsts i observed in you within my short association.I agree with almost all your views and i like your impersonal aproach.yes the marriage of the couple was in trouble from the very begining.In these 25yrs of marriage they were hardly together for 5yrs may be!!!..They had 2 male children and they always stay with mother and this guy is a doctor who stays with his parents.Almost mentally disturbed and under psychiatric treatment.Yes D-charts cant be studied independently for sure for predictive purposes but they are definitely helpful in predictions along with Rasi chart as the basis.Yes i can say confidently that i use d-charts and i am successful aswell in predictions.But BT should be acurate.I even rectify BT with the help of D-charts.Love and regards,gopi. , "astro_tellerkerala" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Dear Gopi Ji> > Thanks for bringing up the subjuct .> > This D-chartsdiscussions always opens pandora ,s box ( when ever the> discussions appears in net grps and u can see there is hell of lot of> arguements and quoting of pramana's etc etc as all the famous english> medium teaching gurukula's and parampara s has diffrnt take and net is> flooded with such junk or even let us call it as informations and every> one is happy and will hav a choice to take which ever satisfies his ego> means which says his chart is best ) and i wonder why our grp is silent> -may b due to self moderated or unmoderated [:D] )due to the fact that> according to my Knowledge no rishi Horas and classics dont explain it> properly/explcitly on how to use it ,the fact is that not even the greek> /mesopotomian texts explain it as according to some as we got everything> frm greeks what ever we call as astrology or astronomy ( so some even> says this d chart concept itself indian cooking on real astrology like> the siderial charts -even some says we got the concept of Nakshtra s frm> babylone ( finaly we dont hav any thing our own [:((] ).But sure the> real guru>s has the clue .And they teach to their sisyas too tho real> gurus as a species we can call them one of the endangared species in> this era of free astrology .> > Any way i appreciate ur effort in trying to bring up the subjuct and am> sure grp will also participate in this discussion without forcing once> favrt method against others .> > Now i hav some questions --can we or u ever try this concepts in> prediction ( or what i am asking in simple words is IS THIS CONCEPT is> replicable and used in predictiv purpose ) as finaly astrology is not> theory nor astronomy but phalita as jyothisam phalamadesa --means> astrology as a tool we hav to use it for predictiv purpose -whether it> is a showing a trend ,habbit ,event or whatever our chart will hav the> seeds of it and the dasa s r fruitifiers and depending chart ( first> physical chart and panchanga factors -this includs kaala desa patra of> nativ also concerned )> > So according to u this marriage which survived-tho now in the verge of> dissolution- tru ups and downs and passed almost 25 yrs tho all this yrs> also the quality was not so good> > so according to u is it only the dcharts ?? responsible or is the both> charts as cpls is not tallying and it can b seen tru charts and dcharts> are only simply add ons to it .can we do a real discussion without any> bias not pro and against dcharts but same time without neglecting the> real chart> > i will try to touch the subjuct of divisions as charts or other wise> later as there is no hard and fast rules on this subjuct and i as a> practical person welcomes any approach which will not tax a predictor> > means we shud able to judge and predict the chart in max 2 hrs atleast .> Not to go tru all Dcharts then various dasa s then ashta vargas and> spent one week for a chart still we r groping for results> > when the event is known it is easy to jusifyit with whatever tools and> also for yuga s one can argue in favr or against> > even i wonder why our grp is still sleeping and not contributing on this> very controversial subjuct> > sorry my laungae and writing need not convey all what i wanted to tell> and pls bear in mind that i hav all the respect to u and all memebrs so> long we discuss astrology in its spirit and truth ( there is only one> and only truth that is ultimate and it is what we call god too )> > dear forumite pls come forward and participate .> > with warm rgrds sunil nair> > due to my lack of quality time i cannot participate in discussions in> proper manner and i know there is so many pending replys frm me> > > , "gopalakrishna"> gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear ones,> > there is a lot of talk going on and on about D-charts but> >> > nobody came forward with practical/Live chart(S).I am> >> > presenting two charts of a male and female couple and> >> > discussing it aswell with regard to Dcharts.It is a love> >> > marriage (may be one sided).First of all let me assure that> >> > BT is corect and verified aswell and also both are known to> >> > me.> > Marriage on 17-2-1984.> > FEMALE(Ladies first).The dasas are Mo-ketu-mer-sat.> > I avoid discussing Rasi chart and concentrate only on> >> > D9 & D60 as well...In D9 there is nothing to talk since all the> >> > planets involved in dasas are in 1/7 axis!!!.It is the same in> >> > D60 aswell...but 6/12 axis.We all know 6th is 12th from 7th> >> > and no surprise the marriage is on the Rocks now...they> >> > were seperated but not legally divorced.> > MALE...(RAH-JUP-SUN-MER)> > Mer with 3L in 3rd in D9 and jup in 4th house of> >> > relations.Mer & jup in 6th aspg 12H of bed comfirts and Rah> >> > and sun are in 10H of karma with the dispositor of Mer and> >> > jup in D60.> > Mer 8L of surprises/Miseries and 11L of gains is the> >> > common factor in both the charts(dasas) during marriage is to be noted> > and studied.Mer in male is in 3rd with 3L®perversion and in 6th with> > jup® in a kendra from Sat®.Mer® in> > female is in 7H of marriage with deb sat and ketu and in 12H of> loss/bed> > comfirts in D60 is highly aflicted aswell.!!!...> > This is how i understand Dcharts and learned members can have their> own> > understandings.....> > MALE...1-9-1961;12.55 NOON;BOMBAY> > FEMALE...15-10-1962;9.58AM;BARODA...> > Loe and regards,> > gopi.> >>

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