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Keen to become an Entrepreneur

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Dear Priya Ji,


Thank You for suggesting remedies

I am very serious to start something very soon, I have shortlisted for

an Existing Drycleaning shop( 20 yrs single owner) for my wife ( It

will be in my name and my wife)( wife no birth Particulars)ofcourse I

will be assisting till she becomes Independent It's facing south in a

Prime place. After six months I want to start for my own please

suggest which areas are most beneficial and more remedies for sucess.

I want to know my Issta-Devata.

I did all the remedies as suggested, is it OK

[ 1 ] Wear in either a silver or gold chain a copper coin

{ without a hole }. get a small hook attached to the coin for the

chain to pass through. Worn both American Cent( which is 68%copper)

and Pure Copper coin in a gold chain

[ 2 ] Keep in a dark corner under the weight of a stone piece, 1kg

jau { barley } tied in a black cloth. Kept in a walk-in Closet

which opens occasionally

[ 3 ] Yes you have the Kemdrum yog. Go to the file and read the

upaya for it and do it.My Daughter has assisted but she moved

potli from left hand to right hand as her structure is smaller thrown

(not immersed) into a very big Lake and used 1 Rupee coin and 25

Canadian cent.


With Regards

VarahPrashad Reddie(Name Changed)






Re: Feed back and other remedies >>>> PVP Reddy

Posted by: " "


Fri May 25, 2007 9:05 am (PST)

Dear Reddy,


[ 1 ] Yes you should take a dog around the house before you move

in to occupy the house.

[ 2 ] Of the last year varsh phal items, you can continue wearing

the chhalla, and keep the honey with silver pieces at home. You

should immerse the almonds in a river or sea.


Varsh Phal upaya for your 48th year :


[ 1 ] Wear in either a silver or gold chain a copper coin

{ without a hole }. get a small hook attached to the coin for the

chain to pass through.

[ 2 ] Keep in a dark corner under the weight of a stone piece, 1kg

jau { barley } tied in a black cloth

[ 3 ] Yes you have the Kemdrum yog. Go to the file and read the

upaya for it and do it.

[ 4 ] I am not aware of any upaya for earning more.






Feed back and other remedies

Posted by: " VarahPrashad Reddie " pvpreddy2001 pvpreddy2001

Fri May 25, 2007 8:04 am (PST)

Dear Priya Ji,


After very streneous efforts I bought the house on May 22nd, 2007

tommarrow going into new house, as you suggest to members about

dog before entering house, I will be doing it today.


As I mentioned last time that I missed by a whisker an Interpol

alert due to remedies.


I need varshapal remedies, for more earnings, want to become an

Entrepreneur soon, one reputed Astrologer wrote me that you have

Kemdrum Yog, is it true, inter personal relations got estranged

and break in education of my son and Daughter


I did all the remedies except Lead pieces


I should continue wearing Steel challa, Nine pieces silver in

Honey in Silver Box and Almonds shall keep at home


Thank You


Fri May 26, 2006 4:59am(PDT)

Re: Varshapal upaya >>>>> P V P Reddy


Dear Reddy,


[ A ] varsh phal upaya :


[ 1 ] Offer 10 whole almonds { with shell } at any temple for 5

days regularly. Of those offered bring back home 5 almonds each day

as blessed prasad. Keep them at home tied in a yellow cloth.

[ 2 ] Offer at a Hanuman Temple a copper lota filled with rice + red

flower. Paint the lota with haldi paste before offering. once

[ 3 ] Immerse in a river / lake /sea 11 pieces of lead { a metal }


[ 4 ] Take two shining steel chhalla , which should be open at the

ends. Immerse one of them into a river while wear the other in the

little finger of the left hand the same day.


[ B ] If there is any change of job or place , it will be away from

the birth place. The book says, " janma sthan se door pardes mein

sukh poorvak rahe " ... live happily in a foreign land away from the

place of birth.


[ C ] The copper ghara need not have a water tight lid. Just an

ordinary lid is good enough.


[ D ]Offer red millets at any temple once a week to avoid any action

for the surities you have taken.






" pvpreddy2001 " pvpreddy2001@

Thu May 25, 2006 9:38pm(PDT)

Varshapal upaya and other upayas


Mr.Priya Ji,


Mixed Results so far.

Main issues now are Disruption of my Children Education

Change of Job

Change of Place likely to US after consolidating my stature

Remedies for Varshapal

Birth Particulars

Sex : Male

D.O.B : 15th June 1960

P.O.B : Nizamaabad AndhraPradesh

T.O.B : 02.20Am

Which planets are giving an agony all the time not even a brief spell



As I wrote earlier I stood as a guarantor, one of the case cropped up

with a high magnitude even to an Interpol alert, by God grace and

remedy suggested by you has saved from disgrace and final settlement

has been done amicably, two more such cases are still pending all from

my sade-sati effect then, one is more serious in nature I am just a

third party guarantor still I am apprehensive as I wrote earlier in my

first mail, please suggest some more remedies for it.


Pending remedy

Immerse in a river a copper lota { round vessel } filled with

sabut moong { whole moong } Once

Everything is ready, may be waiting for some time to improve efficacy,

one doubt is, lid should be water tight


Thanks in advance





date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 16:47:34 -0000

Re: Hassle free life >>>> P V P Reddy

Dear Reddy ji,


[ 1 ] Instead of gifting a goat, you could feed sabut moong { whole

moong to the birds.

[ 2 ] With Saturn in the 9th it is said that when you buy a house ,

your wife should not be expecting a child.


Upaya for marital happiness :


[ 1 ] Immerse in a river a copper lota { round vessel } filled with

sabut moong { whole moong } Once.

[ 2 ] Extinguish the last kitchen fire at night by sprinkling a few

drops of milk over the burner. Do not use that particular burner

till the next morning.

[ 3 ] Do not keep at home any toy elephant or any item of ivory.






Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:27:07 -0000

[~ LK - Priya's corner ~] Re: Hassle free life >>>> PVP

Reddy ji

Dear Reddy ji,


You have mentioned five problems. I am answering them all.


[ 1 ] Yes you can become a very successful entrepreneur. Every

Tuesday visit a Hanuman temple and do Hanuman chalisa path.

[ 2 ] Yes you should buy the house but your wife should not be in

her family way when you buy it.

[ 3 ] I am not aware of any upaya that could help you sell your

house back home in India.

[ 4 ] Yes there is a possibility that you might get into trouble

because of the guarantee. Once a week offer a little curds at any

temple. Keep at home a little honey in a square or rectangular

silver dibbi with 9 small square pieces of silver immersed in the


[ 5 ] The bad situation that you are going through is due to Mercury

mahadasha. It started September 2003 and is going to last till

August 2020. You should clean your teeth with alum { fitkari } once

a week. Worship Lord Ganesh { ketu antar dasha till Jan 2007 }and

ask some one back home to gift a goat to a family which is in need

of milk and is not likely to sell the goat to a slaughter house.





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