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Triple eclipse of 2009

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Dear friends,


Just to put the records straight, a few things must be clarified

about the much hyped “triple eclipse†series! 


The lunar eclipse of July 7 was not visible in India at all. 

Hence, it is not a triple eclipse series.


Even if, for the sake of argument, we take it as a triple eclipse

series, there is no “ghasra pakshaâ€---i.e. a paksha of thirteen days (Mbh

fame!) between the two eclipse pairs---July 7 to 22 means 15 mean solar days

and not 13 days, and July 22 to August 6 means fifteen days again! If Shravana

Shukla Pratipat is kshyaya, Shravana Shulka Purnima is adhika—and that balances

the fifteen day (and not thirteen day) paksha!  As such, why create such a



Triple eclipses are not rare phenomena.  It is only phalita

jyotishis who make them scary!


Dharmacharyas should not dabble in astronomical matters unnecessarily

since they have absolutely no knowledge of astronomy, to such an extent that

they do not know that Rahu is a non-existent entity---a mathematical point---and

therefore, incapable of devouring even a bit of some pulped mushroom—leave alone

the sun or the moon!


The lack of astronomical  knowledge and even of the itihasas by

Dharmacharyas can be judged from the fact that some “His Holiness†has put his

seal of approval on the birth chart of Bhagwan Ram for January 10, 5114 BCE, at

Noon at Ayodhya!  The astrological combinations in the Valmiki Ramayana for

Bhagwan Ram and Bharat etc. are impossible---they are later interpolations by

some good for nothing jyotishis, but somehow, they have been portrayed by some

people in such a manner on the shoulders of some latest software, that a layman

gets flabbergasted!


Last but not the least, if on the one hand we are pleading in the

Supreme Court of India  that Rama Setu is hundreds of thousands of years old as

per the Valmiki Ramayana itself as it was built by the Vanara Sena of Shri Rama

in Tretayuga, how do our Dharmacharyas reconcile with Shri Ram Incarnating only

a few thousand years back?  That is a million dollar question.

They are making a laughing stock  of

themselves and also the entire Hindu community!

With regards,

A K Kaul

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Triple Eclipse Series to frequent again

starting July '09

-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â What does

this mean for the world?

DK Hari and DK Hema Hari should be complimented for a splendid

contribution to making everyone aware of a remarkable celestial event, triple

eclipse of 2009. Veda Vyasa had remarked that triple eclipse within a span of

13 tithis in sequence is an unusual sequence of cosmic events. Veda Vyasa had

recorded the sequence in the great epic Mahabharata which helped scholars like

Prof. Narahari Achar to provide dates for the Mahabharata events using

planetarium software.

Congratulations to Hari and Hema, again.


Synopsis of the Book - “Will History Repeat Itself?

Triple Eclipse of 2009 - Ominous? Promising?†http://www.bharathgyan.com/latest.htm

This book – “Will History Repeat

Itself ? Triple Eclipse of 2009 - Ominous? or Promising?â€Â, looks at the

interplay among human beings, societies and civilizations of this world and the

interplay between this world and the astronomical events in the cosmos, from a

rational, logical, holistic, inter-disciplinary perspective.

To understand these various levels of

interplay, the authors of the book, DK.Hari and DK.Hema Hari of Bharath Gyan,

have used the Indian civilization and its global relationships as the backdrop

in this book and the Triple Eclipse of 7th July 2009, 22nd

July 2009 and 6th Aug 2009, as the trigger, to pause, look around

and take stock of the current situations enveloping the world today.

What does this celestial phenomenon mean for

the world? Does this astronomical event portend anything for us at all? Â

These were the questions the husband and wife team of DK Hari and DK Hema Hari

have discussed in their book using a holistic and inter-disciplinary approach

that marries traditional knowledge of India with the developments in modern science.

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,

humanitarian whose Art of Living foundation has published this book says,

“Everything in this world is connected. Everything affects everything

else. The microcosm and the macrocosm are all interconnected. An analysis of this

principle of cause and effect will open a new dimension in life.â€Â

So what is likely to happen as the frequency

of occurrence of triple eclipses increases between July 2009 and 2020? The

adage “History repeats itself†seems to be ominously true.

Elucidating on his research on triple

eclipses, DK Hari said, â€ÂThe first recorded triple

eclipse in 3067 BCE (Before Common Era) coincided with the Kurukshetra

war. The destruction of the city of Dwaraka coincided with another set

of triple eclipse in 3031 BCE. More recently, the first half of the 20th

century, with World Wars I & II, the Holocaust and the nuclear bombings in

Japan, coincided with a higher frequency of triple Eclipses between 1910 and


“The important concern for India today is

that it is surrounded by many nations which are under the duress of internal

political strife – such as Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and

Sri Lanka. The potential for this strife overflowing into India is high

and we are again at the threshold of a period that coincides with frequent

Triple Eclipses to occur starting July 2009 to 2020†say DK Hari & DK

Hema Hari.

In the face of imminent wars and strife, this

book discusses how ancient Indian society conducted their politics and drew out

the essence for such situations.

Discussing about the disaster

management capabilities of the world at large today, the authors have raised a

provocative thought as to whether the nations today are prepared, flexible and

open enough in heart, mind, politics and religion to accept refuge seekers -

the way the ancient societies had in the face of large-scale migrations

resulting from large man-made or natural calamities?

The authors further brought out how each of

these tumultuous periods had also ushered in a ring of hope, and opened up for

thought, the possible positive effect the triple eclipse season starting 2009

could usher in.

If we look at the same events of the past, we

find that, along with each of these calamitous event, the world has received a

new message or order. This book also examines what could be the message that

the triple eclipse season starting 2009 could usher in.

Once we realize the interplay between the

microcosm and the macrocosm, we will see that it is the cycles of nature which

dominate our relationships, the evolution of civilizations and as to how this

earth progresses.

This relationships and the nobility in their

interplay has been expressed as Dharma, a traditional ethos as

understood by the Indian civilization. In the future, as we look at one global

world and one global family, espoused as the concept of Vasudeiva Kutumbakam

or the world is one family, by our ancients many millennia ago, the factor

that will be needed to govern the interplay among the peoples themselves and

with nature, could well be “values and nobilityâ€Â, which is Dharmaâ€Â.

This Dharma, in turn is in sync with Rtha

or the rhythm of the interplay in the universe. It is perhaps this

understanding and the knowledge of our forefathers which has come down to us in

the form of the oft repeated, global adage “History repeats itselfâ€Â.

“This earth is part of

that sky†– a simple but profound statement from the authors, brings out

the fact that we are all part of nature and the way going forward is to

understand the role nature plays in our thought, action and lives and to shape

our lives and actions to be in sync with nature.

Is this the message for the future? These and

such other aspects have been interwoven in this book and brought forth as an

interesting read for the common man and the thinker alike to relish, think and

act appropriately.

Commenting on the relevance of DK

Hari and Hema Hari's work, Sri Sri said, “While Astronomy / Astrology study

the science of happenings, spirituality is the remedy. While Astronomy /

Astrology indicate the powerlessness of human beings, spirituality brings to

light the power within.â€Â



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Friday, July 24, 2009 2:30 PM

'indian_astrology_group_daily_digest '

Re: Triple eclipse of 2009





Prashant Pandeyji,



is not only a mathematical point but it is much powerful than it. Ra and Ke are

responsible for the precession of Earth's axial axis and also for the

precession of Moon's axis.>


Rahu is

the Sanskrit name of lunar node. It is known as " Paata " in

sidhantas and most probably as Swarbhanu in the Vedas.


was the first astronomer in India to have informed the general public about the

shadow of the earth falling on the moon or vice versa during the solar/lunar eclipses!

As such, he had indirectly tried to remove the fear of Rahu/Ketu from their



also is not very fearful about eclipses in his Brihat Samhita and he too

has discarded the theory of Rahu " devouring " the sun or the moon.


precession of Equinoxes because of Rahu, every planet has a node, so has the

earth. Every node is contributing to precession of the earth, but

the Moon being the nearest body, its (lunar) node contributes the maximum to

precession of the equinoxes. But that does not change the

" intrinsic " nature of the lunar node---it is a mathematical point and

therefore incapable of " devouring " anything at all!

It is

actually the Pauranic myth of Rahu having been " bisected " into Rahu

and Kethu at the time of Samudra Manthan through Sudarshana Chakra of Vishnu,

on the " complaint " of the sun and the moon, that Rahu/Kethu started

" devouring " the two bodies! We also find Rahu Puja in the

Puranas, just as we find pujas for other planets there. However, there

are no such references in the Vedas or the VJ or any Brahmana etc.

Atharva Veda Parishishta is neither here nor there, as that is neither

recognized as a Veda nor Purana!


it is an allegory or figment of some fertile imagination in the Puranas, is a

moot point! But what is to be noted is that such Rahu/Kethu are incapable

of doing anything to AKK or Prashant Pandey individually either by virtue of

eclipses or Kala Sarpa Dosha etc.

Even K N

Rao was on Star News Channel advising the public not to be afraid of eclipses

as they did not have any effect on individuals! That was some fresh air,

though he was of the opinion that eclipses affect " Medini Jyotisha "

i.e. mundane affairs—poor fellow cannot wash his hands completely off his “life

long fadâ€!


are many many interesting facts to open like earth gets maximum speed around on

2'nd January and it also gets lowest speed around on 8'th July so it is wrong

to imagine that there is no meaning of exaltation and debilitation only on the

basis of that it has zero declination always wrt to ecliptic. Even when Earth

goes in northern sphere it use to behave in some different way when it goes to

southern sphere but its trajectory also uses to get changed with precession. So

Tropical system suits best for some reasoning.>



speed of a planet depends on its being nearer to or farther from the sun, known

as Aphelion or Perihelion. Because we are inhabitants of the earth, that is why

we take into account the earth’s position. If we had been the

inhabitants of Mercury, then we would have to take into account the

Perihelion/Aphelion position of that planet! Similarly, In the case of

the Moon it depends on its distance from the earth known as Apogee or



zero declination or maximum declination, it is directly related to the

Obliquity of the Ecliptic. The distance above or below the Equator of a

body is known as declination North or South. The distance above or below

the ecliptic is known as latitude, North or South. The Sun has no latitude, since

its apparent path itself is known as Ecliptic, As such it cannot exceed

the Obliquity of Ecliptic---i.e. around 23.5 degrees above or below the equator

i.e. North or south declination these days. Other planets and the Moon,

which have latitudes south or north can exceed that amount of declination,

since if a body like Mars is near the maximum obliquity of ecliptic already,

say 23.5 degrees North, and has also a latitude of about 4 degrees North also,

then its declination will be about 27.5 degrees North.

As such,

I do not known what you mean by exaltation or debilitation, since it is an

astrological jargon and is not applicable to astronomy.


Tropical system is as confusing as the so called sidereal system! It is

only a year or a month that can be Tropical or Sidereal! Astronomy is

neither Tropical nor sidereal!

Yes, we

can safely say that since the Vedas are talking invariably of a seasonal year,

they were certainly talking of a Tropical year. In fact, all the

sidhantas and the Puranas also talk of a Tropical year, since all of them cry

from housetops that Makar Sankranti is another name of Uttarayana and Mesha

Sankranti is the only day when the day and night are equal and so on.

They are all phenomena of a Tropical year!

The so

called sidereal zodiac and Rashichakra is an invention of “Hindu

jyotishis†-- and that also on the shoulders of the Surya Sidhanta of

Maya the mlechha! And ironically, they are far from the truth even there

since that very Surya Sidhanta also is talking of nothing but so called Sayana

phenomena, as it also cries from housetops that the day and night are equal on

the Mesha Sankranti day and so on.


the problem arises only because poor Maya the mlechha was unaware of any

difference between Tropical and Sidereal year, since he was unaware of

precession! Unfortunately for him and the entire Hindu community, the results

as per his calculations yield the duration of a year that is more by about 24

minutes from the Tropical year and about 3.5 minutes from the sidereal

year as well! For example, the duration of a Tropical year is 365 days,

5hrs 48mts 45.2 secs and that of a sidereal year is 365 days 6hrs 9mts 9s.8

whereas the duration of the year of the Surya Sidhanta is 365 days 6hrs

12mts 36s.6.

And that

is why the nirayana jyotishis are unable to fit any Ayanamsha into their

calculations, since the difference between the Tropical year and the Surya

Sidhanta year exceeds any amount of annual precession either in the past or in

the future!



doubt, stars (not planets) have no effect on earth. Jupiter attracts maximum

asteroids and meteoroids towards itself so astronomers also claim that Jupiter

may threat life on earth as Jupiter and Sun’s mutual Barycenter may get

changed and so seasons duration may get changed on earth So Jupiter also has

impact on earth indirectly.>



dependent on the Surya Sidahnta or Aryabhati etc., India never had a correct

knowledge of planetary phenomena till they got it from Greenwich Observatory or

NASA etc., which has been going on for the last about three centuries

only. As such, any predictive gimmicks by Hindu jyotishis in the past

were based on monstrous works like Makaranda or Grahalahgava etc. etc.

All they could do was go by conjectures and the Pauranic lore.


whether it is Jupiter or Saturn or Mars, they cannot affect me individually nor

can they affect anybody else individually! They can not, as such, be any

indicators of any individual fortunes or misfortunes, especially through

intangibles like Dasha and Bhukti and pratyantara dasha --- that also hundreds

of types!


There is

a saying in Kashmiri, “Konji kari kari gokh krenji poni sarun†i.e. “Some

people keep on trying to fill the wicker-work basket with water throughout

their lives and at the end of the day, they try to remember Himâ€. That is

exactly the plight of “Hindu jhyotishisâ€, who call themselves “Vedic

astrologers†these days! They will remember Him only at the fag end of

their lives, and will have to exclaim like Robert Clive, “Had I served my God

with half the zeal as I served my King, He would not have deserted me in my old

age†. These jyotishis will exclaim, “Had I served my God with half the zeal as

I served predictive gimmicks like Vedic astrology, He would not have deserted

me in my old ageâ€.

I hope

you will not be one among them.

Need I

say anything more?



A K Kaul



Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest ,

" Prashant Pandey " <praspandey wrote:



Dharmacharyas should not dabble in astronomical matters unnecessarily since

they have absolutely no knowledge of astronomy, to such an extent that they do

not know that Rahu is a non-existent entity---a mathematical point---and

therefore, incapable of devouring even a bit of some pulped

mushroom†" leave alone the sun or the moon! >


Rahu is not only a mathematical point but it is much powerful than it. Ra and

Ke are responsible for the precession of Earth's axial axis and also for the

precession of Moon's axis.

Ra and

Ke forms one torque scientifically and so those have a lot impact on earth even

not lesser than Sun and Moon. Because of Ra and Ke, earth is getting

precession, means so heavy weight body is getting movement because of the same

so anybody can imagine about its importance…..Ra and Ke came in existence

because of tidal locking so it is wrong to imagine that those are only

mathematical points just to predict about the eclipse. It is wrong to imagine

that in Ra and Ke cant impart anything to astrology due to those are only

mathematical entity.


It is

wrong to imagine that planets don’t affect earth.


has very erratic precession of its axis and also it's axis vibrates so its

axial tilt with ecliptic is not constt. and sometimes when it passes nearby to

earth(and some other condition also needed to fulfill all conditions) then

astronomers have witnessed a violent storm on it which engulf whole Mars within

2-3 hours so it is wrong to imagine that it can't affect earth by gravitational



are many many interesting facts to open like earth gets maximum speed around on

2'nd January and it also gets lowest speed around on 8'th July so it is wrong

to imagine that there is no meaning of exaltation and debilitation only on the

basis of that it has zero declination always wrt to ecliptic. Even when Earth

goes in northern sphere it use to behave in some difft way when it goes to

southern sphere but its trajectory also uses to get changed with precession. So

Tropical system suits best for some reasoning.So i would like to say astrology

could be more complex then tropical system.


doubt, stars (not planets) have no effect on earth. Jupiter attracts maximum

asteroids and meteoroids towards itself so astronomers also claim that Jupiter

may threat life on earth as Jupiter and Sun’s mutual Barycenter may get

changed and so seasons duration may get changed on earth So Jupiter also has

impact on earth indirectly.




Prashant Pandey



PS:- I have not reached to any conclusion as I have started learning about

astronomical facts recently, so it will take 2-3 months to have some concrete




> ---

In Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , " jyotirved "

<jyotirved@> wrote:




> Dear friends,




> Namastey!




> Just to put the records straight, a few things must be clarified about the

much hyped “triple eclipseâ€Â





> 1. The lunar eclipse of July 7 was not visible in India

at all. Hence, it is not a triple eclipse series.

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