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Water on the Moon and Mars

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USBrahmins , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:



Jai Shri Ram!

<Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit>

But they are calculated from the data from JPL/NASA since all the

" samskrit sidhantas " right from the Surya Sidhanta to Grahalaghava are

anything but correct!

<According to the Vedas nine deities(not planets) are there.>

Many thanks for your clarification that there are no planets in the


<The prayers to these deiteis occur mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva


The prayers are offered to deities and not to planets since there are no

planets in the Vedas!

< A collection of such relevant prayers is called Navagraha Suktas.>

There is no navagraha sukta in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva

Veda, if for no other reasons just the simple one that there are no

navagrahas in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva Veda! If there

are no navagrahas, how can there be a navgraha sukta in the Vedas!

<This is just to put the records straight.>

No, this is actually distortion of records! We impute our own meanings

to Vedic mantras just to propagate the non-Vedic Vedic astrology! I may

assure you that the so called Vedic astrology is actually anti-Vedic

since it is against the letter and spirit of the Vedas and every

shastra! No shastra has advised us to consult some soothsayer who will

advise us to propitiate non-existent mathematical points Rahu and Kethu

for ameliorating our miseries caused by them through an imaginary "

dosha " , which the so called Vedic astrologers calle Kalasarpa Dosha!

The so called Vedic astrology has also uprooted our cultural moorings by

making us clelebrate Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. Makar Sankrantis

and making us forget the real Vedic phenomena like Uttarayana,

Dakshinayana etc. besides the Vedic months Madhu, Madhava etc.

Surprisingly, all the jyotisha shastras contain words like Kemadruma,

Panaphara, apoklima, kendra etc. etc. which are nothing but Greek words!

That makes it clear that the so called Vedic astrology is nothing but

Greek jyotisha wine in Indian bottles!

Then the billion dollar question which no jyotishi, including you, is

answering is as to how did " Vedic astrologers " of the past calculate

their horoscopes prior to the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha!

I hope the records have been put straight now!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul


USBrahmins , G Balasubramanian <gbsub wrote:


> Sir,

> Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit. According to the Vedas nine

deities(not planets) are there. The prayers to these deiteis occur

mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. A collection of such relevant

prayers is called Navagraha Suktas. This is just to put the records


> G.Balasubramanian






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Dear Shri Balasubramanian-ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

Many thanks for the mail in various forums appending the so

called Navagraha.ved in pdf format.

I have gone through the document assiduously and with a

dispassionate mind.

Before going through my views about the

“Navagreh.ved” etc., pl. do bear in mind that I am a staunch Hindu

myself---a Saraswat Brahmin----who was born and brought up in a very orthodox

environment in Kashmir, where Kashmiri Pandits would not even have a hair cut if

it was a Bhadra (Vishti-karan), or Thursday or Tuesday, least of all a Saturday

and so on!

Tula-daan (giving in charities grains etc. equal to the

weight of the “native”) on a birthday or the day of solar return

(Varsha-pravesh) was very common  for removing Shani devta’s sade sati

effects etc.  On the day of yajnyopaveeta, Navagraha-puja was and still is a

must there!  No marriage could (or can even today!) ever take place unless the

birth charts of the bride and groom tallied—known as “tekini

milnavuni” in Kashmiri! 

I have been through all that rigmarole   myself and was a

firm believer in janma patri etc.  In Kashmir, we used to delineate

janma-patris through yogini dasha, without any bhukta-bhogya corrections and

the longitudes of planets were calculated from the only Jantri/panchang

available there viz. Vijayeshwar Jantri, which was, ironically, based on

Grahalaghava, one of the most monstrous astronomical works of India! I  used to

consult jyotishis myself, and in fact learnt it by reading all the books in

Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu and English available then, at the feet of my

phalita-guru there!

To cut a long story short, it was only because I delved

deeper and deeper into astrological lore and as it was said that astrology is

based on astronomy, I studied all the sidhantas and modern astronomy, to make

correct horoscopes so that I could make correct predictions! 



is that predictive astrology, WHETHER EASTERN OR WESTERN,  is neither Vedic nor

as per any Shastra but it is something that has been thrust on us and

unfortunately, we absorbed it to such an extent that we became

“jyotisham” personified! 

I also found, to my horror, that because of this very curse

of predictive gimmicks, we were/are celebrating all the festivals and muhurtas

etc. on wrong days!

As such, it is not as a renegade or just criticizing for

the sake of criticism that I am giving my views about the “navagraha-veda”

etc. but as a “bhukta-bhogi”.


Now about Navagraha.ved. It is clear from your own

mail/attachment that the so called Navgaraha.ved is not from any Veda in

particular but is a collection of mantras from different sources and not

necessarily the Vedas alone.  Some of the “mantras” are concoctions

in the name of the Vedic mantras!  Let us see how:


The “introductory” portion “om

shuklambardaram…”that you have given is  not from any Veda but some

other work.  It does not refer to any planet at all but is a prayer to Vishnu.


 The mahavyahritis and Gayatri mantra etc. quoted by you

too have nothing to do with Mars and Saturn etc. planets.


The portion “mamopata….adityadi navagraha

…namaskaram karishye”  has been coined by some

“purohit” for his “yajmana” and has nothing to do with

any Veda.


Surprisingly, the mantras from the Vedas or the Upanishadas

that you have quoted with references in brackets, do not refer to any planet

like Mars, or Saturn etc. They do not talk even about the sun and the Moon in

the sense of planets!


Sun:  Let us start with

the sun in A-4 and A-5, which have been referred to in the planetary sense! 

But then there are no references to any Vedic mantra! IMUST PUT ON RECORD THAT


which they have been taken e.g. A-2 (RV 1.2.1), but the “mantras”

that talk of the sun as planet according to you i.e. A-4, A-5 do not contain

any such references in brackets!


I am also sure you would not like to confuse the sun of the

Vedas, the Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Vishnu personified, with the

nearest puny star that is known as the sun.  As you must be aware, the

geographical sun is stationary and all the planets, including the earth,

revolve around the same, whereas the Vedic sun, together with all the

nakshatras etc.  revolves round the earth!  Besides, the astronomical sun has

sunspots, whereas the Vedic sun is spotless!  The astronomical sun does not

have any wives, but the Pauranic sun did have not  one but two---one legally

wedded and the other a “keep”.   The Pauranic sun had a family of

sorts with Saturn etc. as offspring!  Besides, the sun of jyotishis is supposed

to rule over a whimsical “animal” of an imaginary circle called

ecliptic known as Simha, about whose abode (den!) no astrologer himself is sure

as to whether that it is away by 120 degrees from the Vernal Equinox or from

some star or some other imaginary point!  Poor sun---must be ruing his plight

in the hands of jyotishis----whether Eastern or Western!

Hopefully, you would not even think

that such an infinitesimally small sun, which is supposed to own an imaginary

piece of an “animal” in an imaginary circle, and which is subject

to the measurements by a non-Vedic body like JPL/NASA is the same sun which has

been praised to skies by the Vedic Seers!

I also hope that you will not confuse the refulgent

“sun” of Gayatri mantra or the Vedic mantra “Hamsah.,

shuchih, shad, vasur….” with the sun which is much much smaller

than other billions and trillions of stars!  That would be the against the

letter and spirit of the entire Vedic lore!


Moon: Similarly, in D-4

you have talked of the Moon/Soma as planet but again, there are no references

to any Vedic mantras in brackets!  Why? In any case, I am sure you will not

confuse the Vedic “chandrama/Soma” with the small satellite of the

earth which is known as the Moon in day to day language!  Perhaps you know that

the satellite moon is being bombarded by rockets right now (October 9, 09) to

make it yield the secret as to how much water it has, and may be one day you

will colonize that “satellite” yourself, whereas the Pauranic Moon

is said to have as many as twenty-seven wives, known as Ashvnini, Bharni,

Krittika etc.  He is said to be the son-in-law of Dakshya Prajapati, and is

accused of having abducted his Guru, Brihaspati’s wife in the Puranas!

How can it be the same Pauranic Moon

that has been “inhabited” by human creatures already?


Mars: Now coming to

planets:  To my utter surprise, here also, the mantras/shlokas which you have

quoted as talking of Mars (Angaraka) B4 also is without any reference to any

Vedic mantra in brackets!


Saturn: In C-4 you have

talked about “prostration to Saturn” but have not given any

reference of any Vedic mantra in brackets!

10. Brihaspati in F-1 is the only

entity where you have given references of Vedic mantra, but I am sure you know

that Brihaspati has never been referred to as a planet in any of the Vedas! 

Brihaspati is addressed to in shanti-paatha of several Vedic mantras, none of which

even hint that they are talking of a dead planet that predictive astrologers

call Brihaspati, just to make a fool of a common man! 

Regarding Pauranic Brhaspati, how can he do any good to you

or me, even if placated by gems like sapphire and yajnyas, if he could not

protect his own wife Tara from being abducted by his Shishya, Moon?

Surprisingly, he accepted Tara back meekly though she had been impregnated by


On the one hand, we are told that Bhagwan Ram made Bhagwati

Sita go through agni pareekshya (ordeal of fire) just on the “whisper

mongering” of a washer-man, whereas “devaam guruh”

Brihaspati, could not lift even his small finger against the Moon? 

Surprisingly, it is the same Moon that is said to be in the lagna of Bhagwan

Ram!  If it was really the same Pauranic Brihaspati, Bhagwan Ram should have

accepted Bhagwati Sita back meekly and not asked for an agni pareekshya!

Then again the inanimate planet Jupiter, that is being

bombarded by comets and meteorites day in and day out, can never be the

Brihaspati whom I am praying every day in “Swasti na indro

vridha-shravah,…” etc. mantras.

 As such, to talk of the Brihaspati of the Vedas as the

hapless planet who is hammered by one or the other meteorite/comet is actually

the greatest disrespect to the real Vedic Brihaspati!

11. Same is the case

with F-4 where you have talked of Vedic Brihaspati with references of the Vedic

mantra in brackets.

12. Saturn: In G-4 you have

said, “prostrations to Shani”.  But where is the reference to the

Vedic mantra in brackets?

13. Rahu: In H-4, you have

said, “Prostration to Rahu”.  There is no word like

“Rahu” in any of the Vedas, and that is why you have not given any

references to any Vedic mantra in brackets!

14. Ketu: In I-4 you have

said, “Prostrations to Kethu…”.  What is the reference to the

Vedic mantra in brackets?

15. In the end you have

said, “adityadi navagrahah…”.  Is there any Vedic mantra that

has said like that i.e. clubbed Mercury, Mars etc. inanimate wandering bodies

with the Vedic sun?  No!  It has been coined by some Purohit for his yajamana!

It is thus clear from all this discussion that the so

called “Navgraha-veda” is not a Vedic Sukta or a Veda at all that

talks of any planets, with the result that any “mantras” that talk

of Mars or Mercury or Saturn etc. are without any references to any Vedic

mantra.  They

have been embellished in a cunning manner around the Vedic mantras only to make

a fool of a common man.   It is like a fake Thousand Rupee currency note having

been put quietly in bundles of real currency notes, and it could have been by

some jyotishi, who must have been the follower of Varahamihra, the greatest

charlatan of the last two millennia! Let us wake up and not be taken for a ride

any more!


Sidhanta: You have said further, “ Lord Surya has

composed " Surya siddhAntam* and taught it to Maya”.

You are just repeating what “Maya” has claimed! 

And there is no guarantee that Maya was the real name of the thug who has

hoodwinked the Hindus through the Surya Sidhanta!  Why don’t we realize

that  if it had been the sun god actually who had taught the planetary science

of the Surya Sidhanta, we would not have been reeling under the horrendous and

monstrous wrong planetary longitudes over the last couple of millennia, with

the result that even today we are celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days! 

It appears that Maya is actually a fake name of some Greek

jyotishi who wanted to take the Hindus for a ride and he succeeded in the same

beyond his own imagination, since the Hindus believed it to be the work of

Surya Bhagwan! 

May I ask you one question?  If Surya Bhagwan is the real

author/creator of the Surya Sidhanta, why are you preparing the horoscopes of

divinities like Bhagwan Ram and Krishna and even Gautama the Budha etc. etc. ,

besides of course, your own and that of your clients, from the data from

JPL/NASA today?  How can you do that and still claim that Surya Bhagwan is the

real author of the Surya Sidhanta?  Why do you have more faith in JPL/NASA than

in your own “Surya Bhagwan”?

What about the duration of the Yugas given by the so called

Surya Bhagwan in the Surya Sidhanta?  Do you believe that to be the divine

dispensation?  If yes, then how can you claim that Bhagwan Ram incarnated just about

9000 years back since He was supposed to have incarnated in Treta Yuga, that

should have taken place millions of years back according to the Surya

Sidhanta?  Heads I win and tail you lose!

Don’t you think that you are thus doing great

injustice to Surya Bhagwan as well as the divine Incarnations, apart from the

entire Hindu community by attributing to Surya Bhagwan such a useless work in

which you have no faith yourself?  Why such a difference in word and deed?

Varahamhira & Co. You have said

further,  “The works by others include VarAhamihira, Arya Bhatta and


Varahamihira was not an astronomer at all himself!  He just

compiled the five sidhantas.  He was a phalita-jyotishi, who could make correct

predictions only from incorrect data, like the “Vedic astrologers”

of today!

All the other works of Aryabhata and Bhaskaracharya etc.

etc. literally circumambulate around the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the  mlechha,

under the impression that it was written by none other than Surya Bhagwan! 

Munjala of the tenth century AD could see through the mess that we were going

through and he suggested corrections accordingly---to add the so called

ayanamsha at the rate of one arc-minute to the longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta

to make them “drik-tulya”.  That principle was followed throughout

India by some astronomers, till the time of Grahalahgava by Ganesha Daivajnya

in around sixteenth century AD, when he advised to subtract ayanamsha from the

actual longitudes to make them equal to that of the Surya Sidhanta!  And that

is when the real downfall of Indian astronomy was the maximum---thanks to

Ganesha Daivajnya and “Vedic astrologers”

Garga etc. Samhitas: You have also said,

“SamhitAs have been composed by Garga, NArada and ParASara.”

All these works have been composed much after the

“introduction” of the Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha in around

first century BC/AD.  They are all fictitious Gargas and Naradas and

Parasaras---some thugs impersonating the real Garga and Parashara etc.!  The so

called Brihat Parashara Hora Shastram by the  so called Parashara Rishi is the

most glaring example!  The earliest printed edition, i.e. the one published by

Nirnaya Sagara Press, Mumbai, wants to use Grahalaghava Ayanamsha!  In other

words, it is a post Grahalaghava work!  Parashara must have been born after

sixteenth century AD, thus!

 Same is the case with all the other phalita samhitas! 

You can well imagine that since there was no astronomical

work which referred to Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis even obliquely prior to the

Surya Sidhanta, that itself means that there were no Mesha etc. Rashis in

India, much less the methodology of calculating planets vis-à-vis those

rashis!  As such, there was no possibility of any astrological work (jyotisha

samhita) being prepared by anyone on the basis of Mars etc. planets vis-à-vis

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis!

Thus the jyotisha books floating around in the name of

Narada and Parashara etc. etc. are anything but the works of the actual Narada

or Parashara etc. Rishis!  Same is the case about Shambu Hora Prakash, Skanda

Hora etc. etc.

Jyotisha as Vedanga: You have said,

“Jyotisha , one of the six VedAngas, deals mainly with astronomical

aspects and is known as the eye of the Vedas”.

There is just a minor correction here!  The Vedanga known as

Jyotisha deals  not “mainly” but only with astronomical parameters,

that also confined to the sun and the moon---mean longitudes at that, which are

quite inaccurate as compared to today’s astronomical parameters, 

vis-à-vis Madhu, Madhava and Magha,  Phalguna etc. months and not the so called

Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis ---not even Mars or Mercury etc. planets vis-à-vis


Hope the records have been put straight now and you will say

good bye to predictive gimmicks and start celebrating festivals and muhurtas on

proper days.

Jai Shri Ram

A K Kaul




Kaul Saheb,




The Vedic Navagraha Mantras have been compiled mainly from Rig

Veda , Atharva Veda and Sukla Yajur Veda . I am sending a PDF attachment which

discusses the Source of these Mantras.Pl. do not make statements which are not




, one of the six VedAngas, deals mainly with astronomical aspects and is known

as the eye of the Vedas. Jyotisha SamhitAs have been composed by Garga, NArada

and ParASara. Lord SUrya has composed " SUrya siddhAntam* and taught it to

Maya. The works by others include VarAhamihira, Arya Bhatta and BhAskarAcArya.

This Science is used to primarily determine the planetary position and

fixing auspicious times for performance of Vedic Sacrifices.


In my limited understanding, astrological predictions

based on horoscope could have started at a later stage. Let other knowledgeable

members express their opinions on the contentions of A.K. Kaul.



jyotirved <jyotirved

asthikasamaj ; Mukti_Marg

Sunday, October 4, 2009 2:03:26 AM

[Mukti_Marg] Fw: Re: Water on the Moon and Mars







In USBrahmins@gro ups.com, " Krishen " <jyotirved@.. .> wrote:



Jai Shri Ram!

<Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit>

But they are calculated from the data from JPL/NASA since all the

" samskrit sidhantas " right from the Surya Sidhanta to Grahalaghava


anything but correct!

<According to the Vedas nine deities(not planets) are there.>

Many thanks for your clarification that there are no planets in the


<The prayers to these deiteis occur mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva


The prayers are offered to deities and not to planets since there are no

planets in the Vedas!

< A collection of such relevant prayers is called Navagraha Suktas.>

There is no navagraha sukta in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva

Veda, if for no other reasons just the simple one that there are no

navagrahas in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva Veda! If there

are no navagrahas, how can there be a navgraha sukta in the Vedas!

<This is just to put the records straight.>

No, this is actually distortion of records! We impute our own meanings

to Vedic mantras just to propagate the non-Vedic Vedic astrology! I may

assure you that the so called Vedic astrology is actually anti-Vedic

since it is against the letter and spirit of the Vedas and every

shastra! No shastra has advised us to consult some soothsayer who will

advise us to propitiate non-existent mathematical points Rahu and Kethu

for ameliorating our miseries caused by them through an imaginary "

dosha " , which the so called Vedic astrologers calle Kalasarpa Dosha!

The so called Vedic astrology has also uprooted our cultural moorings by

making us clelebrate Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. Makar Sankrantis

and making us forget the real Vedic phenomena like Uttarayana,

Dakshinayana etc. besides the Vedic months Madhu, Madhava etc.

Surprisingly, all the jyotisha shastras contain words like Kemadruma,

Panaphara, apoklima, kendra etc. etc. which are nothing but Greek words!

That makes it clear that the so called Vedic astrology is nothing but

Greek jyotisha wine in Indian bottles!

Then the billion dollar question which no jyotishi, including you, is

answering is as to how did " Vedic astrologers " of the past calculate

their horoscopes prior to the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha!

I hope the records have been put straight now!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul


USBrahmins@gro ups.com,

G Balasubramanian <gbsub wrote:


> Sir,

> Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit. According to the Vedas nine

deities(not planets) are there. The prayers to these deiteis occur

mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. A collection of such relevant

prayers is called Navagraha Suktas. This is just to put the records


> G.Balasubramanian









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Dear Shri Balasubramanian-ji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Many thanks for the mail in various forums appending the so called

Navagraha.ved in pdf format.


I have gone through the document assiduously and with a dispassionate mind.


Before going through my views about the “Navagreh.ved” etc., pl. do bear in

mind that I am a staunch Hindu myself---a Saraswat Brahmin----who was born

and brought up in a very orthodox environment in Kashmir, where Kashmiri

Pandits would not even have a hair cut if it was a Bhadra (Vishti-karan), or

Thursday or Tuesday, least of all a Saturday and so on!


Tula-daan (giving in charities grains etc. equal to the weight of the

“native”) on a birthday or the day of solar return (Varsha-pravesh) was very

common for removing Shani devta’s sade sati effects etc. On the day of

yajnyopaveeta, Navagraha-puja was and still is a must there! No marriage

could (or can even today!) ever take place unless the birth charts of the

bride and groom tallied—known as “tekini milnavuni” in Kashmiri!


I have been through all that rigmarole myself and was a firm believer in

janma patri etc. In Kashmir, we used to delineate janma-patris through

yogini dasha, without any bhukta-bhogya corrections and the longitudes of

planets were calculated from the only Jantri/panchang available there viz.

Vijayeshwar Jantri, which was, ironically, based on Grahalaghava, one of the

most monstrous astronomical works of India! I used to consult jyotishis

myself, and in fact learnt it by reading all the books in Sanskrit, Hindi,

Urdu and English available then, at the feet of my phalita-guru there!


To cut a long story short, it was only because I delved deeper and deeper

into astrological lore and as it was said that astrology is based on

astronomy, I studied all the sidhantas and modern astronomy, to make correct

horoscopes so that I could make correct predictions!




predictive astrology, WHETHER EASTERN OR WESTERN, is neither Vedic nor as

per any Shastra but it is something that has been thrust on us and

unfortunately, we absorbed it to such an extent that we became “jyotisham”



I also found, to my horror, that because of this very curse of predictive

gimmicks, we were/are celebrating all the festivals and muhurtas etc. on

wrong days!


As such, it is not as a renegade or just criticizing for the sake of

criticism that I am giving my views about the “navagraha-veda” etc. but as a





Now about Navagraha.ved. It is clear from your own mail/attachment that the

so called Navgaraha.ved is not from any Veda in particular but is a

collection of mantras from different sources and not necessarily the Vedas

alone. Some of the “mantras” are concoctions in the name of the Vedic

mantras! Let us see how:


1. The “introductory” portion “om shuklambardaram…”that you have given is

not from any Veda but some other work. It does not refer to any planet at

all but is a prayer to Vishnu.


2. The mahavyahritis and Gayatri mantra etc. quoted by you too have

nothing to do with Mars and Saturn etc. planets.


3. The portion “mamopata….adityadi navagraha …namaskaram karishye” has

been coined by some “purohit” for his “yajmana” and has nothing to do with

any Veda.


4. Surprisingly, the mantras from the Vedas or the Upanishadas that you

have quoted with references in brackets, do not refer to any planet like

Mars, or Saturn etc. They do not talk even about the sun and the Moon in the

sense of planets!


5. Sun: Let us start with the sun in A-4 and A-5, which have been

referred to in the planetary sense! But then there are no references to any


DO CONTAIN REFERENCES TO THE VEDA from which they have been taken e.g. A-2

(RV 1.2.1), but the “mantras” that talk of the sun as planet according to

you i.e. A-4, A-5 do not contain any such references in brackets!


6. I am also sure you would not like to confuse the sun of the Vedas, the

Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Vishnu personified, with the nearest

puny star that is known as the sun. As you must be aware, the geographical

sun is stationary and all the planets, including the earth, revolve around

the same, whereas the Vedic sun, together with all the nakshatras etc.

revolves round the earth! Besides, the astronomical sun has sunspots,

whereas the Vedic sun is spotless! The astronomical sun does not have any

wives, but the Pauranic sun did have not one but two---one legally wedded

and the other a “keep”. The Pauranic sun had a family of sorts with Saturn

etc. as offspring! Besides, the sun of jyotishis is supposed to rule over a

whimsical “animal” of an imaginary circle called ecliptic known as Simha,

about whose abode (den!) no astrologer himself is sure as to whether that it

is away by 120 degrees from the Vernal Equinox or from some star or some

other imaginary point! Poor sun---must be ruing his plight in the hands of

jyotishis----whether Eastern or Western!


Hopefully, you would not even think that such an infinitesimally small sun,

which is supposed to own an imaginary piece of an “animal” in an imaginary

circle, and which is subject to the measurements by a non-Vedic body like

JPL/NASA is the same sun which has been praised to skies by the Vedic Seers!


I also hope that you will not confuse the refulgent “sun” of Gayatri mantra

or the Vedic mantra “Hamsah., shuchih, shad, vasur….” with the sun which is

much much smaller than other billions and trillions of stars! That would be

the against the letter and spirit of the entire Vedic lore!


7. Moon: Similarly, in D-4 you have talked of the Moon/Soma as planet but

again, there are no references to any Vedic mantras in brackets! Why? In

any case, I am sure you will not confuse the Vedic “chandrama/Soma” with the

small satellite of the earth which is known as the Moon in day to day

language! Perhaps you know that the satellite moon is being bombarded by

rockets right now (October 9, 09) to make it yield the secret as to how much

water it has, and may be one day you will colonize that “satellite”

yourself, whereas the Pauranic Moon is said to have as many as twenty-seven

wives, known as Ashvnini, Bharni, Krittika etc. He is said to be the

son-in-law of Dakshya Prajapati, and is accused of having abducted his Guru,

Brihaspati’s wife in the Puranas!


How can it be the same Pauranic Moon that has been “inhabited” by human

creatures already?


8. Mars: Now coming to planets: To my utter surprise, here also, the

mantras/shlokas which you have quoted as talking of Mars (Angaraka) B4 also

is without any reference to any Vedic mantra in brackets!


9. Saturn: In C-4 you have talked about “prostration to Saturn” but have

not given any reference of any Vedic mantra in brackets!


10. Brihaspati in F-1 is the only entity where you have given references of

Vedic mantra, but I am sure you know that Brihaspati has never been referred

to as a planet in any of the Vedas! Brihaspati is addressed to in

shanti-paatha of several Vedic mantras, none of which even hint that they

are talking of a dead planet that predictive astrologers call Brihaspati,

just to make a fool of a common man!


Regarding Pauranic Brhaspati, how can he do any good to you or me, even if

placated by gems like sapphire and yajnyas, if he could not protect his own

wife Tara from being abducted by his Shishya, Moon? Surprisingly, he

accepted Tara back meekly though she had been impregnated by Moon!


On the one hand, we are told that Bhagwan Ram made Bhagwati Sita go through

agni pareekshya (ordeal of fire) just on the “whisper mongering” of a

washer-man, whereas “devaam guruh” Brihaspati, could not lift even his small

finger against the Moon? Surprisingly, it is the same Moon that is said to

be in the lagna of Bhagwan Ram! If it was really the same Pauranic

Brihaspati, Bhagwan Ram should have accepted Bhagwati Sita back meekly and

not asked for an agni pareekshya!


Then again the inanimate planet Jupiter, that is being bombarded by comets

and meteorites day in and day out, can never be the Brihaspati whom I am

praying every day in “Swasti na indro vridha-shravah,…” etc. mantras.


As such, to talk of the Brihaspati of the Vedas as the hapless planet who

is hammered by one or the other meteorite/comet is actually the greatest

disrespect to the real Vedic Brihaspati!


11. Same is the case with F-4 where you have talked of Vedic Brihaspati

with references of the Vedic mantra in brackets.


12. Saturn: In G-4 you have said, “prostrations to Shani”. But where is

the reference to the Vedic mantra in brackets?


13. Rahu: In H-4, you have said, “Prostration to Rahu”. There is no word

like “Rahu” in any of the Vedas, and that is why you have not given any

references to any Vedic mantra in brackets!


14. Ketu: In I-4 you have said, “Prostrations to Kethu…”. What is the

reference to the Vedic mantra in brackets?


15. In the end you have said, “adityadi navagrahah…”. Is there any Vedic

mantra that has said like that i.e. clubbed Mercury, Mars etc. inanimate

wandering bodies with the Vedic sun? No! It has been coined by some

Purohit for his yajamana!


It is thus clear from all this discussion that the so called “Navgraha-veda”

is not a Vedic Sukta or a Veda at all that talks of any planets, with the

result that any “mantras” that talk of Mars or Mercury or Saturn etc. are

without any references to any Vedic mantra. They have been embellished in a

cunning manner around the Vedic mantras only to make a fool of a common man.

It is like a fake Thousand Rupee currency note having been put quietly in

bundles of real currency notes, and it could have been by some jyotishi, who

must have been the follower of Varahamihra, the greatest charlatan of the

last two millennia! Let us wake up and not be taken for a ride any more!


Surya Sidhanta: You have said further, “ Lord Surya has composed " Surya

siddhAntam* and taught it to Maya”.


You are just repeating what “Maya” has claimed! And there is no guarantee

that Maya was the real name of the thug who has hoodwinked the Hindus

through the Surya Sidhanta! Why don’t we realize that if it had been the

sun god actually who had taught the planetary science of the Surya Sidhanta,

we would not have been reeling under the horrendous and monstrous wrong

planetary longitudes over the last couple of millennia, with the result that

even today we are celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!



It appears that Maya is actually a fake name of some Greek jyotishi who

wanted to take the Hindus for a ride and he succeeded in the same beyond his

own imagination, since the Hindus believed it to be the work of Surya



May I ask you one question? If Surya Bhagwan is the real author/creator of

the Surya Sidhanta, why are you preparing the horoscopes of divinities like

Bhagwan Ram and Krishna and even Gautama the Budha etc. etc. , besides of

course, your own and that of your clients, from the data from JPL/NASA

today? How can you do that and still claim that Surya Bhagwan is the real

author of the Surya Sidhanta? Why do you have more faith in JPL/NASA than

in your own “Surya Bhagwan”?


What about the duration of the Yugas given by the so called Surya Bhagwan in

the Surya Sidhanta? Do you believe that to be the divine dispensation? If

yes, then how can you claim that Bhagwan Ram incarnated just about 9000

years back since He was supposed to have incarnated in Treta Yuga, that

should have taken place millions of years back according to the Surya

Sidhanta? Heads I win and tail you lose!


Don’t you think that you are thus doing great injustice to Surya Bhagwan as

well as the divine Incarnations, apart from the entire Hindu community by

attributing to Surya Bhagwan such a useless work in which you have no faith

yourself? Why such a difference in word and deed?


Varahamhira & Co. You have said further, “The works by others include

VarAhamihira, Arya Bhatta and BhAskarAcArya”


Varahamihira was not an astronomer at all himself! He just compiled the

five sidhantas. He was a phalita-jyotishi, who could make correct

predictions only from incorrect data, like the “Vedic astrologers” of today!


All the other works of Aryabhata and Bhaskaracharya etc. etc. literally

circumambulate around the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha, under the

impression that it was written by none other than Surya Bhagwan! Munjala of

the tenth century AD could see through the mess that we were going through

and he suggested corrections accordingly---to add the so called ayanamsha at

the rate of one arc-minute to the longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta to make

them “drik-tulya”. That principle was followed throughout India by some

astronomers, till the time of Grahalahgava by Ganesha Daivajnya in around

sixteenth century AD, when he advised to subtract ayanamsha from the actual

longitudes to make them equal to that of the Surya Sidhanta! And that is

when the real downfall of Indian astronomy was the maximum---thanks to

Ganesha Daivajnya and “Vedic astrologers”


Garga etc. Samhitas: You have also said, “SamhitAs have been composed by

Garga, NArada and ParASara.”


All these works have been composed much after the “introduction” of the

Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha in around first century BC/AD. They are

all fictitious Gargas and Naradas and Parasaras---some thugs impersonating

the real Garga and Parashara etc.! The so called Brihat Parashara Hora

Shastram by the so called Parashara Rishi is the most glaring example! The

earliest printed edition, i.e. the one published by Nirnaya Sagara Press,

Mumbai, wants to use Grahalaghava Ayanamsha! In other words, it is a post

Grahalaghava work! Parashara must have been born after sixteenth century

AD, thus!


Same is the case with all the other phalita samhitas!


You can well imagine that since there was no astronomical work which

referred to Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis even obliquely prior to the Surya

Sidhanta, that itself means that there were no Mesha etc. Rashis in India,

much less the methodology of calculating planets vis-à-vis those rashis! As

such, there was no possibility of any astrological work (jyotisha samhita)

being prepared by anyone on the basis of Mars etc. planets vis-à-vis Mesha,

Vrisha etc. rashis!


Thus the jyotisha books floating around in the name of Narada and Parashara

etc. etc. are anything but the works of the actual Narada or Parashara etc.

Rishis! Same is the case about Shambu Hora Prakash, Skanda Hora etc. etc.


Jyotisha as Vedanga: You have said, “Jyotisha , one of the six VedAngas,

deals mainly with astronomical aspects and is known as the eye of the



There is just a minor correction here! The Vedanga known as Jyotisha deals

not “mainly” but only with astronomical parameters, that also confined to

the sun and the moon---mean longitudes at that, which are quite inaccurate

as compared to today’s astronomical parameters, vis-à-vis Madhu, Madhava

and Magha, Phalguna etc. months and not the so called Mesha, Vrisha etc.

rashis ---not even Mars or Mercury etc. planets vis-à-vis nakshtras!


Hope the records have been put straight now and you will say good bye to

predictive gimmicks and start celebrating festivals and muhurtas on proper



Jai Shri Ram


A K Kaul






Dear Kaul Saheb,








The Vedic Navagraha Mantras have been compiled mainly from Rig Veda ,

Atharva Veda and Sukla Yajur Veda . I am sending a PDF attachment which

discusses the Source of these Mantras.Pl. do not make statements which are

not factual.




Jyotisha , one of the six VedAngas, deals mainly with astronomical aspects

and is known as the eye of the Vedas. Jyotisha SamhitAs have been composed

by Garga, NArada and ParASara. Lord SUrya has composed " SUrya siddhAntam*

and taught it to Maya. The works by others include VarAhamihira, Arya Bhatta

and BhAskarAcArya. This Science is used to primarily determine the planetary

position and fixing auspicious times for performance of Vedic Sacrifices.




In my limited understanding, astrological predictions based on horoscope

could have started at a later stage. Let other knowledgeable members express

their opinions on the contentions of A.K. Kaul.





jyotirved <jyotirved


aGohW8Uxcab1WycIYZID4MdOLUWq7l53thIoAkZnyHDiFQ3dS-Y7sHnp7sDH_> >




; Mukti_Marg



Sunday, October 4, 2009 2:03:26 AM

[Mukti_Marg] Fw: Re: Water on the Moon and Mars











USBrahmins@gro ups.com


P21DbO_g3J0rUhzT0rDbLnzG8OBzVvRUeC9iETBm4Vka5gfp3PPlLaXW12op1QvfiXwJyMiI> ,

" Krishen " <jyotirved@.. . <jyotirved@..%20.> > wrote:





Jai Shri Ram!

<Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit>

But they are calculated from the data from JPL/NASA since all the

" samskrit sidhantas " right from the Surya Sidhanta to Grahalaghava are

anything but correct!

<According to the Vedas nine deities(not planets) are there.>

Many thanks for your clarification that there are no planets in the


<The prayers to these deiteis occur mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva


The prayers are offered to deities and not to planets since there are no

planets in the Vedas!

< A collection of such relevant prayers is called Navagraha Suktas.>

There is no navagraha sukta in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva

Veda, if for no other reasons just the simple one that there are no

navagrahas in any of the Vedas, including the Atharva Veda! If there

are no navagrahas, how can there be a navgraha sukta in the Vedas!

<This is just to put the records straight.>

No, this is actually distortion of records! We impute our own meanings

to Vedic mantras just to propagate the non-Vedic Vedic astrology! I may

assure you that the so called Vedic astrology is actually anti-Vedic

since it is against the letter and spirit of the Vedas and every

shastra! No shastra has advised us to consult some soothsayer who will

advise us to propitiate non-existent mathematical points Rahu and Kethu

for ameliorating our miseries caused by them through an imaginary "

dosha " , which the so called Vedic astrologers calle Kalasarpa Dosha!

The so called Vedic astrology has also uprooted our cultural moorings by

making us clelebrate Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. Makar Sankrantis

and making us forget the real Vedic phenomena like Uttarayana,

Dakshinayana etc. besides the Vedic months Madhu, Madhava etc.

Surprisingly, all the jyotisha shastras contain words like Kemadruma,

Panaphara, apoklima, kendra etc. etc. which are nothing but Greek words!

That makes it clear that the so called Vedic astrology is nothing but

Greek jyotisha wine in Indian bottles!

Then the billion dollar question which no jyotishi, including you, is

answering is as to how did " Vedic astrologers " of the past calculate

their horoscopes prior to the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha!

I hope the records have been put straight now!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul


--- In



USBrahmins@gro ups.com, G Balasubramanian <gbsub wrote:


> Sir,

> Planets are called Grahas in Samskrit. According to the Vedas nine

deities(not planets) are there. The prayers to these deiteis occur

mainly in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. A collection of such relevant

prayers is called Navagraha Suktas. This is just to put the records


> G.Balasubramanian













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