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USA -the declining years

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dear grp

This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6 yrs b4 .

again correct predictions frm incorrect data ( u can add maya the mlecha to varahamihira the charlattan all adjectivs to old rishis and savants depending on vocabulary taught by AKK gr8 vedic pundit who knows 4 vedas 18 puranas and 108 upanishats and 64 sastras .)


regrds Vijayaraghavan .



30 September 2008, 5:23 PM


The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the first decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how sound the assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do it we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.

We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to make annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under scrutiny. The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable horoscope.

I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons which is what I must state here first.

1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is what all historians of USA accept as being correct.

2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with which we have been familiar.

3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes of 4 July but with different time.

4) Yet,some western and "Vedic" astrologers have used the same data and given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most undistinguished in battle fields.

5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it not the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really great entrepreneurs.



While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of Yogi Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I have found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been cast.

Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea of it being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.

Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and Moon in the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of it and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the swearing of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on that day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive international policy and will openly be against abortion.


Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his policy of no US aid being given to states or countries which supported abortion as their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the importance of muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable supplementary chart.

World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation of US aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush, when "Osama dead or alive" became almost a US slogan.

The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13 October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:

a) Foreign plots hatched against it.

b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever since USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally, Britain, with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more non-military manner.

c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the house of war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista) doubly must show aggression.

To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for 2001,on the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as shown here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual horoscope was retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological point which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is an old research of mine about war.

USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars retrograde aspected by Saturn.

A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US chart being used should be made first.


Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898

Rahu ending 14 October 1916

As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its policy of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as the Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records that it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed 0the course against Germany.

Jupiter ending 13 October 1932

As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the deadly Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so many.

Saturn ending 14 October 1951

Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this time in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR, after the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's international involvement was total.

Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well known in world history should be verified here.

1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only when President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship carrying many Americans was sunk by German army."Wilson appeared before the Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on 6-4-1917." It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here Saturn as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by Mars will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.

2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century occured in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by Mars. Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There was no recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable dasha chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of FDR to overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury period of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a recovery here.

3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the seventh lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all this.

4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the mahadasha of Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha. Here Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was in the dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the targets of terrorist attacks.

On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the horoscope cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in the seventh house of war?

In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun and Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the rashi of Mars.

Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon

As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it has given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been commented upon thus: "Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an open question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world" (By Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)

One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what President Bush said, "In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it this way: "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda, it did not end there. "It will not end," he said, "until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."

A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of Moon is:

The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be something in the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in each of which USA will be participating.

(Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)

There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the Afghan war is over.

(Mars 14 March 2003

It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.

Rahu 11 September 2004

A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a decision to use more dangerous weapons.

It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13 August 2007).

Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed Magha nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible abatement. But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse than its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).

What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable inferences are.

1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise to occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed later)

2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable change as has been said by a US Senator thus" `There is no such thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American Constitution"

3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world as world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge. Read what Chomsky has to say.

Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India would gain "nothing" by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan but get a "kick in the face" if it came in the way of America's interests.

Describing the US as the "world's biggest terrorist State", the self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in his country, it was carrying on a "worse" kind of terrorism on Afghanistan."





KN RAO 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM


The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the first decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how sound the assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do it we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.

We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to make annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under scrutiny. The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable horoscope.

I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons which is what I must state here first.

1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is what all historians of USA accept as being correct.

2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with which we have been familiar.

3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes of 4 July but with different time.

4) Yet,some western and "Vedic" astrologers have used the same data and given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most undistinguished in battle fields.

5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it not the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really great entrepreneurs.



While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of Yogi Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I have found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been cast.

Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea of it being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.

Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and Moon in the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of it and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the swearing of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on that day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive international policy and will openly be against abortion.


Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his policy of no US aid being given to states or countries which supported abortion as their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the importance of muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable supplementary chart.

World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation of US aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush, when "Osama dead or alive" became almost a US slogan.

The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13 October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:

a) Foreign plots hatched against it.

b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever since USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally, Britain, with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more non-military manner.

c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the house of war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista) doubly must show aggression.

To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for 2001,on the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as shown here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual horoscope was retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological point which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is an old research of mine about war.

USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars retrograde aspected by Saturn.

A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US chart being used should be made first.


Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898

Rahu ending 14 October 1916

As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its policy of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as the Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records that it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed 0the course against Germany.

Jupiter ending 13 October 1932

As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the deadly Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so many.

Saturn ending 14 October 1951

Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this time in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR, after the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's international involvement was total.

Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well known in world history should be verified here.

1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only when President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship carrying many Americans was sunk by German army."Wilson appeared before the Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on 6-4-1917." It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here Saturn as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by Mars will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.

2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century occured in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by Mars. Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There was no recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable dasha chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of FDR to overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury period of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a recovery here.

3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the seventh lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all this.

4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the mahadasha of Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha. Here Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was in the dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the targets of terrorist attacks.

On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the horoscope cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in the seventh house of war?

In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun and Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the rashi of Mars.

Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon

As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it has given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been commented upon thus: "Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an open question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world" (By Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)

One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what President Bush said, "In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it this way: "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda, it did not end there. "It will not end," he said, "until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."

A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of Moon is:

The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be something in the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in each of which USA will be participating.

(Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)

There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the Afghan war is over.

(Mars 14 March 2003

It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.

Rahu 11 September 2004

A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a decision to use more dangerous weapons.

It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13 August 2007).

Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed Magha nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible abatement. But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse than its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).

What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable inferences are.

1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise to occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed later)

2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable change as has been said by a US Senator thus" `There is no such thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American Constitution"

3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world as world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge. Read what Chomsky has to say.

Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India would gain "nothing" by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan but get a "kick in the face" if it came in the way of America's interests.

Describing the US as the "world's biggest terrorist State", the self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in his country, it was carrying on a "worse" kind of terrorism on Afghanistan."

http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?category_id=3 & article_id=184

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Shri Vijayaraghavanji (I think Vijaya and Raghavan are two

separate " parts " of one and the same " name " --but maybe numerologists

have advised you to join them together!)



<This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6

yrs b4.>


That is after 226 years of the US of A having gained independence.


<Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes of 4

July but with different time.>


Two cheers for astrology! No concensus, as usual, for as many as 226

years on the actual birthtime! Fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats on the exact timings---like they are about Ayanamshas!!


<we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with

different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a

single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their

research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.>


It appears to be an obituary of astrology instead of a eulogy!


<While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of Yogi

Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I have

found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



That " confession " really takes the cake! No jyotishi can even sneeze

without the help of " supernomral powers " of one or the other yogi or

tantrik or his holiness of the art of one thing or the other!

The million dollar question is that if some yogi/tantrik/his holiness

of the art of something or the other, can see through

his " supernormal powers " as to what happened more than two hundred

years back in a place thousands of kilometers away from where he was

located at that time, why in the world could he not foresee as to

what was going to happen in a few decades!

Such yogis should have written their own " Prophecies " ! After all, if

Nostradamus could make a fool of the whole world under the influence

of an overdose of marijuana, why can't such yogis, " in exercise of

the powers vested in them " foresee and foretell anything and

everything at least about their own " Rishi-bhoomi " !

Ironically, one of yogis is also said to have " discovered " a

particular ayanamsha---but sadly for that yogi, nobody is using it

now---all his " shishyas " have switched their loyalties to " almighty "


Again, tut, tut, tut for that poor yogi!


But then we must not forget that it is just like an andha pangu nyaya-

--all such yogis who want astrology as crutches are pangu---apahij--

whereas the jyotishis who cannot see anything even in the present---

leave alone the future or the past---without there help are andha!


Ram milayee jodi! Ek andha ek kauree!


So two cheers for asprining Varahamihiras and fake Parasharas, who

claim to be masters of astrology but cannot rectify even a birth

chart without the help of some yogi or tantrik or jagadguru etc. etc.

With regards,









, " lion_draco1983 "

<lion_draco1983 wrote:



> dear grp


> This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6


> b4 .


> again correct predictions frm incorrect data ( u can add maya the


> to varahamihira the charlattan all adjectivs to old rishis and


> depending on vocabulary taught by AKK gr8 vedic pundit who knows 4


> 18 puranas and 108 upanishats and 64 sastras .)




> regrds Vijayaraghavan .





> 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the


> decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

sound the

> assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do


> we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with


> dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good

> prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with


> Herschel and Neptune included.


> We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to


> annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra

> Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under


> The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable




> I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons

> which is what I must state here first.



> 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is

> what all historians of USA accept as being correct.



> 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with

> which we have been familiar.


> 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes

of 4

> July but with different time.


> 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same data


> given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering

> nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

undistinguished in

> battle fields.


> 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it


> the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel

> Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really

> great entrepreneurs.


> While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of


> Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I


> found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



> Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea

of it

> being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house

> shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power

> status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.


> Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

Moon in

> the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of


> and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the


> of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on


> day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> international policy and will openly be against abortion.



> [2]



> Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

policy of

> no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

abortion as

> their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

importance of

> muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable


> chart.


> World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation

of US

> aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush,


> " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.


> The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on


> basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13

> October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane

> astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:


> a) Foreign plots hatched against it.


> b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever


> USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,


> with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> non-military manner.


> c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

house of

> war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)

> doubly must show aggression.


> To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for


> the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as


> here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

horoscope was

> retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological


> which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both

> retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is

an old

> research of mine about war.


> USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh

> house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars

> retrograde aspected by Saturn.


> A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US

> chart being used should be made first.





> Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898


> Rahu ending 14 October 1916


> As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its


> of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as


> Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records


> it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed


> course against Germany.


> Jupiter ending 13 October 1932


> As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the


> Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so



> Saturn ending 14 October 1951


> Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this


> in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl

> Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,


> the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> international involvement was total.


> Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well


> in world history should be verified here.


> 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which

> started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only


> President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship


> many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before the

> Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on

> 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here


> as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by


> will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.


> 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century


> in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the

> second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by


> Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There

was no

> recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable


> chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

FDR to

> overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury


> of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a

> recovery here.


> 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the


> lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all



> 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

mahadasha of

> Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha.


> Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was

in the

> dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the

> targets of terrorist attacks.


> On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the


> cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon

> which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in


> seventh house of war?


> In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun


> Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

rashi of

> Mars.


> Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon


> As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big

> national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it


> given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been

> commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an


> question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world "


> Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)


> One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of

> Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what


> Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it


> way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or

> support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile

> regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda,


> did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every


> group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "


> A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of


> is:


> The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

something in

> the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

each of

> which USA will be participating.


> (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)


> There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the


> war is over.


> (Mars 14 March 2003


> It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.


> Rahu 11 September 2004


> A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a

> decision to use more dangerous weapons.


> It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13

> August 2007).


> Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed


> nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible


> But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a

> breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse


> its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).


> What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable


> are.


> 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have

> suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise


> occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed

> later)


> 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable

> change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> Constitution "


> 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world


> world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> Read what Chomsky has to say.


> Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India

> would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan


> get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> interests.


> Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in


> country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

Afghanistan. "



> KN RAO 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the


> decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

sound the

> assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do


> we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with


> dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good

> prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with


> Herschel and Neptune included.


> We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to


> annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra

> Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under


> The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable




> I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons

> which is what I must state here first.



> 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is

> what all historians of USA accept as being correct.



> 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with

> which we have been familiar.


> 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes

of 4

> July but with different time.


> 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same data


> given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering

> nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

undistinguished in

> battle fields.


> 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it


> the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel

> Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really

> great entrepreneurs.


> While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of


> Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I


> found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



> Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea

of it

> being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house

> shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power

> status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.


> Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

Moon in

> the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of


> and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the


> of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on


> day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> international policy and will openly be against abortion.



> [2]



> Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

policy of

> no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

abortion as

> their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

importance of

> muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable


> chart.


> World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation

of US

> aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush,


> " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.


> The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on


> basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13

> October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane

> astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:


> a) Foreign plots hatched against it.


> b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever


> USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,


> with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> non-military manner.


> c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

house of

> war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)

> doubly must show aggression.


> To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for


> the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as


> here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

horoscope was

> retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological


> which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both

> retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is

an old

> research of mine about war.


> USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh

> house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars

> retrograde aspected by Saturn.


> A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US

> chart being used should be made first.





> Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898


> Rahu ending 14 October 1916


> As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its


> of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as


> Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records


> it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed


> course against Germany.


> Jupiter ending 13 October 1932


> As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the


> Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so



> Saturn ending 14 October 1951


> Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this


> in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl

> Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,


> the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> international involvement was total.


> Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well


> in world history should be verified here.


> 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which

> started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only


> President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship


> many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before the

> Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on

> 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here


> as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by


> will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.


> 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century


> in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the

> second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by


> Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There

was no

> recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable


> chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

FDR to

> overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury


> of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a

> recovery here.


> 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the


> lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all



> 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

mahadasha of

> Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha.


> Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was

in the

> dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the

> targets of terrorist attacks.


> On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the


> cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon

> which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in


> seventh house of war?


> In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun


> Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

rashi of

> Mars.


> Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon


> As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big

> national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it


> given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been

> commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an


> question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world "


> Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)


> One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of

> Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what


> Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it


> way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or

> support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile

> regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda,


> did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every


> group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "


> A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of


> is:


> The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

something in

> the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

each of

> which USA will be participating.


> (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)


> There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the


> war is over.


> (Mars 14 March 2003


> It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.


> Rahu 11 September 2004


> A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a

> decision to use more dangerous weapons.


> It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13

> August 2007).


> Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed


> nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible


> But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a

> breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse


> its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).


> What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable


> are.


> 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have

> suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise


> occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed

> later)


> 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable

> change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> Constitution "


> 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world


> world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> Read what Chomsky has to say.


> Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India

> would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan


> get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> interests.


> Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in


> country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

Afghanistan. "



> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

category_id=3 & article_id=1\

> 84

> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

category_id=3 & article_id=\

> 184>


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Vedic Astrology-Hyderabad , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


Shri Vijayaraghavanji (I think Vijaya and Raghavan are two

separate " parts " of one and the same " name " --but maybe numerologists

have advised you to join them together!)



<This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6

yrs b4.>


That is after 226 years of the US of A having gained independence.


<Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes of 4

July but with different time.>


Two cheers for astrology! No concensus, as usual, for as many as 226

years on the actual birthtime! Fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats on the exact timings---like they are about Ayanamshas!!


<we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with

different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a

single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their

research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.>


It appears to be an obituary of astrology instead of a eulogy!


<While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of Yogi

Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I have

found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



That " confession " really takes the cake! No jyotishi can even sneeze

without the help of " supernomral powers " of one or the other yogi or

tantrik or his holiness of the art of one thing or the other!

The million dollar question is that if some yogi/tantrik/his holiness

of the art of something or the other, can see through

his " supernormal powers " as to what happened more than two hundred

years back in a place thousands of kilometers away from where he was

located at that time, why in the world could he not foresee as to

what was going to happen in a few decades!

Such yogis should have written their own " Prophecies " ! After all, if

Nostradamus could make a fool of the whole world under the influence

of an overdose of marijuana, why can't such yogis, " in exercise of

the powers vested in them " foresee and foretell anything and

everything at least about their own " Rishi-bhoomi " !

Ironically, one of yogis is also said to have " discovered " a

particular ayanamsha---but sadly for that yogi, nobody is using it

now---all his " shishyas " have switched their loyalties to " almighty "


Again, tut, tut, tut for that poor yogi!


But then we must not forget that it is just like an andha pangu nyaya-

--all such yogis who want astrology as crutches are pangu---apahij--

whereas the jyotishis who cannot see anything even in the present---

leave alone the future or the past---without there help are andha!


Ram milayee jodi! Ek andha ek kauree!


So two cheers for asprining Varahamihiras and fake Parasharas, who

claim to be masters of astrology but cannot rectify even a birth

chart without the help of some yogi or tantrik or jagadguru etc. etc.

With regards,









, " lion_draco1983 "

<lion_draco1983@> wrote:



> dear grp


> This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6


> b4 .


> again correct predictions frm incorrect data ( u can add maya the


> to varahamihira the charlattan all adjectivs to old rishis and


> depending on vocabulary taught by AKK gr8 vedic pundit who knows 4


> 18 puranas and 108 upanishats and 64 sastras .)




> regrds Vijayaraghavan .





> 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the


> decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

sound the

> assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do


> we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with


> dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good

> prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with


> Herschel and Neptune included.


> We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to


> annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra

> Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under


> The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable




> I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons

> which is what I must state here first.



> 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is

> what all historians of USA accept as being correct.



> 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with

> which we have been familiar.


> 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes

of 4

> July but with different time.


> 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same data


> given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering

> nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

undistinguished in

> battle fields.


> 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it


> the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel

> Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really

> great entrepreneurs.


> While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of


> Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I


> found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



> Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea

of it

> being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house

> shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power

> status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.


> Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

Moon in

> the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of


> and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the


> of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on


> day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> international policy and will openly be against abortion.



> [2]



> Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

policy of

> no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

abortion as

> their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

importance of

> muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable


> chart.


> World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation

of US

> aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush,


> " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.


> The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on


> basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13

> October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane

> astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:


> a) Foreign plots hatched against it.


> b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever


> USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,


> with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> non-military manner.


> c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

house of

> war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)

> doubly must show aggression.


> To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for


> the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as


> here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

horoscope was

> retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological


> which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both

> retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is

an old

> research of mine about war.


> USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh

> house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars

> retrograde aspected by Saturn.


> A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US

> chart being used should be made first.





> Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898


> Rahu ending 14 October 1916


> As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its


> of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as


> Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records


> it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed


> course against Germany.


> Jupiter ending 13 October 1932


> As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the


> Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so



> Saturn ending 14 October 1951


> Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this


> in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl

> Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,


> the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> international involvement was total.


> Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well


> in world history should be verified here.


> 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which

> started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only


> President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship


> many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before the

> Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on

> 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here


> as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by


> will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.


> 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century


> in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the

> second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by


> Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There

was no

> recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable


> chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

FDR to

> overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury


> of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a

> recovery here.


> 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the


> lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all



> 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

mahadasha of

> Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha.


> Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was

in the

> dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the

> targets of terrorist attacks.


> On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the


> cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon

> which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in


> seventh house of war?


> In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun


> Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

rashi of

> Mars.


> Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon


> As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big

> national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it


> given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been

> commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an


> question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world "


> Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)


> One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of

> Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what


> Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it


> way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or

> support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile

> regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda,


> did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every


> group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "


> A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of


> is:


> The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

something in

> the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

each of

> which USA will be participating.


> (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)


> There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the


> war is over.


> (Mars 14 March 2003


> It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.


> Rahu 11 September 2004


> A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a

> decision to use more dangerous weapons.


> It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13

> August 2007).


> Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed


> nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible


> But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a

> breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse


> its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).


> What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable


> are.


> 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have

> suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise


> occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed

> later)


> 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable

> change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> Constitution "


> 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world


> world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> Read what Chomsky has to say.


> Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India

> would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan


> get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> interests.


> Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in


> country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

Afghanistan. "



> KN RAO 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the


> decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

sound the

> assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do


> we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with


> dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good

> prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with


> Herschel and Neptune included.


> We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to


> annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra

> Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under


> The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable




> I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons

> which is what I must state here first.



> 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is

> what all historians of USA accept as being correct.



> 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with

> which we have been familiar.


> 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes

of 4

> July but with different time.


> 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same data


> given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering

> nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

undistinguished in

> battle fields.


> 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it


> the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel

> Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really

> great entrepreneurs.


> While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of


> Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I


> found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been



> Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea

of it

> being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house

> shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power

> status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.


> Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

Moon in

> the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of


> and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the


> of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on


> day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> international policy and will openly be against abortion.



> [2]



> Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

policy of

> no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

abortion as

> their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

importance of

> muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable


> chart.


> World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation

of US

> aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush,


> " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.


> The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on


> basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13

> October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane

> astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:


> a) Foreign plots hatched against it.


> b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever


> USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,


> with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> non-military manner.


> c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

house of

> war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)

> doubly must show aggression.


> To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for


> the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as


> here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

horoscope was

> retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological


> which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both

> retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is

an old

> research of mine about war.


> USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh

> house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars

> retrograde aspected by Saturn.


> A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US

> chart being used should be made first.





> Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898


> Rahu ending 14 October 1916


> As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its


> of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as


> Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records


> it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed


> course against Germany.


> Jupiter ending 13 October 1932


> As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the


> Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so



> Saturn ending 14 October 1951


> Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this


> in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl

> Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,


> the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> international involvement was total.


> Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well


> in world history should be verified here.


> 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which

> started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only


> President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship


> many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before the

> Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on

> 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here


> as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by


> will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.


> 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century


> in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the

> second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by


> Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There

was no

> recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable


> chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

FDR to

> overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury


> of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a

> recovery here.


> 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the


> lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all



> 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

mahadasha of

> Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha.


> Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was

in the

> dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the

> targets of terrorist attacks.


> On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the


> cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.


> What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon

> which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in


> seventh house of war?


> In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun


> Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

rashi of

> Mars.


> Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon


> As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big

> national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it


> given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been

> commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an


> question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world "


> Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)


> One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of

> Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what


> Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it


> way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or

> support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile

> regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda,


> did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every


> group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "


> A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of


> is:


> The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

something in

> the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

each of

> which USA will be participating.


> (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)


> There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the


> war is over.


> (Mars 14 March 2003


> It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.


> Rahu 11 September 2004


> A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a

> decision to use more dangerous weapons.


> It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13

> August 2007).


> Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed


> nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible


> But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a

> breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse


> its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).


> What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable


> are.


> 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have

> suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise


> occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed

> later)


> 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable

> change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> Constitution "


> 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world


> world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> Read what Chomsky has to say.


> Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India

> would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan


> get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> interests.


> Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in


> country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

Afghanistan. "



> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

category_id=3 & article_id=1\

> 84

> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

category_id=3 & article_id=\

> 184>



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kaul ji


thank god i thought u will call me numerologist too to win ur arguemnt .but for ur info i dont blv in western numerology or twisting name s given by parents where as i blv in vedic numerology and katapayathi systems which is more practised by our ancesters esp in kerala a land dont get destroyed by vedic astrology because they r using maya the mlecha's surya sidhantha .....


Now ur mail dont need any answer as it has no worth ,same jargons and same twisted logics where as i know one thing there is 36 types of medicinal systems used tru out world which is contrdicting each other frm each at least on theoretical basis but useful for humans ( Now u got a point -u can say medicine is not astrology ,so tell me that in ur reply too )


so i rejct all ur foolish progandas ,where as it is accroding to me is showing and predicting well in advance and prooving the efficacy of vedic astrology ,and u r very well aware of ur own lies .


i got my first info abt yogi karve frm a marwari frnd when he visited him while his father ( one of the richest in bombay business circles esp in his line of business ) was in ICU and all doctors told him ,we cannot giv any gaurantee and we hav no hope also as he is already around 80 .So he out of frustration was trying to do wat ever possible and he visited yogi karve by insistance of some one .He go there only to find a big crowd and he was disappointed and was thinking of returning but karve maharaj called him frm crowd and told him i know for what u come here but u dont worry nothing will happen to ur father for next 4 yrs ,even b4 getting to know what realy happened yogi ji switch over to some other person and he returned frm there .but after few days his father strted showing signs of recovery and then was dischrged as healthy person again and still sitting in his office .even we can see yogi ji dont use any charts nor even the person dont ask him anything .


i am using only one example as i am not interested nor i blv u ppl will change


Now ur turn to reply with all twisted logics kaul ji ( pls call max these words ,modern parashara ,abhinava varhamihira ,mlecha ,charlattan etc ,use it as when required in ur reply always )


regrds VijayaRaghavan


, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved wrote:>> Shri Vijayaraghavanji (I think Vijaya and Raghavan are two > separate "parts" of one and the same "name"--but maybe numerologists > have advised you to join them together!)> > Namaskar!> <This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6 > yrs b4.>> > That is after 226 years of the US of A having gained independence.> > <Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes of 4> July but with different time.>> > Two cheers for astrology! No concensus, as usual, for as many as 226 > years on the actual birthtime! Fighting among themselves like > Kilkenny cats on the exact timings---like they are about Ayanamshas!!> > <we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western> astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with > different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a > single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their > research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.>> > It appears to be an obituary of astrology instead of a eulogy!> > <While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of Yogi> Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I have> found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been > cast.> > > That "confession" really takes the cake! No jyotishi can even sneeze > without the help of "supernomral powers" of one or the other yogi or > tantrik or his holiness of the art of one thing or the other!> The million dollar question is that if some yogi/tantrik/his holiness > of the art of something or the other, can see through > his "supernormal powers" as to what happened more than two hundred > years back in a place thousands of kilometers away from where he was > located at that time, why in the world could he not foresee as to > what was going to happen in a few decades! > Such yogis should have written their own "Prophecies"! After all, if > Nostradamus could make a fool of the whole world under the influence > of an overdose of marijuana, why can't such yogis, "in exercise of > the powers vested in them" foresee and foretell anything and > everything at least about their own "Rishi-bhoomi"!> Ironically, one of yogis is also said to have "discovered" a > particular ayanamsha---but sadly for that yogi, nobody is using it > now---all his "shishyas" have switched their loyalties to "almighty" > Lahiri!> Again, tut, tut, tut for that poor yogi! > > But then we must not forget that it is just like an andha pangu nyaya-> --all such yogis who want astrology as crutches are pangu---apahij--> whereas the jyotishis who cannot see anything even in the present---> leave alone the future or the past---without there help are andha!> > Ram milayee jodi! Ek andha ek kauree!> > So two cheers for asprining Varahamihiras and fake Parasharas, who > claim to be masters of astrology but cannot rectify even a birth > chart without the help of some yogi or tantrik or jagadguru etc. etc.> With regards,> AKK> > > > > > > > , "lion_draco1983" > lion_draco1983@ wrote:> >> > > > dear grp> > > > This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan 2002 ,6 > yrs> > b4 .> > > > again correct predictions frm incorrect data ( u can add maya the > mlecha> > to varahamihira the charlattan all adjectivs to old rishis and > savants> > depending on vocabulary taught by AKK gr8 vedic pundit who knows 4 > vedas> > 18 puranas and 108 upanishats and 64 sastras .)> > > > > > > > regrds Vijayaraghavan .> > > > > > > > KN RAO> > 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM> > The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the > first> > decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how > sound the> > assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do > it> > we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western> > astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with > different> > dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good> > prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with > Pluto,> > Herschel and Neptune included.> > > > We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and> > controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to > make> > annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra> > Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under > scrutiny.> > The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable > horoscope.> > > > > > I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons> > which is what I must state here first.> > > > > > 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is> > what all historians of USA accept as being correct.> > > > > > 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with> > which we have been familiar.> > > > 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes > of 4> > July but with different time.> > > > 4) Yet,some western and "Vedic" astrologers have used the same data > and> > given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering> > nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most > undistinguished in> > battle fields.> > > > 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the> > elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it > not> > the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel> > Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really> > great entrepreneurs.> > > > While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of > Yogi> > Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I > have> > found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been > cast.> > > > Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea > of it> > being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house> > shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power> > status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.> > > > Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and > Moon in> > the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of > it> > and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the > swearing> > of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on > that> > day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive> > international policy and will openly be against abortion.> > > > > > [2]> > > > > > Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his > policy of> > no US aid being given to states or countries which supported > abortion as> > their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the > importance of> > muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable > supplementary> > chart.> > > > World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation > of US> > aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush, > when> > "Osama dead or alive" became almost a US slogan.> > > > The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on > the> > basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.> > > > Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13> > October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane> > astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:> > > > a) Foreign plots hatched against it.> > > > b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever > since> > USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally, > Britain,> > with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more> > non-military manner.> > > > c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the > house of> > war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)> > doubly must show aggression.> > > > To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for > 2001,on> > the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as > shown> > here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual > horoscope was> > retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological > point> > which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an> > aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both> > retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is > an old> > research of mine about war.> > > > USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh> > house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars> > retrograde aspected by Saturn.> > > > A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US> > chart being used should be made first.> > > > > > > > > > Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898> > > > Rahu ending 14 October 1916> > > > As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its > policy> > of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe> > Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as > the> > Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records > that> > it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed > 0the> > course against Germany.> > > > Jupiter ending 13 October 1932> > > > As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the > deadly> > Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so > many.> > > > Saturn ending 14 October 1951> > > > Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this > time> > in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl> > Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR, > after> > the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's> > international involvement was total.> > > > Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this> > horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well > known> > in world history should be verified here.> > > > 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which> > started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only > when> > President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship > carrying> > many Americans was sunk by German army."Wilson appeared before the> > Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on> > 6-4-1917." It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here > Saturn> > as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by > Mars> > will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.> > > > 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century > occured> > in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the> > second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The> > pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by > Mars.> > Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There > was no> > recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable > dasha> > chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of > FDR to> > overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury > period> > of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a> > recovery here.> > > > 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the> > mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the > seventh> > lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all > this.> > > > 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the > mahadasha of> > Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha. > Here> > Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was > in the> > dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the> > targets of terrorist attacks.> > > > On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the > horoscope> > cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.> > > > What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon> > which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in > the> > seventh house of war?> > > > In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun > and> > Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in> > thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the > rashi of> > Mars.> > > > Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon> > > > As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big> > national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it > has> > given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been> > commented upon thus: "Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an > open> > question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world" > (By> > Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)> > > > One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of> > Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what > President> > Bush said, "In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it > this> > way: "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or> > support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile> > regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda, > it> > did not end there. "It will not end," he said, "until every > terrorist> > group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."> > > > A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of > Moon> > is:> > > > The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be > something in> > the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in > each of> > which USA will be participating.> > > > (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)> > > > There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the > Afghan> > war is over.> > > > (Mars 14 March 2003> > > > It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.> > > > Rahu 11 September 2004> > > > A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a> > decision to use more dangerous weapons.> > > > It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13> > August 2007).> > > > Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed > Magha> > nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible > abatement.> > But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a> > breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse > than> > its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).> > > > What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable > inferences> > are.> > > > 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have> > suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise > to> > occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed> > later)> > > > 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable> > change as has been said by a US Senator thus" `There is no such> > thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit> > into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American> > Constitution"> > > > 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world > as> > world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.> > Read what Chomsky has to say.> > > > Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India> > would gain "nothing" by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan > but> > get a "kick in the face" if it came in the way of America's> > interests.> > > > Describing the US as the "world's biggest terrorist State", the> > self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in > his> > country, it was carrying on a "worse" kind of terrorism on > Afghanistan."> > > > > > KN RAO 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM> > The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of the > first> > decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how > sound the> > assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it. To do > it> > we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western> > astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with > different> > dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single good> > prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research with > Pluto,> > Herschel and Neptune included.> > > > We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and> > controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers to > make> > annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known Chaitra> > Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under > scrutiny.> > The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable > horoscope.> > > > > > I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many reasons> > which is what I must state here first.> > > > > > 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July 1776, is> > what all historians of USA accept as being correct.> > > > > > 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence with> > which we have been familiar.> > > > 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes > of 4> > July but with different time.> > > > 4) Yet,some western and "Vedic" astrologers have used the same data > and> > given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war mongering> > nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most > undistinguished in> > battle fields.> > > > 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the> > elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made it > not> > the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of Nobel> > Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of really> > great entrepreneurs.> > > > While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of > Yogi> > Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I > have> > found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been > cast.> > > > Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the idea > of it> > being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth house> > shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super power> > status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.> > > > Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and > Moon in> > the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note of > it> > and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the > swearing> > of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I commented on > that> > day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive> > international policy and will openly be against abortion.> > > > > > [2]> > > > > > Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his > policy of> > no US aid being given to states or countries which supported > abortion as> > their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the > importance of> > muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable > supplementary> > chart.> > > > World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the manifestation > of US> > aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President Bush, > when> > "Osama dead or alive" became almost a US slogan.> > > > The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart prepared on > the> > basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.> > > > Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from 13> > October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in mundane> > astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:> > > > a) Foreign plots hatched against it.> > > > b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever > since> > USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally, > Britain,> > with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more> > non-military manner.> > > > c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the > house of> > war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars, (Dhanista)> > doubly must show aggression.> > > > To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for > 2001,on> > the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was as > shown> > here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual > horoscope was> > retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same astrological > point> > which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an> > aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is both> > retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which is > an old> > research of mine about war.> > > > USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the seventh> > house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is Mars> > retrograde aspected by Saturn.> > > > A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in the US> > chart being used should be made first.> > > > > > > > > > Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898> > > > Rahu ending 14 October 1916> > > > As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its > policy> > of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe> > Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon as > the> > Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History, records > that> > it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed > 0the> > course against Germany.> > > > Jupiter ending 13 October 1932> > > > As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the > deadly> > Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so > many.> > > > Saturn ending 14 October 1951> > > > Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again, this > time> > in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded Pearl> > Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR, > after> > the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's> > international involvement was total.> > > > Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this> > horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years, well > known> > in world history should be verified here.> > > > 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War which> > started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively only > when> > President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship > carrying> > many Americans was sunk by German army."Wilson appeared before the> > Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was passed on> > 6-4-1917." It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here > Saturn> > as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected by > Mars> > will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.> > > > 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century > occured> > in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars aspecting the> > second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The> > pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by > Mars.> > Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges). There > was no> > recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a notable > dasha> > chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of > FDR to> > overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn Mercury > period> > of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give such a> > recovery here.> > > > 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the> > mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the > seventh> > lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all > this.> > > > 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the > mahadasha of> > Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the Chaturthamsha. > Here> > Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It was > in the> > dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have been the> > targets of terrorist attacks.> > > > On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the > horoscope> > cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.> > > > What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of Moon> > which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth lord in > the> > seventh house of war?> > > > In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by Sun > and> > Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in> > thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the > rashi of> > Mars.> > > > Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon> > > > As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of big> > national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder it > has> > given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have been> > commented upon thus: "Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is an > open> > question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the world" > (By> > Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)> > > > One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the end of> > Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what > President> > Bush said, "In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it > this> > way: "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or> > support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile> > regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al Qaeda, > it> > did not end there. "It will not end," he said, "until every > terrorist> > group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."> > > > A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha of > Moon> > is:> > > > The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be > something in> > the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in > each of> > which USA will be participating.> > > > (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)> > > > There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the > Afghan> > war is over.> > > > (Mars 14 March 2003> > > > It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock exchanges.> > > > Rahu 11 September 2004> > > > A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to a> > decision to use more dangerous weapons.> > > > It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn ending 13> > August 2007).> > > > Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed > Magha> > nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible > abatement.> > But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to USA a> > breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much worse > than> > its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).> > > > What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable > inferences> > are.> > > > 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will have> > suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to rise > to> > occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be discussed> > later)> > > > 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very unfavourable> > change as has been said by a US Senator thus" `There is no such> > thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit> > into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American> > Constitution"> > > > 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as world > as> > world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.> > Read what Chomsky has to say.> > > > Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said India> > would gain "nothing" by supporting the US offensive in Afghanistan > but> > get a "kick in the face" if it came in the way of America's> > interests.> > > > Describing the US as the "world's biggest terrorist State", the> > self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11 attacks in > his> > country, it was carrying on a "worse" kind of terrorism on > Afghanistan."> > > > > > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?> category_id=3 & article_id=1\> > 84> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?> category_id=3 & article_id=\> > 184>> >>

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Shri Viajaya Raghavanji,


Does it mean that some yogi has been ghost-writing the predictions of

some jyotishi, most of which have proved wrong?



, " lion_draco1983 "

<lion_draco1983 wrote:



> kaul ji




> thank god i thought u will call me numerologist too to win ur


> .but for ur info i dont blv in western numerology or twisting name s

> given by parents where as i blv in vedic numerology and katapayathi

> systems which is more practised by our ancesters esp in kerala a


> dont get destroyed by vedic astrology because they r using maya the

> mlecha's surya sidhantha .....




> Now ur mail dont need any answer as it has no worth ,same jargons


> same twisted logics where as i know one thing there is 36 types of

> medicinal systems used tru out world which is contrdicting each


> frm each at least on theoretical basis but useful for humans ( Now

u got

> a point -u can say medicine is not astrology ,so tell me that in ur

> reply too )




> so i rejct all ur foolish progandas ,where as it is accroding to me


> showing and predicting well in advance and prooving the efficacy of

> vedic astrology ,and u r very well aware of ur own lies .




> i got my first info abt yogi karve frm a marwari frnd when he


> him while his father ( one of the richest in bombay business

circles esp

> in his line of business ) was in ICU and all doctors told him ,we


> giv any gaurantee and we hav no hope also as he is already around


> .So he out of frustration was trying to do wat ever possible and he

> visited yogi karve by insistance of some one .He go there only to

find a

> big crowd and he was disappointed and was thinking of returning but

> karve maharaj called him frm crowd and told him i know for what u


> here but u dont worry nothing will happen to ur father for next 4


> ,even b4 getting to know what realy happened yogi ji switch over to


> other person and he returned frm there .but after few days his


> strted showing signs of recovery and then was dischrged as healthy

> person again and still sitting in his office .even we can see yogi


> dont use any charts nor even the person dont ask him anything .




> i am using only one example as i am not interested nor i blv u ppl


> change




> Now ur turn to reply with all twisted logics kaul ji ( pls call max

> these words ,modern parashara ,abhinava

varhamihira ,mlecha ,charlattan

> etc ,use it as when required in ur reply always )




> regrds VijayaRaghavan





> , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Vijayaraghavanji (I think Vijaya and Raghavan are two

> > separate " parts " of one and the same " name " --but maybe


> > have advised you to join them together!)

> >

> > Namaskar!

> > <This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan

2002 ,6

> > yrs b4.>

> >

> > That is after 226 years of the US of A having gained independence.

> >

> > <Majority of western astrologers have used different horoscopes

of 4

> > July but with different time.>

> >

> > Two cheers for astrology! No concensus, as usual, for as many as


> > years on the actual birthtime! Fighting among themselves like

> > Kilkenny cats on the exact timings---like they are about


> >

> > <we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> > astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with

> > different dates, different time and never succeeded in making a

> > single good prediction on the basis of what they claim is their

> > research with Pluto, Herschel and Neptune included.>

> >

> > It appears to be an obituary of astrology instead of a eulogy!

> >

> > <While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of


> > Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I


> > found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been

> > cast.>

> >

> > That " confession " really takes the cake! No jyotishi can even


> > without the help of " supernomral powers " of one or the other yogi


> > tantrik or his holiness of the art of one thing or the other!

> > The million dollar question is that if some yogi/tantrik/his


> > of the art of something or the other, can see through

> > his " supernormal powers " as to what happened more than two hundred

> > years back in a place thousands of kilometers away from where he


> > located at that time, why in the world could he not foresee as to

> > what was going to happen in a few decades!

> > Such yogis should have written their own " Prophecies " ! After all,


> > Nostradamus could make a fool of the whole world under the


> > of an overdose of marijuana, why can't such yogis, " in exercise of

> > the powers vested in them " foresee and foretell anything and

> > everything at least about their own " Rishi-bhoomi " !

> > Ironically, one of yogis is also said to have " discovered " a

> > particular ayanamsha---but sadly for that yogi, nobody is using it

> > now---all his " shishyas " have switched their loyalties

to " almighty "

> > Lahiri!

> > Again, tut, tut, tut for that poor yogi!

> >

> > But then we must not forget that it is just like an andha pangu


> > --all such yogis who want astrology as crutches are pangu---


> > whereas the jyotishis who cannot see anything even in the present-


> > leave alone the future or the past---without there help are andha!

> >

> > Ram milayee jodi! Ek andha ek kauree!

> >

> > So two cheers for asprining Varahamihiras and fake Parasharas, who

> > claim to be masters of astrology but cannot rectify even a birth

> > chart without the help of some yogi or tantrik or jagadguru etc.


> > With regards,

> > AKK

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " lion_draco1983 "

> > lion_draco1983@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > dear grp

> > >

> > > This article is appeared in Journal of astrology Mag in jan

2002 ,6

> > yrs

> > > b4 .

> > >

> > > again correct predictions frm incorrect data ( u can add maya


> > mlecha

> > > to varahamihira the charlattan all adjectivs to old rishis and

> > savants

> > > depending on vocabulary taught by AKK gr8 vedic pundit who

knows 4

> > vedas

> > > 18 puranas and 108 upanishats and 64 sastras .)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > regrds Vijayaraghavan .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > KN RAO

> > > 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> > > The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of


> > first

> > > decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

> > sound the

> > > assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it.

To do

> > it

> > > we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> > > astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with

> > different

> > > dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single


> > > prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research


> > Pluto,

> > > Herschel and Neptune included.

> > >

> > > We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> > > controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers


> > make

> > > annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known


> > > Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under

> > scrutiny.

> > > The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable

> > horoscope.

> > >

> > >

> > > I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many


> > > which is what I must state here first.

> > >

> > >

> > > 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July

1776, is

> > > what all historians of USA accept as being correct.

> > >

> > >

> > > 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence


> > > which we have been familiar.

> > >

> > > 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different


> > of 4

> > > July but with different time.

> > >

> > > 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same


> > and

> > > given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war


> > > nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

> > undistinguished in

> > > battle fields.

> > >

> > > 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> > > elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made


> > not

> > > the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of


> > > Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of


> > > great entrepreneurs.

> > >

> > > While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of

> > Yogi

> > > Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I

> > have

> > > found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been

> > cast.

> > >

> > > Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the


> > of it

> > > being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth


> > > shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super


> > > status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.

> > >

> > > Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

> > Moon in

> > > the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note


> > it

> > > and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the

> > swearing

> > > of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I

commented on

> > that

> > > day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> > > international policy and will openly be against abortion.

> > >

> > >

> > > [2]

> > >

> > >

> > > Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

> > policy of

> > > no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

> > abortion as

> > > their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

> > importance of

> > > muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable

> > supplementary

> > > chart.

> > >

> > > World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the


> > of US

> > > aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President


> > when

> > > " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.

> > >

> > > The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart

prepared on

> > the

> > > basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

> > >

> > > Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from


> > > October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in


> > > astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:

> > >

> > > a) Foreign plots hatched against it.

> > >

> > > b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever

> > since

> > > USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,

> > Britain,

> > > with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> > > non-military manner.

> > >

> > > c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

> > house of

> > > war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars,


> > > doubly must show aggression.

> > >

> > > To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for

> > 2001,on

> > > the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was


> > shown

> > > here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

> > horoscope was

> > > retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same


> > point

> > > which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> > > aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is


> > > retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which


> > an old

> > > research of mine about war.

> > >

> > > USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the


> > > house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is


> > > retrograde aspected by Saturn.

> > >

> > > A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in

the US

> > > chart being used should be made first.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898

> > >

> > > Rahu ending 14 October 1916

> > >

> > > As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its

> > policy

> > > of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> > > Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon


> > the

> > > Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History,


> > that

> > > it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed

> > 0the

> > > course against Germany.

> > >

> > > Jupiter ending 13 October 1932

> > >

> > > As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the

> > deadly

> > > Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so

> > many.

> > >

> > > Saturn ending 14 October 1951

> > >

> > > Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again,


> > time

> > > in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded


> > > Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,

> > after

> > > the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> > > international involvement was total.

> > >

> > > Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> > > horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years,


> > known

> > > in world history should be verified here.

> > >

> > > 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War


> > > started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively


> > when

> > > President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship

> > carrying

> > > many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before


> > > Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was

passed on

> > > 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here

> > Saturn

> > > as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected


> > Mars

> > > will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.

> > >

> > > 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century

> > occured

> > > in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars

aspecting the

> > > second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> > > pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by

> > Mars.

> > > Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges).


> > was no

> > > recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a


> > dasha

> > > chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

> > FDR to

> > > overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn


> > period

> > > of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give

such a

> > > recovery here.

> > >

> > > 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> > > mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the

> > seventh

> > > lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all

> > this.

> > >

> > > 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

> > mahadasha of

> > > Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the


> > Here

> > > Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It


> > in the

> > > dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have

been the

> > > targets of terrorist attacks.

> > >

> > > On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the

> > horoscope

> > > cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

> > >

> > > What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of


> > > which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth

lord in

> > the

> > > seventh house of war?

> > >

> > > In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by


> > and

> > > Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> > > thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

> > rashi of

> > > Mars.

> > >

> > > Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon

> > >

> > > As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of


> > > national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder


> > has

> > > given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have


> > > commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is


> > open

> > > question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the

world "

> > (By

> > > Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)

> > >

> > > One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the

end of

> > > Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what

> > President

> > > Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it

> > this

> > > way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to

harbor or

> > > support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a


> > > regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al


> > it

> > > did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every

> > terrorist

> > > group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "

> > >

> > > A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha


> > Moon

> > > is:

> > >

> > > The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

> > something in

> > > the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

> > each of

> > > which USA will be participating.

> > >

> > > (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)

> > >

> > > There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the

> > Afghan

> > > war is over.

> > >

> > > (Mars 14 March 2003

> > >

> > > It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock


> > >

> > > Rahu 11 September 2004

> > >

> > > A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to


> > > decision to use more dangerous weapons.

> > >

> > > It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn

ending 13

> > > August 2007).

> > >

> > > Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed

> > Magha

> > > nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible

> > abatement.

> > > But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to


> > > breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much


> > than

> > > its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).

> > >

> > > What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable

> > inferences

> > > are.

> > >

> > > 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will


> > > suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to


> > to

> > > occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be


> > > later)

> > >

> > > 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very


> > > change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> > > thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> > > into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> > > Constitution "

> > >

> > > 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as


> > as

> > > world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> > > Read what Chomsky has to say.

> > >

> > > Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said


> > > would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in


> > but

> > > get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> > > interests.

> > >

> > > Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> > > self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11

attacks in

> > his

> > > country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

> > Afghanistan. "

> > >

> > >

> > > KN RAO 30 September 2008, 5:23 PM

> > > The big debate will go on now for some years and at the end of


> > first

> > > decade of the Gregorian twenty first century, we will know how

> > sound the

> > > assessment has been. We are concerned astrologically with it.

To do

> > it

> > > we need a horoscope of USA which is not a settled one as western

> > > astrologers have used nearly sixteen different horoscopes with

> > different

> > > dates, different time and never succeeded in making a single


> > > prediction on the basis of what they claim is their research


> > Pluto,

> > > Herschel and Neptune included.

> > >

> > > We have waited long enough and watched all these debates and

> > > controversies. It has been quite easy for us Hindu astrologers


> > make

> > > annual predictions about USA on the basis of our well known


> > > Shukla Pratipada horoscope but it is limited to the year under

> > scrutiny.

> > > The problem can be solved only if we decided on a dependable

> > horoscope.

> > >

> > >

> > > I have decided the horoscope given here as correct for many


> > > which is what I must state here first.

> > >

> > >

> > > 1) There is no doubt in my mind that the date chosen,4 July

1776, is

> > > what all historians of USA accept as being correct.

> > >

> > >

> > > 2) USA celebrates 4 July every year as her day of independence


> > > which we have been familiar.

> > >

> > > 3) Majority of western astrologers have used different


> > of 4

> > > July but with different time.

> > >

> > > 4) Yet,some western and " Vedic " astrologers have used the same


> > and

> > > given Dhanu lagna which would make USA a disastrously war


> > > nation while history has recorded US soldiers as most

> > undistinguished in

> > > battle fields.

> > >

> > > 5) Some others have given Vrischika lagna not even applying the

> > > elementary principle of mundane astrology which would have made


> > not

> > > the great creative and rich nation it is with its long list of


> > > Prize winners and great scientists, industrialists and men of


> > > great entrepreneurs.

> > >

> > > While I had been working on it for some years, I got the help of

> > Yogi

> > > Karve who gave me the time through his supernormal power which I

> > have

> > > found very helpful many times. On this basis this horoscope been

> > cast.

> > >

> > > Till Yogi Karve gave me this time, I had been toying with the


> > of it

> > > being Kanya lagna but 4th July all right from where the tenth


> > > shows, Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Venus which will show its super


> > > status, unparalled in the recorded history of world.

> > >

> > > Changing it to Simha lagna, I found a strong eleventh house and

> > Moon in

> > > the seventh house as the twelfth lord. I had kept a mental note


> > it

> > > and had requested friends in USA to give to me the time of the

> > swearing

> > > of President Bush on 20 January 2001. When I got it, I

commented on

> > that

> > > day itself, that the new US president would follow an aggressive

> > > international policy and will openly be against abortion.

> > >

> > >

> > > [2]

> > >

> > >

> > > Immediately after assuming office, President Bush declared his

> > policy of

> > > no US aid being given to states or countries which supported

> > abortion as

> > > their policies. Western astrologers did not even know the

> > importance of

> > > muhurta chart, till I pointed out that it was a valuable

> > supplementary

> > > chart.

> > >

> > > World had to wait till 11 September 2001, to see the


> > of US

> > > aggression as was seen in the oath taking chart of President


> > when

> > > " Osama dead or alive " became almost a US slogan.

> > >

> > > The question then was, if it was reflected in the chart

prepared on

> > the

> > > basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

> > >

> > > Interestingly, here we find the mahadasha of Moon starting from


> > > October 2001. Moon here has three clear significations in


> > > astrology. As the twelfth lord it must show:

> > >

> > > a) Foreign plots hatched against it.

> > >

> > > b) Expenditure increasing which is what has been happening ever

> > since

> > > USA decided to fight the Afghan war with only one active ally,

> > Britain,

> > > with other coalition partners helping the war efforts in a more

> > > non-military manner.

> > >

> > > c) The mood of aggression which Moon in the seventh house, the

> > house of

> > > war, must show. This Moon being in the nakshatra of Mars,


> > > doubly must show aggression.

> > >

> > > To make assurance doubly sure, the annual horoscope of USA for

> > 2001,on

> > > the basis of this date was cast and the planetary position was


> > shown

> > > here. Here one strikingly spectacular factor in the annual

> > horoscope was

> > > retrograde Mars in the seventh house showing the same


> > point

> > > which the swearing in horoscope of President Bush had shown, an

> > > aggression. Here it is surer indication because this Mars is


> > > retrograde and is aspected by Saturn in Rohini nakshatra which


> > an old

> > > research of mine about war.

> > >

> > > USA is now involved in a war in the mahadasha of Moon in the


> > > house as the twelfth lord and in the annual horoscope, there is


> > > retrograde aspected by Saturn.

> > >

> > > A brief survey at the second cycle of Vimshottri mahadasha in

the US

> > > chart being used should be made first.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vimshottari mahadasha of Rahu from 13 October 1898

> > >

> > > Rahu ending 14 October 1916

> > >

> > > As the mahadasha of Rahu was ending USA prepared for ending its

> > policy

> > > of isolationism self imposed on itself through the famous Monroe

> > > Doctrine. After watching the progress of war in Europe, as soon


> > the

> > > Jupiter dasha started, it decided to jump into it. History,


> > that

> > > it was the powerful participation of USA in the war that changed

> > 0the

> > > course against Germany.

> > >

> > > Jupiter ending 13 October 1932

> > >

> > > As the Jupiter dasha was ending, USA got itself engulfed in the

> > deadly

> > > Depression of 1929 whose effects was a financial ruination of so

> > many.

> > >

> > > Saturn ending 14 October 1951

> > >

> > > Saturn as the seventh lord of war, had to involve USA again,


> > time

> > > in the Second World War. It came after the Japanese bombarded


> > > Harbour. Whole of Saturn dasha saw USA trying to encircle USSR,

> > after

> > > the war was over, through a series of military pacts. USA's

> > > international involvement was total.

> > >

> > > Astrologically, no better corroboration is needed to accept this

> > > horoscope as correct. But some more events of the past years,


> > known

> > > in world history should be verified here.

> > >

> > > 1)The first verifiable fact is USA joining the First World War


> > > started in the Rahu-Moon period though USA joined it actively


> > when

> > > President Wilson took the decision to join after a British ship

> > carrying

> > > many Americans was sunk by German army. " Wilson appeared before


> > > Congress to ask for declaration of war and resolution was

passed on

> > > 6-4-1917. " It was the period of Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn and here

> > Saturn

> > > as the sixth and the seventh lord, in the second house aspected


> > Mars

> > > will show attack both on Americans and also USA joining the war.

> > >

> > > 2) The great Depression of the thirties of the twentieth century

> > occured

> > > in the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Mars

aspecting the

> > > second and the fifth house representing the stock exchange. The

> > > pratyantara dasha was of Saturn, in the second house aspected by

> > Mars.

> > > Jupiter is the fifth lord of speculation (stock exchanges).


> > was no

> > > recovery till the antardasha of Rahu was over. It being a


> > dasha

> > > chiddra it took USA many years under the astute presidentship of

> > FDR to

> > > overcome which must have come almost at the end of Saturn


> > period

> > > of this horoscope. Mercury, as the eleventh lord, has to give

such a

> > > recovery here.

> > >

> > > 3)USA joined the Second World War in Sun-Moon antardashas in the

> > > mahadasha of Saturn which is easily explainable. Saturn as the

> > seventh

> > > lord and Moon in the seventh house are clear explanations of all

> > this.

> > >

> > > 4) The WTO disaster of 11 September 2001 took place in the

> > mahadasha of

> > > Sun in the eighth house (as the fourth lord) of the


> > Here

> > > Sun receives the terrible aspects of both Mars and Saturn. It


> > in the

> > > dasha of Sun that US properties outside and inside USA have

been the

> > > targets of terrorist attacks.

> > >

> > > On this basis we need not have any hesitation in accepting the

> > horoscope

> > > cast on the basis of the time given by Yogi Karve.

> > >

> > > What then are the results one should expect in the mahadasha of


> > > which has begun from October 2001, the dasha of the twelfth

lord in

> > the

> > > seventh house of war?

> > >

> > > In navamsha Moon, as the eighth lord, is with Mars aspected by


> > and

> > > Saturn. In the dashamansha it comes under Rahu/Ketu axis and in

> > > thrimshamsha it is again in the seventh house with Mars in the

> > rashi of

> > > Mars.

> > >

> > > Analysis of the mahadasha of Moon

> > >

> > > As the twelfth lord in the seventh house, Moon is the period of


> > > national drain, enormous expenditure and exhaustion. No wonder


> > has

> > > given to president Bush a mood to become belligerent which have


> > > commented upon thus: " Where Mr. Bush now takes this doctrine is


> > open

> > > question, but he has painted his mission broadly across the

world "

> > (By

> > > Patrick E Tyler, 20 November 2001, Times London)

> > >

> > > One should not expect USA to get out of the war mood till the

end of

> > > Moon dasha of full ten years as will also be clear from what

> > President

> > > Bush said, " In his Sept. 20 address to Congress, Mr. Bush put it

> > this

> > > way: " From this day forward, any nation that continues to

harbor or

> > > support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a


> > > regime. He added that while the war on terror began with Al


> > it

> > > did not end there. " It will not end, " he said, " until every

> > terrorist

> > > group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. "

> > >

> > > A brief hint that can be from each antardasha in the mahadasha


> > Moon

> > > is:

> > >

> > > The features of Moon mahadashas visible are: there will be

> > something in

> > > the nature of a world war, not a continuous war but many wars in

> > each of

> > > which USA will be participating.

> > >

> > > (Moon-Moon beginning 13 August 2001)

> > >

> > > There will be no end to the fight that has begun even after the

> > Afghan

> > > war is over.

> > >

> > > (Mars 14 March 2003

> > >

> > > It will be a period of national agony and crashing stock


> > >

> > > Rahu 11 September 2004

> > >

> > > A fearful stock market crash and terrible US losses can lead to


> > > decision to use more dangerous weapons.

> > >

> > > It will go on like this till the antardasha is over Saturn

ending 13

> > > August 2007).

> > >

> > > Sometime towards the end of 2007, when Saturn will have crossed

> > Magha

> > > nakshatra in Simha, the war will begin to show some visible

> > abatement.

> > > But Rahu will take some more years to reach Dhanu to give to


> > > breather. The final experience of it all for USA will be much


> > than

> > > its Vietnamese misadventure (1956-74).

> > >

> > > What will be the likely consequences of all this ? Drawable

> > inferences

> > > are.

> > >

> > > 1) USA's position as a super power in an unipolar world will


> > > suffered its worst damage. China in the meantime will begin to


> > to

> > > occupy position as the most dreaded world power. (will be


> > > later)

> > >

> > > 2)World view of Islam as a religion will undergo a very


> > > change as has been said by a US Senator thus " `There is no such

> > > thing as peaceful Islam,'' Lind said. ``Islamics cannot fit

> > > into an America in which the first loyalty is to the American

> > > Constitution "

> > >

> > > 3) What will be the assessment made of USA being described as


> > as

> > > world's biggest terrorist state is left to the readers to judge.

> > > Read what Chomsky has to say.

> > >

> > > Kolkata, Oct. 22. (PTI): Noted thinker Noam Chomsky today said


> > > would gain " nothing " by supporting the US offensive in


> > but

> > > get a " kick in the face " if it came in the way of America's

> > > interests.

> > >

> > > Describing the US as the " world's biggest terrorist State " , the

> > > self-confessed anarchist said following the September 11

attacks in

> > his

> > > country, it was carrying on a " worse " kind of terrorism on

> > Afghanistan. "

> > >

> > >

> > > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

> > category_id=3 & article_id=1\

> > > 84

> > > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?

> > category_id=3 & article_id=\

> > > 184>

> > >

> >


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