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Ill ness at house

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Respected Sh. Anshevji,

My date of birth is 05-11-1952, born at Jullundur Cantt at 1802 hrs.

I am very depressed due to constant ill health of my wife & elder daughter.

By the grace of god, my younger daughter is fine.

Kindly let me know the upays which I should do to generate health, happiness and

tranquility at my house.

I will be obliged.



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Respected Mehta ji,




As per the data given (Nov 5, 1952; Jullunder (75E40, 31N19), 6:02

PM, Zone 5:30), the asdt. works out to be Aries at 29:12 degrees.


Your query is Re: your concern due to ill health of your wife and

elder daughter. You also mentioned your mental health being in a

state of depression due to it. You would like, Health, happiness and



For children we consider: 5th house, 2nd house (mostly incase of

male children), Jupiter and Sun. For wife, we look at 7th house, 2nd

house, 4th house, 8th house, 12th house, Venus and Moon.


In your chart, 5th lord Sun is debilitated in 7th house (It is

aspected by benefic and strong Jupiter, so perhaps this could be the

reason why your younger daughter having good health. 7th and 2nd

lord, Venus is badly placed in 8th house and is afflicted by malefic

Ketu by 94%. This is an affliction of high order and this would

explain poor health of your wife. Moon, another Karaka of wife and

significator of mind is weak due to being in the state of infancy

(23%) and debilitated in Navansha.


6th Lord Mercury, significator of nervous strength is badly placed

in 8th. The weakness of Moon and Mercury would explain the reason

for your depression.


Strengthening remedies for Moon, Venus and Sun AND propitiatory

remedies of Mercury would help in improving your mental health as

well as the happiness from Wife and daughter.


I would also advise you to submit charts of your wife and your

daughter so specific remedies can be suggested for them as well for

improving their health etc.


Please perform the following remedies for 3 months (90 days) and

give feedback so further remedies can be suggested/adjusted.




Wear A ring of silver or gold with 3 stones in it. It is important

that the ring be work in an auspiciously elected time (Muhuruta) for

this remedy to be effective. Ask me for suggesting a muhuruta if you

decide to wear this ring.

1. Natural white pearl of size 4.6 to 4.7 carats. (For Moon)

2. Natural ruby of size 4.6 to 4.7 carats. (For Sun)

3. Diamond of size 1 to 1.8 carats. (For Venus)


Please make sure that the stones touch the skin. You may also wear

the alternative stones for the planets suggested above, but in that

case, the weight/size of the stones would be bigger than suggested.


Wake up every morning before sunrise and every morning, before

breakfast and after bath etc.


a) At sunrise, perform Surya Namaskar (with Mantra) 5 to 21


b) Keep a fresh pot of water for birds.

c) Feed a roti dipped in milk to stray dogs.

d) Feed a salty roti with mustard oil smeared on it to crows.

e) Feed 1 Kg Green fodder (Palak or any other green leafy

vegetable) to a cow.


On a Friday (once a month)

1. Feed 15 Kg Kheer to Poor/handicapped/Needy

2. Feed 15 Kg Suji Ka Halwa to Poor/Handicapped/Needy

3. Donate 20 Kg Atta/Wheat to an institution taking care of

ladies (Mahila-Ashram).



Best wishes,

Anshev B. Bhardwejj







lalkitab , " rajivkrmehta2004 "

<rajivkrmehta2004@i...> wrote:

> Respected Sh. Anshevji,

> My date of birth is 05-11-1952, born at Jullundur Cantt at 1802


> I am very depressed due to constant ill health of my wife & elder


> By the grace of god, my younger daughter is fine.

> Kindly let me know the upays which I should do to generate health,

happiness and tranquility at my house.

> I will be obliged.

> Regards,

> Mehta

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