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kaul Ji s Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham

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You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself> > or has some "mentor" just handed over some chit of paper which had> > the shloka of "jotisham ayanam…" translated in a wrong manner? If> > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you ignore> > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda, chapter> > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :> >> > "Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the> > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the> > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known> > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer> > Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,> > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such> > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs of> > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while> > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a> > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula (Libra)> > the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the> > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,> > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights> > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun> > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,> > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights> > proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to> > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it> > takes a northward turn".> >vedic astrology/message/106494

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Shri Maheswara Varmaji,


<kaul Ji's Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham>


Glad that you have come to know that there are Mesha, Vrisha etc.

Rashis in the Bhagavata Purana!

For your information, I may repeat here that there are Mesha, Vrisha,

Mithuna etc. rashis in almost all the eighteen puranas, but it appears

you are unaware about the same!


However, pl. note that the Pauranic Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis are not

the same as Lahiri or Ramana or Yukteswhara etc. Mesha, Vrisha etc.

rashis which are being used for predictive gimmicks by " Vedic

astrologers " (Sic!).

The details of Pauranic rashis are:

1. Pauranic Mesha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Madhava/Vaishakha

(Vernal Equinox ,March 21, when day=night). This is the real Vaishakhi

and Meshadi instead of April 14 (Lahiri Mesha).

2. Pauranic Vrisha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Shukrah/Jyeshtha ---

April 20 instead of May 14 (Lahiri Vrisha)

3. Pauranic Mithuna Sankranti---known as Vedic Shuchih/Ashadha ---May

20 instead of June 15 (Lahiri Mithuna)

4. Pauranic Karkata Sankanti --- known as Vedic

Nabhah/Shravana--Dakshinayana--when the day is the longest---June 21

instead of July 15 (Lahiri Karkata)

5. Pauranic Simha Sankranti---known as Vedic Nabhasya/Bhadra---July 21

instead of August 15. This is also the real Malayalam New Year's Day

i.e. Simhadi instead of Lahiri Malyalam New Year on August 14/15.

6. Pauranic Kanya Sankranti---known as Vedic Isha/Ashvina---August 22

instead of September 15 (Lahiri Kanya)

7. Pauranic Tula Sankranti---known as Vedic Urja/Kartika---Autumn

Equinox---Hemant Sampat---when day and night are equal. Sepbtember 21

instead of October 15 (Lahiri Tula)

8. Pauranic Vrischika Sankranti---known as Vedic

Sahas/Margasheersha/Agrahayana. October 22, instead of November 15

(Lahiri Vrishchika)

9. Pauranic Dhanuh Sankranti-----known as Vedic Sahasya/Pausha.

November 21 instead of December 15 (Lahiri Dhanuh) This is the real

Dhanurmas, which is supposed to be avoided for any auspicious activities.

10. Pauranic Makar Sankranti---Uttarayana----when the day is the

shortest-----known as Vedic Tapas/Magha. This is the real world

famous Makar Sankranti instead of the imaginary Lahiri Makar Sankranti

of January 15. Dhanurmas ends on this date i.e. December 21.

11. Pauranic Kumbha Sankranti-----known as Vedic Tapasya/Phalguna.

Starts on January 21 (instead of Febuary 15---Lahiri Kumbha)

12. Pauranic Mina Sankranti----known as Vedic month Madhu/Chaitra.

Starts on February 21. This is the start of real Kharamas instead of

March 15.! This is the start of Vasant Ritu and the first New Moon

after this date is the real Vasanti Nvratri, also known as Gudi-Padva,

Ugadi etc.




You must also note that if there are any phalit jyotisha books by any

Parashara etc.---which is actually an impossibility---they also must

be on the basis of the same Rashi-chakra, i.e. so called sayana, as

detailed above, and not on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or

Chandra-Hari or Yukteshwar or Kharegat or Chopra etc. etc. ayanamshas!


But pl. do bear in mind that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in

the Vedas, as such to say that the Vedas are talking of some nirayana

Rashis is as meaningless as it is to say that they are referring to

some Sayana Rashis.


A K Kaul


, " maheswara_varma "

<maheswara_varma wrote:


> You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

> > > or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper which had

> > > the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner?

> If

> > > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you

> ignore

> > > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda,

> chapter

> > > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :

> > >

> > > " Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the

> > > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the

> > > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known

> > > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer

> > > Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,

> > > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

> > > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs

> of

> > > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while

> > > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a

> > > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula

> (Libra)

> > > the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the

> > > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,

> > > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

> > > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

> > > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

> > > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

> > > proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to

> > > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

> > > takes a northward turn " .

> > >

> vedic astrology/message/106494

> <vedic astrology/message/106494>


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Kaul ji

Thank for admitting ur mistakes ,u asked only rasies .My problem was how to re produce it in mail by typing quoting whatever i see frm purana s all this days .Now u solved my problems .


I discussed some ppl and they were offerring help ,but this sudden finding s almost solved my pain .


Now pls dont ask same question ,in ur fashion ,it is with a hidden purpose .

Now do u know atharva veda paristitha ( sorry i foget last word ) has astrology .


now u claims diffrnt but u hav to answer me how they were usin and show it to world than destroying some system as in my opinion both sayana and nirayana systems were in india still using for diffrnt purposes but nirayana systems r used for predictiv purposes .


even we were using diffrnt calenders for diffrnt purposes ,diffrnt months ,yrs etc .


solar .lunar .jupiterian etc etc . Based on rituals .


regrds M varma



, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved wrote:>> Shri Maheswara Varmaji,> Namakar!> <kaul Ji's Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham>> > Glad that you have come to know that there are Mesha, Vrisha etc.> Rashis in the Bhagavata Purana!> For your information, I may repeat here that there are Mesha, Vrisha,> Mithuna etc. rashis in almost all the eighteen puranas, but it appears> you are unaware about the same!> > However, pl. note that the Pauranic Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis are not> the same as Lahiri or Ramana or Yukteswhara etc. Mesha, Vrisha etc.> rashis which are being used for predictive gimmicks by "Vedic> astrologers" (Sic!). > The details of Pauranic rashis are:> 1. Pauranic Mesha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Madhava/Vaishakha> (Vernal Equinox ,March 21, when day=night). This is the real Vaishakhi> and Meshadi instead of April 14 (Lahiri Mesha). > 2. Pauranic Vrisha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Shukrah/Jyeshtha ---> April 20 instead of May 14 (Lahiri Vrisha)> 3. Pauranic Mithuna Sankranti---known as Vedic Shuchih/Ashadha ---May> 20 instead of June 15 (Lahiri Mithuna)> 4. Pauranic Karkata Sankanti --- known as Vedic> Nabhah/Shravana--Dakshinayana--when the day is the longest---June 21> instead of July 15 (Lahiri Karkata)> 5. Pauranic Simha Sankranti---known as Vedic Nabhasya/Bhadra---July 21> instead of August 15. This is also the real Malayalam New Year's Day> i.e. Simhadi instead of Lahiri Malyalam New Year on August 14/15.> 6. Pauranic Kanya Sankranti---known as Vedic Isha/Ashvina---August 22> instead of September 15 (Lahiri Kanya)> 7. Pauranic Tula Sankranti---known as Vedic Urja/Kartika---Autumn> Equinox---Hemant Sampat---when day and night are equal. Sepbtember 21> instead of October 15 (Lahiri Tula)> 8. Pauranic Vrischika Sankranti---known as Vedic> Sahas/Margasheersha/Agrahayana. October 22, instead of November 15> (Lahiri Vrishchika)> 9. Pauranic Dhanuh Sankranti-----known as Vedic Sahasya/Pausha. > November 21 instead of December 15 (Lahiri Dhanuh) This is the real> Dhanurmas, which is supposed to be avoided for any auspicious activities.> 10. Pauranic Makar Sankranti---Uttarayana----when the day is the> shortest-----known as Vedic Tapas/Magha. This is the real world> famous Makar Sankranti instead of the imaginary Lahiri Makar Sankranti> of January 15. Dhanurmas ends on this date i.e. December 21.> 11. Pauranic Kumbha Sankranti-----known as Vedic Tapasya/Phalguna. > Starts on January 21 (instead of Febuary 15---Lahiri Kumbha)> 12. Pauranic Mina Sankranti----known as Vedic month Madhu/Chaitra.> Starts on February 21. This is the start of real Kharamas instead of> March 15.! This is the start of Vasant Ritu and the first New Moon> after this date is the real Vasanti Nvratri, also known as Gudi-Padva,> Ugadi etc. > I HOPE YOU WILL START CELEBRATING FESTIVASL AND MUHURTAS NOW AS PER> THE INJUNCTIONS OF DHARMASHATRAS INSTEAD OF THE DICTUM OF "ALMIGHTY"> LAHIRI AND LAHIRIWALAS!> You must also note that if there are any phalit jyotisha books by any> Parashara etc.---which is actually an impossibility---they also must> be on the basis of the same Rashi-chakra, i.e. so called sayana, as> detailed above, and not on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or> Chandra-Hari or Yukteshwar or Kharegat or Chopra etc. etc. ayanamshas!> > But pl. do bear in mind that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in> the Vedas, as such to say that the Vedas are talking of some nirayana> Rashis is as meaningless as it is to say that they are referring to> some Sayana Rashis.> Dhanyavad.> A K Kaul> > , "maheswara_varma"> maheswara_varma@ wrote:> >> > You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself> > > > or has some "mentor" just handed over some chit of paper which had> > > > the shloka of "jotisham ayanam…" translated in a wrong manner?> > If> > > > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you> > ignore> > > > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda,> > chapter> > > > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :> > > >> > > > "Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the> > > > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the> > > > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known> > > > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer> > > > Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,> > > > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such> > > > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs> > of> > > > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while> > > > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a> > > > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula> > (Libra)> > > > the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the> > > > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,> > > > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights> > > > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun> > > > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,> > > > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights> > > > proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun takes to> > > > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it> > > > takes a northward turn".> > > >> > vedic astrology/message/106494> > <vedic astrology/message/106494>> >>

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Dear M. Varma,What are you trying to prove?  Is it that your knowledge on Astrology, Astronomy, and Vedas superior to anyone else living/lived in the universe?Being a member of this group and the universe, I acknowledge that you have (if Mr. Kaul also wishes the same, he has) the supreme knowledge in the fields of Astrology, Astronomy, Vedas and all existed/existing/to be invented sciences.  I humbly request all those who are participating in this kind of debate to stop it at once.I also request all the member of this club to acknowledge that Mr. Varma, Mr. Kaul, and all those who want to be acknowledged, have the supreme knowledge on all the said fields.Thanks

and regards,Sendilmaheswara_varma <maheswara_varma Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:00:00 PM Re: kaul Ji s Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham


Kaul ji

  Thank for admitting ur mistakes ,u asked only rasies .My problem was how to re produce it in mail by typing quoting whatever i see frm purana s all this days .Now u solved my problems .


I discussed some ppl and they were offerring help ,but this sudden finding s almost solved my pain .


Now pls dont ask same question ,in ur fashion ,it is with a hidden purpose .

Now do u know atharva veda paristitha ( sorry i foget last word ) has astrology .


now u claims diffrnt but u hav to answer me how they were usin and show it to world than destroying some system as in my opinion both sayana and nirayana systems were in india still using for diffrnt purposes but nirayana systems r used for predictiv purposes .


even we were using diffrnt calenders for diffrnt purposes ,diffrnt months ,yrs etc .


solar .lunar .jupiterian etc etc . Based on rituals .


regrds M varma



, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@.. .> wrote:>> Shri Maheswara Varmaji,> Namakar!> <kaul Ji's Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham>> > Glad that you have come to know that there are Mesha, Vrisha etc.> Rashis in the Bhagavata Purana!> For your information, I may repeat here that there are Mesha, Vrisha,> Mithuna etc. rashis in almost all the eighteen puranas, but it appears> you are unaware about the same!> > However, pl. note that the Pauranic Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis are not> the same as Lahiri or Ramana or Yukteswhara etc. Mesha, Vrisha etc.> rashis which are being used for predictive gimmicks by "Vedic> astrologers" (Sic!). > The details of Pauranic rashis are:> 1. Pauranic Mesha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Madhava/Vaishakha> (Vernal Equinox ,March 21, when day=night). This is the real Vaishakhi> and Meshadi instead

of April 14 (Lahiri Mesha). > 2. Pauranic Vrisha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Shukrah/Jyeshtha ---> April 20 instead of May 14 (Lahiri Vrisha)> 3. Pauranic Mithuna Sankranti--- known as Vedic Shuchih/Ashadha ---May> 20 instead of June 15 (Lahiri Mithuna)> 4. Pauranic Karkata Sankanti --- known as Vedic> Nabhah/Shravana- -Dakshinayana- -when the day is the longest---June 21> instead of July 15 (Lahiri Karkata)> 5. Pauranic Simha Sankranti--- known as Vedic Nabhasya/Bhadra- --July 21> instead of August 15. This is also the real Malayalam New Year's Day> i.e. Simhadi instead of Lahiri Malyalam New Year on August 14/15.> 6. Pauranic Kanya Sankranti--- known as Vedic Isha/Ashvina- --August 22> instead of September 15 (Lahiri Kanya)> 7. Pauranic Tula Sankranti--- known as Vedic Urja/Kartika- --Autumn> Equinox---Hemant Sampat---when day and night are equal. Sepbtember 21> instead of October 15 (Lahiri

Tula)> 8. Pauranic Vrischika Sankranti--- known as Vedic> Sahas/Margasheersha /Agrahayana. October 22, instead of November 15> (Lahiri Vrishchika)> 9. Pauranic Dhanuh Sankranti--- --known as Vedic Sahasya/Pausha. > November 21 instead of December 15 (Lahiri Dhanuh) This is the real> Dhanurmas, which is supposed to be avoided for any auspicious activities.> 10. Pauranic Makar Sankranti--- Uttarayana- ---when the day is the> shortest---- -known as Vedic Tapas/Magha. This is the real world> famous Makar Sankranti instead of the imaginary Lahiri Makar Sankranti> of January 15. Dhanurmas ends on this date i.e. December 21.> 11. Pauranic Kumbha Sankranti--- --known as Vedic Tapasya/Phalguna. > Starts on January 21 (instead of Febuary 15---Lahiri Kumbha)> 12. Pauranic Mina Sankranti--- -known as Vedic month Madhu/Chaitra.> Starts on February 21. This is the start of real Kharamas instead of> March

15.! This is the start of Vasant Ritu and the first New Moon> after this date is the real Vasanti Nvratri, also known as Gudi-Padva,> Ugadi etc. > I HOPE YOU WILL START CELEBRATING FESTIVASL AND MUHURTAS NOW AS PER> THE INJUNCTIONS OF DHARMASHATRAS INSTEAD OF THE DICTUM OF "ALMIGHTY"> LAHIRI AND LAHIRIWALAS!> You must also note that if there are any phalit jyotisha books by any> Parashara etc.---which is actually an impossibility- --they also must> be on the basis of the same Rashi-chakra, i.e. so called sayana, as> detailed above, and not on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or> Chandra-Hari or Yukteshwar or Kharegat or Chopra etc. etc. ayanamshas!> > But pl. do bear in mind that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in> the Vedas, as such to say that the Vedas are talking of some nirayana> Rashis is as meaningless as it is to say that they are referring to> some Sayana Rashis.>

Dhanyavad.> A K Kaul> > , "maheswara_varma"> maheswara_varma@ wrote:> >> > You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself> > > > or has some "mentor" just handed over some chit of paper which had> > > > the shloka of "jotisham ayanam…" translated in a wrong manner?> > If> > > > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you> > ignore> > > > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda,> > chapter> > > > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :> > > >> > > > "Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord of the> > > > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light (all) the> > > > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches, known> > > > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana (Summer> > > > Solstice) and the

Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising higher,> > > > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such> > > > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the signs> > of> > > > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the days while> > > > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their duration on a> > > > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula> > (Libra)> > > > the days and nights are of equal length and when it traverses the> > > > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna, Karkata,> > > > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights> > > > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun> > > > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,> > > > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights> > > > proportionately longer. Days grow in

length till the sun takes to> > > > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it> > > > takes a northward turn".> > > >> > http://groups. / group/vedic- astrology/ message/106494> > <http://groups. / group/vedic- astrology/ message/106494>> >>

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Dear Shri Sendil Kumarji,



Glad to see your post!


<What are you trying to prove? Is it that your knowledge on

Astrology, Astronomy, and Vedas superior to anyone else living/lived

in the universe?>


Let me narrate a joke/anecdote, about a thug. He claimed himself to

be a master of all the Vedas and was spoiling for a shastrartha. A

simple Brahmin approached him for that purpose. The first question

the thug put to that Brahmin was, " How many Vedas are there " ?. The

Brahmin replied, " Four " . Thug, " Name them " . Brahmin, " Rigveda,

Yajurveda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda " . Thug, " Your knowledge is

incomplete. How can I have shastrartha with you. Instead of sixteen

Vedas, you are talking of only four Vedas " . Poor Brahmin was

flabbgergastd and asked, " What are those sixteen Vedas " ?. Thug,

" Rgiveda Rigvedni betan beti saaath (4); Yajurveda yajurvedni betan

beti sasath (8), Samaveda Samavedani betan beti saath (12), Atharva

Veda Atharva Vedni betan beti saath " . A rough English translation of

the same could be " Rigveda, Smti. Rigveda, Junior (son of) Rigveda and

Kumari (daughter of) Rigveda.--four. Yajurveda, Smti. Yajurveda,

Junior (son of) Yajurveda, and Kumari (daughter of) Yajurveda total

eight; Samaveda, Smti Samaveda, Junior (son of) Samaveda, and Kumari

(daughter of) Samaveda (total 12) and finally Atharva-Veda, Smti.

Atharva Veda, junior (son of) Atharva-Veda and Kumari (daughter of)

Atharva Vda--total sixteen).


The poor Brahmin left to study the remaining twelve Vedas before doing

a shastrartha! Same is the case with certain members of this forum!

They want first to bamboozle everyone with their abracadabra so that

the readers/members stop any discussions to study the non-existent

remaining twelve Vedas first. When they do not succeed in that

attempt, then they exasperate the members as well as the moderator so

that they are provoked to such an extent that the moderator is

compelled to ban them from a forum! And once that is done, such

people claim, " I am banned---but I win " . And thus proclaim to the

whole world that they are the real martyrs.


But one has to give such members a long rope so that they ultimately

hang themselves with that very rope. And I think the time has come

for that now.

With regards,

A K Kaul


, sendil kumar

<kpsendilkumar wrote:


> Dear M. Varma,


> What are you trying to prove? Is it that your knowledge on

Astrology, Astronomy, and Vedas superior to anyone else living/lived

in the universe?


> Being a member of this group and the universe, I acknowledge that

you have (if Mr. Kaul also wishes the same, he has) the supreme

knowledge in the fields of Astrology, Astronomy, Vedas and all

existed/existing/to be invented sciences.


> I humbly request all those who are participating in this kind of

debate to stop it at once.


> I also request all the member of this club to acknowledge that Mr.

Varma, Mr. Kaul, and all those who want to be acknowledged, have the

supreme knowledge on all the said fields.


> Thanks and regards,

> Sendil





> maheswara_varma <maheswara_varma


> Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:00:00 PM

> Re: kaul Ji s Own words zodiacal signs

in bhagavatham



> Kaul ji

> Thank for admitting ur mistakes ,u asked only rasies .My problem

was how to re produce it in mail by typing quoting whatever i see frm

purana s all this days .Now u solved my problems .


> I discussed some ppl and they were offerring help ,but this sudden

finding s almost solved my pain .


> Now pls dont ask same question ,in ur fashion ,it is with a hidden

purpose .

> Now do u know atharva veda paristitha ( sorry i foget last word )

has astrology .


> now u claims diffrnt but u hav to answer me how they were usin and

show it to world than destroying some system as in my opinion both

sayana and nirayana systems were in india still using for diffrnt

purposes but nirayana systems r used for predictiv purposes .


> even we were using diffrnt calenders for diffrnt purposes ,diffrnt

months ,yrs etc .


> solar .lunar .jupiterian etc etc . Based on rituals .


> regrds M varma




> , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@ .> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Maheswara Varmaji,

> > Namakar!

> > <kaul Ji's Own words zodiacal signs in bhagavatham>

> >

> > Glad that you have come to know that there are Mesha, Vrisha etc.

> > Rashis in the Bhagavata Purana!

> > For your information, I may repeat here that there are Mesha, Vrisha,

> > Mithuna etc. rashis in almost all the eighteen puranas, but it appears

> > you are unaware about the same!

> >

> > However, pl. note that the Pauranic Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis are not

> > the same as Lahiri or Ramana or Yukteswhara etc. Mesha, Vrisha etc.

> > rashis which are being used for predictive gimmicks by " Vedic

> > astrologers " (Sic!).

> > The details of Pauranic rashis are:

> > 1. Pauranic Mesha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Madhava/Vaishakha

> > (Vernal Equinox ,March 21, when day=night). This is the real Vaishakhi

> > and Meshadi instead of April 14 (Lahiri Mesha).

> > 2. Pauranic Vrisha Sankranti - Known as Vedic Shukrah/Jyeshtha ---

> > April 20 instead of May 14 (Lahiri Vrisha)

> > 3. Pauranic Mithuna Sankranti--- known as Vedic Shuchih/Ashadha ---May

> > 20 instead of June 15 (Lahiri Mithuna)

> > 4. Pauranic Karkata Sankanti --- known as Vedic

> > Nabhah/Shravana- -Dakshinayana- -when the day is the longest---June 21

> > instead of July 15 (Lahiri Karkata)

> > 5. Pauranic Simha Sankranti--- known as Vedic Nabhasya/Bhadra-

--July 21

> > instead of August 15. This is also the real Malayalam New Year's Day

> > i.e. Simhadi instead of Lahiri Malyalam New Year on August 14/15.

> > 6. Pauranic Kanya Sankranti--- known as Vedic Isha/Ashvina-

--August 22

> > instead of September 15 (Lahiri Kanya)

> > 7. Pauranic Tula Sankranti--- known as Vedic Urja/Kartika- --Autumn

> > Equinox---Hemant Sampat---when day and night are equal. Sepbtember 21

> > instead of October 15 (Lahiri Tula)

> > 8. Pauranic Vrischika Sankranti--- known as Vedic

> > Sahas/Margasheersha /Agrahayana. October 22, instead of November 15

> > (Lahiri Vrishchika)

> > 9. Pauranic Dhanuh Sankranti--- --known as Vedic Sahasya/Pausha.

> > November 21 instead of December 15 (Lahiri Dhanuh) This is the real

> > Dhanurmas, which is supposed to be avoided for any auspicious


> > 10. Pauranic Makar Sankranti--- Uttarayana- ---when the day is the

> > shortest---- -known as Vedic Tapas/Magha. This is the real world

> > famous Makar Sankranti instead of the imaginary Lahiri Makar Sankranti

> > of January 15. Dhanurmas ends on this date i.e. December 21.

> > 11. Pauranic Kumbha Sankranti--- --known as Vedic Tapasya/Phalguna.

> > Starts on January 21 (instead of Febuary 15---Lahiri Kumbha)

> > 12. Pauranic Mina Sankranti--- -known as Vedic month Madhu/Chaitra.

> > Starts on February 21. This is the start of real Kharamas instead of

> > March 15.! This is the start of Vasant Ritu and the first New Moon

> > after this date is the real Vasanti Nvratri, also known as Gudi-Padva,

> > Ugadi etc.




> > You must also note that if there are any phalit jyotisha books by any

> > Parashara etc.---which is actually an impossibility- --they also must

> > be on the basis of the same Rashi-chakra, i.e. so called sayana, as

> > detailed above, and not on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or

> > Chandra-Hari or Yukteshwar or Kharegat or Chopra etc. etc. ayanamshas!

> >

> > But pl. do bear in mind that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in

> > the Vedas, as such to say that the Vedas are talking of some nirayana

> > Rashis is as meaningless as it is to say that they are referring to

> > some Sayana Rashis.

> > Dhanyavad.

> > A K Kaul

> >

> > , " maheswara_varma "

> > maheswara_varma@ wrote:

> > >

> > > You have referred to Srimad Bhagavata. Have your read it yourself

> > > > > or has some " mentor " just handed over some chit of paper

which had

> > > > > the shloka of " jotisham ayanam… " translated in a wrong manner?

> > > If

> > > > > you have read it yourself, why have you overlooked (or did you

> > > ignore

> > > > > them deliberately? ) the following shlokas from fifth skanda,

> > > chapter

> > > > > 21, shlokas 3 to 5 (Gita Press edition translation) :

> > > > >

> > > > > " Placed at the centre of the sky, the glorious sun, the lord

of the

> > > > > luminaries, warms by its heat and illuminates by its light

(all) the

> > > > > three worlds. Coursing by slow, swift and regulated marches,


> > > > > by the names of Uttarayana (Winter Solstice), Dakshinayana


> > > > > Solstice) and the Vishuvata (the two Equinoxes), and rising


> > > > > going down and taking a mean position whenever and wherever such

> > > > > positions are inevitable, the sun, while passing through the


> > > of

> > > > > the zodiac from Makara (Capricorn) onwards lengthens the

days while

> > > > > shortening the nights and vice-versa and brings their

duration on a

> > > > > par. When the sun traverses the sign of Mesha (Aries)and Tula

> > > (Libra)

> > > > > the days and nights are of equal length and when it

traverses the

> > > > > five signs from Vrishabha onwards (viz. Vrihsabha, Mithuna,


> > > > > Simha and Kanya) days become longer and longer only while nights

> > > > > become shorter by nearly half an hour every month. When the sun

> > > > > traverses the five signs from Vrischika onwards viz. Vrischika,

> > > > > Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Mina, days become shorter and nights

> > > > > proportionately longer. Days grow in length till the sun

takes to

> > > > > the southward course and nights become longer and longer till it

> > > > > takes a northward turn " .

> > > > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- astrology/ message/106494

> > > <http://groups. / group/vedic- astrology/ message/106494>

> > >

> >


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