Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 Hello Members, This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out! Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results. Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science. IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test. Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not. An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science. Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us. ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now". HERE'S MORE TO COME ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME". We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out. Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? Regards, Harish From: lion_draco1983Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help dear respected sri haresh nathani ji , thanks for response , let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it . i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too . another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas . i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters . i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach . we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) . ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too . so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality . but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too . so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all thanks for ur mail . but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums . regrds vijaya raghavan , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" <haresh1405 wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983 > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983 > Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > MSN Technology brings you the latest on gadgets, gizmos and the new hits in the gaming market. Try it now! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story . for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi . but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru . teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ?? asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl . , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > : lion_draco1983: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 Dera Vijaya Raghavan, I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity. Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool. regards, Harish From: lion_draco1983Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story . for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi . but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru . teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ?? asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl . , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > : lion_draco1983: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL> Watch useful tips on recipes, fitness, yoga and fashion only on MSN videos. Try it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 dear harish ji sorry for what happend u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry . > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ?? so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions . i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp . just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges . U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it . I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara . we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ?? so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt . u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ??? As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered . once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases . regrds vijayaraghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? Visit MSN Travel.>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 Dear Vijay, Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction. That has happened with us. Thats all. Otherwise no hard feelings. Bear with me if i hv hurted your feelings. Yes, I was born in Mavelikara, kerala and Broughtup in Tamilnadu. Presently in Pune. Eevn I don't beleive Naralikar & Co. Where r you from Kerala? I used to come toTripoonithura where my grand Mother lives. regards, Harish From: lion_draco1983Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:17:20 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition dear harish ji sorry for what happend u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry . > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ?? so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions . i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp . just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges . U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it . I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara . we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ?? so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt . u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ??? As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered . once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases . regrds vijayaraghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? Visit MSN Travel.>> Hottest news and in-depth analysis that goes beyond the headlines. Only on MSN News Check it out! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2008 Report Share Posted October 6, 2008 dear harish ji U no need to tell me sorry and u never hurt my feelings ,rather hapy to see a brother here . yes,i am basicaly frm guruvayur Trichur dst and has some ayurvedic centres in kerala mainly in tourist places and planning to extent to dubai and North india .Now in Kovalam trivandrum branch . we r frm thekke nada of famous guruvayur srikrishna temple Knows as thekke pattu warriers related to Kottakkal ( the only world famous ayurvedic grp crossed one century after making it into a company without compromising in originality and text s unlike many neo companies of modern era who uses big film stars for pushing there products ) too . happy to see u here ,any help in guruvayur pls write me inclding stay and darshan in temple ,as we hav kazhakam of temple too .If after dec 2008 i can personaly come and meet u (first half of the month ).Then will b going to Noida near NCR delhi ( i hope so ) regrds Vijaya raghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction. That has happened with us. Thats all. Otherwise no hard feelings. Bear with me if i hv hurted your feelings. Yes, I was born in Mavelikara, kerala and Broughtup in Tamilnadu. Presently in Pune. Eevn I don't beleive Naralikar & Co. > > Where r you from Kerala? I used to come toTripoonithura where my grand Mother lives.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:17:20 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > sorry for what happend > > u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry .> > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) > > if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ??> > so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions .> > i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp .> > just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges .> > U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it .> > I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara .> > we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ??> > so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt .> > u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ???> > As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name > > i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered .> > once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases .> > regrds vijayaraghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? Visit MSN Travel.>>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for weekend getaways? Try> & form=MICOAL> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 7, 2008 Report Share Posted October 7, 2008 Dear Vijay, How r you? Did you get my previous mail? regards, Harish From: lion_draco1983Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 12:24:09 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition dear harish ji U no need to tell me sorry and u never hurt my feelings ,rather hapy to see a brother here . yes,i am basicaly frm guruvayur Trichur dst and has some ayurvedic centres in kerala mainly in tourist places and planning to extent to dubai and North india .Now in Kovalam trivandrum branch . we r frm thekke nada of famous guruvayur srikrishna temple Knows as thekke pattu warriers related to Kottakkal ( the only world famous ayurvedic grp crossed one century after making it into a company without compromising in originality and text s unlike many neo companies of modern era who uses big film stars for pushing there products ) too . happy to see u here ,any help in guruvayur pls write me inclding stay and darshan in temple ,as we hav kazhakam of temple too .If after dec 2008 i can personaly come and meet u (first half of the month ).Then will b going to Noida near NCR delhi ( i hope so ) regrds Vijaya raghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction. That has happened with us. Thats all. Otherwise no hard feelings. Bear with me if i hv hurted your feelings. Yes, I was born in Mavelikara, kerala and Broughtup in Tamilnadu. Presently in Pune. Eevn I don't beleive Naralikar & Co. > > Where r you from Kerala? I used to come toTripoonithura where my grand Mother lives.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:17:20 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > sorry for what happend > > u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry .> > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) > > if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ??> > so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions .> > i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp .> > just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges .> > U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it .> > I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara .> > we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ??> > so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt .> > u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ???> > As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name > > i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered .> > once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases .> > regrds vijayaraghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? Visit MSN Travel.>>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for weekend getaways? Try> & form=MICOAL> Hottest news and in-depth analysis that goes beyond the headlines. Only on MSN News Check it out! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 7, 2008 Report Share Posted October 7, 2008 dear harish ji let me search the mail and come back to u .Also busy on pooja durgashtami and u know till dasami ( ayudha pooja and worshipping granthas ) regrds vijaya raghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > How r you? Did you get my previous mail?> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 12:24:09 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > U no need to tell me sorry and u never hurt my feelings ,rather hapy to see a brother here .> > yes,i am basicaly frm guruvayur Trichur dst and has some ayurvedic centres in kerala mainly in tourist places and planning to extent to dubai and North india .Now in Kovalam trivandrum branch .> > we r frm thekke nada of famous guruvayur srikrishna temple Knows as thekke pattu warriers related to Kottakkal ( the only world famous ayurvedic grp crossed one century after making it into a company without compromising in originality and text s unlike many neo companies of modern era who uses big film stars for pushing there products ) too .> > happy to see u here ,any help in guruvayur pls write me inclding stay and darshan in temple ,as we hav kazhakam of temple too .If after dec 2008 i can personaly come and meet u (first half of the month ).Then will b going to Noida near NCR delhi ( i hope so ) > > regrds Vijaya raghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction. That has happened with us. Thats all. Otherwise no hard feelings. Bear with me if i hv hurted your feelings. Yes, I was born in Mavelikara, kerala and Broughtup in Tamilnadu. Presently in Pune. Eevn I don't beleive Naralikar & Co. > > Where r you from Kerala? I used to come toTripoonithura where my grand Mother lives.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:17:20 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > sorry for what happend > > u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry .> > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) > > if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ??> > so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions .> > i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp .> > just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges .> > U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it .> > I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara .> > we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ??> > so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt .> > u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ???> > As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name > > i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered .> > once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases .> > regrds vijayaraghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? Visit MSN Travel.>>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for weekend getaways? Try> & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for weekend getaways? Try> & form=MICOAL> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2008 Report Share Posted October 8, 2008 Yes, I know. Wishing You and Your family on this Festive Season Hariharan.S From: lion_draco1983Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 13:19:00 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition dear harish ji let me search the mail and come back to u .Also busy on pooja durgashtami and u know till dasami ( ayudha pooja and worshipping granthas ) regrds vijaya raghavan , Harish S <harishastro wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > How r you? Did you get my previous mail?> > regards,> > Harish> > > > : lion_draco1983: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 12:24:09 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > U no need to tell me sorry and u never hurt my feelings ,rather hapy to see a brother here .> > yes,i am basicaly frm guruvayur Trichur dst and has some ayurvedic centres in kerala mainly in tourist places and planning to extent to dubai and North india .Now in Kovalam trivandrum branch .> > we r frm thekke nada of famous guruvayur srikrishna temple Knows as thekke pattu warriers related to Kottakkal ( the only world famous ayurvedic grp crossed one century after making it into a company without compromising in originality and text s unlike many neo companies of modern era who uses big film stars for pushing there products ) too .> > happy to see u here ,any help in guruvayur pls write me inclding stay and darshan in temple ,as we hav kazhakam of temple too .If after dec 2008 i can personaly come and meet u (first half of the month ).Then will b going to Noida near NCR delhi ( i hope so ) > > regrds Vijaya raghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dear Vijay,> > Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction. That has happened with us. Thats all. Otherwise no hard feelings. Bear with me if i hv hurted your feelings. Yes, I was born in Mavelikara, kerala and Broughtup in Tamilnadu. Presently in Pune. Eevn I don't beleive Naralikar & Co. > > Where r you from Kerala? I used to come toTripoonithura where my grand Mother lives.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 11:17:20 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > dear harish ji > > sorry for what happend > > u did a challenge ---there is any takers (, Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS? ) actualy this words which made me angry .> > so what shud be blved ,so i think u also in same boat .( just a missing ) > > if some one known more than what they learn in universities will b procecuted ??? or go on prooving, is it ??As if he is doing a crime is it so ??why some thing shud b prooved where all ppl r exprncing it ??> > so i realy got angry as this ppl r not seems to b respecting other 's time and inclinations and simply using a tool for their evil missions .> > i posted a chart and ready post as many charts for this ppl to prov astro is fake and bogus -as a part of my challenge in this grp .This persons says has 35 yrs exprnce and 50 yrs exprnce with vedic astrology to prve their claims .but u see why cant they take up challenge where as they challenge most of the astro hobbyist s and call them as if world renounced jyothishis and then calling all bad names and humiliate s them in this grp .> > just imagine they hav no time to use what they learnd and practised even in one chart or take up challenge but expect all jyothishis to take up the challenges .> > U pls do more reserch on Narlikar and his grp .u will come to know .it is me sent one of his challenge s to my frnd astrologer by Narlikar and he in my presence only mailed to Times of india ,i know the story .I thought it will well recved by them . But reality was diffrnt they r least bothered abt it .And even never published it .> > I told u i am ayurvedic frm a kerala parampara .> > we cannot proov the paras ( mercury ) and metals like gold etc ( so many other metals we use ) we r using in treatment tru lab tests ,but we can giv u for eating and u will come out clean in all tests .so how we proov it clinicaly ?? Can any modern doctor giv it to his patients without any harm ??> > so the indian sciences or western sciences has a basic diffrnce .u shud understand it .As the yard sticks r diffrnt .> > u read the palani murugan temple story i wrote in another mail in this grp ,it is made out of navapashana ( 9 gr8 poisons known to humanity those days ) and u know neither the pundits nor the public got any harm by eating the panchamrit which used after doing abhisek on this idol ( now stopped as moorthy is in bad condition ) why those pundits families who eats atleast one spoon daily dont had any harm ???> > As rgrds to ur age ,i am sorry ,actualy i miss with a similar name > > i blv u r a keralite ,if u r keralite u will vouch for my claims on ayurveda and atleast u might hav heard similar propaganda against it and how our families suffered those days ,even we r giving medcinal formulas to ppl so as to prepare it and use it ,it was not kept as secret ,only few medicine which needs expertise will b sold by us ,still we suffered .> > once again sorry for what happened .after every massage sessions ( as we r giving our pranic energy also to patient ) we get hot all over our body .so pls bear with me as we are very tired too ,tho i am attenting only cronic cases .> > regrds vijayaraghavan > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Dera Vijaya Raghavan,> > I am a firm believer of Astrology. I don't need to read K.N. Rao to beleive that. Just i hv circulated this article which was published in Pune times. Thats all. I always see you jumping to conclusions. How can you judge anyone's age just by reading mail? I am 40. I know about myself. I was running after groups for getting predictions, true but not now. I am clear now. I hv never told that i don't believe Astrology. No Astrology knowledge / Command is required to post this times article. Its only to make community aware that these kind of people r there. But not to support their activity.> > Just read the mail contents with your mind before making any comments or conclusion. Hereafter don't act like a fool.> > regards,> > Harish> > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:09:30 +0000 Re: Article From Times Of India, Pune edition> > > > > > > read KN rao s books and his students on sade sati ( there reserch work ) > > u first study ur self in this oldage than asking questions to proov .one of my frnd has challenged this narlikar tru times of india and they never even bothered to publish it .so that is diffrnt story .> > for ur information almost all prime ministersof india except v v few become PM during sade sati ,so it has more broader meaning than what u think .Latest example is this man mohan singh and UPA chairperson sonia Gandhi .> > but dont read books avilable in market or net .but i suggest u to become student of a good guru .> > teaching u or any one is not my aim ,u can blv what u like ,like any subjuct this needs good commant over subjuct ,r u a fool to blv some section of ppl will struggle because their moon is in purticular rasi ???with such a wide probablity ???u dont know it ,but this fool narlikar if not for this challenges unknown to the world knows it .That is the diffrnce > > i seen u running after all grps for getting prediction ,so if u dont blv astrology and u dont hav any problems then why u r after free predictions ??> > asking and challenging is easy ,u need only some pension money but it is not so for serious thinking positiv ppl .> > > , Harish S harishastro@ wrote:>> > Hello Members,> > This Article is Published on Today's Times Of India " Pune Mirror" issue> > 50% INCORRECT Sadhe Saati Verdict's Out!> > Astrology and Random Samples Yield The same results.> > Looks like testing time lie ahead for Astrologers. In the First Phase of a Statistical test meant to prove if astrology can be termed as science, only about 50 percent of the predictions made by astrologers turned out to be correct. The test, was conducted by Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, Pune University an Andhashradhha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) and the verdict is that Astrology cannot be termed as Science.> > IT'LL BE OFFICIAL SOON> > Renowned scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar will formally announce the results of the test in a press conference on October 7. he along with Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANS, professor Sudhakar Kunte from the University of Pune, will also declare the statistical data related to the test.> > Naralikar had appealed to astrologers to come forward and participate in the experiment staing We have kept an open approach without any bias". The announcement received with much debate and scepticism. Many Astrology Organizations condemned the initiative under some pretext or the other, but Astrologers in maharashtra and Vidharba responded to the project> > HOW ASTROLEGERS WERE PUT TO TEST> > The Participants of the test were provided a set of about 40 Horoscopes of students. Some of them were mentally challenged while others were normal. But their identities were not revealed to the participants. Astrologers were tod to analyse the samples and tell exactly which students were mentaly challenged and which were not.> > An Important presumption of the text was that if astrologers manage to differentiate the horoscopes with an acuracy of more than 90%, astrology would be proved as a science. If they could reach the accuracy of 70%, then further tests would have carried out. About 50% accuracy was as good as results of random sampling,and therefore astrology couldn't be reliable enough to be termed as Science.> > Prakash Ghatpande, Convenor ofthe test, said "major astrologers decided to boycott the test objecting to ANS's Stance. A majority of amateur astrlogers decided to participate in the experiment and they relied on the data provided by us.> > ANS activists collected horoscopes from all over the state. We gave them to the participants. After their replies were received, the enryption was done and thereafter all the data rested with Prof.Kunte. Nobody else, not even Dr. Naralikar and Dr. Dabholkar, are aware of the exact details. We can't declare the exact statistics of the experiment right now".> > HERE'S MORE TO COME> > ON THE RESULTS OF THE TEST, DABHOLKAR SAID,"i AM AWARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THE TEST. BUT AS WE HAVE FIXED PRESS CONFERENCE, I CANNOT SPEAK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL KNOW THE DETAILS IN DUE TIME".> > > We can wait see till tomorrow for the statistical data to come out.> > Can anyone challenge Dr.Naralikar and ANS?> > Regards,> > Harish> > > > > > > @: lion_draco1983@: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:43:10 +0000 Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > > > > dear respected sri haresh nathani ji ,> thanks for response ,> > let me tell u i am not a vedic astrologer by profession and not interested too ,i am not degrading ur profession but i got diffrnt profession again a indian sastra and we r proud of it .> > i dont blv in debates unless person is interested in real astrology ( means i saw many mails they abuse others here and ask stupid questions just to provoke and humilaite ) also we cannot neither proove also ,as indian history is more than what the neo historians ( european tuned minds ) says ,as i know any sastra wheter fake or not it need time to devlp ,other wise why no one created similar one in any where in world .But they know all this in bottom of their heart but here mission is diffrnt ( i real almost all mails in grp ) > > even i dont understand why then astro shud b used in muhurthas ( like what sri AKK says -that is only purpose of vedic astrology ) if ancient vedic ppl dont blv in astro as predictiv science .also what is the use of celebrating festivals too .as most of them r astro oriented ,even many gods we use today has weak reference in vedas if we see quick glance ( so what we shud do stop praying or going to mandirs too) ,but i find various translation in english and also knows sanksrit has so many meaning so u can twist it based on ur intentions .And even we r not sure abt the original form of text too .> > another thing here i will never involve in debate as i blv in quality time > > i blv exprnce of the nativ and co realtion with dasas .> > i will use lahiri and vimshottary of 365 days which i am comfortable ( other dasas if they want they can use but i will co operate as they are all 40 or 45 yrs exprnced ) .All chart we will discuss will b posted by diffrnt nativs in various astro forums ,if they hav scientific mind they can check it .themselves .even the genuinity of posters .> > i will not accept any of their charts as i hav seen their reply to many astrologers with bad intention and with some missionary zeal ( as funded ???) than scientific approach .> > we r family of ayurveds frm kerala ,we uses astro frm begining to end to treat a patient if he /she is cronic patient ( prashna /omens /muhurta ( for giving medicines) .> > ayurveda also suffered this kind of humilaiation frm indian converts who was funded by western ppl or some lobbies and all news papers and medias were systematicaly degraded and made it fall gr8ly( they almost succeeded too ) ,but thanks to western ppl now we dont hav time to sit idle and getting very good remunation than any professionals can imagine ,after spending millions in treatment ( dollars ) in US for yrs ,many got cured within 21 days and even some approached on their own with famous news channels and said their part of story too.And this has contributed for further rush too .> > so if they permit me i will discuss astro linking with personal anubhava and no vedic reference mumbo jumbo ( as we dont care than solid proof ) also many of ayurvedic thing has no reference in vedas tho we call it ayurveda ( so what we shud do ??) ,where they r not seems to b interested ( i will pick charts frm forums only and we can easily see their problems reflecting in charts ) let them say i am not complying with vedic astrology principles as they were into astrology for half century ( i mean classics or texts ) .let us see reality .> > but their charts i cannot accept and again if they approach me as gr8est astrologer ( pretext ) and challenges ( 1 MN frm randi or 10 mn frm goerge bush claims ) i dont like it as i am still a student only means may b few yrs ( even i find one of this gentle man challenged by seeing the memebr ship in forums who ever joined to get a predictions ,he says this forum has 8000 astrologers than memebrs to proove his stupid points ( so purpose clear and is not showing any scientifc mind ) .Astro tecnic in treatment is diffrnt and also b4 ancestrs used moon s transits in procuring and storing medicine too .> > so i blv in practical exprnce same like our ayurvedic medicines ( we will fail in west labs to proov why we cured epilepsy or cancer or paralysis ) ,why this bush or herb or plants and why its mixing givs this effects etc .but we can cure it ,that is it ,and that is all > > thanks for ur mail .> but i blv this ppl r funded well and so has all the time in world ,so they r working for some christian radical grp i blv as i read frm other astro forums .> > regrds vijaya raghavan > > , "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" haresh1405@ wrote:>> Dear lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ > It is very difficult to understand that a person who says is an vedic astrologer & then quotes by saying that he does not belives in vedas & astrology is not a vedic. I hv no answer to it. I am an vedic astrologer & I hv faith & belief in them. > that is why I am a professional astrologer & seeing success in this profession. If u get into any kind of debate on this, this will never end. The choice is urs either u get into a debate or just do ur job by following vedic astrology. Else it will create an unnecessary controversy. An astrologer should never get into any kind of contoversy else the subject of astrology will fail. an astrologer is supposed to identify the problem & give a solution according to the horoscope he is seeing. Controversy does not does any good to an astrologer but creates a dark cloud of goodwill>  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > lion_draco1983 lion_draco1983@ Tuesday, 30 September, 2008 7:08:18 PM> Re: please do not get angry, just still looking for help> > > > dear Harish ji and phanindar ji > i am not the queriest nor looking for any predictions > i was asking akk ji and sanat ji who says they hav good command over vedic astrology and now says it is not in veda ,uapanishats or puranas and it is humbug > what i was asking is the efficacy of application .here we never see the chemical formula of sugar to drink tea but we drink tea for the sake of tea > so i was asking their opinions as i am a student and i can see problems clearly in his chart > other wise i am fed up with same mails of both of them all astro  forums >  > regrds VR >  > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only on > & form=MICOAL>> > > > > > > _______________> Searching for the best deals on travel? 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