Guest guest Posted April 19, 2008 Report Share Posted April 19, 2008 Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolvePlease see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " --> start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from " Current Science " Journal on this topic.Indian scientists on Vedic astrology Thirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 20, 2008 Report Share Posted April 20, 2008 --> twins study debunks astrologyOn Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolvePlease see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from " Current Science " Journal on this topic.Indian scientists on Vedic astrology Thirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 20, 2008 Report Share Posted April 20, 2008 Please read the Supreme Court judgement below, it quotes a year 1913 dictionary first in point 10 of judgement.Then it quotes a (hold your breath) year 1780 2nd edition of encyclopedia britannica!The same encyclopedia now does not mention word science in its recent definition i.e " Divination that consists of interpreting the influence of stars and planets on earthly affairs and human destinies. " 10. Before dealing with the contentions raised it will be useful to understand the meaning of the word 'Astrology' as given in various dictionaries. " The science or doctrine of stars, and formerly often used as equivalent to astronomy, but now restricted in meaning to the pseudo science which claims to foretell the future by studying the supposed influence of the relative positions of the moon, sun and stars on human affairs [Webster's New International dictionary] Either a science or a pseudo science, astrology the forecasting of earthly and human events by means of observing and interpreting the fixed stars, the sun, the moon and the planets has exerted a sometimes extensive and a sometimes peripheral influence in many civilizations, both ancient and modern. As a science, astrology has been utilized to predict or affect the destinies in individuals, groups or nations by means of what is believed to be a correct understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs. As a pseudo science, astrology is considered to be diametrically opposed to the findings and theories of modern Western science.[Encyclopedia Britannica (2nd edition)] " 11. According to the above mentioned standard books Astrology is a science which claims to foretell the future or make predictions by studying the supposed influence of the relative positions of the moon, sun, planets and other stars on human affairs. It, therefore, requires study of celestial bodies, of their positions, magnitudes, motions, and distances, etc. Astronomy is a pure science. It was studied as a subject in ancient India and India has produced great astronomers, long before anyone in the western world studied it as a subject. Since Astrology is partly based upon study of movement of sun, earth, planets and other celestial bodies, it is a study of science at least to some extent.On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolvePlease see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from " Current Science " Journal on this topic.Indian scientists on Vedic astrology Thirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 21, 2008 Report Share Posted April 21, 2008 Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the " time twin study " has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science?On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolvePlease see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from " Current Science " Journal on this topic.Indian scientists on Vedic astrology Thirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 21, 2008 Report Share Posted April 21, 2008 Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 21, 2008 Report Share Posted April 21, 2008 Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Each individual has the right to imagination. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 21, 2008 Report Share Posted April 21, 2008 Astrology is faith or fiction Resp. Dipika ji, Namaskar, Welcome in the forum and thanks for your first msg. I am relieved a little bit as I find a friend with strong views and dedication. Hope you will ask your other rational friends to join this forum to face the arguments put forward by the astrologers, individuals and learners with a view to know their stand and convince them if possible. But of course without any personal ill-will. You have raised a point as to whether Astrology is faith or fiction. So far my stand is concerned I am of the firm opinion that it is both. Astrology is alive on the shoulder of faith derived from religion. Whereas it has nothing to do with religion. As predictive astrology is offspring of astronomy, which was known as astrology. Human psychology which was not known to our sages played an important role in promoting it. Secondly, predictions concluded by the astrologers are randomly true, hence it is fiction. Have you noticed that every astrologer claims that it is science (though no scientist ever say that any research is backed by any religion). But when we put some questions then they try to hide them in the lap of religion. For fear of God, people generally avoid this scene. Hence astrologer continue to survive. Because there is lot of business activity hence businessman (may be media or jewelers etc.) support them. Innocent, ignorant general public neither has knowledge nor time nor patience to dig it nor willing to accept that our sages too were human-beings. Hence they become easy prey of astrologers due to faith and fictitious luring prediction. Regarding your second point as to whether " fake astrologers have brought disrepute to astrology " . I will say No. Because basically there is no repute of astrology hence there is no question of disrepute too. By linking it with fake astrologers we are indirectly admitting that basically astrology is correct and some fake astrologers have disrepute it. But it is not the case because if there is lot of fake astrologers then there must be some (say one) best astrologers too. Where are they ? Everybody says that good astrologer can correctly predict but where is he? That best astrologer is only in the mind of an individual and nowhere. Because when astrology (predictive) itself is not correct then what can be done by a poor astrologer except beating the drum of tradition, ancient, religion, sages, Ved and so on. You can read my first msg or a file " Astrology a science or myth " , wherein you will find that after raising so many questions not a single astrologer has turned up with the explanation as to how all principles were formulated and so on…..because predictive astrology is itself fake. You can upload the article of Dean regarding Time Twins. If you have no reservations then please intimate about yourself. Yours truly, Sanat sanatkumar_jain Members may please offer their comments on the points raised by Ms Dipika Ji or on earlier points. New points are as follows. 1. Whether Astrology is faith or fiction. 2. Whether " fake astrologers have brought disrepute to astrology " . Many members are just reading the msg. But I will like to request them that they may offer their views on any side and may please offer their comments pointwise so that summery of discussion may be taken to file section under SOA______. Refer SOA for various points raised in the forum. Krishnamurthy Ji, where are you as Bala ji is busy in his domestic problem and reply on pending point is awaited from SB Ji. , " dipika blr " <blr.aspirant wrote: > > Dear Readers, > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or > fiction? " . > > The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought > disrepute to astrology " > > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's > shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves > are questionable. > > *The case against astrology* > > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver > benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not > contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its > principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of > these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are > exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which > zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see > astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice > people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make > (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what > they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no > controls). > > > > *The case for astrology* > > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides > low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get > emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate > self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at > a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the > dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is > untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even > religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an > ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let > alone resolve > > Please see " *Journal of Consciousness Studies* 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long > scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of *time twins* and > of astrologers " > > --> > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > > *Indian scientists on Vedic astrology* > *Thirty comments from Current Science* > > *Abstract* -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided > to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian > universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of > the prestigious Indian science journal *Current Science*. Of thirty > comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research > institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half > of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was > nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people > believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are > briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > *2000, Volume 79, issue 9* > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. > > *2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11* > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. > > *2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3* > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so *Vedic* is a misnomer. > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? > Narlikar (review of *Astrology: Believe it or not?*) -- Not! Recommended! > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. *Three years later:* > > *2004, Volume 87, issue 8* > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 22, 2008 Report Share Posted April 22, 2008 Dear Friends, I agree with Mr. J.Ravi.Science gives us knowledge.Technology helps us to convert that knowledge into things useful in our daily life. Philosophy endows us with wisdom. Spirituality inspires us to attain joy and peace inside, and, estabilish harmony with cosmos outside. Astronomy is physics of celestal bodies of universe. Astrology is the chemistry of astronomical knowledge to help us to convert that into information useful for our daily life and to carry on with philosophical spirituality. One should agreeall the sscientific theories are based on certain axiams . If you start questioning such axiams basic science itself would appear as fiction. Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Each individual has the right to imagination. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 22, 2008 Report Share Posted April 22, 2008 Dear Sanat ji, I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it. I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is scientific. For anyone who wants to read my article, please reach the following link: Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence. What do you say? I am working on another project to identify someone's blood group using the natal chart. My aim is to publish this soon. Just because we have lost a way a bit in the way we practice astrology, it is not fake. It is not difficult to find our way back to the real truth. If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this. Regards, Krishna sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain wrote: Astrology is faith or fictionResp. Dipika ji,Namaskar, Welcome in the forum and thanks for your first msg. I am relieved a little bit as I find a friend with strong views and dedication. Hope you will ask your other rational friends to join this forum to face the arguments put forward by the astrologers, individuals and learners with a view to know their stand and convince them if possible. But of course without any personal ill-will.You have raised a point as to whether Astrology is faith or fiction. So far my stand is concerned I am of the firm opinion that it is both. Astrology is alive on the shoulder of faith derived from religion. Whereas it has nothing to do with religion. As predictive astrology is offspring of astronomy, which was known as astrology. Human psychology which was not known to our sages played an important role in promoting it. Secondly, predictions concluded by the astrologers are randomly true, hence it is fiction.Have you noticed that every astrologer claims that it is science (though no scientist ever say that any research is backed by any religion). But when we put some questions then they try to hide them in the lap of religion. For fear of God, people generally avoid this scene. Hence astrologer continue to survive. Because there is lot of business activity hence businessman (may be media or jewelers etc.) support them. Innocent, ignorant general public neither has knowledge nor time nor patience to dig it nor willing to accept that our sages too were human-beings. Hence they become easy prey of astrologers due to faith and fictitious luring prediction.Regarding your second point as to whether "fake astrologers have brought disrepute to astrology". I will say No. Because basically there is no repute of astrology hence there is no question of disrepute too. By linking it with fake astrologers we are indirectly admitting that basically astrology is correct and some fake astrologers have disrepute it. But it is not the case because if there is lot of fake astrologers then there must be some (say one) best astrologers too. Where are they ? Everybody says that good astrologer can correctly predict but where is he? That best astrologer is only in the mind of an individual and nowhere. Because when astrology (predictive) itself is not correct then what can be done by a poor astrologer except beating the drum of tradition, ancient, religion, sages, Ved and so on. You can read my first msg or a file "Astrology a science or myth", wherein you will find that after raising so many questions not a single astrologer has turned up with the explanation as to how all principles were formulated and so on…..because predictive astrology is itself fake.You can upload the article of Dean regarding Time Twins.If you have no reservations then please intimate about yourself. Yours truly,Sanat sanatkumar_jain (AT) rediffmail (DOT) comMembers may please offer their comments on the points raised by Ms Dipika Ji or on earlier points. New points are as follows.1. Whether Astrology is faith or fiction.2. Whether "fake astrologers have brought disrepute to astrology".Many members are just reading the msg. But I will like to request them that they may offer their views on any side and may please offer their comments pointwise so that summery of discussion may be taken to file section under SOA______. Refer SOA for various points raised in the forum. Krishnamurthy Ji, where are you as Bala ji is busy in his domestic problem and reply on pending point is awaited from SB Ji. , "dipika blr" <blr.aspirant wrote:>> Dear Readers,> I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or> fiction?".> > The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought> disrepute to astrology"> > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's> shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves> are questionable.> > *The case against astrology*> > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver> benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not> contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its> principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of> these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are> exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there.> > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which> zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see> astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice> people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make> (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken -what> they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no> controls).> > > > *The case for astrology*> > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides> low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get> emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate> self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at> a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?> In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the> dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is> untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even> religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an> ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let> alone resolve> > Please see "*Journal of Consciousness Studies* 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long> scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of *time twins* and> of astrologers"> > -->> > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings> > from "Current Science" Journal on this topic.> > *Indian scientists on Vedic astrology*> *Thirty comments from Current Science*> > *Abstract* -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided> to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian> universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of> the prestigious Indian science journal *Current Science*. Of thirty> comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research> institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half> of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was> nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people> believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are> briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:> *2000, Volume 79, issue 9*> Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses.> > *2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11*> Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.> Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.> Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.> Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.> Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.> Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.> Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.> Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.> Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.> Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.> Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it.> > *2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3*> Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.> Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.> Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.> Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.> Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.> Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.> Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so *Vedic* is a misnomer.> Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.> Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.> Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.> Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?> Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.> Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.> Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.> Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?> Narlikar (review of *Astrology: Believe it or not?*) -- Not! Recommended!> Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.> At which point the debate was closed by the editor. *Three years later:*> > *2004, Volume 87, issue 8*> Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.> > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji)> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 22, 2008 Report Share Posted April 22, 2008 Very well said Sir! Regards, KrishnaJagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Each individual has the right to imagination. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 22, 2008 Report Share Posted April 22, 2008 Dear Sanat ji, One of my earlier posts on this subject is stuck. You may have to clear it as it contains on web-link. Regards, KrishnaKrishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote: Very well said Sir! Regards, KrishnaJagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi > wrote: Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Each individual has the right to imagination. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant > wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 22, 2008 Report Share Posted April 22, 2008 Resp. Ravichandran Ji, Namaskar, Thanks for your msg after a very long time. You have admitted that you are silently watching the absurd arguments. Whereas I am repeatedly asking the members to take part in the interaction. So, naturally it is your fault by not defending or explaining your stand. In my earlier msg I cleared that it is the difference of opinion which leads us to new horizon of knowledge and we can find the truth after searching new logics etc. and I am giving due regards to every opinion and incorporating them in my various SOA________ files, which you may have seen. I have also suggested that members may invite their other friends or astrologers to this forum to have some exchange of views. Because what the use of a forum is, if every body has same opinion or if there is no space for difference. What you can learn from such forum. In view of my above explanation how you can say that interaction is absurd. The problem is this that everyone has his own ego and he is not willing to change his stand fearing a sort of defeat. But actually it is not so. We must learn through out of our life and we can only learn if we have open mind. Discussion in the forum is not meant for changing your views but aim is just to bring you on the brink of new thought so that you may start a new thinking yourself with a different opinion or if you want to continue your own thought, it is still welcome, then it is your duty to teach others and reply various queries. Actually we accept everything as correct which is being followed by others. But you may have seen queue in front of wineshop but no customer on the shop of fruit seller. So please don't be lured with crowd. So far experience is concerned, conclusion drawn after your experience may be right or wrong. So you may have open mind every time. I am studying astrology since last 40 years and with a view to find a single foolproof prediction, I myself prepared an eskain horoscope incorporating almost all principles (may be seen in file section). But actually there is no truth in astrology. It is your wrong conclusion that Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. If it is so then you can teach us correct explanation and I can assure you that atleast I am willing to know your stand and your teachings but not on the shoulder of baseless faith. Either you say that Astrology is not a science and it is a matter of faith then there is no question of discussion; at this stand you have to challenge various astrologers and forums that it is not science. But at one hand you want to take benefit of popularity of science and on the other hand you want to take it as a faith. How both statements may be taken together? I will again like to request you to please see various points and discussion in various SOA______files in file section or in file astrology a science or myth, or may raise any point which you think is beneficial for astrology. But with silence you are not going to serve your purpose. You must take active part and strongly defend your point. So far I remember you have only defended your point regarding time of birth (refer file SOA time of birth), wherein you have admitted that our sages do not have clock but forecasted on the basis of intuition. Thus where is the need of correct time and application of astrological principles or defending these requirement. Certainly we must search some intuition master who can correctly peep in future and forget all astrologer who are exercising baseless tactics. So please do not be a silent listener. Come out with fresh energy. As we are not asking to explain the sweetness of sugar but we are asking sugar itself and we will learn what is sweetness. But actually you are providing bitter pills and claiming it as sugar. Remember nothing is against you personally and I am ready to say sorry for any hurting. But pl. defend your stand logically and take any thread. Because you see, actually we have wasted 2 msgs without any concrete arguments. Waiting for your msg full with arguments and not just bypassing remarks. Thanks, Yours Sanat Members may please share your stand on any point on any side either in favour or against astrology but without personal ill-will. Krishnamurty ji where are you, if you want then we can take up your point. SB ji you have raised many points hence we are looking for new points or your counter stand on various earlier points (refer SOA_____ files). Some more files are still in the pipeline. Ms. Dipika Ji, I am still not able to download timetwins of Dean. If you can upload then pl do it and members will also be able to see it afterwards. I will again try. Yes, one thing which I want to say that I am slow but attend every msg. So you can say I am irregularly regular. Hi. , Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: > > Pranams > > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. > > Each individual has the right to imagination. > > Ravichandran > > dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the " time twin study " has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Dear Readers, > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . > The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. > > The case against astrology > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). > > The case for astrology > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " > --> > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > > Indian scientists on Vedic astrology > Thirty comments from Current Science > Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. > 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? > Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: > 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 Dear SanatjiPranamsI have clearly explained in my post that sweetness can not be explained only sugar can be explained. I have also said that in certain matters only personal experience will make you believe things not arguments or science. Astrology is also one such experience.Everything can not be explained by science. Because man has not mastered science, he is only a student in science.Wen we take the medicine prescribed by a doctor, we do not question his knowledge. We do not analyze it by scientific arguments. When we board a flight, we do not question the capability of the pilot to fly. Similarly, astrology can not be questioned. It is true that some doctors prescriptions and some flights give you a one way ticket. Similarly some astrologers also give you wrong predictions.One can not question axioms. Certain topics can be discussed and analyzed, certain topics can not be analyzed, because they are axioms. Axioms are like beliefs.If one says there is God and the other says there is no God. How can there be a discussion in this subject? The two ends can not meet. Because God is a personal experience. A Nastik may point out 1000 arguments to support his belief. But an Astik need not and will not argue with him. He will only pray to God to give the Nastik some sanity.So there is no argument whether astrology is a fact or fiction. The fact is astrology is a faith above all.RegardsRavichandransanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain wrote: Resp. Ravichandran Ji, Namaskar, Thanks for your msg after a very long time. You have admitted that you are silently watching the absurd arguments. Whereas I am repeatedly asking the members to take part in the interaction. So, naturally it is your fault by not defending or explaining your stand. In my earlier msg I cleared that it is the difference of opinion which leads us to new horizon of knowledge and we can find the truth after searching new logics etc. and I am giving due regards to every opinion and incorporating them in my various SOA________ files, which you may have seen. I have also suggested that members may invite their other friends or astrologers to this forum to have some exchange of views. Because what the use of a forum is, if every body has same opinion or if there is no space for difference. What you can learn from such forum. In view of my above explanation how you can say that interaction is absurd. The problem is this that everyone has his own ego and he is not willing to change his stand fearing a sort of defeat. But actually it is not so. We must learn through out of our life and we can only learn if we have open mind. Discussion in the forum is not meant for changing your views but aim is just to bring you on the brink of new thought so that you may start a new thinking yourself with a different opinion or if you want to continue your own thought, it is still welcome, then it is your duty to teach others and reply various queries. Actually we accept everything as correct which is being followed by others. But you may have seen queue in front of wineshop but no customer on the shop of fruit seller. So please don't be lured with crowd. So far experience is concerned, conclusion drawn after your experience may be right or wrong. So you may have open mind every time. I am studying astrology since last 40 years and with a view to find a single foolproof prediction, I myself prepared an eskain horoscope incorporating almost all principles (may be seen in file section). But actually there is no truth in astrology. It is your wrong conclusion that Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. If it is so then you can teach us correct explanation and I can assure you that atleast I am willing to know your stand and your teachings but not on the shoulder of baseless faith. Either you say that Astrology is not a science and it is a matter of faith then there is no question of discussion; at this stand you have to challenge various astrologers and forums that it is not science. But at one hand you want to take benefit of popularity of science and on the other hand you want to take it as a faith. How both statements may be taken together? I will again like to request you to please see various points and discussion in various SOA______files in file section or in file astrology a science or myth, or may raise any point which you think is beneficial for astrology. But with silence you are not going to serve your purpose. You must take active part and strongly defend your point. So far I remember you have only defended your point regarding time of birth (refer file SOA time of birth), wherein you have admitted that our sages do not have clock but forecasted on the basis of intuition. Thus where is the need of correct time and application of astrological principles or defending these requirement. Certainly we must search some intuition master who can correctly peep in future and forget all astrologer who are exercising baseless tactics. So please do not be a silent listener. Come out with fresh energy. As we are not asking to explain the sweetness of sugar but we are asking sugar itself and we will learn what is sweetness. But actually you are providing bitter pills and claiming it as sugar. Remember nothing is against you personally and I am ready to say sorry for any hurting. But pl. defend your stand logically and take any thread. Because you see, actually we have wasted 2 msgs without any concrete arguments. Waiting for your msg full with arguments and not just bypassing remarks. Thanks, Yours Sanat Members may please share your stand on any point on any side either in favour or against astrology but without personal ill-will. Krishnamurty ji where are you, if you want then we can take up your point. SB ji you have raised many points hence we are looking for new points or your counter stand on various earlier points (refer SOA_____ files). Some more files are still in the pipeline. Ms. Dipika Ji, I am still not able to download timetwins of Dean. If you can upload then pl do it and members will also be able to see it afterwards. I will again try. Yes, one thing which I want to say that I am slow but attend every msg. So you can say I am irregularly regular. Hi. , Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: > > Pranams > > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. > > Each individual has the right to imagination. > > Ravichandran > > dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Dear Readers, > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". > The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology" > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. > > The case against astrology > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). > > The case for astrology > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers" > --> > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > from "Current Science" Journal on this topic. > > Indian scientists on Vedic astrology > Thirty comments from Current Science > Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. > 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? > Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: > 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 Astrology a faith or fiction Resp. Krishna Ji, Namaskar, Thanks for your turning up (But is it necessary to remind for your appearance? Hi Hi. I think you will continue to hook and teach us). I think your planets are not working properly and there is some technical problem with the planets, who always classify your msg. as spam. You are a software Eng. So correct their programming (just joking). Yes, definitely I will clear your msg. I also find a msg on my email which I am including, below my msg. Actual comment on your link will follow. But it would have been better if you upload the blog in file section for the benefit of the members in general and for the benefit of future members. I have gone through your earlier link regarding colour of planets. But I could not reply due to rush of points and your absence from the screen and of course I am also slow and think on every msg. So please continue and if you want then I am ready to offer my comments on your earlier discovery regarding colours, which is definitely not in your favour. You have indicated your views abt the diabetes and blood group with your observation that astrology can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this. But first of all we must realize (and this forum is working on that line in general) that any conclusion either it may be diabetes, blood group or predictive principles included in lot of books or principles created by astrologers themselves (including your would be principle) are basically founded on sign lord, aspect, friendship, exalted and dasha (beside some supporting principles). These are the basic principles and from these principles you are free to derive any conclusion as you like. Thus when this is the building block of entire predictive astrology then is it not necessary and essential to know their validity, how they were created and whether they are supported by our sages / ved or it is just a manipulated form where every body has created his own principles, just to fall psychologically. Yes, you are right that " If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science. " But by this you are indirectly admitting that 1 since primitive time every astrologer is working with inaccurate birth details and whatever he is concluding is not more then a coincidence and astrologers are still befooling. 2 by the time you or say some one else will find a good fix till then every astrologer is free to cheat others and innocent public may be asked to live with weak building of predictive astrology and till then everybody may continue to publicize from media to forum to conference to ……. and so on that astrology is a science. I think it is not a good tactics. First of all we must examine as to whether there is some science in it and if you know that is wrong then you may immediately alert the public and when in future you find some thing worthwhile only then you must ask public to follow that discovery. Not before that. 3 there is debacles due to non-standardization of the theory. Still you are following and concluding some sort of illness from non-standard theory. 4 astrologer are incorrectly applying the theory hence astrologers are responsible and not the principle. Even after 2000 years having so much modern complicated knowledge if any astrologer is not able to correctly apply the principle then why you are supporting such astrologers. Simply, educate the people that astrological principles are correct but not a single astrologer is able to correctly apply these principles hence forget it and wait for some one who can correctly apply the principle. Because naturally you will not ask lot of Engineers to waste your building material for constructing a building which is going to be collapsed. Certainly you will stop the work and either searches a good engineer or try to find the defect in the material. Though astrological principles are not difficult to apply refer SOA 6_______ in file section. Is it actually a tough principle. If you and other learned astrologer are not able to defend and explain their stand then this forum will continue to examine the material (principle) for alerting the public to be away from astrologers to save their lifetime earning of education, experience etc. ……and money of-course. I can at the most offer my good wishes to you to construct a building (conclusion of diabetes, bloodgroup etc.) from worst material (sign lord, aspect, friendship, exalted and dasha etc.), which is not working since 2000 years. I may like to inform you that nothing in the msg is against you personally and it is totally academic. I will like to say that no body is challenging any stand of any member, Because we in the forum are not for fighting but we are just exchanging our views on astrology; and there is nothing personal. Even after interaction, everyone has liberty either to amend his views or may continue with his old stand. I hope members will agree with my views and try their best to maintain cordial relation even after hot discussion. Thanks and waiting for your more hooking. Yours truly, Sanat Members may offer their comment and it will be more useful if they examine the validity of basic principles. For this examination they have to find out the circumstances, knowledge and procedure adopted for formulation of the principles, analysis, changes required if any in view of modern science and so on. Sh. SB ji , why are you not offering your comments on various points raised by you (refer SOA_________) 23-4-08 Re: Astrology : faith or fiction ? Posted by: " Krishnamurthy Seetharama " krishna_1998 krishna_1998 Dear Sanat ji, I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it. I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is scientific. For anyone who wants to read my article, please reach the following link: astrokrishna.html Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence. What do you say? I am working on another project to identify someone's blood group using the natal chart. My aim is to publish this soon. Just because we have lost a way a bit in the way we practice astrology, it is not fake. It is not difficult to find our way back to the real truth. If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this. Regards, Krishna , Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote: > > Dear Sanat ji, > > One of my earlier posts on this subject is stuck. You may have to clear it as it contains on web-link. > > Regards, > Krishna > > Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote: > Very well said Sir! > > Regards, > Krishna > > Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: > Pranams > > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. > > Each individual has the right to imagination. > > Ravichandran > > dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the " time twin study " has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: > Dear Readers, > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . > The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. > > The case against astrology > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). > > The case for astrology > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " > --> > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > > Indian scientists on Vedic astrology > Thirty comments from Current Science > Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. > 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer. > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? > Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: > 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Krishnamurthy Seetharama wrote: > I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it. > > I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with > either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several > charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations > I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes > sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My > success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider > that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is > scientific. I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar with western would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, and who similarly list positions with lots of " or " s. That is, it's predicted that a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here, or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such and such. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just about anybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetes in 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people who don't have diabetes? Are those configurations absent for the majority of people who don't have it? If your method is like the vast majority that I've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case it ALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to even begin to approach science you need to have independently administered blind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people with diabetes. > . . . > > Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments > have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology > a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence. You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY people with those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwise you're just playing poker with 52 jokers. Dale Huckeby -- " In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--new things begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, the outlaw territory. " - Sam Keen Articles: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 >>For your approach to even begin to approach science you need to have independently administered blind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people with diabetes.<< Even after conducting blind trials and duly certified by agencies,there are " n " number of drugs being recalled.Even an expert surgeon after performing surgery takes due recourse by saying,operation successful now let gods grace be upon be patient. Astrology emanates from different era altogether,and to hold it responsible to modern scientific enquiry is absurd.Primarily,santhan dharma uses to further the faith by using astrology as one of its tools.Each and every palnet has a overlord,just like the nakshatrams.Its a fond belief by atma vishvasam,one to a large extent nullifies the distress causing grahas as per ones chart.If faith itself is fiction,then what am i doing here? sb , Dale Huckeby <spock wrote: > > On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Krishnamurthy Seetharama wrote: > > > I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it. > > > > I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with > > either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several > > charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations > > I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes > > sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My > > success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider > > that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is > > scientific. > > I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar with > western would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, and > who similarly list positions with lots of " or " s. That is, it's predicted > that a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here, > or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such and > such. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just about > anybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetes > in 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people who > don't have diabetes? Are those configurations absent for the majority of > people who don't have it? If your method is like the vast majority that > I've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case it > ALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to even > begin to approach science you need to have independently administered > blind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which > they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria > to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people > with diabetes. > > > . . . > > > > Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments > > have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology > > a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence. > > You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY people > with those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwise > you're just playing poker with 52 jokers. > > Dale Huckeby > > -- > > " In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--new > things begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, > the outlaw territory. " - Sam Keen > Articles: > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 Dear Dale, Thanks for going through my article and writing your comments on the same. I would like to address some of the points you have raised: <<<<I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar with western would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, and who similarly list positions with lots of "or"s. That is, it's predicted that a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here, or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such and such. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just about anybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetes in 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people who don't have diabetes? >>> 1. Please note that if there are some ORs, they all indicate different ways a planet gets afflicted or weakened. Hence, one of those conditions is required and not all of them. 2. You may not have read my article fully. If you have read, you would have noticed that I have also given examples of charts where the the conditions specified by me are mostly not satisfied and the natives don't have diabetes. 3. It is not that I have looked at charts of people only having diabetes not looked at others. The confirmation of my combination comes from the fact that people who don't have the combination also did not have diabetes. I specifically picked people who are aged above 60 years and don't have diabetes to check this out. <<<If your method is like the vast majority that I've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case it ALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to even begin to approach science you need to have independently administeredblind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people with diabetes.>>> 1. Your statements are natural doubts of people who have read some theory and not tested it and yet doubt it because of various reasons. I would like you to test my theory and then comment. Otherwise what you write makes no sense and would be pure imagination. 2. I have alos tried a few blind charts and then checked with the natives about their diabetic condition. <<<You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY people with those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwise you're just playing poker with 52 jokers.>>> That is a very good word of caution. I appreciate it. In fact, that is what I have tried to take innto account in testing my theory. And, it is for all of you to validate it. I have the confidence that the theory will pass the test of times. I am very thankful to you for your comments and advice. Only a meaningful dialog can bring out any improvements in what I am trying to put forward. I am convinced that astrology when practiced right gives correct results. The question is to find the right path. It is my earnest effort to seek that path. I look forward to any support/help coming from any corner in achieving this. Regards, Krishna Dale Huckeby <spock wrote: On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Krishnamurthy Seetharama wrote:> I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it.>> I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with> either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several > charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations > I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes > sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My > success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider> that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is> scientific.I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar withwestern would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, andwho similarly list positions with lots of "or"s. That is, it's predictedthat a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here,or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such andsuch. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just aboutanybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetesin 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people whodon't have diabetes? Are those configurations absent for the majority ofpeople who don't have it? If your method is like the vast majority thatI've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case itALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to evenbegin to approach science you need to have independently administeredblind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in whichthey DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteriato correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to peoplewith diabetes.> . . .>> Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments> have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology> a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence.You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY peoplewith those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwiseyou're just playing poker with 52 jokers.Dale Huckeby-- "In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--newthings begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands,the outlaw territory." - Sam KeenArticles: Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 24, 2008 Report Share Posted April 24, 2008 Dear Sanat ji, I am not here to fully dedicate my time at your beck and call. I respond only when I am free. Looks like you have some very wrong notions. I am not here to support or oppose any astrologer or any community whether they are are astrologers or the ones who are questioning astrologers. I am not interested in that. I am only trying to present my experience. I am not here to take responsibility for what the whole astrologer community does. I was a curious observer of Astrogy until a few years back. I started reading and understanding it only since 3-4 years back. In my limited experience, what I have discovered is the principles wrongly applied are the cause for the debacles. Hence, in my conclusion, the raw materials are not defective. It is the application that is defective. This is contrary to your conclusion that my theory is based on defective raw materials. I am wondering from where did you actually draw such conclusion from my post. You seem to be blessed with flawed logic! You have already declared that my building (theory) is flawed without even ehcking it out. This indicates your mindset and your disrespect to an unbiased dialog even though you claim that you are unbiased and only trying to explore things rationally. I am really surprised by your attitude. Ha, Ha, Hi, Hi. Hope you will not take my comments personally. Good bye, and all the best to your efforts. Regards, Krishna sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain wrote: Astrology a faith or fictionResp. Krishna Ji,Namaskar,Thanks for your turning up (But is it necessary to remind for your appearance? Hi Hi. I think you will continue to hook and teach us).I think your planets are not working properly and there is some technical problem with the planets, who always classify your msg. as spam. You are a software Eng. So correct their programming (just joking).Yes, definitely I will clear your msg. I also find a msg on my email which I am including, below my msg. Actual comment on your link will follow. But it would have been better if you upload the blog in file section for the benefit of the members in general and for the benefit of future members. I have gone through your earlier link regarding colour of planets. But I could not reply due to rush of points and your absence from the screen and of course I am also slow and think on every msg. So please continue and if you want then I am ready to offer my comments on your earlier discovery regarding colours, which is definitely not in your favour.You have indicated your views abt the diabetes and blood group with your observation that astrology can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this.But first of all we must realize (and this forum is working on that line in general) that any conclusion either it may be diabetes, blood group or predictive principles included in lot of books or principles created by astrologers themselves (including your would be principle) are basically founded on sign lord, aspect, friendship, exalted and dasha (beside some supporting principles). These are the basic principles and from these principles you are free to derive any conclusion as you like. Thus when this is the building block of entire predictive astrology then is it not necessary and essential to know their validity, how they were created and whether they are supported by our sages / ved or it is just a manipulated form where every body has created his own principles, just to fall psychologically.Yes, you are right that "If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science."But by this you are indirectly admitting that 1 since primitive time every astrologer is working with inaccurate birth details and whatever he is concluding is not more then a coincidence and astrologers are still befooling.2 by the time you or say some one else will find a good fix till then every astrologer is free to cheat others and innocent public may be asked to live with weak building of predictive astrology and till then everybody may continue to publicize from media to forum to conference to ……. and so on that astrology is a science.I think it is not a good tactics. First of all we must examine as to whether there is some science in it and if you know that is wrong then you may immediately alert the public and when in future you find some thing worthwhile only then you must ask public to follow that discovery. Not before that.3 there is debacles due to non-standardization of the theory.Still you are following and concluding some sort of illness from non-standard theory.4 astrologer are incorrectly applying the theory hence astrologers are responsible and not the principle. Even after 2000 years having so much modern complicated knowledge if any astrologer is not able to correctly apply the principle then why you are supporting such astrologers. Simply, educate the people that astrological principles are correct but not a single astrologer is able to correctly apply these principles hence forget it and wait for some one who can correctly apply the principle. Because naturally you will not ask lot of Engineers to waste your building material for constructing a building which is going to be collapsed. Certainly you will stop the work and either searches a good engineer or try to find the defect in the material. Though astrological principles are not difficult to apply refer SOA 6_______ in file section. Is it actually a tough principle.If you and other learned astrologer are not able to defend and explain their stand then this forum will continue to examine the material (principle) for alerting the public to be away from astrologers to save their lifetime earning of education, experience etc. ……and money of-course.I can at the most offer my good wishes to you to construct a building (conclusion of diabetes, bloodgroup etc.) from worst material (sign lord, aspect, friendship, exalted and dasha etc.), which is not working since 2000 years.I may like to inform you that nothing in the msg is against you personally and it is totally academic. I will like to say that no body is challenging any stand of any member, Because we in the forum are not for fighting but we are just exchanging our views on astrology; and there is nothing personal. Even after interaction, everyone has liberty either to amend his views or may continue with his old stand. I hope members will agree with my views and try their best to maintain cordial relation even after hot discussion. Thanks and waiting for your more hooking. Yours truly,SanatMembers may offer their comment and it will be more useful if they examine the validity of basic principles. For this examination they have to find out the circumstances, knowledge and procedure adopted for formulation of the principles, analysis, changes required if any in view of modern science and so on.Sh. SB ji , why are you not offering your comments on various points raised by you (refer SOA_________)23-4-08Re: Astrology : faith or fiction ? Posted by: "Krishnamurthy Seetharama" krishna_1998 krishna_1998 Dear Sanat ji,I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it.I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is scientific.For anyone who wants to read my article, please reach the following link:, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence.What do you say?I am working on another project to identify someone's blood group using the natal chart. My aim is to publish this soon.Just because we have lost a way a bit in the way we practice astrology, it is not fake. It is not difficult to find our way back to the real truth. If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this.Regards,Krishna , Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote:>> Dear Sanat ji,> > One of my earlier posts on this subject is stuck. You may have to clear it as it contains on web-link.> > Regards,> Krishna> > Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote:> Very well said Sir!> > Regards,> Krishna> > Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote:> Pranams> > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements.> > Each individual has the right to imagination.> > Ravichandran> > dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote:> Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the "time twin study" has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science?> > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote:> Dear Readers,> I am starting a new thread to discuss whether "Astrology is faith or fiction?". > The old topic discussed whether "fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology"> I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. > > The case against astrology> The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there.> Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls).> > The case for astrology> The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?> In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see "Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers"> -->> > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > from "Current Science" Journal on this topic.> > Indian scientists on Vedic astrology> Thirty comments from Current Science> Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram:> 2000, Volume 79, issue 9> Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11> Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.> Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility.> Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.> Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.> Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.> Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe.> Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.> Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.> Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.> Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged.> Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it.> 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3> Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.> Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.> Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it.> Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.> Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.> Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected.> Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.> Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.> Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile.> Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.> Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?> Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult.> Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.> Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.> Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?> Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended!> Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.> At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later:> 2004, Volume 87, issue 8> Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent.> > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji)> > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 24, 2008 Report Share Posted April 24, 2008 On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, sureshbalaraman wrote: >> For your approach to even >> begin to approach science you need to have independently administered >> blind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which >> they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your >> criteria >> to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people >> with diabetes. > > Even after conducting blind trials and duly certified by agencies,there > are " n " number of drugs being recalled.Even an expert surgeon after > performing surgery takes due recourse by saying,operation successful now > let gods grace be upon be patient. > > Astrology emanates from different era altogether,and to hold it > responsible to modern scientific enquiry is absurd.Primarily,santhan > dharma uses to further the faith by using astrology as one of its > tools.Each and every palnet has a overlord,just like the nakshatrams.Its > a fond belief by atma vishvasam,one to a large extent nullifies the > distress causing grahas as per ones chart.If faith itself is > fiction,then what am i doing here? Sorry, but this sounds like a copout. If we avoid ways of holding astrology accountable we also avoid the possibility of discovering sound knowledge. Of course, most astrologers think we already have it, which is part of the problem. Dale Huckeby -- " In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--new things begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, the outlaw territory. " - Sam Keen Articles: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 I think,what our sages ,seers told us is,by following a prescribed sets of rules thru jyotisham,one can acheive moksha relatively easire way.People like to believe,so jyotisham exists.Miracles keep happening all the time.Jyotisham will prove its superiority as a science,i have faith in its laws.This is my opinion. sb , Dale Huckeby <spock wrote: > > On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, sureshbalaraman wrote: > > >> For your approach to even > >> begin to approach science you need to have independently administered > >> blind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which > >> they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your > >> criteria > >> to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people > >> with diabetes. > > > > Even after conducting blind trials and duly certified by agencies,there > > are " n " number of drugs being recalled.Even an expert surgeon after > > performing surgery takes due recourse by saying,operation successful now > > let gods grace be upon be patient. > > > > Astrology emanates from different era altogether,and to hold it > > responsible to modern scientific enquiry is absurd.Primarily,santhan > > dharma uses to further the faith by using astrology as one of its > > tools.Each and every palnet has a overlord,just like the nakshatrams.Its > > a fond belief by atma vishvasam,one to a large extent nullifies the > > distress causing grahas as per ones chart.If faith itself is > > fiction,then what am i doing here? > > Sorry, but this sounds like a copout. If we avoid ways of holding astrology > accountable we also avoid the possibility of discovering sound knowledge. > Of course, most astrologers think we already have it, which is part of the > problem. > > Dale Huckeby > > -- > > " In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--new > things begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, > the outlaw territory. " - Sam Keen > Articles: > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 Dear Jagadisan ji Namaste,Kindly list the arguments you found absurd against astrology.Also, it will help if you can share those personal experiences which make you believe in astrology.Technically speaking, sweetness of sugar can be measured by Brix refractometry,owever, that is besides the point of discussion. RegardsDipsOn Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: Pranams Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd arguements on this thread. The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. Each individual has the right to imagination. Ravichandrandipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the " time twin study " has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote: Dear Readers,I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or fiction? " . The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought disrepute to astrology " I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves are questionable. The case against astrology The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). The case for astrology The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see " Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " --> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. Indian scientists on Vedic astrologyThirty comments from Current Science Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: 2000, Volume 79, issue 9Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims.Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer.Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late.Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science.Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science.Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated.Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we.Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance.Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science.Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public.Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty.Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a misnomer.Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science.Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying.Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science?Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse.Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences.Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled?Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! Recommended! Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other.At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years later: 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 Brix Refractometry is also based on human assumptions and laws,accepted by scientific community.But the taste of anything let alone sugar,is still based on human beings..unless brix refractometr has an artificial intelligence fitted to it based on datas provided by humans!! sb , " dipika blr " <blr.aspirant wrote: > > Dear Jagadisan ji Namaste, > > Kindly list the arguments you found absurd against astrology. > Also, it will help if you can share those personal experiences which make > you believe in astrology. > > Technically speaking, sweetness of sugar can be measured by Brix > refractometry,owever, that is besides the point of discussion. > > Regards > Dips > > > On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Jagadisan Ravichandran jnravi > wrote: > > > Pranams > > > > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd > > arguements on this thread. > > > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain realizations > > that have to come only by personal experience. We can show sugar but we can > > not explain sweetness. Members do not want to waste their time and energy by > > involving in absurd arguements. > > > > Each individual has the right to imagination. > > > > Ravichandran > > > > > > *dipika blr blr.aspirant* wrote: > > > > Does the silence of the group to this earlier message mean that the " *time > > twin study* " has effectively sounded the death of astrology as a science? > > > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr blr.aspirant > > wrote: > > > >> Dear Readers, > >> I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or > >> fiction? " . > >> The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought > >> disrepute to astrology " > >> I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's > >> shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles themselves > >> are questionable. > >> *The case against astrology* > >> The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver > >> benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has not > >> contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its > >> principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of > >> these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are > >> exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > >> Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as which > >> zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why scientists see > >> astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly nice > >> people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they repeatedly make > >> (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - what > >> they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no > >> controls). > >> > >> *The case for astrology* > >> The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides > >> low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get > >> emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate > >> self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at > >> a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days? > >> In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note > >> the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is > >> untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even > >> religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it presents an > >> ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise let > >> alone resolve Please see " *Journal of Consciousness Studies* 10 (6-7), > >> 175-198, a long scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of > >> *time twins* and of astrologers " > >> --> > >> > >> To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > >> from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > >> *Indian scientists on Vedic astrology* > >> *Thirty comments from Current Science* > >> *Abstract* -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in India > >> decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian > >> universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the pages of > >> the prestigious Indian science journal *Current Science*. Of thirty > >> comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or research > >> institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, about half > >> of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt there was > >> nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian people > >> believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments are > >> briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > >> *2000, Volume 79, issue 9* > >> Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. *2001, > >> Volume 80, issues 6-11* > >> Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess claims. > >> Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks credibility. > >> Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > >> Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > >> Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > >> Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > >> Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > >> Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > >> Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > >> Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be challenged. > >> Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore it. > >> *2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3* > >> Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a chance. > >> Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of science. > >> Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so honour it. > >> Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame public. > >> Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > >> Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not affected. > >> Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so *Vedic* is a misnomer. > >> Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > >> Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is futile. > >> Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs demystifying. > >> Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be science? > >> Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more difficult. > >> Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the reverse. > >> Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs sciences. > >> Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be fooled? > >> Narlikar (review of *Astrology: Believe it or not?*) -- Not! Recommended! > >> Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > >> At which point the debate was closed by the editor. *Three years later:* > >> *2004, Volume 87, issue 8* > >> Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay silent. > >> > >> Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > >> > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it > > now.<http://us.rd./evt=51733/*http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu\ 06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ> > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 Dear Krishnamurthy ji Namaste,I went through your blog. 1. I would appreciate it if your research base of both diabetic birth charts and non-diabetic control charts were increased to meet statistical requirements. However you have not mentioned the dashas in which the conditions are activated, which i found was out of traditional vedic astrology. 2. Regarding correlation between parental charts and offspring-charts your efforts to explain planetary " transformations " all but seem to be a random transformation and not a predictable trasnformation, if you intending to indicate the same. 2. I am waiting to see the results of your future work, blood groups and birth charts, to see what theories (And how many or conditions you come up with)RegardsDipikaOn Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote: Dear Dale, Thanks for going through my article and writing your comments on the same. I would like to address some of the points you have raised: <<<<I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar with western would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, and who similarly list positions with lots of " or " s. That is, it's predicted that a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here, or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such and such. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just about anybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetes in 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people who don't have diabetes? >>> 1. Please note that if there are some ORs, they all indicate different ways a planet gets afflicted or weakened. Hence, one of those conditions is required and not all of them. 2. You may not have read my article fully. If you have read, you would have noticed that I have also given examples of charts where the the conditions specified by me are mostly not satisfied and the natives don't have diabetes. 3. It is not that I have looked at charts of people only having diabetes not looked at others. The confirmation of my combination comes from the fact that people who don't have the combination also did not have diabetes. I specifically picked people who are aged above 60 years and don't have diabetes to check this out. <<<If your method is like the vast majority that I've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case it ALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to even begin to approach science you need to have independently administeredblind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in which they DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to people with diabetes.>>> 1. Your statements are natural doubts of people who have read some theory and not tested it and yet doubt it because of various reasons. I would like you to test my theory and then comment. Otherwise what you write makes no sense and would be pure imagination. 2. I have alos tried a few blind charts and then checked with the natives about their diabetic condition. <<<You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY people with those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwise you're just playing poker with 52 jokers.>>> That is a very good word of caution. I appreciate it. In fact, that is what I have tried to take innto account in testing my theory. And, it is for all of you to validate it. I have the confidence that the theory will pass the test of times. I am very thankful to you for your comments and advice. Only a meaningful dialog can bring out any improvements in what I am trying to put forward. I am convinced that astrology when practiced right gives correct results. The question is to find the right path. It is my earnest effort to seek that path. I look forward to any support/help coming from any corner in achieving this. Regards, Krishna Dale Huckeby <spock wrote: On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Krishnamurthy Seetharama wrote:> I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it.> > I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with> either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several > charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations > I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes > sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My > success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider > that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is> scientific.I looked at your article. I'm not familiar with vedic but I am familiar withwestern would-be scientific astrologers who make claims of this sort, and who similarly list positions with lots of " or " s. That is, it's predictedthat a person will have the condition if Mars (or whichever planet) is here,or here, or in mutual reception to this or that, or in aspect to such and such. Naturally, one or more of those conditions can be found in just aboutanybody's chart. What I'm wondering is, if your signature predicts diabetesin 90% of the people who actually have diabetes, what about people who don't have diabetes? Are those configurations absent for the majority ofpeople who don't have it? If your method is like the vast majority thatI've seen, it probably predicts diabetes for most people, in which case it ALSO predicts it for those who actually have it. For your approach to evenbegin to approach science you need to have independently administeredblind trials in which people have a set of charts of people, in whichthey DON'T know which ones have diabetes, and are able to use your criteria to correctly choose those, and ONLY those, that correspond to peoplewith diabetes.> . . .>> Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments> have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology > a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence.You can't meaningfully claim anything until you can show that ONLY peoplewith those specific ailments have those specific combinations. Otherwise you're just playing poker with 52 jokers.Dale Huckeby-- " In the empty spaces--lacunae, vacuums, pauses, voids, black holes--newthings begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, the outlaw territory. " - Sam KeenArticles: Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 krishnaji, i am trying to understand how you are able to correlate diabetes,blood pressure,high cholesterol thru astrology.I am sort of convinced that the food that we prepare is based on ayurvedic principles,which our sages,seers formulated for a balanced diet based on tri-doshas.can i contact you privately thru email to discuss this personal issue,really very interesting. sb , Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote: > > Dear Sanat ji, > > I can also throw a challenge. Let us see if some one is ready to take it. > > I have identified specific combinations in the charts of people with either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. In my write-up I have demonstrated several charts of people suffering from both types of diabetes having the combinations I have specified. After I published my article several people having diabetes sent their birth data to me to check if they do have such combination. My success rate so far is above 90%. I think this is good enough to consider that the approach is scientific and the basis of my work (astrology) is scientific. > > For anyone who wants to read my article, please reach the following link: > >\ krishna.html > > Now, if Astrology is fiction, how come people with specific ailments have specific combinations in their birth charts? Therefore is astrology a fiction? I guess this is too good be just coincidence. > > What do you say? > > I am working on another project to identify someone's blood group using the natal chart. My aim is to publish this soon. > > Just because we have lost a way a bit in the way we practice astrology, it is not fake. It is not difficult to find our way back to the real truth. > > If a building collapses, you can not call Civil Engineering as fake! It is just incorrect application that caused the debacle. Astrology has seen many such debacles due to non-standardization of the theory, many pseudo scientists. Another issue is inaccurate birth details that we work with. Once we work on this and find a good fix, this can be as good as any other modern science. Hope people realize this. > > Regards, > Krishna > > > > > sanat2221 sanatkumar_jain wrote: > Astrology is faith or fiction > Resp. Dipika ji, > Namaskar, > Welcome in the forum and thanks for your first msg. I am relieved a > little bit as I find a friend with strong views and dedication. Hope > you will ask your other rational friends to join this forum to face > the arguments put forward by the astrologers, individuals and > learners with a view to know their stand and convince them if > possible. But of course without any personal ill-will. > You have raised a point as to whether Astrology is faith or fiction. > So far my stand is concerned I am of the firm opinion that it is > both. Astrology is alive on the shoulder of faith derived from > religion. Whereas it has nothing to do with religion. As predictive > astrology is offspring of astronomy, which was known as astrology. > Human psychology which was not known to our sages played an important > role in promoting it. Secondly, predictions concluded by the > astrologers are randomly true, hence it is fiction. > Have you noticed that every astrologer claims that it is science > (though no scientist ever say that any research is backed by any > religion). But when we put some questions then they try to hide them > in the lap of religion. For fear of God, people generally avoid this > scene. Hence astrologer continue to survive. Because there is lot of > business activity hence businessman (may be media or jewelers etc.) > support them. Innocent, ignorant general public neither has knowledge > nor time nor patience to dig it nor willing to accept that our sages > too were human-beings. Hence they become easy prey of astrologers due > to faith and fictitious luring prediction. > Regarding your second point as to whether " fake astrologers have > brought disrepute to astrology " . I will say No. Because basically > there is no repute of astrology hence there is no question of > disrepute too. By linking it with fake astrologers we are indirectly > admitting that basically astrology is correct and some fake > astrologers have disrepute it. But it is not the case because if > there is lot of fake astrologers then there must be some (say one) > best astrologers too. Where are they ? Everybody says that good > astrologer can correctly predict but where is he? That best > astrologer is only in the mind of an individual and nowhere. Because > when astrology (predictive) itself is not correct then what can be > done by a poor astrologer except beating the drum of tradition, > ancient, religion, sages, Ved and so on. You can read my first msg or > a file " Astrology a science or myth " , wherein you will find that > after raising so many questions not a single astrologer has turned up > with the explanation as to how all principles were formulated and so > on…..because predictive astrology is itself fake. > You can upload the article of Dean regarding Time Twins. > If you have no reservations then please intimate about yourself. > Yours truly, > Sanat > sanatkumar_jain > Members may please offer their comments on the points raised by Ms > Dipika Ji or on earlier points. New points are as follows. > 1. Whether Astrology is faith or fiction. > 2. Whether " fake astrologers have brought disrepute to astrology " . > Many members are just reading the msg. But I will like to request > them that they may offer their views on any side and may please offer > their comments pointwise so that summery of discussion may be taken > to file section under SOA______. Refer SOA for various points raised > in the forum. > Krishnamurthy Ji, where are you as Bala ji is busy in his domestic > problem and reply on pending point is awaited from SB Ji. > > , " dipika blr " > blr.aspirant@ wrote: > > > > Dear Readers, > > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith or > > fiction? " . > > > > The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have brought > > disrepute to astrology " > > > > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's > > shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles > themselves > > are questionable. > > > > *The case against astrology* > > > > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not deliver > > benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, it has > not > > contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, its > > principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no > hint of > > these problems will be found in astrology books, which in effect are > > exercises in deception. But it doesn't end there. > > > > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as > which > > zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why > scientists see > > astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact astrologers are mostly > nice > > people who genuinely wish to help others. But the claim they > repeatedly make > > (astrology is true because based on experience) is simply mistaken - > what > > they see as its strength (experience) is actually its weakness (no > > controls). > > > > > > > > *The case for astrology* > > > > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer > provides > > low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. > You get > > emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to > stimulate > > self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego > support at > > a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these > days? > > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But > note the > > dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that > is > > untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy > and even > > religion, so it is not unique to astrology. Nevertheless it > presents an > > ethical problem that astrologers have generally failed to recognise > let > > alone resolve > > > > Please see " *Journal of Consciousness Studies* 10 (6-7), 175-198, a > long > > scholarly article of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of *time > twins* and > > of astrologers " > > > > --> > > > > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > > > from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > > > > *Indian scientists on Vedic astrology* > > *Thirty comments from Current Science* > > > > *Abstract* -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in > India decided > > to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry at Indian > > universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy in the > pages of > > the prestigious Indian science journal *Current Science*. Of thirty > > comments, most of them from scientists in university departments or > research > > institutes, about half dismissed astrology as a pseudo-science, > about half > > of the rest felt decisive tests were needed, and the rest felt > there was > > nothing wrong with funding something that the majority of Indian > people > > believed in. In chronological order, the authors and their comments > are > > briefly as follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > > *2000, Volume 79, issue 9* > > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry courses. > > > > *2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11* > > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess > claims. > > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks > credibility. > > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be > challenged. > > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore > it. > > > > *2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3* > > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a > chance. > > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of > science. > > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so > honour it. > > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame > public. > > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not > affected. > > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so *Vedic* is a > misnomer. > > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is > futile. > > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs > demystifying. > > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be > science? > > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more > difficult. > > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the > reverse. > > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs > sciences. > > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be > fooled? > > Narlikar (review of *Astrology: Believe it or not?*) -- Not! > Recommended! > > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. *Three years > later:* > > > > *2004, Volume 87, issue 8* > > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay > silent. > > > > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat ji) > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2008 Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 Resp Ravi ji, Namaskar, You have admitted that " Astrology is also one such experience. " . Thus you have admitted that it is not a science and further it can not be explained like sweetness of sugar and lastly you have admitted that " The fact is astrology is a faith above all. " Predictive astrology does not have any prediction in the form of sweetness, which can only be experienced and can not be explained. In that situation there would have been no astrologers, who are explaining the future event by applying predictive principles. Certainly we have faith on doctor so long he is curing our illness but if some layman claim himself as doctor and may continue his practice in suburban area and may cure, may not cure some patients. It makes no difference over his faith, But if one fine morning some one say that the doctor is fake then certainly everyone will like to know about his education and so on. Likewise, predictive astrology, developed by some astrologer sages like parashar, Varahmihir etc…. and may continue to practice predictive astrology on the pretext that planet are deities and so on……. Prediction appears to be correct due to psychological effect (not known in those days) and planets were treated as deities (hovering over fixed Earth), pleased them by offering and so on ……….. till we came to know abt the solar system and developed science and so on. Now if I am asking about the validity of astrological principles then you (astrologers) can not save their skin by claiming it science as well as taking shelter under religion with definite form of principles (refer SOA 6______) or faith. Now before pushing predictive astrology they may have to answer many questions. (refer file astrology a science or myth) I can not support your stand that " One can not question axioms. " So far predictive astrology is concerned. How you can say that it is axioms. Just come forward with any predictive principle, which you think is axioms. Can some one predict after analyzing a horoscope that particular horo. belong to a lady or man, about marriage, about children, about wife, about job, about money about death and so on……………. Please do not call God and create problems to him for every foolish act of astrologers. As no religious scripture from East to West has ever supported predictive astrology. So where is the question of calling God now and then that too when astrologers are not able to find out the time of birth (it is your msg.) But you are claiming it as faith hence no argument, no question, because we are not analyzing faith, so long someone is not willing to realize that faith too can only be generated on the shoulder of knowledge and conclusions drawn by any civilization in any particular situation; hence knowledge can be updated and conclusions may also be wrong due to some wrong information. So till you realize that faith towards predictive astrology may be blind-faith, you may continue with your faith. But now it is your duty to challenge every astrologer, who claims that astrology is a science. Please do not take any comment as personal. Members may also like to share their views. Thanks sanat 25-4-08 PS. Dr Bhashyam and Sushil Ji, we are not receiving msg. from your side. RU hearing? , Jagadisan Ravichandran <jnravi wrote: > > Dear Sanatji > > Pranams > > I have clearly explained in my post that sweetness can not be explained only sugar can be explained. I have also said that in certain matters only personal experience will make you believe things not arguments or science. Astrology is also one such experience. > > Everything can not be explained by science. Because man has not mastered science, he is only a student in science. > > Wen we take the medicine prescribed by a doctor, we do not question his knowledge. We do not analyze it by scientific arguments. When we board a flight, we do not question the capability of the pilot to fly. Similarly, astrology can not be questioned. It is true that some doctors prescriptions and some flights give you a one way ticket. Similarly some astrologers also give you wrong predictions. > > One can not question axioms. Certain topics can be discussed and analyzed, certain topics can not be analyzed, because they are axioms. Axioms are like beliefs. > > If one says there is God and the other says there is no God. How can there be a discussion in this subject? The two ends can not meet. Because God is a personal experience. A Nastik may point out 1000 arguments to support his belief. But an Astik need not and will not argue with him. He will only pray to God to give the Nastik some sanity. > > So there is no argument whether astrology is a fact or fiction. The fact is astrology is a faith above all. > > Regards > > Ravichandran > > sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain wrote: Resp. Ravichandran Ji, > Namaskar, > Thanks for your msg after a very long time. You have admitted that > you are silently watching the absurd arguments. Whereas I am > repeatedly asking the members to take part in the interaction. So, > naturally it is your fault by not defending or explaining your stand. > In my earlier msg I cleared that it is the difference of opinion > which leads us to new horizon of knowledge and we can find the truth > after searching new logics etc. and I am giving due regards to every > opinion and incorporating them in my various SOA________ files, which > you may have seen. I have also suggested that members may invite > their other friends or astrologers to this forum to have some > exchange of views. Because what the use of a forum is, if every body > has same opinion or if there is no space for difference. What you can > learn from such forum. In view of my above explanation how you can > say that interaction is absurd. > > The problem is this that everyone has his own ego and he is not > willing to change his stand fearing a sort of defeat. But actually it > is not so. We must learn through out of our life and we can only > learn if we have open mind. Discussion in the forum is not meant for > changing your views but aim is just to bring you on the brink of new > thought so that you may start a new thinking yourself with a > different opinion or if you want to continue your own thought, it is > still welcome, then it is your duty to teach others and reply various > queries. Actually we accept everything as correct which is being > followed by others. But you may have seen queue in front of wineshop > but no customer on the shop of fruit seller. So please don't be lured > with crowd. > > So far experience is concerned, conclusion drawn after your > experience may be right or wrong. So you may have open mind every > time. I am studying astrology since last 40 years and with a view to > find a single foolproof prediction, I myself prepared an eskain > horoscope incorporating almost all principles (may be seen in file > section). But actually there is no truth in astrology. > > It is your wrong conclusion that Members do not want to waste their > time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. If it is so then > you can teach us correct explanation and I can assure you that > atleast I am willing to know your stand and your teachings but not on > the shoulder of baseless faith. Either you say that Astrology is not > a science and it is a matter of faith then there is no question of > discussion; at this stand you have to challenge various astrologers > and forums that it is not science. But at one hand you want to take > benefit of popularity of science and on the other hand you want to > take it as a faith. How both statements may be taken together? > > I will again like to request you to please see various points and > discussion in various SOA______files in file section or in file > astrology a science or myth, or may raise any point which you think > is beneficial for astrology. But with silence you are not going to > serve your purpose. You must take active part and strongly defend > your point. So far I remember you have only defended your point > regarding time of birth (refer file SOA time of birth), wherein you > have admitted that our sages do not have clock but forecasted on the > basis of intuition. Thus where is the need of correct time and > application of astrological principles or defending these > requirement. Certainly we must search some intuition master who can > correctly peep in future and forget all astrologer who are exercising > baseless tactics. > > So please do not be a silent listener. Come out with fresh energy. As > we are not asking to explain the sweetness of sugar but we are asking > sugar itself and we will learn what is sweetness. But actually you > are providing bitter pills and claiming it as sugar. > > Remember nothing is against you personally and I am ready to say > sorry for any hurting. > But pl. defend your stand logically and take any thread. Because you > see, actually we have wasted 2 msgs without any concrete arguments. > > Waiting for your msg full with arguments and not just bypassing > remarks. > > Thanks, > > Yours > Sanat > > Members may please share your stand on any point on any side either > in favour or against astrology but without personal ill-will. > Krishnamurty ji where are you, if you want then we can take up your > point. SB ji you have raised many points hence we are looking for new > points or your counter stand on various earlier points (refer > SOA_____ files). Some more files are still in the pipeline. > Ms. Dipika Ji, I am still not able to download timetwins of Dean. If > you can upload then pl do it and members will also be able to see it > afterwards. I will again try. Yes, one thing which I want to say that > I am slow but attend every msg. So you can say I am irregularly > regular. Hi. > > , Jagadisan Ravichandran > <jnravi@> wrote: > > > > Pranams > > > > Almost all the members have been watching silently all the absurd > arguements on this thread. > > > > The reasons for the silence is very simple. There are certain > realizations that have to come only by personal experience. We can > show sugar but we can not explain sweetness. Members do not want to > waste their time and energy by involving in absurd arguements. > > > > Each individual has the right to imagination. > > > > Ravichandran > > > > dipika blr <blr.aspirant@> wrote: > > Does the silence of the group to this earlier message > mean that the " time twin study " has effectively sounded the death of > astrology as a science? > > > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM, dipika blr <blr.aspirant@> > wrote: > > Dear Readers, > > I am starting a new thread to discuss whether " Astrology is faith > or fiction? " . > > The old topic discussed whether " fake astrologers have have > brought disrepute to astrology " > > I think this is just a convenient excuse to address astrology's > shortcomings. Here I shall focus on how astrological principles > themselves are questionable. > > > > The case against astrology > > The case against astrology is that it is untrue. It does not > deliver benefits beyond those produced by non-astrological factors, > it has not contributed to human knowledge, it has no acceptable > mechanism, its principles are invalid, and it has failed hundreds of > tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology > books, which in effect are exercises in deception. But it doesn't end > there. > > Astrologers disagree on almost everything, even on basics such as > which zodiac to use. They rarely test control data, which is why > scientists see astrologers as crazy or even crooks. In fact > astrologers are mostly nice people who genuinely wish to help others. > But the claim they repeatedly make (astrology is true because based > on experience) is simply mistaken - what they see as its strength > (experience) is actually its weakness (no controls). > > > > The case for astrology > > The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer > provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to > come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and > interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised > society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where > else can you get this sort of thing these days? > > In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But > note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in > something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in > psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology. > Nevertheless it presents an ethical problem that astrologers have > generally failed to recognise let alone resolve Please see " Journal > of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7), 175-198, a long scholarly article > of 24 pages and 85 references. Tests of time twins and of astrologers " > > --> > > > > > > To start off the debate, I am including the proceedings > > > > from " Current Science " Journal on this topic. > > > > Indian scientists on Vedic astrology > > Thirty comments from Current Science > > Abstract -- In 2001 the University Grants Commision (UGC) in > India decided to provide funds for courses in astrology and palmistry > at Indian universities. The decision provoked outrage and controversy > in the pages of the prestigious Indian science journal Current > Science. Of thirty comments, most of them from scientists in > university departments or research institutes, about half dismissed > astrology as a pseudo-science, about half of the rest felt decisive > tests were needed, and the rest felt there was nothing wrong with > funding something that the majority of Indian people believed in. In > chronological order, the authors and their comments are briefly as > follows, starting with editor P.Balaram: > > 2000, Volume 79, issue 9 > > Balaram -- UGC should not promote astrology and palmistry > courses. 2001, Volume 80, issues 6-11 > > Ganeshaiah -- But tests not decisive, more are needed to assess > claims. > > Balaram -- Evidence is overwhelmingly against, UGC lacks > credibility. > > Pal -- No respectable university should accept UGC's offer. > > Sitaram and 29 others -- Our apathy means protest may be too late. > > Murthy -- Opposition to astrology is based on sensible science. > > Chandrashekaran -- No defence is needed when so many people believe. > > Rao -- Why haven't scientists protested? Astrology is not a science. > > Khare -- Vedic astrology has not been scientifically validated. > > Virk -- Guru Nanak rejected astrology in 15th century. So should we. > > Tiwari -- Big science is suppressing new ideas and should be > challenged. > > Sashidhar -- Astrology is a pseudo-science, scientists will ignore > it. > > 2001, Volume 81, issues 1-3 > > Narasimhan -- The ancients were good observers, give their ideas a > chance. > > Karanth -- Astrology relates to gems, and mineralogy is part of > science. > > Seshadri & Kathiravan -- Most Indians believe in astrology, so > honour it. > > Chattopadhyay -- Some scientists secretly believe, so don't blame > public. > > Subbarao -- Faith is often needed to overcome fear and uncertainty. > > Chopra -- Funding psychological props is OK if other needs not > affected. > > Devakumar -- Vedas say nothing about astrology, so Vedic is a > misnomer. > > Valluri -- Astrology fails to meet the methodology of a science. > > Gautham -- Most consult an astrologer if pressed, so struggle is > futile. > > Balasundaram -- Tests of astrology are indecisive, it needs > demystifying. > > Tiwari -- Vedic = beyond sensory experience. How can Vedic be > science? > > Gupta -- Astrology may be a science-like knowledge but more > difficult. > > Mandal -- We either accept astrology and reject evolution, or the > reverse. > > Ganeshaiah -- Issue is nonsense vs good information, not arts vs > sciences. > > Abhyankar -- Astrologers offer only therapy by talking. Why be > fooled? > > Narlikar (review of Astrology: Believe it or not?) -- Not! > Recommended! > > Sitaraman -- Science not threatened by Vedic astrology or any other. > > At which point the debate was closed by the editor. Three years > later: > > 2004, Volume 87, issue 8 > > Chattopadhyay -- Government reaffirms UGC proposal. But we stay > silent. > > > > > > Opinions on Astrology from Files section of SOA (courtesy Sanat > ji) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. > Try it now. > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. 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