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Respected members of the forum,


First of all welcome to all new members who joined our forum for

vibrant discussion on astrology. Members may be happy to note that

within a very short time we have +200 members. Hope you will continue

to invite your friends for improving the level of discussion.


During the month we have very good interaction. Thanks for your very

active participation in discussion relating to predictive astrology,

raising various points, reading, observing etc. in your own ways.

During this period you may have observed that most of the members are

silently reading the msg. I will like to request you to please offer

your comments either in favour or in opposition of any point. This is

your forum and only forum discussing the science of astrology that

too without any prior approval of moderator on any msg. Because

discussion is the best way of learning and improving our knowledge.

Our sages were also used to take part in `shastrath' (discussion).

Only point, which may be remembered is that you must be within

astrology (and allied) and never use filthy language against any

member of the forum. We are only discussing astrology and not

settling any personal or religious score. Hence every member may

alert me if discussion is beyond permissible limit.


There are many astrologers in the forum, who are active in other

forums but silent in this forum. They may have decided for not

discussing and may have classified this forum as anti astrology. But,

this forum is not anti-astrology but it is for exploring any science

or Vedang in astrology, which is being propagated by astrologers for

their livelihood instead of infusing the concept of self-confidence,

hard labour, improving knowledge thus supporting the Karm theory of

Lord Krishna. Thus only blind faith will not survive in coming years.

So how long innocent and ignorant members may continue to be

exploited by astrologers? Though many members may not be astrologer

but may have interest in astrology due to vide publicity in media

etc. and they may not have even imagined that they are wrong. Hence

it is very essential that every member must know ground realities and

always clarify their doubts if any. Remember, a question is always a

gateway of knowledge so never kill your inquisitiveness and always

analyze your blind faith.


Perhaps this may be the only forum where opposite views are welcome,

otherwise almost all forums do not want to allow any opposite msg.

And moderator / astrologer are happy in sailing in safe pond among

like minded innocent members, who are worried about their job,

marriage etc. But actual acid test of ship is always in high sea and

not in port. Hence I am always inviting astrologers and individuals

who are interested in astrology either they have opposite views or



We have discussed many points. Position of some points has been

incorporated in various SOA________ files and these files will be

updated in due course according to discussion on some point (I have

shortage of time but new files will definitely be added). Hence you

may offer your comments on any point in SOA files or in " Astrology a

science or myth " file or may pick up any point from msgs. Some

astrologers have also left the forum or observing long silence

because they were not able to scientifically or logically defend

their stand in support of astrology and they have only blind faith on

astrology without any substance. Thus members can realize as to how

predictive astrology was fabricated around false footings and

astrologers neither have any solid argument in support of their stand

nor they have sufficient study. Unfortunately astrologers are more

interested in their business instead of sparing some time to know the

bare truth behind astrology. Thus actually they them-selves are

unaware and convincing others to follow their path.


Almost all members may also be associated with many other forums;

hence I will like to request you to please invite your friends (they

may either be in favour or against astrology, but may be interested

in analysis of predictive astrology as science) to this forum, so

that we may have different and diversified views for learning and

thinking. I am continuously inviting astrologers to come forward with

their stand, but as-usual they are more interested in exploiting

general innocent public in comparison to discussion. If some members

have little argument in support of any point then please do not

hesitate to share your views. As we are discussing various points

academically, scientifically with open mind and without any biased

attitude and there is nothing personal.


I hope you will continue to provide your full cooperation with active

discussion and not with silence and invite other astrologers to

support your stand. If all members may raise or defend their stand

then we may have very vibrant and useful reading material. For

initiating your discussion you may ask your-self as to whether

astrology is science? If it is science then :-

what is the basis of forming of sign and who decided the name of


How sign lord was decided? What is the basis of aspect and how they

were decided? Why friendship between planets ? Why exalted ? How

vinshotary dasha was formulated? How concept of Rahu and Ketu were

devised? What is Rahu or Ketu? What is Ayanansh and their affect?

……………………. And so on ……….you may add many more points.


Members may take help of friends of other forums too and may raise

these points in their forum for deciding the appropriate answer.

After discussing above points we will take some other points in due



If you have some email addresses of the individuals (astrologer or

general), whom you would like to invite in this forum, then either

you can invite them or intimate their email to me and I will

personally invite them.


If you have some suggestion or want to inform something personally

then you can also write to sanatkumar_jain. If any

member passes through Gwalior then he can meet me and can contact on



Thanks once again to every member,






Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically

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