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Vasanti Navratras/Gudi-Padva/Ugadi/Navreh/Cheti-Chand start from Thursday, Febraury 26, 2009!

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Dear friends,


As per the Rashrtiya Panchanga and

all the other panchangas including the bible of “Vedic astrologers”

viz. Lahiri’s Ephemeris for 2009, Vasanta Ritu starts on Wednesday, February 18, 2009.

As per all these panchangas, that is also the start of the Vedic month Madhu,

which is the first month of Vasanta Ritu as per all the Vedas ---madhuscha

madhvashcha vasantikav ritu.


That is also the day of Pauranic

and even Sidhantic Mina Sankranti.


It is the same day that is known

as Sonta Thali in Kashmir, since “sont”

means Vasanta and “Thali” means “plate”. It is on

that day that KPs, as a token of the advent of Vasnta Ritu, have the “darshan”

of a plate full of (raw) rice, raw seasonal vegetables, golden ornaments, etc.

etc. the first thing in the morning!


The first New Moon (Amanta)---Shukla

pratipat--- at the time of sunrise, after February 18, 2009, is on Thursday, February 26, 2009.

That, as such, is the start of the real Vasanti Navratras, which is known

as Ugadi in AP etc., Cheti-Chand among Sindhis etc., Gudi-Padva in Maharashtra

etc and Navreh in Kashmir., as per all the shastras! Even primary school

geography tells us the same thing i.e. if the first New Moon after the start of

Vasanta Ritu (Spring season) must be the start of lunar Spring i.e.

Vasanti Navratras!


Shri Rama Navmi, as such, is on

Thursday, March 5,

2009. (Madhu-mase site pakshe, navmyam…) i.e. in the

month of Madhumasa, Navmi tithi of Shukla Paksha!


The navratras that are supposed to

be starting on March

27, 2009, are actually “almighty” Lahiri Navratras and

not the ones as sanctioned by the shastras! How the entire Hindu

community is being taken for a ride by these “Lahiriwalas” is

evident from the fact that the first month of Vasanta Ritu viz. Madhu will be

over on March 22,

2009, when the month of Madhava-cum-Vaishakha will start as per the

same Rashtirya and Lahiri Panchangas etc. etc. Thus by asking us to celebrate

Lunar Vasanta after about forty days of Vasanta Ritu are already over, can

be taken with a smile only by senile (or is it insane?) people, who may even

keep on grinning about the same injustice! Actually, the Hindu community

has become so spineless that they are in no mood to revolt against such a

tyranny being thrust on them, all in the name of “Vedic astrology” and

as per the “aadesha-patras” of so called dharmacharyas and “his

holinesses (galore) of art of one thing or the other”!

And when Shri Ram Navmi will be

celebrated on April

3, 2009, (instead of March 5, 2009) that means the Vedic month

of Madhu is already over by eleven days and so is the Vedic lunar month of

Chaitra, which will end on March 27, 2009. Thus the Hindu community will be

celebrating with a lot of fan fare Shri Rama Navmi in the month of Madhava and

Vaishakha instead of Madhu and Chaitra!


And Bhagwan Ram is known as

Maryada Purushottam -- and this is the “maryada” that we are following---celebrating

even His Jayanti later by one month!


As such, let me repeat it for the

umpteenth time, “Hindu community really does not need enemies to ruin its

dharma, since that job is being done in a magnificent manner by “Vedic astrologers”

and “dharmacharyas” and “his holiness (galore) of art of one

thing or the other”.



With regards,

A K Kaul




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