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Fwd: very urgently I need attention and your help for my brother

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Ira Sharma <dollyharit wrote: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:35:30

+0000 (GMT)

Ira Sharma <dollyharit

Fwd: very urgently I need attention and your help for my brother





Ira Sharma <dollyharit wrote: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:36:39

+0000 (GMT)

Ira Sharma <dollyharit

Fwd: very urgently I need attention and your help for my brother





Ira Sharma <dollyharit wrote: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 05:47:17

+0000 (GMT)

Ira Sharma <dollyharit

very urgently I need attention and your help for my brothe




Respected sir,

Sadar Pranam,


I am writing you after a long time. I and my family members are in deep

tension these days. Before I had take your advice in July 2005 as detailed

given under, for by brother. Beside yantra and stone he did all remedies

suggested by you but he is still unmarried and the major problem he is facing

these days are health related. His Marsh mahadasha is begun in Nov. 06. Since

this mahadasha is begun he is suffering from pain in his right leg and hip dr.

says there is a blockage of blood circulation in hip boll and the remedy is

only surgery. I could not understand what should we do. Is the marsh mahadasha

is favourable ? Which of the star gives bad result? Kindly study again his

chart and give us your precious advise. We lost our parents. A ruby he is

wearing in his sun finger in right hand is it right stone for him? Kindly

urgently give us your advise. I hope you will answering me me very soon. His

detail is given below the page.

Thank you very much

With best regards,

Ira Sharma


Dear Ira Sharma ji,




In your brother's chart (5th May 1969; 11:45PM; Dehradun),

Sagittarius Lagna rises at 26:31 degrees. Moon is the most malefic

planet for him. The functional malefic Moon is in the Lagna itself,

hence well placed and does not afflict any of the houses/planets.

Despite being the most malefic planet for this chart, Moon is not

weak or afflicted/afflicting in this chart. Moon is also bright,

another good indication. The native has been running a dasha of Moon

since Nov. 12, 1996 and this period would have seen many challenges

causing mental lack of peace, unrest & tension, weak health, matters

relating to mother and delays in the matters of marriage. Remedy for

Moon may help in these matters & cut down the delays in the matters

of marriage . This remedy will also give native mental peace.


Significator for the wife, Venus is exalted, well placed and

unafflicted in the chart. In Navansha, Venus is well placed but

afflicted by Rahu in the 10th house. Overall, it appears that the

income of the native, health of the spouse, renal functions and

vitality will be overall good. Venus has/will confer affluent

financial gains and resources.


10th lord Mercury is placed in 6th house of disputes, hence weak.

This is one of the stress areas for the native. There are

impediments caused in the matters of 10th house significations due

to transit impacts of Moon & Rahu-Ketu on the weak Mercury and its

significations causing stress in the work area.


Sun is exalted in the chart in 5th but debilitated in Navansha,

hence rendering it overall average. The placement of Sun confers

name, fame etc., but these gains are not very substantial due to the

weakness of Sun in Navansha.


The peculiarity of this chart is that the native remains

dissatisfied in life, maybe he feels that his achievements are not

commensurate to his knowledge and competence. Jupiter governs his

knowledge and competence, while achievements are governed by the

state of strength of Mercury. Jupiter is weak and afflicted in the

chart. He is caught up in the close conjunction of Rahu-Ketu nodes

(45%), causing diseases related to Skin as Jupiter is in the house

of Mercury. Jupiter is also in the state of infancy (37%), his

dispositor (Mercury) is weak and Jupiter is also debilitated in

Navansha. This weakness of Jupiter may also be responsible for the

issues in the life of the native. Jupiter must be strengthened and

his afflicters propitiated for the native to be healthy, content and

successful in life.


3rd lord Saturn is debilitated in the chart and combust by benefic

Sun. This combustion of Saturn is somewhat beneficial for the native

as Sun is the lord of 9th house. This weakness of Saturn is

responsible for unsuccessful enterprises, delays, lack of clarity

and communicative power in the native. Yogakaraka Mars is weak as

it's in 12th house but Mars is in its own house (Scorpio) close to

the mid point of the houses (12%), so Mars' aspect on 3rd house is

helping recover some of the weakness of Saturn's lack of

enterprising nature. Mars itself is weak but helps somewhat in

fulfilling desires, conferring education and giving some ambition to

the native.


Native will enter the Maha-dasha of benefic Mars from Nov 2006 that

will last till Nov 2013 and you may notice a big change in his

life. Faithfully performing remedies will also bring auspiciousness

in the life of native.






1) If you find someone to make a locket (Yantra), you may get a

Yantra made for this native also for strengthening Sun, Saturn,

Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.


Otherwise, the native may wear at least two stones: 1) unflawed Red

coral at least 4.7 carats in left ring finger set in gold/silver &

unflawed Yellow Sapphire (4.7 carats) set in gold in right index



Make sure that he wears stones/Yantra in a duly elected auspicious

muhuruta only. If you like, I will be able to suggest a Muhuruta.


Avoid unfavourable colors: White, steel grey and dull brown.


2) Fasting on Wednesdays and recite Durga Chalisa & Argala


3) The following remedies should be done after morning bath and

before breakfast.

a. Feed a ball of wheat dough (Atte ke Pera) to a cow

b. Fresh pot of water for birds and some food articles/grains

c. Feed a roti to stray dog.

4) Always remember/follow:

a. Render service to parents/parents in law and old age needy


b. Be considerate to wife.




Best wishes,

Anshev B. Bharwejj






lalkitab , Ira Sharma <dollyharit> wrote:


> Respected Anshev Bhardwejj ji,


> Sadar Namaskar,




> Thank you very much sir for your kind suggestions. I am searching

a local pundit for making yantra suggested by you for my sister.




> Sir as I requested earlier and as you permitted me I am very

thankful to you about the analyzed my family members, but my one

brother's chart is remain from you analysis. Please suggest some

remedies for him also.




> I am giving the details of my brother :




> Date of Birth is : 5.5.1969


> Time of Birth is : 11.45 p.m.


> Place of Birth Dehra Dun


> Lagan : Dhanu (26:31:49)


> Rashi is Dhanu


> Nakshatra is Mool-4


1. In Ist house Moon (10:26:02)


> 2. second and third houses are empty


> 3. Venus (17:45:27) and Rahu(06:04:32) are in fourth house


> 4. Sun (21:38:29) and Saturn (07:19:19) are in Fifth house


> 5. Mercury (12:37:57) is in sixth house


> 6. seventh, eighth, and ninth are empty


> 7. Jupitar (vakri) ( 03:08:4) and Ketu (06:04:32) are in

tenth house


> 8. eleventh is empty


> 9. Marsh (vakri) (22:56:26) is in twelveth house.




> He is also still unmarried. He is doing job now in Dehra Dun in

HDFC Standard Life Insurance from Oct. 2004. Before he was doing

job in Meerut, Ludhiyana and Delhi for 7-8 years. After the accident

of my mother he was return to Dehra Dun because our own house is



> He is also interested in share purchase. Is this suitable for

him? He changed so many job he feels always tense in job. This job

is also giving some tensions to him because it is a target based

job. He is suffering from some skin problem since 5-6 months.


> This is my desire that he get marry as soon as possible. I will

be very grateful to for your suggestions. In my next letter I will

send detail of my remain brother and sister.


> Thanks and best regards,

> Ira Sharma







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