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Some doubts

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Sri Pandit Bhooshan Priyaji


Respected Pandithji!


My humble pranams to you. I have some doubts abiout the remedies.


1. Can I place the lock with the keys or without the keys.

2. Can I offer mushrooms in any temple or any specific temple. Shall

I give the mushrooms to priest or leave it in the temple.

3. Some body told me that I should not go to Devi temples, because of

some thing in my horoscope. Can you please suggest me regarding this.


Warm regards





Dear Bhargava,


I have gone through your horoscope. I am suggesting a few upaya

which might help you. Go to the files and read the rules of doing

the remedies before you do the upaya suggested by me.


[ 1 ] Get an iron lock. Place this lock , packed as it came from the

market, at any cross roads { chauraha } after dark on any Saturday.

In the shop all locks are sold in the locked position. Do not open

the lock, not even to examine whether it is working or not. Just buy

it as it is in the packet. Even do not let the shop keeper open it

for you.

[ 2 ] Offer at a temple 9 mushrooms in an earthen pot, once.

[ 3 ] Keep in your room in the North East corner a little rice

gifted to you by your mother as a blessing. You could keep the rice

in a brass container.

[ 4 ] Offer water to the Sun God every day along with a red flower.

Add a little milk and sugar to the water before offering. On days

when you can't get a red flower, you can offer orange rouli { rouli

is a reddish powder used for tilak } instead.

[ 5 ] Recite the stotra for Jupiter as often as you can every day.

Get the text and the audio from the files.





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Dear Ms. Jyothi_Lakshmi:


Jyothi Lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi wrote:

Respected Sir,


Can you please clarify some of my queries? They are not totally related to

astrology. But I believe you can answer them.


1. I have been chanting a mantra of Shiva since I was a child which I found

comfortable for me. There is a Tirupathi temple near where I stay. I am thinking

of doing meditaton from there whenever possible. But is it right to chant Shiv

mantra from Tirupathi temple? My query may sound silly, but I feel a sort of

hesitation as to whether I am doing correct or not. I am told to strengthen my

Jupiter, so can I chant " Devanamcha... " from Tirupathi temple? My point is when

I chant some other mantra it looks like I am discarding my favourite mantra and

that I dont have faith in Shiv mantra which I have been regularly chanting. To

strengthen a planet, is it necssary that we should chant that particular mantra



1) Mantras of any deity can be chanted in any temple; I have personally

chanted the Holy Gayathri mantra in churches and have got spiritually uplifting

experiences in my earlier days. So, I think this clarifies things.


2) Regarding planetary mantras to appease planets, sages have given them as

recommendations and remedies to overcome planetary weaknesses. Just as there

are many generic medicines for the same ailment, there can be different

approaches. A true devotee of a Godhead in any form, usually worships the Deity

only in that form and through that form can overcome all negativities in life.

Such devotees are called " Upaasakars " who develop a sort of personal affinity

and relationship with the Deity form. They need not do these planetary

remedies. However, there is no harm in doing these planetary japas. When we can

approach normal human beings for help in getting things done, why can't we

approach Divine Beings? Does any person who believe in God seriously avoid

taking help from other humans? Somehow, we tend to develop reservations only in

the field of mantras like this! The reality is that the Supreme Godhead has

only created different portfolios for different Divine

Entities for the mundane running of the Universe; so for minor appeasements,

there is no harm in appeasing the planets in manner prescribed by saints in

variour puranas.


2. This is general doubt which I had when I recently got a forward. Usually

whenever my friends and I go to an astrologer, we are told that we have sarpa

dosha in family, that some of our ancestors might have destroyed anthills or

killed some divine snakes etc. But then I thought of people in China. They peel,

roast and eat snakes. (The forward was the pictures of Beijing food in 5 star

restaurant). Why are they not having any problem regarding children? Why only

here in India astrologers speak of this Naga dosha and the like but not with

people in US or china? This is not to question astrology. When people say the

same reason to many of the people in India, I always think why Naga dosha to

everyone of us, but only in India.


Sarpa dosha arises only on killing of Cobra family of snakes and not on

killing other snakes. I am yet to come across a Chinese person who can eat a

Cobra! It is not true that snake curses are peculiar only to India.....Even

Chinese astrology speaks of " Curse of Dragons " , " Curse of Ancestors " , etc. They

do believe in spirits, remedies, etc. And if the horoscope of a chinese person

shows sarpa dosha or putra dosha, that person will also suffer due to dosha. It

is not true that doshas affect only Indians; nor is it true that astrologers say

these things only to Indians. In fact, I know of many foreigners who do Sarpa

parihaaram in Sri Kalahasti with complete faith. Snake worship is prevalent in

many ancient civilizations including Egyptians/ Greek. Snake is the symbol of

Kundalini power and magical societies around the world have references to this.

Many evolved souls frequently transmigrate into snake forms and go about the

world; this is one reason why people are

restrained from harming cobra family snakes. You may inadvertently cause harm

to a highly evolved soul who is in the form of a snake. For that matter,

harming any living creature or even performing activities that disturb the

ecological system is bad karma. People throwing away plastics and causing

non-bio-degradable wastes are definitely accumulating bad karma and will

experience stress-induced problems and obstacles in life......This is the cycle

of karma. It is not that only snakes get preferential treatment in that, though

snakes' curses have their significance because some of them are deities in snake

form (some yakshinis actually live in snake form in anthills; when their place

is desecrated by unholy acts, snake curse occurs; snake curse need not occur

only due to killing of snakes!) Though the terminology may be different, the

concepts are the same or at least identical in many cases. Chinese astrology is

far deeper than the superficial animal sign astrology we

see in most websites, and in those deeper systems " curses " figure prominently

as much as in vedic astrology!


Note: I am forwarding this to the vedic astrology groups as this is of general



Blessed be.






With respects,







dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer wrote:

Dear Ms.Jyothi,


Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON the

contrary the native will experience joyful relation

with parents, have materialistic tendencies,

fair-looking and well-behaved.


Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Either

the wife does not live long, or there will be more

than one marriage in most cases. The native will lead

a detached life in his later years and if other yogas

support it, may even become an ascetic. There will

also be too much intereference in his life from his



Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunate

person. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations with

father/ danger to father.


Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by his

own exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), will

possess an independent spirit, and curiously .... may

be married more than once!


Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement in

various houses have different effects - some

auspicious and some not so auspicious!


I will give you one hint as to how identify which

placement is good and which is bad. Identify those

areas in life where blatant and strong expression of

self-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placement

in such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious.

Otherwise, it will be inauspicious.


For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children are

considered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer Sri

Adisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So,

it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice for

careful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has to

adjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmic

matters also here. For instance, it is believed that

the accumulation of certain sins in the past lives

will affect progenic bliss in this birth. The

presence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the following

sin: " The sin of teasing (playful teasing is

different; what is implied here is purposeful teasing

to irritate the child's relatives when they cannot be

directly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 years

either in this birth or the previous birth " . YOu can

refer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical work

on remedies in this regard.


Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership)

also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant show

of unjustified self-importance will definitely mar

happiness in this regard.


Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru will

understand the childishness/ immaturity of the person

(blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a show

of immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, the

person wanting to express their inner thoughts and

desires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves).

Have we not all played the game of loser with

children by saying they have won when infact, they

cannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be the

logic how this works!


What I have written in the general results of lagna

lord's placement is not based on these logics! They

are in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEM

to differ in their opinions sometimes... but that is

not true! What is infact true is that each seer has

approached the house from different aspects because

each house has different significations. A careful

perusal of the classics will reveal the truth. No

placement is completely auspicious and vice versa.


I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind.


Blessed be.




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