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dear priyaji, yes, i have been reading a lot of astrology books and i do know the basics of astrology. pl see the attachments of my earlier posts, warm regards gauri Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php


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my dob is 28 dec 94 at 19:01 hrs (07:01 p.m) at mumbai.... </TD>

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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, I have gone through your horoscope. I am

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<TD class= " msg content user first " >

<DIV class= " subject root grey " >Re: varshphal upay & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;

Gauri 600 </DIV><BR>

<DIV class=msgarea>Dear gauri,<BR><BR>I have gone through your

horoscope. I am suggesting a your Varsh<BR>Phal upaya which might

help you. Go to the files and read the rules<BR>of doing the

remedies before you do the upaya suggested by me.<BR><BR>[ 1 ] Offer

a handful of chana dal at any temple for 9 days<BR>regularly.<BR>[ 2

] Wear some thing of gold either a chain or eartops.<BR>[ 3 ]

Immerse in a river 1100gm Jau { barley } on a thursday after<BR>sun

set and before it gets dark.<BR>[ 4 ] Throw into a school compound a

few grains of rice for 7 days<BR>regularly. You can throw the rice

from out side of the boundary if<BR>necessary.<BR><BR>For studies

:<BR><BR>[ 1 ] Go to the files and read the upaya to be done before

the<BR>examinations. Do those upaya to do well in the exams.<BR>[ 2

] For better concentration in studies do the following upaya

:<BR><BR>[ a ] Wear a small square piece of copper in a gold chain

for<BR>concentration in studies. Get a small hook attached by

brass<BR>welding.<BR><BR>[ b ] Wear round the neck a 6 mukhi

rudraksh between two 5 mukhi<BR>rudraksha in a white thread. Wear it

on any Monday of the bright<BR>half of the month { shukla paksha}

after worshiping Lord


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" gauri600 " & lt;gauri600 & gt;<BR>wrote:<BR> & gt;<BR> & gt; dear

priyaji, can you kindly give me the varshphal upay for

me<BR>with<BR> & gt; special stress on academic success. my dob is 28

dec 94 at 19:01<BR>hrs<BR> & gt; (07:01 p.m) at mumbai.

thanks<BR> & gt;<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></DIV></TD>

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p;var=1 & amp;l=1 " ><SPAN>varshphal

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my dob is 28 dec 94 at 19:01 hrs (07:01 p.m) at mumbai.... </TD>

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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, I have gone through your horoscope. I am

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p;var=1 & amp;l=1 & amp;p=2 " ><SPAN>varshphal

upay</SPAN></A> </NOSCRIPT><BR>dear priyaji, thanks very much for

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the analysis of the remedies for pimples,can you also... </DIV></TD>

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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, [ 1 ] Repost your request along with the

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<TD class= " msg content user first " >

<DIV class= " subject root grey " >varshphal upay </DIV><BR>

<DIV class=msgarea>dear priyaji,<BR>thanks very much for the

varshphal upay. since you have kindly<BR>replied to safalwin about

the analysis of the remedies for pimples,can<BR>you also elaborate

to me as to how each of these remedies for me are<BR>as per

different houses and planets.<BR>also,1. my eyesight is weak and i

wear glasses. is there any upay<BR>for that?<BR>2. i am a good

singer. is there any upay to further improve my<BR>voice?<BR>i am

sorry for asking you so many questions. i will be grateful to<BR>you

for the replies.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></DIV></TD>

<TD class= " info env first " >

<DIV class= " smalltype ygrp-nowrap " >Sat Jul & nbsp;7, & nbsp;2007

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p;var=1 & amp;l=1 " ><SPAN>varshphal

upay</SPAN></A> </NOSCRIPT><BR>dear priyaji, can you kindly give me

the varshphal upay for me with special stress on academic success.

my dob is 28 dec 94 at 19:01 hrs (07:01 p.m) at mumbai.... </TD>

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<TD class=date>Jul & nbsp;5, & nbsp;2007 <BR>11:02 & nbsp;am </TD></TR>


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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, I have gone through your horoscope. I am

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<DIV class= " subject root grey " >Re: varshphal upay & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;

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<DIV class=msgarea><BR>Dear gauri,<BR><BR>[ 1 ] Repost your request

along with the previous string so that I<BR>know what upaya I had

suggested.<BR><BR>[ 2 ] I could give you the planets and the upaya

but they will not<BR>make any sense unless you are an astrologer


In <A

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" gauri600 " & lt;gauri600 & gt;<BR>wrote:<BR> & gt;<BR> & gt; dear

priyaji,<BR> & gt; thanks very much for the varshphal upay. since you

have kindly<BR> & gt; replied to safalwin about the analysis of the

remedies for<BR>pimples,can<BR> & gt; you also elaborate to me as to

how each of these remedies for me are<BR> & gt; as per different

houses and planets.<BR> & gt; also,1. my eyesight is weak and i wear

glasses. is there any upay<BR> & gt; for that?<BR> & gt; 2. i am a good

singer. is there any upay to further improve<BR>my<BR> & gt;

voice?<BR> & gt; i am sorry for asking you so many questions. i will

be grateful<BR>to<BR> & gt; you for the

replies.<BR> & gt;<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></DIV></TD>

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href= " /message/7893?threaded=1 & am\

p;var=1 & amp;l=1 " ><SPAN>varshphal

upay</SPAN></A> </NOSCRIPT><BR>dear priyaji, can you kindly give me

the varshphal upay for me with special stress on academic success.

my dob is 28 dec 94 at 19:01 hrs (07:01 p.m) at mumbai.... </TD>

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<TD class=date>Jul & nbsp;5, & nbsp;2007 <BR>11:02 & nbsp;am </TD></TR>


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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, I have gone through your horoscope. I am

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</NOSCRIPT><BR>Dear gauri, [ 1 ] Repost your request along with the

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