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This month prediction for Sept 08

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This month for you from 01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go overseas for business/job/pleasure will get overseas opportunities.

Notes: Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi is another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula rashi on 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will remain in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or vakri on 24..09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct

motion on 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani remains Margi or in its direct motion in this month

There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya remains in this rashi.

Aries: Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you may also indulge in extra marital affairs. Sudden windfall gains may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will remain very active. Expect good news from

overseas for job/interview/business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to please your spouses.


Taurus: Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good this entire month.. Energy level is good. Good time to devote attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/land deals. Expect stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/travel. Romance is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to

go on a pilgrimage tour. Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit to courts/prison/legal consultants/litigations are also not ruled out.

Gemini: Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at its peak, an investment in properties/shares/mutual funds/bonds/fixed deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are favourable

but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

Cancer: Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye doctor is not ruled out.. Tendency to be rude in your speech may reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc. Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies will be very active now. Romance is in the air.

Constant nagging with your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get a positive response. But expenses will also increase.

Leo: Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size. You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your political contacts & skills. Those in field of art/films/singing/music will be at their peak. You are flooded with offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma at its peak. Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just get charged and move ahead.

Virgo: Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect. Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/betting/gambling. You will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to 16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond your expectations. Overseas business

will also give positive results.

Libra: Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business, should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses. Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the


Scorpio: Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just enjoy & be happy.


Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling fat holes in your wallets.

Capricorn: Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to your rescue. Fortune favours the brave.

Aquarius: Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th. Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/prisons/deserted

places will go on.

Pisces: Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th. Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary. Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a

burden on you.

With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer,

Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103

Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469



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