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janma waqt ka grah & its remedy BHUWAN

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Thanx bhuwan u are simply brilliant.



, " bhuwanvashishtha "

<bhuwanvashishtha> wrote:


> Respected gurujan,




> It is not correct to say that the janma waqt ka grah is non-

> remediable . The remedy to be done for that grah has to be done

> differently.


> The two statements in the book are :


> { a } ` Janma waqt ke grah ko ginte hain kismet ka grah aur grah

> phal ka ; jiska diya hua phal achcha ya bura atal ho aur jiska koi

> upaya na ho sake'


> { b } janma din ke grah ko ginte hain , kismet jagane wale grah ka

> pakka ghar ya rasiphal ka ; yani jiska upaya ho sake'


> Then the book goes on to give an example in detail as to how a

> remedy should be prescribed for Rahu to a person born on a Monday {

> moon } at pakki sham { rahu ka waqt}. The book says that prescribe

> the remedy for rahu , assuming that the rahu is in the 4th house ,

> the pakka ghar of moon [janma din ka grah}.


> Now lets take the classic example of a person born on a Sunday

> between 8am to 10 am { the time allotted to sun}, meaning thereby

> that sun becomes the janma waqt ka grah also . Thus the sun is

> both the janma din ka grah and the janma waqt ka grah.


> According to the first condition Sun is the kismet jagane wala

> grah . And where ever it is placed it will be considered as that of

> grah phal … meaning non-remediable.


> Now apply the second condition to the above statement :


> The pakka ghar of the kismet jagane wala grah { sun } would be that

> of the janma din ka grah { in this case the sun whose pakka ghar

> is the 1st house } ; which would be considered as of rasiphal and

> therefore remediable.


> In other words for remedial purposes the sun would be considered as

> placed in the 1st house.


> Lets get back to the original assumption of a person born on a

> Sunday between 8am and 10am:

> In this kundali the sun will be either in the 12th house if the

> birth time is close to 8am ; or in the 11th house if it is close to

> 10 am.


> The above conditions mean that if any malefic results are noticed

> related to the sun , in that case the upaya will not be of sun

> placed either in the 12th or in the 11th because here it will be

> considered as that of grah phal; instead the upaya will be assuming

> that sun is placed in the 1st house { the pakka ghar of the janma

> din ka grah}


> Thus the upaya for the janma waqt ka grah can be done assuming it is

> placed in the pakka ghar of the planet of the janma din .


> Similarly , the remedy for mars for a person born on a Tuesday

> between 11am and 1pm { time alloted to mars }will be assuming that

> the mars is in the 3rd house {the pakka ghar of mars}irrespective of

> the fact where the mars is placed in the kundali.


> and so on ...


> with naman to all gurujan,


> bhuwan

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