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This month for you from 01.12.2008 to 31.12.2008

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This month for you from 01.12.2008 to 31.12.2008

All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

General prediction: On 09.12.08 late night Jupiter/Guru gets debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our lagna, dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya & karma & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it

is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.

Notes: Mangal enters Dhanur rashi on 19.12.08. Sun transits into Dhanur rashi on 15.12.08. This is an excellent conjunction & will give excellent results. Spiritual activities & spiritual people will be in limelight. Even political administrative activities & political activists will also be in lime light. Mercury will enter Dhanur rashi on 09.12.08 & thereafter will enter Makar rashi on 28.12.08. Jupiter gets debilated on 09.12.08 late night in Makar rashi. Shukra enters Makar rashi on 02.12.08 & thereafter will enter Kumbh rashi on 29.12.08. This

rashi change will disturb the share market bring volatility in the market. Sani remains Margi or in its direct motion in this month but gets debilated on 31.12.08 late night.

There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this month from 1st Dec to 6th Dev 08. & from 14th Dec to 31st Dec. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Ketu’s aspect on Surya indicates surgery to heart/bones/eyes/stomach depending of its placement in one’s horoscope as Ketu is the karak for surgery & surya karak for heart/bones/eyes/stomach..

Aries: Overall general health will detioriate after 10th Dec. Surgery to piles/fistulas/appendix is a possibility. Finances will be disturbed, but sudden financial gains are also a possibility. Government employees will see transfer to other departments, states, and city. Those who are related to media will experience slowness in their work & finances. Those in research work & scientific innovations will progress & see appreciation to their efforts. Matters related to property will come to a standstill. Romance is on the cards so is friction & fights. In some cases matter may worsen

& result into divorce/separation. Fortunes will turn unfavourable from 10th Dec onwards. This will go on till middle Feb 09. Karma will also get disturbed from 10th Dec onwards. But those who are in overseas business will continue to see good results till this year end. Due attention needs to be paid to spiritual activities which will give some solace to the disturbed phase of life.


Taurus: Health will be a big obstacle in the months to come. Debilated Jupiter, Rahu & Sani’s aspect will certainly worsen things in months to come. Finances which are looking good now will deteriorate after the 9th. But energy level will be very good. Confidence level will be optimistic. Land deals hold the key; they will continue to show positive results. A good time to pay attention on competitive exams. Singles looking for love mates will find one. Love will blossom so will frictions. If you are looking for borrowing money or taking loan, will get it. Those in overseas trade in

computer/software/accessories will continue to gain till the 19th. Those in research activities will continue to gain in this entire month.. Your spouse’s health will get affected after the 19th. Fortunes will be favourable when Jupiter gets debilated, but will also give problems like backache, headaches, feet pain. Pilgrim trip long pending is due on the cards. Sani being yog karak will continue to give its positive results. Transfer/promotion to Government employees is on the card. Overseas business will start giving negative results. Pinch of it will be felt in the coming days/weeks/months. Be careful whilst driving else accident is a possibility after the 19th.

Gemini: Geminians. Be very very careful. Health issue is already disturbing you, but now your spouse’s health will also get affected for the next one year when Jupiter gets debilated. Those natives whose Jupiter maha dasha is on will get the worst affected. Even your dhan karak being debilated will harm your finances. Already you are having rude speech; problems to your right eye will increase. Your effort level will increase but fortunes will give results at a snail’s pace. Karma lord now being debilated, opposition at work will increase. You may have to travel overseas on job assignment after the 15th. Romance & moon light nights will be in the air after 19th.

Separation from the spouse due to professional commitments is a strong possibility. Expenses increased on your spouse until now but after the 2nd, health problems like diabetes, problems related to sexual organs, kidneys is a possibility. Exercise extreme care in the next 2 months to come.

Cancer: You already have health issues; now debilated Jupiter will add fuel to fire. Health of your spouse in case of women’s chart will worsen & in some cases may be fatal also. It is important to do the Sani shanty yagyas for better health of spouse. Finances will now be very slow & may also come to a standstill. Relations with your young siblings & friends & relatives will now come under some strain. Your mother’s health will improve. But kidney related problems will prevail. Stomach ulcers will show signs of improvement after the 15th, but appendix problem may prop up. Enemies will find hard to succeed on you. Those who are aspiring for overseas travel on

job/business may get a conditional offer. Friction & constant fights with your spouse will continue. Divorce is also a possibility. Your father’s health will show a down trend, so will your fortunes. Next two months are very bad for the same. Enemies in your office will increase so will enmity.

Leo: Lion’s you really are very fortunate guys in this current depressed state. Jupiter’s debilitation increases your finances unless you do not have a debilated Jupiter in your Janma kundali. Your enemies get crushed, but overall health will not be good. Finances will improve after the 10th. A strain in relations with your friends & young siblings will be felt. Mangal being yog karak, in its own house, making ruchak raj yog, will continue to give its positive results. Pregnant women should be careful after the 15th else miscarriage/abortion is a possibility. Overseas business will give excellent results. If jobless, you will get job offers now. Finances locked will get

unlocked. Matters related to education will do wonders. But romance will not be good. Sani does not know how to be romantic. Just forget it. A sudden financial gain after the 10th will perk you up. Fortunes will be favourable. But those in media will see some setbacks. Expenses as usual will continue to drill holes. Lion’s the next year is full of pleasures, work hard & make the best use of it.

Virgo: Ahaha! Virgo’s you also are the lucky guys in this period span of debilated Jupiter. Health will be good, but finances will not be stable. You will mint name, fame & sudden secret financial gains, & after the 19th one may be tempted to buy a new vehicle. Already your sixth sense is very sharp by now, now debilitated Jupiter in your 5th house after the 10th will loosen its debilitation power & will start giving positive results. It is also good for education also. Venus will make you more charming, romantic; singles will see their love heart, but you may also get involved in some kind of illicit relationship with the opposite sex. Jobless will get

good job offers. Enemies will increase so will disease related to joints will increase. Fortunes will be favourable. Promotion/increase in pay/income is a good possibility. You must guard your left hand/shoulder as injury/surgery is a possibility after the 20th. Matters related to property will show some setbacks after the 15th.

Libra: Health will be stable; finances will also be good, after the 10th gates for overseas travel will be wide open. Attention on property matters will increase, legal issues may prop up which need to be soughted out ASAP. Your vehicle may meet with an unfortunate accident, be careful where your vehicle is parked. Your younger siblings will see a lot of hardships due to debilitation of Jupiter in transit.. Sani being yog karak in your chart will continue to give good results from overseas operations. Children will do well in their education. Your mother’s health will also get affected. Headaches, blood sugar, feet pain is a possibility. Fortunes will be more favourable.

Frictions/fights/misunderstanding in your job front will continue.

Scorpio: Health overall is good, but a negative attitude towards finances will develop after the 10th. A strong possibility of forceful attitude, cheating, committing fraud, speaking lies related to finances; will be there due to debilated Jupiter in transit. There will also be a strained relations with your young siblings, friends. Jobless natives will get a conditional job offer, may have to sacrifice on your monthly pay packets. Those in land business will see a good period ahead. Children’s education plans will run into problems. They need more attention in the coming year ahead. A daridra yog will be their financial after the 20th. Fortunes will keep fluctuating for the

next two months to come. Those in Government service will receive the pending promotion/increase in pay/transfer/additional responsibilities. Expenses pertaining to the well being of the siblings will increase.

Sagittarius: Your health will not be good after the 10th. After 20th it will make you very aggressive. Blood pressure will rise, even diabetes is a possibility. Skin may also get affected. A strong possibility of forceful attitude, cheating, committing fraud, speaking lies related to finances; will be there due to debilated Jupiter in transit. But this will not depress your efforts. You will continue as if nothing is going wrong. Mother’s health will worry you. You may become ruthless in your thoughts/mind/speech. Children’s education will be smooth. Jobless will get job offers. A daridra yog will develop financially in transit. Those seeking marriage alliances within their

own relations will get confirmed. Romance will be in the air. Constant friction/fights will make you feel depressed. Government service natives will receive the pending promotion/increase in pay/transfer/additional responsibilities. You will also receive appraisal/acclamation/appreciation from your seniors/office bosses. Expenses relating to the well being of your oneself will increase.

Capricorn: You already have unsought health issues, now transition of debilated Jupiter will also give loss of name & fame. Finances will continue to be stable. Energy level will not be that good. Relations with young siblings/friends will come under some strain. Property matters will give some certain setbacks after the 20th. Legal issues may prop up thus giving loss & increasing unwanted expenses. Venus being yog karak will give its wonderful results. A sudden financial gain is a possibility. Romance will be in the air. Frictions/divorces/separation will continue. But fortunes may go against you. Those in media will be in the limelight. You will also receive

appraisal/acclamation/appreciation from your seniors/office bosses. Gains from business after the 20th will result in expenses.

Aquarius: Health will improve after the 20th; finances will deteriorate after the 10th. Expenses will mount like mountains. So will family relations also strain? Travel planes to overseas will materialize after the 20th. Your energy level will be good. A confrontation with your elder sibling will make you feel dejected. A strong desire to buy home appliances/new vehicles/home décor will increase. But mother’s health may worry you. She may develop problems related to kidney. Overseas education travel plans will materialize. Your enemies will face defeat in any confrontation with you.. Disputes with spouse will continue to

give separation/divorce. So will expenses on the well being of your spouse will increase. Those in research/R & D activities will see sudden gains from their efforts. Fortunes will not be stable. Jobless looking for jobs will get job offers. Those seeking change of job will also find new lucrative offers. Businessman will see losses in business after the 10th for the next one year. Visits to courts/hospitals/prisons will continue.

Pisces: Health issues will continue to give problems. Lagna lord getting debilated will give loss to your name & fame. You will experience loss of your popularity within your own circles for the next 12 months. Pisces lagna natives always think high of themselves will now feel the pinch of debilated Jupiter. Finances will be stable. Those natives striving for overseas opportunities will now receive conditional offers. A strong desire to buy new vehicle/new house/shift in residence/home décor will increase & will also materialize. Romantic charm will increase so will friction & break of relations. Your father /you may be tempted to take a loan. Fortunes will be stable & also

favourable. Government service natives will receive the pending promotion/increase in pay/transfer/additional responsibilities. But karma lord getting debilated will create opportunities go against you. Your office colleagues will think low about you. Those in business will see loss in business increasing in the next 12 months. Sudden financial gains are on the cards so is visit to courts/hospitals/prisons will continue.







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