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Traces of astrology long back in indians and how reached europe ( not frm greeks

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dear grp


i am saving time by not typing too much as this beggers who ever it is calender charlatan one or science fraud or both r not ready to see it in acutal way ,so why i shud waist my energy where as i will show them the lite or they will hav to delete this grp ,


Tail peice



I cannot b a fool asking scientific theorem to smiths in our area who make beautiful idols even pancha Loha ( 5 metal combo ) but even science today cannot explain how metals with diffrnt melting points and freezing points they make idols ,so it is fraud right ,but they will giv u idols ,so charlatans too.Also greeks taught them or maya the mlecha other wise how india/indians can do it ?? ( now i will get reply frm this frauds that this is not predictiv astrology ,yes sure space science is predictiv astrology other wise why astrology deals with all aspect of human life )


even when i asked this smiths they use this maya the mlecha' s principle for melting and making ( muhurthas ,time and nakshtras ) and doing it .And working in their daily life too ,but we must reject it as we r scientific ppl


so all frauds s --all the best for u ( long liv ur stupid calender which has no use anywhere in world not even to agriculture ppl who depends on rain atleast )




PS-Any way sri -sanat jain did u see the memebrship growth since i joined here ,now has additional 70 plus since i joined in weeks time .It proves ur stand is correct???why grp was dad ( ur accent ) b4 .pls post ur grp starting muhurtha ,do u follow AKK calender???his panchanga ??






Hare Rama Krishna,Dear LakshmiCurses have a long history in Europe.Indeed Europen culture isreplete with poetic,artistic and even musical expressions of cursesand redemption from curses and maledictions.The immortal Italiancomposer G.Verdi's Opera, Rigoletto starts with a famous curse andthe entire opera unfolds the fulfillment of this curse. Later thesame composer in another work (Trovatore) deals with curses ofgypsies. The great German composer R. Wagner monumental "Ring" (4operas in the cycle)deals with a "grand" curse and the redemptionfrom it by Love. Even in his last opera, "Parsifal"(5 hours long),the main motive and the plot is a curse of a Rishi- unexpectedly,according to the ancient legend, Christ himself. (On the way tocucifixion, he paused by an open window, where a jewish prostituteby the name of "Kundry" entertained some Roman nobility.(You canimagine the scene. Pretty x rated)As Christ looked up the window,Kundry mocked him and laughed at his suffering. Then Christ calmlypronounced a curse: you shall see no death but live with your shameever after. (or something like that). The entire Opera in 5+ hoursdeals with the aftermath and the eventual absolution (in the lastact).The music is as Divine as it is soulwrenching.In the "El Amor Brujo" by the great Spanish composer, Manuel DeFallashows us the dark aspects of the "gypsy curse". (Unfortunately thetitle is untranslatable, many have tried but failed. "Brujo" meanssorcerer, El Amor, is of course love. Perhaps Love magic- I wouldcall it vashikaran+akarshan). The Hungarian Composer Liszt evenwrote a short piano concerto with the title: "Malediction"! Lookslike the Europeans in the 19th and early 20th century cursed a lot.(or were fascinated by it.)Back to the gypsies. In the country of my origin there are about 1million gypsies, or Roma people. In neighboring Romania there aremany, many more.Quite a sizable gypsy population exists in Spain andin other European countries They are organized in variousclans,casts and even tribes.As is well known, the Roma people camefrom India. Many has retained some ancient esoteric knowledge,expertise in the occult ars, black arts, magic and that sort ofthings. (Perhaps the remnants of some tantric vidyas).They have a socalled "grand curse" which is performed by old widows who areespecially trained in herbalogy,medicine,incantations etc.This "Grand Curse" is done extremely rarely, and only on Amavasya!Of course black magic and these sort of things are as old as thehills.Every culture and country has some of it.However, I know ofone example when it was performed: the Hapsburg Curse.In 1850 (or 51) the universally loved and respected Prime Ministerof Hungary (then newly independent) was executed by fireing squad,upon the explicit order of the Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph ofthe Hapsburg House. The story is itself quite interesting, but Ishall not digress here.(Europe was outraged and even the US Senatecondemned it in 1851)Now the Prime minister was't just anybody but ablue blooded noble, with large landholdings, territories,castles ,followings etc. Historians today argue, the Emperor wasvery young and under the influence of his mother, who for somereason of her own, pushed for this execution. However, the Primeminister also had a mother, and hell knows no fury when "Ma" isangry….And she was in rage! She has gathered her paraphernalia andwith the help of the Romany Gypsies (after all on her estates therewere large Gypsy encampments), according to some accounts,the "GrandCurse" was performed. She cursed the hell out of the Hapsburg House.Something like : "… and you shall know 10 times the pain which Ifeel now.+++" (in otherwords: quite a professional "Maran".) Itcertainly stuck to the Hapsburg house.Something more about the European Gypsies. As you may wellknow,there are a few so called "Black Madonnas" in Europe.Thesestatues are especially venerated (by the Gypsies, and alsoothers).There is a famous one in Chartres Cathedral (France)anotherin Northern Spain (Montserrat), then yet another one in Switzerland(Einsideln) and even in Poland there is a well known Black Madonna.(There are others as well in Germany, France and Italy- not manythough.) Now the Gypsies as I have said before,especially veneratethese black Madonnas, calling her "Kali Ma". We must not be toofixated by a charter of a thing, rather look for the function.These "Murtis", for this is what it is, function as "Kali Ma" forthe Gypsies.They must have retained the power contacts, rites,incantations etc. On certain festival occasions thousands, nay tensof thousands will congregate and worship her according to ancientpractices.To gain entrance into secret rites and practices,especially knowing anything about the "Grand Curse" is impossible.Whether Countess Batthyanyi (the mother of the slain Prime minister)was an initiate of these practices is anybody's guess…or she justavailed herself of some "professionals in the Gypsy camps? We canonly conjecture here.As an interesting footnote to this, I may add, that an Aghori toldme some time ago (and I am here remembering back to the late 1980s), that the Royal House of Nepal was cursed by a Nepalese Aghori.He narrated to me that King Birendra insulted the leader of theAghoris with something. Trust me: you definitely do not want to beat the receiving end of an Aghori's wrath! Then my Aghori toldme: "King Birendra is finished. And the whole dynasty." I justwonder what took so long. Aghoris are professionals in these sort ofthings.Incidentally, in earlier posts there were some comments aboutPratyangira Devi.Her Pujas and Homams are best performed atAMAVASYA! She is often invoked to removethe effects of sorcery, witchcraft, black magic and thelike.Although- I would like to point out- the worship and saddhanasof Pratyangira Devi enables the sadhak to cut through all illusions,the fruits of which can be gleaned in such works as the Ribhu Gitaor Avadhut Gita. About Pratyangira Devi- Ma willing- I shall writeagain.I trust that I have answered your question adequately.With deep respect to all:AJsohamsa , Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:>> Hare Rama Krishna> Dear AJ,> Interesting post!.> Can you please give more detail or give the info regarding thisstatement.> " The well known curse on the Hapsburg House, the royal familyof Austria/Hungary> was "done" on Amavasya,"> Thank-you> Lakshmi>> Arpad Joo <panchasila wrote:> -> Hare Rama Krishna,> Dear Sanjay>> There is a curious parallel in ancient greek mythology withregards> to Krishna paksha chaturdashi and Amavasya.> On chaturdashi tithi (Krishna paksha) Goddess Persephone, the> beautiful and chaste/innocent daughter was abducted forcibly by> Hades (alias Pluto- NOT the planet) who is the Ruler of the> Underworld ( a sort of Lunar figure)and on Amavasya she was raped.> Unfortunately there was no way back for her (in the greek> tradition),though she was allowed to return once a year.(Ancient> Greeks celebrated the return of Persephone every year with great> festivals). While the abduction and rape went on, the Goddess> Hecate, whose image is a widow, an old crone, (a sort of Devi of> witchcraft,occult arts and incantations) looked on and witnessedthe> whole thing.(She is a lunar Goddess)> The symbolism is clear enough.> For the last several thousand years in Europe (yes Europe),black> magicians, witches performed their curses during chaturdashi and> Amavasya.Some of them were quite accomplished in these "blackarts",> if the annals of history is to be believed. Even today Italian> witches celebrate "Hecate's" moon on these days. The well known> curse on the Hapsburg House, the royal family of Austria/Hungary> was "done" on Amavasya, and if ever a curse "worked" surely this> was it. Among the effects: the Crown Prince (Rudolph)commited> suicide together with his girlfriend,the Empress was assassinatedby> an Italian anarchist in Geneva,the Royal couple's daughter died of> fever,another cousin Maximilian was executed in Mexico, a sisterof> the Emperor ended her life in the insane asylum and finally thenew> Crown Prince of the Empire,(nephew of the Emperor),Franz Ferdinand> was asassinated together with his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia.(1914)> (starting the first world war, incidentally).The Empire was> finished.The Republic of Austria was created and the Hapsburg> dynasty was exiled from their native land. The curse was fulfilled> to the hilt.>> With deep respect to all>> A.J.>> -- In sohamsa , "Sanjay Rath" <sjrath@> wrote:> >> > Dear Vinayak> >> > The anger of Shiva was due to the Moon God cheating a Guru. Lord> Shiva is> > sworn to protect all Gurus of every parampara/tradition as He is> the> > embodiment of all knowledge. Chandra came to Brihaspati onKRISHNA> > CHATURDASI and then ran away with Guru's wife Tara. So LordShiva> lays curse> > ON THIS TITHI only.> >> > The on AMAVASYA Tara was raped by Chandra ...So KALI MATA lays> curse on this> > tithi and says that women born in this tithi suffer rape andloss> of purity> > and burn inside just as Tara did.> >> > ON PRATIPADA Chandra realised his mistake and returned Tara to> Brihaspati,> > so this is the Tithi for forgiveness and Agni/Gayatri mantra has> the power> > to remove all curses and bring forgiveness. Use Tulsi mala for> Gayatri> > mantra to get good results while red coral mala is the best as> Tulsi has> > Agni in it. Agni is Brahmana Guru> >> > That should clarify> >> > No curse on Tithi in sukla paksha> >> > Best Regards> >> > Sanjay Rath> >> >

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