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anshev ji analyse this chart?Sh. Nishant A.S.

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Nishant ji,


In this chart (Libra @ 16:06 degrees), Rahu-Ketu have afflicted houses

2nd, 10th, 4th, 8th, 12th, 6th etc. by as much as 76%. Ketu has

afflicted 11th lord Sun severely. Rahu-Ketu must be propotiated.


Houses 4th, 2nd, 10th and 11th and their lords represent basic

education (4th), higher education (2nd), Profession (10th), income



Natal lord of 5th ruling intelligence, Saturn is weak due to weakness

of dispositor Venus as well it is debilitated in Navansha.


10th Lord Moon is well placed close to the mid point of 5th, also

benefitting 11th houses, but Moon is weak due to weakness of

dispositor. Moon and its dispositor should be strengthened for

professional as well as eductational significations.


Karaka for education and wisdom, benefic 3rd lord Jupiter is strong in

the chart, as well as aspects 5th lord Saturn, which is a good

indication. The native is currently in the dasha of Ju/Ra/Ju.


Overall, there are issues in the areas of eductation as well as

profession. They may not be that evident at the moment as the native

operates in the benefic period of strong Jupiter, but it will trouble

him more when the next major period of Saturn starts in Jan 2008.



As a cautionary note, there are weaknesses seen in

relationship/marital areas as well which should be addressed at some



The following remedies should be helpful for educational/professional






At the least, Wear a white(colorless) sapphire and a pink ruby (both

of 5 carats each) set in gold or silver. The rings should be put in an

auspicious muhuruta for this remedy to be effective.


Ideally, the native should wear a Kavach (Yantra) to strengthen all

weak benefics: Saturn, Mars, Moon, Venus & Sun.


Daily remedies



Every morning wake up before Sunrise and take bath etc. After bath and

before breakfast, perform the following remedies:


1) Surya Namaskar Yogic kriya (with mantra) 5 to 21 times

2) Put a fresh pot of water for birds etc.

3) Recite mantra 'Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah' at least 108 times and feed

a piece of bread dipped in milk to a stray dog.

4) Feed a sugar stuffed, fried roti to a crow

5) Every Wednesday - Feed a stray cow 2 Kg Palak.



best wishes,

Anshev B. Bhardwejj






lalkitab , " Nishant A.S. " <nishant_aryan





> hi it feels good to read posts after such a long time on this group.



> anshev ji, plz analyse and predict something abt career and


> of this native with effective remedies.



> dob--- 29/03/1984

> tob--- 21:02

> pob--- ajmer


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thanx anshev ji for uncanny analysis of this chart u have been

superb opnce again, i request u to analyse the foll chart as well,

as the native is my cousin who is going with all sorts of

difficulties in education sector.


troubled in love, decieved in love life thrice.

genius but his efforts are fruitless.


is going with the worst phase of his life.




d0b-- 26/11/981

pob-- ajmer

tob-- 16:08





lalkitab , " Anshev B Bhardwejj " <anshevb



> Nishant ji,


> In this chart (Libra @ 16:06 degrees), Rahu-Ketu have afflicted


> 2nd, 10th, 4th, 8th, 12th, 6th etc. by as much as 76%. Ketu has

> afflicted 11th lord Sun severely. Rahu-Ketu must be propotiated.


> Houses 4th, 2nd, 10th and 11th and their lords represent basic

> education (4th), higher education (2nd), Profession (10th), income

> (11th).


> Natal lord of 5th ruling intelligence, Saturn is weak due to


> of dispositor Venus as well it is debilitated in Navansha.


> 10th Lord Moon is well placed close to the mid point of 5th, also

> benefitting 11th houses, but Moon is weak due to weakness of

> dispositor. Moon and its dispositor should be strengthened for

> professional as well as eductational significations.


> Karaka for education and wisdom, benefic 3rd lord Jupiter is

strong in

> the chart, as well as aspects 5th lord Saturn, which is a good

> indication. The native is currently in the dasha of Ju/Ra/Ju.


> Overall, there are issues in the areas of eductation as well as

> profession. They may not be that evident at the moment as the


> operates in the benefic period of strong Jupiter, but it will


> him more when the next major period of Saturn starts in Jan 2008.



> As a cautionary note, there are weaknesses seen in

> relationship/marital areas as well which should be addressed at


> point.


> The following remedies should be helpful for


> signnifications.


> Remedies

> ---------


> At the least, Wear a white(colorless) sapphire and a pink ruby


> of 5 carats each) set in gold or silver. The rings should be put

in an

> auspicious muhuruta for this remedy to be effective.


> Ideally, the native should wear a Kavach (Yantra) to strengthen


> weak benefics: Saturn, Mars, Moon, Venus & Sun.


> Daily remedies

> --------------


> Every morning wake up before Sunrise and take bath etc. After bath


> before breakfast, perform the following remedies:


> 1) Surya Namaskar Yogic kriya (with mantra) 5 to 21 times

> 2) Put a fresh pot of water for birds etc.

> 3) Recite mantra 'Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah' at least 108 times and


> a piece of bread dipped in milk to a stray dog.

> 4) Feed a sugar stuffed, fried roti to a crow

> 5) Every Wednesday - Feed a stray cow 2 Kg Palak.



> best wishes,

> Anshev B. Bhardwejj






> lalkitab , " Nishant A.S. " <nishant_aryan@>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > hi it feels good to read posts after such a long time on this


> >

> >

> > anshev ji, plz analyse and predict something abt career and

> education

> > of this native with effective remedies.

> >

> >

> > dob--- 29/03/1984

> > tob--- 21:02

> > pob--- ajmer

> >


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