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Who Was Abraham?

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Dear All,

I repeat Old and new testamant and Jesus Moses, Noah Abraham are all myths created by Romans and they were copied from Vedas allied Literature and Sanaatanadharma. The Noah ep-isode is copied from Vaivaswata Manu who is the regining Manu of this Manvantara which is the VII Manvantara of the Svetavarahakalpa.We are now living in the 28th Mahayuga of Vaivaswatamanvantara and are in the IV and final Yuga the Kaliyuga and Kaliyaaptam 5109 (i.e.) 5109 years have elapsed since the current Kaliyuga was born and the 5110th year is in Progress.One Kalpa consists of 4.38billion years.According to current modern science earth was created 4.5 billion years.One Kalpa consists of 14 Manus and 14 Manvantaraas and the current Manvantara is the VII Manvantara.The pseudo historians of west especially the Europeans beginning from Max Mueller who

were staunch Christian fanatics founded the myth of Aryan Invasion Theory to propogate the superiority of Europeans over the Indians and divide and rule the Indians which continues till date.According to Bible the God created the world in 6000B.C. and to stick to this date Maxmuller and his followers currently headed by the Pseudo historian Michael Witzel stick to the myth of AIT.The words Aryan and Dravidian were never used racially but were used only culturally.The Indus Valley Civilization was very much a Vedic Civilization and all the archaeological and other evidences which prove that the IVC was a Vedic Civilization have been wrongly interpreted to prove the myth of AIT calling that IVC was Non-Vedic Civilization.For Example: The Seal identified as Lord Pasupathi Mahaadeva, one of the 11 Rudraas mentioned in Vedas and allied literature (i.e.) Lord Shiva is wrongly interpreted as Non Vedic God and IVC has been wrongly

claimed as Non Vedic Civilization.According to Vedas and allied Literature there are 11 Rudras who were combiled as 1 God and christained as Shiva by the Naayanmars.Lord Shiva is very much a Vedic God.I am planning to write a book on this topic.

PS- Dear Moderator please approve this mail of mine for this is the gist of one of my initial mails which was very elobarate with evidences whi you did not approve.

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com




Raghu Rao <raoraghus Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:42:23 PM Who Was Abraham?


Something I came across recently. Please review and comment. Thanks.http://www.viewzone .com/abraham. htmlWho Was ABRAHAM?A paper by Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.Gene D. Matlock, B.A, M.A.In his History of the Jews, the Jewish scholar and theologian FlaviusJosephus (37 - 100 A.D.), wrote that the Greek philosopher Aristotlehad said: "...These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers;they are named by the Indians Calani." (Book I:22.)Clearchus of Soli wrote, "The Jews descend from the philosophers ofIndia. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in SyriaJews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It iscalled 'Jerusalem.' ""Megasthenes, who was sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, about threehundred years before Christ, and whose accounts from new inquiries

areevery day acquiring additional credit, says that the Jews 'were anIndian tribe or sect called Kalani...'" (Anacalypsis, by GodfreyHiggins, Vol. I; p. 400.)Martin Haug, Ph.D., wrote in The Sacred Language, Writings, andReligions of the Parsis, "The Magi are said to have called theirreligion Kesh-î-Ibrahim. They traced their religious books to Abraham,who was believed to have brought them from heaven." (p. 16.)There are certain striking similarities between the Hindu god Brahmaand his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and Sarai, that aremore than mere coincidences. Although in all of India there is onlyone temple dedicated to Brahma, this cult is the third largest Hindu sect.In his book Moisés y los Extraterrestres, Mexican author Tomás Dorestestates,Voltaire was of the opinion that Abraham descended from some of thenumerous Brahman priests who left India to spread

their teachingsthroughout the world; and in support of his thesis he presented thefollowing elements: the similarity of names and the fact that the cityof Ur, land of the patriarchs, was near the border of Persia, the roadto India, where that Brahman had been born.The name of Brahma was highly respected in India, and his influencespread throughout Persia as far as the lands bathed by the riversEuphrates and Tigris. The Persians adopted Brahma and made him theirown. Later they would say that the God arrived from Bactria, amountainous region situated midway on the road to India. (pp. 46-47.)Bactria (a region of ancient Afghanistan) was the locality of aprototypical Jewish nation called Juhuda or Jaguda, also calledUr-Jaguda. Ur meant "place or town." Therefore, the bible was correctin stating that Abraham came from "Ur of the Chaldeans.Chaldean,"more correctly Kaul-Deva (Holy Kauls), was

not the name of a specificethnicity but the title of an ancient Hindu Brahmanical priestly castewho lived in what are now Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Indian stateof Kashmir."The tribe of Ioud or the Brahmin Abraham, was expelled from or leftthe Maturea of the kingdom of Oude in India and, settling in Goshen,or the house of the Sun or Heliopolis in Egypt, gave it the name ofthe place which they had left in India, Maturea." (Anacalypsis; Vol.I, p. 405.)"He was of the religion or sect of Persia, and of Melchizedek. "(Vol.I, p. 364.)"The Persians also claim Ibrahim, i.e. Abraham, for their founder, aswell as the Jews. Thus we see that according to all ancient historythe Persians, the Jews, and the Arabians are descendants ofAbraham.(p.85) ...We are told that Terah, the father of Abraham,originally came from an Eastern country called Ur, of the Chaldees orCuldees, to dwell in a

district called Mesopotamia. Some time after hehad dwelt there, Abraham, or Abram, or Brahma, and his wife Sara orSarai, or Sara-iswati, left their father's family and came intoCanaan. The identity of Abraham and Sara with Brahma and Saraiswatiwas first pointed out by the Jesuit missionaries. "(Vol. I; p. 387.)In Hindu mythology, Sarai-Svati is Brahm's sister. The bible gives twostories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh thathe was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the secondversion, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really hissister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham saidthat Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yetindeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not thedaughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)But the anomalies don't end here. In India, a tributary of

the riverSaraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra.According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant; theMoslems say she was an Egyptian princess. Notice the similarities ofGhaggar, Hakra and Hagar.The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendantslived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and wasgathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, whichis close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur." (Genesis 25:17-18.) It isan interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derivefrom Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend ofShiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."A third mini-version of the Abraham story turns him into another"Noah." We know that a flood drove Abraham out of India. "...Thussaith the Lord God of Israel, your fathers dwelt on the other side

ofthe flood in old time, Even Terah, the father of Abraham, and thefather of Nachor; and they served other gods. And I took your fatherAbraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout allthe land of Canaan." (Joshua 24:2-3.)Genesis 25 mentions some descendants of his concubine Ketura (Note:The Moslems claim that Ketura is another name of Hagar.): Jokshan;Sheba; Dedan; Epher. Some descendants of Noah were Joktan, Sheba,Dedan, and Ophir. These varying versions have caused me to suspectthat the writers of the bible were trying to unite several differentbranches of Judaism.About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and NearEast by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall andearthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of theIndus and Saraisvati rivers. The classical geographer Strabo tells usjust how nearly complete the

abandonment of Northwestern India was."Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission inIndia, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together withvillages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned itsproper bed." (Strabo's Geography, XV.I.19.)"The drying up of the Sarasvati around 1900 BCE, which led to a majorrelocation of the population centered around in the Sindhu and theSarasvati valleys, could have been the event that caused a migrationwestward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic elementbegins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and Greece." (Indic Ideasin the Graeco-Roman World, by Subhash Kak, taken from IndiaStar onlineliterary magazine; p.14)Indian historian Kuttikhat Purushothama Chon believes that Abraham wasdriven out of India. He states that the Aryans, unable to defeat theAsuras (The mercantile caste that once ruled

in the Indus Valley orHarappans) spent so many years fighting covertly against the Asuras,such as destroying their huge system of irrigation lakes, causingdestructive flooding, that Abraham and his kindred just gave up andmarched to West Asia. (See Remedy the Frauds in Hinduism.) Therefore,besides being driven out of Northern India by floods, the Aryans alsoforced Indian merchants, artisans, and educated classes to flee toWest Asia.Edward Pococke writes in India in Greece,"...in no similar instance have events occurred fraught withconsequences of such magnitude, as those flowing from the greatreligious war which, for a long series of years, raged throughout thelength and breadth of India. That contest ended by the expulsion ofvast bodies of men; many of them skilled in the arts of earlycivilization, and still greater numbers, warriors by profession.Driven beyond the Himalayan mountains

in the north, and to Ceylon,their last stronghold in the south, swept across the Valley of theIndus on the west, this persecuted people carried with them the germsof the European arts and sciences. The mighty human tide that passedthe barrier of the Punjab, rolled on towards its destined channel inEurope and in Asia, to fulfill its beneficent office in the moralfertilization of the world.the distance of the migratory movement wasso vast, the disguise of names so complete, and Grecian information socalculated to mislead, that nothing short of a total disregard oftheoretic principles, and the resolution of independent research, gavethe slightest chance of a successful elucidation. "(p. 28.)If all these refugee ruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage,why doesn't History mention them?The exodus of refugees out of ancient India did not occur all at oncebut over a period of one

or more thousand years. If all these refugeeruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage, why doesn'tHistory mention them? Indeed they are mentioned as Kassites, Hittites,Syrians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Arameans, Hyksos, Mittanians,Amalekites, Aethiops (Atha-Yop), Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and manyothers. But we have been wrongly taught to regard them as ethnicitiesindigenous to Western Asia. Our history books also call them"Indo-Europeans, " causing us to wonder where they were really from."The people of India came to realize their social identity in terms ofVarna and Jati (societal functions or caste); not in terms of racesand tribes." (Foundations of Indian Culture; p. 8.)Here's an example of how the ancient Indians identified people: Theleaders were called Khassis (Kassites), Kushi (Kushites), Cossacks(Russian military caste) Caesars (Roman ruling caste), Hattiya(Hittites), Cuthites (a

dialectical form of Hittite), Hurrite (anotherdialectical form of Hittite), Cathay (Chinese leaders),Kasheetl/Kashikeh among the Aztecs, Kashikhel/Kisheh by the Mayans,and Keshuah/Kush by the Incas. The Assyrians (in English), Asirios (inSpanish), Asuras or Ashuras (India), Ashuriya, Asuriya (Sumer andBabylonia), Asir (Arabia), Ahura (Persia), Sur & #65533; in Central Mexico,etc., were people who worshipped Surya (the Sun).Naturally, in areas where this religion prevailed, they were known as"Assyrians," no matter what the real names of their respectivekingdoms were.Another problem that western scholars have in identifying theIndo-Europeans as Indians is that India was not then and never was anation. Furthermore, it is not "India." It is Bharata, and evenBharata is not a nation. Bharata is a collection of nations, just asEurope is a collection of nations, presently held together by the

realor perceived threat of Moslem expansionism. Indian scholars have toldme that when and if this expansionism ever disappears, the "BharataUnion" will again splinter into many smaller nations."The Arabian historians contend that Brahma and Abraham, theirancestor, are the same person. The Persians generally called AbrahamIbrahim Zeradust. Cyrus considered the religion of the Jews the sameas his own. The Hindoos must have come from Abraham, or the Israelitesfrom Brahma..." (Anacalypsis; Vol. I, p. 396.)Was our Abraham Really the Hindu Deity Ram?Ram and Abraham were possibly the same person or clan. For example,the syllable "Ab" or "Ap" means "father" in Kashmiri. The prototypicalJews could have called Ram "Ab-Ram" or "Father Ram." It's alsoconceivable that the word "Brahm" evolved from "Ab-Ram" and notvice-versa. The Kashmiri word for "Divine Mercy," Raham, likewisederives from Ram.

Ab-Raham = "Father of Divine Mercy." Rakham ="Divine Mercy" in Hebrew; Ram is also the Hebrew term for "highlyplaced leader or governor." Indian historian A. D. Pusalker, whoseessay "Traditional History From the Earliest Times" appeared in TheVedic Age, said that Ram was alive in 1950 BC, which is about the timethat Abraham, the Indo-Hebrews, and the Aryans made the greatestIndia-to-the- Middle East migration since the Great Flood."One of the shrines in the Kaaba was also dedicated to the HinduCreator God, Brahma, which is why the illiterate prophet of Islamclaimed it was dedicated to Abraham. The word "Abraham" is none otherthan a malpronunciation of the word Brahma. This can be clearly provenif one investigates the root meanings of both words. Abraham is saidto be one of the oldest Semitic prophets. His name is supposed to bederived from the two Semitic words 'Ab' meaning 'Father'

and'Raam/Raham' meaning 'of the exalted.' In the book of Genesis, Abrahamsimply means 'Multitude.' The word Abraham is derived from theSanskrit word Brahma. The root of Brahma is 'Brah' which means - 'togrow or multiply in number.' In addition Lord Brahma, the Creator Godof Hinduism is said to be the Father of all Men and Exalted of all theGods, for it is from him that all beings were generated. Thus again wecome to the meaning 'Exalted Father.' This is a clear pointer thatAbraham is none other than the heavenly father Brahma."(Vedic Past of Pre-Islamic Arabia; Part VI; p.2.)Several word-meanings can be extracted from "Abram," each of whichpoints directly to his exalted position. Ab = "Father;" Hir or H'r ="Head; Top; Exalted;" Am = "People." Therefore, Abhiram or Abh'ram canmean "Father of the Exalted." Here's still another: Ab - î - Ram ="Father of the Merciful." Ab, also meaning

"Snake," could indicatethat Ab-Ram (Exalted Snake) was a Naga king. All the meanings that canbe extracted from the compound word "Abraham" reveal the divinedestiny of his followers. Hiram of Tyre, Solomon's close friend, was"Exalted People" or Ahi-Ram (Exalted Snake).In ancient India, the Aryan cult was called "Brahm-Aryan. " The Aryansworshiped multiple gods. Abraham turned away from polytheism. By sodoing, he could have become "A-Brahm" (No longer a Brahman.) TheAryans called the Asuras "Ah-Brahm." Therefore, we can logicallyassume that the fathers of the Indus civilization were probablyprototypical Jews.Jerusalem was a Hittite (Indian hereditary leadership caste) city atthe time of Abraham's death. In Genesis 23:4, Abraham asked theJerusalem Hittites to sell him a burial plot. The Hittites answered,"...thou art a prince among us: in the choice of our sepulchres burythy dead; none of

us shall withhold from thee." (p. 6). If Abraham wasrevered as a prince by the Hittites, he, too, was a highly regardedmember of India's hereditary ruling and warrior caste. The bible neverdid say that Abraham wasn't a Hittite. It just said, "I am a strangerand a sojourner with you." (Genesis 23:4.) As the Hittites said, theyrecognized Abraham as being even above them. Just as the Hittites werenot a unique ethnicity, neither were the Amorites or Amarru. Marrutawas the Indian caste name of commoners. The word "Amorite" (Marut) wasthe first caste name of the Indian Vaishyas: craftsmen, farmers,cattlemen, traders, etc.G. D. Pande writes in Ancient Geography of Ayodhya, "Marutsrepresented the Visah. The Maruts are described as forming troops ormasses. Rudra, the father of the Maruts, is the lord of cattle." (p.177.) Malita J. Shendge states: "...the Maruts are the people." (TheCivilized Demons; p.

314.) We should not be surprised to find theKhatti (Hittites) and Maruts (Amorites) functioning as the fathers(protectors) and mothers (helpmates or assistants) of Jerusalem.In India, the Hittites were also known as Cedis or Chedis (pronouncedHatti or Khetti). Indian historians classify them as one of the oldestcastes of the Yadavas. "The Cedis formed one of the most ancienttribes among the Ksatriyas (the aristocratic class made up of Hittitesand Kassites) in early Vedic times. As early as the period of theRgveda the Cedi kings had acquired great reknown... they are one ofthe leading powers in northern India in the great epic." (YadavasThrough the Ages, p. 90.) Ram or Rama also belonged to the Yadavaclan. If our Abraham, Brahm, and Ram are the one and the same person,Abraham went to Jerusalem to be with his own people!Ram's congregations segregated themselves in their own communities,called

Ayodhya, which in Sanskrit means "The Unconquerable. " TheSanskrit word for "fighter" is Yuddha or Yudh. Abraham and his groupbelonged to the Ayodhya (Yehudiya, Judea) congregation who remainedaloof from non-believers and Amalekites (Aryans?).Melchizadek. .. the sage of SalemIf what I have said thus far isn't convincing enough, maybe the word"Melchizedek" will be. Melchizedek was a king of Jerusalem whopossessed secret mystical and magical powers. He was also Abraham'steacher.Melik-Sadaksina was a great Indian prince, magician, and spiritualgiant - the son of a Kassite king. In Kashmiri and Sanskrit, Sadak ="a person with magical, supernatural powers." A certain Zadok (Sadak?)was also a supernaturally- endowed priest who annointed Solomon. Whydoes the Kassite (of royal caste) Melik-Sadaksina, a mythical Indianpersonage, suddenly appear in Jerusalem as the friend and mentor

ofAbraham? According to Akshoy Kumar Mazumdar in The Hindu History,Brahm was the spiritual leader of the Aryans. As an Aryan (Not ofYah), he naturally believed in idols. The bible says that he evenmanufactured them. Upon seeing how increasing idol worship andreligious guesswork were contributing to the further downfall of hispeople, Brahm backed away from Aryanism and reembraced the ancientIndian (Yah) philosophy (Cult of the MaterialUniverse) even though it,too, was foundering in manmade evils. He decided that mankind couldsave himself only by dealing with what was real; not the imagined.Shocked at the barbarism and blind selfishness of the people, the wisemen and educated people among the proto-Hebrews isolated themselvesfrom the masses. Dr. Mazumdar wrote, "The moral fall was rapid. Theseers and sages lived apart from the masses. They seldom married andwere mostly given to religious

contemplation. The masses, withoutproper light and leader, soon became vicious in the extreme. Rape,adultery, theft, etc., became quite common. Human nature ran wild.Brahma (Abraham) decided to reform and regenerate the people. He madethe chief sages and seers to marry and mix with the people. Mostrefused to marry, but 30 agreed." Brahm married his half sisterSaraisvati. These sages became known as prajapatis (progenitors) ."Northern Afghanistan was called Uttara Kuru and was a great center oflearning. An Indian woman went there to study and received the titleof Vak, i.e. Saraisvati (Lady Sarah). It is believed that Brahm, herteacher (and half brother), was so impressed by her beauty, education,and powerful intellect, that he married her." (The Hindu History; p.48, in passim.)From the holy community in Southern Afghanistan, similar communitiesspread all over the world: the whole of India,

Nepal, Thailand, China,Egypt, Syria, Italy, the Philippines, Turkey, Persia, Greece, Laos,Iraq, - even the Americas! The linguistic evidence of Brahm's presencein various parts of the world is more than evident: Persian: Braghman(Holy); Latin: Bragmani (Holy); Russian: Rachmany (Holy); UkranianRachmanya (Priest; Holy); Hebrew: Ram (Supreme Leader); Norwegian From(Godly). A sacred word among the Hindus was and is the mystic syllableOM. It is associated eternally with the earth, sky, and heaven, theTriple Universe. It is also a name of Brahm. The Aztecs also worshipedand chanted the syllable OM as the dual principal of all creation:OMeticuhlti (Male Principle) and OMelcihuatl (Female Principle). TheMayan priestly caste was called Balam (pronounced B'lahm). Had an "R"sound existed in Mayan, it would have been Brahm. The Peruvian Incasworshiped the sun as Inti Raymi (Hindu Ram).Names that

undeniably derive from Rama literally pepperNative-American languages, especially the languages of those tribesextending from our American Southwest, to Mexico, and all the way toSouth America, beyond Peru. The Tarahumara Indians of Chihuahua are anideal example. Their real name is Ra-Ram-Uri. As in Sumeria andNorthern India, the Ra-Ram-Uri "Uri" = "People." Because the Spanish"R" is trilled, this "Uri" could also be Udi or Yuddhi, the Sanskritname for "Warrior; Conqueror." Many Mexican tribes mention that aforeign race of Yuri once invaded their part of the world. TheRa-Ram-Uri sun god is Ono-Rúame. In Kashmiri, Ana = "Favorite Son;"The Ra-Ram-Uri moon goddess, the consort of Ono-R & #65533; ame, is Eve-Ruame.Kashmiri Hava = "Eve, or The Female Principle."A Ra-Ram-Uri governor is called Si-Riame. In Sanskrit/Kashmiri,Su-Rama = "Great Rama." According to ancient Mexican legends, theYoris

belonged to a tribe called Surem (Su-Ram?) Before the conquest,Central Mexico and the American Southwest, as far as Eastern Colorado,were known as Sur & #65533;. Sur & #65533; = "Sun" in Kashmiri. The Tarahumara curedoctor or spiritual guide is an Owi-Ruame. In Sanskrit, Oph = "Hope."Their devil is called Repa-Bet-Eame. Kashmiri: Riphas (Appearance) +Buth (Malignant Spirit) + Yama (Angel of Death). Many otherastonishing Kashmiri/Sanskrit correspondences appear in the Ra-Ram-Urilanguage. Their relation to ancient Phoenicia, Sumeria, and NorthernIndia is beyond question. Most people think of the Phoenicians as a tribe of sailor-traders thatinhabited what is now Lebanon. However, the Pancika or Pani as theHindus called them, or Puni, by the Romans (a name also derived fromRama), were, like gypsies, scattered all over the globe.The Spaniards called the land of the Ra-Ram-Uri Chiahuahua,

pronouncedas Shivava by the natives themselves. In Sanskrit, Shivava = "Shiva'sTemple." According to Hindu religious scholars, Ram and God Shiva wereonce the same deity. Shiva and Yah's (the same one we read about inthe Bible) name are also prominent in Native-American religiouspractices and can be found inscribed as petroglyphs all over theAmerican Southwest. (Refer to my book India Once Ruled the Americas!)Ayodhya was also another name for Dar-es-Salam in African Tanzania andJerusalem (Judea). It is true that the Jerusalemites were known asYehudiya or Judeans (Warriors of Yah), a fact making the Jews' Indianorigins incontrovertible.There was no part of the ancient world, including China, that wasn'tinfluenced by Ram's religious views. For example, Christians and Jewshave been brainwashed to believe that Mohammed copied his teachingsfrom Jewish sources. The truth is that in Mohammed's

time, Ram orAbraham's theology was the foundation stone of all religious sects.All Mohammed did was to purge them of idol worship."...the Temple of Mecca was founded by a colony of Brahmins fromIndia.it was a sacred place before the time of Mohamed, and.they werepermitted to make pilgrimages to it for several centuries after histime. Its great celebrity as a sacred place long before the time ofthe prophet cannot be doubted." (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, p. 421.)"...the city of Mecca is said by the Brahmins, on the authority oftheir old books, to have been built by a colony from India; and itsinhabitants from the earliest era have had a tradition that it wasbuilt by Ishmael, the son of Agar. This town, in the Indus language,would be called Ishmaelistan. " (Ibid, p. 424.)Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was calledTsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly

of the Gods". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslemor Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism. Theword has now shrunk to Islam. Mohammed himself, being a member of theQuaryaish family, was at first a Tsabaist. The Tsabaists did notregard Abraham as an actual god, but as an avatar or divinely ordainedteacher called Avather Brahmo (Judge of the Underworld).At the time of Jesus, the respective languages, religious symbolism,and traditions of the Arabs and Jews were nearly identical. If wecould take a time machine to the past, most of us would not see anyreal differences between the Arabs and Jews. History tells us that theArabs of Christ's time worshiped idols. So did the lower class andrural Jews. For this reason, the Middle Eastern squabble between theJews and the Moslems and the hate between the Moslems and Hindus inIndia are ridiculous. The

Moslems are fighting the Jews and Hindus, orvice-versa, over nothing. All three groups sprang from the same source.The Kashmiri-Sanskrit equivalent of Hebron (Khev'run in Hebrew)screams out the Indian origins of Jerusalem's earliest inhabitants:Khab'ru (grave; tomb). (See Grierson's Dictionary.; p. 382.) Even inHebrew, Kever = "Tomb."Indian linguist and orientalist Maliti J. Shendge's The Languages ofHarappans welds together, once and for all, West Asia and the IndusValley civilization. Not only does she prove that Harappa was Akkadianand Sumerian, she also proves that the first "Abraham" was none otherthan Adam before Eve was created from one of his ribs."...it may be said that the region from Tigris-Euphrates to the Indusand its east was inhabited by the Akkadian speaking Semites who latercalled themselves as Asshuraiu. Their Indian name as known from Rgvedais 'Asura' which is not far

removed. That this region should beinhabited by different clans of the same ethos is not very surprising.It would however be wrong to think that it was a racially homogenousgroup. As our linguistic evidence shows it was a mixed population ofthe Akkadians and Sumerians. The other ethnic groups also may havebeen present, whose traces may be looked for in future work. Thismixed composition of the population is not inconsistent with thepresent state of knowledge, as the presence of these ethnic elementsin the Indus valley only confirms and extends an identical demographicpattern, which was in existence probably from the earliest times ofprehistory and civilization."If these Akkadians were the same as the West Asian clan, there shouldhave been an equal preponderance of this primaeval couple in the Vedicmythology. However, beyond one cryptic reference, there is noreference to them. This was baffling.

It seemed unlikely that thisclan was without the primaeval parents, though their god was Asura.The predominance of Brahman in RV as the primaeval father is therewhich is also inadequate as he is male principle alone. A close lookat Brahman revealed its ancestry to be made of two words Abu + Rahmuwhich is the primaeval pair in the Semitic mythology. The Akkadiancounterpart of Rahmu is Lahmu which later became goddess Laksmi, bornin the sea and courted by both gods and demons. Lahmu is a dragon inAkkadian but in Ugaratic Rahmu is the lass of Abu. Brahma (abu + rahmu= abrahma = brahma) all the changes postulated here being covered inthe above correspondences, or lass of Abu, the supreme Semiticgodhood, has undergone many transformations and has many counterpartsin the Indian pantheon, amongst whom is Laksmi one of the importantones being worshipped as the goddess of all material creation. Thusthe

Asura clan of the Indus valley worshipped Abu-Rahmu as theprimaeval couple."(pp.269 - 270.)Ms. Shendge's research really strengthens my conviction that theremains of Abraham and Sarai in Hebron may really be those of the realBrahm and Saraisvati. Our Abraham was evidently a priest, perhaps eventhe founder, of the Abu-Rahmu (Adam and Eve) cultus, who brought hismonotheistic religion to West Asia. Though he and Sarai were deifiedin various forms back in their native India, they remained as humansin Judaism.

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