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A chronology of key events in India's History

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is a copy of a document in the files section of HinduCalendar forum by

newdharma. Pl do give your comments.





A Chronology of Key

Events in India’s History



Niraj Mohanka, Indologist (please refer to ‘The Royal Chronology of

India’ at: http://www.newdharma.org/India_Chron.zip

for more information). If you have any questions, please feel free to

email me at: newdharma2100




BCE = Before Common Era; all dates prior to 700 BCE are approximations)



million BCE – the island of India slams into Asia and starts uplifting

the bordering land to create the Himalaya Mountain range – which is today

the tallest in the world and the largest area of permanent snow and ice outside

the North and South poles.



million BCE – potential oldest human/humanoid habitation in India



to 40,000 BCE – stone-age tools of pre-historic man (“caveman”)

found in India



to 12,000 BCE – evidence for beginning of farming found in Rajasthan near

dried up Sarasvati River valley.



to 8000 BCE – earliest evidence for farming and civilization found in

Ganga Valley.



to 7000 BCE – earliest layers of city of Mehrgarh (oldest

archaeologically attestable city of the ancient Sapta-Saindhvah Civilization;

Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization [which is often incorrectly referred to as the

“Indus Valley” civilization] ).



to 5000 BCE – earliest evidence for horses (wild and domesticated) in




BCE – ancient pottery found in Lahuradeva, UP and Virana [bhirrana],

Haryana [part of SSC; Sapta-Saindhvah Civilization] and carbon-dated (C-14).



BCE – ancient cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa begin.



BCE – ancient city Mehrgarh attains a peak population of 20,000.



to 4000 BCE – Hakra Phase of SSC [sapta-Saindhvah Civilization] urban




BCE – excavations in Sumeria show evidence of trade with SSC (India).



BCE – potential start of RgVedic composition (concepts however may have

existed long before this date but were not formalized by ruling priests until

this time)



BCE – a number of Chalcolithic Sites in UP (Sohagaura, Narahan,

Lahuradeva, etc.) found.



BCE – approximate start of Indian Dynastic list of kings and priests (as

documented in the RgVeda and correlated against the Puranas - synchronized by

the Vedic Anukramanis) starting with Vivasvata.



to 3800 BCE – potential timeframe for the earliest major priests of India

– (Bhrgu, Angiras, Marici, Atri); these four priests may have been the

ancestors of the famous 'Sapta-Rishis' (7 Seers) and Agastya, the 8th

Rishi. This list is as follows: Jamadagni (descendant of Bhrgu),

Bharadvaja (descendant of Angira), Gotama (descendant of Angira), Kasyapa

(descendant of Marici), Vasistha (descendant of Marici), Agastya (descendant of

Marici), Atri (descendant of Atri), Visvamitra (descendant of Atri)



to 3500 BCE – leading priestly families develop specialization and

expertise for specific deities. Thus the Grtsamadas are found to have

been devoted to Brahmanaspati (or Brhaspati) as their family deity, the

Vamadevas to the Rbhus, the Atris to the Maruts, the Bharadvajas to Pusan and

the Vasisthas to Mitra and Varuna.



Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



BCE – possible earliest eclipse documented in the RgVeda.



BCE – potential date of two men, Sudyumna and Ikshvaku – who went

on to found the Lunar and Solar Royal Dynasties respectively. Both were

sons of Manu Vaivasanta, who was the eldest son of Vivasvata.



BCE – Pururavas Aila, adopted son of Sudyumna, founds the city of

Pra-Yagya or Prayaga in the center of the territory that was the heartland of

the Arya (civilized people). This city evolved into a major center of

religious pilgrimage and is still the host city for the Maha-Kumbha Mela

(Sacred Pitcher Festival) held every 12 years during the astronomical alignment

of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. This religious gathering is the largest

congregation of people in the world in one place (30 million+ in 2001).



BCE – King Nahusha (great-great grandson of Sudyumna) builds small city

of Kashi (Varanasi). Nahusha is the joint author of RgVedic hymn IX.101.



BCE – potential war between Kutsa and Turavayana Clans as attested by

passages in the RgVeda (see RV verses: 6.18.13, 1.53.10, 2.14.7, 4.26.1

and 8.53.2).



BCE - ancient cities such as Lothal, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi and smaller cities

such as Kunal develop.



BCE – early burial sites at Nagwada. Early Harappan (Amri, Kot -

Diji and Nal) type pottery from the two burial sites from Nagwada and the very

early radio carbon date of 3698 B.C. from Loteshwar. These sites and the

pottery have shown some migratory links with the site of Garo Biro and Kot-Kori

of the lower Sindh (Sonawane et. al. 1994:136).



BCE – start of Haihaya Dynasty by King Haihaya who is an early descendant

of King Sahasrajit (son of Yadu).



BCE – ancient city of Rakhigarhi [part of SSC]; The site of excavation,

located in the plains of ancient Drishadvati river, a tributary of the

Saraswati river, happens to be the largest Harappan site measuring 230 hectares

(more than twice the size of either Harappa or Mohenjodaro).



BCE – potential timeframe of Ikshvaku King Mandhatr and the Deva/Asura

Priestly War (battle over allegiance of Arya priests to Devas or Asuras as who

should be at the top of the Vedic Pantheon). The priests who believed the

Devas should be preeminent won and stayed in India whereas the followers of

Asuras lost and were forced west into Persia).



BCE – timeframe of Emperor Bharata (Dauhsanti). The Rigveda, the

Aitareya Brahmana, the Satapatha Brahmana, the Mahabharata and the Purana all

sing his eulogies. He was a pious king, a great conquerer, a magnificient

sacrificer and a man of high principles. Bharata won his victories on the

Sarasvati (Aitareya Brahmana 8.23) as well as on the Ganga and the Yamuna

(Satapatha Brahmana The Arya territory (Aryavarta) was

renamed after him and became known as Bharatavarsha (Bharata Nation); see RV




BCE – timeframe of Rama Jamadagnya (“Parashu-Rama”). He

was son of the famous Rishi Jamadagni and became famous for wielding a

battle-axe (Parasu) and for defeating the Haihaya King Arjun Sahasrabahu.



BCE – timeframe of EPIC #1 of India, the Dasharajnya (Vedic War of 10

Kings). This war was fought by a confederacy of over 10 kings and tribal

chieftans against the Puru-Bharata King Sudas. The war lasted a few years

and major battles in the war were the Parushni River Battle, Yamuna River

Battle and Sarayu River Battle. Despite being outnumbered, King Sudas

eventually won and was highly eulogized by his priests (Vishvamitra and

Vasistha) in the RgVeda (see RV verses: 7.18.8, 7.18.12, 7.18.13, 7.18.33,

7.18.83, 8.74.15, 8.74.4).



BCE – timeframe of Rishi Agastya; the famous sage who spread Vedic

knowledge south of the Vindhya Mountain range.



Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



BCE – timeframe of Ikshvaku King Bhagiratha; became famous for expanding

his kingdom in the Ganga River region and later mythology honored him with

“bringing the Ganga River down to Earth”.



BCE – the Drshadvati River (a tributary to the Sarasvati River) dries up.



BCE – Sarasvati River starts to lose strength due to shifting Indian

tectonic plate. From 3000 to 2000 BCE it ceases to be a perennial river

and becomes seasonal – all while its volume decreases.



BCE – timeframe of Ikshvaku King Raghu, grandson of Dilipa II.

Raghu expanded the kingdom by beating the mountain tribal chiefs (Kiratas) all

the way up to the slopes of the Himalayas.



BCE - timeframe of EPIC #2 of India, the Ramayana (The Late Vedic Legend of

Rama). King Rama (Ramacandra Dasharathi) is famous for his noble

character and honor. Rama is mentioned at the very end of the RgVeda, but

is mentioned in later literature and of course in the immense Valmiki Ramayana (24,000

verses of which at least 18,000 may comprise the core original story).



BCE – satellite and ground analysis show that the Sarasvati River

completely dries up at this time and only a few pools of water were left in

certain locations (thus the name “Saras”). Due to geological

forces (earthquakes, etc.), the rivers feeding into the Saraswati (Sutlej and

Yamuna) change course and feed instead into other rivers such as the Sindhu

(Indus). As a result, the Saraswati dries up (during the Brahmanic period,

it is mentioned that the Saraswati now runs through a desert - later known as

'Rajasthan'). Later Vedic texts contain descriptions - Jaiminya Upanisad

Brahmana (4.26.12) and the associated Srauta-sutras say that Sarasvati

disappears in the desert sands at a place called Vinasana (literally




BCE – beginning of the Brhadratha Dynasty of Magadha by King

Brhadratha. There were supposedly 32+ generations of the Brhadratha

Dynasty that ruled Magadha. Roughly 10 generations before the Mahabharat

and 22 after till they were defeated by the Haryanka Dynasty.



BCE – timeframe of Sage Narada (who taught Sage Vyas Parasharya)



BCE – timeframe of King Shantanu of Hastinapura. The archaeological

ruins of Hastinapur are located 38 kilometers from present-day Meerut in UP.



BCE – timeframe of EPIC #3 of India, the Mahabharata (The Post-Vedic

Great Civil War of Bharata/India). Krshna Vasudeva led the Paurava Clan

to victory over the Kaurava Clan at the battlefield of Kuru-Kshetra (in present-day

Haryana). During this war, each dynasty forced other kingdoms to pick

sides which resulted in all India getting involved – essentially a civil

war. Vrihadvala, a descendant of Rama (by 29 generations), fought and was

killed in this war. Krshna has been claimed to have as many as

eight wives, but two are more likely as historically valid: Rukmini and

Satyabhama. KRISHNA ruled at Dwaraka (Gujarat) for thirty-six years after

the Kurukshetra battle was over. The Vrishnis, the Bhopas and other

branches of the Yadavas belonging to Krishna's tribe spent their days in

unrestrained self-indulgence and luxury. Krishna's clan pursued trade

with the Phoenicians. The Satavata Yadavas formed a republican

corporation and their Sanghamukhya, or Elder of the Confederacy, was for a long

time King Ugrasena. Over time, Krshna became so popular that he was

elected to be the next Sangamukhya - a position he held until his death.



BCE – timeframe of Emperor Janmeejaya II. He was the first Indian

Emperor to have full, DIRECT control over all of India down to the Ocean

(indirect control existed for Emperor Bharata).



BCE – Hastinapur is flooded during the reign of King Nichakshu. The

entire city had to be moved. Some archaeological evidence of this flood




BCE – the Vedangas (“limbs of the Vedas”) scriptures may have

been composed at this time.



BCE – potential timeframe of Tirthankara Parshvanath who created a new

order (Samgha) of monks and was the precursor of Mahavira centuries later.



Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



BCE – Takshashila University thrives.



BCE – Pradyota Dynasty begins. King Pradyota ascends the throne of

Avanti ending the Brhadratha Dynasty and commencing the Pradyota Dynasty of




BCE – timeframe of Grammarian Panini. Panini created roughly 4,000

rules (exactly 3,995 aphorisms in his Ashtadhyayi) of Sanskrit grammar that he

evolved. Rules that are so scientific and logical in manner that they

closely resemble structures used by computer scientists throughout the

world. Panini lived BEFORE the Buddha since Panini mentions Janapadas at

his time existing in a state that we know they were in before Buddha.



BCE – start of the Shishunaga Dynasty. The Pradyota dynasty ruled

for 138 years, and then it was taken over by Shishunaga dynasty. The fifth king

of Shishunaga dynasty was Bimbsara. It is a well known historical fact that

Gautama Buddha was propagating his religion during the reigning period of King




BCE – Mahavira (Great Hero), 24th Tirthankara and revered founder of

historical Jainism. His parents (Siddhartha and Trisala) were followers

of Parsvanatha. His teachings stress strict codes of vegetarianism, asceticism

and nonviolence. When he was thirty years old, Vardhamana renounced the

household and became a Nigantha (mendicant). After twelve years of severe

ascetism, at the age of forty-two, he attained kevala-jnana (omniscience) and

became a Jina (Tirthankara). He lived to age 72.



BCE - Siddhartha Gotama, the " Buddha " founder of Bauddha

Dharma. He was a member of the Shakya clan (Ikshvaku branch) from

Lumbini, in what is now at the India/Nepal border and attained enlightenment at

age 35. He is known to have studied with two teachers, Alara Kamala and

Udraka Ramaputra, who probably taught him a form of Yoga. He was fond of

meditation and very skilled in it. He was an old man when Mahavira died.

Buddha died during the 8th year of the reign of King Ajatashatru.



BCE – first council of Buddhism set up.



BCE – second council of Buddhism. About one hundred years after the

Buddha's passing away, the Second Council was held to discuss some Vinaya

rules. The meeting(s) may have been held in Vaisali and in Pataliputra (Patna).

At this Council, the Sangha (order) split.



BCE – Jaina Council of Pataliputra where Jaina Dharma split into two

groups, Digambaras (nude followers) and Shvetambaras (followers dressed in




BCE - Alexander the Great of Macedon invades NW India and is stopped by Raja

Puru (“Porus”).



BCE – Chandragupta Maurya. After a period of over 100 years where

there was a lack of leadership, Chandragupta Maurya subjugated the Punjab

region and then the Magadha Empire of the Nandas with the help of Arya

Chaanakya in 317 B.C. Chandragupta Maurya defeats Greek garrisons of

Seleucus, founder of Seleucan Empire in Persia and Syria. Pataliputra, at the

confluence of the Ganga and Soan rivers, was a city 9 miles long along the

banks of the Ganga, with 64 gates on wooden walls and 570 towers.



BCE – Emperor Asoka ruled one of the largest empires in world

history. Repudiating conquest through violence after his brutal invasion

of Kalinga (modern Orissa), 260 B.C. (where over 100,000 men were killed),

Ashokavardhana converts to Buddhism. Excels at public works and sends

diplomatic peace missions to Persia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Crete, and

Buddhist missions to Sri Lanka, China and other Southeast Asian countries.

Under his influence, Buddhism becomes a world power. His teachings are

preserved in Rock and Pillar Edicts (e.g., lion capital of the pillar at

Sarnath, present-day India's national emblem).



BCE – Third Council of Buddhism. During the reign of Emperor Asoka

in the 3rd Century BCE, the Third Council was held to discuss the differences

of opinion among the bhikkhus of different sects. After the Third Council, King

Asoka sent missionaries to Sri Lanka, Kanara, Karnataka, Kashmir, Himalaya

region, Burma, even nowadays Afghanistan. These teachings later became known as

the " Pali-canon " .



Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



BCE – timeframe of the poet Kalidasa (the “Shakespeare of

India”). Sanskrit poet and dramatist, author of Shakuntala and




BCE – King Vikramaditya. Vikramaditya regained his ancestral

kingdom in Ujjain by expelling the Sakas from there after 9 years of their rule

(66-57 BCE). In order to commemorate his victory over them, he introduced

a new era called Vikram Samvat (or Malawa Samvat) in 57 BCE.



CE – Kushan Dynasty. The Kushans were a branch of the nomadic

Yeuhchi tribe of China. The Yeuhchi tribe was in conflict with another tribe

and so was forced to leave China. They came to Central Asia and then spread to

Bactria, Paritha and Afghanistan. Gradually they were divided into five

branches. One of these branches -- Kouel Chougang (Kushans) -- was superior to

all. The Kushans under Kujala attacked the Parithans, took possessions of

Ki-pin and Kabul and became the complete master of the Indian borderland.



CE – Fourth Council of Buddhism. The Fourth Buddhist Council was

held under the auspices of King Kaniska at Jalandhar or in Kashmir around 100




CE – Hindu Kingdoms established in Cambodia (Kambhoja) and Malaysia.



CE – Gupta Dynasty. Most of northern India is united under the

Gupta dynasty. It is the golden age of literature, art and science. The Hindu

temple emerges as India’s classic architectural form, and the decimal

system is invented.



CE – Emperor Harsha. Buddhist Harshavardhana

( " Isvaragupta " ), reigning 606-647, establishes first great kingdom

after the Hephtalite invasions, eventually ruling all India to the Narmada

River in the South.



CE – Arabs invade Sind. The conquest of Sind in 711-12 by Muhammad

ibn al-Qasim. Raja Dahir Sen, the last Hindu Sindhi King died on the

battlefield. Arabs learn Indian astronomy, numerical system and decimal

system. The Arabs pass this knowledge to the west.



CE – Pala Kings of Bengal.



500-1300: A number of rival powers control southern and central India. Among

them are the Cholas, Pandyas, Cheras, Chalukyas and Pallavas. They were all

great builders of temples. Some of these include Mahabalipuram, Nadras and

Kailash temple in Ellora (built by the Rastrakutas).



CE: Adi Shankara (788-820) A.K.A. Adi Shankaracharya (the great Hindu

crusader), was born in Malabar (in village Kalati in Kerala to Shivguru and

Ayamba - a Namboadri Brahmin family), he was attracted to contemplation and

Vedantic studies from early age. He became a famous monk philosopher of

Smarta tradition who writes mystic poems and scriptural commentaries including

Viveka Chudamani, and regularizes ten monastic orders called Dashanami.

Preaches Mayavada Advaita, emphasizing the world as illusion and God as the

sole Reality. He established 4 Monasteries which are still famous.



Afghan raiders repeatedly attack northern India.



The Turk Qutub-ud-din becomes the first Sultan of Delhi following the conquest

of the Gangetic plain. The Delhi Sultanate will dominate northern India for 200

years. Built Kutub Minar- 240 feet high tower in Delhi.



Mongols from central Asia led by Timur (Tamerlane) mount a devastating raid on




Guru Nanak founds the Sikh religion (Shishya Dharma) – originally a

reformist Hindu sect which later became a martial force to counter the growing

Mughal Islamic power in Northern India.



The Portuguese navigator Vasco de Gama finds a sea route to Kerala, India. With

the capture of Goa in 1510, the Portuguese open a century long monopoly of

European trade with India.




Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



Babar, from Kabul, Afghanistan, defeats the Sultan of Delhi and establishes

Moghul rule in northern India. The Mughals were originally from Mongolia and

gradually adopted Islam.



Emperor Akbar, the third Mughal emperor, extends his territory from the Arabian

Sea to the Bay of Bengal. He creates a central administration manned by both

Muslim and Hindus. Akbar’s policy of tolerance fosters a new golden age

of Indian culture, this time influenced by Persian motifs. He sponsors a new

religion, a mix of Hinduism and Islam, called Deen-i-Ilahi. (The religion does

not last very long). Maharana Pratap of Mewar is the only Hindu king to

successfully resist Akbar.



Queen Elizabeth I of England grants a charter to the East India Company, which

proceeds to establish trading posts in Surat (1612), Madras (1640), Bombay

(1668) and Calcutta (1690).



Shah Jahan, the fifth Moghul emperor, builds the Taj Mahal in memory of his

wife Mumtaz. He also buit the Red Fort in Delhi.



A French trading post is set up in Pondycherry, south of Madras.



(Chhatrapati) Shivaji Bhonsle, a Hindu leader of Maharashtra, dies after a life

time of war with Moghuls. The Maratha kingdom he founded in Western India is a

dominant power.



Aurangzeb, sixth and the last of the great Moghul emperors, dies. Though he

extended the realms, his religious zealotry has divided and weakened his




Robert Clive, a young British clerk-turned-soldier, leads 210 men to victory

over French force at Arcot near Madras. The battle chokes French political

ambitions in India.



The Nawab of Bengal, theoretically beholden to the Moghul emperors, attacks and

occupies Calcutta. Clive retakes Calcutta and defeats the Nawab at the end of

the battle of Plassey, giving the British an effective control of Bihar, Orissa

and Bengal.



The Maratha kingdom reaches its zenith.



Afghan leader Ahmed Shah Abdali defeats the Marathas at Panipat, ending their

ambitions in northern India and creatin g a power vacuum into which the British

will step.



Warren Hastings, Bengal’s first Governor General, lays the foundation of

British civil administration.



The East India Company acquires control of Maratha territory and is

acknowledged as suzerain in Rajasthan. With the annexation of Assam, Sind,

Kashmir and Punjab, the East India Company brings all of India under its




The first Indian railroad opens to speed cotton to Bombay for shipping to the

mills in England.



The Indian mutiny begins among native soldiers and spreads to others. It is

crushed after 14 bitter months. Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi fights valiantly and

dies to save Jhansi from British takeover.



The government of India is transferred from East India Company to the British




Queen Victoria is proclaimed Empress of India.



The Indian National Congress holds its inaugural meeting. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

slogan “Swaraj is our birth right and we will have it” awakens

Indians’ patriotism.



The British build a whole new city of New Delhi. India’s capital is moved

from Calcutta to New Delhi.



The Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore becomes the first non-white to win a Nobel

Prize for literature.


Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



Gujarat-born Mohandas Gandhi returns to India after 21 years in South Africa,

where he successfully fought unfair laws applying to people of Indian origin.



After political disturbances, British troops fire into a large crowd of

Indians, killing over 400 at Jalianwalla Baag under General Dyer’s




Gandhi becomes head of Congress and launches a campaign for social and

political equality using the weapons of non-cooperation.



Salt Satyagraha – Gandhi leads Dandi March, is jailed soon after.



The Government of India Act enfranchises one sixth of the population and makes

the provinces autonomous from the central government. Congress and Muslim

League form ministries in several provinces.



Subhash Chandra Bose wins and resigns as president of Congress. He is

imprisoned and escapes to Germany. Joins and leads the Indian National Army in

S.E. Asia (1943). Killed in a plane crash (1945).



As Japanese forces sweep through Burma and threaten India, Gandhi and Congress

launch anti-British “Quit India” movement. Gandhi and Congress

leaders are imprisoned.



After negotiating with Gandhi and other Indian leaders, Viceroy Louis

Mountbatten grants India independence as a dominion within the British

Commonwealth. On August 15, India becomes an independent nation. As a part of

this arrangement, India is partitioned and Pakistan becomes a separate Muslim

nation. The partition results in a violent struggle and hundreds of thousands

die in the civil strife. Jawaharlal Nehru becomes the first Prime Minister of

India. First war between India and Pakistan takes place over Kashmir.



Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by a Hindu extremist in Delhi. The princely

states are integrated into India.



On January 26, Republic of India is inaugurated. Rajendra Prasad becomes the

first president. Nehru defines India’s foreign policy as non-alignment

with the superpowers and peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.



First general elections take place. Congress government comes to power



The states are reorganized on a linguistic basis.



War takes place with China over border disputes.



Lal Bahadur Shastri becomes Prime Minister after Nehru’s death.



War takes place with Pakistan over Kashmir. Ceasefire is declared.



Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri dies at Indo-Pak summit at Tashkent. Indira

Gandhi, Nehru’s daughter, comes to power.



India and Pakistan wage another war over India’s support for autonomy in

Pakistan’s eastern province. Eastern Pakistan becomes Bangladesh.



Simla agreement is signed between Indira Gandhi and Pakistan Prime Minister

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.



India becomes the world's sixth nuclear power, explodes nuclear device in

Pokhran, Rajasthan.






Chronology of Key Events in India’s History (Contd.)



Indira Gandhi is found guilty by court of electoral malpractice. President

declares state of emergency due to " internal disturbance threat " .

Democracy is suspended for 19 months.



Emergency ends in sixth General elections. Janata Party, the first non-Congress

party comes to power. Morarji Desai becomes the Prime Minister.



Indira Gandhi returns to power.



Indira Gandhi is assassinated by her Sikh bodyguard (as revenge for the Indian

government’s attack on the Sikh Holy Temple in Amritsar). Her son Rajiv

Gandhi becomes Prime Minister. In Bhopal, Union Carbide gas leak kills over




Rajiv Gandhi's Congress is defeated in ninth general elections and a minority

government led by Janata Dal's V.P Singh comes to power.



V.P Singh's government falls. Rajiv Gandhi is assassinated by Sri Lankan Tamil

suicide bomber. Tenth general elections sees Congress government return to

power with P.V. Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister. Manmohan Singh initiates

significant economic reforms.



A Hindu mob demolishes the Babri Masjid (Babur’s mosque; actually a

disputed structure at that time and a non-functional site) at Ayodhya, and

sparks off Hindu-Muslim riots in several cities across the country.

Dozens of Hindu temples are destroyed by Muslim mobs the following day in

Pakistan and Bangladesh.



Narsimha Rao’s Congress Party is defeated. H.D. Gowda followed by I.K.

Gujral; both were Prime Ministers for short times.



Congress withdraws support to coalition government. Deve Gowda resigns, I.K.

Gujral becomes India's 12th Prime Minister.



BJP forms a coalition government, and A.B. Vajpayee becomes Prime

Minister. India completes Nuclear Testing successfully and incurs

surprise and economic reprisals from the U.S. (and echo nuclear tests from




Pakistan surprise attacks India at high mountain passes of Kargil. India

wins after taking some losses. The Pakistani general who organized this

war would later take over that country by force to become its president –

Pervez Musharaf.



Indian Parliament is attacked by terrorists sponsored by Pakistan. U.S.

changes relationship with India, Pakistan and many other nations after the 9-11

attacks on the U.S. by Islamic terrorists.



Bus service from Delhi to Lahore is resumed as a good faith move between India

and Pakistan. Vajpayee visits China to achieve improved relations between the

two countries.



BJP loses the election and Congress forms a Coalition government with Manmohan

Singh as P.M. and Sonia Gandhi (an ethnic Italian) at the head of the Congress




Tsunami generated in Indonesia causes widespread damage and many deaths

throughout Asia - including the southern shores of India. Over 300,000

people were killed in Asia.



Indian economy continues to accelerate as China’s economy starts to cool

off. India currently has foreign exchange reserves of $175 Billion and




India overtakes China as the most populous nation on Earth with 1.51 Billion

people (against China’s 1.41 Billion at that time

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