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wat r the Odds and famous nobel price winning coin theory of sri sanat ji

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dear grp


how easy is this astrology ,we can throw a coin in air and need to show our head ,so it will hit on our head and depending on sound it hits u can predict ,those who interested our Gwalior factory is making such throwing astro coins .depending on ur need 1 grm to 100KG avilable .


just buy it and try it



so read this and enjoy


About one out of every three people in the United States thinks that winning the lottery is the only way to become financially secure. But the odds of winning a single state lottery are about 18 million to 1.

That's why I laugh at my friends who buy lottery tickets—to me, it's just throwing money away. The likelihood you'll be killed by lightning is roughly 2,650,000 to 1—a lot more likely than winning the lottery.

Have you ever wondered how the odds stack up against each other? For instance, did you know that your odds of winning an Olympic medal are roughly the same as drowning in the bathtub? Check out these odds:

Odds of dying from a dog bite: 1 in 20 millionOdds of becoming a saint: 1 in 20 million

Odds of becoming president: 1 in 10,000,000Odds of dying from parts falling off an airplane: 1 in 10,000,000

Odds you will be injured by a toilet this year: 1 in 10,000Odds of finding a four-leaf clover on the first try: 1 in 10,000

Odds of spotting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000Odds of dying from food poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000

Odds of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000Odds of dying from Measles: 1 in 300,000,000

Odds of a child being in a fatal automobile accident: 1 in 23,000 Odds of being wrongly declared dead by a Social Security data entry mistake: 1 in 23,483

Odds of writing a New York Times best seller: 1 in 220Odds of dating a millionaire: 1 in 215

Odds of getting AIDS from heterosexual sex without using a condom: 1 in 5,000,000Odds of dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564

Odds of winning an Academy Award: 1 in 11,500Odds of bowling a 300 game: 1 in 11,500




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