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The spirit of Astrology--Mumbai Attacked

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Shri Prashant Nairji,



Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of

even well educated and well informed people like you!


I have gone through the article titled " Mumbai Attacked---India

disgraced " of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of

Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!) of

Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as

quoted by you)


You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.


Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter,

nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of

abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no

astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking

incident as Mumbai terror attacks!

And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any real

homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that

your " masters " have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does

not understand the real meaning of what he is " uttering " !


I have gone through this article several times to glean even a single

sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack before

hand, and here is what the article has actually done:


The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to what

the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels were

doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people

about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There is

absolutely nothing even as an astrological " post-mortem " of Mumbai

terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events!

By way of " astrological prediction " , all that the article does is

quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same " learned

astrologer " , which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks in

July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an

astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future

attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the

author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following

snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008


" And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in

the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. "


I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used Vishva-

Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a rehash

of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the

only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had

appeared in the market—--maybe to glean from other " sources " as to

who had " predicted " what! And there are at least a thousand

panchangas in India being published in different languages!

Thus, in other words, the " learned author " has referred to some God

forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is supposed

to have written as back as 1981! And what he had " predicted " in that

article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less

a " forewarning " as this is what it has said, " And it is the

antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of India. I

reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa Vijay

Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope would

be dreadful in many ways. " Thus even the " post-mortem " of July

attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!


And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from

September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!


Thus in spite of his own encomium the " learned jyotishi " has not said

in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks

but " Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many

ways " ! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What a " marvelous "

prediction! No wonder that some " chamchas " are swooning on

such " accurate " and " pinpoint " predictions!


Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear

Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31. There

also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a terrorist

attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us hear

his " predictions " in his own words, " ...... And from 4th house Mars

is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very

explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and

when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts

happened in the Gujarat. "


Thus these articles by the " learned author " can be summarized as


All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should

have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of

1981, even if " the learned astrologer " had said just that " Kethu

dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways " and even if

Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used

their Intelligence Agencies as to what the " wise and learned

astrologer " had " hinted at " and should have then waited patiently for

his further " hints " which he would never give, as to what he had

wanted to say, instead of what he had said!

Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies! Keep

on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had

said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIES " come

true " only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!

Thus the " learned astrologer " has advised, by implication, that we

must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and " Prasharas "

and " Vamadevas " and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and employ

jyotishis to " guide us " with their " divine wisdom " . After all that

is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat Samhita— " A

king must have a samvatsarika to guide him " (which means by

implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed



And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our

festivals on the days " decreed " by such " learned astrologers " instead

of by our shastras!

Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world from

such jyotishis and their chamchas.


A K Kaul


, " prashanthnair999 "

<prashanthnair999 wrote:


> This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen

> predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted u


> it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont

mind ,so

> i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it

> ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for free


> nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head tail


> anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work

which i

> told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old

age .

> long liv dollar and euro

> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192>


> [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN

RAO 28

> November 2008, 8:28 AM

> No single incident in the history of independent India has

disgraced the

> nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the night of


> November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the


> commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been

killed or

> flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this piece.


> We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way back


> Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet

that I

> read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the


> channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey

back and

> it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television


> As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp and

> non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had many

> stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off whatever

> nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and patriotic

> looking stuff with fluency.


> What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English news

> channels to pick up some facts which were startling:

> (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels. What


> the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say in


> defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and not


> ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?

> b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were


> enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the Bombay


> doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence because


> was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one

which it

> could have blamed and patted its own back.

> c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full knowledge


> the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did not

> know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition and


> to last for many days.


> A report from USA reads thus:

> US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent

> Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST

> Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST

> Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who

headed up

> the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence and

> Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed

clearly a

> failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also the

> utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .


> " You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't


> is beyond me, " he said, " He really doesn't know how to get the

> bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated planning. " He

> acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had

set up

> control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that " this

was a

> sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes


> of planning. "


> It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra and of

> India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof of


> inability of these governments to govern? They know, these


> only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and other

> European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to

wipe out

> these. They will not and they cannot because they have to appease


> sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies have


> encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.


> And read thess two reports

> 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have impounded


> boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai coast.


> 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008

> Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two months ago

> By Daily Mail Reporter

> Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008

> An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in Mumbai


> months ago, it emerged today.


> Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.


> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171> KN


> 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM

> " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had


> in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the


> horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab terrorist in

> spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had not

> passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have more

> disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the assassination of

> Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in India.


> the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both

visible and

> both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could


> remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown terrorists?


> The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had prepared


> well as the events show. But will the television channels show any


> of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)


> " It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been

> financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan


> the help of Al Quaeda.


> And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with

> L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most

> incompetent government and was totally responsible for the


> growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India?

Terrorists can

> set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months

inside a

> big city of India without being detected and then wage a battle!!


> India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a


> from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will


> what a US paper now says gleefully:


> " Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "


> ( 28 Nov 2008)


> , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Prashanth Nairji,

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons


> > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an

> > astrologer......

> >

> > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the

> > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is in


> > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or those


> > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer but


> > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>

> >

> >

> > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the actual


> > should be " Inderjit " but then maybe some numerologist as advised


> > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for astrologers,


> > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and

> > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a day


> > close their shops!

> >

> > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his

> > own " guidelines " , since he has himself put all these guidelines


> > on " Jyoishgroup " , from which you have forwarded


> > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he had

> > said, " I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to


> > my own advice " !

> >

> > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings

> > changes within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically


> > the Life sciences.?

> > So it is basically a Time science.>

> >

> > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of " Vedic

> > astrolgers " following the " Time Science " being around, apart from


> > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-astrology

> > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything about

> > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or

> > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any jyotishi, in

> > spite of their quibblings about " Brihat Samhita " , which they

claim to

> > be full of such gems!

> >

> > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for the

> > last two days---no " Astro-uncle " or " Teen deviyan " or " tez-tare "

> > or " aapka-bhavishya " or " aapke-tare " etc. etc. on any of the


> > since all of them were vying with one another to report the


> > activities " exclusively " ! After all, these TV channels are more

> > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other

> > things, are only a means to that end!

> > Dhanyavad.

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " prashanthnair999 "

> > prashanthnair999@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Inder Jit Sahni "

> > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:

> > >

> > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings

> > changes

> > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically with


> > Life

> > > sciences.?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So it is basically a Time science.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons


> > > practice

> > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an astrologer.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic


> > which

> > > brought to him to an astrologer.

> > >

> > > Think , how many forces act at that time?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the


> > > negative

> > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer , indirectly


> > the

> > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and


> > and

> > > the

> > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will be

> > facing

> > > a

> > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and will

> > add to

> > > his

> > > own negative Karmas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real Astrological

> > > Experience.

> > > Not at All.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > Magazines

> > > are

> > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers that too

> > with

> > > half

> > > information provided which is in fact available to the


> > at the

> > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous persons


> > never

> > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a


> > for

> > > his

> > > own interests.

> > >

> > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or

money .

> > >

> > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to find

> > the

> > > answer

> > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the

Mask of

> > > need

> > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or

> > innocence.

> > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and norms


> > how

> > > to

> > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a

> > consideration ,

> > > but

> > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his


> > is

> > > addressed properly.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the personal

> > issues of

> > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the


> > in

> > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private answering


> > the

> > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords are


> > or

> > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and will


> > > from

> > > this group to another .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to check


> > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real


> > > nothing

> > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or buying

> > > something

> > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are

tricks to

> > > find if

> > > the particular planet had acted or not.

> > >

> > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in


> > > future.

> > >

> > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your Date


> > Birth

> > > and

> > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not give

> > this

> > > even to his son.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting forces I

> > had

> > > explained above.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house operates,


> > > Destiny

> > > and 9th is Dharma.

> > >

> > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th house


> > > Dharma

> > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding


> > of

> > > the

> > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an

> > independent

> > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection of

> > deeds,

> > > see

> > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and expenditure


> > each

> > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the Rajoguni

> > Lagna .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own

> > submission

> > > to

> > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to his


> > house.

> > >

> > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the same


> > was

> > > the

> > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all

> > teachers

> > > are

> > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never


> > > because

> > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the Supreme

> > Lord.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with the


> > of

> > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot in


> > > science

> > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out of

> > answered

> > > on

> > > 23.11.2008 .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E


> > > before

> > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .

> > >

> > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager around


> > KMs

> > > from

> > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.

> > >

> > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.

> > >

> > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.

> > >

> > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had

> > shifted in

> > > Cusp

> > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to 26.33

> > degrees

> > > Gemini

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant,

she had

> > > taken

> > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10


> > > through

> > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in such


> > > situation

> > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the Astrologer


> > > answer

> > > .

> > >

> > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in grief.

> > >

> > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you bought


> > > Buffalo

> > > from August 2007 to October 2007.

> > >

> > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21


> > >

> > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi or

> > Bombay?

> > >

> > > No not at all.

> > >

> > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70 thousand

> > and it

> > > died

> > > in October.

> > >

> > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus in


> > Cusp.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.

> > >

> > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter


> > in

> > > 4rth

> > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is not

> > happy

> > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from her

> > husband

> > > and

> > > Sons.

> > >

> > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics , but


> > > Moon

> > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his time


> > > others

> > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so in


> > > antra.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village

> > Sarpanch/Headman and

> > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I told


> > are

> > > correct.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th cusp

> > shows

> > > her

> > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th


> > shows

> > > Political success.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and


> > > knowing

> > > the solution she returned back blessing.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same place.

> > >

> > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58


> > IST

> > > at

> > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E

> > >

> > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord

Sun in

> > > Saturn

> > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.

> > >

> > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing something

> > technical

> > > but

> > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th house.

> > >

> > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and thus


> > > through

> > > its revenue .

> > >

> > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the consultant at

> > this

> > > time.

> > >

> > > With Best Wishes,

> > >

> > > Inder Jit Sahni

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An Ahmedabad based

astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and gave a

probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction based on



His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP theory and

can be found in Astrolab_9 .














On Behalf Of Avtar Krishen


Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM


Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

Attacked "


Shri Prashant Nairji,



Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of

even well educated and well informed people like you!


I have gone through the article titled " Mumbai Attacked---India

disgraced " of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of

Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!) of

Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as

quoted by you)


You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.


Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter,

nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of

abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no

astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking

incident as Mumbai terror attacks!

And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any real

homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that

your " masters " have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does

not understand the real meaning of what he is " uttering " !


I have gone through this article several times to glean even a single

sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack before

hand, and here is what the article has actually done:


The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to what

the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels were

doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people

about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There is

absolutely nothing even as an astrological " post-mortem " of Mumbai

terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events!

By way of " astrological prediction " , all that the article does is

quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same " learned

astrologer " , which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks in

July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an

astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future

attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the

author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following

snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008


" And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in

the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. "


I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used Vishva-

Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a rehash

of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the

only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had

appeared in the market---maybe to glean from other " sources " as to

who had " predicted " what! And there are at least a thousand

panchangas in India being published in different languages!

Thus, in other words, the " learned author " has referred to some God

forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is supposed

to have written as back as 1981! And what he had " predicted " in that

article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less

a " forewarning " as this is what it has said, " And it is the

antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of India. I

reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa Vijay

Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope would

be dreadful in many ways. " Thus even the " post-mortem " of July

attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!


And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from

September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!


Thus in spite of his own encomium the " learned jyotishi " has not said

in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks

but " Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many

ways " ! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What a " marvelous "

prediction! No wonder that some " chamchas " are swooning on

such " accurate " and " pinpoint " predictions!


Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear

Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31. There

also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a terrorist

attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us hear

his " predictions " in his own words, " ...... And from 4th house Mars

is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very

explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and

when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts

happened in the Gujarat. "


Thus these articles by the " learned author " can be summarized as


All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should

have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of

1981, even if " the learned astrologer " had said just that " Kethu

dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways " and even if

Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used

their Intelligence Agencies as to what the " wise and learned

astrologer " had " hinted at " and should have then waited patiently for

his further " hints " which he would never give, as to what he had

wanted to say, instead of what he had said!

Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies! Keep

on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had

said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIES " come

true " only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!

Thus the " learned astrologer " has advised, by implication, that we

must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and " Prasharas "

and " Vamadevas " and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and employ

jyotishis to " guide us " with their " divine wisdom " . After all that

is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat Samhita- " A

king must have a samvatsarika to guide him " (which means by

implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed



And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our

festivals on the days " decreed " by such " learned astrologers " instead

of by our shastras!

Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world from

such jyotishis and their chamchas.


A K Kaul


, " prashanthnair999 "

<prashanthnair999 wrote:


> This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen

> predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted u


> it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont

mind ,so

> i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it

> ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for free


> nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head tail


> anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work

which i

> told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old

age .

> long liv dollar and euro

> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192>


> [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN

RAO 28

> November 2008, 8:28 AM

> No single incident in the history of independent India has

disgraced the

> nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the night of


> November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the


> commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been

killed or

> flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this piece.


> We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way back


> Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet

that I

> read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the


> channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey

back and

> it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television


> As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp and

> non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had many

> stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off whatever

> nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and patriotic

> looking stuff with fluency.


> What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English news

> channels to pick up some facts which were startling:

> (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels. What


> the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say in


> defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and not


> ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?

> b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were


> enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the Bombay


> doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence because


> was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one

which it

> could have blamed and patted its own back.

> c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full knowledge


> the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did not

> know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition and


> to last for many days.


> A report from USA reads thus:

> US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent

> Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST

> Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST

> Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who

headed up

> the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence and

> Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed

clearly a

> failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also the

> utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .


> " You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't


> is beyond me, " he said, " He really doesn't know how to get the

> bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated planning. " He

> acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had

set up

> control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that " this

was a

> sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes


> of planning. "


> It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra and of

> India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof of


> inability of these governments to govern? They know, these


> only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and other

> European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to

wipe out

> these. They will not and they cannot because they have to appease


> sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies have


> encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.


> And read thess two reports

> 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have impounded


> boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai coast.


> 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008

> Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two months ago

> By Daily Mail Reporter

> Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008

> An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in Mumbai


> months ago, it emerged today.


> Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.


> <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171> KN


> 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM

> " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had


> in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the


> horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab terrorist in

> spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had not

> passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have more

> disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the assassination of

> Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in India.


> the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both

visible and

> both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could


> remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown terrorists?


> The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had prepared


> well as the events show. But will the television channels show any


> of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)


> " It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been

> financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan


> the help of Al Quaeda.


> And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with

> L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most

> incompetent government and was totally responsible for the


> growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India?

Terrorists can

> set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months

inside a

> big city of India without being detected and then wage a battle!!


> India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a


> from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will


> what a US paper now says gleefully:


> " Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "


> ( 28 Nov 2008)


> , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Prashanth Nairji,

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons


> > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an

> > astrologer......

> >

> > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the

> > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is in


> > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or those


> > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer but


> > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>

> >

> >

> > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the actual


> > should be " Inderjit " but then maybe some numerologist as advised


> > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for astrologers,


> > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and

> > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a day


> > close their shops!

> >

> > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his

> > own " guidelines " , since he has himself put all these guidelines


> > on " Jyoishgroup " , from which you have forwarded


> > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he had

> > said, " I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to


> > my own advice " !

> >

> > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings

> > changes within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically


> > the Life sciences.?

> > So it is basically a Time science.>

> >

> > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of " Vedic

> > astrolgers " following the " Time Science " being around, apart from


> > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-astrology

> > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything about

> > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or

> > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any jyotishi, in

> > spite of their quibblings about " Brihat Samhita " , which they

claim to

> > be full of such gems!

> >

> > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for the

> > last two days---no " Astro-uncle " or " Teen deviyan " or " tez-tare "

> > or " aapka-bhavishya " or " aapke-tare " etc. etc. on any of the


> > since all of them were vying with one another to report the


> > activities " exclusively " ! After all, these TV channels are more

> > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other

> > things, are only a means to that end!

> > Dhanyavad.

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " prashanthnair999 "

> > prashanthnair999@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Inder Jit Sahni "

> > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:

> > >

> > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings

> > changes

> > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically with


> > Life

> > > sciences.?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So it is basically a Time science.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons


> > > practice

> > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an astrologer.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic


> > which

> > > brought to him to an astrologer.

> > >

> > > Think , how many forces act at that time?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the


> > > negative

> > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer , indirectly


> > the

> > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and


> > and

> > > the

> > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will be

> > facing

> > > a

> > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and will

> > add to

> > > his

> > > own negative Karmas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real Astrological

> > > Experience.

> > > Not at All.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > Magazines

> > > are

> > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers that too

> > with

> > > half

> > > information provided which is in fact available to the


> > at the

> > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous persons


> > never

> > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a


> > for

> > > his

> > > own interests.

> > >

> > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or

money .

> > >

> > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to find

> > the

> > > answer

> > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the

Mask of

> > > need

> > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or

> > innocence.

> > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and norms


> > how

> > > to

> > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a

> > consideration ,

> > > but

> > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his


> > is

> > > addressed properly.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the personal

> > issues of

> > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the


> > in

> > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private answering


> > the

> > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords are


> > or

> > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and will


> > > from

> > > this group to another .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to check


> > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real


> > > nothing

> > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or buying

> > > something

> > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are

tricks to

> > > find if

> > > the particular planet had acted or not.

> > >

> > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in


> > > future.

> > >

> > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your Date


> > Birth

> > > and

> > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not give

> > this

> > > even to his son.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting forces I

> > had

> > > explained above.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house operates,


> > > Destiny

> > > and 9th is Dharma.

> > >

> > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th house


> > > Dharma

> > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding


> > of

> > > the

> > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an

> > independent

> > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection of

> > deeds,

> > > see

> > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and expenditure


> > each

> > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the Rajoguni

> > Lagna .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own

> > submission

> > > to

> > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to his


> > house.

> > >

> > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the same


> > was

> > > the

> > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all

> > teachers

> > > are

> > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never


> > > because

> > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the Supreme

> > Lord.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with the


> > of

> > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot in


> > > science

> > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out of

> > answered

> > > on

> > > 23.11.2008 .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E


> > > before

> > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .

> > >

> > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager around


> > KMs

> > > from

> > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.

> > >

> > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.

> > >

> > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.

> > >

> > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had

> > shifted in

> > > Cusp

> > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to 26.33

> > degrees

> > > Gemini

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant,

she had

> > > taken

> > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10


> > > through

> > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in such


> > > situation

> > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the Astrologer


> > > answer

> > > .

> > >

> > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in grief.

> > >

> > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you bought


> > > Buffalo

> > > from August 2007 to October 2007.

> > >

> > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21


> > >

> > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi or

> > Bombay?

> > >

> > > No not at all.

> > >

> > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70 thousand

> > and it

> > > died

> > > in October.

> > >

> > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus in


> > Cusp.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.

> > >

> > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter


> > in

> > > 4rth

> > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is not

> > happy

> > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from her

> > husband

> > > and

> > > Sons.

> > >

> > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics , but


> > > Moon

> > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his time


> > > others

> > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so in


> > > antra.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village

> > Sarpanch/Headman and

> > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I told


> > are

> > > correct.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th cusp

> > shows

> > > her

> > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th


> > shows

> > > Political success.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and


> > > knowing

> > > the solution she returned back blessing.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same place.

> > >

> > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58


> > IST

> > > at

> > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E

> > >

> > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord

Sun in

> > > Saturn

> > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.

> > >

> > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing something

> > technical

> > > but

> > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th house.

> > >

> > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and thus


> > > through

> > > its revenue .

> > >

> > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the consultant at

> > this

> > > time.

> > >

> > > With Best Wishes,

> > >

> > > Inder Jit Sahni

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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dear suprakash Ghosh ji



To whom u r talking ??

Do u think they ( we ) will see this messges ??No way ,if u post it b4 happening we get a chance to bash and trash .now u shud know we r hibernating or in samadhi .so after 10 days only we will talk to u .then will ask u if the said gentle man predicted everything 100% ,so even if so if u say out of simplicity no .then that is our opportunity to bash again .if u say yes ,then it is our opportunity to bash again asking is he is god ?? then we will ask u ,is it happened now or b4 learning astro also they were same like this b4 too like this ??even this question is showing cat is coming out of bag as they blv exprnc and practise can make some one perfect in any displine and so is astrology .( and they admit secretly astrology is correct --if u want pls see some messges in this very forum )

but do u think we can agree this openly as our mission itself is diffrnt


so keep posting and talking to dead woods


regrds prashanth Nair

, "Suprakash Ghosh" <suprakash.ghosh wrote:>> The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An Ahmedabad based> astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and gave a> probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction based on> Horary.> > His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP theory and> can be found in Astrolab_9 .> > Regards> > Suprakash> > > > > > > > > > On Behalf Of Avtar Krishen> Kaul> Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM> > Re: The spirit of Astrology--"Mumbai> Attacked"> > Shri Prashant Nairji,> Namaskar!> > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of > even well educated and well informed people like you!> > I have gone through the article titled "Mumbai Attacked---India > disgraced" of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of > Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!) of > Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as > quoted by you)> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.> > Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter, > nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of > abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no > astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking > incident as Mumbai terror attacks! > And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any real > homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that > your "masters" have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does > not understand the real meaning of what he is "uttering"! > > I have gone through this article several times to glean even a single > sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack before > hand, and here is what the article has actually done:> > The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to what > the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels were > doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people > about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There is > absolutely nothing even as an astrological "post-mortem" of Mumbai > terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events! > By way of "astrological prediction", all that the article does is > quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same "learned > astrologer", which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks in > July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an > astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future > attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the > author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following > snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008> > "And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had > written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in > the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways."> > I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used Vishva-> Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a rehash > of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the > only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had > appeared in the market---maybe to glean from other "sources" as to > who had "predicted" what! And there are at least a thousand > panchangas in India being published in different languages!> Thus, in other words, the "learned author" has referred to some God > forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is supposed > to have written as back as 1981! And what he had "predicted" in that > article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less > a "forewarning" as this is what it has said, "And it is the > antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of India. I > reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa Vijay > Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope would > be dreadful in many ways." Thus even the "post-mortem" of July > attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!> > And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from > September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!> > Thus in spite of his own encomium the "learned jyotishi" has not said > in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks > but "Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many > ways"! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What a "marvelous" > prediction! No wonder that some "chamchas" are swooning on > such "accurate" and "pinpoint" predictions!> > Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear > Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31. There > also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a terrorist > attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us hear > his "predictions" in his own words, "...... And from 4th house Mars > is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very > explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and > when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts > happened in the Gujarat."> > Thus these articles by the "learned author" can be summarized as > follows:> All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should > have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of > 1981, even if "the learned astrologer" had said just that "Kethu > dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways" and even if > Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used > their Intelligence Agencies as to what the "wise and learned > astrologer" had "hinted at" and should have then waited patiently for > his further "hints" which he would never give, as to what he had > wanted to say, instead of what he had said!> Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies! Keep > on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had > said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIES "come > true" only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!> Thus the "learned astrologer" has advised, by implication, that we > must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and "Prasharas" > and "Vamadevas" and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and employ > jyotishis to "guide us" with their "divine wisdom". After all that > is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat Samhita-"A > king must have a samvatsarika to guide him" (which means by > implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed > forces!)> > And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our > festivals on the days "decreed" by such "learned astrologers" instead > of by our shastras!> Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world from > such jyotishis and their chamchas.> Dhanyavad.> A K Kaul> > , "prashanthnair999" > prashanthnair999@ wrote:> >> > This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen> > predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted u > bash> > it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont > mind ,so> > i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it> > ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for free > for> > nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head tail > of> > anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work > which i> > told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old > age . > > long liv dollar and euro > > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> > > MUMBAI ATTACKED - INDIA DISGRACED > > [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN > RAO 28> > November 2008, 8:28 AM> > No single incident in the history of independent India has > disgraced the> > nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the night of > 26> > November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the > Indian> > commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been > killed or> > flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this piece.> > > > We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way back > to> > Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet > that I> > read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the > television> > channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey > back and> > it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television > pictures.> > As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp and> > non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had many> > stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off whatever> > nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and patriotic> > looking stuff with fluency.> > > > What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English news> > channels to pick up some facts which were startling:> > (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels. What > was> > the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say in > its> > defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and not > a BJP> > ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?> > b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were > huge> > enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the Bombay > police> > doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence because > it> > was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one > which it> > could have blamed and patted its own back.> > c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full knowledge > of> > the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did not> > know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition and > food> > to last for many days.> > > > A report from USA reads thus:> > US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent> > Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST> > Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST> > Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who > headed up> > the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence and> > Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed > clearly a> > failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also the> > utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .> > > > "You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't > removed> > is beyond me," he said, "He really doesn't know how to get the> > bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated planning." He> > acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had > set up> > control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that "this > was a> > sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes > months> > of planning."> > > > It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra and of> > India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof of > the> > inability of these governments to govern? They know, these > politicians,> > only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and other> > European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to > wipe out> > these. They will not and they cannot because they have to appease > some> > sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies have > only> > encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.> > > > And read thess two reports> > 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have impounded > four> > boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai coast.> > > > 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008> > Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two months ago> > By Daily Mail Reporter> > Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008> > An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in Mumbai > two> > months ago, it emerged today.> > > > Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.> > THE NUCLEAR DEAL 2> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171> KN > RAO> > 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM> > "And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the> > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had > written> > in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the > Indian> > horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab terrorist in> > spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had not> > passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have more> > disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the assassination of> > Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in India. > Now> > the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both > visible and> > both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could > India> > remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown terrorists?> > > > The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had prepared > very> > well as the events show. But will the television channels show any > sense> > of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)> > > > "It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been> > financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan > with> > the help of Al Quaeda.> > > > And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with> > L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most> > incompetent government and was totally responsible for the > inordinate> > growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India? > Terrorists can> > set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months > inside a> > big city of India without being detected and then wage a battle!!> > > > India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a > certificate> > from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will > record> > what a US paper now says gleefully:> > > > "Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "> > > > ( 28 Nov 2008)> > > > , "Avtar Krishen Kaul"> > <jyotirved@> wrote:> > >> > > Shri Prashanth Nairji,> > > Namaskar!> > >> > > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons > who> > > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an> > > astrologer......> > >> > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or> > > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the> > > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is in > fact> > > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or those > are> > > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer but > the> > > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>> > >> > >> > > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the actual > word> > > should be "Inderjit" but then maybe some numerologist as advised > Shri> > > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for astrologers, > it> > > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and> > > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a day > and> > > close their shops!> > >> > > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his> > > own "guidelines", since he has himself put all these guidelines > (sic!)> > > on "Jyoishgroup ", from which you have forwarded > that> > > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he had> > > said, "I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to > follow> > > my own advice"!> > >> > > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings> > > changes within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically > with> > > the Life sciences.?> > > So it is basically a Time science.>> > >> > > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of "Vedic> > > astrolgers" following the "Time Science" being around, apart from > KP-> > > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-astrology> > > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything about> > > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or> > > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any jyotishi, in> > > spite of their quibblings about "Brihat Samhita", which they > claim to> > > be full of such gems!> > >> > > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for the> > > last two days---no "Astro-uncle" or "Teen deviyan" or "tez-tare"> > > or "aapka-bhavishya" or "aapke-tare" etc. etc. on any of the > channels> > > since all of them were vying with one another to report the > terrorsit> > > activities "exclusively"! After all, these TV channels are more> > > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other> > > things, are only a means to that end!> > > Dhanyavad.> > > A K Kaul> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , "prashanthnair999"> > > prashanthnair999@ wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > , "Inder Jit Sahni"> > > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:> > > >> > > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings> > > changes> > > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically with > the> > > Life> > > > sciences.?> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > So it is basically a Time science.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons > who> > > > practice> > > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an astrologer.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic > activity> > > which> > > > brought to him to an astrologer.> > > >> > > > Think , how many forces act at that time?> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the > Karmas> > > > negative> > > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer , indirectly > of> > > the> > > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and > consultant> > > and> > > > the> > > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will be> > > facing> > > > a> > > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and will> > > add to> > > > his> > > > own negative Karmas.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real Astrological> > > > Experience.> > > > Not at All.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or> > > Magazines> > > > are> > > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers that too> > > with> > > > half> > > > information provided which is in fact available to the > Astrologer> > > at the> > > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous persons > who> > > never> > > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a > chart> > > for> > > > his> > > > own interests.> > > >> > > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or > money .> > > >> > > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to find> > > the> > > > answer> > > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the > Mask of> > > > need> > > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or> > > innocence.> > > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and norms > that> > > how> > > > to> > > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a> > > consideration ,> > > > but> > > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his > questions> > > is> > > > addressed properly.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the personal> > > issues of> > > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the > consultants> > > in> > > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private answering > to> > > the> > > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords are > Moon> > > or> > > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and will > move> > > > from> > > > this group to another .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to check > some> > > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real > astrology,> > > > nothing> > > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or buying> > > > something> > > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are > tricks to> > > > find if> > > > the particular planet had acted or not.> > > >> > > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in > predicting> > > > future.> > > >> > > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your Date > of> > > Birth> > > > and> > > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not give> > > this> > > > even to his son.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting forces I> > > had> > > > explained above.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house operates, > 9this> > > > Destiny> > > > and 9th is Dharma.> > > >> > > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th house > but> > > > Dharma> > > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding > nature> > > of> > > > the> > > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an> > > independent> > > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection of> > > deeds,> > > > see> > > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and expenditure > to> > > each> > > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the Rajoguni> > > Lagna .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own> > > submission> > > > to> > > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to his > 9th> > > house.> > > >> > > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the same > as> > > was> > > > the> > > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all> > > teachers> > > > are> > > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never > frustrate,> > > > because> > > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the Supreme> > > Lord.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with the > time> > > of> > > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot in > the> > > > science> > > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise > man.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out of> > > answered> > > > on> > > > 23.11.2008 .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E > appeared> > > > before> > > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .> > > >> > > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager around > 50> > > KMs> > > > from> > > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.> > > >> > > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.> > > >> > > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.> > > >> > > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had> > > shifted in> > > > Cusp> > > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to 26.33> > > degrees> > > > Gemini> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant, > she had> > > > taken> > > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10 > Km's> > > > through> > > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in such > a> > > > situation> > > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the Astrologer > must> > > > answer> > > > .> > > >> > > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in grief.> > > >> > > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you bought > a> > > > Buffalo> > > > from August 2007 to October 2007.> > > >> > > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21 > September.> > > >> > > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi or> > > Bombay?> > > >> > > > No not at all.> > > >> > > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70 thousand> > > and it> > > > died> > > > in October.> > > >> > > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus in > 6th> > > Cusp.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.> > > >> > > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter > Venus> > > in> > > > 4rth> > > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is not> > > happy> > > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from her> > > husband> > > > and> > > > Sons.> > > >> > > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics , but > from> > > > Moon> > > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his time > with> > > > others> > > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so in > Rahu> > > > antra.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village> > > Sarpanch/Headman and> > > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I told > too> > > are> > > > correct.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th cusp> > > shows> > > > her> > > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th > Cusp> > > shows> > > > Political success.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and > after> > > > knowing> > > > the solution she returned back blessing.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same place.> > > >> > > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58 > Hours> > > IST> > > > at> > > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E> > > >> > > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord > Sun in> > > > Saturn> > > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.> > > >> > > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing something> > > technical> > > > but> > > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th house.> > > >> > > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and thus > earn> > > > through> > > > its revenue .> > > >> > > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the consultant at> > > this> > > > time.> > > >> > > > With Best Wishes,> > > >> > > > Inder Jit Sahni> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >

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dear respected Kaul ji



This simply showing ur ignorence in astrological matters what u claims ,u said u hav 50 yrs exprnce in vedic astrology .it simply shows u dont even knws LKG lessons

ketu is in marak stan( whatr effects of nodes etc we can discuss if u know it ) and now ketu sub period is running ( or walking according to u ) according to indian independence chart and KN rao so many times ( it is an open secret now ) in diffrnt articles has said this tensions with pakistan cannot b ruled out .Yes he never predicted in that said article mumbai blasts ( exact dgree of earth co ordinates ) and how many terrorists and their features and nationality and how many roties they eat etc .But he in his classes has said abt this long long back too .And i hav seen personaly many of his notes too .

..In india there is a law which can put jyothishies ( it can intrprnt in any ways depending on who rules ) behind the bars for making political predictions and 7 yrs is imprisonmnt .( which u knowing ask with every one ,as i cannot think a 90 yr old man doesnt know it )


Now u want astrologers sit predict everything wat is happening to world in advance and u simply convntly forgets who will feed them and family in case they r fully engaged in it .Also it only simply prooves ur ignorence in it .in that case the old 500 princily states need not appt one jyothis each for their palace irrspectiv of they r hindus or muslims ,Again u dontknow in astrology various branches like ENT or bones splst like in modern medicine so it is not duty of astrologrs to predict wat ever u ask with ur in born oatism of mind .will go to bone splst for ENT problems .

still u calls ur own title frauds .( which is ur own foolery not theirs )


U said varhamihira wrote that every king shud appt a jyothishi and u said in same breath it means we shud not hav spies or forces as it is the meaning of it ,Only a top notch fool like u interpret so .This clearly shows what u r after by misquoting and misitrepreting ,this same lines r used by evenglist xians once they even ask me what sivaji will do in case Ganga devi shit in his head ??So u r also following same agenda .

Wat ur so called spies doing irrespectiv of such huge salary and perks and even navy who has a budget of lacs of crores has done ?? as terrorist came tru sea .

Now pls it is ur chance to bash other 2 predictions posted here in this grp

Kanak bosmia and other one of bhaat

wish u all the best and happy bashing and trashing .


what we can do hindus shud clebrate all fstival according to jewish calenders but not happening ??

or it will kill our culture like cashmere culture


by the by what happened to ur failed indira Gandhi prediction did u notice where u failed( u failed in 1983/84 ) .this then 24 yrs passed and u cud not make even a small chnge in hindu scenario and u blame Maya asura for all ills of ur cashmere society .so atleast u shud bow down in frnd him all ur life as he is smart dude than u .first learn basics correct .atleast say which data u r using ??Ha ha ,may b u hav ur own data too ,and u dont mind to clash with their families against real birth data calling them fruads and charlatans .


regrds prashanth Nair



1) did u read prashna maarga ( rembr not prashna tantra )

2)did u read brihat jataka

3) did u read yavan jataka

4 ) did u read atleast manu smriti

5) did u read garga Hora

6) did uread skanda hora

7) did u read brihat prajapatyam

pls date it too according to u all this books and giv me what is the reasoning than just saying some thing in air ,but pls read it cover to cover ,then we can hav a debate on it too ,(u r 50 yrs knowledge plus 35 yrs of sant ji plus 15 yrs of dipji s knowledge ,so 100 yrs total )



, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved wrote:>> Shri Prashant Nairji,> Namaskar!> > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of > even well educated and well informed people like you!> > I have gone through the article titled "Mumbai Attacked---India > disgraced" of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of > Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!) of > Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as > quoted by you)> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.> > Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter, > nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of > abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no > astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking > incident as Mumbai terror attacks! > And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any real > homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that > your "masters" have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does > not understand the real meaning of what he is "uttering"! > > I have gone through this article several times to glean even a single > sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack before > hand, and here is what the article has actually done:> > The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to what > the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels were > doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people > about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There is > absolutely nothing even as an astrological "post-mortem" of Mumbai > terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events! > By way of "astrological prediction", all that the article does is > quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same "learned > astrologer", which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks in > July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an > astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future > attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the > author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following > snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008> > "And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had > written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in > the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways."> > I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used Vishva-> Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a rehash > of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the > only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had > appeared in the market—--maybe to glean from other "sources" as to > who had "predicted" what! And there are at least a thousand > panchangas in India being published in different languages!> Thus, in other words, the "learned author" has referred to some God > forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is supposed > to have written as back as 1981! And what he had "predicted" in that > article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less > a "forewarning" as this is what it has said, "And it is the > antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of India. I > reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa Vijay > Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope would > be dreadful in many ways." Thus even the "post-mortem" of July > attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!> > And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from > September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!> > Thus in spite of his own encomium the "learned jyotishi" has not said > in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks > but "Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many > ways"! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What a "marvelous" > prediction! No wonder that some "chamchas" are swooning on > such "accurate" and "pinpoint" predictions!> > Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear > Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31. There > also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a terrorist > attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us hear > his "predictions" in his own words, "...... And from 4th house Mars > is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very > explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and > when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts > happened in the Gujarat."> > Thus these articles by the "learned author" can be summarized as > follows:> All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should > have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of > 1981, even if "the learned astrologer" had said just that "Kethu > dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways" and even if > Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used > their Intelligence Agencies as to what the "wise and learned > astrologer" had "hinted at" and should have then waited patiently for > his further "hints" which he would never give, as to what he had > wanted to say, instead of what he had said!> Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies! Keep > on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had > said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIES "come > true" only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!> Thus the "learned astrologer" has advised, by implication, that we > must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and "Prasharas" > and "Vamadevas" and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and employ > jyotishis to "guide us" with their "divine wisdom". After all that > is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat Samhita—"A > king must have a samvatsarika to guide him" (which means by > implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed > forces!)> > And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our > festivals on the days "decreed" by such "learned astrologers" instead > of by our shastras!> Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world from > such jyotishis and their chamchas.> Dhanyavad.> A K Kaul> > , "prashanthnair999" > prashanthnair999@ wrote:> >> > This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen> > predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted u > bash> > it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont > mind ,so> > i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it> > ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for free > for> > nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head tail > of> > anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work > which i> > told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old > age . > > long liv dollar and euro > > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192> > > MUMBAI ATTACKED - INDIA DISGRACED > > [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN > RAO 28> > November 2008, 8:28 AM> > No single incident in the history of independent India has > disgraced the> > nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the night of > 26> > November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the > Indian> > commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been > killed or> > flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this piece.> > > > We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way back > to> > Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet > that I> > read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the > television> > channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey > back and> > it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television > pictures.> > As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp and> > non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had many> > stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off whatever> > nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and patriotic> > looking stuff with fluency.> > > > What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English news> > channels to pick up some facts which were startling:> > (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels. What > was> > the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say in > its> > defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and not > a BJP> > ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?> > b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were > huge> > enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the Bombay > police> > doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence because > it> > was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one > which it> > could have blamed and patted its own back.> > c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full knowledge > of> > the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did not> > know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition and > food> > to last for many days.> > > > A report from USA reads thus:> > US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent> > Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST> > Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST> > Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who > headed up> > the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence and> > Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed > clearly a> > failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also the> > utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .> > > > "You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't > removed> > is beyond me," he said, "He really doesn't know how to get the> > bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated planning." He> > acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had > set up> > control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that "this > was a> > sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes > months> > of planning."> > > > It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra and of> > India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof of > the> > inability of these governments to govern? They know, these > politicians,> > only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and other> > European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to > wipe out> > these. They will not and they cannot because they have to appease > some> > sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies have > only> > encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.> > > > And read thess two reports> > 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have impounded > four> > boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai coast.> > > > 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008> > Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two months ago> > By Daily Mail Reporter> > Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008> > An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in Mumbai > two> > months ago, it emerged today.> > > > Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.> > THE NUCLEAR DEAL 2> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171> KN > RAO> > 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM> > "And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the> > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had > written> > in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the > Indian> > horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab terrorist in> > spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had not> > passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have more> > disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the assassination of> > Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in India. > Now> > the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both > visible and> > both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could > India> > remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown terrorists?> > > > The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had prepared > very> > well as the events show. But will the television channels show any > sense> > of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)> > > > "It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been> > financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan > with> > the help of Al Quaeda.> > > > And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with> > L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most> > incompetent government and was totally responsible for the > inordinate> > growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India? > Terrorists can> > set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months > inside a> > big city of India without being detected and then wage a battle!!> > > > India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a > certificate> > from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will > record> > what a US paper now says gleefully:> > > > "Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "> > > > ( 28 Nov 2008)> > > > , "Avtar Krishen Kaul"> > <jyotirved@> wrote:> > >> > > Shri Prashanth Nairji,> > > Namaskar!> > >> > > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons > who> > > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an> > > astrologer......> > >> > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or> > > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the> > > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is in > fact> > > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or those > are> > > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer but > the> > > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>> > >> > >> > > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the actual > word> > > should be "Inderjit" but then maybe some numerologist as advised > Shri> > > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for astrologers, > it> > > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and> > > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a day > and> > > close their shops!> > >> > > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his> > > own "guidelines", since he has himself put all these guidelines > (sic!)> > > on "Jyoishgroup ", from which you have forwarded > that> > > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he had> > > said, "I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to > follow> > > my own advice"!> > >> > > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings> > > changes within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically > with> > > the Life sciences.?> > > So it is basically a Time science.>> > >> > > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of "Vedic> > > astrolgers" following the "Time Science" being around, apart from > KP-> > > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-astrology> > > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything about> > > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or> > > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any jyotishi, in> > > spite of their quibblings about "Brihat Samhita", which they > claim to> > > be full of such gems!> > >> > > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for the> > > last two days---no "Astro-uncle" or "Teen deviyan" or "tez-tare"> > > or "aapka-bhavishya" or "aapke-tare" etc. etc. on any of the > channels> > > since all of them were vying with one another to report the > terrorsit> > > activities "exclusively"! After all, these TV channels are more> > > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other> > > things, are only a means to that end!> > > Dhanyavad.> > > A K Kaul> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , "prashanthnair999"> > > prashanthnair999@ wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > , "Inder Jit Sahni"> > > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:> > > >> > > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your surroundings> > > changes> > > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically with > the> > > Life> > > > sciences.?> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > So it is basically a Time science.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons > who> > > > practice> > > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an astrologer.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic > activity> > > which> > > > brought to him to an astrologer.> > > >> > > > Think , how many forces act at that time?> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the > Karmas> > > > negative> > > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer , indirectly > of> > > the> > > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and > consultant> > > and> > > > the> > > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will be> > > facing> > > > a> > > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and will> > > add to> > > > his> > > > own negative Karmas.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real Astrological> > > > Experience.> > > > Not at All.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or> > > Magazines> > > > are> > > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers that too> > > with> > > > half> > > > information provided which is in fact available to the > Astrologer> > > at the> > > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous persons > who> > > never> > > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a > chart> > > for> > > > his> > > > own interests.> > > >> > > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or > money .> > > >> > > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to find> > > the> > > > answer> > > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the > Mask of> > > > need> > > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or> > > innocence.> > > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and norms > that> > > how> > > > to> > > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a> > > consideration ,> > > > but> > > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his > questions> > > is> > > > addressed properly.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the personal> > > issues of> > > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the > consultants> > > in> > > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private answering > to> > > the> > > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords are > Moon> > > or> > > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and will > move> > > > from> > > > this group to another .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to check > some> > > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real > astrology,> > > > nothing> > > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or buying> > > > something> > > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are > tricks to> > > > find if> > > > the particular planet had acted or not.> > > >> > > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in > predicting> > > > future.> > > >> > > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your Date > of> > > Birth> > > > and> > > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not give> > > this> > > > even to his son.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting forces I> > > had> > > > explained above.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house operates, > 9this> > > > Destiny> > > > and 9th is Dharma.> > > >> > > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th house > but> > > > Dharma> > > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding > nature> > > of> > > > the> > > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an> > > independent> > > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection of> > > deeds,> > > > see> > > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and expenditure > to> > > each> > > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the Rajoguni> > > Lagna .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own> > > submission> > > > to> > > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to his > 9th> > > house.> > > >> > > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the same > as> > > was> > > > the> > > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all> > > teachers> > > > are> > > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never > frustrate,> > > > because> > > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the Supreme> > > Lord.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with the > time> > > of> > > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot in > the> > > > science> > > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise > man.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out of> > > answered> > > > on> > > > 23.11.2008 .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E > appeared> > > > before> > > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .> > > >> > > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager around > 50> > > KMs> > > > from> > > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.> > > >> > > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.> > > >> > > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.> > > >> > > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had> > > shifted in> > > > Cusp> > > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to 26.33> > > degrees> > > > Gemini> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant, > she had> > > > taken> > > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10 > Km's> > > > through> > > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in such > a> > > > situation> > > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the Astrologer > must> > > > answer> > > > .> > > >> > > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in grief.> > > >> > > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you bought > a> > > > Buffalo> > > > from August 2007 to October 2007.> > > >> > > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21 > September.> > > >> > > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi or> > > Bombay?> > > >> > > > No not at all.> > > >> > > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70 thousand> > > and it> > > > died> > > > in October.> > > >> > > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus in > 6th> > > Cusp.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.> > > >> > > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter > Venus> > > in> > > > 4rth> > > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is not> > > happy> > > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from her> > > husband> > > > and> > > > Sons.> > > >> > > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics , but > from> > > > Moon> > > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his time > with> > > > others> > > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so in > Rahu> > > > antra.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village> > > Sarpanch/Headman and> > > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I told > too> > > are> > > > correct.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th cusp> > > shows> > > > her> > > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th > Cusp> > > shows> > > > Political success.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and > after> > > > knowing> > > > the solution she returned back blessing.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same place.> > > >> > > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58 > Hours> > > IST> > > > at> > > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E> > > >> > > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord > Sun in> > > > Saturn> > > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.> > > >> > > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing something> > > technical> > > > but> > > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th house.> > > >> > > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and thus > earn> > > > through> > > > its revenue .> > > >> > > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the consultant at> > > this> > > > time.> > > >> > > > With Best Wishes,> > > >> > > > Inder Jit Sahni> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >

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Shri Suprakash Ghoshji,


As quite a few members of this forum, including me, are not members

of Astrolab_9 , would you kindly upload a copy of that

article by Shri Kanak Basmia in the files section of this forum,

though it would be much better if it was posted in the group like the

article of Shri K N Rao was by Shri Prashanth Nair.


A K Kaul


, " Suprakash Ghosh "

<suprakash.ghosh wrote:


> The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An Ahmedabad


> astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and

gave a

> probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction based


> Horary.


> His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP

theory and

> can be found in Astrolab_9 .


> Regards


> Suprakash




> On Behalf Of Avtar


> Kaul

> Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM


> Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

> Attacked "


> Shri Prashant Nairji,

> Namaskar!


> Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

> the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool


> even well educated and well informed people like you!


> I

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hinducivilization , " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



Listen You disgraceful Indian,


There is one Kashmiri Indian who has been involved in the Sadhvi case

Shri Purohitji in the Sadhvi case , whom I respect very much, and


is another Kashmiri Pundit, yourself, who instead of doing something


the country like Shri Purohitji is doing, is trying to insult the

traditions of culture of India, the astrologers and the dates of

festivals, and the Great Rishi Munis of India.


It is because of you people that Shri Prithiviraj Chauhan met his


and you are doing the same. You have no agenda, to help the Indian

culture, but just want to put your bloody Calendar with fictitious


and change our festival dates and try to prove yourself smarter than

Bhaskaracharya. You bloody person who has no patriotic feelings has


shown a single attempt at trying to help the downtrodden, but you want

to trample upon your own ancestors and achieve name and fame by


rot about them.


If it was in my hands I would have shot you dead long back for talking

rot about the great Masters of India.


You third class person just get out from this forum and dont write


with your filthy stuff and rubbish.











hinducivilization , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved@> wrote:


> , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> jyotirved@ wrote:


> Shri Prashant Nairji,

> Namaskar!


> Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

> the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of

> even well educated and well informed people like you!


> I have gone through the article titled " Mumbai Attacked---India

> disgraced " of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of

> Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!) of

> Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as

> quoted by you)

> http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.


> Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter,

> nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of

> abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no

> astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking

> incident as Mumbai terror attacks!

> And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any


> homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that

> your " masters " have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does

> not understand the real meaning of what he is " uttering " !


> I have gone through this article several times to glean even a


> sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack before

> hand, and here is what the article has actually done:


> The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to what

> the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels were

> doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people

> about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There is

> absolutely nothing even as an astrological " post-mortem " of Mumbai

> terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events!

> By way of " astrological prediction " , all that the article does is

> quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same " learned

> astrologer " , which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks in

> July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an

> astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future

> attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the

> author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following

> snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008


> " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

> written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in

> the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. "


> I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used


> Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a


> of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the

> only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had

> appeared in the market—--maybe to glean from other " sources " as to

> who had " predicted " what! And there are at least a thousand

> panchangas in India being published in different languages!

> Thus, in other words, the " learned author " has referred to some God

> forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is supposed

> to have written as back as 1981! And what he had " predicted " in that

> article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less

> a " forewarning " as this is what it has said, " And it is the

> antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of India. I

> reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa Vijay

> Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope would

> be dreadful in many ways. " Thus even the " post-mortem " of July

> attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!


> And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from

> September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!


> Thus in spite of his own encomium the " learned jyotishi " has not


> in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks

> but " Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many

> ways " ! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What a " marvelous "

> prediction! No wonder that some " chamchas " are swooning on

> such " accurate " and " pinpoint " predictions!


> Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear

> Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31. There

> also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a


> attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us hear

> his " predictions " in his own words, " ...... And from 4th house Mars

> is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very

> explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and

> when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts

> happened in the Gujarat. "


> Thus these articles by the " learned author " can be summarized as

> follows:

> All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should

> have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of

> 1981, even if " the learned astrologer " had said just that " Kethu

> dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways " and even


> Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used

> their Intelligence Agencies as to what the " wise and learned

> astrologer " had " hinted at " and should have then waited patiently


> his further " hints " which he would never give, as to what he had

> wanted to say, instead of what he had said!

> Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies! Keep

> on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had

> said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIES " come

> true " only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!

> Thus the " learned astrologer " has advised, by implication, that we

> must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and " Prasharas "

> and " Vamadevas " and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and


> jyotishis to " guide us " with their " divine wisdom " . After all that

> is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat

Samhita— " A

> king must have a samvatsarika to guide him " (which means by

> implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed

> forces!)


> And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our

> festivals on the days " decreed " by such " learned astrologers "


> of by our shastras!

> Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world from

> such jyotishis and their chamchas.

> Dhanyavad.

> A K Kaul


> , " prashanthnair999 "

> <prashanthnair999@> wrote:

> >

> > This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen

> > predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted u

> bash

> > it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont

> mind ,so

> > i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it

> > ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for


> for

> > nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head


> of

> > anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work

> which i

> > told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old

> age .

> > long liv dollar and euro

> > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192>


> > [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN

> RAO 28

> > November 2008, 8:28 AM

> > No single incident in the history of independent India has

> disgraced the

> > nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the night


> 26

> > November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the

> Indian

> > commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been

> killed or

> > flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this piece.

> >

> > We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way


> to

> > Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet

> that I

> > read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the

> television

> > channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey

> back and

> > it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television

> pictures.

> > As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp and

> > non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had


> > stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off whatever

> > nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and


> > looking stuff with fluency.

> >

> > What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English news

> > channels to pick up some facts which were startling:

> > (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels. What

> was

> > the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say in

> its

> > defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and not

> a BJP

> > ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?

> > b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were

> huge

> > enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the Bombay

> police

> > doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence


> it

> > was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one

> which it

> > could have blamed and patted its own back.

> > c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full knowledge

> of

> > the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did not

> > know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition


> food

> > to last for many days.

> >

> > A report from USA reads thus:

> > US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent

> > Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST

> > Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST

> > Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who

> headed up

> > the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence and

> > Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed

> clearly a

> > failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also


> > utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .

> >

> > " You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't

> removed

> > is beyond me, " he said, " He really doesn't know how to get the

> > bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated planning. "


> > acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had

> set up

> > control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that " this

> was a

> > sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes

> months

> > of planning. "

> >

> > It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra and


> > India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof of

> the

> > inability of these governments to govern? They know, these

> politicians,

> > only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and


> > European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to

> wipe out

> > these. They will not and they cannot because they have to appease

> some

> > sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies have

> only

> > encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.

> >

> > And read thess two reports

> > 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have impounded

> four

> > boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai coast.

> >

> > 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008

> > Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two months


> > By Daily Mail Reporter

> > Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008

> > An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in


> two

> > months ago, it emerged today.

> >

> > Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.


> > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171> KN


> > 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM

> > " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

> written

> > in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the

> Indian

> > horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab terrorist


> > spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had


> > passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have


> > disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the assassination


> > Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in


> Now

> > the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both

> visible and

> > both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could

> India

> > remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown terrorists?

> >

> > The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had


> very

> > well as the events show. But will the television channels show any

> sense

> > of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)

> >

> > " It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been

> > financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan

> with

> > the help of Al Quaeda.

> >

> > And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with

> > L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most

> > incompetent government and was totally responsible for the

> inordinate

> > growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India?

> Terrorists can

> > set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months

> inside a

> > big city of India without being detected and then wage a battle!!

> >

> > India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a

> certificate

> > from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will

> record

> > what a US paper now says gleefully:

> >

> > " Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "

> >

> > ( 28 Nov 2008)

> >

> > , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Shri Prashanth Nairji,

> > > Namaskar!

> > >

> > > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons

> who

> > > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an

> > > astrologer......

> > >

> > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the

> > > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is in

> fact

> > > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or


> are

> > > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer


> the

> > > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>

> > >

> > >

> > > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the actual

> word

> > > should be " Inderjit " but then maybe some numerologist as advised

> Shri

> > > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for astrologers,

> it

> > > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and

> > > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a day

> and

> > > close their shops!

> > >

> > > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his

> > > own " guidelines " , since he has himself put all these guidelines

> (sic!)

> > > on " Jyoishgroup " , from which you have forwarded

> that

> > > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he


> > > said, " I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to

> follow

> > > my own advice " !

> > >

> > > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your


> > > changes within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically

> with

> > > the Life sciences.?

> > > So it is basically a Time science.>

> > >

> > > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of " Vedic

> > > astrolgers " following the " Time Science " being around, apart


> KP-

> > > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-


> > > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything about

> > > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or

> > > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any jyotishi,


> > > spite of their quibblings about " Brihat Samhita " , which they

> claim to

> > > be full of such gems!

> > >

> > > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for


> > > last two days---no " Astro-uncle " or " Teen deviyan " or " tez-tare "

> > > or " aapka-bhavishya " or " aapke-tare " etc. etc. on any of the

> channels

> > > since all of them were vying with one another to report the

> terrorsit

> > > activities " exclusively " ! After all, these TV channels are more

> > > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other

> > > things, are only a means to that end!

> > > Dhanyavad.

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " prashanthnair999 "

> > > prashanthnair999@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Inder Jit Sahni "

> > > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your


> > > changes

> > > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically with

> the

> > > Life

> > > > sciences.?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So it is basically a Time science.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the persons

> who

> > > > practice

> > > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an astrologer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic

> activity

> > > which

> > > > brought to him to an astrologer.

> > > >

> > > > Think , how many forces act at that time?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the

> Karmas

> > > > negative

> > > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer , indirectly

> of

> > > the

> > > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and

> consultant

> > > and

> > > > the

> > > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will be

> > > facing

> > > > a

> > > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and


> > > add to

> > > > his

> > > > own negative Karmas.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real


> > > > Experience.

> > > > Not at All.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > > Magazines

> > > > are

> > > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers that


> > > with

> > > > half

> > > > information provided which is in fact available to the

> Astrologer

> > > at the

> > > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous persons

> who

> > > never

> > > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a

> chart

> > > for

> > > > his

> > > > own interests.

> > > >

> > > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or

> money .

> > > >

> > > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to


> > > the

> > > > answer

> > > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the

> Mask of

> > > > need

> > > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or

> > > innocence.

> > > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and norms

> that

> > > how

> > > > to

> > > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a

> > > consideration ,

> > > > but

> > > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his

> questions

> > > is

> > > > addressed properly.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the personal

> > > issues of

> > > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the

> consultants

> > > in

> > > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private


> to

> > > the

> > > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords are

> Moon

> > > or

> > > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and will

> move

> > > > from

> > > > this group to another .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to


> some

> > > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real

> astrology,

> > > > nothing

> > > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or


> > > > something

> > > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are

> tricks to

> > > > find if

> > > > the particular planet had acted or not.

> > > >

> > > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in

> predicting

> > > > future.

> > > >

> > > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your Date

> of

> > > Birth

> > > > and

> > > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not


> > > this

> > > > even to his son.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting

forces I

> > > had

> > > > explained above.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house operates,

> 9this

> > > > Destiny

> > > > and 9th is Dharma.

> > > >

> > > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th


> but

> > > > Dharma

> > > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding

> nature

> > > of

> > > > the

> > > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an

> > > independent

> > > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection of

> > > deeds,

> > > > see

> > > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and


> to

> > > each

> > > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the Rajoguni

> > > Lagna .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own

> > > submission

> > > > to

> > > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to his

> 9th

> > > house.

> > > >

> > > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the


> as

> > > was

> > > > the

> > > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all

> > > teachers

> > > > are

> > > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never

> frustrate,

> > > > because

> > > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the


> > > Lord.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with the

> time

> > > of

> > > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot in

> the

> > > > science

> > > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise

> man.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out of

> > > answered

> > > > on

> > > > 23.11.2008 .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E

> appeared

> > > > before

> > > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .

> > > >

> > > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager around

> 50

> > > KMs

> > > > from

> > > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.

> > > >

> > > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.

> > > >

> > > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.

> > > >

> > > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had

> > > shifted in

> > > > Cusp

> > > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to 26.33

> > > degrees

> > > > Gemini

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant,

> she had

> > > > taken

> > > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10

> Km's

> > > > through

> > > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in


> a

> > > > situation

> > > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the


> must

> > > > answer

> > > > .

> > > >

> > > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in grief.

> > > >

> > > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you


> a

> > > > Buffalo

> > > > from August 2007 to October 2007.

> > > >

> > > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21

> September.

> > > >

> > > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi or

> > > Bombay?

> > > >

> > > > No not at all.

> > > >

> > > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70


> > > and it

> > > > died

> > > > in October.

> > > >

> > > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus in

> 6th

> > > Cusp.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.

> > > >

> > > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter

> Venus

> > > in

> > > > 4rth

> > > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is not

> > > happy

> > > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from her

> > > husband

> > > > and

> > > > Sons.

> > > >

> > > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics , but

> from

> > > > Moon

> > > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his


> with

> > > > others

> > > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so in

> Rahu

> > > > antra.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village

> > > Sarpanch/Headman and

> > > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I


> too

> > > are

> > > > correct.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th


> > > shows

> > > > her

> > > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th

> Cusp

> > > shows

> > > > Political success.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and

> after

> > > > knowing

> > > > the solution she returned back blessing.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same place.

> > > >

> > > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58

> Hours

> > > IST

> > > > at

> > > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E

> > > >

> > > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord

> Sun in

> > > > Saturn

> > > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.

> > > >

> > > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing something

> > > technical

> > > > but

> > > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th house.

> > > >

> > > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and thus

> earn

> > > > through

> > > > its revenue .

> > > >

> > > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the consultant


> > > this

> > > > time.

> > > >

> > > > With Best Wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Inder Jit Sahni

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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hinducivilization , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


Shri Bhaskaranji,


The first line of my reply to Shri Prashanth Nair's post was, " Many

thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool of

even well educated and well informed people like you! "


I am thankful to you also for giving me a similar opportunity

to " broadcast " my " agenda " to the whole forum again!


You will recall that when you joined the HinduCalendar forum, I had

requested you to go through the various papers especially

Koshur6.doc, BVB6.doc, Rashi5.doc, Shankar1.doc etc. etc. in the

files section there and let me have your views in a free and fearless

manner but in a parliamentary language so that we could compare


However, instead of going through those files and discussing the

points raised by me there, all you did was abuse me and my " other

fake ids " left and right! I had therefore to delete your name from

that list.


I have now " cluttered " this (hinducivilization) forum with just a

miniscule sample of the posts/files (Rotary, BVB6, Shankar1, Ramanji,

PAC3) of that forum about " Vedic astrology " and its " beneficial

results/effects " on the entire Hindu community. Kindly go through

these posts and let the forum have your counter arguments.


Pl. rest assured that I will change my views gratefuly if your

counter arguments are logical/scientific and based on the

Vedas/shastras instead of some snippets from here and there.


A K Kaul



hinducivilization , " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:



> Listen You disgraceful Indian,


> There is one Kashmiri Indian who has been involved in the Sadhvi


> Shri Purohitji in the Sadhvi case , whom I respect very much, and


> is another Kashmiri Pundit, yourself, who instead of doing

something for

> the country like Shri Purohitji is doing, is trying to insult the

> traditions of culture of India, the astrologers and the dates of

> festivals, and the Great Rishi Munis of India.


> It is because of you people that Shri Prithiviraj Chauhan met his


> and you are doing the same. You have no agenda, to help the Indian

> culture, but just want to put your bloody Calendar with fictitious


> and change our festival dates and try to prove yourself smarter than

> Bhaskaracharya. You bloody person who has no patriotic feelings has


> shown a single attempt at trying to help the downtrodden, but you


> to trample upon your own ancestors and achieve name and fame by


> rot about them.


> If it was in my hands I would have shot you dead long back for


> rot about the great Masters of India.


> You third class person just get out from this forum and dont write


> with your filthy stuff and rubbish.


> Bhaskar.



hinducivilization , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> > Shri Prashant Nairji,

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

> > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool


> > even well educated and well informed people like you!

> >

> > I have gone through the article titled " Mumbai Attacked---India

> > disgraced " of Nov. 28, 2008, by Shri K. N. Rao in the Journal of

> > Astrology, regarding his so called astrological prediction (sic!)


> > Mumbai terror attack. The article is available at the address (as

> > quoted by you)

> > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> > You have also quoted the same article in full in your post.

> >

> > Honestly, it appears that you have neither assimilated the letter,

> > nor the spirit of the article that you have quoted with so much of

> > abusive language for anyone who dares ask as to why there was no

> > astrological assessment before hand about such an earth shaking

> > incident as Mumbai terror attacks!

> > And once again, you have given a proof of your lack of doing any


> > homework but repeating exactly like a parrot the same words that

> > your " masters " have uttered! I am sure you know that a parrot does

> > not understand the real meaning of what he is " uttering " !

> >

> > I have gone through this article several times to glean even a


> > sentence that could be said to have hinted at such an attack


> > hand, and here is what the article has actually done:

> >

> > The main article of Nov. 28 is nothing but a long sermon as to


> > the Govt. should have done or not done or what the TV channels


> > doing and should actually have done or the opinion of some people

> > about India's un-preparedness for such an event etc. etc.! There


> > absolutely nothing even as an astrological " post-mortem " of Mumbai

> > terrorist attacks---which the jyotishis usually do of such events!

> > By way of " astrological prediction " , all that the article does is

> > quote yet another article of July 31, 2008, by the same " learned

> > astrologer " , which again is a postmortem of Delhi terror attacks


> > July 2008 (as usual, wise after the event!) instead of an

> > astrological assessment, leave alone a forewarning, of any future

> > attacks, much less the latest Mumbai attacks! Thus all that the

> > author has to offer us in his article of Nov. 28 is the following

> > snippet from his own article of July 31, 2008

> >

> > " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

> > written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha


> > the Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. "

> >

> > I had been using several panchangas myself, but I hardly used


> > Vijaya Panchanga, as it never had anything original but just a


> > of who had said what, though in a changed phraseology! It was the

> > only panchanga which was published after every other panchanga had

> > appeared in the market—--maybe to glean from other " sources " as to

> > who had " predicted " what! And there are at least a thousand

> > panchangas in India being published in different languages!

> > Thus, in other words, the " learned author " has referred to some


> > forsaken article in some God forsaken Panchang which he is


> > to have written as back as 1981! And what he had " predicted " in


> > article of July 31 is more amusing than informative, much less

> > a " forewarning " as this is what it has said, " And it is the

> > antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the horoscope of

India. I

> > reminded the students that in 1981 I had written in the Vishwa


> > Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the Indian horoscope


> > be dreadful in many ways. " Thus even the " post-mortem " of July

> > attacks in Delhi is just as clumsy as it can get!

> >

> > And Kethu Dasha, in Independent India's natal chart was from

> > September 11, 1982 to Sepember 11, 1989!

> >

> > Thus in spite of his own encomium the " learned jyotishi " has not


> > in those lines either that there would be terrorist attacks

> > but " Kethu Dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many

> > ways " ! And Kethu Dasha was already over in 1989! What

a " marvelous "

> > prediction! No wonder that some " chamchas " are swooning on

> > such " accurate " and " pinpoint " predictions!

> >

> > Same is the case with his article of July 29, 2008, titled Nuclear

> > Deal-1, to which he has referred to in his article of July 31.


> > also the author has not said anywhere that there would be a


> > attack, but what he has done is yet another post-mortem! Let us


> > his " predictions " in his own words, " ...... And from 4th house


> > is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very

> > explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore


> > when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts

> > happened in the Gujarat. "

> >

> > Thus these articles by the " learned author " can be summarized as

> > follows:

> > All the State Governments as well as the Central Government should

> > have kept on scanning year after year Visvha Vijaya Panchanga of

> > 1981, even if " the learned astrologer " had said just that " Kethu

> > dasha in Indian horoscope would be dreadful in many ways " and

even if

> > Ketu Dasha was over in 1989. All the governments should have used

> > their Intelligence Agencies as to what the " wise and learned

> > astrologer " had " hinted at " and should have then waited patiently


> > his further " hints " which he would never give, as to what he had

> > wanted to say, instead of what he had said!

> > Well, that is after all what we do with NOSTRADAMUS prophesies!


> > on guessing as to what he should have said instead of what he had

> > said! And as is an open secret by now, NOSTRADAMUS


> > true " only after some really earth shaking event has taken place!

> > Thus the " learned astrologer " has advised, by implication, that we

> > must have faith in our modern NOSTRADAMUS and " Prasharas "

> > and " Vamadevas " and forget about our Intelligence Agencies and


> > jyotishis to " guide us " with their " divine wisdom " . After all that

> > is what Varahamihira the great had suggested in his Brihat

> Samhita— " A

> > king must have a samvatsarika to guide him " (which means by

> > implication that there is no need for any spies and even armed

> > forces!)

> >

> > And no wonder, you advocate that we must continue to celebrate our

> > festivals on the days " decreed " by such " learned astrologers "


> > of by our shastras!

> > Obviously, God only can save the largest democracy of the world


> > such jyotishis and their chamchas.

> > Dhanyavad.

> > A K Kaul

> >

> > , " prashanthnair999 "

> > <prashanthnair999@> wrote:

> > >

> > > This is answer for ur blind eyes who dont see facts ( i ahv seen

> > > predictions but who will spread pearls b4 swines ) if predicted


> > bash

> > > it ,if happened u generalise it But i am also converted dont

> > mind ,so

> > > i am 100% agreeing with u so long as i am getting money for it

> > > ,astrologers has no job or money their only aim is predict for


> > for

> > > nations and individuals and then ppl like u who dont know head


> > of

> > > anything can bash it as it is more easy did u do spade work

> > which i

> > > told u and tell me what u find ,at least learn it in this old

> > age .

> > > long liv dollar and euro

> > > http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192

> > > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=192>


> > > [http://www.journalofastrology.com/images/tr.gif] KN

> > RAO 28

> > > November 2008, 8:28 AM

> > > No single incident in the history of independent India has

> > disgraced the

> > > nation as much as the terrorist attack on Bombay since the

night of

> > 26

> > > November. It continued for more than forty eight hours and the

> > Indian

> > > commandos were still operating and the terrorists had not been

> > killed or

> > > flushed out yet (6/26pm) at the time I started writing this


> > >

> > > We were returning from Nathdwara and reached Jaipur on our way


> > to

> > > Delhi on 26 November and it was there when I opened the internet

> > that I

> > > read about terrorists at Bombay. Some live pictures in the

> > television

> > > channels did show us some action pictures but we had to journey

> > back and

> > > it was only six hours after that we saw more of the television

> > pictures.

> > > As usual, the English televison channels were objective crisp


> > > non-speculative in their coverage while the Hindi channels had


> > > stupid women anchors (the eye ball formula) rattling off


> > > nonsense it suited them to utter with some sentimental and


> > > looking stuff with fluency.

> > >

> > > What was the news ?Again one had to fall back on the English


> > > channels to pick up some facts which were startling:

> > > (a) The terrorists had set up control rooms in these hotels.


> > was

> > > the Bombay police doing and what has the UPA government to say


> > its

> > > defence because it was happening in a Congress ruled state and


> > a BJP

> > > ruled one which it could have blamed and patted its own back?

> > > b) Ammunition stored in these hotels used by the terrorists were

> > huge

> > > enough to wage a regular war for so many days.What was the


> > police

> > > doing and what has the UPA government to say in its defence


> > it

> > > was happening in a Congress ruled state and not a BJP ruled one

> > which it

> > > could have blamed and patted its own back.

> > > c) The Bombay underworld helped the terrorists with full


> > of

> > > the layout of these hotels which commandos of Indian army did


> > > know.These criminals also helped the terrorists with ammunition


> > food

> > > to last for many days.

> > >

> > > A report from USA reads thus:

> > > US intelligence expert says Patil is incompetent

> > > Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC November 28, 2008 11:28 IST

> > > Last Updated: November 28, 2008 11:29 IST

> > > Walter Andersen, a former senior Administration official, who

> > headed up

> > > the State Department's South Asia Division of the Intelligence


> > > Research Bureau has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks showed

> > clearly a

> > > failure of India's intelligence and security apparatus and also


> > > utter incompetence of Home Minister Shivraj Patil .

> > >

> > > " You have a totally incompetent home minister, and why he isn't

> > removed

> > > is beyond me, " he said, " He really doesn't know how to get the

> > > bureaucracy organised to have some sort of coordinated

planning. " He

> > > acknowledged that in the wake of reports that the terrorists had

> > set up

> > > control rooms in the two hotels ahead of time, showed that " this

> > was a

> > > sophisticated, well planned set up. This is something that takes

> > months

> > > of planning. "

> > >

> > > It takes months of planning and the government of Maharastra

and of

> > > India were not aware it ? Can there be a more disgraceful proof


> > the

> > > inability of these governments to govern? They know, these

> > politicians,

> > > only the art of vote bank politics and cannot like USA,UK and


> > > European pass stringent legislation and take ruthless action to

> > wipe out

> > > these. They will not and they cannot because they have to


> > some

> > > sections for their votes. They cannot see that their policies


> > only

> > > encouraged the growth of home grown terrorists.

> > >

> > > And read thess two reports

> > > 1) Meanwhile, there are reports that Colaba police have


> > four

> > > boats allegedly used by the terrorists to reach the Mumbai


> > >

> > > 2) Thursday, Nov 27 2008

> > > Islamic terror group e-mailed threat to attack Mumbai two

months ago

> > > By Daily Mail Reporter

> > > Last updated at 10:37 AM on 27th November 2008

> > > An Islamic terror group warned it was planning a massacre in


> > two

> > > months ago, it emerged today.

> > >

> > > Combine it with what I had written in the following piece.


> > > <http://www.journalofastrology.com/article.php?article_id=171>


> > RAO

> > > 31 July 2008, 12:50 AM

> > > " And it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house in the

> > > horoscope of India. I reminded the students that in 1981 I had

> > written

> > > in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that the Ketu dasha in the

> > Indian

> > > horoscope would be dreadful in many ways. We had Punjab

terrorist in

> > > spreading which USA was said to have a big hand and if USSR had


> > > passed on the information, the Golden Temple tragedy would have


> > > disastrous than what it was. But it did lead to the

assassination of

> > > Indira Gandhi and killing of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in


> > Now

> > > the Ketu antardasha and two eclipses falling in August, both

> > visible and

> > > both affecting the axis of religious/communal harmony how could

> > India

> > > remain complacent with unchecked growth of home grown


> > >

> > > The nuclear deal had to trigger it off. The terrorists had


> > very

> > > well as the events show. But will the television channels show


> > sense

> > > of moral and national responsibility? (30 July 2008)

> > >

> > > " It has been said in a report that this terrorist act has been

> > > financed by Saudi Arabia and training has been given in Pakistan

> > with

> > > the help of Al Quaeda.

> > >

> > > And, without taking sides ask yourself will you agree with

> > > L.K.Advani's attack that the Manmohan Singh's is the most

> > > incompetent government and was totally responsible for the

> > inordinate

> > > growth of terrorists who can now operate freely in India?

> > Terrorists can

> > > set up a operation room and dump enough ammunition for months

> > inside a

> > > big city of India without being detected and then wage a


> > >

> > > India is now a disgraced nation with no need to seek such a

> > certificate

> > > from anyone in or outside India from its critics. History will

> > record

> > > what a US paper now says gleefully:

> > >

> > > " Attack forces India onto front lines of global war on terror "

> > >

> > > ( 28 Nov 2008)

> > >

> > > , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> > > <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri Prashanth Nairji,

> > > > Namaskar!

> > > >

> > > > < Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the


> > who

> > > > practice Astrology or for those too who want to consult an

> > > > astrologer......

> > > >

> > > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books or

> > > > Magazines are the graves of the actual cases dealt by the

> > > > Astrologers that too with half information provided which is


> > fact

> > > > available to the Astrologer at the time of consultation. Or


> > are

> > > > the cases of Famous persons who never consulted an astrologer


> > the

> > > > Astrologer wanted to ride a chart for his own interests....>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Judging from the criteria that Inder Jit Sahni (IMHO the


> > word

> > > > should be " Inderjit " but then maybe some numerologist as


> > Shri

> > > > Sahni to break his name into two!)has laid down for


> > it

> > > > is clear that all the jyotish forums and astrology groups and

> > > > jyotisha magazines and TV jyotishis etc. etc. must call it a


> > and

> > > > close their shops!

> > > >

> > > > I, however, wonder whether Shri Sahni himself is following his

> > > > own " guidelines " , since he has himself put all these


> > (sic!)

> > > > on " Jyoishgroup " , from which you have


> > that

> > > > post! But again, may be William Shakespeare was right when he


> > > > said, " I would easier teach twenty people what to do than to

> > follow

> > > > my own advice " !

> > > >

> > > > <What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your


> > > > changes within the Nature which can be calculated


> > with

> > > > the Life sciences.?

> > > > So it is basically a Time science.>

> > > >

> > > > Great cry and little wool! In spite of tirllions of " Vedic

> > > > astrolgers " following the " Time Science " being around, apart


> > KP-

> > > > walas and Lal Kitab-walas and Jaimini-walas and Mundane-


> > > > experts, etc. etc. not a single one had predicted anything


> > > > Mumbai carnage by terrorists! For that matter, no disasters or

> > > > floods or famines etc. are/were ever predicted by any

jyotishi, in

> > > > spite of their quibblings about " Brihat Samhita " , which they

> > claim to

> > > > be full of such gems!

> > > >

> > > > There was, however, a comic relief on all the TV channels for


> > > > last two days---no " Astro-uncle " or " Teen deviyan " or " tez-

tare "

> > > > or " aapka-bhavishya " or " aapke-tare " etc. etc. on any of the

> > channels

> > > > since all of them were vying with one another to report the

> > terrorsit

> > > > activities " exclusively " ! After all, these TV channels are


> > > > worried about their TRPs, and TV jyotishis, like so many other

> > > > things, are only a means to that end!

> > > > Dhanyavad.

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " prashanthnair999 "

> > > > prashanthnair999@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " Inder Jit Sahni "

> > > > > <inder_jit_sahni@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > What exactly astrology is all about; To relate your


> > > > changes

> > > > > within the Nature which can be calculated Mathematically


> > the

> > > > Life

> > > > > sciences.?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So it is basically a Time science.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Very hard rules are prescribed by our masters for the


> > who

> > > > > practice

> > > > > Astrology or for those too who want to consult an


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > To whom one shall teach is also mentioned.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > When one need to consult an astrologer , it is his Karmic

> > activity

> > > > which

> > > > > brought to him to an astrologer.

> > > > >

> > > > > Think , how many forces act at that time?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > And when he consult an astrologer , the Divine Grace , the

> > Karmas

> > > > > negative

> > > > > or positive and the Strong will of the Astrologer ,


> > of

> > > > the

> > > > > Supreme Lord help trace the things to the astrologer and

> > consultant

> > > > and

> > > > > the

> > > > > person if destined is to be helped , will be helped or will


> > > > facing

> > > > > a

> > > > > cheater who will wash few of the sins of the consultant and


> > > > add to

> > > > > his

> > > > > own negative Karmas.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So can you compare an internet reading with a real


> > > > > Experience.

> > > > > Not at All.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > In fact the Internet Astrology or what is written in Books


> > > > Magazines

> > > > > are

> > > > > the graves of the actual cases dealt by the Astrologers

that too

> > > > with

> > > > > half

> > > > > information provided which is in fact available to the

> > Astrologer

> > > > at the

> > > > > time of consultation. Or those are the cases of Famous


> > who

> > > > never

> > > > > consulted an astrologer but the Astrologer wanted to ride a

> > chart

> > > > for

> > > > > his

> > > > > own interests.

> > > > >

> > > > > These are posted by those who sell themselves for fame or

> > money .

> > > > >

> > > > > Then there are others who run from this group to another to


> > > > the

> > > > > answer

> > > > > of different astrologers, these are beggars moving under the

> > Mask of

> > > > > need

> > > > > and are answered by such astrologers either out of proud or

> > > > innocence.

> > > > > These persons do not match the minimum requirements and


> > that

> > > > how

> > > > > to

> > > > > pose a question to an astrologer. Money is not always a

> > > > consideration ,

> > > > > but

> > > > > a person must take other pains to help himself that his

> > questions

> > > > is

> > > > > addressed properly.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Never ask in a group; never answer in a group to the


> > > > issues of

> > > > > others; a learned astrologer shall never answer to the

> > consultants

> > > > in

> > > > > group. A student of Astrology may try this by private


> > to

> > > > the

> > > > > persons asking in the group . The persons whose sub lords


> > Moon

> > > > or

> > > > > Mercury stars will never have faith on any astrologer and


> > move

> > > > > from

> > > > > this group to another .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Do not believe in one minute astrology, any astrologer to


> > some

> > > > > combination may ask some questions but this is in real

> > astrology,

> > > > > nothing

> > > > > can change your destiny, forget that purchasing Shoes or


> > > > > something

> > > > > else will brought good luck or bad luck. Instead these are

> > tricks to

> > > > > find if

> > > > > the particular planet had acted or not.

> > > > >

> > > > > I had seen these in abundance but who failed miserably in

> > predicting

> > > > > future.

> > > > >

> > > > > An astrologer now NO more from Jodhpur will give you your


> > of

> > > > Birth

> > > > > and

> > > > > time but everything else he predicted go wrong , he did not


> > > > this

> > > > > even to his son.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > When an Astrologer Predict to a Consultant , the acting

forces I

> > > > had

> > > > > explained above.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > But what when a Student wish to know ? His 9th house


> > 9this

> > > > > Destiny

> > > > > and 9th is Dharma.

> > > > >

> > > > > Destny is expenditure of Karmas it is expenditure of 10th


> > but

> > > > > Dharma

> > > > > is independent identity an identity which shows the holding

> > nature

> > > > of

> > > > > the

> > > > > individual, it is again through the Guru , which is again an

> > > > independent

> > > > > identity, the 10th for Dharma and Guru are your collection


> > > > deeds,

> > > > > see

> > > > > how beautifully the 9th and 10th are Collection and


> > to

> > > > each

> > > > > other the 9th give strength through Satwoguna to the


> > > > Lagna .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > He will be addressed as per his own intentions , one's own

> > > > submission

> > > > > to

> > > > > the almighty will produce a teacher for him. According to


> > 9th

> > > > house.

> > > > >

> > > > > So here it is only a learning experience and it is not the


> > as

> > > > was

> > > > > the

> > > > > case when the person actually consulted an Astrologer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > If he cannot gain , it is his own fault not of others , all

> > > > teachers

> > > > > are

> > > > > evolution of the Almighty, he who understands it never

> > frustrate,

> > > > > because

> > > > > frustration is , that you don't believe in almighty the


> > > > Lord.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Also being an Astrologer if one cannot differentiate with


> > time

> > > > of

> > > > > consultation and time of learning then he is a great Idiot


> > the

> > > > > science

> > > > > of Astrology and such person shall not be answered by a wise

> > man.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I will narrate two cases for the students of Astrology out


> > > > answered

> > > > > on

> > > > > 23.11.2008 .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A woman of 65 years of Age consulting at 30.12.N 75.00.E

> > appeared

> > > > > before

> > > > > me with no birth chart at 11.26 AM .

> > > > >

> > > > > She said that she was recommended by name by a villager


> > 50

> > > > KMs

> > > > > from

> > > > > here who got a son on the Date as was predicted by me.

> > > > >

> > > > > I asked her a no. from 1 to 249 and she gave me 65 No.

> > > > >

> > > > > The Saturn Antardasha was running in Moon Mahadsha.

> > > > >

> > > > > As per No. chart Jupiter was exact in 7th Cusp, Rahu too had

> > > > shifted in

> > > > > Cusp

> > > > > chart in 7th . For Vedic Astrologers shift the Lagna to


> > > > degrees

> > > > > Gemini

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Now look as the qualification of the woman as an consultant,

> > she had

> > > > > taken

> > > > > pains to travel through Busses for 40 Kms and then around 10

> > Km's

> > > > > through

> > > > > Rikshas , and is eager to pay the consultation charges, in


> > a

> > > > > situation

> > > > > , even if one do not pay and had come for rescue the


> > must

> > > > > answer

> > > > > .

> > > > >

> > > > > She did not tell me anything except that she is much in


> > > > >

> > > > > Looking at Saturn in Venus star I 1st confirmed that you


> > a

> > > > > Buffalo

> > > > > from August 2007 to October 2007.

> > > > >

> > > > > And this Buffalo was in trouble or can be loss after 21

> > September.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now see , Can I ask this question to my Consultant at Delhi


> > > > Bombay?

> > > > >

> > > > > No not at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > She confirmed that she purchased one which was worth 70


> > > > and it

> > > > > died

> > > > > in October.

> > > > >

> > > > > Rahu in the 7h Cusp and 1st Saturn in Venus star and Venus


> > 6th

> > > > Cusp.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > How many things could be said now ? Look at my narration.

> > > > >

> > > > > The house is progressing well since Moon Mahadasha ; Jupiter

> > Venus

> > > > in

> > > > > 4rth

> > > > > from Moon other three malefic in 3rd from Moon. But she is


> > > > happy

> > > > > mentally because of the respect and care she expects from


> > > > husband

> > > > > and

> > > > > Sons.

> > > > >

> > > > > Husband had a rise in Sun Mahadasha , may be in politics ,


> > from

> > > > > Moon

> > > > > Dasha only moving in proud of previous success wasting his


> > with

> > > > > others

> > > > > and not caring about her and even beat her and had done so


> > Rahu

> > > > > antra.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > She confirmed that her husband was elected Village

> > > > Sarpanch/Headman and

> > > > > remained So for Sun Mahadsha upto 2003, and other things I


> > too

> > > > are

> > > > > correct.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sun in 11th from 7th and Jupiter in own house close to 7th


> > > > shows

> > > > > her

> > > > > husband selfish behave, Its being in Sun Star and Sun in 5th

> > Cusp

> > > > shows

> > > > > Political success.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > IIt also speaks so many other things which after hearing and

> > after

> > > > > knowing

> > > > > the solution she returned back blessing.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 2nd Case I am giving for others to calculate.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > This was a couple at 11.55 AM on 23.11.2008 at the same


> > > > >

> > > > > The Huband gave me his horoscope Date 26.11.1960 time 19.58

> > Hours

> > > > IST

> > > > > at

> > > > > Jaito 30.28.N 74.53.E

> > > > >

> > > > > To confirm time I only matched the personality with Sub lord

> > Sun in

> > > > > Saturn

> > > > > Star occupant of 5th Cusp.

> > > > >

> > > > > That he is a man of Ego , but introvert lazy , doing


> > > > technical

> > > > > but

> > > > > had a revenue income or a workshop, all linking to 8th


> > > > >

> > > > > He confirmed that he is a owner of City Cable network and


> > earn

> > > > > through

> > > > > its revenue .

> > > > >

> > > > > Everything else was told by me and confirmed by him.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I am posting this case , what will you say to the

consultant at

> > > > this

> > > > > time.

> > > > >

> > > > > With Best Wishes,

> > > > >

> > > > > Inder Jit Sahni

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Dear Mr Kaul,


As desired , I am copying the text of the message ,containing the

worksheet of Kanak. It is purely based on KP and needs a thorough

knowledge of KP fundamentals to understand the logic.


Hope you will find it helpful







Work Sheet


There was a news on TV that there is a chance of terrorist attack in

Mumbai,I decided to check this with KP astrology


The rules are formulated by me.




Horary No: 85/249(rendomly generated by software 3.0)




Time: 11.14.37.AM


Place L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23N00, 72 E36.






If 12th(Secret Organizations) Signfies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent

Death/Disaster),_ badhaka, then there is a chance of terrorist attack.

During dasa of 2,7,Badhaka.






Place signfies by8th(terorist) sublord are the target of terrorist




My analysis:



12th sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun.


Rahu is in 6, Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of

6,7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster)., Moon is in 9(Badhaka), 12. Sun

is in 2(Maraka) lord of 1,2(Maraka).


12th sublord signifies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster),9(



It look there is terrorist attack in Mumbai.





8th sublord is Ven. Ven is in the star of Mar and sub of Jup.


Ven is in 3 lord of 4. Mar is in 3 lord of 10.Jup is in 5 lord of 5,10.

No planet in the star of Jup and Jup is sublord of 3,6,9


8th sublord signifies 3,4,10,5,6,9.



3=Post office, Telephone Office, Train. Junior School,library, News



4= department store /shopping mall, place near water.


5=amusement park, cinema theater, stock exchange.


6= clinic.


9= Ashram, temple, collage, indicate religious places.






RP are " Mar,Sat, Jup,Mer.Rahu( represent Sat)



runing DBAS is Me-Ra-Sa-Me


runing Dasa is Mer, which is in RP


Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


Mer signfies 9(badhaka).



Runing Bhukti is Rahu.


Ra+(6) Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent

Death/Disaster)., in the star of Mo(9, 12), in the sub of Su(2, 1-2).


Rahu is in sat sign, in RP.


Sa+(1, 6-7-8), in the star of Ve(3, 4), in the sub of Ra+(6).


Sat is also in RP, and signfies Maraka, and badhka. and 8th.



Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


Mer sookshma end on today, so i check for next, and next is Ktu which

ios not in RP, next Ven also not in RP,Next Sun and Moon also not in RP

so i select Mar sookshma


from 9 to 18 November 2008



In my opinion there could be a blast/terrorist attack in Mumbai during

9 to 18 November 2008.


The conclusion is shocking, and I pray to God for failure of my





Kanak Bosmia




















































Kanak Bosmia



On Behalf Of Avtar Krishen


Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:17 PM


FW: Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

Attacked "


Shri Suprakash Ghoshji,


As quite a few members of this forum, including me, are not members

of Astrolab_9 , would you kindly upload a copy of that

article by Shri Kanak Basmia in the files section of this forum,

though it would be much better if it was posted in the group like the

article of Shri K N Rao was by Shri Prashanth Nair.


A K Kaul


, " Suprakash Ghosh "

<suprakash.ghosh wrote:


> The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An Ahmedabad


> astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and

gave a

> probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction based


> Horary.


> His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP

theory and

> can be found in Astrolab_9 .


> Regards


> Suprakash




> On Behalf Of Avtar


> Kaul

> Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM


> Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

> Attacked "


> Shri Prashant Nairji,

> Namaskar!


> Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose

> the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool


> even well educated and well informed people like you!


> I






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dear suprakash ghosh ji


Thanks for posting this prediction


regrds prashanth Nair

As usual here in this forum b prepared for getting a bashing,twisting ,debunking ,dishonest prejudiced preset questions without any real logic or scientific thoughts .

if u posted before we cud able to call u and mr ,kanak ji as frauds and bash everything till it is happening .

, "Suprakash Ghosh" <suprakash.ghosh wrote:>> > Dear Mr Kaul,> > As desired , I am copying the text of the message ,containing the> worksheet of Kanak. It is purely based on KP and needs a thorough> knowledge of KP fundamentals to understand the logic. > > Hope you will find it helpful> > > Suprakash > > > > Work Sheet > > There was a news on TV that there is a chance of terrorist attack in> Mumbai,I decided to check this with KP astrology > > The rules are formulated by me. > > . > > Horary No: 85/249(rendomly generated by software 3.0) > > 17/9/2008 > > Time: 11.14.37.AM > > Place L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23N00, 72 E36. > > > Rules: > > > If 12th(Secret Organizations) Signfies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent> Death/Disaster),_ badhaka, then there is a chance of terrorist attack.> During dasa of 2,7,Badhaka. > > > Where? > > > Place signfies by8th(terorist) sublord are the target of terrorist> attack. > > > My analysis: > > > 12th sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. > > Rahu is in 6, Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of> 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster)., Moon is in 9(Badhaka), 12. Sun> is in 2(Maraka) lord of 1,2(Maraka). > > 12th sublord signifies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster),9(> badhaka). > > It look there is terrorist attack in Mumbai. > > > Where: > > 8th sublord is Ven. Ven is in the star of Mar and sub of Jup. > > Ven is in 3 lord of 4. Mar is in 3 lord of 10.Jup is in 5 lord of 5,10.> No planet in the star of Jup and Jup is sublord of 3,6,9 > > 8th sublord signifies 3,4,10,5,6,9. > > > 3=Post office, Telephone Office, Train. Junior School,library, News> Room. > > 4= department store /shopping mall, place near water. > > 5=amusement park, cinema theater, stock exchange. > > 6= clinic. > > 9= Ashram, temple, collage, indicate religious places. > > > When? > > > RP are" Mar,Sat, Jup,Mer.Rahu( represent Sat) > > > runing DBAS is Me-Ra-Sa-Me > > runing Dasa is Mer, which is in RP > > Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9). > > Mer signfies 9(badhaka). > > > Runing Bhukti is Rahu. > > Ra+(6) Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent> Death/Disaster)., in the star of Mo(9, 12), in the sub of Su(2, 1-2). > > Rahu is in sat sign, in RP. > > Sa+(1, 6-7-8), in the star of Ve(3, 4), in the sub of Ra+(6). > > Sat is also in RP, and signfies Maraka, and badhka. and 8th. > > > Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9). > > Mer sookshma end on today, so i check for next, and next is Ktu which> ios not in RP, next Ven also not in RP,Next Sun and Moon also not in RP> so i select Mar sookshma > > from 9 to 18 November 2008 > > > In my opinion there could be a blast/terrorist attack in Mumbai during> 9 to 18 November 2008. > > The conclusion is shocking, and I pray to God for failure of my> prediction. > > > > Kanak Bosmia> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Kanak Bosmia> > > On Behalf Of Avtar Krishen> Kaul> Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:17 PM> > FW: Re: The spirit of Astrology--"Mumbai> Attacked"> > Shri Suprakash Ghoshji,> Namaskar!> As quite a few members of this forum, including me, are not members > of Astrolab_9 , would you kindly upload a copy of that > article by Shri Kanak Basmia in the files section of this forum, > though it would be much better if it was posted in the group like the > article of Shri K N Rao was by Shri Prashanth Nair.> Regards,> A K Kaul> > , "Suprakash Ghosh" > suprakash.ghosh@ wrote:> >> > The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An Ahmedabad > based> > astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and > gave a> > probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction based > on> > Horary.> > > > His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP > theory and> > can be found in Astrolab_9 .> > > > Regards> > > > Suprakash> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Behalf Of Avtar > Krishen> > Kaul> > Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM> > > > Re: The spirit of Astrology--"Mumbai> > Attacked"> > > > Shri Prashant Nairji,> > Namaskar!> > > > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to expose > > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool > of > > even well educated and well informed people like you!> > > > I> > > ---> >

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Dear Ghosh Ji,


In your msg you have pointed out the prediction of Sh Kanak ji about

Mumbai attack. I am surprised to see the content not because it has

some prediction but because you are " Ghosh " and I was in the

impression (I am still holding it) that Bangalis are very

intelligent. But ???


It appears from the msg that just by a random number 85 generated by

the computer out of 249 numbers some prediction is made and you are

categorizing it in support of astrology. May I ask that what is the

difference between tossing of coin for selecting one option out of 2

(head and tail) and selecting one option out of 249 (which is only a

s.no. of table of Dasha – antardasha (lord and sub lord). Do you

think that if 100 computers may be asked to generate random number

for concluding about any incident (say Mumbai attack or any other

incident) at a time or at different time then all computers will

generate same number for same prediction.


I am totally speechless on this sort of blindfaith or ??????


But conclusion of the msg may be that Sh. Kanak Bosmia and specially

his computer may be taken by RAW and IB for saving us from next blast.


Thanks for such a sample of blind-faith and mindset.

Yours truly,






, " Suprakash Ghosh "

<suprakash.ghosh wrote:



> Dear Mr Kaul,


> As desired , I am copying the text of the message ,containing the

> worksheet of Kanak. It is purely based on KP and needs a thorough

> knowledge of KP fundamentals to understand the logic.


> Hope you will find it helpful



> Suprakash




> Work Sheet


> There was a news on TV that there is a chance of terrorist attack in

> Mumbai,I decided to check this with KP astrology


> The rules are formulated by me.


> .


> Horary No: 85/249(rendomly generated by software 3.0)


> 17/9/2008


> Time: 11.14.37.AM


> Place L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23N00, 72 E36.



> Rules:



> If 12th(Secret Organizations) Signfies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8


> Death/Disaster),_ badhaka, then there is a chance of terrorist


> During dasa of 2,7,Badhaka.



> Where?



> Place signfies by8th(terorist) sublord are the target of terrorist

> attack.



> My analysis:



> 12th sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun.


> Rahu is in 6, Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of

> 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster)., Moon is in 9(Badhaka), 12.


> is in 2(Maraka) lord of 1,2(Maraka).


> 12th sublord signifies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent


> badhaka).


> It look there is terrorist attack in Mumbai.



> Where:


> 8th sublord is Ven. Ven is in the star of Mar and sub of Jup.


> Ven is in 3 lord of 4. Mar is in 3 lord of 10.Jup is in 5 lord of


> No planet in the star of Jup and Jup is sublord of 3,6,9


> 8th sublord signifies 3,4,10,5,6,9.



> 3=Post office, Telephone Office, Train. Junior School,library, News

> Room.


> 4= department store /shopping mall, place near water.


> 5=amusement park, cinema theater, stock exchange.


> 6= clinic.


> 9= Ashram, temple, collage, indicate religious places.



> When?



> RP are " Mar,Sat, Jup,Mer.Rahu( represent Sat)



> runing DBAS is Me-Ra-Sa-Me


> runing Dasa is Mer, which is in RP


> Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


> Mer signfies 9(badhaka).



> Runing Bhukti is Rahu.


> Ra+(6) Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent

> Death/Disaster)., in the star of Mo(9, 12), in the sub of Su(2, 1-



> Rahu is in sat sign, in RP.


> Sa+(1, 6-7-8), in the star of Ve(3, 4), in the sub of Ra+(6).


> Sat is also in RP, and signfies Maraka, and badhka. and 8th.



> Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


> Mer sookshma end on today, so i check for next, and next is Ktu


> ios not in RP, next Ven also not in RP,Next Sun and Moon also not

in RP

> so i select Mar sookshma


> from 9 to 18 November 2008



> In my opinion there could be a blast/terrorist attack in Mumbai


> 9 to 18 November 2008.


> The conclusion is shocking, and I pray to God for failure of my

> prediction.




> Kanak Bosmia














































Kanak Bosmia



> On Behalf Of Avtar


> Kaul

> Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:17 PM


> FW: Re: The spirit of Astrology--

" Mumbai

> Attacked "


> Shri Suprakash Ghoshji,

> Namaskar!

> As quite a few members of this forum, including me, are not members

> of Astrolab_9 , would you kindly upload a copy of that

> article by Shri Kanak Basmia in the files section of this forum,

> though it would be much better if it was posted in the group like


> article of Shri K N Rao was by Shri Prashanth Nair.

> Regards,

> A K Kaul


> , " Suprakash Ghosh "

> <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote:

> >

> > The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An


> based

> > astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and

> gave a

> > probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction


> on

> > Horary.

> >

> > His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP

> theory and

> > can be found in Astrolab_9 .

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Suprakash

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On Behalf Of Avtar

> Krishen

> > Kaul

> > Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM

> >

> > Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

> > Attacked "

> >

> > Shri Prashant Nairji,

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to


> > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool

> of

> > even well educated and well informed people like you!

> >

> > I



> ---



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There is a definite theory behind this 249 system. It is surprising that

after 35 years of astro research you don't know it !!








On Behalf Of sanat2221

Monday, December 08, 2008 11:25 PM


Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

Attacked "




Dear Ghosh Ji,


In your msg you have pointed out the prediction of Sh Kanak ji about

Mumbai attack. I am surprised to see the content not because it has

some prediction but because you are " Ghosh " and I was in the

impression (I am still holding it) that Bangalis are very

intelligent. But ???


It appears from the msg that just by a random number 85 generated by

the computer out of 249 numbers some prediction is made and you are

categorizing it in support of astrology. May I ask that what is the

difference between tossing of coin for selecting one option out of 2

(head and tail) and selecting one option out of 249 (which is only a

s.no. of table of Dasha - antardasha (lord and sub lord). Do you

think that if 100 computers may be asked to generate random number

for concluding about any incident (say Mumbai attack or any other

incident) at a time or at different time then all computers will

generate same number for same prediction.


I am totally speechless on this sort of blindfaith or ??????


But conclusion of the msg may be that Sh. Kanak Bosmia and specially

his computer may be taken by RAW and IB for saving us from next blast.


Thanks for such a sample of blind-faith and mindset.

Yours truly,






, " Suprakash Ghosh "

<suprakash.ghosh wrote:



> Dear Mr Kaul,


> As desired , I am copying the text of the message ,containing the

> worksheet of Kanak. It is purely based on KP and needs a thorough

> knowledge of KP fundamentals to understand the logic.


> Hope you will find it helpful



> Suprakash




> Work Sheet


> There was a news on TV that there is a chance of terrorist attack in

> Mumbai,I decided to check this with KP astrology


> The rules are formulated by me.


> .


> Horary No: 85/249(rendomly generated by software 3.0)


> 17/9/2008


> Time: 11.14.37.AM


> Place L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23N00, 72 E36.



> Rules:



> If 12th(Secret Organizations) Signfies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8


> Death/Disaster),_ badhaka, then there is a chance of terrorist


> During dasa of 2,7,Badhaka.



> Where?



> Place signfies by8th(terorist) sublord are the target of terrorist

> attack.



> My analysis:



> 12th sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun.


> Rahu is in 6, Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of

> 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent Death/Disaster)., Moon is in 9(Badhaka), 12.


> is in 2(Maraka) lord of 1,2(Maraka).


> 12th sublord signifies 2(Maraka),7(Maraka),8(Violent


> badhaka).


> It look there is terrorist attack in Mumbai.



> Where:


> 8th sublord is Ven. Ven is in the star of Mar and sub of Jup.


> Ven is in 3 lord of 4. Mar is in 3 lord of 10.Jup is in 5 lord of


> No planet in the star of Jup and Jup is sublord of 3,6,9


> 8th sublord signifies 3,4,10,5,6,9.



> 3=Post office, Telephone Office, Train. Junior School,library, News

> Room.


> 4= department store /shopping mall, place near water.


> 5=amusement park, cinema theater, stock exchange.


> 6= clinic.


> 9= Ashram, temple, collage, indicate religious places.



> When?



> RP are " Mar,Sat, Jup,Mer.Rahu( represent Sat)



> runing DBAS is Me-Ra-Sa-Me


> runing Dasa is Mer, which is in RP


> Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


> Mer signfies 9(badhaka).



> Runing Bhukti is Rahu.


> Ra+(6) Rahu is in Sat sign.Sat is in 1 lord of 6,7(Maraka),8(Violent

> Death/Disaster)., in the star of Mo(9, 12), in the sub of Su(2, 1-



> Rahu is in sat sign, in RP.


> Sa+(1, 6-7-8), in the star of Ve(3, 4), in the sub of Ra+(6).


> Sat is also in RP, and signfies Maraka, and badhka. and 8th.



> Me(3, 3-11), in the star of Ma(3, 10), in the sub of Ju+(5, 5-9).


> Mer sookshma end on today, so i check for next, and next is Ktu


> ios not in RP, next Ven also not in RP,Next Sun and Moon also not

in RP

> so i select Mar sookshma


> from 9 to 18 November 2008



> In my opinion there could be a blast/terrorist attack in Mumbai


> 9 to 18 November 2008.


> The conclusion is shocking, and I pray to God for failure of my

> prediction.




> Kanak Bosmia














































Kanak Bosmia



> On Behalf Of Avtar


> Kaul

> Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:17 PM


> FW: Re: The spirit of Astrology--

" Mumbai

> Attacked "


> Shri Suprakash Ghoshji,

> Namaskar!

> As quite a few members of this forum, including me, are not members

> of Astrolab_9 , would you kindly upload a copy of that

> article by Shri Kanak Basmia in the files section of this forum,

> though it would be much better if it was posted in the group like


> article of Shri K N Rao was by Shri Prashanth Nair.

> Regards,

> A K Kaul


> , " Suprakash Ghosh "

> <suprakash.ghosh@> wrote:

> >

> > The Mubmai incident was predicted by Mr Kanak Basmia, An


> based

> > astrologer way back in 17-09- 2008. He predicted, confirmed and

> gave a

> > probable date of 18-12-2008, which is pretty close prediction


> on

> > Horary.

> >

> > His work sheet is based on some well established dictum of KP

> theory and

> > can be found in Astrolab_9 .

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Suprakash

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On Behalf Of Avtar

> Krishen

> > Kaul

> > Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:56 PM

> >

> > Re: The spirit of Astrology-- " Mumbai

> > Attacked "

> >

> > Shri Prashant Nairji,

> > Namaskar!

> >

> > Many thanks indeed for giving me yet another opportunity to


> > the methodology of top-notch jyotishis as to how they make a fool

> of

> > even well educated and well informed people like you!

> >

> > I



> ---



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Dear All,

Sadar Pranam!

I will please like to ask our renowned blooger, who is commenting on authenticity of astrologers like KN rao, Shri Vishwavijay panchang etc, That what according to you is defination of Vedic astrology.

"little knowledge is a dangerous thing"

Please equip yourself with the correct defination, concept, objective and scope of vedic astrology before commenting.

Moreover, ShriVishwvijay panchang never comes out late. It is alwzys published in month of Janvavary and corculated throughout by Febrarauy because vikram samvat (hindu new Year) starts in March April. so there is no point in being part of "cattle Race" and printing panchang when it is not even required. Secondly i will please like to ask you, if u can specifically point at any pridiction or data of VishwaVijay panchang which is not original. Please let me know if you ever came across any such article, because it seems that you are a amster of astrology!!! lets see hpow great you are with analysing astrology...ANY ONE COMMENT OF VISHWAVIJAY PANCHANG WHICH IS NOT ORIGINAL...???


awaiting your kind reply

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