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Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....

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Dear Sreenadh ji,


I too apologise to Your goodself, Devisingh ji and also to the Group for

any hurt or offense caused due to my utterances.


I also retreat from this thread.


Further I would confess that Shri Devisingh ji has always yet carried my

affections nevertheless for his being polite in his language though

un-understandable is another matter.


best wishes,





, " sreesog " <sreesog



> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> It is becoming too much. Let us stop it and move on. All of us back

> to the subject! I apologize to Devi Singh ji on behalf of myself and

> Bhaskar ji. Let us drop it here and continue with the subject under

> discussion.

> * I request Devi Singh ji to be more wise about the words uttered.

> * I request Bhaskar ji to be not so sharp and sarcastic.

> * What ever I told to Bhaskar ji someone should told to me as well. So

> I apologize to Devi Singh ji and stand back from the diverted thread.

> Love and regards to all,

> Sreenadh


> , " Bhaskar "

> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear DeviSingh ji,

> >

> > // i just clarified that i am not very intelligent as you

> > > mentioned...i am genius which even i was not aware before a

> university

> > > conducted IQ Test programme......//

> >

> > This is evening time

> >

> > A small story.

> >

> > A boy came home from school and told his Father. " Father, father "

> >

> > Father - Yes Son ?

> >

> > Son - Father I stood first in my school today in Singing


> >

> > Father - Oh very good. Great My son. Did you congratulate the other

> > winners who stood second and third.

> >

> > Son - Father but there was no other person who had taken part in the

> > competetion.

> >

> > Another story

> >

> > A boy went to his father and told him that he had won a prize in a

> > running competetion in the Village Fair. Father congratulated him

> and

> > asked him against whom he won. The boy replied, that two boys who


> > lame participated in that competetion against him.

> >

> > This reminds me of a kahaavat - Kanon mein andha raaja.

> >

> > Devisingh ji, that University should have invited all the members of

> > this Group, and would then have realised how many geniuses they have

> on

> > board to award certificates.

> >

> > Now let me add -

> >

> > They say that there is a very thin Line between a Madman and a


> >

> > Now what I say is this -

> >

> > Most of the Geniuses of today are the Madman who have reached the


> > of their madness, and if they just drop that from there, they will

> enter

> > the Great lineage of Geniuses. Unfortunately many of these madmen


> > not able to come down from this peak of madness once they reach it..

> >

> > I have once again wasted my time today like a madman too engaging in

> > discussions with you.

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Bhaskar.


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I dont think, any hurt was caused to anyone because in the end, astrology was the gainer and astrology was the looser. My request, whatever, one says, let him/her support it with a horoscope.


regards to all,


Mouji--- On Tue, 4/6/10, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli..... Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 9:21 PM

Dear Sreenadh ji,I too apologise to Your goodself, Devisingh ji and also to the Group forany hurt or offense caused due to my utterances.I also retreat from this thread.Further I would confess that Shri Devisingh ji has always yet carried myaffections nevertheless for his being polite in his language thoughun-understandable is another matter.best wishes,Bhaskar.ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" <sreesog >wrote:>> Dear Bhaskar ji,> It is becoming too much. Let us stop it and move on. All of us back> to the subject! I apologize to Devi Singh ji on behalf of myself and> Bhaskar ji. Let us drop it here and continue with the

subject under> discussion.> * I request Devi Singh ji to be more wise about the words uttered.> * I request Bhaskar ji to be not so sharp and sarcastic.> * What ever I told to Bhaskar ji someone should told to me as well. So> I apologize to Devi Singh ji and stand back from the diverted thread.> Love and regards to all,> Sreenadh>> ancient_indian_ astrology, "Bhaskar"> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear DeviSingh ji,> >> > // i just clarified that i am not very intelligent as you> > > mentioned... i am genius which even i was not aware before a> university> > > conducted IQ Test

programme... ...//> >> > This is evening time> >> > A small story.> >> > A boy came home from school and told his Father. "Father, father "> >> > Father - Yes Son ?> >> > Son - Father I stood first in my school today in Singingcompetetion.> >> > Father - Oh very good. Great My son. Did you congratulate the other> > winners who stood second and third.> >> > Son - Father but there was no other person who had taken part in the> > competetion.> >> > Another story> >> > A boy went to his father and told him that he had won a prize in a> > running competetion in the Village Fair. Father congratulated him> and> > asked him against whom he won. The boy replied, that two boys whowere> > lame participated in that

competetion against him.> >> > This reminds me of a kahaavat - Kanon mein andha raaja.> >> > Devisingh ji, that University should have invited all the members of> > this Group, and would then have realised how many geniuses they have> on> > board to award certificates.> >> > Now let me add -> >> > They say that there is a very thin Line between a Madman and aGenius.> >> > Now what I say is this -> >> > Most of the Geniuses of today are the Madman who have reached thepeak> > of their madness, and if they just drop that from there, they will> enter> > the Great lineage of Geniuses. Unfortunately many of these madmenare> > not able to come down from this peak of madness once they reach it..> >> > I have once again wasted my time today like a

madman too engaging in> > discussions with you.> >> > best wishes,> >> > Bhaskar.>

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Dear all,


Hare Rama Krsna,


Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not from Moon's


So Lagna is more important.

Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets repeated in the same

moon sign, so again Lagna more important.


Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed



Vijay Goel



, " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish




> Dear friends,


> Which is more important in your views ?


> Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?


> Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.


> best wishes,


> Bhaskar.


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Dear Vijay Goel ji,


hare Rama Krsna


Perfectly right. You put it straight, simple and easy to understand.


best wishes,





, " vijay.goel "

<goyalvj wrote:


> Dear all,


> Hare Rama Krsna,


> Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

> We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not from

Moon's degrees.

> So Lagna is more important.

> Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets repeated

in the same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.


> Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed


> Thankyou,

> Vijay Goel

> Jaipur.


> , " Bhaskar "

bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > Which is more important in your views ?

> >

> > Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?

> >

> > Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >


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// Chandra Kundli to be studied for the Mann - how you will react to various things.

Khokha for what you have got as inheritence from your past life and the roadmap for current life//


Agreed Chiranjiv ji. Very well said.

The Moon being a great Planet like the Sun , is equally important in traditional astrology to check the impact of a certain house more so in the Sudarshan Chakra, wher we will confirm through the Surya as well as the Chandra Lagnas whether the house which is so weak in the Khokha Kundli, also remains so, in the rest of the Pivotal Charts.


Since we are not talking of Prashna Charts, I have not entered that area presently with regards to the Moon.


More later....






, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:>> Chandra Kundli to be studied for the Mann - how you will react to various things.> Khokha for what you have got as inheritence from your past life and the roadmap for current life.> Just thinking extempore. Hope Bhaskarji is not too annoyed.> Looking forward to him clearing the concepts.>  > Thanks & Regards> > Chiranjiv Mehta> > > --- On Tue, 6/4/10, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:> > > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....> > Tuesday, 6 April, 2010, 5:04 PM> > >  > > > > > Dear Devi Singh ji,> > Thanks for reply.> > The sense still does not come in. It still remains nonsense for me.> > Can you please explain in terms of astrological outputs please, sans> story telling, which we can do perhaps in evening times ?> > You are very intelligent and I do not not possess so much as much you> do, and for me to understand your messages it takes a lot of excersising> the mind, which my mind gets exhausted in the process.> > Keep it short, sweet and to the point is my request to your goodself.> > I also know that Father is import and and mother is also important, BUT> as of now we are looking to make a choice for studying - which chart in> greater measures ? For Study purpose, for transit inferences, for> general matters etc.Which one ? Kaunsa jyaada study karna chahiye ?> Khokha OR Chandra?> > Please answer this Question.> > regards,> > Bhaskar.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, devisigh> <devisingh.rajput@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Bhaskar JI,> >> > Nothing much trouble to understand it makes much sense to> me....however> > your question is more logical and people can ask such questions... .> > however if one extend same question to some limit will get that this> > question can tell that no chart can be taken as granted to show> destiny> > of any people....this does not mean that we can not get destiny...the> > vary thought itself can be extended to anywhere.... that is what> rational> > people are doing putting questions which are appear logical and that> > helps them to restrict not to work for Astrology... however in my case> > those are questions only they helps to find out truth....i thank to> such> > questions if those where not present then astrology may not be> revealled> > by anybody in future.....those question are essential and they helps> to> > find out real astrology... ..> >> > cutting long story short---Once a king was looking to find out strong> > Man and finally realized that in fact to his Wife will be more strong> > ...from his perspective. ..> >> > when we say Moon kundli that does not mean we left Lagan> kundli....Shiv> > has to be considered with Shakti...... ..> > Shiv or Shakti which is more important... ..i should say Shakti> > First....... ..> >> > --please ignore if not in good taste...they are not for Test....> > ------------ ------> > Regards,> > Devisingh> >> >> > Bhaskar wrote:> > >> > >> > > /The importance of the Moon for Calculating the Dasha system is not> > > what we are interested in ... /> > >> > > We are talking of which Kundli is more important, the Lagna or the> > > Chandra ?> > >> > > Some members mentioned that Moon is important for jusdging transits.> > >> > > I would like to discuss why is it so on what grounds ???> > >> > > because the millions of people born in same window of 2 and a half> > > days in one Raashi where Moon is siutated, all begetting same> results,> > > does not make sense.> > >> > > We need smaller windows .> > >> > > And also Saturn for instance does not give benefic results in 9 out> of> > > 12 placements from the Moon. is this possible ? Is Saturn so evil ?> > > And so many millions of people born with same Moon lagna all having> > > same results of Saturn or Jupiter transit irrespective of their> Lagna> > > placements or other planetary placements, does not make sense at> all.> > >> > > If it makes sense with any of you, then please discuss so..> > >> > > regards/Bhaskar.> > >> > >> >> > > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! http://downloads./in/internetexplorer/>

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This is a genuine question. Any " good " reply would help us all. And a reply to all who believe(and very strongly) that nothing is perfect in astrology, use anyone, blab, blab, blab  and in language style of buffaloes, please pack ur bags, wander some unknown city and die in traffic.

Astrology is a perfect science. We need to really do mindful and directed research.Thanks,

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Dear All,

My two

cents FWIW:


Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna Kundli. It

forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen

unless shown in the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective divisions shows us

the promise.

However, Moon

is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.


Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is seen from Lagna

Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya Kundli.  Chandra Kundli may also be specifically seen

for significations of Moon.


Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya Kundli is more

illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of consciousness from

physical to mental to spiritual.

Those who

do not agree may ignore.


NeelamOn 6 April 2010 19:51, vijay.goel <goyalvj wrote:






Dear all,


Hare Rama Krsna,


Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not from Moon's degrees.

So Lagna is more important.

Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets repeated in the same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.


Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed



Vijay Goel



, " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> Dear friends,


> Which is more important in your views ?


> Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?


> Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.


> best wishes,


> Bhaskar.


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Agreed :)


, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear All,


> My two cents FWIW:


> Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna Kundli. It

> forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless shown in

> the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective

> divisions shows us the promise.


> However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.


> Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is seen

> from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya

> Kundli. Chandra

> Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.


> Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya

> Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of

> consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.


> Those who do not agree may ignore.


> Regards

> Neelam


> On 6 April 2010 19:51, vijay.goel <goyalvj wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear all,

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna,

> >

> > Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

> > We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not from Moon's

> > degrees.

> > So Lagna is more important.

> > Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets repeated in the

> > same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.

> >

> > Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed

> >

> > Thankyou,

> > Vijay Goel

> > Jaipur.

> >

> >

> > --- In



> > " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear friends,

> > >

> > > Which is more important in your views ?

> > >

> > > Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?

> > >

> > > Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.

> > >

> > > best wishes,

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Me too..



, " vijay.goel "

<goyalvj wrote:


> Agreed :)


> , neelam gupta

neelamgupta07@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > My two cents FWIW:

> >

> > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna

Kundli. It

> > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless

shown in

> > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective

> > divisions shows us the promise.

> >

> > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.

> >

> > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is


> > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya

> > Kundli. Chandra

> > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.

> >

> > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as


> > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our

level of

> > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.

> >

> > Those who do not agree may ignore.

> >

> > Regards

> > Neelam

> >

> > On 6 April 2010 19:51, vijay.goel goyalvj@ wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krsna,

> > >

> > > Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

> > > We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not

from Moon's

> > > degrees.

> > > So Lagna is more important.

> > > Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets

repeated in the

> > > same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.

> > >

> > > Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed

> > >

> > > Thankyou,

> > > Vijay Goel

> > > Jaipur.

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In



> > > " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > >

> > > > Which is more important in your views ?

> > > >

> > > > Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?

> > > >

> > > > Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.

> > > >

> > > > best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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:-)On 6 April 2010 20:48, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:







Me too..


, " vijay.goel "

<goyalvj wrote:


> Agreed :)


> , neelam gupta

neelamgupta07@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > My two cents FWIW:

> >

> > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna

Kundli. It

> > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless

shown in

> > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective

> > divisions shows us the promise.

> >

> > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.

> >

> > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is


> > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya

> > Kundli. Chandra

> > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.

> >

> > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as


> > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our

level of

> > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.

> >

> > Those who do not agree may ignore.

> >

> > Regards

> > Neelam

> >

> > On 6 April 2010 19:51, vijay.goel goyalvj@ wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krsna,

> > >

> > > Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

> > > We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not

from Moon's

> > > degrees.

> > > So Lagna is more important.

> > > Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets

repeated in the

> > > same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.

> > >

> > > Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed

> > >

> > > Thankyou,

> > > Vijay Goel

> > > Jaipur.

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In



> > > " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > >

> > > > Which is more important in your views ?

> > > >

> > > > Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?

> > > >

> > > > Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.

> > > >

> > > > best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Dev Bhai (Brother),


Where are you these days ? I do not know about others, but I am missing

you the most...


best wishes,





, Dev <axeplex



> Sreenadh ji,

> Â

> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not following

many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what is


> Â

> I love to be called " Dev " in short. I don't see there shall be any

issue with this.

> Â

> regds

> Dev


> --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog wrote:



> sreesog sreesog

> Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra



> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM



> Â




> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.

> (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to

understand it right).//

> Â I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation' (?!). Wah

re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought revolution if

had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should be of the

sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words. Anyway, I

liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native hindi

statement.Wah re wah!

> Â " Sir what you write,


> Â Â Nothing seems right,


> Â Â I do not have sight to-

> Â Â Understand it right "

> Â Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -

> Â Â " Keep everything straight,

> Â Â We are not that bright

> Â Â Flight of fancy is bullshit

> Â Â We are wise to know it-right? " Â :)

> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells


> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in


> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//

> Â Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me has

the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully we

are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand it -

let us hope. :)


> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh

> ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Devisingh ji,

> >

> > // Actually i am genius....//

> >

> > Sir every drunkard says that I am not one.

> >

> > Every Beggar says I am King (Of the heart)

> >

> > Every Madman says I am ......

> >

> > Every genius says, I have ordinary mind..

> >

> > You may fill in the blank above.

> >

> > //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells


> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in


> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//

> >

> > Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.

> >

> > (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to

> > understand it right).

> >

> > Please explain above....

> >

> > regards/Bhaskar.


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Namaste Neelam ji


For what’s its worth I personally

believe All 3 ie Lagna/Moon/Sun are important when TOB is known – where it’s

unknown then Moon/Sun are the only obvious choices with Moon taking preference …….


As to the timing quoted afraid I don’t

concur though understand from where you are coming from – guess each to

their own (?) ……


Best wishes …….


Jai Sita Ram









On Behalf Of neelam gupta

06 April 2010 19:22




Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....






Dear All,

My two cents FWIW:

Lagna Kundli is

always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna Kundli. It forms the backbone

of all predictions. No event can happen unless shown in the lagna kundli which

is all about self. Natal chart and respective divisions shows us the


However, Moon is

manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.

Chandra Kundli

supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is seen from Lagna Kundli is

also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya Kundli. Chandra Kundli may

also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.

Chandra Kundli

gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya Kundli is more

illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of consciousness from

physical to mental to spiritual.

Those who do not

agree may ignore.





On 6 April 2010 19:51, vijay.goel <goyalvj >






Dear all,


Hare Rama Krsna,


Practically, i always give Lagna Kundli the most important.

We take Bhava division in chalit chart from Lagna's degrees not from Moon's


So Lagna is more important.

Moon stays for such a long time that many Lagna's sign gets repeated in the

same moon sign, so again Lagna more important.


Their are many more reason's, i will write later, if needed



Vijay Goel






" Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:





> Dear friends,


> Which is more important in your views ?


> Lagna Kundli or Chandra Lagna Kundli ? And why ?


> Lets have some discussion on this as per your experience.


> best wishes,


> Bhaskar.













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Dear Devinder ji, If you are not "Devi Singh", but only Devinder this thread is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand anything. :) I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly between

Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you. //I love to be called "Dev" in short. // Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as Devinder and not simply Dev. Love and regards,Sreenadh , Dev <axeplex wrote:>> Sreenadh ji,> Â > What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what is happening. > Â > I love to be called "Dev" in short. I don't see there shall be any issue with this.> Â > regds> Dev> > --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog wrote:> > > sreesog sreesog Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....> > Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM> > > Â > > > > Dear Bhaskar ji,> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha. > (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to understand it right).//> Â I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation' (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words. Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native hindi statement.Wah re wah!> Â "Sir what you write, > > Â Â Nothing seems right, > > Â Â I do not have sight to-> Â Â Understand it right"> Â Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -> Â Â "Keep everything straight,> Â Â We are not that bright> Â Â Flight of fancy is bullshit> Â Â We are wise to know it-right?"Â :)> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells that> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in after> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//> Â Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand it - let us hope. :)> > Love and regards,> Sreenadh

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Dear Prabhat ji, Please don't blah blah... Write at least after studying what is before your eyes, e.g. the group archieves. Just search the archive with the words "Veeryotaka Principle" read the mails you get, come back and then comment. This subject is already discussed numerous times in this group. Those who bring it again and again without even studying/reading what is just before their eyes are the one who actually blah blah and waste the time of others.//> This is a genuine question. Any "good" reply would help us all.// Yes, you are right and this is already happened many times in this group regarding this subject. //> use anyone, blab, blab, blab and in language style of buffaloes, please// Please don't be one such...be wise..at least to search the archive..study..and then only comment.. blah blah without study usually comes from ignorance. //> Astrology is a perfect science. // No it is not. (This is a fact every good and sincere seeker of astrological wisdom knows). Astrology is neither perfect nor a science. //We need to really do mindful and directed research.// OK. What is that you have done - I mean your original research? As some one asked to blah blah advice giving bufello, is this all advice paid or free? If free, then at least I don't need your 'muft ki advice' - shutup and do your work! We are (or at least I am) not interested in those who talk talk and talk without doing a thing; but on those who really DO their work. (For example here, the RESEARCH that you were pointing to). Hope it is clear.Note: Please be grounded and sincere. We don't need blah..blah buffaloes, the real time wasters who are interested in calling names to group members (buffaloes etc) the names that suit only themselves. Love and regards,Sreenadh , prabhat <prabhatkr wrote:>> This is a genuine question. Any "good" reply would help us all. And a reply> to all who believe(and very strongly) that nothing is perfect in astrology,> use anyone, blab, blab, blab and in language style of buffaloes, please> pack ur bags, wander some unknown city and die in traffic.> Astrology is a perfect science. We need to really do mindful and directed> research.> > Thanks,>

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Dear Neelam ji,//> Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya

> Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of

> consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.// This is a well popular elderly advice., and I have seen some quotes in my mother tongue 'Malayalam' But I am yet to see the original Sanskrit quote regarding the same. If you have it please quote the same. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "vijay.goel" <goyalvj wrote:>> Agreed :)> > , neelam gupta neelamgupta07@ wrote:> >> > Dear All,> > > > My two cents FWIW:> > > > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna Kundli. It> > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless shown in> > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective> > divisions shows us the promise.> > > > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.> > > > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is seen> > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya> > Kundli. Chandra> > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.> > > > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya> > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of> > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.> > > > Those who do not agree may ignore.> > > > Regards> > Neelam

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Dear Sreenadh ji,Right now I*m travelling and not in India. I'll try to look for the quote when I'm back next week.:-)RegardsNeelamOn 7 April 2010 09:18, sreesog <sreesog wrote:








Dear Neelam ji,//> Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya

> Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of

> consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.//  This is a well popular elderly advice., and I have seen some quotes in my mother tongue 'Malayalam'  But I am yet to see the original Sanskrit quote regarding the same. If you have it please quote the same.

Love and regards,Sreenadh , " vijay.goel " <goyalvj wrote:

>> Agreed :)> > , neelam gupta neelamgupta07@ wrote:> >> > Dear All,

> > > > My two cents FWIW:> > > > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna Kundli. It> > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless shown in

> > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective> > divisions shows us the promise.> > > > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.

> > > > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is seen> > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya> > Kundli. Chandra> > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.

> > > > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya> > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of> > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.

> > > > Those who do not agree may ignore.> > > > Regards> > Neelam

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I have also read this, but if one asks me to quote, I cannot recollect








, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh ji,

> Right now I*m travelling and not in India. I'll try to look for the


> when I'm back next week.:-)

> Regards

> Neelam


> On 7 April 2010 09:18, sreesog sreesog wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Neelam ji,

> > //> Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just


> > Surya

> >

> > > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our


> > of

> > > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.//

> > This is a well popular elderly advice., and I have seen some quotes

in my

> > mother tongue 'Malayalam' But I am yet to see the original Sanskrit


> > regarding the same. If you have it please quote the same.

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> >

> > , " vijay.goel "


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Agreed :)

> > >

> > > , neelam gupta

> > neelamgupta07@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > My two cents FWIW:

> > > >

> > > > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override


> > Kundli. It

> > > > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen

unless shown

> > in

> > > > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and


> > > > divisions shows us the promise.

> > > >

> > > > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in


> > > >

> > > > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli.

What is

> > seen

> > > > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and


> > > > Kundli. Chandra

> > > > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.

> > > >

> > > > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just


> > Surya

> > > > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change


> > level of

> > > > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.

> > > >

> > > > Those who do not agree may ignore.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Neelam

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Neelam ji, OK - I understand. :)Love and regards,Sreenadh , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Sreenadh ji,> Right now I*m travelling and not in India. I'll try to look for the quote> when I'm back next week.:-)> Regards> Neelam> > On 7 April 2010 09:18, sreesog sreesog wrote:> > >> >> > Dear Neelam ji,> > //> Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as> > Surya> >> > > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level> > of> > > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.//> > This is a well popular elderly advice., and I have seen some quotes in my> > mother tongue 'Malayalam' But I am yet to see the original Sanskrit quote> > regarding the same. If you have it please quote the same.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> >> > , "vijay.goel" goyalvj@> > wrote:> > >> > > Agreed :)> > >> > > , neelam gupta> > neelamgupta07@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear All,> > > >> > > > My two cents FWIW:> > > >> > > > Lagna Kundli is always supreme. Moon Kundli cannot override Lagna> > Kundli. It> > > > forms the backbone of all predictions. No event can happen unless shown> > in> > > > the lagna kundli which is all about self. Natal chart and respective> > > > divisions shows us the promise.> > > >> > > > However, Moon is manas, and has been given due importance in phalit.> > > >> > > > Chandra Kundli supplements and complements the Lagna Kundli. What is> > seen> > > > from Lagna Kundli is also confirmed from Chandra Kundli and Surya> > > > Kundli. Chandra> > > > Kundli may also be specifically seen for significations of Moon.> > > >> > > > Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as> > Surya> > > > Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our> > level of> > > > consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.> > > >> > > > Those who do not agree may ignore.> > > >> > > > Regards> > > > Neelam> >> > > >>

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Dear All,


As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual evidence to prove that


" Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual. "


Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance needs to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32 years and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of life that the Hindu System talks about.


In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do a Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this is specific to my family tradition).


Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing the horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing from Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest moving plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati ,ardhaashtama sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa system is also based on Moon.


One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and the present janma.


As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.


Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas (Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding which lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.


This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or vice versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.


Best Regards




On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog <sreesog wrote:





Dear Devinder ji,   If you are not " Devi Singh " , but only Devinder this thread is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand anything. :)  I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you.

//I love to be called " Dev " in short. //  Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as Devinder and not simply Dev. 

Love and regards,Sreenadh , Dev <axeplex wrote:>> Sreenadh ji,>  

> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what is happening. >  > I love to be called " Dev " in short. I don't see there shall be any issue with this.

>  > regds> Dev> > --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog wrote:> > > sreesog sreesog Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli..... >

> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM> > >   > > > > Dear Bhaskar ji,> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha. > (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to understand it right).//

>   I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation' (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words. Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native hindi statement.Wah re wah!

>   " Sir what you write, > >    Nothing seems right, > >    I do not have sight to->    Understand it right " >   Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it ->    " Keep everything straight,

>    We are not that bright>    Flight of fancy is bullshit>    We are wise to know it-right? "   :)> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells that> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in after

> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//>   Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand it - let us hope. :)

> > Love and regards,> Sreenadh

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Reading this particular comment about age of Kundalis, I was wondering what would happen if someone lives beyond 90. Because Lagna Kundali upto 32, Moon kundali from 32 to 60, to taking average as 30, what would become important after the age of 90 years, then perhaps it would be kundalini and not kundali.....


best wishes,






Sasi Bhushan <bhushaniyer Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:25 AM Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....


Dear All,


As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual evidence to prove that


"Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual."


Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance needs to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32 years and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of life that the Hindu System talks about.


In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do a Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this is specific to my family tradition).


Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing the horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing from Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest moving plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati ,ardhaashtama sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa system is also based on Moon.


One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and the present janma.


As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.


Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas (Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding which lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.


This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or vice versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.


Best Regards




On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog <sreesog > wrote:




Dear Devinder ji, If you are not "Devi Singh", but only Devinder this thread is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand anything. :) I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you. //I love to be called "Dev" in short. // Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as Devinder and not simply Dev. Love and regards,Sreenadh ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev <axeplex wrote:>> Sreenadh ji,> Â > What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what is happening. > Â > I love to be called "Dev" in short. I don't see there shall be any issue with this.> Â > regds> Dev> > --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog wrote:> > > sreesog sreesog [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli..... > ancient_indian_ astrology

> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM> > > Â > > > > Dear Bhaskar ji,> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha. > (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to understand it right).//> Â I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation' (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words. Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native hindi statement.Wah re wah!> Â "Sir what you write, > > Â Â Nothing seems right, > > Â Â I do not have sight to-> Â Â Understand it right"> Â Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it ->

  "Keep everything straight,>   We are not that bright>   Flight of fancy is bullshit>   We are wise to know it-right?" :)> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells that> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in after> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand it - let us hope. :)> > Love and regards,> Sreenadh

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One never must see the Kundli of Yogis... Because their planetary

effects become defunct since they have mastered the art of controlling



And theres no sense of looking at Kundlis of Bhogis. They have already

spoilt their future.


So after age of 90, its either being to be a Kundli of one who has

become a Yogi of whatever class, or else one remains a Bhogi, in which

case Kundli ka kya kaam hai...


After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses to

be kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and us

too in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke...



, Manoj Kumar

<mouji99 wrote:


> Reading this particular comment about age of Kundalis, I was wondering

what would happen if someone lives beyond 90. Because Lagna Kundali upto

32, Moon kundali from 32 to 60, to taking average as 30, what would

become important after the age of 90 years, then perhaps it would be

kundalini and not kundali.....


> best wishes,


> Mouji





> ________________________________

> Sasi Bhushan bhushaniyer


> Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:25 AM

> Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra



> Â

> Dear All,


> As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual

evidence to prove that


> " Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as

Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our

level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual. "


> Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance needs

to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of

the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32 years

and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of

life that the Hindu System talks about.


> In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he

would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his

parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of

texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own

decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do a

Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this is

specific to my family tradition).


> Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years

for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing the

horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing from

Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into

consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest moving

plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati ,ardhaashtama

sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa

system is also based on Moon.


> One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma

theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and the

present janma.


> As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the

thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.


> Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas

(Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take

ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding which

lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.


> This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take

example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or vice

versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.


> Best Regards

> Sasibhushan




> Â

> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog sreesog > wrote:


> Â

> >Dear Devinder ji,

> >Â Â If you are not " Devi Singh " , but only Devinder this thread

is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand

anything. :)Â I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly

between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you.

> >//I love to be called " Dev " in short. //

> >Â Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as

Devinder and not simply Dev.Â

> >Love and regards,

> >Sreenadh

> >

> >

> >ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev axeplex@


> >>

> >> Sreenadh ji,

> >> ÂÂ

> >> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not

following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what

is happening.

> >> ÂÂ

> >> I love to be called " Dev " in short. I don't see there shall be any

issue with this.

> >> ÂÂ

> >> regds

> >> Dev

> >>

> >> --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog@ wrote:

> >>

> >>

> >> sreesog sreesog@

> >> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra


> >

> >> ancient_indian_ astrology

> >

> >> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM

> >>

> >>

> >> ÂÂ

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> >> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.

> >> (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to

understand it right).//

> >>  I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation'

(?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought

revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should

be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words.

Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native

hindi statement.Wah re wah!

> >>  " Sir what you write,

> >>

> >>   Nothing seems right,

> >>

> >>   I do not have sight to-

> >>   Understand it right "

> >>  Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -

> >>   " Keep everything straight,

> >>   We are not that bright

> >>   Flight of fancy is bullshit

> >>   We are wise to know it-right? "  :)

> >> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may

tells that

> >> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be

in after

> >> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//

> >>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me

has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully

we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand

it - let us hope. :)

> >>

> >> Love and regards,

> >> Sreenadh

> >

> >


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After age of 90, one prediction I can make without looking at anyones

Kundli, that he has now to leave early.... ab usko jaana hai... isse

jyaada kya bataana hai Kundli dehkar Bhai mere..



, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> One never must see the Kundli of Yogis... Because their planetary

> effects become defunct since they have mastered the art of controlling

> these.


> And theres no sense of looking at Kundlis of Bhogis. They have already

> spoilt their future.


> So after age of 90, its either being to be a Kundli of one who has

> become a Yogi of whatever class, or else one remains a Bhogi, in which

> case Kundli ka kya kaam hai...


> After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses to

> be kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and us

> too in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke...



> , Manoj Kumar

> mouji99@ wrote:

> >

> > Reading this particular comment about age of Kundalis, I was


> what would happen if someone lives beyond 90. Because Lagna Kundali


> 32, Moon kundali from 32 to 60, to taking average as 30, what would

> become important after the age of 90 years, then perhaps it would be

> kundalini and not kundali.....

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Mouji

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Sasi Bhushan bhushaniyer@

> >

> > Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:25 AM

> > Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra

> Kundli.....

> >

> > Â

> > Dear All,

> >

> > As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual

> evidence to prove that

> >

> > " Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as

> Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change


> level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual. "

> >

> > Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance


> to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of

> the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32


> and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of

> life that the Hindu System talks about.

> >

> > In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he

> would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his

> parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of

> texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own

> decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do


> Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this


> specific to my family tradition).

> >

> > Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years

> for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing


> horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing


> Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into

> consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest


> plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati


> sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa

> system is also based on Moon.

> >

> > One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma

> theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and


> present janma.

> >

> > As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the

> thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.

> >

> > Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas

> (Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take

> ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding


> lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.

> >

> > This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take

> example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or


> versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Sasibhushan

> >

> >

> >

> > Â

> > On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog sreesog > wrote:

> >

> > Â

> > >Dear Devinder ji,

> > >Â Â If you are not " Devi Singh " , but only Devinder this


> is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand

> anything. :)Â I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly

> between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you.

> > >//I love to be called " Dev " in short. //

> > >Â Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as

> Devinder and not simply Dev.Â

> > >Love and regards,

> > >Sreenadh

> > >

> > >

> > >ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev axeplex@

> wrote:

> > >>

> > >> Sreenadh ji,

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not

> following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know


> is happening.

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> I love to be called " Dev " in short. I don't see there shall be


> issue with this.

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> regds

> > >> Dev

> > >>

> > >> --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog@ wrote:

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> sreesog sreesog@

> > >> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra

> Kundli.....

> > >

> > >> ancient_indian_ astrology

> > >

> > >> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> > >> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.

> > >> (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to

> understand it right).//

> > >>  I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation'

> (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought

> revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation


> be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words.

> Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native

> hindi statement.Wah re wah!

> > >>  " Sir what you write,

> > >>

> > >>   Nothing seems right,

> > >>

> > >>   I do not have sight to-

> > >>   Understand it right "

> > >>  Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -

> > >>   " Keep everything straight,

> > >>   We are not that bright

> > >>   Flight of fancy is bullshit

> > >>   We are wise to know it-right? "  :)

> > >> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may

> tells that

> > >> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be

> in after

> > >> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//

> > >>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor


> has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully

> we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand

> it - let us hope. :)

> > >>

> > >> Love and regards,

> > >> Sreenadh

> > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

"After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses to be kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and us too in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke..."

Fine. Then I will request you to be near when and ever if I touch that age.


haste raho,





Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 2:45:15 PM Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli.....

One never must see the Kundli of Yogis... Because their planetaryeffects become defunct since they have mastered the art of controllingthese.And theres no sense of looking at Kundlis of Bhogis. They have alreadyspoilt their future.So after age of 90, its either being to be a Kundli of one who hasbecome a Yogi of whatever class, or else one remains a Bhogi, in whichcase Kundli ka kya kaam hai...After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses tobe kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and ustoo in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke...ancient_indian_ astrology, Manoj Kumar<mouji99 > wrote:>> Reading this particular comment about age of Kundalis,

I was wonderingwhat would happen if someone lives beyond 90. Because Lagna Kundali upto32, Moon kundali from 32 to 60, to taking average as 30, what wouldbecome important after the age of 90 years, then perhaps it would bekundalini and not kundali.....>> best wishes,>> Mouji>>>>> ____________ _________ _________ __> Sasi Bhushan bhushaniyer@ ...> ancient_indian_ astrology> Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:25 AM> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or ChandraKundli.....>> Â> Dear All,>> As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textualevidence to prove that>> "Chandra Kundli gains

more importance after 32 years of age just asSurya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change ourlevel of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual.">> Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance needsto be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation ofthe above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32 yearsand Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages oflife that the Hindu System talks about.>> In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person hewould be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on hisparents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form oftexts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his owndecisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do aAaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age

compulsarily this isspecific to my family tradition).>> Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 yearsfor e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing thehoroscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing fromMoon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart intoconsideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest movingplant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati ,ardhaashtamasani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasasystem is also based on Moon.>> One more important point which i would like to say is as per karmatheory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and thepresent janma.>> As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates thethoughts and thoughts drive the actions.>> Apart from that what my

gurus have said is take all the three lagnas(Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can takeashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding whichlagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.>> This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can takeexample charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or viceversa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.>> Best Regards> Sasibhushan>>>> Â> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog sreesog > wrote:>> Â> >Dear Devinder ji,> >Â Â If you are not "Devi Singh", but only Devinder this threadis not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understandanything. :)Â I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainlybetween Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to

you.> >//I love to be called "Dev" in short. //> > Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you asDevinder and not simply Dev.Â> >Love and regards,> >Sreenadh> >> >> >ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev axeplex@wrote:> >>> >> Sreenadh ji,> >> ÂÂ> >> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am notfollowing many threads these days and am selective, so do not know whatis happening.> >> ÂÂ> >> I love to be called "Dev" in short. I don't see there shall be anyissue with this.> >> ÂÂ> >> regds> >> Dev> >>> >> --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog@ wrote:> >>> >>> >> sreesog sreesog@> >> [ancient_indian_

astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or ChandraKundli.....> >> >> ancient_indian_ astrology> >> >> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM> >>> >>> >> ÂÂ> >>> >>> >>> >> Dear Bhaskar ji,> >> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.> >> (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight tounderstand it right).//> >>  I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation'(?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thoughtrevolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation shouldbe of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words.Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the nativehindi statement.Wah re wah!> >>  "Sir

what you write,> >>> >>   Nothing seems right,> >>> >>   I do not have sight to-> >>   Understand it right"> >>  Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -> >>   "Keep everything straight,> >>   We are not that bright> >>   Flight of fancy is bullshit> >>   We are wise to know it-right?" :)> >> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that maytells that> >> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may bein after> >> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//> >>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor mehas the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefullywe are wise enough. If it is not

so, Dev ji will help us to understandit - let us hope. :)> >>> >> Love and regards,> >> Sreenadh> >> >>

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Dear Sasi ji,


I differ a bit on the logic. These days people start taking decisions in theie teens. I myself, if I recall, started taking my own decisions after 19 or 20. So would have been done by you or many people here. Other way round, all of our decisions at any age may be influenced somehow by our family members irrespective of how independent we are in the decision making.


As you said, the other logic is Vimshottari is based on Moon. It means we shall see this Dasa only from 32 to 60 of age.



Dev--- On Thu, 4/8/10, Sasi Bhushan <bhushaniyer wrote:

Sasi Bhushan <bhushaniyer Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli..... Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 6:49 AM


Dear All,


As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual evidence to prove that


"Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change our level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual."


Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance needs to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32 years and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of life that the Hindu System talks about.


In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do a Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this is specific to my family tradition).


Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing the horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing from Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest moving plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati ,ardhaashtama sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa system is also based on Moon.


One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and the present janma.


As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.


Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas (Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding which lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.


This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or vice versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.


Best Regards




On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog <sreesog > wrote:




Dear Devinder ji, If you are not "Devi Singh", but only Devinder this thread is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand anything. :) I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you. //I love to be called "Dev" in short. // Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you as Devinder and not simply Dev. Love and regards,Sreenadh ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev <axeplex wrote:>> Sreenadh ji,> Â > What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know what is happening. > Â > I love to be called "Dev" in short. I don't see there shall be any issue with this.> Â > regds> Dev> > --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog wrote:> > > sreesog sreesog [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra Kundli..... > ancient_indian_ astrology

> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM> > > Â > > > > Dear Bhaskar ji,> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha. > (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to understand it right).//> Â I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic 'translation' (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation should be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words. Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native hindi statement.Wah re wah!> Â "Sir what you write, > > Â Â Nothing seems right, > > Â Â I do not have sight to-> Â Â Understand it right"> Â Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it ->

  "Keep everything straight,>   We are not that bright>   Flight of fancy is bullshit>   We are wise to know it-right?" :)> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may tells that> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be in after> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither you nor me has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand it - let us hope. :)> > Love and regards,> Sreenadh

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Guest guest

I will advise them to put you to sleep after giving you some sleeping

pills so that they can serve me well... Hahaha.



, Manoj Kumar

<mouji99 wrote:


> " After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses

to be kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and us

too in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke... "


> Fine. Then I will request you to be near when and ever if I touch that



> haste raho,


> Mouji



> ________________________________

> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish


> Thu, April 8, 2010 2:45:15 PM

> Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra



> Â


> One never must see the Kundli of Yogis... Because their planetary

> effects become defunct since they have mastered the art of controlling

> these.


> And theres no sense of looking at Kundlis of Bhogis. They have already

> spoilt their future.


> So after age of 90, its either being to be a Kundli of one who has

> become a Yogi of whatever class, or else one remains a Bhogi, in which

> case Kundli ka kya kaam hai...


> After age of 90 one has to bother of arranging sweet looking nurses to

> be kept for the 90 year old person who look after the old man, and us

> too in their spare times... hahaha. Sick joke...


> ancient_indian_ astrology, Manoj Kumar

> mouji99@ > wrote:

> >

> > Reading this particular comment about age of Kundalis, I was


> what would happen if someone lives beyond 90. Because Lagna Kundali


> 32, Moon kundali from 32 to 60, to taking average as 30, what would

> become important after the age of 90 years, then perhaps it would be

> kundalini and not kundali.....

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Mouji

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Sasi Bhushan bhushaniyer@ ...

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:25 AM

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra

> Kundli.....

> >

> > Â

> > Dear All,

> >

> > As neelam ji has said , i agree with her. I do not have any textual

> evidence to prove that

> >

> > " Chandra Kundli gains more importance after 32 years of age just as

> Surya Kundli is more illustrative after 60 years of age as we change


> level of consciousness from physical to mental to spiritual. "

> >

> > Although in Parasara hora shastra it says that equal importance


> to be given to Lagna,Surya and Chandra Kundali's. My interpretation of

> the above statement that chandra kundli gains importance after 32


> and Surya after 60 years age can be related to the different stages of

> life that the Hindu System talks about.

> >

> > In the olden days normally till the 32 years of age of a person he

> would be generally dependent on any kind of decision making on his

> parents/elders in the family. (Again no firm evidence in the form of

> texts for this). After 32 years of age he starts taking his own

> decisions ( that could be the reason why we in my family tradition do


> Aaayush Homam on the completion of 32 years of age compulsarily this


> specific to my family tradition).

> >

> > Once the Jatak starts taking his decisions on his own(i.e. 32 years

> for e.g.), since Moon is the Karaka for Mind, we can start analysing


> horoscope (natal chart) keeping moon as lagna, but while analysing


> Moon in the natal chart we should also take the transit chart into

> consideration and then do our analysis (Since Moon is the fastest


> plant and so our thoughts change also very fast) Sade sati


> sani and ashtama sani are all related to moon and the Vimshotari dasa

> system is also based on Moon.

> >

> > One more important point which i would like to say is as per karma

> theory Moon is considered to be the link between the past janma and


> present janma.

> >

> > As every one knows here generally the Moon for mind generates the

> thoughts and thoughts drive the actions.

> >

> > Apart from that what my gurus have said is take all the three lagnas

> (Lagna,Chandra and Surya) check which one is stronger ( we can take

> ashtakavarga points for help) this shall help us in understanding


> lagna is strong and thus go ahead with the predictions.

> >

> > This is personally my point of view. Also may be the group can take

> example charts of persons whoose chandra lagna is 8th from Lagna or


> versa and analyse how the Jatak's life patterns have been.

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Sasibhushan

> >

> >

> >

> > Â

> > On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, sreesog sreesog > wrote:

> >

> > Â

> > >Dear Devinder ji,

> > >Â Â If you are not " Devi Singh " , but only Devinder this


> is not for you and not addressing you. You are not expected understand

> anything. :)Â I hope at least you see that - The thread is mainly

> between Devi Singh and Bhaskar ji, and is not related to you.

> > >//I love to be called " Dev " in short. //

> > >Â Yes, but to avoid confusion I would prefer to refer to you


> Devinder and not simply Dev.Â

> > >Love and regards,

> > >Sreenadh

> > >

> > >

> > >ancient_indian_ astrology, Dev axeplex@

> wrote:

> > >>

> > >> Sreenadh ji,

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> What is expected from me to understand? Actually, I am not

> following many threads these days and am selective, so do not know


> is happening.

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> I love to be called " Dev " in short. I don't see there shall be


> issue with this.

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >> regds

> > >> Dev

> > >>

> > >> --- On Tue, 4/6/10, sreesog sreesog@ wrote:

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> sreesog sreesog@

> > >> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Lagna Kundli or Chandra

> Kundli.....

> > >

> > >> ancient_indian_ astrology

> > >

> > >> Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:37 PM

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> ÂÂ

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> > >> //Sir kya likhte hain aap. meri khopdi mein kuch nahin ghus raha.

> > >> (Sir what you write, Nothing seems right, I do not have sight to

> understand it right).//

> > >>  I enjoyed what you wrote and its poetic


> (?!). Wah re wah! Translation ho to isa!... You would be a thought

> revolution if had to do translation! Ha..Ha... Right, translation


> be of the sense (and idea that we want to convey) and not of words.

> Anyway, I liked your poetic expression (translation? ) than the native

> hindi statement.Wah re wah!

> > >>  " Sir what you write,

> > >>

> > >>   Nothing seems right,

> > >>

> > >>   I do not have sight to-

> > >>   Understand it right "

> > >>  Bahut Khoob! Let me continue it -

> > >>   " Keep everything straight,

> > >>   We are not that bright

> > >>   Flight of fancy is bullshit

> > >>   We are wise to know

it-right? "  :)

> > >> //> //I prefer Chandra as question is for more study...that may

> tells that

> > >> > event is sure may be in this life (if not obstructed) or may be

> in after

> > >> > reborn (if obstructed). ..//

> > >>  Yes, this is bullshit! Dear Bhaskar ji, neither

you nor me

> has the sight to see it right (because it is not wrong), and hopefully

> we are wise enough. If it is not so, Dev ji will help us to understand

> it - let us hope. :)

> > >>

> > >> Love and regards,

> > >> Sreenadh

> > >

> > >

> >


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