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Fwd: Vedic astrology---the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

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WAVES-Vedic , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!


Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

pointed out by you. Hence the delay.


Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:



< Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

Indologist would say, the oldest

works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>


AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?


It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'--the greatest

fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?



< First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>


As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !



< Difficult to argue about it then.>


AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!


Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>



This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!



< OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

where the principles of Jyotish are described:>



Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!



< Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds

the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can


the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >



It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

" jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .


I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!


What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

sensuous phenomena " ---what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your



You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

+ avarah (paraschai-avarashcheti paravarah). They cannot be

interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

predictive gimmicks?


You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

(instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

yantra to mark the passage of time!


Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata –

nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

the Puranas!

On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

two boys " . (Gita Press translation)


Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.



The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!


The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " —---trying to

make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!


However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

through " supersensuous phenomena!---real jyotish, indeed!


Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

etc. leave alone the eclipses!



< You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some


<What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

that it was not existing even in His time.>



This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer---for the

simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!


Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?




< Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>



For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

from your discussions!


All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemistically known as Lahiri

Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " ---which " predict "

(calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !



< And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

they feel the need?>



Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

offspring---nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously



On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?


Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

is as simple as that!



< An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>



Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

predictive gimmicks!



< By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

artificial - that is why I am responding.>



" I am not a jyotishee " ---that statement really takes the cake! If you

are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

but a way to make a fool of a common man!


You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

them deliberately?) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation):


" Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

takes a northward turn " .


Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

in those shlokas?


I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

do not know anything about any other Purana!


You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

I am responding. "


What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

defending! What is your real motive?


I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

soothsayers before embarking on any plan!


But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .


In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !


With regards,

A K Kaul


WAVES-Vedic , " amritasyaputra "

<amritasyaputra@> wrote:


> Dear Mr. Kaul,


> Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "


> it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned


> the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> authenticity of Jyotish from that side.


> First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads


> say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?


> OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:


> Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,


> Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds


> knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "


> Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the


> it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.


> You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> soothsayer! <

> What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> that it was not existing even in His time.


> >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of


> <

> Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.


> one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.


> Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel


> need?


> Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.


> Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> ethos of the<

> An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are


> favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.


> By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> artificial - that is why I am responding.


> With best wishes




> Shaas

> Germany




> WAVES-Vedic , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> >

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Thanks for the response.

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> ancient Vedic

> > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of


> > spiritual nature.>

> >

> > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does


> matter

> > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> unsure you

> > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > scriptures " actually!

> >

> > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > astrology " --the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> astrology " , the

> > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> >

> > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> whether " Vedic " or

> > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single


> from any

> > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> touched the

> > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> pole! Yet

> > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> Vedic

> > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> planets!

> >

> >

> >

> > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> as " Vedic

> > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> which talks

> > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff


> > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> those posts

> > again.

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an


> part of

> > the Vedic Literature>.

> >

> > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the


> darshanas

> > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the


> >

> > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not


> imported

> > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> have put

> > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are


> about!

> > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named


> Jyotisha,

> > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!


> they are

> > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> statements since

> > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> Lagadha of

> > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> state. It

> > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> talk of

> > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> mean

> > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> and lunar

> > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> etc. Rashis

> > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> >

> > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> the Vedas!

> >

> > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any


> the

> > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> proper

> > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> checking

> > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from


> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > Ramayana?>

> >

> >

> >

> > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a


> catch!

> > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the Mbh

> times

> > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part


> the same

> > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> win the

> > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> advise him

> > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome


> the war

> > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> Omnipresent

> > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> advised

> > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> heavens and if

> > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as


> just do

> > your duty and forget about the results " .

> >

> > I do not know whether you have really read either of the


> or not,

> > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> either of the

> > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that


> must be

> > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> demonstrate with

> > practical examples is that even if someone does have the


> of

> > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> disclose them!

> >

> > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you


> talking

> > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> the

> > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> proper muhurta

> > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> next day

> > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> fact that

> > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient


> who

> > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> thus clear

> > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> King

> > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> he just

> > kept quiet!

> >

> > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> through

> > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does


> mean?

> > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> >

> > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis---every

> type of

> > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> Ramayana or

> > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start


> > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure


> that

> > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos


> the

> > Vedas and other scriptures---in fact it is against the basic


> of Vedic

> > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> varan

> > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> know THAT " .

> > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> before

> > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> But our

> > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "


> just

> > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> their mercy

> > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said further

> >

> > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> truths and

> > wrong assumptions.>

> >

> >

> >

> > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior


> the

> > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> century BCE--

> > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika--- we did not have any


> > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> Mesha,

> > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> monstrous one

> > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And


> wonder,

> > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> make correct

> > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

was " spashatataro

> > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical

> work " —sic!)

> > according to him!

> >

> > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> astronomy

> > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the


> > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of


> the

> > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> correct over

> > the last couple of thousand years!

> >

> > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> flaunted by way

> > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> predictions by

> > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> themselves " Vedic

> > astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> same " Vedic

> > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and


> on wrong

> > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so


> >

> >

> >

> > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> Christmas on

> > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> Uttarayana—the

> > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> shortest day

> > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make


> entire

> > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve


> if they

> > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is


> better

> > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating


> the

> > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> >

> > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> our " friendly

> > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around


> do so!

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic , Shaas Ruzicka


> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> Vedic

> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata


> Ramayana?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> half truths

> > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> mentioned in

> > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> themes are

> > of completely spiritual nature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> integral part

> > of the Vedic Literature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > WIth best regards

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shaas

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> >

> > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May


> I have

> > missed that mantra/hymn/Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> (Jyotish

> > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical


> Medical

> > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> reference in

> > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> there is no

> > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> this

> > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> Greece as a

> > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> even the

> > concept of auspicious/inauspicious time/period.

> >

> > > With kind regards,

> >

> > > P.K.Sabhlok

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > waves-vedic

> >

> > > jyotirved@

> >

> > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> >

> > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the


> fraud on

> > the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen

Kaul "

> >

> > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> >

> > > Namaskar!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> >

> > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> >

> > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> >

> > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> Brihat

> >

> > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan


> to

> >

> > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> viz.

> >

> > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> >

> > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced


> >

> > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> >

> > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can


> >

> > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> no " jyotisha

> >

> > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja's yavana Jatakam to the most

> >

> > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this


> >

> > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> that

> >

> > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if


> >

> > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the


> >

> > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> for

> >

> > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> gunas!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> >

> > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> real

> >

> > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> >

> > > meaningful these days:

> >

> > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> >

> > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as


> >

> > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> >

> > > intellect " .

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> astrology "

> >

> > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> that

> >

> > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> >

> > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> really

> >

> > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> >

> > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about


> >

> > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> Pitra-

> >

> > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September


> >

> > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> against " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> >

> > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> the

> >

> > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> geography!

> >

> > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> take

> >

> > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> >

> > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they


> >

> > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15


> >

> > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become


> of

> >

> > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> with " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am


> >

> > > about!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> basically

> >

> > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

Vamadevas " ,

> >

> > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> this

> >

> > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> >

> > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> >

> > > With regards,

> >

> > > Avtar

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Ravilochanan "

> >

> > > <ravilochan_tn@> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> epics

> >

> > > or

> >

> > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers


> >

> > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search


> >

> > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> >

> > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.


> >

> > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> fruits.

> >

> > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> will

> >

> > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> good

> >

> > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> make

> >

> > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It


> >

> > > speaks

> >

> > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> Hindus

> >

> > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> visit

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> parents

> >

> > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an


> >

> > > part

> >

> > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> >

> > > Greek

> >

> > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > humbly

> >

> > > > Ravilochanan

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> >

> > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> >

> > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have said

> >

> > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.>

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> everybody

> >

> > > is

> >

> > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> >

> > > especially

> >

> > > > if

> >

> > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> >

> > > > ascertain

> >

> > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go


> >

> > > them!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> >

> > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> infatuation

> >

> > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> >

> > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> >

> > > forum!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> event

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> king

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would


> >

> > > allow

> >

> > > > him

> >

> > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow


> >

> > > > marriage

> >

> > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the


> of

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> bode

> >

> > > ill

> >

> > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> >

> > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers "

> >

> > > > only

> >

> > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date


> >

> > > time

> >

> > > > of

> >

> > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> >

> > > correct

> >

> > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> advising

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> >

> > > prince

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-


> -as

> >

> > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the


> >

> > > And

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> put

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who


> >

> > > shot

> >

> > > > dead

> >

> > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have


> >

> > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the


> >

> > > > General

> >

> > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they


> have

> >

> > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and


> >

> > > still

> >

> > > > be

> >

> > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> than

> >

> > > their

> >

> > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> results

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> newspapers

> >

> > > > were

> >

> > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> Vajpayee

> >

> > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained


> >

> > > > However,

> >

> > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> them

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> has

> >

> > > > become

> >

> > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> foreseen!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have also said

> >

> > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> >

> > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> as

> >

> > > > well.

> >

> > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse


> >

> > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is


> >

> > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> If

> >

> > > at

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> the

> >

> > > VE

> >

> > > > from

> >

> > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> constellation

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom


> >

> > > when

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that


> >

> > > > aversion

> >

> > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> >

> > > > actually a

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since


> is

> >

> > > > this

> >

> > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all


> >

> > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> >

> > > case

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> as " Vedic

> >

> > > > > astrology " ---they are actually defending adharma in the


> of

> >

> > > > dharma!

> >

> > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> >

> > > > > Regards,

> >

> > > > > AKK

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > HinduCalendar , Arul T <arul_thilak@>

> >

> > > wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> >

> > > infatuation

> >

> > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> had

> >

> > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by


> >

> > > months

> >

> > > > on

> >

> > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.Â

> >

> > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> impoverished

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > limited to ritualism:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-

> >

> > > 3482408,prtpage-

> >

> > > > 1.cms

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> >

> > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> with

> >

> > > a

> >

> > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it


> to

> >

> > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> >

> > > > education

> >

> > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> their

> >

> > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> >

> > > religious

> >

> > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which


> no

> >

> > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> discourse

> >

> > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> spiritual

> >

> > > > fervour

> >

> > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were


> at

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> >

> > > > monarchy. ....

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> >

> > > trust,

> >

> > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> Nepal

> >

> > > saw

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> Communist

> >

> > > > > China. .......

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this


> >

> > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on


> >

> > > > planet,

> >

> > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> >

> > > chose to

> >

> > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> Earlier

> >

> > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> >

> > > Suruwal.

> >

> > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> has

> >

> > > been

> >

> > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> visit

> >

> > > > China

> >

> > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> Singh

> >

> > > was

> >

> > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> invite

> >

> > > him

> >

> > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> post.

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> >

> > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> >

> > > Saraswati,

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> >

> > > > President,

> >

> > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> >

> > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> Ayodhya

> >

> > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties


> He

> >

> > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> `pada

> >

> > > > puja'

> >

> > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> also

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> was

> >

> > > with

> >

> > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> >

> > > Rajyalaxmi,

> >

> > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> >

> > > Sankaracharya

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> that

> >

> > > his

> >

> > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> Gyanendra's

> >

> > > > > desire to meet him.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>


> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> >

> > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> >

> > > greatest

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > > > > > akandabaratam

> >

> > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar


> >

> > > Kaul "

> >

> > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> >

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post


> >

> > > again.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> points

> >

> > > as

> >

> > > > to

> >

> > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> >

> > > > astrology,

> >

> > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> Vedic,

> >

> > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> correct

> >

> > > > days,

> >

> > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> >

> > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat


> >

> > > are

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> E.g.,

> >

> > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe


> in

> >

> > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it


> >

> > > > hardly

> >

> > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> >

> > > > centuries-

> >

> > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers "

> >

> > > > and

> >

> > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> debate

> > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen


> Schutz

> > gegen Massenmails.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >



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WAVES-Vedic , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!


Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

pointed out by you. Hence the delay.


Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:



< Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

Indologist would say, the oldest

works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>


AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?


It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'--the greatest

fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?



< First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>


As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !



< Difficult to argue about it then.>


AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!


Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>



This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!



< OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

where the principles of Jyotish are described:>



Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!



< Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds

the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can


the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >



It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

" jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .


I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!


What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

sensuous phenomena " ---what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your



You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

+ avarah (paraschai-avarashcheti paravarah). They cannot be

interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

predictive gimmicks?


You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

(instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

yantra to mark the passage of time!


Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata –

nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

the Puranas!

On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

two boys " . (Gita Press translation)


Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.



The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!


The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " —---trying to

make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!


However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

through " supersensuous phenomena!---real jyotish, indeed!


Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

etc. leave alone the eclipses!



< You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some


<What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

that it was not existing even in His time.>



This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer---for the

simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!


Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?




< Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>



For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

from your discussions!


All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemistically known as Lahiri

Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " ---which " predict "

(calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !



< And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

they feel the need?>



Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

offspring---nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously



On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?


Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

is as simple as that!



< An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>



Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

predictive gimmicks!



< By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

artificial - that is why I am responding.>



" I am not a jyotishee " ---that statement really takes the cake! If you

are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

but a way to make a fool of a common man!


You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

them deliberately?) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation):


" Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

takes a northward turn " .


Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

in those shlokas?


I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

do not know anything about any other Purana!


You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

I am responding. "


What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

defending! What is your real motive?


I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

soothsayers before embarking on any plan!


But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .


In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !


With regards,

A K Kaul


WAVES-Vedic , " amritasyaputra "

<amritasyaputra@> wrote:


> Dear Mr. Kaul,


> Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "


> it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned


> the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> authenticity of Jyotish from that side.


> First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads


> say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?


> OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:


> Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,


> Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds


> knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "


> Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the


> it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.


> You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> soothsayer! <

> What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> that it was not existing even in His time.


> >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of


> <

> Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.


> one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.


> Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel


> need?


> Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.


> Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> ethos of the<

> An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are


> favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.


> By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> artificial - that is why I am responding.


> With best wishes




> Shaas

> Germany




> WAVES-Vedic , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> >

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Thanks for the response.

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> ancient Vedic

> > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of


> > spiritual nature.>

> >

> > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does


> matter

> > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> unsure you

> > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > scriptures " actually!

> >

> > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > astrology " --the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> astrology " , the

> > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> >

> > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> whether " Vedic " or

> > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single


> from any

> > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> touched the

> > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> pole! Yet

> > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> Vedic

> > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> planets!

> >

> >

> >

> > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> as " Vedic

> > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> which talks

> > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff


> > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> those posts

> > again.

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an


> part of

> > the Vedic Literature>.

> >

> > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the


> darshanas

> > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the


> >

> > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not


> imported

> > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> have put

> > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are


> about!

> > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named


> Jyotisha,

> > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!


> they are

> > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> statements since

> > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> Lagadha of

> > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> state. It

> > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> talk of

> > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> mean

> > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> and lunar

> > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> etc. Rashis

> > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> >

> > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> the Vedas!

> >

> > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any


> the

> > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> proper

> > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> checking

> > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from


> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > Ramayana?>

> >

> >

> >

> > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a


> catch!

> > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the Mbh

> times

> > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part


> the same

> > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> win the

> > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> advise him

> > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome


> the war

> > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> Omnipresent

> > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> advised

> > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> heavens and if

> > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as


> just do

> > your duty and forget about the results " .

> >

> > I do not know whether you have really read either of the


> or not,

> > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> either of the

> > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that


> must be

> > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> demonstrate with

> > practical examples is that even if someone does have the


> of

> > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> disclose them!

> >

> > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you


> talking

> > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> the

> > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> proper muhurta

> > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> next day

> > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> fact that

> > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient


> who

> > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> thus clear

> > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> King

> > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> he just

> > kept quiet!

> >

> > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> through

> > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does


> mean?

> > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> >

> > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis---every

> type of

> > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> Ramayana or

> > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start


> > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure


> that

> > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos


> the

> > Vedas and other scriptures---in fact it is against the basic


> of Vedic

> > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> varan

> > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> know THAT " .

> > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> before

> > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> But our

> > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "


> just

> > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> their mercy

> > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said further

> >

> > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> truths and

> > wrong assumptions.>

> >

> >

> >

> > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior


> the

> > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> century BCE--

> > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika--- we did not have any


> > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> Mesha,

> > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> monstrous one

> > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And


> wonder,

> > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> make correct

> > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

was " spashatataro

> > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical

> work " —sic!)

> > according to him!

> >

> > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> astronomy

> > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the


> > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of


> the

> > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> correct over

> > the last couple of thousand years!

> >

> > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> flaunted by way

> > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> predictions by

> > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> themselves " Vedic

> > astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> same " Vedic

> > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and


> on wrong

> > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so


> >

> >

> >

> > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> Christmas on

> > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> Uttarayana—the

> > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> shortest day

> > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make


> entire

> > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve


> if they

> > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is


> better

> > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating


> the

> > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> >

> > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> our " friendly

> > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around


> do so!

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic , Shaas Ruzicka


> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> Vedic

> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata


> Ramayana?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> half truths

> > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> mentioned in

> > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> themes are

> > of completely spiritual nature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> integral part

> > of the Vedic Literature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > WIth best regards

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shaas

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> >

> > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May


> I have

> > missed that mantra/hymn/Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> (Jyotish

> > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical


> Medical

> > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> reference in

> > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> there is no

> > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> this

> > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> Greece as a

> > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> even the

> > concept of auspicious/inauspicious time/period.

> >

> > > With kind regards,

> >

> > > P.K.Sabhlok

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > waves-vedic

> >

> > > jyotirved@

> >

> > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> >

> > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the


> fraud on

> > the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen

Kaul "

> >

> > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> >

> > > Namaskar!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> >

> > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> >

> > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> >

> > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> Brihat

> >

> > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan


> to

> >

> > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> viz.

> >

> > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> >

> > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced


> >

> > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> >

> > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can


> >

> > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> no " jyotisha

> >

> > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja's yavana Jatakam to the most

> >

> > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this


> >

> > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> that

> >

> > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if


> >

> > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the


> >

> > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> for

> >

> > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> gunas!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> >

> > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> real

> >

> > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> >

> > > meaningful these days:

> >

> > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> >

> > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as


> >

> > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> >

> > > intellect " .

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> astrology "

> >

> > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> that

> >

> > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> >

> > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> really

> >

> > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> >

> > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about


> >

> > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> Pitra-

> >

> > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September


> >

> > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> against " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> >

> > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> the

> >

> > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> geography!

> >

> > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> take

> >

> > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> >

> > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they


> >

> > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15


> >

> > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become


> of

> >

> > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> with " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am


> >

> > > about!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> basically

> >

> > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

Vamadevas " ,

> >

> > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> this

> >

> > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> >

> > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> >

> > > With regards,

> >

> > > Avtar

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Ravilochanan "

> >

> > > <ravilochan_tn@> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> epics

> >

> > > or

> >

> > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers


> >

> > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search


> >

> > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> >

> > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.


> >

> > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> fruits.

> >

> > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> will

> >

> > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> good

> >

> > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> make

> >

> > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It


> >

> > > speaks

> >

> > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> Hindus

> >

> > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> visit

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> parents

> >

> > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an


> >

> > > part

> >

> > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> >

> > > Greek

> >

> > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > humbly

> >

> > > > Ravilochanan

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> >

> > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> >

> > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have said

> >

> > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.>

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> everybody

> >

> > > is

> >

> > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> >

> > > especially

> >

> > > > if

> >

> > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> >

> > > > ascertain

> >

> > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go


> >

> > > them!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> >

> > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> infatuation

> >

> > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> >

> > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> >

> > > forum!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> event

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> king

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would


> >

> > > allow

> >

> > > > him

> >

> > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow


> >

> > > > marriage

> >

> > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the


> of

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> bode

> >

> > > ill

> >

> > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> >

> > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers "

> >

> > > > only

> >

> > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date


> >

> > > time

> >

> > > > of

> >

> > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> >

> > > correct

> >

> > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> advising

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> >

> > > prince

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-


> -as

> >

> > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the


> >

> > > And

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> put

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who


> >

> > > shot

> >

> > > > dead

> >

> > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have


> >

> > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the


> >

> > > > General

> >

> > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they


> have

> >

> > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and


> >

> > > still

> >

> > > > be

> >

> > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> than

> >

> > > their

> >

> > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> results

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> newspapers

> >

> > > > were

> >

> > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> Vajpayee

> >

> > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained


> >

> > > > However,

> >

> > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> them

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> has

> >

> > > > become

> >

> > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> foreseen!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have also said

> >

> > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> >

> > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> as

> >

> > > > well.

> >

> > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse


> >

> > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is


> >

> > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> If

> >

> > > at

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> the

> >

> > > VE

> >

> > > > from

> >

> > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> constellation

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom


> >

> > > when

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that


> >

> > > > aversion

> >

> > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> >

> > > > actually a

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since


> is

> >

> > > > this

> >

> > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all


> >

> > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> >

> > > case

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> as " Vedic

> >

> > > > > astrology " ---they are actually defending adharma in the


> of

> >

> > > > dharma!

> >

> > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> >

> > > > > Regards,

> >

> > > > > AKK

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > HinduCalendar , Arul T <arul_thilak@>

> >

> > > wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> >

> > > infatuation

> >

> > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> had

> >

> > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by


> >

> > > months

> >

> > > > on

> >

> > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.Â

> >

> > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> impoverished

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > limited to ritualism:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-

> >

> > > 3482408,prtpage-

> >

> > > > 1.cms

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> >

> > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> with

> >

> > > a

> >

> > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it


> to

> >

> > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> >

> > > > education

> >

> > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> their

> >

> > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> >

> > > religious

> >

> > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which


> no

> >

> > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> discourse

> >

> > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> spiritual

> >

> > > > fervour

> >

> > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were


> at

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> >

> > > > monarchy. ....

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> >

> > > trust,

> >

> > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> Nepal

> >

> > > saw

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> Communist

> >

> > > > > China. .......

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this


> >

> > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on


> >

> > > > planet,

> >

> > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> >

> > > chose to

> >

> > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> Earlier

> >

> > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> >

> > > Suruwal.

> >

> > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> has

> >

> > > been

> >

> > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> visit

> >

> > > > China

> >

> > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> Singh

> >

> > > was

> >

> > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> invite

> >

> > > him

> >

> > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> post.

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> >

> > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> >

> > > Saraswati,

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> >

> > > > President,

> >

> > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> >

> > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> Ayodhya

> >

> > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties


> He

> >

> > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> `pada

> >

> > > > puja'

> >

> > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> also

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> was

> >

> > > with

> >

> > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> >

> > > Rajyalaxmi,

> >

> > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> >

> > > Sankaracharya

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> that

> >

> > > his

> >

> > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> Gyanendra's

> >

> > > > > desire to meet him.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>


> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> >

> > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> >

> > > greatest

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > > > > > akandabaratam

> >

> > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar


> >

> > > Kaul "

> >

> > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> >

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post


> >

> > > again.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> points

> >

> > > as

> >

> > > > to

> >

> > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> >

> > > > astrology,

> >

> > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> Vedic,

> >

> > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> correct

> >

> > > > days,

> >

> > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> >

> > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat


> >

> > > are

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> E.g.,

> >

> > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe


> in

> >

> > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it


> >

> > > > hardly

> >

> > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> >

> > > > centuries-

> >

> > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers "

> >

> > > > and

> >

> > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> debate

> > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen


> Schutz

> > gegen Massenmails.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >



--- End forwarded message ---


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WAVES-Vedic , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!


Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

pointed out by you. Hence the delay.


Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:



< Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

Indologist would say, the oldest

works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>


AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?


It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'--the greatest

fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?



< First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>


As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !



< Difficult to argue about it then.>


AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!


Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>



This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!



< OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

where the principles of Jyotish are described:>



Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!



< Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds

the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can


the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >



It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

" jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .


I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!


What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

sensuous phenomena " ---what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your



You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

+ avarah (paraschai-avarashcheti paravarah). They cannot be

interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

predictive gimmicks?


You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

(instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

yantra to mark the passage of time!


Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata –

nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

the Puranas!

On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

two boys " . (Gita Press translation)


Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.



The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!


The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " —---trying to

make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!


However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

through " supersensuous phenomena!---real jyotish, indeed!


Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

etc. leave alone the eclipses!



< You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some


<What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

that it was not existing even in His time.>



This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer---for the

simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!


Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?




< Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>



For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

from your discussions!


All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemistically known as Lahiri

Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " ---which " predict "

(calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !



< And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

they feel the need?>



Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

offspring---nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously



On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?


Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

is as simple as that!



< An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>



Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

predictive gimmicks!



< By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

artificial - that is why I am responding.>



" I am not a jyotishee " ---that statement really takes the cake! If you

are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

but a way to make a fool of a common man!


You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

them deliberately?) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation):


" Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

takes a northward turn " .


Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

in those shlokas?


I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

do not know anything about any other Purana!


You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

I am responding. "


What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

defending! What is your real motive?


I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

soothsayers before embarking on any plan!


But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .


In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !


With regards,

A K Kaul


WAVES-Vedic , " amritasyaputra "

<amritasyaputra@> wrote:


> Dear Mr. Kaul,


> Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "


> it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned


> the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> authenticity of Jyotish from that side.


> First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads


> say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?


> OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:


> Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,


> Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds


> knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "


> Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the


> it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.


> You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> soothsayer! <

> What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> that it was not existing even in His time.


> >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of


> <

> Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.


> one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.


> Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel


> need?


> Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.


> Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> ethos of the<

> An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are


> favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.


> By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> artificial - that is why I am responding.


> With best wishes




> Shaas

> Germany




> WAVES-Vedic , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> >

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Thanks for the response.

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> ancient Vedic

> > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of


> > spiritual nature.>

> >

> > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does


> matter

> > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> unsure you

> > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > scriptures " actually!

> >

> > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > astrology " --the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> astrology " , the

> > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> >

> > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> whether " Vedic " or

> > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single


> from any

> > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> touched the

> > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> pole! Yet

> > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> Vedic

> > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> planets!

> >

> >

> >

> > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> as " Vedic

> > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> which talks

> > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff


> > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> those posts

> > again.

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an


> part of

> > the Vedic Literature>.

> >

> > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the


> darshanas

> > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the


> >

> > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not


> imported

> > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> have put

> > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are


> about!

> > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named


> Jyotisha,

> > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!


> they are

> > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> statements since

> > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> Lagadha of

> > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> state. It

> > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> talk of

> > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> mean

> > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> and lunar

> > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> etc. Rashis

> > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> >

> > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> the Vedas!

> >

> > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any


> the

> > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> proper

> > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> checking

> > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from


> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > Ramayana?>

> >

> >

> >

> > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a


> catch!

> > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the Mbh

> times

> > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part


> the same

> > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> win the

> > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> advise him

> > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome


> the war

> > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> Omnipresent

> > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> advised

> > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> heavens and if

> > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as


> just do

> > your duty and forget about the results " .

> >

> > I do not know whether you have really read either of the


> or not,

> > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> either of the

> > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that


> must be

> > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> demonstrate with

> > practical examples is that even if someone does have the


> of

> > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> disclose them!

> >

> > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you


> talking

> > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> the

> > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> proper muhurta

> > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> next day

> > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> fact that

> > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient


> who

> > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> thus clear

> > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> King

> > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> he just

> > kept quiet!

> >

> > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> through

> > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does


> mean?

> > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> >

> > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis---every

> type of

> > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> Ramayana or

> > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start


> > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure


> that

> > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos


> the

> > Vedas and other scriptures---in fact it is against the basic


> of Vedic

> > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> varan

> > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> know THAT " .

> > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> before

> > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> But our

> > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "


> just

> > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> their mercy

> > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said further

> >

> > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> truths and

> > wrong assumptions.>

> >

> >

> >

> > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior


> the

> > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> century BCE--

> > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika--- we did not have any


> > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> Mesha,

> > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> monstrous one

> > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And


> wonder,

> > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> make correct

> > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

was " spashatataro

> > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical

> work " —sic!)

> > according to him!

> >

> > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> astronomy

> > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the


> > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of


> the

> > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> correct over

> > the last couple of thousand years!

> >

> > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> flaunted by way

> > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> predictions by

> > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> themselves " Vedic

> > astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> same " Vedic

> > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and


> on wrong

> > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so


> >

> >

> >

> > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> Christmas on

> > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> Uttarayana—the

> > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> shortest day

> > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make


> entire

> > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve


> if they

> > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is


> better

> > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating


> the

> > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> >

> > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> our " friendly

> > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around


> do so!

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic , Shaas Ruzicka


> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> Vedic

> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata


> Ramayana?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> half truths

> > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> mentioned in

> > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> themes are

> > of completely spiritual nature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> integral part

> > of the Vedic Literature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > WIth best regards

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shaas

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> >

> > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May


> I have

> > missed that mantra/hymn/Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> (Jyotish

> > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical


> Medical

> > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> reference in

> > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> there is no

> > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> this

> > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> Greece as a

> > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> even the

> > concept of auspicious/inauspicious time/period.

> >

> > > With kind regards,

> >

> > > P.K.Sabhlok

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > waves-vedic

> >

> > > jyotirved@

> >

> > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> >

> > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the


> fraud on

> > the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen

Kaul "

> >

> > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> >

> > > Namaskar!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> >

> > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> >

> > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> >

> > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> Brihat

> >

> > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan


> to

> >

> > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> viz.

> >

> > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> >

> > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced


> >

> > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> >

> > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can


> >

> > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> no " jyotisha

> >

> > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja's yavana Jatakam to the most

> >

> > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this


> >

> > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> that

> >

> > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if


> >

> > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the


> >

> > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> for

> >

> > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> gunas!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> >

> > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> real

> >

> > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> >

> > > meaningful these days:

> >

> > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> >

> > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as


> >

> > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> >

> > > intellect " .

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> astrology "

> >

> > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> that

> >

> > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> >

> > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> really

> >

> > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> >

> > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about


> >

> > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> Pitra-

> >

> > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September


> >

> > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> against " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> >

> > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> the

> >

> > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> geography!

> >

> > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> take

> >

> > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> >

> > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they


> >

> > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15


> >

> > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become


> of

> >

> > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> with " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am


> >

> > > about!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> basically

> >

> > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

Vamadevas " ,

> >

> > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> this

> >

> > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> >

> > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> >

> > > With regards,

> >

> > > Avtar

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Ravilochanan "

> >

> > > <ravilochan_tn@> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> epics

> >

> > > or

> >

> > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers


> >

> > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search


> >

> > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> >

> > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.


> >

> > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> fruits.

> >

> > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> will

> >

> > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> good

> >

> > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> make

> >

> > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It


> >

> > > speaks

> >

> > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> Hindus

> >

> > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> visit

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> parents

> >

> > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an


> >

> > > part

> >

> > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> >

> > > Greek

> >

> > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > humbly

> >

> > > > Ravilochanan

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> >

> > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> >

> > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have said

> >

> > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.>

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> everybody

> >

> > > is

> >

> > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> >

> > > especially

> >

> > > > if

> >

> > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> >

> > > > ascertain

> >

> > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go


> >

> > > them!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> >

> > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> infatuation

> >

> > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> >

> > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> >

> > > forum!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> event

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> king

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would


> >

> > > allow

> >

> > > > him

> >

> > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow


> >

> > > > marriage

> >

> > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the


> of

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> bode

> >

> > > ill

> >

> > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> >

> > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers "

> >

> > > > only

> >

> > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date


> >

> > > time

> >

> > > > of

> >

> > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> >

> > > correct

> >

> > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> advising

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> >

> > > prince

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-


> -as

> >

> > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the


> >

> > > And

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> put

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who


> >

> > > shot

> >

> > > > dead

> >

> > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have


> >

> > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the


> >

> > > > General

> >

> > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they


> have

> >

> > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and


> >

> > > still

> >

> > > > be

> >

> > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> than

> >

> > > their

> >

> > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> results

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> newspapers

> >

> > > > were

> >

> > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> Vajpayee

> >

> > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained


> >

> > > > However,

> >

> > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> them

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> has

> >

> > > > become

> >

> > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> foreseen!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have also said

> >

> > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> >

> > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> as

> >

> > > > well.

> >

> > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse


> >

> > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is


> >

> > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> If

> >

> > > at

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> the

> >

> > > VE

> >

> > > > from

> >

> > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> constellation

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom


> >

> > > when

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that


> >

> > > > aversion

> >

> > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> >

> > > > actually a

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since


> is

> >

> > > > this

> >

> > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all


> >

> > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> >

> > > case

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> as " Vedic

> >

> > > > > astrology " ---they are actually defending adharma in the


> of

> >

> > > > dharma!

> >

> > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> >

> > > > > Regards,

> >

> > > > > AKK

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > HinduCalendar , Arul T <arul_thilak@>

> >

> > > wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> >

> > > infatuation

> >

> > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> had

> >

> > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by


> >

> > > months

> >

> > > > on

> >

> > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.Â

> >

> > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> impoverished

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > limited to ritualism:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-

> >

> > > 3482408,prtpage-

> >

> > > > 1.cms

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> >

> > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> with

> >

> > > a

> >

> > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it


> to

> >

> > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> >

> > > > education

> >

> > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> their

> >

> > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> >

> > > religious

> >

> > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which


> no

> >

> > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> discourse

> >

> > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> spiritual

> >

> > > > fervour

> >

> > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were


> at

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> >

> > > > monarchy. ....

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> >

> > > trust,

> >

> > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> Nepal

> >

> > > saw

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> Communist

> >

> > > > > China. .......

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this


> >

> > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on


> >

> > > > planet,

> >

> > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> >

> > > chose to

> >

> > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> Earlier

> >

> > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> >

> > > Suruwal.

> >

> > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> has

> >

> > > been

> >

> > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> visit

> >

> > > > China

> >

> > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> Singh

> >

> > > was

> >

> > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> invite

> >

> > > him

> >

> > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> post.

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> >

> > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> >

> > > Saraswati,

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> >

> > > > President,

> >

> > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> >

> > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> Ayodhya

> >

> > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties


> He

> >

> > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> `pada

> >

> > > > puja'

> >

> > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> also

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> was

> >

> > > with

> >

> > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> >

> > > Rajyalaxmi,

> >

> > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> >

> > > Sankaracharya

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> that

> >

> > > his

> >

> > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> Gyanendra's

> >

> > > > > desire to meet him.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>


> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> >

> > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> >

> > > greatest

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > > > > > akandabaratam

> >

> > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar


> >

> > > Kaul "

> >

> > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> >

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post


> >

> > > again.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> points

> >

> > > as

> >

> > > > to

> >

> > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> >

> > > > astrology,

> >

> > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> Vedic,

> >

> > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> correct

> >

> > > > days,

> >

> > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> >

> > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat


> >

> > > are

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> E.g.,

> >

> > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe


> in

> >

> > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it


> >

> > > > hardly

> >

> > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> >

> > > > centuries-

> >

> > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers "

> >

> > > > and

> >

> > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> debate

> > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen


> Schutz

> > gegen Massenmails.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >



--- End forwarded message ---


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Great Avtar Krishan Kaul Ji,


You seem to be a Great Person, the actual Dada ji, knowing deep history of vedas

and astrology.


Indeed, your quotes are quite impressive. Challenging Predictions of Jyotish and



May I know, your brief introduction. As by matter of chance, I looked into this

topic. What is going on ? If I am not wrong, do you mean jyotish phal is only a

trick and nothing else?


Does that mean, we should not consult astrology and astrologers?



Pl. confirm. 


And what do you do? (I mean other than this disscussion).


Warm Regards











--- On Sat, 10/18/08, jyotishi2001 <jyotishi2001 wrote:


jyotishi2001 <jyotishi2001

[vedic astrology] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " ---the greatest fraud on

the Vedas!

vedic astrology

Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9:29 PM







WAVES-Vedic, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!


Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

pointed out by you. Hence the delay.


Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:



< Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

Indologist would say, the oldest

works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>


AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?


It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'-- the greatest

fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?



< First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>


As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !



< Difficult to argue about it then.>


AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!


Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>



This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!



< OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

where the principles of Jyotish are described:>



Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!



< Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds

the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can


the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >



It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

" jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .


I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!


What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

sensuous phenomena " -- -what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your



You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

+ avarah (paraschai-avarashc heti paravarah). They cannot be

interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

predictive gimmicks?


You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

(instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

yantra to mark the passage of time!


Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata –

nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

the Puranas!

On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

two boys " . (Gita Press translation)


Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.



The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!


The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " — ---trying to

make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!


However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

through " supersensuous phenomena!-- -real jyotish, indeed!


Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

etc. leave alone the eclipses!



< You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some


<What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

that it was not existing even in His time.>



This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer-- -for the

simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!


Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?



< Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>



For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

from your discussions!


All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemist ically known as Lahiri

Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " --- which " predict "

(calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !



< And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

they feel the need?>



Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

offspring--- nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously



On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?


Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

is as simple as that!



< An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>



Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

predictive gimmicks!



< By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

artificial - that is why I am responding.>



" I am not a jyotishee " -- -that statement really takes the cake! If you

are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

but a way to make a fool of a common man!


You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :


" Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

takes a northward turn " .


Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

in those shlokas?


I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

do not know anything about any other Purana!


You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

I am responding. "


What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

defending! What is your real motive?


I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

soothsayers before embarking on any plan!


But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .


In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !


With regards,

A K Kaul


WAVES-Vedic, " amritasyaputra "

<amritasyaputra@ > wrote:


> Dear Mr. Kaul,


> Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "


> it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned


> the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> authenticity of Jyotish from that side.


> First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads


> say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?


> OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:


> Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,


> Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which proceeds


> knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "


> Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the


> it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.


> You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> soothsayer! <

> What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> that it was not existing even in His time.


> >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of


> <

> Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.


> one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.


> Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel


> need?


> Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.


> Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> ethos of the<

> An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are


> favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.


> By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> artificial - that is why I am responding.


> With best wishes




> Shaas

> Germany




> WAVES-Vedic, " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> >

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Thanks for the response.

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> ancient Vedic

> > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of


> > spiritual nature.>

> >

> > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does


> matter

> > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> unsure you

> > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > scriptures " actually!

> >

> > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > astrology " -- the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> astrology " , the

> > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> >

> > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> whether " Vedic " or

> > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single


> from any

> > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> touched the

> > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> pole! Yet

> > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> Vedic

> > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> planets!

> >

> >

> >

> > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> as " Vedic

> > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> which talks

> > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff


> > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> those posts

> > again.

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an


> part of

> > the Vedic Literature>.

> >

> > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the


> darshanas

> > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the


> >

> > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not


> imported

> > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> have put

> > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are


> about!

> > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named


> Jyotisha,

> > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!


> they are

> > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> statements since

> > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> Lagadha of

> > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> state. It

> > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> talk of

> > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> mean

> > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> and lunar

> > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> etc. Rashis

> > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> >

> > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> the Vedas!

> >

> > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any


> the

> > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> proper

> > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> checking

> > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> >

> > You have said

> >

> > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from


> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > Ramayana?>

> >

> >

> >

> > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a


> catch!

> > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the Mbh

> times

> > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part


> the same

> > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> win the

> > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> advise him

> > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome


> the war

> > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> Omnipresent

> > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> advised

> > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> heavens and if

> > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as


> just do

> > your duty and forget about the results " .

> >

> > I do not know whether you have really read either of the


> or not,

> > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> either of the

> > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that


> must be

> > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> demonstrate with

> > practical examples is that even if someone does have the


> of

> > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> disclose them!

> >

> > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you


> talking

> > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> the

> > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> proper muhurta

> > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> next day

> > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> fact that

> > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient


> who

> > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> thus clear

> > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> King

> > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> he just

> > kept quiet!

> >

> > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> through

> > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does


> mean?

> > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> >

> > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis--- every

> type of

> > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> Ramayana or

> > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start


> > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure


> that

> > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos


> the

> > Vedas and other scriptures-- -in fact it is against the basic


> of Vedic

> > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> varan

> > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> know THAT " .

> > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> before

> > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> But our

> > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "


> just

> > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> their mercy

> > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > You have said further

> >

> > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> truths and

> > wrong assumptions. >

> >

> >

> >

> > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior


> the

> > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> century BCE--

> > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika- -- we did not have any


> > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> Mesha,

> > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> monstrous one

> > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And


> wonder,

> > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> make correct

> > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

was " spashatataro

> > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical

> work " —sic!)

> > according to him!

> >

> > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> astronomy

> > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the


> > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of


> the

> > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> correct over

> > the last couple of thousand years!

> >

> > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> flaunted by way

> > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> predictions by

> > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> themselves " Vedic

> > astrologers " .

> >

> >

> >

> > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> same " Vedic

> > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and


> on wrong

> > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so


> >

> >

> >

> > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> Christmas on

> > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> Uttarayana—the

> > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> shortest day

> > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make


> entire

> > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve


> if they

> > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is


> better

> > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating


> the

> > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> >

> > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> our " friendly

> > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around


> do so!

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic, Shaas Ruzicka

<amritasyaputra@ >

> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> Vedic

> > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata


> Ramayana?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> half truths

> > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> mentioned in

> > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> themes are

> > of completely spiritual nature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> integral part

> > of the Vedic Literature.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > WIth best regards

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shaas

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> >

> > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May


> I have

> > missed that mantra/hymn/ Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> (Jyotish

> > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical


> Medical

> > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> reference in

> > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> there is no

> > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> this

> > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> Greece as a

> > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> even the

> > concept of auspicious/inauspic ious time/period.

> >

> > > With kind regards,

> >

> > > P.K.Sabhlok

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> >

> > >

> >

> > > waves-vedic

> >

> > > jyotirved@

> >

> > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> >

> > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the


> fraud on

> > the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen

Kaul "

> >

> > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> >

> > > Namaskar!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> >

> > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> >

> > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> >

> > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> Brihat

> >

> > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan


> to

> >

> > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> viz.

> >

> > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> >

> > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced


> >

> > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> >

> > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can


> >

> > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> no " jyotisha

> >

> > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja' s yavana Jatakam to the most

> >

> > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this


> >

> > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> that

> >

> > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if


> >

> > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the


> >

> > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> for

> >

> > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> gunas!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> >

> > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> >

> > >

> >

> > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> real

> >

> > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> >

> > > meaningful these days:

> >

> > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> >

> > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as


> >

> > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> >

> > > intellect " .

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> astrology "

> >

> > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> that

> >

> > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> >

> > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> really

> >

> > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> >

> > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about


> >

> > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> Pitra-

> >

> > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September


> >

> > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> against " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> >

> > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> the

> >

> > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> geography!

> >

> > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> take

> >

> > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> >

> > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they


> >

> > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15


> >

> > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become


> of

> >

> > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> with " Vedic

> >

> > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am


> >

> > > about!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> basically

> >

> > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

Vamadevas " ,

> >

> > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> this

> >

> > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> >

> > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> >

> > > With regards,

> >

> > > Avtar

> >

> > >

> >

> > > HinduCalendar, " Ravilochanan "

> >

> > > <ravilochan_ tn@> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> epics

> >

> > > or

> >

> > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers


> >

> > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> taking

> >

> > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search


> >

> > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> >

> > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.


> >

> > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> fruits.

> >

> > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> will

> >

> > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> good

> >

> > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> make

> >

> > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It


> >

> > > speaks

> >

> > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> Hindus

> >

> > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> visit

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> parents

> >

> > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an


> >

> > > part

> >

> > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> >

> > > Greek

> >

> > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > humbly

> >

> > > > Ravilochanan

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> >

> > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> >

> > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have said

> >

> > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.>

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> everybody

> >

> > > is

> >

> > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> >

> > > especially

> >

> > > > if

> >

> > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> >

> > > > ascertain

> >

> > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go


> >

> > > them!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> >

> > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> infatuation

> >

> > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> >

> > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> >

> > > forum!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> event

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> king

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would


> >

> > > allow

> >

> > > > him

> >

> > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow


> >

> > > > marriage

> >

> > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the


> of

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> bode

> >

> > > ill

> >

> > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> >

> > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> >

> > > astrologers "

> >

> > > > only

> >

> > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date


> >

> > > time

> >

> > > > of

> >

> > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> >

> > > correct

> >

> > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> advising

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> >

> > > prince

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-


> -as

> >

> > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the


> >

> > > And

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> put

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who


> >

> > > shot

> >

> > > > dead

> >

> > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have


> >

> > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the


> >

> > > > General

> >

> > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they


> have

> >

> > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and


> >

> > > still

> >

> > > > be

> >

> > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> than

> >

> > > their

> >

> > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> results

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> newspapers

> >

> > > > were

> >

> > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> Vajpayee

> >

> > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained


> >

> > > > However,

> >

> > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> them

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> has

> >

> > > > become

> >

> > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> foreseen!

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > You have also said

> >

> > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> >

> > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> as

> >

> > > > well.

> >

> > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse


> >

> > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is


> >

> > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> If

> >

> > > at

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> the

> >

> > > VE

> >

> > > > from

> >

> > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> constellation

> >

> > > i.e.

> >

> > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom


> >

> > > when

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that


> >

> > > > aversion

> >

> > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> >

> > > > actually a

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since


> is

> >

> > > > this

> >

> > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all


> >

> > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> >

> > > case

> >

> > > > with

> >

> > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> as " Vedic

> >

> > > > > astrology " -- -they are actually defending adharma in the


> of

> >

> > > > dharma!

> >

> > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> >

> > > > > Regards,

> >

> > > > > AKK

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > HinduCalendar, Arul T <arul_thilak@ >

> >

> > > wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> >

> > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> >

> > > infatuation

> >

> > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> had

> >

> > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by


> >

> > > months

> >

> > > > on

> >

> > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in the 21st

> >

> > > century,

> >

> > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> >

> > > > revealing.Â

> >

> > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> impoverished

> >

> > > and

> >

> > > > > limited to ritualism:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ msid-

> >

> > > 3482408,prtpage-

> >

> > > > 1.cms

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> >

> > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> with

> >

> > > a

> >

> > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it


> to

> >

> > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> >

> > > > education

> >

> > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> their

> >

> > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> >

> > > religious

> >

> > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which


> no

> >

> > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> discourse

> >

> > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> spiritual

> >

> > > > fervour

> >

> > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were


> at

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> >

> > > > monarchy. ....

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> >

> > > trust,

> >

> > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> Nepal

> >

> > > saw

> >

> > > > it

> >

> > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> Communist

> >

> > > > > China. .......

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this


> >

> > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on


> >

> > > > planet,

> >

> > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> >

> > > chose to

> >

> > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> Earlier

> >

> > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> >

> > > Suruwal.

> >

> > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> has

> >

> > > been

> >

> > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> visit

> >

> > > > China

> >

> > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> Singh

> >

> > > was

> >

> > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> invite

> >

> > > him

> >

> > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> post.

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > >

http://www.hinduonn et.com/2002/ 06/27/stories/ 2002062703860100 .htm

> >

> > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> >

> > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> >

> > > Saraswati,

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> >

> > > > President,

> >

> > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> >

> > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> Ayodhya

> >

> > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties


> He

> >

> > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> `pada

> >

> > > > puja'

> >

> > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> also

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> was

> >

> > > with

> >

> > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> >

> > > Rajyalaxmi,

> >

> > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> >

> > > Sankaracharya

> >

> > > > who

> >

> > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> that

> >

> > > his

> >

> > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> Gyanendra's

> >

> > > > > desire to meet him.

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > QUOTE

> >

> > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> based

> >

> > > on

> >

> > > > the

> >

> > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> >

> > > > > > UNQUOTE

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > Â

> >

> > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>


> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> >

> > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> >

> > > greatest

> >

> > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> >

> > > > > > akandabaratam

> >

> > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar


> >

> > > Kaul "

> >

> > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> >

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> >

> > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post


> >

> > > again.

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> points

> >

> > > as

> >

> > > > to

> >

> > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> >

> > > > astrology,

> >

> > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> Vedic,

> >

> > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> correct

> >

> > > > days,

> >

> > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> >

> > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat


> >

> > > are

> >

> > > > all

> >

> > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> all

> >

> > > the

> >

> > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> E.g.,

> >

> > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe


> in

> >

> > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it


> >

> > > > hardly

> >

> > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> >

> > > > centuries-

> >

> > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers "

> >

> > > > and

> >

> > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> >

> > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> debate

> > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen


> Schutz

> > gegen Massenmails.

> >

> > > http://mail.

> >

> > >

> >



--- End forwarded message ---


--- End forwarded message ---






















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dear arnaveen ji / jyothishi ji (non /anti ???)




" jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .



Pls Ask avatara krishna ji to get real translation frm 2 good professers

in sanskrit (if they know astrology better as technical words can b

trnslated by subjuct experts only for eg -ayanam in this sloka ) and

giv us their name and conct number too


than his convenient translation which is deliberate or ignorent ,also

ask him to quote the context and also proceeding lines or full

discussions ,it will help ppl like who r staying far .


but his trnslations and further lines shows his ignorence in sanskrit

with my simple knowldge in malayalam shows ( most closest language with

sanskrit tho all languages has connection ),if they want i can get

translations but will it help ?since all his mails i am seeing a

----------- approach .




regrds varma .



vedic astrology , arnaveen mishra

<arnaveenmishra wrote:


> Great Avtar Krishan Kaul Ji,


> You seem to be a Great Person, the actual Dada ji, knowing deep

history of vedas and astrology.


> Indeed, your quotes are quite impressive. Challenging Predictions of

Jyotish and Jyotishies.


> May I know, your brief introduction. As by matter of chance, I looked

into this topic. What is going on ? If I am not wrong, do you mean

jyotish phal is only a trick and nothing else?


> Does that mean, we should not consult astrology and astrologers?


> Hmmmm....

> Pl. confirm.


> And what do you do? (I mean other than this disscussion).


> Warm Regards

> CM




--- On Sat, 10/18/08, jyotishi2001 jyotishi2001 wrote:


> jyotishi2001 jyotishi2001

> [vedic astrology] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " ---the greatest

fraud on the Vedas!

> vedic astrology

> Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9:29 PM

WAVES-Vedic, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> <jyotirved@> wrote:


> Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!


> Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

> pointed out by you. Hence the delay.


> Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:


> Sh-Ru:

> < Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

> Indologist would say, the oldest

> works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>


> AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?


> It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

> such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

> carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

> which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

> topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'-- the greatest

> fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

> predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

> Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

> simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

> it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

> astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?


> Sh-Ru:

> < First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>


> As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

> trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !


> Sh-Ru:

> < Difficult to argue about it then.>


> AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

> arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!


> Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>


> AKK:

> This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

> challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

> Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

> fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

> Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

> in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

> bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

> to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!


> Sh-Ru:

> < OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

> is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

> where the principles of Jyotish are described:>



> Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

> misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!


> Sh-Ru:

> < Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

> the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which


> the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can

> know

> the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >


> AKK:

> It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

> Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

> " jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

> Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .


> I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

> dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!


> What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

> not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

> have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

> sensuous phenomena " -- -what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

> which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

> soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

> these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

> phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your

> senses!


> You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

> as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

> + avarah (paraschai-avarashc heti paravarah). They cannot be

> interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

> Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

> antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

> effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

> and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

> predictive gimmicks?


> You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

> in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

> (instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

> yantra to mark the passage of time!


> Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

> Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

> meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

> have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

> However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata

> nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

> references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

> positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

> mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

> the Puranas!

> On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

> just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

> foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

> purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

> two boys " . (Gita Press translation)


> Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

> said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

> may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

> determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

> It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

> Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

> timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.

> themselves!


> The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

> they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

> the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

> B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

> Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

> much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

> that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

> etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

> suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!


> The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

> Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

> examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

> believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

> the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " — ---trying to

> make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

> are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!


> However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

> at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

> through " supersensuous phenomena!-- -real jyotish, indeed!


> Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

> mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

> like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

> around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

> longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

> etc. leave alone the eclipses!


> Sh-Ru:

> < You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> soothsayer!

> <What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> that it was not existing even in His time.>



> This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

> you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

> specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

> the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

> neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer-- -for the

> simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

> if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

> of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

> Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!


> Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

> hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

> Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

> Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

> hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

> to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

> entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

> not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

> not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

> Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


> want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

> since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

> not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?


> Sh-Ru

> < Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>



> For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

> from your discussions!


> All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

> fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

> Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemist ically known as Lahiri

> Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

> Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


> GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " --- which " predict "

> (calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

> shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

> but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

> like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

> the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

> very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

> fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

> measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

> alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

> hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

> recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

> had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

> positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

> That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !


> Sh-Ru

> < And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

> they feel the need?>



> Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

> any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

> floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

> or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

> greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

> miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

> offspring--- nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously

> built!


> On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

> themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

> and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

> thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

> any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

> Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

> have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

> praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

> that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?


> Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

> astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

> class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

> a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

> paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

> anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

> psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

> astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

> is as simple as that!


> Sh-Ru:

> < An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

> favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>



> Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

> predictive gimmicks!


> Sh-Ru

> < By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> artificial - that is why I am responding.>



> " I am not a jyotishee " -- -that statement really takes the cake! If you

> are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

> behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

> purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

> themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

> speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

> nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

> laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

> all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

> but a way to make a fool of a common man!


> You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

> or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

> the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

> you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

> them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

> 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :


> " Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

> luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

> three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

> by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

> Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

> going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

> positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

> the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

> shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

> par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

> the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

> five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

> Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

> become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

> traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

> Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

> proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

> the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

> takes a northward turn " .


> Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

> 12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

> have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

> viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

> in those shlokas?


> I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

> about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

> paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

> do not know anything about any other Purana!


> You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

> I am responding. "


> What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

> hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

> about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

> community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

> know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

> anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

> claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

> one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

> gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

> about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

> on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

> defending! What is your real motive?


> I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

> Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

> especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

> Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

> exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

> its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

> them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

> of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

> the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

> their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

> astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

> that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

> been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

> soothsayers before embarking on any plan!


> But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

> be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

> even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

> had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

> exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

> not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

> hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .


> In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

> in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !


> With regards,

> A K Kaul


> WAVES-Vedic, " amritasyaputra "

> <amritasyaputra@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr. Kaul,

> >

> > Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "

> but

> > it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned

> in

> > the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> > works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> > authenticity of Jyotish from that side.

> >

> > First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> > Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> > mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> > about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads

> you

> > say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?

> >

> > OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> > Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> > ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:

> >

> > Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

> the

> > Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which


> the

> > knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> > the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "

> >

> > Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> > Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the

> Veda

> > it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.

> >

> > You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> > soothsayer! <

> > What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> > consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> > does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> > Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> > that it was not existing even in His time.

> >

> > >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of

> soothsayers!

> > <

> > Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.

> No

> > one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> > Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.

> >

> > Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> > And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> > grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> > whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> > should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel

> the

> > need?

> >

> > Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.

> >

> > Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> > ethos of the<

> > An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> > advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are

> most

> > favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.

> >

> > By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> > artificial - that is why I am responding.

> >

> > With best wishes

> >


> >

> > Shaas

> > Germany

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic, " jyotirved " <jyotirved@>


> > >

> > > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> > >

> > > Namaskar!

> > >

> > > Thanks for the response.

> > >

> > > You have said

> > >

> > > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> > ancient Vedic

> > > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of

> completely

> > > spiritual nature.>

> > >

> > > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does

> not

> > matter

> > > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> > unsure you

> > > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > > scriptures " actually!

> > >

> > > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > > astrology " -- the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> > astrology " , the

> > > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> > >

> > > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> > whether " Vedic " or

> > > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single

> mantra

> > from any

> > > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> > touched the

> > > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> > pole! Yet

> > > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> > Vedic

> > > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> > planets!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> > as " Vedic

> > > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> > which talks

> > > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff

> and

> > > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> > those posts

> > > again.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > You have said

> > >

> > > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> integral

> > part of

> > > the Vedic Literature>.

> > >

> > > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the

> six

> > darshanas

> > > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the

> Vedas!

> > >

> > > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not

> only

> > imported

> > > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> > have put

> > > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are

> talking

> > about!

> > > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named

> Vedanga

> > Jyotisha,

> > > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!

> But

> > they are

> > > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> > statements since

> > > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> > Lagadha of

> > > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> > state. It

> > > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> > talk of

> > > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> > mean

> > > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> > and lunar

> > > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> > etc. Rashis

> > > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> > >

> > > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> > the Vedas!

> > >

> > > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any

> of

> > the

> > > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> > proper

> > > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> > checking

> > > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> > >

> > > You have said

> > >

> > > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> Vedic

> > > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > > Ramayana?>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a

> prize

> > catch!

> > > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the


> > times

> > > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part

> of

> > the same

> > > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> > win the

> > > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> > advise him

> > > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome

> of

> > the war

> > > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> > Omnipresent

> > > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> > advised

> > > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> > heavens and if

> > > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as

> such,

> > just do

> > > your duty and forget about the results " .

> > >

> > > I do not know whether you have really read either of the

> Itihasas

> > or not,

> > > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> > either of the

> > > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that

> we

> > must be

> > > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> > demonstrate with

> > > practical examples is that even if someone does have the

> capability

> > of

> > > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> > disclose them!

> > >

> > > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you

> are

> > talking

> > > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> > the

> > > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> > proper muhurta

> > > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> > next day

> > > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> > fact that

> > > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient

> Rishi,

> > who

> > > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> > thus clear

> > > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> > King

> > > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> > he just

> > > kept quiet!

> > >

> > > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> > through

> > > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does

> that

> > mean?

> > > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> > >

> > > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis--- every

> > type of

> > > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> > Ramayana or

> > > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start

> any

> > > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure

> you

> > that

> > > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos

> of

> > the

> > > Vedas and other scriptures-- -in fact it is against the basic

> tenet

> > of Vedic

> > > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> > varan

> > > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> > know THAT " .

> > > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> > before

> > > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> > But our

> > > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "

> are

> > just

> > > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> > their mercy

> > > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > You have said further

> > >

> > > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> > truths and

> > > wrong assumptions. >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior

> to

> > the

> > > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> > century BCE--

> > > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika- -- we did not have any

> indigenous

> > > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> > Mesha,

> > > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> > monstrous one

> > > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And

> no

> > wonder,

> > > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> > make correct

> > > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

> was " spashatataro

> > > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate


> > work " —sic!)

> > > according to him!

> > >

> > > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> > astronomy

> > > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the

> Hindu

> > > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of

> Maya

> > the

> > > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> > correct over

> > > the last couple of thousand years!

> > >

> > > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> > flaunted by way

> > > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> > predictions by

> > > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> > themselves " Vedic

> > > astrologers " .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> > same " Vedic

> > > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and

> muhurtas

> > on wrong

> > > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so

> on.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> > Christmas on

> > > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> > Uttarayana—the

> > > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> > shortest day

> > > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make

> the

> > entire

> > > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve

> only

> > if they

> > > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is

> no

> > better

> > > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating

> all

> > the

> > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> > >

> > > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> > our " friendly

> > > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around

> to

> > do so!

> > >

> > > With regards,

> > >

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > WAVES-Vedic, Shaas Ruzicka

> <amritasyaputra@ >

> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> > Vedic

> > > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata

> and

> > Ramayana?

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> > half truths

> > > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> > mentioned in

> > > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> > themes are

> > > of completely spiritual nature.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> > integral part

> > > of the Vedic Literature.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > WIth best regards

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Shaas

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> > >

> > > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May

> be

> > I have

> > > missed that mantra/hymn/ Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> > (Jyotish

> > > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical

> sciences,

> > Medical

> > > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> > reference in

> > > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> > there is no

> > > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> > this

> > > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> > Greece as a

> > > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> > even the

> > > concept of auspicious/inauspic ious time/period.

> > >

> > > > With kind regards,

> > >

> > > > P.K.Sabhlok

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > waves-vedic

> > >

> > > > jyotirved@

> > >

> > > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> > >

> > > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> greatest

> > fraud on

> > > the Vedas! (reposted)

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen

> Kaul "

> > >

> > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> > >

> > > > Namaskar!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> > >

> > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> > >

> > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> > taking

> > >

> > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> > >

> > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> > Brihat

> > >

> > > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan

> according

> > to

> > >

> > > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> > viz.

> > >

> > > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> > >

> > > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced

> by

> > >

> > > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> > >

> > > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can

> make

> > >

> > > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> > no " jyotisha

> > >

> > > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja' s yavana Jatakam to the most

> > >

> > > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this

> topic

> > >

> > > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> > that

> > >

> > > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if

> the

> > >

> > > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the

> most

> > >

> > > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> > for

> > >

> > > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> > gunas!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> > >

> > > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> > real

> > >

> > > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> > >

> > > > meaningful these days:

> > >

> > > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> > >

> > > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> > >

> > > > i.e.

> > >

> > > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as

> adharma)

> > >

> > > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> > >

> > > > intellect " .

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> > astrology "

> > >

> > > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> > that

> > >

> > > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> > >

> > > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> > really

> > >

> > > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> > >

> > > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about

> astrology

> > >

> > > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> > Pitra-

> > >

> > > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September

> 28,

> > >

> > > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> > against " Vedic

> > >

> > > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> > >

> > > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> > the

> > >

> > > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> > geography!

> > >

> > > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> > take

> > >

> > > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> > >

> > > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they

> have

> > >

> > > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> > >

> > > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15

> and

> > >

> > > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become

> clones

> > of

> > >

> > > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> > with " Vedic

> > >

> > > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am

> talking

> > >

> > > > about!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> > basically

> > >

> > > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

> Vamadevas " ,

> > >

> > > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> > this

> > >

> > > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> > >

> > > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> > >

> > > > With regards,

> > >

> > > > Avtar

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > HinduCalendar, " Ravilochanan "

> > >

> > > > <ravilochan_ tn@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> > epics

> > >

> > > > or

> > >

> > > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers

> before

> > >

> > > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> > taking

> > >

> > > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search

> of

> > >

> > > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> > >

> > > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.

> Our

> > >

> > > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> > fruits.

> > >

> > > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> > will

> > >

> > > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> > good

> > >

> > > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> > make

> > >

> > > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It

> only

> > >

> > > > speaks

> > >

> > > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> > Hindus

> > >

> > > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> > visit

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> > parents

> > >

> > > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an

> integral

> > >

> > > > part

> > >

> > > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> > >

> > > > Greek

> > >

> > > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > humbly

> > >

> > > > > Ravilochanan

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > >

> > > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> > >

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > You have said

> > >

> > > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in

the 21st

> > >

> > > > century,

> > >

> > > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> > >

> > > > > revealing.>

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> > everybody

> > >

> > > > is

> > >

> > > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> > >

> > > > especially

> > >

> > > > > if

> > >

> > > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> > >

> > > > > ascertain

> > >

> > > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go

> by

> > >

> > > > them!

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> > >

> > > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> > >

> > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> > infatuation

> > >

> > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> > >

> > > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> > >

> > > > forum!

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> > event

> > >

> > > > of

> > >

> > > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> > king

> > >

> > > > and

> > >

> > > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would

> not

> > >

> > > > allow

> > >

> > > > > him

> > >

> > > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow

> that

> > >

> > > > > marriage

> > >

> > > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the

> horoscope

> > of

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> > bode

> > >

> > > > ill

> > >

> > > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> > >

> > > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> > >

> > > > astrologers "

> > >

> > > > > only

> > >

> > > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date

> and

> > >

> > > > time

> > >

> > > > > of

> > >

> > > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> > >

> > > > correct

> > >

> > > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> > advising

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> > >

> > > > prince

> > >

> > > > > with

> > >

> > > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-

> --

> > -as

> > >

> > > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the

> contrary!

> > >

> > > > And

> > >

> > > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> > put

> > >

> > > > on

> > >

> > > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who

> was

> > >

> > > > shot

> > >

> > > > > dead

> > >

> > > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have

> been

> > >

> > > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the

> last

> > >

> > > > > General

> > >

> > > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they

> would

> > have

> > >

> > > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and

> would

> > >

> > > > still

> > >

> > > > > be

> > >

> > > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> > than

> > >

> > > > their

> > >

> > > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> > results

> > >

> > > > of

> > >

> > > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> > newspapers

> > >

> > > > > were

> > >

> > > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> > Vajpayee

> > >

> > > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained

> majority!

> > >

> > > > > However,

> > >

> > > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> > them

> > >

> > > > and

> > >

> > > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> > has

> > >

> > > > > become

> > >

> > > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> > foreseen!

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > You have also said

> > >

> > > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> > based

> > >

> > > > on

> > >

> > > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> > >

> > > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> > as

> > >

> > > > > well.

> > >

> > > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse

> that

> > >

> > > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is

> any

> > >

> > > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> > If

> > >

> > > > at

> > >

> > > > > all

> > >

> > > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> > the

> > >

> > > > VE

> > >

> > > > > from

> > >

> > > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> > constellation

> > >

> > > > i.e.

> > >

> > > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom

> and

> > >

> > > > when

> > >

> > > > > it

> > >

> > > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that

> my

> > >

> > > > > aversion

> > >

> > > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> > >

> > > > > actually a

> > >

> > > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since

> it

> > is

> > >

> > > > > this

> > >

> > > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all

> our

> > >

> > > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> > >

> > > > case

> > >

> > > > > with

> > >

> > > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> > as " Vedic

> > >

> > > > > > astrology " -- -they are actually defending adharma in the

> name

> > of

> > >

> > > > > dharma!

> > >

> > > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > >

> > > > > > AKK

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > HinduCalendar, Arul T <arul_thilak@


> > >

> > > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > QUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> > >

> > > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> > >

> > > > infatuation

> > >

> > > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> > had

> > >

> > > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by

> several

> > >

> > > > months

> > >

> > > > > on

> > >

> > > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> > >

> > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in

the 21st

> > >

> > > > century,

> > >

> > > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> > >

> > > > > revealing.Â

> > >

> > > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> > impoverished

> > >

> > > > and

> > >

> > > > > > limited to ritualism:

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ msid-

> > >

> > > > 3482408,prtpage-

> > >

> > > > > 1.cms

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> > >

> > > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > QUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> > with

> > >

> > > > a

> > >

> > > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it

> failed

> > to

> > >

> > > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> > >

> > > > > education

> > >

> > > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> > their

> > >

> > > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> > >

> > > > religious

> > >

> > > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which

> meant

> > no

> > >

> > > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> > discourse

> > >

> > > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> > spiritual

> > >

> > > > > fervour

> > >

> > > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were

> seen

> > at

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> > >

> > > > > monarchy. ....

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> > >

> > > > trust,

> > >

> > > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> > Nepal

> > >

> > > > saw

> > >

> > > > > it

> > >

> > > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> > all

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> > Communist

> > >

> > > > > > China. .......

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this

> tiny

> > >

> > > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on

> this

> > >

> > > > > planet,

> > >

> > > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> > >

> > > > chose to

> > >

> > > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> > Earlier

> > >

> > > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> > >

> > > > Suruwal.

> > >

> > > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> > has

> > >

> > > > been

> > >

> > > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> > visit

> > >

> > > > > China

> > >

> > > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> > Singh

> > >

> > > > was

> > >

> > > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> > invite

> > >

> > > > him

> > >

> > > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> > post.

> > >

> > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > >

> http://www.hinduonn et.com/2002/ 06/27/stories/ 2002062703860100 .htm

> > >

> > > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> > >

> > > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> > >

> > > > Saraswati,

> > >

> > > > > who

> > >

> > > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> > >

> > > > > President,

> > >

> > > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> > >

> > > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> > Ayodhya

> > >

> > > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties

> involved.

> > He

> > >

> > > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> > `pada

> > >

> > > > > puja'

> > >

> > > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> > also

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> > was

> > >

> > > > with

> > >

> > > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> > >

> > > > Rajyalaxmi,

> > >

> > > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> > >

> > > > Sankaracharya

> > >

> > > > > who

> > >

> > > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> > that

> > >

> > > > his

> > >

> > > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> > Gyanendra's

> > >

> > > > > > desire to meet him.

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > QUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> > based

> > >

> > > > on

> > >

> > > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> > >

> > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > Â

> > >

> > > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> wrote:

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> > >

> > > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> > >

> > > > greatest

> > >

> > > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> > >

> > > > > > > akandabaratam

> > >

> > > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar

> Krishen

> > >

> > > > Kaul "

> > >

> > > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> > >

> > > > > > > Namaskar!

> > >

> > > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post

> once

> > >

> > > > again.

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> > points

> > >

> > > > as

> > >

> > > > > to

> > >

> > > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> > >

> > > > > astrology,

> > >

> > > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> > Vedic,

> > >

> > > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> > correct

> > >

> > > > > days,

> > >

> > > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> > >

> > > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat

> etc.

> > >

> > > > are

> > >

> > > > > all

> > >

> > > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> > all

> > >

> > > > the

> > >

> > > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> > E.g.,

> > >

> > > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe

> it

> > in

> > >

> > > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it

> is

> > >

> > > > > hardly

> > >

> > > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> > >

> > > > > centuries-

> > >

> > > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> > astrologers "

> > >

> > > > > and

> > >

> > > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > >

> > > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> > debate

> > > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen

> herausragenden

> > Schutz

> > > gegen Massenmails.

> > >

> > > > http://mail.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---


> --- End forwarded message ---
















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Dear Shri Varma,

Avtar Krishna ji has given the translation of the shlokas of Bhagvata

correctly. I known Sanskrit myself. As such, the translation given

by Shri Ruzicka is incorrect.


Avtar Krishna ji has also said categorically that there is absolutely

no discussion of Bhagwan Krishna's horoscope in Bhagavata Purana. I

have read that Purana myself. And I agree with him. If you have any

references of any Puranas where in Bhagvan Krishan's horoscope has

been discussed, pl. publish them on the forum.

Otherwise, just admit that people are being made a fool in the name of

Bhagwan Krisna's horoscope etc. by jyotishis.



vedic astrology , " maheswara_varma "

<maheswara_varma wrote:





> dear arnaveen ji / jyothishi ji (non /anti ???)




> " jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

> Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .



> Pls Ask avatara krishna ji to get real translation frm 2 good professers

> in sanskrit (if they know astrology better as technical words can b

> trnslated by subjuct experts only for eg -ayanam in this sloka ) and

> giv us their name and conct number too


> than his convenient translation which is deliberate or ignorent ,also

> ask him to quote the context and also proceeding lines or full

> discussions ,it will help ppl like who r staying far .


> but his trnslations and further lines shows his ignorence in sanskrit

> with my simple knowldge in malayalam shows ( most closest language with

> sanskrit tho all languages has connection ),if they want i can get

> translations but will it help ?since all his mails i am seeing a

> ----------- approach .




> regrds varma .



> vedic astrology , arnaveen mishra

> <arnaveenmishra@> wrote:

> >

> > Great Avtar Krishan Kaul Ji,

> >

> > You seem to be a Great Person, the actual Dada ji, knowing deep

> history of vedas and astrology.

> >

> > Indeed, your quotes are quite impressive. Challenging Predictions of

> Jyotish and Jyotishies.

> >

> > May I know, your brief introduction. As by matter of chance, I looked

> into this topic. What is going on ? If I am not wrong, do you mean

> jyotish phal is only a trick and nothing else?

> >

> > Does that mean, we should not consult astrology and astrologers?

> >

> > Hmmmm....

> > Pl. confirm.

> >

> > And what do you do? (I mean other than this disscussion).

> >

> > Warm Regards

> > CM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sat, 10/18/08, jyotishi2001 jyotishi2001@ wrote:

> >

> > jyotishi2001 jyotishi2001@

> > [vedic astrology] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " ---the greatest

> fraud on the Vedas!

> > vedic astrology

> > Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9:29 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> > I am very late in replying your post. But, better late than never!

> >

> > Actually, I had to check, recheck and cross-check the references

> > pointed out by you. Hence the delay.

> >

> > Let me answer, in some detail, your points one by one:

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < Jyotish IS often mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Even in, as

> > Indologist would say, the oldest

> > works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> > authenticity of Jyotish from that side.>

> >

> > AKK: Who has doubted the authenticity of " jyoitsh " in the Vedas?

> >

> > It is, however, a habit of " Vedic astrologers " to twist statements in

> > such a manner as to leave a person confused! Pl. read my words

> > carefully once again, which I am quoting here from that very post

> > which you have replied. These words are " Pl. ponder (think!) on the

> > topic of the discussion which is `Vedic astrology'-- the greatest

> > fraud on the Vedas! And by `Vedic astrology', the fad and fraud of

> > predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously! "

> > Though I am sure you do not need a further paraphrase of such a

> > simple sentence to understand as to what it means but let me restate

> > it even then that Jyotish does not mean predictive gimmicks but

> > astronomy in the Vedas! Is that clear now?

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> > Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> > mentioned than only in a sense that fits you.>

> >

> > As clarified above, on the other hand, I would say that you are

> > trying to twist the meaning " in a sense that fits you " !

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < Difficult to argue about it then.>

> >

> > AKK: Why? Naturally, because you have no proofs in favour of your

> > arguments that there are predictive gimmicks in the Vedas!

> >

> > Sh-Ru: < What is this discussion?>

> >

> > AKK:

> > This discussion is about the fact that you have to accept the

> > challenge and quote the Vedic mantras that refer to Mesha, Vrisha,

> > Mithuna etc. rashis in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha---in

> > fact any indigenous astronomical work prior to the Surya Sidhanta of

> > Maya the mlechha! That is the " jyotisha " you have " vowed " to prove

> > in the Vedas! Pl. do keep your vow instead of beating about the

> > bush! Or otherwise just concede the point that you have not been able

> > to prove even the ghost of " Vedic astrology " in the Vedas!

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " : Here

> > is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to ignore -

> > where the principles of Jyotish are described:>

> >

> > AKK

> > Glad that you have touched even this thread to rectify several

> > misunderstandings about the pauranic jyotish!

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

> > the Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which

> proceeds

> > the knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can

> > know

> > the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. " >

> >

> > AKK:

> > It took me considerable time to get to grips with this shloka of

> > Bhagavata Mahapurana. The original sholka is

> > " jyotishaam ayanam sakshyad yat taj-jnyanam ateendriyam

> > Praneetam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram " .

> >

> > I must have read the translation that you have given at least half a

> > dozen times and compared it with the original Sanskrit shloka!

> >

> > What is surprising is that even the translation quoted by you does

> > not point to any predictive gimmicks even with a barge pole! You

> > have said " jyotish from which proceeds the knowledge of super-

> > sensuous phenomena " -- -what has that to do with predictive gimmicks

> > which are usually indulged in by jugglers who were known as nakshatra-

> > soochis in ancient India and who call themselves " Vedic astrologers "

> > these days? In fact " super-sensuous phenomena " could and should mean

> > phenomena like eclipses because you cannot measure them with your

> > senses!

> >

> > You have also translated the original Sanskrit words " paravara "

> > as " cause and effect " . Paravara is actually a conjunct word---parah

> > + avarah (paraschai-avarashc heti paravarah). They cannot be

> > interpreted by any stretch of imagination as " cause and effect " .

> > Para actually means the best, the Acme, the ultimate and avara is an

> > antonym of the same! How can these two words connote " cause and

> > effect " . Even if we somehow or the other take them as meaning " cause

> > and effect " how does that prove that these two words refer to

> > predictive gimmicks?

> >

> > You claim to have read the Mbh. But you do not appear to know that

> > in that work also Garga Rishi has been referred to as an astronomer

> > (instead of some predictive astrologer!) who was using some ghati-

> > yantra to mark the passage of time!

> >

> > Then coming to the same chapter viz. Chapter eight of Tenth Book of

> > Srimad Bhagavata to which you have referred, if Nanda had really

> > meant horoscopy by Jyotish in his praise to Garga, he would certainly

> > have asked Garga to discuss the janma-patri of Bhagwan Krishna!

> > However, not only in that adhyaya, but even in the entire Bhagavata

> –

> > nay in all the puranas, for that matter, we do not find any

> > references to any planets, or any discussions about any planetary

> > positions of the horoscope of Bhagwan Krishna even by mistake! No

> > mention of the word " jataka " or " janma-patri " etc. at all in any of

> > the Puranas!

> > On the other hand, in the same Srimad Bhagavata, same chapter, and

> > just the next shloka, Nanda says to Garga Rishi, " You are the

> > foremost of the knowers of Veda and are thus qualified to perform the

> > purifactory rites (such as the naming ceremony) with respect to these

> > two boys " . (Gita Press translation)

> >

> > Obviously, it was for that purpose of Namakrana etc. that Nanda had

> > said to Garga that he (Garga) had prepared a treatise on jyotisha---

> > may be something like the Vedanga Jyotisha of Acharya Lagadha---to

> > determine suitable timings for Vedic rituals etc.

> > It is " Vedic astrologers " who are erecting fancy horoscopes for

> > Bhagwan Krishna, with innumerable Ayanamshas, and different dates and

> > timings, without having read either the Puranas or the Mbh etc.

> > themselves!

> >

> > The imagination of " Vedic astrologers " has really has run riot, since

> > they have just created fantastic planetary positions that fit (sic!)

> > the feats of Bhagwan Krishna (witness " Notable Horoscopes " by late

> > B. V. Raman and Lord Kirhsna's horoscope in an old issue of Hinduism

> > Today by Arun Bansal). Most of the jyotishis do not have even this

> > much of common sense (they have actually height of Tamoguni budhi!)

> > that it is impossible to erect horoscopes of Bhagwan Krishna or Rama

> > etc. since you cannot subjugate the Master of Universes to the

> > suzeranity of puny Mangal and Shani!

> >

> > The jyotishis who claim that Mangal and Shani etc. or Sade Sati or

> > Rahu Dasha do affect even the Avataras, must get their heads

> > examined! But on second thoughts, it must be the gullible people who

> > believe such frauds who must get their heads examines since

> > the " Vedic astrologers " are doing their " profession " — ---trying to

> > make a fool of a common man by claiming that even divine Incarnations

> > are subject to planetary fiats---and they are succeeding in it!

> >

> > However, surprisingly, no jyotishi has quoted any source for arriving

> > at that date and time of Bhagwan Krishna---Must have been

> > through " supersensuous phenomena!-- -real jyotish, indeed!

> >

> > Thus " Jyotishaam ayanam " here (in the Srimad Bhagavatam) does not

> > mean a treatise on astrology but a treatise on soli-lunar astronomy

> > like that of the VJ! We must not forget that in olden times, in

> > around 1000 BCE, it was not an easy job to calculate even the mean

> > longitudes of the sun and the moon for calculating tithi, nakshatra

> > etc. leave alone the eclipses!

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> > soothsayer!

> > <What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> > consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> > does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> > Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> > that it was not existing even in His time.>

> >

> > AKK

> > This again points to the habit of twisting facts! I wonder whether

> > you have really read the Gita---a part of the Mbh.! Arjuna had said

> > specifically, " I do not know whether Kauravas or Pandavas will win

> > the war… " . Don't you think that it is clear from this shloka that

> > neither Kauravas nor Pandavas had consulted any soothsayer-- -for the

> > simple reason that there were no soothsayers around then! Further,

> > if there had been any rashi-based predictive gimmicks during the time

> > of Mbh. war, there certainly would have been at least a mention of

> > Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis in the Mbh itself!

> >

> > Then again, example is better than precept---but maybe that does not

> > hold good for " Vedic astrologers " .

> > Bhagwan Krishna is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Lord of

> > Universes! That means that He knew the outcome of the war before

> > hand! But why did He say to Arjuna, " If you get killed, you will go

> > to the heavens, and if you win the war, you will be the master of the

> > entire globe " , especially when Arjuna had specifically said, " I do

> > not know whether we will win the war or the Kauravas " . Why did He

> > not " declare " the result before hand---just as these days Brihat

> > Samhita or Narpati Jaya-chariya etc. is supposed to do? IT MEANS


> > want " Vedic astrologers " to be an exception to that rule, especially

> > since they do not know even ABC of the Vedas as otherwise they would

> > not have christened predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " ?

> >

> > Sh-Ru

> > < Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> > And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> > grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> > whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case>

> >

> > AKK

> > For god's sake, do come out of fool's paradise and cut this crap out

> > from your discussions!

> >

> > All the panchangas in India are based on fundamentally wrong

> > fundamental arguments and circumnavigate even today around the Surya

> > Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha---euphemist ically known as Lahiri

> > Ayanamsha these days! It appears you do not know even ABC of the

> > Pancha Sidhantika or any other sidhanta or even the Grahalaghava!


> > GEOGRAPHY THESE DAYS than those " jyotisha shastras " --- which " predict "

> > (calculate!) Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on any day except for the

> > shortest day of the year, Dakshinayana (summer Solstice) on any day

> > but the longest day of the year and so on! All this jargon

> > like " jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the whole in

> > the point (in the point of birth, in this case) " etc. etc. maybe a

> > very laudable statement to make a fool of the common man, but the

> > fact remains that till a couple of centuries back, time in India was

> > measured by " ghati-yantra " and " nalika yantra " etc. etc. So leave

> > alone the " point of birth time " it was impossible even to record the

> > hour of birth time correctly which was recorded, if at all it was

> > recorded, with the words like " when the cock crowed " or when " the sun

> > had set " and so on! It was equally impossible to calculate planetary

> > positions from miserably wrong panchangas!

> > That much for your " uncovering the whole in the point " !

> >

> > Sh-Ru

> > < And why should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if

> > they feel the need?>

> >

> > AKK

> > Even in this twenty-first century, I have yet to see

> > any " bhavishyavani " of any jyotishi that had warned about the Bihar

> > floods or about the recession or about the crash in the share market

> > or the scourge known as terrorism! On an individual level, " the

> > greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth century " had failed

> > miserably to see even his own future or the future of his wife or his

> > offspring--- nay even of " jyotisha empire " that he had so assiduously

> > built!

> >

> > On the other hand, there are just endless discussions among jyotishis

> > themselves about Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutras and Tazika and Prashna

> > and what not! Even after having practiced " Vedic astrology " for

> > thousands of years, they have yet to decide as to which ayanamsha, if

> > any, is the most accurate! They are fighting among themselves like

> > Kilkenny cats to prove their own superiority individually! If you

> > have any doubts, just see any Jyotisha Patrika where every astrologer

> > praises his own skills at the cost of every other astrologer! Is

> > that the advantage you want us to take from these jyotishis?

> >

> > Do you realize the fact that it is easier to become a " Vedic

> > astrologer " these days than to clear even a primary school level math

> > class? To become a " Vedic astrologer " , all you have to do is to read

> > a few books on " Vedic astrology " by the latest jyotishis and sing

> > paeans for them individually! You do not need to know ABC of

> > anything else---must have a glib tongue and must know some

> > psychology! And you can refer to your-self as " Doctor of Vedic

> > astrology " ! Nobody is going to ask you any " documentary proof " . It

> > is as simple as that!

> >

> > Sh-Ru:

> > < An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> > advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are most

> > favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.>

> >

> > AKK

> > Here you are talking of muhurtas but they are not to be confused with

> > predictive gimmicks!

> >

> > Sh-Ru

> > < By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> > artificial - that is why I am responding.>

> >

> > AKK

> > " I am not a jyotishee " -- -that statement really takes the cake! If you

> > are not a Jyotishi yourself, who has authorized you to speak on

> > behalf of jyotishis? If " jyotishis " have appointed you for that

> > purpose, does it mean that they are so illiterate and ignorant

> > themselves that they cannot plead their own cases? If you are

> > speaking without any authorization, then you are just poking your

> > nose in others' affairs unnecessarily! In fact, you are making a

> > laughing stock of yourself since you have not done any homework at

> > all for such a pontification about " jyotish " (sic!) which is nothing

> > but a way to make a fool of a common man!

> >

> > You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

> > or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

> > the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner? If

> > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore

> > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter

> > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :

> >

> > " Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

> > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

> > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

> > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

> > Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

> > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

> > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of

> > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

> > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

> > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)

> > the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

> > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

> > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

> > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

> > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

> > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

> > proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

> > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

> > takes a northward turn " .

> >

> > Then again, why are you silent about the same Srimad Bhagavata, Book

> > 12, chapter 11, shlokas 32 to 42 where the names of twelve months

> > have been given the same as in the Vedas and the Vedanga Jyotisha

> > viz. Madhu, Madhava etc. What " Vedic astrology " (sic!) is " hidden "

> > in those shlokas?

> >

> > I am not referring to any other Purana etc. since you have not talked

> > about them as maybe the " mentors " who had given you the piece of

> > paper that had " proved " (sic!) " Vedic astrology " in Srimad Bhagavata

> > do not know anything about any other Purana!

> >

> > You have said, " Your doubts seem to me quite artificial - that is why

> > I am responding. "

> >

> > What is artificial about the above sholkas of Bhagavata? On the other

> > hand, it must be clear to you by now that every thing is artificial

> > about the so called Vedic astrology! If you have the good of Hindu

> > community at your heart and are doing just selfless service (though I

> > know there are no free lunches!), why did you not point out such

> > anachronisms to your friends or to the people whose well-wisher you

> > claim to be? Why do you have lopsided view and that also a wrong

> > one! Surprisingly, you are defending non-existent predictive

> > gimmicks in the name of Vedic astrology but are eloquently silent

> > about the festivals and muhurtas etc. being celebrated on wrong days

> > on the shoulders of the same " Vedic astrology " that you are

> > defending! What is your real motive?

> >

> > I do not know your religion, though I know by now that you are from

> > Germany. If you are a Christian, how would you feel if someone,

> > especially a non-Christian, asks, nay even compels you to celebrate

> > Christmas on January 10 or any other day but December 25? That is

> > exactly what this " Vedic astrology " , " Vedic astrologers " and

> > its/their supporters like you--- are doing to Hindus--—compelling

> > them to celebrate Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) on January 15 instead

> > of December 21/22 (the shortest day of the year) and so on, all in

> > the name of Vedic astrology! And you are all out to defend them in

> > their such anti-Vedic activities, all in the name of " Vedic

> > astrology " , when you have not been able to quote even a single mantra

> > that talks of Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas nor have you

> > been able to quote any Purana etc. which has advised us to consult

> > soothsayers before embarking on any plan!

> >

> > But then you are not to be blamed either! Most of the people seem to

> > be defending " Vedic astrology " these days--- though they do not know

> > even ABC of the Vedas! Actually, if the majority of Hindu community

> > had not been so foolish as to run after such fads and feel

> > exhilarated when some foreigner praised " Vedic astrology " we would

> > not have needed " friends " like you to " advise us to continue to be

> > hurtled towards adharma " by celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> > wrong days in he name of " Vedic astrology " .

> >

> > In fact we just deserve " well wishers " like you, enveloped as we are

> > in tamoguni budhi, thanks to " Vedic astrology " !

> >

> > With regards,

> > A K Kaul

> >

> > WAVES-Vedic, " amritasyaputra "

> > <amritasyaputra@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mr. Kaul,

> > >

> > > Thanks for your psychological analysis of my expression " I think "

> > but

> > > it has no bearing on the subject matter: Jyotish IS often metioned

> > in

> > > the Vedic Literature. Even in, as indologist would say, the oldest

> > > works - in the Upanishads. So there is no necessity to doubt the

> > > authenticity of Jyotish from that side.

> > >

> > > First you state that Jyotish is not mentioned in the Vedas,

> > > Upanishads, etc. - now you qualify it by saying that if Jyotish is

> > > mentioned than only in a sense that fits you. Difficult to argue

> > > about it then. Even as I was prepared to quote you the Upanishads

> > you

> > > say No, no that is in another sense. What is this discussion?

> > >

> > > OK, let's move to Puranas, the " Illustrations of the Vedas " :

> > > Here is an example - you might also dislike or continue trying to

> > > ignore - where the principles of Jyotish are described:

> > >

> > > Shrimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana 10:8:5 where Nanda speaks to Garga,

> > the

> > > Purohit of the Yadus: " …A treatise of Jyotish from which

> proceeds

> > the

> > > knowledge of supersensuous phenomena and through which man can know

> > > the cause as well as its effect has been directly composed by you. "

> > >

> > > Yes, you are of course right: Jyotish is one of the Angas, not

> > > Darshanas (as I mistakingly stated). But then, as a limb of the

> > Veda

> > > it is even more intimately connected to the Vedas.

> > >

> > > You say > Bhagwan Krishna did not advise him to consult some

> > > soothsayer! <

> > > What is this for an argument. Sri Krishna gave not an advise to

> > > consult a Jyotishi, so what. Does this logically mean that Jyotish

> > > does not exist? Please rethink you logic.

> > > Sri Krishna did not mention 1 + 1 equals 2 but that does not mean

> > > that it was not existing even in His time.

> > >

> > > >Neither Itihasa believes that we must be on the mercy of

> > soothsayers!

> > > <

> > > Again, you are interpreting the scriptures in a very strange way.

> > No

> > > one says, and Jyotish neither, that one has to be at mercy of

> > > Jyotish. Where are you getting these distorted ideas.

> > >

> > > Jyotish, the light of higher order, is here, to give you knowledge.

> > > And the whole knowledge, nay, the whole universe is contained in a

> > > grain of sand. Jyotish is just a mathematical way of uncovering the

> > > whole in the point (in the point of birth, in this case). And why

> > > should people not taking advantage of that knowledge if they feel

> > the

> > > need?

> > >

> > > Pity for you, that you did not meet a proper Jyotishee.

> > >

> > > Jyotish is far from fatalism. > Fatalism is actually against the

> > > ethos of the<

> > > An individual is influenced by many things and so it is very

> > > advisable to start an action in a moment when all influences are

> > most

> > > favorable. No fatalism at all. Very logical and rewarding.

> > >

> > > By the way, I am not a Jyotishee, but your doubts seem to me quite

> > > artificial - that is why I am responding.

> > >

> > > With best wishes

> > >


> > >

> > > Shaas

> > > Germany

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > WAVES-Vedic, " jyotirved " <jyotirved@>

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri Shaas Ruzicka,

> > > >

> > > > Namaskar!

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the response.

> > > >

> > > > You have said

> > > >

> > > > <I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often mentioned in the most

> > > ancient Vedic

> > > > scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose themes are of

> > completely

> > > > spiritual nature.>

> > > >

> > > > " I think " ---Well, your thinking vis-à-vis the actual facts does

> > not

> > > matter

> > > > much! On the other hand, that (thinking!) itself shows as to how

> > > unsure you

> > > > are about " jyotish being sufficiently mentioned " in " ancient Vedic

> > > > scriptures " actually!

> > > >

> > > > Pl. ponder (think!) on the topic of the discussion which is " Vedic

> > > > astrology " -- the greatest fraud on the Vedas! And by " Vedic

> > > astrology " , the

> > > > fad and fraud of predictive gimmicks is meant, obviously!

> > > >

> > > > Here is a challenge to you and to all the jyotishis,

> > > whether " Vedic " or

> > > > " Non-Vedic " or even " anti-Vedic " ---just quote even a single

> > mantra

> > > from any

> > > > of the Vedas, or Upanishadas or Brahmanas etc. etc. that has

> > > touched the

> > > > topic about Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc. Rashis even with a barge

> > > pole! Yet

> > > > another challenge: Just quote any mantra from any of these very

> > > Vedic

> > > > scriptures that even obliquely refers to Mangal, Shani etc. etc.

> > > planets!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > We have a lot of imported Vamadevas these days masquerading

> > > as " Vedic

> > > > astrologers " . But when it comes to quoting even a single mantra

> > > which talks

> > > > of predictive gimmicks in the Vedas, all they resort to is bluff

> > and

> > > > prevarication! There is a lot of correspondence available on this

> > > > (Waves-Vedic) forum about the same, and it is no use to repeat

> > > those posts

> > > > again.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You have said

> > > >

> > > > < Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> > integral

> > > part of

> > > > the Vedic Literature>.

> > > >

> > > > Here also your " thinking " is wrong! Jyotish is not one of the

> > six

> > > darshanas

> > > > (sic!) but it is actually one of the six angas (limbs) of the

> > Vedas!

> > > >

> > > > Yes, Jyotish is a Vedanga—a limb of the Vedas----but it is not

> > only

> > > imported

> > > > " Vamadevas " even our local " Varahamihiras " and " Parasharas " who

> > > have put

> > > > wool into their ears about the Jyotisha that the Vedas are

> > talking

> > > about!

> > > > These bluff-masters claim that since there is a work named

> > Vedanga

> > > Jyotisha,

> > > > it means that Jyotisha is an " anga " -- a limb---of the Vedas!

> > But

> > > they are

> > > > actually putting their ignorance on public display by such

> > > statements since

> > > > " Vedanga Jyotisha " is actually a name of the work by Acharya

> > > Lagadha of

> > > > around 14th century BCE, prepared in the then Kashmir of now J & K

> > > state. It

> > > > is also known as Rik-Jyotisham and Yajur Jyotisham. It does not

> > > talk of

> > > > predictive gimmicks but just gives the methodology of calculating

> > > mean

> > > > tithi, nakshatra and the six seasons apart from the twelve solar

> > > and lunar

> > > > months. Even in that work, there are no Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna

> > > etc. Rashis

> > > > nor any indication of Mangal and Shani etc. planets!

> > > >

> > > > But even then we are told that predictive gimmicks are a part of

> > > the Vedas!

> > > >

> > > > Thus whenever there is any mention of the word " jyotisha " in any

> > of

> > > the

> > > > Upanishadas, it is in the sense of astronomy and calculating the

> > > proper

> > > > tithi, nakshatra etc. for Vedic rituals---and not in the sense of

> > > checking

> > > > the horoscope of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

> > > >

> > > > You have said

> > > >

> > > > < before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> > Vedic

> > > > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata and

> > > > Ramayana?>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You are talking about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana like a

> > prize

> > > catch!

> > > > Yes, there is mention of planets vis-à-vis nakshatras in the

> Mbh

> > > times

> > > > without number! But we must not forget that the Gita is a part

> > of

> > > the same

> > > > Mahabharata! When Arjuna asked Krishna, " I do not know who will

> > > win the

> > > > war--whether Kauravas or Pandavas.... " , Bhagwan Krishna did not

> > > advise him

> > > > to consult some soothsayer! Nor did He tell Arjuna the outcome

> > of

> > > the war

> > > > beforehand, in spite of Lord Krishna being really Omniscient,

> > > Omnipresent

> > > > and Omnipotent Master of Universes! On the other hand, He just

> > > advised

> > > > Arjuna " If you get killed on the battlefield, you will go to

> > > heavens and if

> > > > you win the war, you will be master of the entire globe---as

> > such,

> > > just do

> > > > your duty and forget about the results " .

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether you have really read either of the

> > Itihasas

> > > or not,

> > > > but what is evident is that you have not grasped the spirit of

> > > either of the

> > > > works even if you have read them! Neither Itihasa believes that

> > we

> > > must be

> > > > on the mercy of soothsayers! On the other hand, what they

> > > demonstrate with

> > > > practical examples is that even if someone does have the

> > capability

> > > of

> > > > deciphering the future events before-hand, he/she should not

> > > disclose them!

> > > >

> > > > Let me give you another example from the same Itihasas that you

> > are

> > > talking

> > > > about. When the king Dashratha decided to anoint Bhagwan Rama as

> > > the

> > > > crown-prince, he asked his kulaguru, Bhagwan Vasishtha, for a

> > > proper muhurta

> > > > for that function. And Maharshi Vasishtha advised that just the

> > > next day

> > > > was a proper muhurta for that function! We cannot overlook the

> > > fact that

> > > > Vasishtha Muni is the son of Brahmaji and thus an omniscient

> > Rishi,

> > > who

> > > > could foresee any future event like the palm of his hand! It is

> > > thus clear

> > > > that Vasishtha Rishi was aware as to what a tragedy would befall

> > > King

> > > > Dasharatha by trying to anoint Bhagwan Ram as heir-apparent. But

> > > he just

> > > > kept quiet!

> > > >

> > > > He did not advise Dashratha either to have his janmapatri checked

> > > through

> > > > some soothsayer before embarking on any such plans! What does

> > that

> > > mean?

> > > > There was no such curse as " Vedic astrology " around then!

> > > >

> > > > Here is another challenge to you and to all the jyotishis--- every

> > > type of

> > > > them! Can you quote even a single shloka from the Mbh. or the

> > > Ramayana or

> > > > any of the Puranas or any of shastras which has advised to start

> > any

> > > > enterprise after consulting some soothsayer? NO. I can assure

> > you

> > > that

> > > > there is no such sholka. Fatalism is actually against the ethos

> > of

> > > the

> > > > Vedas and other scriptures-- -in fact it is against the basic

> > tenet

> > > of Vedic

> > > > culture! All our shastras advise us " uttishthata jagrata prapya

> > > varan

> > > > nibodhata... " i.e. " Awake, arise and know IT from the ones who

> > > know THAT " .

> > > > NO shastra has advised us that we should consult some soothsayer

> > > before

> > > > embarking even on the journey of " realizing that Eternal Truth " .

> > > But our

> > > > imported " Vamadevas " and local " Parasharas " and " Varahamihiras "

> > are

> > > just

> > > > advising us quite contrary to the same---they want us to be at

> > > their mercy

> > > > and beck and call. And they call themselves " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You have said further

> > > >

> > > > < and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of half

> > > truths and

> > > > wrong assumptions. >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > My dear " highly qualified " jyotishisji! Do you know that prior

> > to

> > > the

> > > > advent of Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta of around 3rd/4th

> > > century BCE--

> > > > as quoted in the Panchasidhantika- -- we did not have any

> > indigenous

> > > > astronomical work for calculating planetary positions vis-à-vis

> > > Mesha,

> > > > Vrisha etc. Rashis? And that astronomical work is the most

> > > monstrous one

> > > > with fundamental arguments which are anything but correct! And

> > no

> > > wonder,

> > > > the idol of today's " Vedic astrologers " viz. Varahamihira could

> > > make correct

> > > > predictions only from such a monstrous work as it

> > was " spashatataro

> > > > savitrah " —(The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate

> astronomical

> > > work " —sic!)

> > > > according to him!

> > > >

> > > > And that means, by implication, that till the advent of modern

> > > astronomy

> > > > into India, which was not more than a century back, as all the

> > Hindu

> > > > panchangas circumnavigated around that very Surya Sidhanta of

> > Maya

> > > the

> > > > mlechha, the predictions by " Hindu jyotishis " could never be

> > > correct over

> > > > the last couple of thousand years!

> > > >

> > > > And it is the same Surya Sidhanta in disguise that is being

> > > flaunted by way

> > > > of Lahiri Ayanamsha now a days! That means that even today's

> > > predictions by

> > > > Hindu jyotishis can never be correct even if they call

> > > themselves " Vedic

> > > > astrologers " .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > NO wonder it is because of that very " Vedic astrology " and the

> > > same " Vedic

> > > > astrologers " that we are celebrating all our festivals and

> > muhurtas

> > > on wrong

> > > > days like Dipavali on October 28 instead of Sepember 28 and so

> > on.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I wonder if any of the " imported Vamadevas " would celebrate

> > > Christmas on

> > > > any other day than December 25, but they want us to celebrate

> > > Uttarayana—the

> > > > Winter Solstice---on January 15 instead of December 21/22, the

> > > shortest day

> > > > of the year---just because they have an axe to grind---to make

> > the

> > > entire

> > > > Hindu community subservient to them and that they can achieve

> > only

> > > if they

> > > > make the Hindus kill their own dharma themselves! And there is

> > no

> > > better

> > > > (or even worse!) way of killing ones dharma than by celebrating

> > all

> > > the

> > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!

> > > >

> > > > We certainly do not need enemies to ruin us since we have

> > > our " friendly

> > > > Vedic astrologers " --- billions and trillions of them--- around

> > to

> > > do so!

> > > >

> > > > With regards,

> > > >

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > WAVES-Vedic, Shaas Ruzicka

> > <amritasyaputra@ >

> > > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Mr. Sabhlok,

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > before I take the " pain " to give you some exact quotes from

> > > Vedic

> > > > Literature, one question: Have you, actually, read Mahabharata

> > and

> > > Ramayana?

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Your and Mr Avtar's opinions are utterly unqualified full of

> > > half truths

> > > > and wrong assumptions. I think, Jyotish is sufficiently often

> > > mentioned in

> > > > the most ancient Vedic scriptures - even in the Upanishads, whose

> > > themes are

> > > > of completely spiritual nature.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Jyotish belongs to the 6 Darshanas, and as such it is an

> > > integral part

> > > > of the Vedic Literature.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > WIth best regards

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Shaas

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Prem Sabhlok <psabhlok@> schrieb:

> > > >

> > > > > I do not know why it is called Vedic Astrology. May

> > be

> > > I have

> > > > missed that mantra/hymn/ Rik in Vedas which refers to Astrology

> > > (Jyotish

> > > > Vidya). Mantras relating to Astronomy, Algebra, physical

> > sciences,

> > > Medical

> > > > sciences etc are there but about Astrology I could not find any

> > > reference in

> > > > Vedas. In Ramayana and Mahabharta which are Vedas retold, also

> > > there is no

> > > > reference to Astrology. Can any Vedic scholar throw some light on

> > > this

> > > > aspect? Some learned people have found that astrology started in

> > > Greece as a

> > > > hobby but not as a science. To my understanding Vedas do not have

> > > even the

> > > > concept of auspicious/inauspic ious time/period.

> > > >

> > > > > With kind regards,

> > > >

> > > > > P.K.Sabhlok

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > waves-vedic

> > > >

> > > > > jyotirved@

> > > >

> > > > > Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:01:27 +0000

> > > >

> > > > > [WAVES-Vedic] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> > greatest

> > > fraud on

> > > > the Vedas! (reposted)

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen

> > Kaul "

> > > >

> > > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Shri Ravilochananji,

> > > >

> > > > > Namaskar!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > <I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our epics or

> > > >

> > > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers before

> > > >

> > > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> > > taking

> > > >

> > > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search of

> > > >

> > > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini.>

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > The fad of kings consulting jyotishis was started through his

> > > Brihat

> > > >

> > > > > Samhita by Varahamihira who was the greatest charlatan

> > according

> > > to

> > > >

> > > > > me since he could make " correct predictions from incorect data "

> > > viz.

> > > >

> > > > > panchangas based on Maya the mlechha's Surya Sidhanta, the most

> > > >

> > > > > monstrous astronomical work that could ever have been produced

> > by

> > > >

> > > > > anybody! No wonder, " Vedic astrologers " of today vie with one

> > > >

> > > > > another for being called " Varahamihira " since they also can

> > make

> > > >

> > > > > correct predictions ONLY from incorrect data!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Regarding " Patri Melapak " , what is most ironic is that

> > > no " jyotisha

> > > >

> > > > > shastra " right from Sphujidwaja' s yavana Jatakam to the most

> > > >

> > > > > notorious fake work viz. Brihat Parashari has touched this

> > topic

> > > >

> > > > > even with a barge pole, but then today's " Vedic jyotishis " say

> > > that

> > > >

> > > > > it was practised by Vedic seers! My personal view is that if

> > the

> > > >

> > > > > seers had really indulged in such a non-sense (actually the

> > most

> > > >

> > > > > cunning!) fad, almost all of them would still have been looking

> > > for

> > > >

> > > > > a spouse whose Patri would match with theirs with at least 28

> > > gunas!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > <It is high time that we gave up the ancient Greek notion of

> > > >

> > > > > astrology and get back to proper astronomy.>

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > This " Vedic astrology " has had such a deleterious affect on the

> > > real

> > > >

> > > > > Vedic culture that the words of the Gita are becoming most

> > > >

> > > > > meaningful these days:

> > > >

> > > > > " adharmam dharmam it ya manyate tamsa vrita

> > > >

> > > > > sarvarthan vipareetanshchai, budhih saa partha tamasi "

> > > >

> > > > > i.e.

> > > >

> > > > > " an intellect that views adharma as dharma (and dharma as

> > adharma)

> > > >

> > > > > besides viewing all the things upside down, is the real Tamasic

> > > >

> > > > > intellect " .

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > I find that almost every Hindu is trying to defend " Vedic

> > > astrology "

> > > >

> > > > > in spite of the fact that it has been made clear to them by now

> > > that

> > > >

> > > > > it is because of that very fad that we are celebrating all our

> > > >

> > > > > festivals and muhurtas on worng days, but their arguments are

> > > really

> > > >

> > > > > tamasic---like " I do not know much about astronomy (and by

> > > >

> > > > > implication it means that he/she knows everything about

> > astrology

> > > >

> > > > > though!) " is the stock reply of most of them.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > All the Hindus are now a days least bothered about celebrating

> > > Pitra-

> > > >

> > > > > Amavasya on the day of actual Dipavali which is on September

> > 28,

> > > >

> > > > > 2008, but they do not want to hear even a single word

> > > against " Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > astrology " ! They celebrated marriages in actual Pitrapaksha

> > > >

> > > > > because " Vedic astrologes " had okayed those dates!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > What is surprising is that in spite of being well read, most of

> > > the

> > > >

> > > > > Hindus have lost all sense of basic Primary school level

> > > geography!

> > > >

> > > > > They have become oblivious of the fact that Uttarayana cannot

> > > take

> > > >

> > > > > place on any other day than the shortest day of the year or

> > > >

> > > > > Dakshinayana except on the longest day of the year! But they

> > have

> > > >

> > > > > put wool into their ears for such phenomena since " Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > astrologers " want them to celebrate Uttarayana on January 15

> > and

> > > >

> > > > > Dakshinayana on July 15 and so on!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > In short, most of the Hindu society appears to have become

> > clones

> > > of

> > > >

> > > > > Maya the mlechha just because of their fatal infatuation

> > > with " Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > astrology " ! And that is the real Tamasic Vriti that I am

> > talking

> > > >

> > > > > about!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > However, since, AS IS EVIDENT FROM YOUR POST, Hindus are

> > > basically

> > > >

> > > > > the offspring of real Vamadevas instead of " imported

> > Vamadevas " ,

> > > >

> > > > > sooner than later the genome of Vedic seers will revolt against

> > > this

> > > >

> > > > > tyranny of " Vedic astrologers " and thereby prevent the Hindu

> > > >

> > > > > culture from having an akalamrityu, INSPITE OF " VEDIC


> > > >

> > > > > With regards,

> > > >

> > > > > Avtar

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > HinduCalendar, " Ravilochanan "

> > > >

> > > > > <ravilochan_ tn@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Dear Shri Avtar

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Pranaam! I concur with your views. NOwhere is it said in our

> > > epics

> > > >

> > > > > or

> > > >

> > > > > > Puranas that the Kings or Princes consulted astrologers

> > before

> > > >

> > > > > > marriage. Neither did Lord Ram consult an astrologer before

> > > taking

> > > >

> > > > > > part in the bow contest nor did Lord Krishna went in search

> > of

> > > >

> > > > > > astrologers before departing to carry away Devi Rukmini. This

> > > >

> > > > > > practice of matching kundli has reached absurd proportions.

> > Our

> > > >

> > > > > > dharma speaks about doing our duty without concern for the

> > > fruits.

> > > >

> > > > > > Doing what is right is the most important issue. Karma phal

> > > will

> > > >

> > > > > > finally reach us. One's karmaphal will not suddenly turn into

> > > good

> > > >

> > > > > > all of a sudden just because a kundli got matched. It doesn't

> > > make

> > > >

> > > > > > any sense. The Gita does not speak about jyotish phal. It

> > only

> > > >

> > > > > speaks

> > > >

> > > > > > about karma phal. My heart bleeds upon seeing some orthodox

> > > Hindus

> > > >

> > > > > > who have nearly mastered the aspect of Karma Yoga but still

> > > visit

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > astrologer with kundlis during marriage just because their

> > > parents

> > > >

> > > > > > had (wrongly) taught them so. They believe it to be an

> > integral

> > > >

> > > > > part

> > > >

> > > > > > of Vedic culture. It is high time that we gave up the ancient

> > > >

> > > > > Greek

> > > >

> > > > > > notion of astrology and get back to proper astronomy.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > humbly

> > > >

> > > > > > Ravilochanan

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > HinduCalendar, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > > >

> > > > > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Shri Arul Thilak ji,

> > > >

> > > > > > > Namaskar!

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > You have said

> > > >

> > > > > > > < As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in

> the 21st

> > > >

> > > > > century,

> > > >

> > > > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> > > >

> > > > > > revealing.>

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > It is immaterial as to who says what! In a democracy,

> > > everybody

> > > >

> > > > > is

> > > >

> > > > > > > " authorized " to say anything about anybody or any event,

> > > >

> > > > > especially

> > > >

> > > > > > if

> > > >

> > > > > > > the person concerned is a journalist! We have, however, to

> > > >

> > > > > > ascertain

> > > >

> > > > > > > facts for ourselves by sifting grain from the chaff and go

> > by

> > > >

> > > > > them!

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > You have quoted me as saying

> > > >

> > > > > > > <Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> > > >

> > > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> > > infatuation

> > > >

> > > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " .>

> > > >

> > > > > > > and there is enough of correspondence on this topic in this

> > > >

> > > > > forum!

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > To summarize the facts, one has just to recall the tragic

> > > event

> > > >

> > > > > of

> > > >

> > > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > erstwhile crown-prince shooting dead his parents---the then

> > > king

> > > >

> > > > > and

> > > >

> > > > > > > queen---and then himself, only because his parents would

> > not

> > > >

> > > > > allow

> > > >

> > > > > > him

> > > >

> > > > > > > to marry his sweet heart! And the parents did not allow

> > that

> > > >

> > > > > > marriage

> > > >

> > > > > > > as the " Vedic astrologers " there had said that the

> > horoscope

> > > of

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > crown-prince and his sweet heart did not match and it would

> > > bode

> > > >

> > > > > ill

> > > >

> > > > > > > for the king and the queen if that marriage was allowed!

> > > >

> > > > > > > And by now it is a well established fact that " Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > astrologers "

> > > >

> > > > > > only

> > > >

> > > > > > > predict the events upside down, if the data like the date

> > and

> > > >

> > > > > time

> > > >

> > > > > > of

> > > >

> > > > > > > birth etc. of the " native " are correct, since they can make

> > > >

> > > > > correct

> > > >

> > > > > > > predictions only from incorrect data! Thus instead of

> > > advising

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > then king and queen to solemnize the marriage of the crown

> > > >

> > > > > prince

> > > >

> > > > > > with

> > > >

> > > > > > > his sweet heart---she was also from a royal family of India-

> > --

> > > -as

> > > >

> > > > > > > otherwise he would go mad, they just advised to the

> > contrary!

> > > >

> > > > > And

> > > >

> > > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > results are there for everybody to see! It is worthwhile to

> > > put

> > > >

> > > > > on

> > > >

> > > > > > > record here that if it had been the earlier monarch, who

> > was

> > > >

> > > > > shot

> > > >

> > > > > > dead

> > > >

> > > > > > > by his own son, still ruling Nepal, the things would have

> > been

> > > >

> > > > > > > entirely different and would not have come to such a stage.

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Same was the case with BJP! If they had not advance the

> > last

> > > >

> > > > > > General

> > > >

> > > > > > > Election by several months, the chances were that they

> > would

> > > have

> > > >

> > > > > > > gained a majority by planning their moves properly and

> > would

> > > >

> > > > > still

> > > >

> > > > > > be

> > > >

> > > > > > > ruling today! But they believed more in " Vedic astrology "

> > > than

> > > >

> > > > > their

> > > >

> > > > > > > own drum-beating of " India shining " . Even on the day the

> > > results

> > > >

> > > > > of

> > > >

> > > > > > > the last election were declared, all the channels and

> > > newspapers

> > > >

> > > > > > were

> > > >

> > > > > > > crying from housetops that as per all the jyotishis, A B

> > > Vajpayee

> > > >

> > > > > > > would be the PM, irrespective of which party gained

> > majority!

> > > >

> > > > > > However,

> > > >

> > > > > > > the BJP's faith in " Vedic astrology " ruined everything for

> > > them

> > > >

> > > > > and

> > > >

> > > > > > > poor A B Vajpayee, instead of being crowned the king again,

> > > has

> > > >

> > > > > > become

> > > >

> > > > > > > completely bedridden, a sad fact that no astrologer had

> > > foreseen!

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > You have also said

> > > >

> > > > > > > < It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> > > based

> > > >

> > > > > on

> > > >

> > > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space.  >

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > On this topic also, there is a lot of correspondence with

> > > >

> > > > > > > IndiaArchaeology forum etc. that is available in this forum

> > > as

> > > >

> > > > > > well.

> > > >

> > > > > > > Again, instead of going by who is saying what, pl. peruse

> > that

> > > >

> > > > > > > correspondence and then let me know as to whether there is

> > any

> > > >

> > > > > > > " scientific basis " of 58 BC being called as Vikrami era is!

> > > If

> > > >

> > > > > at

> > > >

> > > > > > all

> > > >

> > > > > > > it has any scientific basis, it is based on the passage of

> > > the

> > > >

> > > > > VE

> > > >

> > > > > > from

> > > >

> > > > > > > one Greek constellation Aries into another Greek

> > > constellation

> > > >

> > > > > i.e.

> > > >

> > > > > > > Pisces in around 66 BCE! And nobody knows why and by whom

> > and

> > > >

> > > > > when

> > > >

> > > > > > it

> > > >

> > > > > > > was named " Vikrami Era " .

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > I have also made it clear literally hundreds of times that

> > my

> > > >

> > > > > > aversion

> > > >

> > > > > > > towards " Vedic astrology " is because of the fact that it is

> > > >

> > > > > > actually a

> > > >

> > > > > > > fraud on the Vedas and also a drag on Hindu society, since

> > it

> > > is

> > > >

> > > > > > this

> > > >

> > > > > > > very fad that is making us see adharma of celebrating all

> > our

> > > >

> > > > > > > festivals and muhurtas on wrong days as dharma! Same is the

> > > >

> > > > > case

> > > >

> > > > > > with

> > > >

> > > > > > > the all out defense by some people of the farce known

> > > as " Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > > > astrology " -- -they are actually defending adharma in the

> > name

> > > of

> > > >

> > > > > > dharma!

> > > >

> > > > > > > Hope the situation is clear now.

> > > >

> > > > > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > > > > AKK

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > HinduCalendar, Arul T <arul_thilak@

> >

> > > >

> > > > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > 1.  Sri Avtar-ji says as follows:

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > QUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Our erstwhile Hindu neighbouring country is a glaring

> > > >

> > > > > > > > example of its " suicide " because of an extraordinary

> > > >

> > > > > infatuation

> > > >

> > > > > > > > for " Vedic astrology " . So is the example of the BJP which

> > > had

> > > >

> > > > > > > > an " akalamrityu " by advanding the last election by

> > several

> > > >

> > > > > months

> > > >

> > > > > > on

> > > >

> > > > > > > > the advice of its " Minister of Astrology " !

> > > >

> > > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > As to how the last Hindu kingdom was lost in

> the 21st

> > > >

> > > > > century,

> > > >

> > > > > > > the following excerpts of Tarun Vijay's recent essay are

> > > >

> > > > > > revealing.Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > How, in particular, Hindu religious discourse was

> > > impoverished

> > > >

> > > > > and

> > > >

> > > > > > > limited to ritualism:

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ msid-

> > > >

> > > > > 3482408,prtpage-

> > > >

> > > > > > 1.cms

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > THE RIGHT VIEW

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Learn Chinese to know Kathmandu

> > > >

> > > > > > > > 14 Sep 2008, 1640 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > QUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > > ..... Younger Nepal turned the tide in favour of a change

> > > with

> > > >

> > > > > a

> > > >

> > > > > > > balance. Kingdom's Hindu status was meaningless as it

> > failed

> > > to

> > > >

> > > > > > > strengthen the democratic roots and provide food, water and

> > > >

> > > > > > education

> > > >

> > > > > > > to the rural poor. Pro-Monarchy people couldn't establish

> > > their

> > > >

> > > > > > > credibility - they thrived on an anti-India note and kept

> > > >

> > > > > religious

> > > >

> > > > > > > affairs bound to the personal loyalty to the King which

> > meant

> > > no

> > > >

> > > > > > > spiritual insurgence could take shape and the religious

> > > discourse

> > > >

> > > > > > > remained limited to ritualism. No strong nationalist

> > > spiritual

> > > >

> > > > > > fervour

> > > >

> > > > > > > was allowed as King felt threatened hence no tears were

> > seen

> > > at

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > demise of its Hindu nation status and the abolition of

> > > >

> > > > > > monarchy. ....

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > When the rulers turn corrupt and abuse peoples' faith and

> > > >

> > > > > trust,

> > > >

> > > > > > > public unrest and angst gets expressed in different ways.

> > > Nepal

> > > >

> > > > > saw

> > > >

> > > > > > it

> > > >

> > > > > > > happen in the form of a Maoism that prided to declare it's

> > > all

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > sources of inspiration and support to the neighbouring

> > > Communist

> > > >

> > > > > > > China. .......

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Prachanda took oath as the first Prime Minister of this

> > tiny

> > > >

> > > > > > > Himalayan federal republic, once the only Hindu State on

> > this

> > > >

> > > > > > planet,

> > > >

> > > > > > > in the name of the 'people of Nepal '.

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Earlier all the PMs had sworn in, invoking God's name. He

> > > >

> > > > > chose to

> > > >

> > > > > > > wear a western dress, three piece suite with a necktie.

> > > Earlier

> > > >

> > > > > > > everyone had worn a Nepalese traditional dress called Daura

> > > >

> > > > > Suruwal.

> > > >

> > > > > > > He also became the first PM not to visit Pashupati Nath, as

> > > has

> > > >

> > > > > been

> > > >

> > > > > > > the tradition of all the Nepalese leaders and he chose to

> > > visit

> > > >

> > > > > > China

> > > >

> > > > > > > first, again a new precedence, although our PM Dr Manmohan

> > > Singh

> > > >

> > > > > was

> > > >

> > > > > > > the first head of the state to congratulate Prachanda and

> > > invite

> > > >

> > > > > him

> > > >

> > > > > > > to visit India within half-an-hour of his election to the

> > > post.

> > > >

> > > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > The Nepali monarchy also had a Rajaguru :

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > http://www.hinduonn et.com/2002/ 06/27/stories/ 2002062703860100 .htm

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Jun 27, 2002

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Good news in 3 months: Kanchi Acharya

> > > >

> > > > > > > > By Our Special Correspondent

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > NEW DELHI JUNE 26. The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Jayendra

> > > >

> > > > > Saraswati,

> > > >

> > > > > > who

> > > >

> > > > > > > met the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and the Vice-

> > > >

> > > > > > President,

> > > >

> > > > > > > Krishan Kant, today asserted that he would continue with his

> > > >

> > > > > > > independent initiative to try and find a solution to the

> > > Ayodhya

> > > >

> > > > > > > problem that would be agreeable to both the parties

> > involved.

> > > He

> > > >

> > > > > > > expected " good news'' within two or three months.

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > During the day, the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, performed

> > > `pada

> > > >

> > > > > > puja'

> > > >

> > > > > > > at the feet of Adi Sankara at the Kamakshi temple, which is

> > > also

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > place where the Kanchi seer stays when he is here. The King

> > > was

> > > >

> > > > > with

> > > >

> > > > > > > the Queen, Komal Rajyalaxmi, and their daughter, Prerna

> > > >

> > > > > Rajyalaxmi,

> > > >

> > > > > > > and the `puja' was performed in the presence of the

> > > >

> > > > > Sankaracharya

> > > >

> > > > > > who

> > > >

> > > > > > > is also the `rajguru' of Nepal. Earlier, he had clarified

> > > that

> > > >

> > > > > his

> > > >

> > > > > > > current visit to the capital was connected with King

> > > Gyanendra's

> > > >

> > > > > > > desire to meet him.

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > 2. Tarun Vijay's essay also mentions:

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > QUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > > It (Nepal) faithfully follows a Vikram Samvat calendar

> > > based

> > > >

> > > > > on

> > > >

> > > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > most scientific Hindu system of time and space. Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > UNQUOTE

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > > > > > --- On Thu, 25/9/08, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@>

> > > >

> > > > > > > > [akandabaratam] Fwd: Re: " Vedic astrology " - the

> > > >

> > > > > greatest

> > > >

> > > > > > > fraud on the Vedas! (reposted)

> > > >

> > > > > > > > akandabaratam

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Thursday, 25 September, 2008, 12:39 AM

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > hinducivilization, " Avtar

> > Krishen

> > > >

> > > > > Kaul "

> > > >

> > > > > > > > <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear Shri Bhadraiah Mallampalliji,

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Namaskar!

> > > >

> > > > > > > > I would request you to kindly go through your own post

> > once

> > > >

> > > > > again.

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Can you pick even a single cogent reason from your own

> > > points

> > > >

> > > > > as

> > > >

> > > > > > to

> > > >

> > > > > > > > why we should continue to follow the fraud known as Vedic

> > > >

> > > > > > astrology,

> > > >

> > > > > > > > which is neither scientific, nor logical, least of all

> > > Vedic,

> > > >

> > > > > > > > instead of celebrating our festivals and muhurtas on

> > > correct

> > > >

> > > > > > days,

> > > >

> > > > > > > > as advised by our shastras, logic and science--since

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Uttarayana/Dakshina yana/Vasanta Sampat/Hemanta Sampat

> > etc.

> > > >

> > > > > are

> > > >

> > > > > > all

> > > >

> > > > > > > > phenomena of seasons and therefore scientific! Similarly,

> > > all

> > > >

> > > > > the

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Vedas and Puranas have fixed certain days for rituals!

> > > E.g.,

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Nirjala Ekadashi is a sort of Tapasya only if we observe

> > it

> > > in

> > > >

> > > > > > > > Summer, when we feel most thirsty, whereas in Winter, it

> > is

> > > >

> > > > > > hardly

> > > >

> > > > > > > > worthwhile! And that is what we will be doing after a few

> > > >

> > > > > > centuries-

> > > >

> > > > > > > > -celebrating that day in Winter--thanks to " Vedic

> > > astrologers "

> > > >

> > > > > > and

> > > >

> > > > > > > > their " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > >

> > > > > Voice your opinion on the burning issues of the day. Discuss,

> > > debate

> > > > with the world. Logon to message boards on MSN. Try it!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Sie sind Spam leid? Mail verfügt über einen

> > herausragenden

> > > Schutz

> > > > gegen Massenmails.

> > > >

> > > > > http://mail.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

hinducivilization , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


Dear Dr. Anand M. Sharan,


Regarding my views about Sayana jyotisha/astronomy, here is a copy of

a post No.4729 August 23 from HinduCalendar forum.



*** **** ***** **** ***

HinduCalendar , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


Sushri Dipika ji,



<Do you support Sayana based astrology?>


My journey through jyotisha---phalita, of course!---labyrinth has

been a real evolutionary one! To start with, I was an astro-buff

like my maternal grandfather, who could make correct predictions from

horoscopes prepared from Makaranda/Grahalaghava panchangas---the most

ludicrous astronomical works, next only to Maya the mlechha's Surya


Later, I found from the Puranas and also the sidhantas (the Surya

Sidahnta was a divine work for me also till about a decade back!)

that they all referred to a (so called) Sayana rashichakra! It means

that Sayana astrology i.e. the one based on the so called Sayana

rashis could be the real Vedic astrology and it could be the only

rashichakra which was to be followed for festivals etc.! Like the

Surya Sidhanta, I also clubbed the start of Ashvini nakshatra with

Meshaarambha i.e. the Vernal Equinox then, quite oblivious of the

fact that that just could not be possible.


That dichotomy was pointed out by a gentleman Shri Paul Kekai

Manansala that the Vedic Seers could never have clubbed the real

nakshatras with imaginary Sayana Rashis! Since his argument was quite

logical, and being a seeker of Truth instead of just a Phalita

jyotishi, whether Sayana-Vedic or nirayana-Vedic,I had willy-nilly to

go through the entire gamut of rashis and nakshatras and calendar

making all over again! I could not find any Mesha etc. Rashis in any

of the Vedas nor in any original astronomicl indigenous work like the

Rik-Jyotisham (also known as Vedanga Jyotisha) or Yajur Jyotisha or

even the so called Atharva-Jyotisha or any of the sidhantas of the

pre-Surya Sidhana era! It was thus clear that Mesha etc. Rashis---

whether the so called Sayana or the so called Nirayana, had been

imported into India from somewhere else as they were conspicuous by

their absence from all the Vedic and post-Vedic works upto about

fourth century BCE!


This fact of rashis having been imported into India from somewhre

else had actualy been confirmed by all the prominent scholars like S.

B. Dikshit, Dr. M. N. Saha, Sri Sarma etc. etc. already and has now

been re-confirmed by several scholars in their archaeo-astronomy

papers though indrectly by clarifying that there are no rashis in

Parashara Samhita either!


Since my main aims was to streamline the Hindu calnear, I found that

there was thus a direct conflict between the Mesha etc. Rashis and

the Hindu calendar since if the Rashis were taken as Sayana, they

could not be linked to nakshatras at all, and if we take them as

nirayana rashis---out of hunreds of nirayana aynamshas---none of them

could be linked to the seasons! That is why the real Vamadevas never

had any requirement of any Mesha etc. Rashis, since for them

Madhu/Chaitra, Madhava/Vaishkaha etc. 12 months coupled with Vasanta

etc. six Ritus and the four cardinal points viz. the two solstices

and two equinoxes was more than sufficient for deciding their fasts

and festivals!


For krittika etc. nakshatras, the Seers did not need any Mesha etc.

Rashis since the nakshatras had an indpendent existence for them!


Thus it is only phalita jyotishsis who need rashis---whether Sayana

or nirayana---for their survival---and not the real Vedic calendar!

And since the phalita-walas cannot do without Mesha etc. Rashis, they

just thrust them on the Hindu calendar/festivals also because they

know that unles and until they attach some religious siginificance to

those imaginary Rashis, nobody is going to take their phalit hocus-

pocus seriously! That is how there is a direct conflict between the

real Vedic calendar and the unreal " Vedic astrologers " . And that is

why these jyotishis attend every conference/seminar for streamlining

the Hindu calendar and it is only the " most successful Vedic

astrologer " who presides over such conferences/seminars! We have

thus been always back to square one after such innumerable

conferencess and seminars! It will be clear from PAC3.doc from the

files section!


<This was claimed by one of Astrologers who went through your article

on http://www.aryasamaj.org/eng_art/do_celebrate_in_time.htm>


As explained above, in a sort of way, that " claim " of

that " astrologer " was correct as on that date when I had written that

article! It was a similr situation with the members of the

then " Akhila Bharatiya Panchanga Sudhar Samit " who had joined that

committee only to " show to the whole world that sayana was the real

predictive system of Vedic astrology " rather than celebrating the

festivals on correct days! I am sure most of them do not celebrate

festivals on corect days even today though they practise " sayana

Vedic astrology " ! That is why I resigned from that Committee as its

president since that " Aryasamaja-wala astrologer " and also

the " Committee-wale astrologers " have got just stuck with that

stance of mine whereas I have continued on my journey after

jettisoning such mill-stones around the neck by the roadiside.

With regards,




Could you kindly teach me the art of typing Sanskrit words in

Devanagri script in posts as you have typed the words

सतà¥à¤¯à¤®à¥‡à¤µ जयते.

I am sure no member will have any objection to this request of mine!







HinduCalendar , " dipika blr " <blr.aspirant@>



> Dear Avtar ji,


> Do you support Sayana based astrology? This was claimed by one of

> Astrologers who went through your article on

> http://www.aryasamaj.org/eng_art/do_celebrate_in_time.htm


> regards

> Dipika



> सतà¥à¤¯à¤®à¥‡à¤µ जयते

> --------------------------

> -satyameva jayate naanritam

> satyena pantha vitato devayanah

> yenaa kramantyarishayo hyaaptakaamaa

> yatra tat satyasya paramam nidhaanam


> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 5:42 PM, jyotirved <jyotirved@> wrote:


> > Namaste Shri Narasimha P. V. R. Rao-ji,

> >

> > Many thanks for your comments on my article/post " Vedic

astrology " †" the

> > greatest fraud on the Vedas--- in IndiaDivine forum, posted by

you in July

> > 2005, but which I saw just today, i.e. August 22, 2008!

> >

> >


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