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Need help for my relatives about her life.

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Dear Members, Please let me know when she will join to her husband? or it leads to divorce? Thanks, Sakthivel.Psakthivel kandayee <sakthivel_k14 wrote: Dear members, Could you pls analyse and let me know one of our relatives life and future. she got merried on March 1, 2004 then seperated from her husband since Dec 2, 2005. DOB: Oct 15, 1980 TOB: 15.03 Hours IST (GMT +5.30) Place of Birth: Erode, TN (South India) Thanks and Regards, Sakthivel.P sunil gondhalekar <sunilalaka wrote: dear sujatkaram, first thing is that pl.dont use KP as a (traditional)KP.it may hurt many members again. the sublord of the planet is the main key in KP which opens the secrets. in 4 step theory,if there are no planets in star of planet/sub then only it signifies relevant houses.but in original kp this rule is not considered. in 4 step due weitage is given to 3rd-4th step and it gives the results in many cases. pl.see chart of sujata das.dasa is not at all connected with houses for marriage but still she has married in that dasa.why?intelligent person has not

answerd it.i will answer for that.if csl shows the marriage then full span of dasa can not be elimated,only bhukti to be rejected.(that is also depends on the time of consultation and the span of dasa) in 4 step only strong signification is considered. now for aspect if jupiter is under consideration,if there are any planets in star of jupiter then jupiter will not represent any houses alongwith aspects.but if there no planets in star of jupiter,then condition will be changed.now jupiter takes the signification of aspected/aspecting planets also.(in that case only planet is to be considered and not all steps) now consider jupiter is in star of saturn.planets starlord is always strong.so saturn will take signi fication of aspecting/aspected planets. same rule is applicable to sublord of planet. orb of 3-20 is to be

considered.this orb can be extended to 5 deg.if needed regarding rahu/ketu's aspect. i dont consider rahu/ketu aspects on each other.but if only they are on cusp then rep.that cusp but if they are strong and on cusp then aspect on cusp is also taken. nodes takes results of plantes if they are aspected/conjunct. separate rules for nodes are mentioned in book.which matches with kp principles. mr.chandrakant bhatt has mentioned that he could not judge how nodes gives the results. but in study i found that if nodes are aspected or conjuct with planet,the nodes takes results of that planet first and they dont offer results of signlordship. vivahyoga book was written in 2000.there are many factors added after research which was mentioned in my magazine and then in revised 4 step book. i hope your doubts are clear,but if by any chance

you have any doubts,pl.mail. -sunil gondhalekar On 10/2/07, sujatkaram <sujatkaram (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Respected Sunilji,Sir, In KP(traditional)the sub-lord of a planet is used to veryfy whether the results by the planet would be favourable or otherwise. Does this rule hold good for four-step method also? Secondly, signification by aspect stands fifth in order of strengh whereas in four-step we consider only strong or principal significators. Therefore I cannot understand as to how signification by aspect can be used in this method. I am sorry I have not read your latest book on four-step. I have read only

"Vivahayoga"with regards,sujatkaram , "sunil gondhalekar" <sunilalaka wrote:>> dear members,> now coming to the further comments.> regarding aspect,> KSK has given 5th grade to aspects which everyone knows.but he has not> neglected> aspect totally.that means we have to consider aspect in judging the> horoscope.in 4step> theory separate rules are given for this aspect.the query was raised for> ketu's aspect.the reply is:> ketu has appeared as sublord of planet.there are no planets in star of ketu> and ketu is on 1st cusp.as per the rules given in theory it aspects 7th> cusp.in that particular case even this factor is not taken in> considaration,then also marriage is indicated by the signification of 11th> house.readers must be knowing that similar case will not be found in studies> except twin birth,every case is unique.> > regarding rahu/ketu i have clearly mentioned the rules in my book.which are> tallied with the KSK> principles.members are requested to view the article written by mr.tw in may> e-zine.where he has> mentioned 2 separate rules given by KSK for rahu/ketu.reading this article i> conclude that tw can> only review the books and he can very well critisize to even KSK.> > the main essence of this theory is to judge the events without help of RP.> i have never denied the efficacy of RP ,but my experiece says that RP will> not

support to everybody at everytime.pl.see the experiment cases done by> mr.kanak and mr.rajeevji and> mr.supraksh regarding the match sticks.> now why i use RP.i use RP only to confirm cuspal sublord.this is based on> KSK teaching only.> pl.refer reader no.3 page 118 wherein KSK has asked to confirm csl with the> help of RP.> now finally, i look kp principles as a Geeta.its meanings are varying from> person to person.> so i considered its separate meanings and explained in 4 step theory.> finally KP method is not a proprietry concern of a particular person.i think> that atleast it is not > of mr.tw> so 4 step theory is not at all messed theory but with concrete> prooven rules.> thanks > -sunil gondhalekar> Building a website is a piece of cake. Small Business gives you all the tools to get


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Dear santhi7thsub is rahu in6th,signifying 5 6 7 10 9 and in the star of mer.She will have a2nd marriage ,a love marriage ,outside her castesakthivel kandayee <sakthivel_k14 Sent: Thursday, 4 October, 2007 12:39:14 PM Need help for my relatives about her life.


Dear members, Could you pls analyse and let me know one of our relatives life and future. she got merried on March 1, 2004 then seperated from her husband since Dec 2, 2005. DOB: Oct 15, 1980 - 15.03 Hours IST (GMT +5.30) Place of Birth: Erode (South India) Thanks and Regards, Sakthivel.P sunil gondhalekar <sunilalaka (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: dear sujatkaram, first thing is that pl.dont use KP as a

(traditional) KP.it may hurt many members again. the sublord of the planet is the main key in KP which opens the secrets. in 4 step theory,if there are no planets in star of planet/sub then only it signifies relevant houses.but in original kp this rule is not considered. in 4 step due weitage is given to 3rd-4th step and it gives the results in many cases. pl.see chart of sujata das.dasa is not at all connected with houses for marriage but still she has married in that dasa.why?intelligen t person has not answerd it.i will answer for that.if csl shows the marriage then full span of dasa can not be elimated,only bhukti to be rejected.(that is also depends on the time of consultation and the span of dasa) in 4 step only strong signification is considered. now for aspect if jupiter is under consideration, if there

are any

planets in star of jupiter then jupiter will not represent any houses alongwith aspects.but if there no planets in star of jupiter,then condition will be changed.now jupiter takes the signification of aspected/aspecting planets also.(in that case only planet is to be considered and not all steps) now consider jupiter is in star of saturn.planets starlord is always strong.so saturn will take signi fication of aspecting/aspected planets. same rule is applicable to sublord of planet. orb of 3-20 is to be considered.this orb can be extended to 5 deg.if needed regarding rahu/ketu's aspect. i dont consider rahu/ketu aspects on each other.but if only they are on cusp then rep.that cusp but if they are strong and on cusp then aspect on cusp is also taken. nodes takes results of plantes if they are

aspected/conjunct. separate rules for nodes are mentioned in book.which matches with kp principles. mr.chandrakant bhatt has mentioned that he could not judge how nodes gives the results. but in study i found that if nodes are aspected or conjuct with planet,the nodes takes results of that planet first and they dont offer results of signlordship. vivahyoga book was written in 2000.there are many factors added after research which was mentioned in my magazine and then in revised 4 step book. i hope your doubts are clear,but if by any chance you have any doubts,pl.mail. -sunil gondhalekar On 10/2/07, sujatkaram <sujatkaram (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Respected Sunilji,Sir, In KP(traditional) the sub-lord of a planet is used to veryfy whether the results by the planet would be favourable or otherwise. Does this rule hold good for four-step method also? Secondly, signification by aspect stands fifth in order of strengh whereas in four-step we consider only strong or principal significators. Therefore I cannot understand as to how signification by aspect can be used in this method. I am sorry I have not read your latest book on four-step. I have read only "Vivahayoga"with regards,sujatkaram @gro ups.com, "sunil gondhalekar" <sunilalaka@. ..> wrote:>> dear members,> now coming to the further comments.> regarding aspect,> KSK has given 5th grade to aspects

which everyone knows.but he has not> neglected> aspect totally.that means we have to consider aspect in judging the> horoscope.in 4step> theory separate rules are given for this aspect.the query was raised for> ketu's aspect.the reply is:> ketu has appeared as sublord of planet.there are no planets in star of ketu> and ketu is on 1st cusp.as per the rules given in theory it aspects 7th> cusp.in that particular case even this factor is not taken in> considaration, then also marriage is indicated by the signification of 11th> house.readers must be knowing that similar case will not be found in studies> except twin birth,every case is unique.> > regarding

rahu/ketu i have clearly mentioned the rules in my book.which

are> tallied with the KSK> principles.members are requested to view the article written by mr.tw in may> e-zine.where he has> mentioned 2 separate rules given by KSK for rahu/ketu.reading this article i> conclude that tw can> only review the books and he can very well critisize to even KSK.> > the main essence of this theory is to judge the events without help of RP.> i have never denied the efficacy of RP ,but my experiece says that RP will> not support to everybody at everytime.pl. see the experiment cases done by> mr.kanak and mr.rajeevji and> mr.supraksh regarding the match sticks.> now why i use RP.i use RP only to confirm cuspal sublord.this is based on> KSK teaching only.> pl.refer reader no.3 page 118 wherein KSK has asked to confirm csl with the>

help of RP.> now finally, i

look kp principles as a Geeta.its meanings are varying from> person to person.> so i considered its separate meanings and explained in 4 step theory.> finally KP method is not a proprietry concern of a particular person.i think> that atleast it is not > of mr.tw> so 4 step theory is not at all messed theory but with concrete> prooven rules.> thanks > -sunil gondhalekar> Building a website is a piece of cake. Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.


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