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health and career issues K Parmar 79

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Dear Parmar,


The nature of your query needs reading the future. I do not study

horoscopes to read future. I suggest remedies for specific problems.

If you have any specific problems you need remedies for, you could

post your details and the problems in the group. I will be happy to

help you.












, " k_parmar79 "

<k_parmar79 wrote:


> Respected astrologers,


> My name is Purav Parmar and I ma physician living at Atlanta. i am

> concerned about my career and financial issues


> Birth details-


> Birth date 28th January, 1978

> Birth time- 14.13IST or 2.13pm

> birth place Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India


> Financial prob-


> I have no earning from last 3 years in US struggling for career.


> 1.some people say that I would have lifetime financial problems.

Is it

> true? if no then how long I have to suffer from instability?


> 2.some people say that there is no benefits from foreign. its true


> far as I didn't achieve anything from last 3 years. If yes then how

> can I make my financial status better?


> 3.Some people says that you will have complete darkness before 30

> between 30-35 your success begins and after 36 to 62 you will be

> wealthy because I will end my rahu mahadasha and start my guru

> mahadasha and also i can buy home after 36 because Saturn looses


> effect after that.


> Career Issues


> I am struggling to do my MD post graduate training. I left it

once in

> India and last year some issues came and I couldn't start it. This

> year I got admission at an average hospital.


> 1.Will I comple my MD? Some people says that you cant be a

> postgraduate because of rahu and Saturn.

> 2.Can I study further any specialization?

> 3.can I be a good doctor in future?

> 4.can I settle in India after that?



> Kindly answer this question with planetic explaination as I


> language.

> Do I have Gajkesari yoga? Do I have rajyoga? In my navmans my


> all planets are in 6th 8th and 12th house. What it suggest?


> Thank you very much


> Purav


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