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Finance and Family Problem Karodiwal Alpesh N

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Dear Alpesh,


I have gone through your horoscope. I am suggesting a few upaya

which might help you. Go to the files and read the rules of doing

the remedies before you do the upaya suggested by me. All these

upaya have to be done.They have to be done according to the rules,

otherwise I am warning you that they will not be effective and could

possibly harm you also.


Upaya to get a job :


[ 1 ] Get an iron lock. Place this lock , packed as it came from the

market, at any cross roads { chauraha } after dark on any Saturday.

To be done once.

In the shop all locks are sold in the locked position. Do not open

the lock, not even to examine whether it is working or not. Just buy

it as it is in the packet. Even do not let the shop keeper open it

for you.


[ 2 ] Offer water to the Sun God every day along with a red flower.

Add a little milk and sugar to the water before offering. On days

when you can't get a red flower, you can offer orange rouli { rouli

or kumkum is a reddish powder used for tilak } instead. First place

the flower or rouli on the ground as if offering it to the Sun God

and then pour the water slowly. The water should be poured at a

place where it is not likely to be stepped upon.


[ 3 ] Recite the stotra for Jupiter as often as you can every day.

Get the text and the audio from the files. You have to save the

stotra in any file first in order to listen to it. It would not open

with a double click.


{ for correct pronunciation there is a pdf file in the same folder

containing the stotra in Hindi script. }


Finances :


[ a ] Every Saturday morning pour a few drops of mustard oil on the

right side of your main gate of the house [ i.e. on the left side as

one enters your house ]


[ b ] Throw into a Govt office compound a few grains of sugar for 8

days regularly. You do not have to enter the compound. You can throw

from outside of the boundary.


[ c ] Place where you keep your money a little honey in an iron

dibbi with a small square piece of silver immersed in the honey.


For marital harmony :


[ 1 ] Ask your wife to every night extinguish the last kitchen fire

by sprinkling a few drops of milk over the burner. Do not use that

particular burner till the next morning.


[ 2 ] Get a piece of Ashok tree root and keep it at the pooja

sthan. There are two varieties of Ashok tree. One with drooping

branches and doesn't grow into a big tree, and the other which grows

into a huge shady tree with wide spreading branches. You should get

the root of the one that grows into a huge shady tree.


[ 3 ] Immerse in a river/ sea a pair of copper snakes on a Sunday


















, " Karodiwal Alpesh N "

<raj_karodiwal wrote:


> Dear Priya


> My Name is Rakesh.Iam without a job.

> My big probelm is Money and my wife.

> i am always in tension.

> pls give some remedies to solve this


> DOB :- 29 aug 1979

> Place :- Ahmedabad

> Time :- 22.20 p.m.


> Pls help .


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Dear Priya


Firstly Thank you from deep heart


I has little bit confusion abt my name.

Did u check my horo with name of alpesh or rakesh

because alpesh is my pet name.

in my janam kundli my rashi is Tula.and my name is Rakesh


If you with alpesh. pls recheck with rakesh. plssss

or if you do with rakesh than it is thank full to you.


I am so sorry that i did not clarify this before.



Thank you Very Much


Sorry Again



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Dear rakesh,


Do not bother. I have studied your horoscope well.













, " Karodiwal Alpesh N "

<raj_karodiwal wrote:


> Dear Priya


> Firstly Thank you from deep heart


> I has little bit confusion abt my name.

> Did u check my horo with name of alpesh or rakesh

> because alpesh is my pet name.

> in my janam kundli my rashi is Tula.and my name is Rakesh


> If you with alpesh. pls recheck with rakesh. plssss

> or if you do with rakesh than it is thank full to you.


> I am so sorry that i did not clarify this before.



> Thank you Very Much


> Sorry Again


> Rakesh


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