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x lord in y house vs. y lord in x house

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Make it simpler!


Just focus on lagnesha!


And its placement in trikas, trikonas, kendras and neutral houses.


Alone, if possible, and see how it changes the jatak's reality!


That forms the BASE!


Then bring in dasas too and see how they change and modulate the BASE! And use

nakshatras obviously!


And so on and so forth!


And if the definitive SCRIPTURE arrives while you are actually doing astrology

rather than waiting for it like Chaataks watching the MOON -- incorporate it by

all means and you may find that you were doing fine even before it arrived! ;-)




vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama wrote:



> One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord in y

house' differ from 'y lord in x house'


> Consider

> 4H: stands for mother, real estate/land/buildings/cars/conveyances, happiness

> 6H: stands for illness/disease, enemies/competition, routine jobs/detail jobs,



> Consider 4HL in 6H:

> can indicate difficulty related to real estate, mother, enemies and happiness.

It could be mother's actions being enemy like, being charged in court or having

problems with real estate titles, difficulty from enemies etc


> Now for 6HL in 4H

> If we associate as above, it should be the same.

> However since 4H is a quadrant/sustana, it will mean fewer diseases, fewer

enemies/competition, happiness from detail job etc


> So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the things

signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana house are all


> OR will the individual flourish with the things signified by 6H working in

opposite way


> Thanks

> Kiran


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*klim krishna klim*

Dear Kiran


Good questions.

Its the difference between something being presented to you vs you in

the proccess of striving for the elements indicated by the bhava.

If Lagnesh is in 10th you strive hard for career life, whilst if 10th

lord is in the 1st house (Lagna) then you may just go top-workers

association and all the blessings of status automatically,

like from birth or inheritance.

Hope this adds little to your understanding.



Rafal Gendarz




kiran.rama pisze:




> One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord

> in y house' differ from 'y lord in x house'


> Consider

> 4H: stands for mother, real estate/land/buildings/cars/conveyances,

> happiness

> 6H: stands for illness/disease, enemies/competition, routine

> jobs/detail jobs, litigation/debts


> Consider 4HL in 6H:

> can indicate difficulty related to real estate, mother, enemies and

> happiness. It could be mother's actions being enemy like, being

> charged in court or having problems with real estate titles,

> difficulty from enemies etc


> Now for 6HL in 4H

> If we associate as above, it should be the same.

> However since 4H is a quadrant/sustana, it will mean fewer diseases,

> fewer enemies/competition, happiness from detail job etc


> So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the

> things signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the

> dustana house are all negative)

> OR will the individual flourish with the things signified by 6H

> working in opposite way


> Thanks

> Kiran






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One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord in y house'

differ from 'y lord in x house'



4H: stands for mother, real estate/land/buildings/cars/conveyances, happiness

6H: stands for illness/disease, enemies/competition, routine jobs/detail jobs,



Consider 4HL in 6H:

can indicate difficulty related to real estate, mother, enemies and happiness.

It could be mother's actions being enemy like, being charged in court or having

problems with real estate titles, difficulty from enemies etc


Now for 6HL in 4H

If we associate as above, it should be the same.

However since 4H is a quadrant/sustana, it will mean fewer diseases, fewer

enemies/competition, happiness from detail job etc


So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the things

signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana house are all


OR will the individual flourish with the things signified by 6H working in

opposite way




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Dear Kiran ji,

It is easy to understand. Let me narrate with an example -

* 2nd lord going to 4th - Native's house/place of birth etc getting

benefited by native's money OR in other words, Native's money (2nd

house) being spend FOR native's house/place of birth (4th house). [4th

house significance getting revealed THROUGH 2nd house lord]

* 4th lord coming to 2nd - Native's getting enriched BY native's

house/place of birth (4th house) [2nd house significance getting

revealed THROUGH 4th house lord]

Let us apply the same for the example you give as well.

* 4th lord going to 6th - 4th being spend for enriching 6th. Or in

other words loss of mental peace, happiness etc due to an effort of

decrease unhappiness and sadness due to bad health. [6th house

significance - i.e. disease getting revealed through 4th house. For

example native's mother getting affected by diseases]. Vehicle accident

(i.e. accident - 6th house - getting revealed through 4th house - i.e.


* 6th lord in 4th - 4th house significance being revealed through 6th

lord. e.g. happiness through sadism or masochism (i.e. happiness - 4th

house - through sadness - i.e. 6th lord). Vehicle (4th house benefits)

though earned through bad means (6th house). Vehicle through loan

(vehicle - 4th house - getting revealed through loan - 6th lord)

//> So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the

things signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana

house are all negative) > OR will the individual flourish with the

things signified by 6H working in opposite way//

An answer is difficult for this question - it all depends on the kind

of association. For example -

* Getting a vehicle through loan (6th lord in 4th) is good or bad? -

Ofcourse vehicle is good but having a loan is bad.

* Having a vehicle with accident marks (6th lord in 4th) is good or

bad? - Ofcourse having a vehicle is good but it having badly hurt is


Similarly it also applies for the other association -

* Having some disease but proper treatment happening for the same (4th

lord in 6th) - Having some disease is bad, but proper treatment

happening for the same is good.

* Family month being spend to reduce the loan of the native (4th lord

in 6th) - Having a loan is bad, but the family property becoming helpful

to decrease it is good.

There is nothing absolute in this word, and mechanical hard and fast

rules does not apply in astrology. Astrology is not statistics, and

rigid statistical analysis may lead us to wrong conclusions (since it

does not consider scenarios with a sensitive heart). Hope this helps.

Note: In the case of dustana lord going to sustana, it is all upto you

to derive what you want to call it good or bad; and possibly the same

applies to sustana lord going to dustana as well. Traditionally

astrologers associate both with bad, since usually astrologer's are

" Doshaika drik " (Problem seeking/error seeking); just like a doctor they

are more interested in the things that do not work correctly than in

things that function correctly. But if you want to go the otherway round

and want to see good in everything then that too you can. :)

Love and regards,



, " kiran.rama "

<kiran.rama wrote:



> One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord

in y house' differ from 'y lord in x house'


> Consider

> 4H: stands for mother, real estate/land/buildings/cars/conveyances,


> 6H: stands for illness/disease, enemies/competition, routine

jobs/detail jobs, litigation/debts


> Consider 4HL in 6H:

> can indicate difficulty related to real estate, mother, enemies and

happiness. It could be mother's actions being enemy like, being charged

in court or having problems with real estate titles, difficulty from

enemies etc


> Now for 6HL in 4H

> If we associate as above, it should be the same.

> However since 4H is a quadrant/sustana, it will mean fewer diseases,

fewer enemies/competition, happiness from detail job etc


> So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the

things signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana

house are all negative)

> OR will the individual flourish with the things signified by 6H

working in opposite way


> Thanks

> Kiran


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Namaste, Sreesog.


Thank you for taking time to present this clarification! Although a student of jyotish for some time, having clear examples as you give are always adding to my understanding.


Namaste, David LaGrone



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Very interesting topic. I have two cases like below:


Case1: Aries Ascendant: Lagnesh Mars in 10th House(Exalted) and 10th Lord Saturn

in 1st House(Debilitated). What will be that impact. Is the effect of both



Case2: Aries Ascendant: 5th Lord Sun in 6th Houuse and 6th lord Mercury in 5th

House. What will be impact of this Parivarthana.

Can any one analyse what will be impact of both these??




vedic astrology , " Francois CARRIERE " <yl.car.fr



> Hello,


> vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> >

> > One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord in y

house' differ from 'y lord in x house'


> Actually there is another rule in western astrology I use in jyotish, which is

sometimes helpful (but not every times, since the position of the planet analogy

in the house is more important and it stands both in western astrology and

jyotish). Also, L.R. Chawdhri (Scientific Analysis of Horoscope, Sagar Pub.) use

it also in his studies of each Ascendants.


> The rule suppose a " cause " and an " end " for each House. It goes like this:


> - Let say we are studying House " Y " and Lord of " X " is in house " Y " , then

something signifed by House " X " will be the _cause_ of something signified by

" Y " . This indicates how something begins in house " Y " .


> - Let say now we are studying House " Y " with its Lord in House " X " , then

something signified by House " X " will be the result (how it will " end " ) of the

things signifed by House " Y " .


> Hope it helps and it is clear! ;-)


> --

> Best regards,

> François


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Dear David LaGrone ji,

You are welcome. :)

Love and regards,



, David LaGrone

<dvdlagr wrote:


> Namaste, Sreesog.


> Thank you for taking time to present this clarification! Although a

student of jyotish for some time, having clear examples as you give are

always adding to my understanding.


> Namaste, David LaGrone


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Let me apply this rightaway:


4H: real estate, mother

6H: difficulties/debts, diseases, enemies


4HL in 6H:

things signified by 4H will be the cause of things signified by 6H

so the cause of difficulties/debts, diseases and enemies will be mother and real



6HL in 4H:

things signified by 6H will be the cause of things signified by 4H

So the cause of mother, real estate will be difficulties & diseases


Consider real estate and debt:

4HL in 6H will mean real estate will be the cause of debt

6HL in 4H will mean debt is the cause of real estate


Don't they both imply that real estate was acquired through a loan?






vedic astrology , " Francois CARRIERE " <yl.car.fr



> Hello,


> vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> >

> > One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord in y

house' differ from 'y lord in x house'


> Actually there is another rule in western astrology I use in jyotish, which is

sometimes helpful (but not every times, since the position of the planet analogy

in the house is more important and it stands both in western astrology and

jyotish). Also, L.R. Chawdhri (Scientific Analysis of Horoscope, Sagar Pub.) use

it also in his studies of each Ascendants.


> The rule suppose a " cause " and an " end " for each House. It goes like this:


> - Let say we are studying House " Y " and Lord of " X " is in house " Y " , then

something signifed by House " X " will be the _cause_ of something signified by

" Y " . This indicates how something begins in house " Y " .


> - Let say now we are studying House " Y " with its Lord in House " X " , then

something signified by House " X " will be the result (how it will " end " ) of the

things signifed by House " Y " .


> Hope it helps and it is clear! ;-)


> --

> Best regards,

> François


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Thanks Sreenadhji:


You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being revealed through

4HL. A house significations are rendered through dispositor.

So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H significations

are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?


Let us consider only 2 aspects:

4H: mother

6H: difficulty


4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother resulting in



6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to mother


so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich is correct?





, " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear Kiran ji,

> It is easy to understand. Let me narrate with an example -

> * 2nd lord going to 4th - Native's house/place of birth etc getting

> benefited by native's money OR in other words, Native's money (2nd

> house) being spend FOR native's house/place of birth (4th house). [4th

> house significance getting revealed THROUGH 2nd house lord]

> * 4th lord coming to 2nd - Native's getting enriched BY native's

> house/place of birth (4th house) [2nd house significance getting

> revealed THROUGH 4th house lord]

> Let us apply the same for the example you give as well.

> * 4th lord going to 6th - 4th being spend for enriching 6th. Or in

> other words loss of mental peace, happiness etc due to an effort of

> decrease unhappiness and sadness due to bad health. [6th house

> significance - i.e. disease getting revealed through 4th house. For

> example native's mother getting affected by diseases]. Vehicle accident

> (i.e. accident - 6th house - getting revealed through 4th house - i.e.

> vehicle)

> * 6th lord in 4th - 4th house significance being revealed through 6th

> lord. e.g. happiness through sadism or masochism (i.e. happiness - 4th

> house - through sadness - i.e. 6th lord). Vehicle (4th house benefits)

> though earned through bad means (6th house). Vehicle through loan

> (vehicle - 4th house - getting revealed through loan - 6th lord)

> //> So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the

> things signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana

> house are all negative) > OR will the individual flourish with the

> things signified by 6H working in opposite way//

> An answer is difficult for this question - it all depends on the kind

> of association. For example -

> * Getting a vehicle through loan (6th lord in 4th) is good or bad? -

> Ofcourse vehicle is good but having a loan is bad.

> * Having a vehicle with accident marks (6th lord in 4th) is good or

> bad? - Ofcourse having a vehicle is good but it having badly hurt is

> bad.

> Similarly it also applies for the other association -

> * Having some disease but proper treatment happening for the same (4th

> lord in 6th) - Having some disease is bad, but proper treatment

> happening for the same is good.

> * Family month being spend to reduce the loan of the native (4th lord

> in 6th) - Having a loan is bad, but the family property becoming helpful

> to decrease it is good.

> There is nothing absolute in this word, and mechanical hard and fast

> rules does not apply in astrology. Astrology is not statistics, and

> rigid statistical analysis may lead us to wrong conclusions (since it

> does not consider scenarios with a sensitive heart). Hope this helps.

> Note: In the case of dustana lord going to sustana, it is all upto you

> to derive what you want to call it good or bad; and possibly the same

> applies to sustana lord going to dustana as well. Traditionally

> astrologers associate both with bad, since usually astrologer's are

> " Doshaika drik " (Problem seeking/error seeking); just like a doctor they

> are more interested in the things that do not work correctly than in

> things that function correctly. But if you want to go the otherway round

> and want to see good in everything then that too you can. :)

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " kiran.rama "

> <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord

> in y house' differ from 'y lord in x house'

> >

> > Consider

> > 4H: stands for mother, real estate/land/buildings/cars/conveyances,

> happiness

> > 6H: stands for illness/disease, enemies/competition, routine

> jobs/detail jobs, litigation/debts

> >

> > Consider 4HL in 6H:

> > can indicate difficulty related to real estate, mother, enemies and

> happiness. It could be mother's actions being enemy like, being charged

> in court or having problems with real estate titles, difficulty from

> enemies etc

> >

> > Now for 6HL in 4H

> > If we associate as above, it should be the same.

> > However since 4H is a quadrant/sustana, it will mean fewer diseases,

> fewer enemies/competition, happiness from detail job etc

> >

> > So my question was if dustana lord is in sustana house, will the

> things signified by the house flourish (Things signified by the dustana

> house are all negative)

> > OR will the individual flourish with the things signified by 6H

> working in opposite way

> >

> > Thanks

> > Kiran

> >


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*klim krishna klim*

Dear Kiran


4th lord in 6th - mother may see native as enemy.

6th lord in 4th - native see mother as an enemy (blockage).


This may apply to other elements based on chart, the difference is if

you I) apply the intelligence to bring the event or it was just

presented to you. Think in these lines and you will not go wrong.




Rafal Gendarz

Vedic Astrologer of SJC





kiran.rama pisze:



> Let me apply this rightaway:


> 4H: real estate, mother

> 6H: difficulties/debts, diseases, enemies


> 4HL in 6H:

> things signified by 4H will be the cause of things signified by 6H

> so the cause of difficulties/debts, diseases and enemies will be

> mother and real estate


> 6HL in 4H:

> things signified by 6H will be the cause of things signified by 4H

> So the cause of mother, real estate will be difficulties & diseases


> Consider real estate and debt:

> 4HL in 6H will mean real estate will be the cause of debt

> 6HL in 4H will mean debt is the cause of real estate


> Don't they both imply that real estate was acquired through a loan?


> Thanks

> Kiran


> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, " Francois CARRIERE "

> <yl.car.fr wrote:

> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama@>

> wrote:

> > >

> > > One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x

> lord in y house' differ from 'y lord in x house'

> >

> > Actually there is another rule in western astrology I use in

> jyotish, which is sometimes helpful (but not every times, since the

> position of the planet analogy in the house is more important and it

> stands both in western astrology and jyotish). Also, L.R. Chawdhri

> (Scientific Analysis of Horoscope, Sagar Pub.) use it also in his

> studies of each Ascendants.

> >

> > The rule suppose a " cause " and an " end " for each House. It goes like

> this:

> >

> > - Let say we are studying House " Y " and Lord of " X " is in house " Y " ,

> then something signifed by House " X " will be the _cause_ of something

> signified by " Y " . This indicates how something begins in house " Y " .

> >

> > - Let say now we are studying House " Y " with its Lord in House " X " ,

> then something signified by House " X " will be the result (how it will

> " end " ) of the things signifed by House " Y " .

> >

> > Hope it helps and it is clear! ;-)

> >

> > --

> > Best regards,

> > François

> >






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Dear Kiran ji,//> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?// This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through which the sign results that lie beneath comes through. A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets, houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation. //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> 4H: mother

> 6H: difficulty


> 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother resulting in difficulty


> 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to mother// It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed. Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty). So from the astrological (result derivation method told above) perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever. Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system) at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he needs to articulate in anyway he wish). For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same. Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother" it is ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the astrologer" it is the SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that "revealed through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it may not be. Hope this clarifies. //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. Which is correct?// I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON mother (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone, but BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same combination/placement can indicate many good results as well, along with this bad result]Love and regards,Sreenadh , "kiran.rama" <kiran.rama wrote:>> Thanks Sreenadhji:> > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through dispositor.> So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?> > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> 4H: mother> 6H: difficulty> > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother resulting in difficulty > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to mother> > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich is correct?> > Thanks> Kiran

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Dear Kiran and members,


The issue appears quite interesting. I would like to add my two cents.


First of all, matter of bhaveshphalam (i.e. house lord effects in different

houses) comes after grahaphalam (i.e. planets effect in different houses) as far

as order of importance is concerned.


Secondly, in Jyoytish:


" Effect of X-House lord in Y-House is NOT equal to Y-House lord in X-House (vide

BPHS Chapter 24 and prior 12 Chapters). "


As stated above grahaphalam is important than bhaveshphalam (note that Parashar,

in his BPHS, first taught bhavphal and grahaphal then discussed bhaveshphal).

Even if you ignore this concept then no inference can be deducted on the basis

of mere 'house-lord-result'. Since all the 12 houses are not uniform in

strength. Furthermore they simultaneously contain significations (karakattvas)

of various areas of life and fall in sign who are different in nature and

attributes. So in my humble opinion, no thesis can be established on the line of

algebra in 'predictive astrology'.


Apart from it, the subject of parivartana is not usual. Planets in mutual

exchange behave in entirely different fashion, especially in their respective




M. Imran





vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama wrote:


> Let me apply this rightaway:


> 4H: real estate, mother

> 6H: difficulties/debts, diseases, enemies


> 4HL in 6H:

> things signified by 4H will be the cause of things signified by 6H

> so the cause of difficulties/debts, diseases and enemies will be mother and

real estate


> 6HL in 4H:

> things signified by 6H will be the cause of things signified by 4H

> So the cause of mother, real estate will be difficulties & diseases


> Consider real estate and debt:

> 4HL in 6H will mean real estate will be the cause of debt

> 6HL in 4H will mean debt is the cause of real estate


> Don't they both imply that real estate was acquired through a loan?


> Thanks

> Kiran



> vedic astrology , " Francois CARRIERE " <yl.car.fr@>


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> > >

> > > One of the subtleties of astrology is how the results of how 'x lord in y

house' differ from 'y lord in x house'

> >

> > Actually there is another rule in western astrology I use in jyotish, which

is sometimes helpful (but not every times, since the position of the planet

analogy in the house is more important and it stands both in western astrology

and jyotish). Also, L.R. Chawdhri (Scientific Analysis of Horoscope, Sagar Pub.)

use it also in his studies of each Ascendants.

> >

> > The rule suppose a " cause " and an " end " for each House. It goes like this:

> >

> > - Let say we are studying House " Y " and Lord of " X " is in house " Y " , then

something signifed by House " X " will be the _cause_ of something signified by

" Y " . This indicates how something begins in house " Y " .

> >

> > - Let say now we are studying House " Y " with its Lord in House " X " , then

something signified by House " X " will be the result (how it will " end " ) of the

things signifed by House " Y " .

> >

> > Hope it helps and it is clear! ;-)

> >

> > --

> > Best regards,

> > François

> >


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Shall we see this or test this real life please -

BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are standard

charts that comes with JHora.

Any examples of 4HL in 6H?


, " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear Kiran ji,

> //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean

> that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not

> vice-versa?//

> This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results

> produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in

> sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based

> on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is

> Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which

> house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through

> which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.

> A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not

> associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying

> house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is

> not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result

> that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,

> houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far

> behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of

> the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is

> constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.

> //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > 4H: mother

> > 6H: difficulty

> >

> > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> resulting in difficulty

> >

> > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> mother//

> It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at

> the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H

> (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is

> supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through

> the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and

> certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the

> house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.

> Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come

> through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty).

> So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)

> perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed

> though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by

> astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now

> what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could

> mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.

> Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)

> at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how

> you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to

> mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in

> anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not

> interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to

> mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But

> for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that

> comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity

> regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is

> important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he

> needs to articulate in anyway he wish).

> For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through

> mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed

> through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.

> Whether it be - " mother IN difficulty " or " difficulty ON mother " it is

> ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is

> bothered about. :) But it is just that " for the astrologer " it is the

> SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that " revealed

> through " , IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to

> learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order

> Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's

> (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it may not

> be. Hope this clarifies.

> //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.

> Which is correct?//

> I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether

> it be " Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H) " or " Difficulty (6HL) ON mother

> (4H) " , it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be

> " it is BAD for mother " . Diseases are the result of not one alone, but

> BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same

> combination/placement can indicate many good results as well, along with

> this bad result]

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " kiran.rama "

> <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks Sreenadhji:

> >

> > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> dispositor.

> > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H

> significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?

> >

> > Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > 4H: mother

> > 6H: difficulty

> >

> > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> resulting in difficulty

> >

> > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> mother

> >

> > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich

> is correct?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Kiran


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You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya <satyabhama_gupta_1980 wrote:







Shall we see this or test this real life please -

BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are standard charts that comes with JHora.

Any examples of 4HL in 6H?


, " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear Kiran ji,

> //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean

> that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not

> vice-versa?//

> This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results

> produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in

> sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based

> on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is

> Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which

> house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through

> which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.

> A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not

> associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying

> house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is

> not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result

> that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,

> houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far

> behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of

> the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is

> constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.

> //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > 4H: mother

> > 6H: difficulty

> >

> > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> resulting in difficulty

> >

> > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> mother//

> It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at

> the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H

> (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is

> supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through

> the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and

> certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the

> house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.

> Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come

> through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty).

> So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)

> perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed

> though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by

> astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now

> what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could

> mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.

> Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)

> at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how

> you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to

> mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in

> anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not

> interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to

> mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But

> for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that

> comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity

> regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is

> important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he

> needs to articulate in anyway he wish).

> For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through

> mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed

> through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.

> Whether it be - " mother IN difficulty " or " difficulty ON mother " it is

> ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is

> bothered about. :) But it is just that " for the astrologer " it is the

> SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that " revealed

> through " , IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to

> learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order

> Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's

> (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it may not

> be. Hope this clarifies.

> //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.

> Which is correct?//

> I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether

> it be " Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H) " or " Difficulty (6HL) ON mother

> (4H) " , it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be

> " it is BAD for mother " . Diseases are the result of not one alone, but

> BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same

> combination/placement can indicate many good results as well, along with

> this bad result]

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " kiran.rama "

> <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks Sreenadhji:

> >

> > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> dispositor.

> > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H

> significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?

> >

> > Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > 4H: mother

> > 6H: difficulty

> >

> > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> resulting in difficulty

> >

> > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> mother

> >

> > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich

> is correct?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Kiran


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Thanks Sreenadhji!


However, when we say sign->house->planet; is the planet there the house lord

ONLY or the planets occupying the house too

Now that could alter results :)







> , " sreesog " <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kiran ji,

> > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean

> > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not

> > vice-versa?//

> > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results

> > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in

> > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based

> > on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is

> > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which

> > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through

> > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.

> > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not

> > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying

> > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is

> > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result

> > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,

> > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far

> > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of

> > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is

> > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.

> > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > 4H: mother

> > > 6H: difficulty

> > >

> > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> > resulting in difficulty

> > >

> > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> > mother//

> > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at

> > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H

> > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is

> > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through

> > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and

> > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the

> > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.

> > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come

> > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty).

> > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)

> > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed

> > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by

> > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now

> > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could

> > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.

> > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)

> > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how

> > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to

> > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in

> > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not

> > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to

> > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But

> > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that

> > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity

> > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is

> > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he

> > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).

> > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through

> > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed

> > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.

> > Whether it be - " mother IN difficulty " or " difficulty ON mother " it is

> > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is

> > bothered about. :) But it is just that " for the astrologer " it is the

> > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that " revealed

> > through " , IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to

> > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order

> > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's

> > (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it may not

> > be. Hope this clarifies.

> > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.

> > Which is correct?//

> > I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether

> > it be " Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H) " or " Difficulty (6HL) ON mother

> > (4H) " , it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be

> > " it is BAD for mother " . Diseases are the result of not one alone, but

> > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same

> > combination/placement can indicate many good results as well, along with

> > this bad result]

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > , " kiran.rama "

> > <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Thanks Sreenadhji:

> > >

> > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> > dispositor.

> > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H

> > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?

> > >

> > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > 4H: mother

> > > 6H: difficulty

> > >

> > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> > resulting in difficulty

> > >

> > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to

> > mother

> > >

> > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich

> > is correct?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Kiran

> >


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Dear neelam Ji and list yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and swami rama s ) satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh,karaka scheme ) for final assessmnt many thanks rgrds sunil nair , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.> > > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_1980 wrote:> > >> >> > Shall we see this or test this real life please -> > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are> > standard charts that comes with JHora.> > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?> >> >> > <%40>,> > "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Kiran ji,> > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean> > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not> > > vice-versa?//> > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results> > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in> > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based> > > on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is> > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which> > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through> > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.> > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not> > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying> > > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is> > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result> > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,> > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far> > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of> > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is> > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.> > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > mother//> > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at> > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H> > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is> > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through> > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and> > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the> > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.> > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come> > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty).> > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)> > > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed> > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by> > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now> > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could> > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.> > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)> > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how> > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to> > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in> > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not> > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to> > > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But> > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that> > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity> > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is> > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he> > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).> > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through> > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed> > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.> > > Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother" it is> > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is> > > bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the astrologer" it is the> > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that "revealed> > > through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to> > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order> > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's> > > (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it may not> > > be. Hope this clarifies.> > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > > Which is correct?//> > > I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether> > > it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON mother> > > (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be> > > "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone, but> > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same> > > combination/placement can indicate many good results as well, along with> > > this bad result]> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > <%40>,> > "kiran.rama"> > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:> > > >> > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor.> > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H> > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?> > > >> > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > mother> > > >> > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich> > > is correct?> > > >> > > > Thanks> > > > Kiran> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Sirs,


Here is an example of 4HL in 6H.


20 December 1947.

18.28 IST

Place: Khedbrahma; North Gujarat Lat 24n03; Long 73.00


Lagna Mithun 4HL Mercury is in Scorpio the 6th House.


He is not having his own home. He is staying in his father's flat which is nominated to him.


D. D. Trivedi

--- On Wed, 31/3/10, Sunil <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

Sunil <astro_tellerkerala Re: x lord in y house vs. y lord in x house Date: Wednesday, 31 March, 2010, 8:34 AM

Dear neelam Ji and list yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and swami rama s ) satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh, karaka scheme ) for final assessmnt many thanks rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:>> You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.> > > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_ 1980 wrote:> > >> >> > Shall we see this or test this real life please -> > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are> > standard charts that comes with JHora.> > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?> >> >> > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Kiran ji,> > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above

case 4H Lord going to 6H mean> > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not> > > vice-versa?/ /> > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results> > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in> > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based> > > on its significance) . Or in otherwords the layering order is> > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which> > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through> > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.> > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not> > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying> > > house is not associated

with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is> > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result> > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,> > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far> > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of> > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is> > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.> > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->

difficulty to> > > mother//> > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at> > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H> > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is> > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through> > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and> > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the> > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.> > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come> > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty) .> > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)> > > perspective, here 6th house

result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed> > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by> > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now> > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could> > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.> > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)> > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how> > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to> > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in> > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not> > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to> > > mother, mother in

difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But> > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that> > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity> > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is> > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he> > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).> > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through> > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed> > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.> > > Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother" it is> > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is> > > bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the

astrologer" it is the> > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that "revealed> > > through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to> > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order> > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's> > > (clients/customer' s/user's) perspective in several instances it may not> > > be. Hope this clarifies.> > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > > Which is correct?//> > > I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether> > > it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON mother> > > (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be> > > "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone,

but> > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same> > > combination/ placement can indicate many good results as well, along with> > > this bad result]> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > "kiran.rama"> > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:> > > >> > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor.> > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H> > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?> >

> >> > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > mother> > > >> > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich> > > is correct?> > > >> > > > Thanks> > > > Kiran> > >> >> > > >>

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There are several factors to be considered and these should not be seen individually. If the 6th L is also lord of lagna placed in 7th, it is not inauspicious. Also aspect of benefics need to be considered. say if a benefic is aspecting the 7th house then it is infact auspicious.


Also 8th L in 6th is a vipreet raj yog wherein an individual succeeds by someone's down fall and it is always beneficial if the 6th, 8th and 12th lords are placed in inauspicious houses.


Regarding the third, wherein 7th L os in the 8th house; 8th house signifies inheritence therefore this could signify inheritence or monetary benefits coming from spouse's family considering other factors, aspect and other things.


Experts plese correct me if I am wrong.


Thanks & Regards,

Micky--- On Wed, 31/3/10, ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli <shankarabharadwaj wrote:

ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli <shankarabharadwajRe: Re: x lord in y house vs. y lord in x house Date: Wednesday, 31 March, 2010, 12:33 PM


Just wondering if this becomes three house instead of two house riddle. I saw something like 7L in 8H8H in 6H6L in 7Hhow severe can this be?Shankar

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hello all,to check on the severity u can also have this details:lagna - cancer7th lord sani in 6th house6th lord guru in 11th house5th and 10th lord mars in 12th house3rd lord and 12th lord mercury in 10th house.may be interestingfor a full picture the horoscope is as followsI house:lagna:cancerII house:leo:ketuIII house:virgo:moonVII

house:sagitarius:saturnVIII house:rahuX house:aries: sun(exalted),mercury,venusXi house:taurus:guruXII house:gemini:marspls tell me as to what the implications are:thanks in anticipation.Karthik Raman


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Dear Sunil ji,My fourth lord moon is in 6th with Kuja, my lagna and 8th lord, my lagna being aries. My mom is 79-80 and healthy excepting that she fell several times and had several fractures to her legs.. Thank god.Regards, Anita--- On Wed, 31/3/10, Sunil <astro_tellerkerala wrote:Sunil <astro_tellerkerala Re: x lord in y house vs. y lord in x house Date: Wednesday, 31 March, 2010, 3:04 AM




Dear neelam Ji and list yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and swami rama s ) satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh, karaka scheme ) for final assessmnt many thanks rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_

astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:>> You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.> > > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_ 1980 wrote:> > >> >> > Shall we see this or test this real life please -> > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are> > standard charts that comes with JHora.> > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?> >> >> > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Kiran ji,> > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor. > So should'nt

in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean> > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not> > > vice-versa?/ /> > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results> > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in> > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based> > > on its significance) . Or in otherwords the layering order is> > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which> > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through> > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.> > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not> > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying> > > house is not

associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is> > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result> > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,> > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far> > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of> > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is> > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.> > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h)

-> difficulty to> > > mother//> > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at> > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H> > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is> > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through> > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and> > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the> > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.> > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come> > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty) .> > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)> > > perspective, here 6th

house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed> > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by> > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now> > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could> > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.> > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)> > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how> > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to> > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in> > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not> > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to> > > mother, mother

in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But> > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that> > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity> > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is> > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he> > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).> > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through> > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed> > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.> > > Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother" it is> > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is> > > bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the

astrologer" it is the> > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that "revealed> > > through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to> > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order> > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's> > > (clients/customer' s/user's) perspective in several instances it may not> > > be. Hope this clarifies.> > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > > Which is correct?//> > > I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether> > > it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON mother> > > (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be> > > "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone,

but> > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same> > > combination/ placement can indicate many good results as well, along with> > > this bad result]> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > "kiran.rama"> > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:> > > >> > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > dispositor.> > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H> > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?> >

> >> > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > 4H: mother> > > > 6H: difficulty> > > >> > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > resulting in difficulty> > > >> > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > mother> > > >> > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich> > > is correct?> > > >> > > > Thanks> > > > Kiran> > >> >> > > >>




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Dear Anita Ji Lagna lord in any House improvs that house (generaly ) and also improves the aspects of planets it conjoined then rest of the parameters apply I may b off frm net for few days and hence will not reply to any personal mails or posts Rgrds sunil nair , Anita R <ash.rsh55 wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji,> My fourth lord moon is in 6th with Kuja, my lagna and 8th lord, my lagna being aries. My mom is 79-80 and healthy excepting that she fell several times and had several fractures to her legs.. Thank god.> Regards, > Anita> > --- On Wed, 31/3/10, Sunil astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > Sunil astro_tellerkerala Re: x lord in y house vs. y lord in x house> > Wednesday, 31 March, 2010, 3:04 AM> > > > > > > > Â > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear neelam Ji and list > > Â yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and swami rama s ) > > satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji > > Â this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh, karaka scheme ) for final assessmnt > > many thanks > > rgrds sunil nair> > > Â > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:> >> > You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.> > > > > > > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_ 1980@ wrote:> > > > >> > >> > > Shall we see this or test this real life please -> > > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are> > > standard charts that comes with JHora.> > > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?> > >> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > > "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Kiran ji,> > > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean> > > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not> > > > vice-versa?/ /> > > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The results> > > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate in> > > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet (based> > > > on its significance) . Or in otherwords the layering order is> > > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through which> > > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below through> > > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.> > > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not> > > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying> > > > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that is> > > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a result> > > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why planets,> > > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes from far> > > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is one of> > > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian astrology is> > > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.> > > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > > 4H: mother> > > > > 6H: difficulty> > > > >> > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > > resulting in difficulty> > > > >> > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > > mother//> > > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look at> > > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here 6H> > > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The result is> > > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally through> > > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly (and> > > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to the> > > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is placed.> > > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should come> > > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H (difficulty) .> > > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)> > > > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get revealed> > > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by> > > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation]. Now> > > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother' could> > > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so ever.> > > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the system)> > > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but how> > > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty, difficulty to> > > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in> > > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He is not> > > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty to> > > > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc). But> > > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results that> > > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic clarity> > > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL' is> > > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what he> > > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).> > > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed through> > > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed> > > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.> > > > Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother" it is> > > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native is> > > > bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the astrologer" it is the> > > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that "revealed> > > > through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying to> > > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering order> > > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's> > > > (clients/customer' s/user's) perspective in several instances it may not> > > > be. Hope this clarifies.> > > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > > > Which is correct?//> > > > I think the above discussion already answered this question. Whether> > > > it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON mother> > > > (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the grammar be> > > > "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone, but> > > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same> > > > combination/ placement can indicate many good results as well, along with> > > > this bad result]> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>,> > > "kiran.rama"> > > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:> > > > >> > > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > > dispositor.> > > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H> > > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not vice-versa?> > > > >> > > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > > 4H: mother> > > > > 6H: difficulty> > > > >> > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > > resulting in difficulty> > > > >> > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) -> difficulty to> > > > mother> > > > >> > > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H. WHich> > > > is correct?> > > > >> > > > > Thanks> > > > > Kiran> > > >> > >> > > > > >> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! http://downloads./in/internetexplorer/>

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C:\Program Files\Jagannatha Hora\data\Swami Sivananda


Natal Chart


September 8, 1887

Time: 4:16:00

Time Zone: 5:11:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 77 E 40' 00 " , 8 N 48' 00 "

Altitude: 596.00 meters


Lunar Yr-Mo: Sarva-jit - Bhadrapada

Tithi: Krishna Shashthi (Ve) (99.59% left)

Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me)

Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (28.78% left)

Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (57.93% left)

Karana: Garija (Ju) (99.17% left)

Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Sc)

Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Li)

Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Saturn)


Sunrise: 5:54:34 (September 7)

Sunset: 18:02:04 (September 7)

Janma Ghatis: 55.8928


Ayanamsa: 22-11-31.06

Sidereal Time: 3:22:28




, " Sunil "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Dear neelam Ji and list


> yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age

> and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i

> dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and

> swami rama s [:D] )


> satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji


> this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final

> results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka

> and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh,karaka scheme ) for final

> assessmnt


> many thanks


> rgrds sunil nair

, neelam gupta

> <neelamgupta07@> wrote:

> >

> > You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.

> >

> >

> >

> > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_1980@ wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shall we see this or test this real life please -

> > > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are

> > > standard charts that comes with JHora.

> > > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In

> <%40yaho\

> ogroups.com>,

> > > " sreesog " sreesog@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Kiran ji,

> > > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> > > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H

> mean

> > > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and

> not

> > > > vice-versa?//

> > > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The

> results

> > > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate

> in

> > > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet

> (based

> > > > on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is

> > > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through

> which

> > > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below

> through

> > > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.

> > > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not

> > > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the

> underlying

> > > > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that

> is

> > > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a

> result

> > > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why

> planets,

> > > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes

> from far

> > > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is

> one of

> > > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian

> astrology is

> > > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.

> > > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > > > 4H: mother

> > > > > 6H: difficulty

> > > > >

> > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> > > > resulting in difficulty

> > > > >

> > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->

> difficulty to

> > > > mother//

> > > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look

> at

> > > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here

> 6H

> > > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The

> result is

> > > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally

> through

> > > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly

> (and

> > > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to

> the

> > > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is

> placed.

> > > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should

> come

> > > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H

> (difficulty).

> > > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)

> > > > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get

> revealed

> > > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by

> > > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation].

> Now

> > > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother'

> could

> > > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so

> ever.

> > > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the

> system)

> > > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but

> how

> > > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty,

> difficulty to

> > > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in

> > > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He

> is not

> > > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty

> to

> > > > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc).

> But

> > > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results

> that

> > > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic

> clarity

> > > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL'

> is

> > > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what

> he

> > > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).

> > > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed

> through

> > > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed

> > > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.

> > > > Whether it be - " mother IN difficulty " or " difficulty ON mother "

> it is

> > > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native

> is

> > > > bothered about. :) But it is just that " for the astrologer " it is

> the

> > > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that

> " revealed

> > > > through " , IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying

> to

> > > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering

> order

> > > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's

> > > > (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it

> may not

> > > > be. Hope this clarifies.

> > > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.

> > > > Which is correct?//

> > > > I think the above discussion already answered this question.

> Whether

> > > > it be " Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H) " or " Difficulty (6HL) ON

> mother

> > > > (4H) " , it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the

> grammar be

> > > > " it is BAD for mother " . Diseases are the result of not one alone,

> but

> > > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same

> > > > combination/placement can indicate many good results as well,

> along with

> > > > this bad result]

> > > > Love and regards,

> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >

> > > > --- In

> <%40yaho\

> ogroups.com>,

> > > " kiran.rama "

> > > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:

> > > > >

> > > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being

> > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through

> > > > dispositor.

> > > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H

> > > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not

> vice-versa?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > > > 4H: mother

> > > > > 6H: difficulty

> > > > >

> > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother

> > > > resulting in difficulty

> > > > >

> > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->

> difficulty to

> > > > mother

> > > > >

> > > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.

> WHich

> > > > is correct?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Kiran

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Dear satyaBhama Ji Thanks for the chart details i am yet to see the chart as i am busy with some work 4th L in 6 th may mean living away frm home or settling away frm nativ place too His viki Link is not much of any use to ascertain his biography other than details of his mission thanks and rgrds sunil nair , "Satya" <satyabhama_gupta_1980 wrote:>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Sivananda> C:\Program Files\Jagannatha Hora\data\Swami Sivananda> > Natal Chart> > September 8, 1887> Time: 4:16:00> Time Zone: 5:11:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 77 E 40' 00", 8 N 48' 00"> Altitude: 596.00 meters> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sarva-jit - Bhadrapada> Tithi: Krishna Shashthi (Ve) (99.59% left)> Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me)> Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (28.78% left)> Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (57.93% left)> Karana: Garija (Ju) (99.17% left)> Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Sc)> Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Li)> Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Saturn)> > Sunrise: 5:54:34 (September 7)> Sunset: 18:02:04 (September 7)> Janma Ghatis: 55.8928> > Ayanamsa: 22-11-31.06> Sidereal Time: 3:22:28> > > > , "Sunil" astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear neelam Ji and list> > > > yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier age> > and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself and i> > dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s and> > swami rama s [:D] )> > > > satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji> > > > this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring final> > results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of Karaka> > and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh,karaka scheme ) for final> > assessmnt> > > > many thanks> > > > rgrds sunil nair> > > > > > > > > > > > > > , neelam gupta> > <neelamgupta07@> wrote:> > >> > > You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.> > >> > >> > >> > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_1980@ wrote:> > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Shall we see this or test this real life please -> > > > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart are> > > > standard charts that comes with JHora.> > > > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?> > > >> > > >> > > > --- In> > <%40yaho\> > ogroups.com>,> > > > "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Kiran ji,> > > > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H> > mean> > > > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and> > not> > > > > vice-versa?//> > > > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The> > results> > > > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result originate> > in> > > > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by planet> > (based> > > > > on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is> > > > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through> > which> > > > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole below> > through> > > > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.> > > > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do not> > > > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the> > underlying> > > > > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result that> > is> > > > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a> > result> > > > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why> > planets,> > > > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results comes> > from far> > > > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This is> > one of> > > > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian> > astrology is> > > > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.> > > > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > > > 4H: mother> > > > > > 6H: difficulty> > > > > >> > > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > > > resulting in difficulty> > > > > >> > > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->> > difficulty to> > > > > mother//> > > > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us look> > at> > > > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house). Here> > 6H> > > > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The> > result is> > > > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally> > through> > > > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly> > (and> > > > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet, related to> > the> > > > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it is> > placed.> > > > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that should> > come> > > > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H> > (difficulty).> > > > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)> > > > > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should get> > revealed> > > > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology used by> > > > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual derivation].> > Now> > > > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through mother'> > could> > > > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what so> > ever.> > > > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on the> > system)> > > > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother); but> > how> > > > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty,> > difficulty to> > > > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate anything in> > > > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener. (He> > is not> > > > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between difficulty> > to> > > > > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty etc).> > But> > > > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign results> > that> > > > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic> > clarity> > > > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though 4HL'> > is> > > > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is what> > he> > > > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).> > > > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed> > through> > > > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting revealed> > > > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the same.> > > > > Whether it be - "mother IN difficulty" or "difficulty ON mother"> > it is> > > > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the native> > is> > > > > bothered about. :) But it is just that "for the astrologer" it is> > the> > > > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that> > "revealed> > > > > through", IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are trying> > to> > > > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the layering> > order> > > > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's> > > > > (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances it> > may not> > > > > be. Hope this clarifies.> > > > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > > > > Which is correct?//> > > > > I think the above discussion already answered this question.> > Whether> > > > > it be "Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H)" or "Difficulty (6HL) ON> > mother> > > > > (4H)", it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the> > grammar be> > > > > "it is BAD for mother". Diseases are the result of not one alone,> > but> > > > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the same> > > > > combination/placement can indicate many good results as well,> > along with> > > > > this bad result]> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > > --- In> > <%40yaho\> > ogroups.com>,> > > > "kiran.rama"> > > > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:> > > > > >> > > > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations being> > > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered through> > > > > dispositor.> > > > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that 4H> > > > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not> > vice-versa?> > > > > >> > > > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:> > > > > > 4H: mother> > > > > > 6H: difficulty> > > > > >> > > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) -> mother> > > > > resulting in difficulty> > > > > >> > > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->> > difficulty to> > > > > mother> > > > > >> > > > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in 6H.> > WHich> > > > > is correct?> > > > > >> > > > > > Thanks> > > > > > Kiran> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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also in case of celebrities they are usually mapped to a time where all planets

are in favourable positions as a result of 'birth time rectification'

I would not read too much into celebrities charts


, " Sunil "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Dear satyaBhama Ji


> Thanks for the chart details


> i am yet to see the chart as i am busy with some work


> 4th L in 6 th may mean living away frm home or settling away frm nativ

> place too


> His viki Link is not much of any use to ascertain his biography other

> than details of his mission


> thanks and rgrds sunil nair




> , " Satya "

> <satyabhama_gupta_1980@> wrote:

> >

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Sivananda

> > C:\Program Files\Jagannatha Hora\data\Swami Sivananda

> >

> > Natal Chart

> >

> > September 8, 1887

> > Time: 4:16:00

> > Time Zone: 5:11:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 77 E 40' 00 " , 8 N 48' 00 "

> > Altitude: 596.00 meters

> >

> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sarva-jit - Bhadrapada

> > Tithi: Krishna Shashthi (Ve) (99.59% left)

> > Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me)

> > Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (28.78% left)

> > Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (57.93% left)

> > Karana: Garija (Ju) (99.17% left)

> > Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Sc)

> > Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Li)

> > Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Saturn)

> >

> > Sunrise: 5:54:34 (September 7)

> > Sunset: 18:02:04 (September 7)

> > Janma Ghatis: 55.8928

> >

> > Ayanamsa: 22-11-31.06

> > Sidereal Time: 3:22:28

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Sunil "

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear neelam Ji and list

> > >

> > > yes ,Indira gandhi had a sick mother and she died at her earlier

> age

> > > and shri BV raman ji s mother died when he was a small kid itself

> and i

> > > dont know abt swami sivananda ( there is so many swami sivananda s

> and

> > > swami rama s [:D] )

> > >

> > > satyabhama ji can u post the data of swami ji

> > >

> > > this will help in our discussion but always remebr b4 declaring

> final

> > > results ( this is to Shri kiran raman Ji ) always see status of

> Karaka

> > > and realted house too ( Bhava,bhavesh,karaka scheme ) for final

> > > assessmnt

> > >

> > > many thanks

> > >

> > > rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , neelam gupta

> > > <neelamgupta07@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > You may check Indira Gandhi's chart for 4L in 6H.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On 30 March 2010 20:49, Satya satyabhama_gupta_1980@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Shall we see this or test this real life please -

> > > > > BV Raman (6HL in 4H), Sawmi Shivananda (6HL in 4H) - both chart

> are

> > > > > standard charts that comes with JHora.

> > > > > Any examples of 4HL in 6H?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- In

> > >

> <%40yaho\

> \

> > > ogroups.com>,

> > > > > " sreesog " sreesog@ wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Kiran ji,

> > > > > > //> You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations

> being

> > > > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered

> through

> > > > > > dispositor. > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to

> 6H

> > > mean

> > > > > > that 4H significations are going to be delivered through 6H?

> and

> > > not

> > > > > > vice-versa?//

> > > > > > This doubt will vanish if we look at it in another way. The

> > > results

> > > > > > produced by Sign-House-Planet is layered. Every result

> originate

> > > in

> > > > > > sign, gets filtered by house, and finally get revealed by

> planet

> > > (based

> > > > > > on its significance). Or in otherwords the layering order is

> > > > > > Sign=>House=>Planet. Planet is like a lens (or a hole) through

> > > which

> > > > > > house results gets revealed, and House is the lens or hole

> below

> > > through

> > > > > > which the sign results that lie beneath comes through.

> > > > > > A house CANNOT deliver a result that the underlying sign do

> not

> > > > > > associated with. The planet CANNOT deliver a result that the

> > > underlying

> > > > > > house is not associated with. A house CANNOT deliver a result

> that

> > > is

> > > > > > not permitted by the planet above it. A sign CANNOT deliver a

> > > result

> > > > > > that is not permitted by the house on top of it. That is why

> > > planets,

> > > > > > houses etc are NOT doers but ony indicators. (The results

> comes

> > > from far

> > > > > > behind; they are part of this space, the signs itself!) This

> is

> > > one of

> > > > > > the foundation rules above which the whole castle of Indian

> > > astrology is

> > > > > > constructed. This is one of the base rules of interpretation.

> > > > > > //> Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > > > > > 4H: mother

> > > > > > > 6H: difficulty

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) ->

> mother

> > > > > > resulting in difficulty

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->

> > > difficulty to

> > > > > > mother//

> > > > > > It is not like that. Based on this understanding now let us

> look

> > > at

> > > > > > the case under consideration. 4HL (planet) is in 6H (house).

> Here

> > > 6H

> > > > > > (house) is below, and the 4HL (planet) is placed above it. The

> > > result is

> > > > > > supposed to come from the sign, through the house, and finally

> > > through

> > > > > > the planet. Thus certainly the revealed result will be clearly

> > > (and

> > > > > > certainly) connected to the significance of the planet,

> related to

> > > the

> > > > > > house in which it is situated, and also the sign in which it

> is

> > > placed.

> > > > > > Here at the top the planet is 4HL (mother). The result that

> should

> > > come

> > > > > > through this is connected with the house below - i.e. 6H

> > > (difficulty).

> > > > > > So from the astrological (result derivation method told above)

> > > > > > perspective, here 6th house result (i.e. difficulty) should

> get

> > > revealed

> > > > > > though mother. [This is systematic approach or methodology

> used by

> > > > > > astrologer to derive the result. This is the actual

> derivation].

> > > Now

> > > > > > what does that mean? 'Difficulty getting revealed through

> mother'

> > > could

> > > > > > mean 'Mother is in difficulty', 'Difficulty to mother' or what

> so

> > > ever.

> > > > > > Or in otherwords, you have an 'actual derivation' (based on

> the

> > > system)

> > > > > > at hand (i.e. difficult should get revealed thorough mother);

> but

> > > how

> > > > > > you want to articulate it (i.e. mother is in difficulty,

> > > difficulty to

> > > > > > mother etc etc) is upto you. We are free to articulate

> anything in

> > > > > > anyway we we want; in understandable terms, to the listener.

> (He

> > > is not

> > > > > > interested in the hair splitting the difference between

> difficulty

> > > to

> > > > > > mother, mother in difficult, mother resulting in difficulty

> etc).

> > > But

> > > > > > for the astrologer the BASIC understanding that it is sign

> results

> > > that

> > > > > > comes though house and planet is important. For him the basic

> > > clarity

> > > > > > regarding the statement '6H results will gets revealed though

> 4HL'

> > > is

> > > > > > important (because it is what his system proposes, and it is

> what

> > > he

> > > > > > needs to articulate in anyway he wish).

> > > > > > For the common man, 4HL in 6th (difficulty getting revealed

> > > through

> > > > > > mother; mother IN difficulty), 6HL in 4th (mother getting

> revealed

> > > > > > through difficulty; difficulty ON mother) will all mean the

> same.

> > > > > > Whether it be - " mother IN difficulty " or " difficulty ON

> mother "

> > > it is

> > > > > > ultimately mother is getting affected and that is what the

> native

> > > is

> > > > > > bothered about. :) But it is just that " for the astrologer " it

> is

> > > the

> > > > > > SYSTEM that guides his perspective and that is why all that

> > > " revealed

> > > > > > through " , IN/ON etc are important. As an astrologer you are

> trying

> > > to

> > > > > > learn the SYSTEM though its basics and that is why the

> layering

> > > order

> > > > > > Sign-House-Planet is important. From the native's

> > > > > > (clients/customer's/user's) perspective in several instances

> it

> > > may not

> > > > > > be. Hope this clarifies.

> > > > > > //> so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in

> 6H.

> > > > > > Which is correct?//

> > > > > > I think the above discussion already answered this question.

> > > Whether

> > > > > > it be " Mother (4HL) IN difficulty (6H) " or " Difficulty (6HL)

> ON

> > > mother

> > > > > > (4H) " , it is mother who is getting affected and what ever the

> > > grammar be

> > > > > > " it is BAD for mother " . Diseases are the result of not one

> alone,

> > > but

> > > > > > BOTH (in this case). [but please also don't forget that the

> same

> > > > > > combination/placement can indicate many good results as well,

> > > along with

> > > > > > this bad result]

> > > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- In

> > >

> <%40yaho\

> \

> > > ogroups.com>,

> > > > > " kiran.rama "

> > > > > > <kiran.rama@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thanks Sreenadhji:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You say that 4H Lord going to 6H means 6H significations

> being

> > > > > > revealed through 4HL. A house significations are rendered

> through

> > > > > > dispositor.

> > > > > > > So should'nt in the above case 4H Lord going to 6H mean that

> 4H

> > > > > > significations are going to be delivered through 6H? and not

> > > vice-versa?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Let us consider only 2 aspects:

> > > > > > > 4H: mother

> > > > > > > 6H: difficulty

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 4HL in 6H: (4H significations delivered through 6H) ->

> mother

> > > > > > resulting in difficulty

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 6HL in 4H: (6H significations delivered through 4h) ->

> > > difficulty to

> > > > > > mother

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > so diseases should be a result of 6HL in 4H and not 4HL in

> 6H.

> > > WHich

> > > > > > is correct?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thanks

> > > > > > > Kiran

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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