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Reg Vimal MAK BAK

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Dear Makbak,


You can do the upaya on any day during the daylight hours.


Upaya for your son:


[ 1 ] Throw into a Govt office compound a few grains of sabut moong

for 7 days regularly.

[ 2 ] Keep in his room a small solid silver toy elephant dipped

either in rain water or ganag jal. You can use a glass jar for it.

[ 3 ] If you ever happen to locate a peepal sapling growing in a

cemetery { at times quite a few of them grow out on graves } get

that sapling transplanted in a temple compound. Till then ask him to

recite the beej mantra for Jupiter. Get the text and the audio from

the files.


For concentration in studies :


[ 1 ] Wear a small square piece of copper in a silver chain for

concentration in studies. Get a small hook attached by brass



[ 2 ] Wear round the neck a 6 mukhi rudraksh between two 5 mukhi

rudraksha in the same silver chain. Wear it on any Monday of the

bright half of the month { shukla paksha} after worshiping Lord Shiv.










, MAKBAK <makbakind



> Respected Priya Jee


> Thnx for your reply


> What should be the time to throw Sabut Urd into a Govt Office

Compound and to offer musterd oil in a shani temple Kindly suggest


> As you have said that I can not do upaya on my son behalf kindly

evaluate his birth chart also I m sure he would do upayas prescribed

by you



> TIME 03.06 AM



> I had mentioned earlier he is careless and does not concentrate

in study


> Dear Vimal,


> I have gone through your horoscope. I am suggesting a few upaya

> which might help you. Go to the files and read the rules of doing

> the remedies before you do the upaya suggested by me. All these

> upaya have to be done.They have to be done according to the rules,

> otherwise I am warning you that they will not be effective and


> possibly harm you also.


> For Property dealing Business :


> [ 1 ] Throw a handful of sabut urad [ whole urad ] into a Govt.

> Office compound for 7 days regularly. You do not have to enter the

> boundary, you can throw the urad from outside.

> [ 2 ] Offer a little mustard oil at any shani temple every


> [ 3 ] Worship Lord Hanuman every day.


> Marital discord :


> [ 1 ] Ask your wife to every night extinguish the last kitchen


> by sprinkling a few drops of milk over the burner. Do not use that

> particular burner till the next morning.


> [ 2 ] Get a piece of Ashok tree root and keep it at the pooja

> sthan. There are two varieties of Ashok tree. One with drooping

> branches and doesn’t grow into a big tree, and the other which


> into a huge shady tree with wide spreading branches. You should


> the root of the one that grows into a huge shady tree.


> [ 3 ] Immerse in a river/ sea a pair of copper snakes on a Sunday


> I am not aware of any upaya which is done by you and the effect of

> the upaya goes to your son. There will be no use suggesting upaya

> for him because he will not do them.


> Regarding your court cases :


> When ever you go for a hearing of the case to a court :


> [ a ] Carry with you a few rice grains and sprinkle them in the

> court room in a way that no body notices you doing it.

> [ b ] Carry 7 small haldi ganth wrapped in a yellow cloth with you


> Sincerely,


> Priya


> , MAKBAK <makbakind@ ..>

> wrote:

> >

> > Respected Priya jee

> >

> > Parnam

> > Kindly evaluate my horoscope. My pariculars are:

> >

> > Date of Birth_______ ___14th of March 1961

> > Place of Birth_______ ___Jammu

> > Time of Birth_______ ____22.30

> >

> > My problems are

> > [1] My buisness is under a great depression Mine is a Property

> Dealer Business my whole capital has been held in the business and

> nothing is coming out.

> > [2] Family life is hell ever since I married in 1987 (Love

> marriage) in the begining my wife used to threat me of leaving me


> run away from house.Since our is a middle class family I used to


> her to stay and in the end I left my parents house and started

> living separtely but things did not changed at all.Now for the


> 5-6 yrs my wife is suffering from Rehemo Arthritis and she moves

> hardly . Though I had tried all the medecine systems but nothing


> shown any positive results even in this condition once in month


> threat me of leaving .

> > [3] I have one son aged 18yrs has gone out of control due to

> family atmosphere he hardly gets pass in school and Plus 2 he is

> placed compartment. He steals my credit card make shopping


> etc not only this he draws cash using ATM CArds. When I say some

> thing he also threat to run from house.I do not what to do.Some

> times I feel that they know I can not live without them that is


> they adopt this threating technique.

> > Although I perfom puja daily Morning and Evening why the thigs

> are so ugly for me.

> > [4] Since 2001 I have been implicated in false caases and at

> present I m on bail kindly see this part also

> >

> > I m writing this with a great hope kindlysuggest some upays.

> >

> > Vimal Kumar

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> >





> Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.


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