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Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




Shri A Sharmaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by

AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya

Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of

the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you

around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged

with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our

calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding

right now!


I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal

Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your

misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really

celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas neither as per the Vedas nor

as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!


Jai Shri Ram!


A K Kaul


***** *****



The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are

making of his verses!


To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a

tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says

further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya — Shlokas 7 to 10:


HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%

izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A


rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq

ladzkUrsKZs;e~ fo " .kqinh};e~A8A


HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two

equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter (Samasutraga) and

likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are

well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances

(Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months

are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the

beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana). Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not

sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the

Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana

Rashis—or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them

to the Ritus—seasons—and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has

consciously done so i.e. linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices

and equinoxes—it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and

the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,

the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.


But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for

this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:


es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik

gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A


rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr

o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A


v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx;ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk

ld`ngfuZ'kkI;fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A


rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a

Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A


" During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an

excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods—greater

according to distance north—and a corresponding deficiency of the

night, In the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half

revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day

and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of

determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and

declination, has been before explained.


`There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution

from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same

length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the

gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this

sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .


As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling

knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the

phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that

the length of days in the northern hemisphere starts increasing (and

that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year

the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days

decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around

December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries

(Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)

Sankrantis that start around these days—and not Nirayana because

these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!


The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about

Panchasidhantika :


edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq

lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA


ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq

okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/;aAA


And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted



**bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr frfFkfer

,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS

rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS

ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%

ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS

'koZjhekueqfnrekpk;Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A —iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9


In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day

is the shortest— about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from

that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever

is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at

the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these

are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And

is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -

Sayana, of course?


Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds

the " Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as

on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession

of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter

of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:


es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM'khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ks " kq

jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A


mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af}Hkoudyklekua

nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA


which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula

these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara

Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka

Sankranti " .


Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard

" fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a

Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall

have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per the example method of

finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana

Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on

that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23

degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around

May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are

based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.

Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either

and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those

panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question

of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!——And as

again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start

increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did

know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard reality and

try to make the impossible possible——as is being done by some

of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE




have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly


HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


.. " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of

which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,

from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana). Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


******* **********

******** *******


HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz wrote:


> To all sanskrit scholars,

> Â

> AKKji you wrote:

> " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,

> karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the


> months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the


> is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata

> Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .

> Â " .


> Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day

in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?


> --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved wrote:



> Krishen jyotirved

> [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul

- 2

> hinducalendar

> Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM








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Dear friends,


The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The verse

does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in

Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:



Krishen <jyotirved

Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM







Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


Shri A Sharmaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by

AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya

Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of

the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you

around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged

with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our

calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding

right now!


I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal

Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your

misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really

celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas

neither as per the Vedas nor

as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!


Jai Shri Ram!


A K Kaul


***** *****



The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are

making of his verses!


To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a

tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says

further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya — Shlokas 7 to 10:


HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%

izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A


rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq

ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A


HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two

equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter

(Samasutraga) and

likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are

well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances

(Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months

are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the

beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not

sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the

Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana

Rashis—or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them

to the Ritus—seasons— and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has

consciously done so i.e.

linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices

and equinoxes—it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and

the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,

the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.


But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for

this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:


es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik

gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A


rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr

o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A


v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk

ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A


rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a

Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A


" During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an

excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods—greater

according to distance north—and a corresponding deficiency of the

night, In

the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half

revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day

and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of

determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and

declination, has been before explained.


`There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution

from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same

length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the

gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this

sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .


As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling

knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the

phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that

the length of days in the

northern hemisphere starts increasing (and

that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year

the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days

decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around

December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries

(Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)

Sankrantis that start around these days—and not Nirayana because

these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!


The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about

Panchasidhantika :


edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq

lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA


ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq

okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA


And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted



**bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr


,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS

rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS

ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%

ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS

'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A —iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9


In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day

is the shortest— about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from

that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever

is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at

the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these

are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And

is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -

Sayana, of course?


Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds


" Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as

on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession

of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter

of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:


es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq

jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A


mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua

nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA


which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula

these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara

Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka

Sankranti " .


Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard

" fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a

Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall

have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per

the example method of

finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana

Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on

that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23

degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around

May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are

based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.

Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either

and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those

panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question

of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!——And as

again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start

increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did

know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard

reality and

try to make the impossible possible——as is being done by some

of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE




have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly


HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


.. " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of

which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,

from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.


twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


******* **********

******** *******


HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@. ..> wrote:


> To all sanskrit scholars,

> Â

> AKKji you wrote:

> " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,

> karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the


> months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the


> is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata

> Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .

> Â " .


> Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day

in this

above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?


> --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@.. . wrote:



> Krishen jyotirved@.. .

> [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul

- 2

> hinducalendar

> Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM





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Dear Bhattacharjyaji,

Please note that After uttaryan entered makar sankranti,it did not travel over

makar rashi but thereafter it enterred Dhanu rashi and has now come about 24

degrees into Dhanu rashi, so now it is about 6 degrees to Dhanu sankranti.

Hari Malla

vedic astrology , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The verse

does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in

Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:



> Krishen <jyotirved

> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


> Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM







> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


> Shri A Sharmaji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

> " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by

> AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya

> Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of

> the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you

> around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged

> with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our

> calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding

> right now!


> I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal

> Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your

> misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really

> celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas

> neither as per the Vedas nor

> as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!


> Jai Shri Ram!


> A K Kaul


> ***** *****

> *******


> The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are

> making of his verses!


> To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a

> tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says

> further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya †" Shlokas 7 to 10:


> HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%

> izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A


> rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq

> ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A


> HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

> " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


> Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two

> equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter

> (Samasutraga) and

> likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are

> well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances

> (Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months

> are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the

> beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

> is made up the year " .


> Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not

> sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the

> Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana

> Rashis†" or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them

> to the Ritus†" seasons†" and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has

> consciously done so i.e.

> linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices

> and equinoxes†" it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and

> the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,

> the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.


> But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for

> this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:


> es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik

> gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A


> rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr

> o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A


> v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk

> ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A


> rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a

> Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A


> " During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an

> excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods†" greater

> according to distance north†" and a corresponding deficiency of the

> night, In

> the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half

> revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day

> and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of

> determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and

> declination, has been before explained.


> `There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution

> from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same

> length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the

> gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

> excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this

> sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .


> As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling

> knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the

> phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that

> the length of days in the

> northern hemisphere starts increasing (and

> that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year

> the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days

> decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around

> December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries

> (Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)

> Sankrantis that start around these days†" and not Nirayana because

> these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!


> The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about

> Panchasidhantika :


> edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq

> lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA


> ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq

> okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA


> And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted

> it:


> **bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr

> frfFkfer

> ,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS

> rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS

> ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%

> ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS

> 'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A †" iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9


> In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day

> is the shortest†" about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from

> that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever

> is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at

> the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these

> are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And

> is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -

> Sayana, of course?


> Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds

> the

> " Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as

> on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession

> of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter

> of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:


> es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq

> jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A


> mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua

> nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA


> which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula

> these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara

> Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka

> Sankranti " .


> Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard

> " fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a

> Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall

> have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per

> the example method of

> finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana

> Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on

> that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23

> degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around

> May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are

> based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.

> Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either

> and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those

> panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question

> of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!†" †" And as

> again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start

> increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did

> know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard

> reality and

> try to make the impossible possible†" †" as is being done by some

> of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE




> have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly


> HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

> " " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


> . " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of

> which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,

> from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.

> These

> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

> is made up the year " .


> ******* **********

> ******** *******

> ********

> HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > To all sanskrit scholars,

> > Â

> > AKKji you wrote:

> > " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,

> > karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the

> six

> > months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the

> day

> > is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata

> > Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .

> > Â " .

> >

> > Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day

> in this

> above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?

> >

> > --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@ . wrote:

> >

> >

> > Krishen jyotirved@ .

> > [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul

> - 2

> > hinducalendar

> > Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM

> >

> >



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Dear friends,


The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The verse

does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in

Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:



Krishen <jyotirved

Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM







Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


Shri A Sharmaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by

AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya

Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of

the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you

around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged

with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our

calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding

right now!


I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal

Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your

misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really

celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas

neither as per the Vedas nor

as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!


Jai Shri Ram!


A K Kaul


***** *****



The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are

making of his verses!


To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a

tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says

further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya — Shlokas 7 to 10:


HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%

izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A


rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq

ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A


HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two

equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter

(Samasutraga) and

likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are

well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances

(Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months

are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the

beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not

sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the

Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana

Rashis—or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them

to the Ritus—seasons— and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has

consciously done so i.e.

linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices

and equinoxes—it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and

the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,

the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.


But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for

this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:


es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik

gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A


rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr

o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A


v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk

ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A


rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a

Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A


" During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an

excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods—greater

according to distance north—and a corresponding deficiency of the

night, In

the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half

revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day

and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of

determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and

declination, has been before explained.


`There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution

from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same

length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the

gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this

sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .


As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling

knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the

phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that

the length of days in the

northern hemisphere starts increasing (and

that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year

the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days

decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around

December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries

(Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)

Sankrantis that start around these days—and not Nirayana because

these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!


The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about

Panchasidhantika :


edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq

lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA


ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq

okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA


And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted



**bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr


,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS

rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS

ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%

ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS

'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A —iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9


In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day

is the shortest— about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from

that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever

is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at

the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these

are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And

is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -

Sayana, of course?


Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds


" Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as

on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession

of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter

of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:


es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq

jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A


mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua

nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA


which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula

these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara

Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka

Sankranti " .


Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard

" fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a

Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall

have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per

the example method of

finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana

Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on

that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23

degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around

May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are

based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.

Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either

and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those

panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question

of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!——And as

again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start

increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did

know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard

reality and

try to make the impossible possible——as is being done by some

of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE




have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly


HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

" " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


.. " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of

which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,

from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

(Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.


twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

is made up the year " .


******* **********

******** *******


HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@. ..> wrote:


> To all sanskrit scholars,

> Â

> AKKji you wrote:

> " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,

> karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the


> months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the


> is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata

> Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .

> Â " .


> Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day

in this

above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?


> --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@.. . wrote:



> Krishen jyotirved@.. .

> [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul

- 2

> hinducalendar

> Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM





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Shri Harimalla,


I am surpriseed that you ignored the useless mail of your friend AKK. He was

trying to drown Shri Sharma's question by writing irrelevant matters. Don't you

think you should have pointed out this to AKK and also told Shri Sharma what is



It is you who have to note that  the Uttarayana started in the Makar Rashi,

first in the 300 degree longitude and then after about  72 yeas it came to 299

degree longitude and like that after about 22 centuries it left the Makar rashi

at 270 degree longitude. Thereafter the Uttarayana started occurring when the

Sun in the Dhanu Rashi. Makar Sankranti cannot be without the Sun in the Makar

Rashi. I hope this should not be so difficult for you to understand.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



--- On Fri, 10/23/09, hari <harimalla wrote:


hari <harimalla

[vedic astrology] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar

Krishen Kaul - 2

vedic astrology

Friday, October 23, 2009, 8:59 AM













Dear Bhattacharjyaji,


Please note that After uttaryan entered makar sankranti,it did not travel over

makar rashi but thereafter it enterred Dhanu rashi and has now come about 24

degrees into Dhanu rashi, so now it is about 6 degrees to Dhanu sankranti.


Hari Malla


vedic astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:




> Dear friends,




> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The

verse does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The

Sun) in Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.




> Regards,




> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




> --- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:






> Krishen <jyotirved@. ..>


> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




> Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM














> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




> Shri A Sharmaji,




> Jai Shri Ram!




> Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention


> " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by


> AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya


> Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of


> the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you


> around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged


> with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our


> calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding


> right now!




> I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal


> Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your


> misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really


> celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas


> neither as per the Vedas nor


> as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!




> Jai Shri Ram!




> A K Kaul




> ***** *****


> *******




> The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are


> making of his verses!




> To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a


> tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says


> further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya †" Shlokas 7 to 10:




> HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%


> izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A




> rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq


> ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A




> HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~


> " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A




> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs


> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A




> Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two


> equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter


> (Samasutraga) and


> likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are


> well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances


> (Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months


> are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the


> beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress


> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool


> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These


> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them


> is made up the year " .




> Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not


> sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the


> Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana


> Rashis†" or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them


> to the Ritus†" seasons†" and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has


> consciously done so i.e.


> linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices


> and equinoxes†" it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and


> the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,


> the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.




> But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for


> this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:




> es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik


> gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A




> rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr


> o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A




> v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk


> ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A




> rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a


> Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A




> " During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an


> excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods†" greater


> according to distance north†" and a corresponding deficiency of the


> night, In


> the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half


> revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day


> and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of


> determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and


> declination, has been before explained.




> `There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution


> from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same


> length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the


> gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and


> excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this


> sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .




> As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling


> knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the


> phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that


> the length of days in the


> northern hemisphere starts increasing (and


> that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year


> the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days


> decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around


> December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries


> (Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)


> Sankrantis that start around these days†" and not Nirayana because


> these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!




> The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about


> Panchasidhantika :




> edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq


> lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA




> ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq


> okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA




> And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted


> it:




> **bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr


> frfFkfer


> ,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS


> rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS


> ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%


> ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS


> 'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A †" iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9




> In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day


> is the shortest†" about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from


> that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever


> is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at


> the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these


> are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And


> is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -


> Sayana, of course?




> Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds


> the


> " Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as


> on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession


> of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter


> of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:




> es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq


> jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A




> mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua


> nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA




> which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula


> these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara


> Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka


> Sankranti " .




> Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard


> " fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a


> Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall


> have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per


> the example method of


> finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana


> Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on


> that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23


> degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around


> May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are


> based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.


> Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either


> and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those


> panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question


> of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!†" †" And as


> again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start


> increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did


> know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard


> reality and


> try to make the impossible possible†" †" as is being done by some


> of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE








> have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly




> HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~


> " " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A




> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs


> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A




> . " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of


> which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,


> from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress


> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool


> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.


> These


> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them


> is made up the year " .




> ******* **********


> ******** *******


> ********


> HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@ ..> wrote:


> >


> > To all sanskrit scholars,


> > Â


> > AKKji you wrote:


> > " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,


> > karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the


> six


> > months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the


> day


> > is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata


> > Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .


> > Â " .


> >


> > Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day


> in this


> above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?


> >


> > --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@ . wrote:


> >


> >


> > Krishen jyotirved@ .


> > [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul


> - 2


> > hinducalendar


> > Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM


> >


> >





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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:




Shri A. Sharmaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


<I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>


The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which you had

not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar ankranteh

shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

dakshinayanam " .


A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress of the

sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months of

Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the ingress of

the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .


Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and that is a

synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period of six

months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn in

Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of the

year knwn as Winter Solstice!


Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that is a

synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six months

of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns south---and that

is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice! As

such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications in the

first place since a student of primary school level geography knows that

Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the shortest

day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer Solstice is

the lognest day of year!


<Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>


I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " ! It

appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras! " Bhanor

makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and " dwirashinatha " is

the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and " tadantareshu " is

eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so that

there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Surya

Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .


For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the ninth,

tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his commentary,

" Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam bhavati.

tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato Makar

snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti. Dwayor

dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah. mina

meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta shekhare



mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah


greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito atra

shashthah " .


I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not understand

anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

translation is:


" With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months of

Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra etc.

ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and kumbha are

the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of vasanta

ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one ritu

like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and hemantah " .


It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the sidhantas,

including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the so

called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana rashis/months can

be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor Ramana, least

of of all Muladhara etc.


Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had been

included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata are

different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to emphasize

that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of nothing but so

called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!


Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a month, the

Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of the last

satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of so

called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga, the last

one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana started

simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya yuga, then

dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that is

really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga ended

and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga also haved

already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of Uttarayana

as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the yugas and

it is not just for a couple of thousand years!


The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely no idea

about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a much

later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!


We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes to

" Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah shanmasah

uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah dakshinayanam "


They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the bed of

arrows to shed off his mortal coil!


It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see the

writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of affairs for

Hindu dharma these days!


Jai Shri Ram!









HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@> wrote:


> Bhattacharjyaji,


> Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.


> While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the HinduCalendar

group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight

answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.


> This incident has raised doubts in my mind.


> ASharma.


> --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> Dear friends,

> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse

mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given

by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the

answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit that he

made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest or

longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues to occur

in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next rashi.

There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma

wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> Regards,

> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.



--- End forwarded message ---

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Thanks Dada!




, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The verse

does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in

Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved wrote:



> Krishen <jyotirved

> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


> Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM







> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2


> Shri A Sharmaji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

> " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by

> AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya

> Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of

> the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you

> around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged

> with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our

> calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding

> right now!


> I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal

> Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your

> misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really

> celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas

> neither as per the Vedas nor

> as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!


> Jai Shri Ram!


> A K Kaul


> ***** *****

> *******


> The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are

> making of his verses!


> To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a

> tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says

> further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya †" Shlokas 7 to 10:


> HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%

> izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A


> rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq

> ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A


> HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

> " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


> Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two

> equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter

> (Samasutraga) and

> likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are

> well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances

> (Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months

> are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the

> beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These

> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

> is made up the year " .


> Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not

> sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the

> Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana

> Rashis†" or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them

> to the Ritus†" seasons†" and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has

> consciously done so i.e.

> linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices

> and equinoxes†" it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and

> the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,

> the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.


> But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for

> this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:


> es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik

> gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A


> rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr

> o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A


> v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk

> ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A


> rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a

> Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A


> " During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an

> excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods†" greater

> according to distance north†" and a corresponding deficiency of the

> night, In

> the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half

> revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day

> and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of

> determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and

> declination, has been before explained.


> `There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution

> from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same

> length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the

> gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

> excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this

> sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .


> As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling

> knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the

> phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that

> the length of days in the

> northern hemisphere starts increasing (and

> that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year

> the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days

> decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around

> December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries

> (Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)

> Sankrantis that start around these days†" and not Nirayana because

> these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!


> The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about

> Panchasidhantika :


> edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq

> lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA


> ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq

> okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA


> And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted

> it:


> **bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr

> frfFkfer

> ,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS

> rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS

> ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%

> ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS

> 'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A †" iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9


> In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day

> is the shortest†" about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from

> that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever

> is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at

> the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these

> are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And

> is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -

> Sayana, of course?


> Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds

> the

> " Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as

> on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession

> of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter

> of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:


> es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq

> jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A


> mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua

> nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA


> which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula

> these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara

> Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka

> Sankranti " .


> Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard

> " fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a

> Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall

> have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per

> the example method of

> finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana

> Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on

> that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23

> degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around

> May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are

> based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.

> Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either

> and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those

> panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question

> of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!†" †" And as

> again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start

> increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did

> know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard

> reality and

> try to make the impossible possible†" †" as is being done by some

> of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE




> have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly


> HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~

> " " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A


> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs

> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A


> . " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of

> which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,

> from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress

> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool

> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.

> These

> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them

> is made up the year " .


> ******* **********

> ******** *******

> ********

> HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > To all sanskrit scholars,

> > Â

> > AKKji you wrote:

> > " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,

> > karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the

> six

> > months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the

> day

> > is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata

> > Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .

> > Â " .

> >

> > Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day

> in this

> above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?

> >

> > --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@ . wrote:

> >

> >

> > Krishen jyotirved@ .

> > [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul

> - 2

> > hinducalendar

> > Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM

> >

> >



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Shri Harimalla,


I am surpriseed that you ignored the useless mail of your friend AKK. He was

trying to drown Shri Sharma's question by writing irrelevant matters. Don't you

think you should have pointed out this to AKK and also told Shri Sharma what is



It is you who have to note that  the Uttarayana started in the Makar Rashi,

first in the 300 degree longitude and then after about  72 yeas it came to 299

degree longitude and like that after about 22 centuries it left the Makar rashi

at 270 degree longitude. Thereafter the Uttarayana started occurring when the

Sun in the Dhanu Rashi. Makar Sankranti cannot be without the Sun in the Makar

Rashi. I hope this should not be so difficult for you to understand.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



--- On Fri, 10/23/09, hari <harimalla wrote:


hari <harimalla

[vedic astrology] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar

Krishen Kaul - 2

vedic astrology

Friday, October 23, 2009, 8:59 AM













Dear Bhattacharjyaji,


Please note that After uttaryan entered makar sankranti,it did not travel over

makar rashi but thereafter it enterred Dhanu rashi and has now come about 24

degrees into Dhanu rashi, so now it is about 6 degrees to Dhanu sankranti.


Hari Malla


vedic astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:




> Dear friends,




> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse mention

" shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji? " . The

answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the answer, rather he does not

have the  moral courage to admit that he made a false statement.  The

verse does not mention the shortest or longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The

Sun) in Makara during the Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana

continues to occur in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the

next rashi. There is not need of burdening  Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma wanted

a " to-the-point " reply.




> Regards,




> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




> --- On Tue, 10/20/09, Krishen <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:






> Krishen <jyotirved@. ..>


> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




> Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:57 AM














> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




> Shri A Sharmaji,




> Jai Shri Ram!




> Many thanks indeed for your query, " Does the Sanskrit verse mention


> " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given by


> AKKji? " which means you want to be sure as to whether the Surya


> Sidhanta has really talked of Makar Sankranti being the shortet day of


> the year and so on. I wish we had many more enquiring minds like you


> around who did not accept everthing with eyes closed and ears plugged


> with cotton wool! That would definitely help us to streamline our


> calendars more swiftly than the snail's pace at which it is proceeding


> right now!




> I am posting below some excerpts from my 1997 Shri Krishen Universal


> Ephemeris & Panchang, pages 13-14 and it must put to rest not only your


> misgivings but of all the genuine seekers of truth that we are really


> celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas


> neither as per the Vedas nor


> as per the Puranas and not even as per the Sidhantas!




> Jai Shri Ram!




> A K Kaul




> ***** *****


> *******




> The " Acharya " must really be feeling aghast at the nonsense we are


> making of his verses!




> To hammer the same thing that the Surya sidhantakara had nothing but a


> tropical year and Sankranti in his mind in his whole treatise, he says


> further in the same (i.e. Mana) Adhyaya †" Shlokas 7 to 10:




> HkpØukHka fo " kqon~ f}r;a lelw=kxe~ A v;uf}r;a pSo prlz%


> izfFkrkLrq rk%A7A




> rnUrjs " kq ladzkfUr f}r;a f}r;a iqu%A uSjUr;kZr~ rq


> ladzkUrsKZs; e~ fo " .kqinh};e~ A8A




> HkkukseZdjlØzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~ A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~


> " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A




> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs


> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A




> Meaning that: " In the midst of the zodiac (bhachakra) are the two


> equinoxes (Vishuvat), situated upon the same diameter


> (Samasutraga) and


> likewise the two solstices (Ayanas); these four are


> well known. Between these are, in each case, two entrances


> (Sankrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of which) six months


> are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise, from the


> beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress


> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool


> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs. These


> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them


> is made up the year " .




> Surya Sidhanta and Panchasidhantika are talking of tropical and not


> sidereal solstices and equinoxes: Now if the " Acharya " (Maya, the


> Yavana!) had been talking about Nirayana Sankrantis i.e., Nirayana


> Rashis†" or a Nirayana year, he certainly would have not linked them


> to the Ritus†" seasons†" and solstices and equinoxes! For if he has


> consciously done so i.e.


> linked Nirayana Samkrantis with the solstices


> and equinoxes†" it means he did not know even a b c of astronomy and


> the earlier we consign the works by such ignorant " Acharyas " to dustbin,


> the better for our Vedic culture it will be!.




> But the " Acharya " (Maya) knew what he was talking about for


> this is what he has to say in Bhugol Adhyaya:




> es " kknkS rq lnk o`f)jqnxqRrjrksvf/ kdk A nsoka'ks p {kik


> gkfufoZijhra rFkklqjsA57A




> rqyknkS |qfu'kksokZea {k;o`}kS r;ksjqHks A nslaØkfUr


> o'kkfUuR;a rf}Kkua iqjksfnre~A58A




> v;ukUrsfoyksesu nsoklqjfoHkkx; ks% A ukMh'k " Vîk


> ld`ngfuZ'kkI; fLeu~ ld`r~ A61A




> rnUrjs vfi " k " B~;Urs {k;o`)kS vgfuZ'kks% A ijrks foijhrks v;a


> Hkxksy% ifjorZrs A62A




> " During the half revolution beginning with Aries, there is always an


> excess of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods†" greater


> according to distance north†" and a corresponding deficiency of the


> night, In


> the hemisphere of the demons, the reverse. In the half


> revolution beginning with Libra both the deficiency and excess of day


> and night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this; the method of


> determining them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and


> declination, has been before explained.




> `There occurs once, at the end of the sun's half revolution


> from solstice to solstice, a day of sixty nadis, and a night of the same


> length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the


> gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and


> excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this


> sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perversely " .




> As any reader with a sound mind and even a trifling


> knowledge of geography taught at primary school level about the


> phenomenon of seasons knows, it is only around March 21 every year that


> the length of days in the


> northern hemisphere starts increasing (and


> that of the nights decreasing) whereas around September 20 every year


> the length of nights starts increasing (and the length of days


> decreasing) and in the same order the day being the shortest around


> December 21 and longest around June 21. And it is only Sayana Aries


> (Mesha), Cancer (Karkata) , Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara)


> Sankrantis that start around these days†" and not Nirayana because


> these are the Equinoctial and solstitial points!




> The same fact has been reiterated by the much talked about


> Panchasidhantika :




> edjknkS xq.k ;qDrks] es " kknkS frfFk;qDrks josfnZol%A ddZVkfn " kq


> lRlq p;fL=kdk% 'koZjhekue~AA




> ddZVkfn " kq HkqDra f}xq.ka e/;afnuh HkosPNk;k A edjkfn " kq


> okI;soa] fdapkfLeUeaMykPNks/ ;aAA




> And this is how Mahamahopadhyaya Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi has interpreted


> it:




> **bnkuha fnuekuekgA edjknkfofrA edjknkS fnus fnus HkwLoxZfr


> frfFkfer


> ,duoiapSdfer% 1951 f=kfHkfL=kfHk% iyS;ZqrLrnk fnuekua Hkosnsoa ddZVknkS


> rnso 'koZjhekua jkf=kekua HkofrA v=kksiifRr%A vofUrdk;ka edjknkS


> ijedYifnuekua iykReda Hkqou iapSdfer izdYI; rr% izfrfnua iy=k;L; o`f)%


> ifjdfYirk fnuekus A vFk edjknkS ;n~fnuekua rnso ddZVknkS


> 'koZjhekueqfnrekpk; Zs.ksfr loZaa fujo|e~A †" iapfl)kfUrdk 33@8] 34@9




> In a nutshell it means that " On Makara Samkranti the day


> is the shortest†" about thirteen ghatikas - 1951 palas - and from


> that day onwards there is an increase of three Palas everyday. Whatever


> is the duration of a day at Makara Samkranti is the duration of night at


> the time of Karka Samkranti i.e. day is the longest then " . If all these


> are Nirayana Samkrantis, pray, what are the Sayana Samkrantis then? And


> is the day ever shortest on any other day excepting Makara Samkranti -


> Sayana, of course?




> Though we talk authoritatively about Varahamihira, who holds


> the


> " Surya Sidhanta " as the most accurate Sidhanta Li " Vrjks lkfo=k% as


> on that date; we also say that Varahamihira was aware of the precession


> of equinoxes (which he was not!) but even he in the very first chapter


> of his Panchasidhantika, verses 61-63 has this to say:




> es " k rqyknkS fo " kqor~ " kM' khfreq[ka rqykfnHkkxs " kqA'kM'khfreq[ ks " kq


> jos% fir`fnolk ;s vo'ks " kk% L;q%A




> mnx;ua edjknko`ro% f'kf'kjkn;'p lw;Zo'kkr~Af} Hkoudyklekua


> nf{k.ke;u'p ddZVkr~AA




> which, again, in a nutshell means, " when the sun is in Mesha and Tula


> these are the equinoctial points and Uttarayana starts with Makara


> Samkranti together with Shishir season and Dakshinayana with Karka


> Sankranti " .




> Now for the sake of argument (to satisfy some die-hard


> " fundamentalists! " ) if the " Acharya " (Maya) had been talking about a


> Nirayana zodiac then to work out the Sayana Mesha Samkranti, we shall


> have to subtract further 23 degrees (as per


> the example method of


> finding out Ayanamsha as given in the Panchasidhantika) from Nirayana


> Mesha Samkranti which falls around April 13 these days. That means on


> that date the Surya Sidhanta tropical sun should be 0 i.e. 360 minus 23


> degree = 337 degrees so the Vernal Equinox would have been then around


> May 7 instead of March 21 when actually such Nirayana Panchangas as are


> based on Surya Sidhanta show Vernal Equinox also around April 14.


> Evidently such Panchangakaras have no faith in the Surya Sidhanta either


> and they just want heads I win and tail you lose when actually those


> panchangas have neither head nor tail so there is hardly any question


> of losing or gaining anything excepting their ignorance!†" †" And as


> again even a dull student of geography should know, days never start


> increasing from February 26! Certainly, the " Acharya " of the S.S. did


> know that much of geography as not to contradict the hard


> reality and


> try to make the impossible possible†" †" as is being done by some


> of our traditional Panchangakara " Acharyas " these days. WE ARE








> have seen above the SS proclaims very boldly




> HkkukseZdjladzkUrs% " k.eklk mRrjk;.k~A dD;ZknsLrq rFkSso L;kr~


> " " k.eklk nf+{k.kk;ue~ A9A




> f}jkf'kukFkk_ roLrrksfi f'kf'kjkn;% A es " kkn;k }kn'kSrs


> eklSLrSjso oRlj% A10A




> . " ....two entrances (Samkrantis) into Capricorn, (from the beginning of


> which) six months are his northern progress (Uttarayana) , so likewise,


> from the beginning of Cancer, six months are his Southern progress


> (Dakshinayana) . Thence also are reckoned the seasons (Ritu) the cool


> season (Shishir) and the next each prevailing through two signs.


> These


> twelve (Rashis) commencing with Aries (Mesha) are the months; of them


> is made up the year " .




> ******* **********


> ******** *******


> ********


> HinduCalendar, A Sharma <asharmanz@ ..> wrote:


> >


> > To all sanskrit scholars,


> > Â


> > AKKji you wrote:


> > " Â The SS has said " Bhanor Makar Sankranteh shanmasa uttarayana,


> > karkyadestathaiva syat shanmasa dakshinayanam " which means that the


> six


> > months of Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti, when the


> day


> > is the shortest and the six months of Dakshinayna start with Karkata


> > Sankrantih when the day is the longest ... .


> > Â " .


> >


> > Does the Sanskrit verse mention " shortest " and " longest " day


> in this


> above Sanskrit verse given by AKKji?


> >


> > --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Krishen jyotirved@ . wrote:


> >


> >


> > Krishen jyotirved@ .


> > [HinduCalendar] Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul


> - 2


> > hinducalendar


> > Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:06 PM


> >


> >





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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:




Shri A. Sharmaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


<I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>


The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which you had

not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar ankranteh

shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

dakshinayanam " .


A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress of the

sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months of

Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the ingress of

the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .


Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and that is a

synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period of six

months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn in

Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of the

year knwn as Winter Solstice!


Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that is a

synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six months

of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns south---and that

is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice! As

such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications in the

first place since a student of primary school level geography knows that

Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the shortest

day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer Solstice is

the lognest day of year!


<Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>


I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " ! It

appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras! " Bhanor

makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and " dwirashinatha " is

the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and " tadantareshu " is

eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so that

there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Surya

Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .


For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the ninth,

tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his commentary,

" Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam bhavati.

tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato Makar

snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti. Dwayor

dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah. mina

meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta shekhare



mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah


greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito atra

shashthah " .


I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not understand

anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

translation is:


" With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months of

Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra etc.

ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and kumbha are

the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of vasanta

ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one ritu

like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and hemantah " .


It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the sidhantas,

including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the so

called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana rashis/months can

be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor Ramana, least

of of all Muladhara etc.


Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had been

included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata are

different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to emphasize

that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of nothing but so

called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!


Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a month, the

Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of the last

satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of so

called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga, the last

one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana started

simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya yuga, then

dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that is

really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga ended

and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga also haved

already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of Uttarayana

as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the yugas and

it is not just for a couple of thousand years!


The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely no idea

about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a much

later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!


We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes to

" Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah shanmasah

uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah dakshinayanam "


They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the bed of

arrows to shed off his mortal coil!


It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see the

writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of affairs for

Hindu dharma these days!


Jai Shri Ram!









HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@> wrote:


> Bhattacharjyaji,


> Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.


> While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the HinduCalendar

group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight

answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.


> This incident has raised doubts in my mind.


> ASharma.


> --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> Dear friends,

> The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse

mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse given

by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded the

answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit that he

made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest or

longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues to occur

in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next rashi.

There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri sharma

wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> Regards,

> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.



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Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " <a_krishen



Shri Vinay Jha ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

I have just gone through your article on the " wetpaints " where you have

said, " At present, Ayan & #257;msha's value at 22:38':44.5'' gives correct

results on all fronts of Vedic Astrology (for end of 2008 AD). "

Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to how

it was 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that

date i.e. whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of

modern astronomy to find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta

longitudes just as Lahiri ayanamsha is subtracted to find Lahiri

longitudes or do we have to add it the Surya Sidhanta longitudes to find

the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming that the SS longitudes are so

called nirayana?

2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is it

to be added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is

to be calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta

given these three shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they

do not serve any purpose at all?

3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

vis-a-vis the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya

Sidhanta calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

eclipses, rising and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset

etc.etc., do we have to go on chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam

gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta ayanamsha have any relevance to those

" drik calculations " ?

4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the

one that is available in the market or is it a different one?

5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we have

to go by conjecture work?

6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to the

present Surya Sidhanta or not?

7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to whom

was it revealed and when?

8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

according to you and why?

9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

Sidhanta correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really

start in 3102 BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an

indirect manner.

10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

Panchasidhantika Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not

tally AT ALL with either the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or

any other Ayanamsha longitudes, nor do they tally with the so called

sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy. What type of longitudes, as

such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and how have they been worked out?

11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at

all tally with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes

nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern


SIDHANTA LONGITUDES neither at the start of kali Era nor at any other

perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even Bhaskara-II of around

twelfth century had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta calcuations?

12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati! No

sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

sayana---nor do they tally with one another for any era, except for the

start of the so called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the

Surya Sidhanta of Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta

tally completely! The longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not

tally if we take the audayika system of Aryabhata---that had been

prevailing in India for a considerable period! In other words, even

Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta longitudes, either to start

with or later since he shifted from " ardharatrika " to " audayika " . Why?

13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta

should we believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as

per modern astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the

Surya Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same?

E.g. " Bhanor makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu

tahtaiva syat shanmasah dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of

the sun into Makara Rashi, the six months of Uttarayana start and with

the ingress of the sun into Karkata Rashi, the six months of

Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya Sidhanta calculations, this is an

impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar Sankranti does not at all

coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the Surya Sidhanta

karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months of

Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk

of a Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal

months, giving an impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day

of the year " and so on. Its calculations, however, yield some

surprising results, which are correct neither for a Tropical year nor

for a sidereal year! They are just a sort of imaginary year---and

imaginary calculations---which is scientifically most inaccurate! Why


You will appreciate that unless we have clear answers to all the above

questions, we will be groping in darkness about the type of so called

zodiac etc. in the Surya Sidhanta and also as to how far it is relevant

to what practice!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul




Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@ wrote:


> Shri Kaul Ji,


> Please stop propagating false ideas borrowed from mlechchhas. You have

> read my article about precession in Surya Siddhanta which Bhaskar-ii

> used used, yet you harp on your false ideas. If you really know

> Sanskrit, why you do not try to read the original shlokas of Siddhanta

> Shiromani which give the formula for computing precession (50.9 " per

> year), citing some lost version of Surya Siddhanta ( " anupalabdha "

> according to Vaasanaa-bhaashya of BHaaskar-ii).) ?


> Similarly, you fail to understand that physical characteristics of

> seasons are revealed according to Saayana timings, but their causative

> parameters are determined by nirayana transit kundalis. For instance,

> nirayana Mesha Samkraanti gives us the mundane horoscope which


> climatic variations. Hence, forcibly taking all references to

> samkraantis and seasons as being saayana is foolish. Samkraantis are

> generally nirayana unless stated otherwise, and seasons are saayana.


> these nirayana Samkraantis determine the seasons. This is not only


> tradition, but empiriucally it has been found to be correct as well.

> Unfortunately, you are immune to practical testing of Suryasiddhanta.

> Rejecting a thing without testing is your perticular style of

> " scientific method " .


> Maya was not a mlechchha. You are distoring the meaning of the term

> " mlechchha " . All asuras are not mlechchhas. Some asuras like Maya

> reformed themselves by means of tapasyaa. You should do the same


> touching Suryasiddhanta. those who hate mathematics should keep away

> from such texts.


> I am repeating my question : if you explain the Suryasiddhantic


> of mandaphala according to which earliest extant Suryasiddhantic

> (Makaranda) tables were prepared, I will become your disciple. Do not

> use the wrong formula of Burgess, which does not tally with Makaranda

> Tables which were Suryasiddhantic ( " Shri Suryasiddhanta matena... " ).


> -VJ

> =============== ====

> Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " <a_krishen@>

> wrote:

> >

> > HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri A. Sharmaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > <I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>

> >

> > The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which you

> had

> > not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar ankranteh

> > shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

> > dakshinayanam " .

> >

> > A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress of

> the

> > sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months of

> > Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the


> of

> > the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

> > dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .

> >

> > Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and that is


> > synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period of

> six

> > months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn in

> > Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of the

> > year knwn as Winter Solstice!

> >

> > Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that


> a

> > synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six


> > of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns south---and


> > is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice!


> > such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications in


> > first place since a student of primary school level geography knows

> that

> > Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the

> shortest

> > day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer Solstice


> > the lognest day of year!

> >

> > <Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>

> >

> > I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " ! It

> > appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras! " Bhanor

> > makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and " dwirashinatha "

> is

> > the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and

" tadantareshu "

> is

> > eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so that

> > there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Surya

> > Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .

> >

> > For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

> > Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the


> > tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his

> commentary,

> > " Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam bhavati.

> > tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato Makar

> > snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti.

> Dwayor

> > dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah.

> mina

> > meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta shekhare

> > llikhitam

> >

> > mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah

> >

> > greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito atra

> > shashthah " .

> >

> > I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not understand

> > anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

> > translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

> > translation is:

> >

> > " With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months of

> > Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra etc.

> > ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and kumbha

> are

> > the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of


> > ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

> > sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one


> > like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and hemantah " .

> >

> > It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the

> sidhantas,

> > including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the so

> > called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana rashis/months

> can

> > be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor Ramana,

> least

> > of of all Muladhara etc.

> >

> > Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had been

> > included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata are

> > different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to

> emphasize

> > that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of nothing


> so

> > called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!

> >

> > Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a month,


> > Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of the

> last

> > satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of so

> > called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga, the

> last

> > one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

> > SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana

> started

> > simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya yuga,

> then

> > dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that is

> > really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga


> > and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga also

> haved

> > already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of

> Uttarayana

> > as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the yugas


> > it is not just for a couple of thousand years!

> >

> > The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely no


> > about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a


> > later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!

> >

> > We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes to

> > " Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah


> > uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah

> dakshinayanam "

> >

> > They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the bed


> > arrows to shed off his mortal coil!

> >

> > It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see the

> > writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of affairs


> > Hindu dharma these days!

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Bhattacharjyaji,

> > >

> > > Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.

> > >

> > > While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the


> > group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight

> > answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added


> > >

> > > This incident has raised doubts in my mind.

> > >

> > > ASharma.

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> > <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > Dear friends,

> > > The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse

> > mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse

> given

> > by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded


> > answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit that

> he

> > made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest or

> > longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

> > Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues to

> occur

> > in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next


> > There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

> > informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri

> sharma

> > wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> > > Regards,

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >



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Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " <a_krishen



Shri Vinay Jha ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

I have just gone through your article on the " wetpaints " where you have

said, " At present, Ayan & #257;msha's value at 22:38':44.5'' gives correct

results on all fronts of Vedic Astrology (for end of 2008 AD). "

Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to how

it was 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that

date i.e. whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of

modern astronomy to find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta

longitudes just as Lahiri ayanamsha is subtracted to find Lahiri

longitudes or do we have to add it the Surya Sidhanta longitudes to find

the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming that the SS longitudes are so

called nirayana?

2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is it

to be added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is

to be calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta

given these three shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they

do not serve any purpose at all?

3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

vis-a-vis the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya

Sidhanta calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

eclipses, rising and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset

etc.etc., do we have to go on chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam

gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta ayanamsha have any relevance to those

" drik calculations " ?

4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the

one that is available in the market or is it a different one?

5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we have

to go by conjecture work?

6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to the

present Surya Sidhanta or not?

7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to whom

was it revealed and when?

8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

according to you and why?

9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

Sidhanta correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really

start in 3102 BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an

indirect manner.

10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

Panchasidhantika Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not

tally AT ALL with either the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or

any other Ayanamsha longitudes, nor do they tally with the so called

sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy. What type of longitudes, as

such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and how have they been worked out?

11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at

all tally with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes

nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern


SIDHANTA LONGITUDES neither at the start of kali Era nor at any other

perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even Bhaskara-II of around

twelfth century had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta calcuations?

12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati! No

sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

sayana---nor do they tally with one another for any era, except for the

start of the so called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the

Surya Sidhanta of Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta

tally completely! The longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not

tally if we take the audayika system of Aryabhata---that had been

prevailing in India for a considerable period! In other words, even

Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta longitudes, either to start

with or later since he shifted from " ardharatrika " to " audayika " . Why?

13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta

should we believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as

per modern astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the

Surya Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same?

E.g. " Bhanor makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu

tahtaiva syat shanmasah dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of

the sun into Makara Rashi, the six months of Uttarayana start and with

the ingress of the sun into Karkata Rashi, the six months of

Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya Sidhanta calculations, this is an

impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar Sankranti does not at all

coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the Surya Sidhanta

karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months of

Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk

of a Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal

months, giving an impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day

of the year " and so on. Its calculations, however, yield some

surprising results, which are correct neither for a Tropical year nor

for a sidereal year! They are just a sort of imaginary year---and

imaginary calculations---which is scientifically most inaccurate! Why


You will appreciate that unless we have clear answers to all the above

questions, we will be groping in darkness about the type of so called

zodiac etc. in the Surya Sidhanta and also as to how far it is relevant

to what practice!

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul




Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@ wrote:


> Shri Kaul Ji,


> Please stop propagating false ideas borrowed from mlechchhas. You have

> read my article about precession in Surya Siddhanta which Bhaskar-ii

> used used, yet you harp on your false ideas. If you really know

> Sanskrit, why you do not try to read the original shlokas of Siddhanta

> Shiromani which give the formula for computing precession (50.9 " per

> year), citing some lost version of Surya Siddhanta ( " anupalabdha "

> according to Vaasanaa-bhaashya of BHaaskar-ii).) ?


> Similarly, you fail to understand that physical characteristics of

> seasons are revealed according to Saayana timings, but their causative

> parameters are determined by nirayana transit kundalis. For instance,

> nirayana Mesha Samkraanti gives us the mundane horoscope which


> climatic variations. Hence, forcibly taking all references to

> samkraantis and seasons as being saayana is foolish. Samkraantis are

> generally nirayana unless stated otherwise, and seasons are saayana.


> these nirayana Samkraantis determine the seasons. This is not only


> tradition, but empiriucally it has been found to be correct as well.

> Unfortunately, you are immune to practical testing of Suryasiddhanta.

> Rejecting a thing without testing is your perticular style of

> " scientific method " .


> Maya was not a mlechchha. You are distoring the meaning of the term

> " mlechchha " . All asuras are not mlechchhas. Some asuras like Maya

> reformed themselves by means of tapasyaa. You should do the same


> touching Suryasiddhanta. those who hate mathematics should keep away

> from such texts.


> I am repeating my question : if you explain the Suryasiddhantic


> of mandaphala according to which earliest extant Suryasiddhantic

> (Makaranda) tables were prepared, I will become your disciple. Do not

> use the wrong formula of Burgess, which does not tally with Makaranda

> Tables which were Suryasiddhantic ( " Shri Suryasiddhanta matena... " ).


> -VJ

> =============== ====

> Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " <a_krishen@>

> wrote:

> >

> > HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri A. Sharmaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > <I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>

> >

> > The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which you

> had

> > not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar ankranteh

> > shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

> > dakshinayanam " .

> >

> > A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress of

> the

> > sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months of

> > Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the


> of

> > the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

> > dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .

> >

> > Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and that is


> > synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period of

> six

> > months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn in

> > Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of the

> > year knwn as Winter Solstice!

> >

> > Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that


> a

> > synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six


> > of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns south---and


> > is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice!


> > such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications in


> > first place since a student of primary school level geography knows

> that

> > Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the

> shortest

> > day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer Solstice


> > the lognest day of year!

> >

> > <Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>

> >

> > I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " ! It

> > appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras! " Bhanor

> > makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and " dwirashinatha "

> is

> > the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and

" tadantareshu "

> is

> > eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so that

> > there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Surya

> > Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .

> >

> > For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

> > Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the


> > tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his

> commentary,

> > " Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam bhavati.

> > tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato Makar

> > snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti.

> Dwayor

> > dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah.

> mina

> > meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta shekhare

> > llikhitam

> >

> > mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah

> >

> > greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito atra

> > shashthah " .

> >

> > I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not understand

> > anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

> > translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

> > translation is:

> >

> > " With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months of

> > Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra etc.

> > ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and kumbha

> are

> > the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of


> > ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

> > sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one


> > like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and hemantah " .

> >

> > It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the

> sidhantas,

> > including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the so

> > called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana rashis/months

> can

> > be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor Ramana,

> least

> > of of all Muladhara etc.

> >

> > Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had been

> > included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata are

> > different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to

> emphasize

> > that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of nothing


> so

> > called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!

> >

> > Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a month,


> > Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of the

> last

> > satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of so

> > called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga, the

> last

> > one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

> > SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana

> started

> > simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya yuga,

> then

> > dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that is

> > really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga


> > and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga also

> haved

> > already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of

> Uttarayana

> > as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the yugas


> > it is not just for a couple of thousand years!

> >

> > The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely no


> > about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a


> > later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!

> >

> > We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes to

> > " Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah


> > uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah

> dakshinayanam "

> >

> > They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the bed


> > arrows to shed off his mortal coil!

> >

> > It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see the

> > writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of affairs


> > Hindu dharma these days!

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Bhattacharjyaji,

> > >

> > > Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.

> > >

> > > While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the


> > group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight

> > answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added


> > >

> > > This incident has raised doubts in my mind.

> > >

> > > ASharma.

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> > <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > Dear friends,

> > > The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse

> > mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse

> given

> > by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded


> > answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit that

> he

> > made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest or

> > longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

> > Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues to

> occur

> > in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next


> > There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

> > informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri

> sharma

> > wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> > > Regards,

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >



--- End forwarded message ---

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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:




Shri Hari Malla ji,


Jai Shri Ram!


< My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from makar sankranti

does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly seasonal. It is

nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also another uttaryan

which is 'lunar' uttarayan.>


As usual, you advance by " fifteen degrees " like your ayanamsha and then

again " retreat by fifteen degrees " again like your ayanamsha!


Why do you forget that Makar Sankranti is a Sanskrit equivalent of Greek

Capricorn astrological sign, reproduced as-it-is by Maya the mlechha in

his Surya Sidhanta? Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation, it

has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice just in

early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other

astrological rashis! It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called

sayana rashis----- that have been reflected in the Puranas!


Why don't you go through BVB6.doc? Why are you trying to thrust down

the throat of Hindu community a calendar that is neither sidhantic, nor

Pauranic, least of all Vedic? Why do you go on repeating " lunar

Uttarayna " and " lunar dakshinayana " . We know by now that you have a

mission to proapage a particular calendear, but for God's sake, donot

try to justify it on the basis of dharma shastras!


We are already having hundreds of ayanamshas like Lahiri, Revati,

Chitra, Ramana and so on. Pl. do not make the confusion worst confouded

by adding yet another ayanamsha, which does not have, I repeat, does not

have any astronomical or scientific or Vedic or scriptural sanction.


Pl. stop such a misleading campaign, as it is going to do more harm to

the already derailed Vedic calendar system.


Jai Shri Ram.


A K Kaul




HinduCalendar , " hari " harimalla@ wrote:


> Dear shri kaulji and Sharmaji,

> namaskar! We, shri Kaulji and I am agreed that uttaryan means the

shortest day. My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from makar

sankranti does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly

seasonal. It is nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also

another uttaryan which is 'lunar' uttarayan.The actual uttaryan or the

shortest day is the 'tropical' uttarayan. Unless we understand these

three types of uttarayan, we will not be able to solve the vedic

calendar reform.

> Since all these types of uttarayans all mean more or less the shortest

day they must be coordinated. This is my interpretation referring to

Vedanga jyotish which says, 'when the sun and the moon are in dhanistha

nakshaytra, then the five year yuga, month of maagha, tapa sukla pakshya

and uttarayan start together.'

> Regards,

> Hari Malla


> HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri A. Sharmaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > <I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>

> >

> > The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which you


> > not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar ankranteh

> > shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

> > dakshinayanam " .

> >

> > A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress of


> > sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months of

> > Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the ingress


> > the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

> > dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .

> >

> > Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and that is


> > synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period of


> > months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn in

> > Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of the

> > year knwn as Winter Solstice!

> >

> > Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that is a

> > synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six


> > of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns south---and


> > is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice!


> > such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications in


> > first place since a student of primary school level geography knows


> > Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the


> > day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer Solstice


> > the lognest day of year!

> >

> > <Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>

> >

> > I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " ! It

> > appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras! " Bhanor

> > makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and " dwirashinatha "


> > the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and " tadantareshu "


> > eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so that

> > there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the Surya

> > Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .

> >

> > For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

> > Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the


> > tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his


> > " Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam bhavati.

> > tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato Makar

> > snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti.


> > dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah.


> > meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta shekhare

> > llikhitam

> >

> > mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah

> >

> > greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito atra

> > shashthah " .

> >

> > I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not understand

> > anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

> > translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

> > translation is:

> >

> > " With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months of

> > Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra etc.

> > ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and kumbha


> > the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of


> > ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

> > sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one


> > like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and hemantah " .

> >

> > It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the


> > including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the so

> > called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana rashis/months


> > be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor Ramana,


> > of of all Muladhara etc.

> >

> > Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had been

> > included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata are

> > different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to


> > that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of nothing

but so

> > called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!

> >

> > Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a month,


> > Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of the


> > satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of so

> > called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga, the


> > one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

> > SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana


> > simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya yuga,


> > dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that is

> > really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga


> > and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga also


> > already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of


> > as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the yugas


> > it is not just for a couple of thousand years!

> >

> > The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely no


> > about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a


> > later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!

> >

> > We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes to

> > " Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah


> > uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah

dakshinayanam "

> >

> > They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the bed


> > arrows to shed off his mortal coil!

> >

> > It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see the

> > writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of affairs


> > Hindu dharma these days!

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Bhattacharjyaji,

> > >

> > > Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.

> > >

> > > While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the


> > group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight

> > answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added


> > >

> > > This incident has raised doubts in my mind.

> > >

> > > ASharma.

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> > <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > Dear friends,

> > > The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit verse

> > mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit verse


> > by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had evaded


> > answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit that


> > made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest or

> > longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

> > Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues to


> > in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next


> > There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

> > informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure Shri


> > wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> > > Regards,

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.

> > >

> >



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Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " <a_krishen





Shri Vinay Jha ji,


Jai Shri Ram!


<Mr AKK posted a wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed out

his errors, giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread (in

Jan 2009, in AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is

noticeable by

his language, even if he should hide his name.>


I d from AIA much before January 2009! Would you, therefore,

pl. give the mesaage number and date of AIA in which I had posted wrong

computation of ayanamsha!


I do not know if some one is impersonatimng me! Kindly do point out

those messages also that have been posted in my name in Janyary 2009, so

that I could see as to what is happening! Is that " namesake AKK " still

a member of AIA?


I had asked some questions regarding the Surya Sidhanta in message No.

196. I am repeating those questions and would request you to please

answer them one on one so that the other members also get a clear

picture as to how you have derived an Ayanamsha of 22:38:44 for the end

of 2008, and whether it is plus or minus etc. etc. etc.


If possible, you can re-post a copy of your message in AIA in this

forum, which is owned by you.


Jai Shri Ram.


A K Kaul






Excerpts from #196 of Oct 25, 09 in Vedic Astrologyforum


Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to how

it was

22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date


whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

astronomy to

find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri


is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the


Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming

that the

SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is it

to be

added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given

these three

shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

purpose at


3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy


the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

eclipses, rising

and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have

to go on

chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta


have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the one


is available in the market or is it a different one?

5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we have

to go by

conjecture work?

6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to the


Surya Sidhanta or not?

7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to whom

was it

revealed and when?

8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

according to

you and why?

9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya


correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start in


BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect


10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the


Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL with


the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha


nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern


What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and

how have

they been worked out?

11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at

all tally

with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do

they tally

with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN




of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta


12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati! No

sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or


do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of the


called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally completely!


longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the


system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a


period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya


longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

" ardharatrika "

to " audayika " . Why?

13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta

should we

believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per modern

astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the


Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

" Bhanor

makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat


dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

Rashi, the

six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into


Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya Sidhanta

calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar


does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the


Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months of

Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk of


Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months,

giving an

impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and so


Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are


neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a

sort of

imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically


inaccurate! Why



Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@



> @carriere.francois :


> That message was for AKK and not for all members. Mr AKK posted a

> wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed out his errors,

> giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread (in Jan 2009,


> AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is noticeable by

> his language, even if he should hide his name. I have many evidences


> his insincerity and incompetence. Hence, I regard him as an undesrving

> person who should not get DIVINE knowledge.


> As for the technique, there is nothing secret about it and I have

> already published all major formulae and methods on internet as well


> in book and almanacs. I have no wish to waste my time over AKK. AKK is

> also not interested in any serious dialogue with me. He pastes his

> discussions with others, all non-members here, in this forum. He


> and maligns me at other platforms too, eg scribd.com where I published

> my article on ayanamsha. Had he tried to discuss his reservations


> attacking and abusing me falsely, I would have answered otherwise. I


> even thinking of taking legal action on him for propagating false


> without being able to substantiate them. He does not know that freedom

> of expression does not include defamation and abusing. I twice invited

> him to conferences, although no astrologer will approve of my

> invitation. But he rejected the invitation with abuse : he said

> astrologers are incapable of discussing things crucial to astrology. I

> challenged him to solve the traditional equation of mandaphala


> of centre) according to earliest extant traditional method (Makaranda

> method which is Suryasiddhantic) : if he solves this equation I will

> become his disciple. Instead of answering or accepting his


> he is taking recourse to guerilla warfare which is not expected from a

> supposwed intellectual. Traditional Indian method of solving

> intellectual differences is shaastraartha (literally = meaning or


> of canons), held in assembly of scholars. but says astrologers are not

> scholars. why opponents of astrology should be regarded as experts of

> astrology, esp if they cannot explain astrological equations of true

> planets ?? Ancient texts make it clear that planets of astrology are

> incarnations of God in the form of various deities, and therefore

> astrology should be based on astrological treatiswes and not on texts


> physical astrronomy. This statement may sound anachronistic to those


> believe in evolutism to the extent of taking everything ancient as

> absurd and unscientific. But if I insist that astrology should be


> astrologically and not otherwise, what is unscientific in this


> ? Why a thing should be rejected without testing ? Predicting stock

> prices or rainfall is one of the most difficult things, and I have

> succeeded in doing such jobs through traditional methods : you may


> at :






> epted_by_CAOS%2C_IISc


> http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Credentials


> http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Vinay_Jha


> Persons like AKK have not produced anything genuine in any field of

> knowledge, and merely rejoice in abusing others. They know traditional

> vedic astrologers are absent in internet fora, and only modernized

> astrologers can be found in these fora who are not interested in even

> testing Suryasiddhanta & c.


> I know the reason WHY they reject Suryasiddhanta without testing.

> But I also know prejudice cannot be cured by others, one should try to

> cure one's own prejudice.


> I have no prejudice for or against ancient texts : I was an atheist

> during my student years and an opponent of astrology, till my late


> taught me the correct method and also showed me proofs of existence of

> God and soul.


> AKK should be banned from all astrological fora, because he does not

> want to discuss astrology, he merely abuses it. The criterion of test


> validity of astrology is not this or that formula, but capability of

> astrology to explain ups and downs in stock indices or rainfall, etc,

> which all other branches of knowledge have failed to explain

> satisfactorily. I can explain this with proofs, which AKK & c do not


> to discuss. He is blind to Bhaskar's formula about precession even


> explaining it, and keeps on harping about 'idiocy' of Bhaskar and

> others.


> -VJ

> ==================== ==

> Vedic AstrologyForum , " carriere.francois "

> yl.car.fr@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr Jhaa,

> >

> > Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@


> > > I do not want to discuss those things on internet which

> Suryasiddhanta itself forbids to teach to undeserving students. Those

> who are not deserving and are not students should not be given

> Suryasiddhanta and similar things.

> >

> > I am rather saddened to read this from you. From one hand, I


> you were interested in providing astrologers a software which was


> calculations accordingly to this venerated Treatise and I am waiting


> the next version you may work on (given the stated problems about DLL

> files).

> >

> > Since it is knowned that Mr Kaul is here only to " degrade " (I am not

> it is the good word) astrologers, I wonder why we still give him any

> " attention " ?

> >

> > Should not we put our attention on jyotish and its " mechanics " as

> revealed in the Traditional Treatises? And if Jyotish rely on

> traditional way of computing an astrological chart, should not we put

> our efforts in stating this truth, so that every astrologer would be

> efficient?

> >

> > --

> > With my best regards,

> > François

> >



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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:



Shri Hari Malla ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

<how did you ever conclude that 'makar sankranti is the start of

uttaryan' means A sayan expression>

By studying the Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana. Shiva P:urana, Linga Purana,

Vishnudharmotara Purana etc. etc. besides the Surya Sidhanta etc.

sidhantas. Obvioiusly, you have not gone through BVB6.doc ---or is it

that you are keeping your ears deliberately closed to the admonishments

of scriptures?


<when you have been celebrating all the makar sankrantis in your

lifetime as nirayan>

I believed Vijayeshwar Jantri of J & K blindly, since that was the only

jantri/panchanga in Kashmir then and it had been going on for a couple

of centuries! It was based on Grahalaghava, as that was the easiest

work from which to prepare jantris/panchangas!


It " advised " me my " rashiphal " and " amdani aur kharch ka naksha " etc.

ec. apart from of course Tekini-milnavuni i.e. horoscopoe matching and

what not! It even contains " navagraha patha " for sade-sati etc. etc.

But as the saying goes, " subah ka bhoola agar sham ko ghar vapas aa jaye

to usko bhoola mat samajhna " --- which would mean something like,

" Bettern late than never " .



No! Absolutely not! But you are certainly wrong if you want me to

continue to follow a system of celebrating festivals which is neither

Vedic nor Pauranic nor sidhantic AND ABOVE ALL NOT EVEN AS PER PRIMARY


Others may have some axe to grind to continue celebrating festivals on

wrong days, but as far as I am concerned, I want that the only axe that

any Hindu has to grind must be to celebrate festivals on correct days,

for which purpose they will have to eliminate the use of Mesh, Vrisha

etc. rashis completely from their vocabulary!

I am sure you will not switch over to the correct system in spite of

your having realized that you are following a worng system! You will

continue to follow the same---although in a different garb of fiteen

degrees plus and fifteen degrees minus--- and advise others also to

continue to do so! And you know as well as I know as to why you will

continue your efforts in that )mis-)direction.

Jai Shri Ram

A K Kaul


HinduCalendar , " hari " harimalla@ wrote:


> Dear shri Kaulji,

> how did you ever conclude that 'makar sankranti is the start of

uttaryan' means A sayan expression, when you have been celebrating all

the makar sankrantis in your lifetime as nirayan? AM I WRONG IN SAYING





> HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Hari Malla ji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > < My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from makar


> > does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly seasonal. It


> > nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also another


> > which is 'lunar' uttarayan.>

> >

> > As usual, you advance by " fifteen degrees " like your ayanamsha and


> > again " retreat by fifteen degrees " again like your ayanamsha!

> >

> > Why do you forget that Makar Sankranti is a Sanskrit equivalent of


> > Capricorn astrological sign, reproduced as-it-is by Maya the mlechha


> > his Surya Sidhanta? Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation,


> > has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice just


> > early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other

> > astrological rashis! It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called

> > sayana rashis----- that have been reflected in the Puranas!

> >

> > Why don't you go through BVB6.doc? Why are you trying to thrust


> > the throat of Hindu community a calendar that is neither sidhantic,


> > Pauranic, least of all Vedic? Why do you go on repeating " lunar

> > Uttarayna " and " lunar dakshinayana " . We know by now that you have a

> > mission to proapage a particular calendear, but for God's sake,


> > try to justify it on the basis of dharma shastras!

> >

> > We are already having hundreds of ayanamshas like Lahiri, Revati,

> > Chitra, Ramana and so on. Pl. do not make the confusion worst


> > by adding yet another ayanamsha, which does not have, I repeat, does


> > have any astronomical or scientific or Vedic or scriptural sanction.

> >

> > Pl. stop such a misleading campaign, as it is going to do more harm


> > the already derailed Vedic calendar system.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram.

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear shri kaulji and Sharmaji,

> > > namaskar! We, shri Kaulji and I am agreed that uttaryan means the

> > shortest day. My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from


> > sankranti does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly

> > seasonal. It is nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also

> > another uttaryan which is 'lunar' uttarayan.The actual uttaryan or


> > shortest day is the 'tropical' uttarayan. Unless we understand these

> > three types of uttarayan, we will not be able to solve the vedic

> > calendar reform.

> > > Since all these types of uttarayans all mean more or less the


> > day they must be coordinated. This is my interpretation referring to

> > Vedanga jyotish which says, 'when the sun and the moon are in


> > nakshaytra, then the five year yuga, month of maagha, tapa sukla


> > and uttarayan start together.'

> > > Regards,

> > > Hari Malla

> > >

> > > HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Shri A. Sharmaji,

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > > >

> > > > <I am baffled as to why he did not provide a straight answer>

> > > >

> > > > The straight answer was actually in the main shloka itself which


> > had

> > > > not been able to understand! The shloka is, " bhanor makar


> > > > shanmasah utttarayanam, karkyadestu-tathaiva syat shanmasa

> > > > dakshinayanam " .

> > > >

> > > > A running translaton, without any fanfare, is, " with the ingress


> > the

> > > > sun into Makar rashih (bhanor makar sankranteh) the six months


> > > > Uttarayana start (shanmasah uttarayana). Similarly, with the


> > of

> > > > the sun into karkata (karkyadestu-tathaiv syat) six months of

> > > > dakshinayana start (shanmasah dakshinayanam) " .

> > > >

> > > > Obviously, Uttarayana means the shortest day of the year and

that is

> > a

> > > > synonym of Makara sankrantih! Uttarayana also means the period


> > six

> > > > months when the sun is in Uttara i.e. the sun starts its sojourn


> > > > Northern direction---and that is always from the shortest day of


> > > > year knwn as Winter Solstice!

> > > >

> > > > Simiarly, Dakshinayana is the longest day of the year and that

is a

> > > > synonym of Karkata snakrantih. Dakshinayana also means the six

> > months

> > > > of the sun's sojourn right from the day when it turns


> > that

> > > > is always on the longest day of the year known as Summer


> > As

> > > > such, there was no need for your asking for any clarifications


> > the

> > > > first place since a student of primary school level geography


> > that

> > > > Uttarayana, the Sanskrti equivalent of Winter Solstice, is the

> > shortest

> > > > day of the year and Dakshinayana, an equivalent of Summer


> > is

> > > > the lognest day of year!

> > > >

> > > > <Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added extras.>

> > > >

> > > > I am not at all baffled at your being baffled by the " extras " !


> > > > appeas you have not even observed the " squence " of extras!

" Bhanor

> > > > makar sankranteh " is ninth shloka in Manadhyaya, and

" dwirashinatha "

> > is

> > > > the tenth, whereas Bhachakranabham is the seventh and

" tadantareshu "

> > is

> > > > eighth. Thus the extras are " with reference to the context " so


> > > > there is absolutey no doubt in anybody's mind as to what the


> > > > Sidhanta-kara had meant, while saying " bhanor makar sankranteh " .

> > > >

> > > > For your information, Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi, in his sudhavarshini

> > > > Sanskrit commentary on the Surya Sidhanta also has clubbed the

> > ninth,

> > > > tenth and eleventh shloka together! And the folowing is his

> > commentary,

> > > > " Suryasya Makar Sankranteh sakashat shanmasa uttarayanam


> > > > tathaiva karki sankranteh shanmasah dakshinayanam syat. Tato


> > > > snakranterapi dwirashinatha shishiradayo ritavaschhai bhavanti.

> > Dwayor

> > > > dwayo rashyorekakaik ritunathah syat. makar-kumbhayoh shishirah.

> > mina

> > > > meshayor vasant ityadayah. tatha shreepatina chai sidhanta


> > > > llikhitam

> > > >

> > > > mrigadirashi dvaya bhogat shadartavah syuh shishiro vasantah

> > > >

> > > > greeshmascha varshascha sharachha tadvad-demanta nama kathito


> > > > shashthah " .

> > > >

> > > > I know that 99.99 per cent of " Vedic astrologers " do not


> > > > anything in Sanskrit except " phalita jyotisha " , as such, I am

> > > > translating the above commentary as a further " extra " . And the

> > > > translation is:

> > > >

> > > > " With the ingress of the sun into Maraka rashi, the six months


> > > > Uttarayana start. Witht he start of Makar Sankrantih, shishra


> > > > ritus, each ritu comprising two motnhs also start. Makara and


> > are

> > > > the months of shishira ritu; mina and mesha are the months of

> > vasanta

> > > > ritu and so on. The same thing has been said by shripati in this

> > > > sidhantashekhara, 'makara etc. two rashis make consecutively one

> > ritu

> > > > like shishira, vasantah, greeshmah, varsha, sharat and

hemantah " .

> > > >

> > > > It should have been thus clear even to a layman that all the

> > sidhantas,

> > > > including the surya sidhanta and sidhanta shekhara, talk of the


> > > > called sayana motnhsrashis, since only and only sayana


> > can

> > > > be aligned to seasons and neither the so called Lahiri nor


> > least

> > > > of of all Muladhara etc.

> > > >

> > > > Regarding further " Extras " , Shlokas from pancdhasidhantika had


> > > > included since the mean elements of the current Surya Sidhanata


> > > > different from the one in the panchasidhantika, and it was to

> > emphasize

> > > > that the original surya sidhanta also had been talking of


> > but so

> > > > called sayana makar, kumbha etc. rashis!

> > > >

> > > > Regarding the Uttarayana being in a particular rashi for a


> > the

> > > > Surya sidhanta is supposed to have been revealed at the end of


> > last

> > > > satya-yuga, and the mean elements given in are for the start of


> > > > called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, dwapara-yuga and then Kali yuga,


> > last

> > > > one being for February 17/18, 3012 BCE. That means as per the

> > > > SuryaSidhanta, Makar Sankranti and the six months of Uttarayana

> > started

> > > > simultaneously at the start of the last Satya yuga then Treya


> > then

> > > > dwapara and and also the start of the prsent kali Era! And that


> > > > really hundreds of thousandas of years back that the satya yuga

> > ended

> > > > and as per the same sidhanta, five thousand years of Kaliyuga


> > haved

> > > > already been over. As such, Makar Sankranti is a synonym of

> > Uttarayana

> > > > as per the Surya Sidhanta throughout the duration of all the


> > and

> > > > it is not just for a couple of thousand years!

> > > >

> > > > The fact of the mater s that the Surya Sidhanta had absolutely


> > idea

> > > > about any precession, much less the so called ayanamsha! It is a

> > much

> > > > later creation---post Munjala of tenth century AD!

> > > >

> > > > We keep on advising everbody to read the Gita, but when it comes


> > > > " Vedic astrologers " , they forget " agnir jyotir ahah shuklah

> > shanmasah

> > > > uttarayana....... dhoomo ratris tatha krishnah shanmasah

> > dakshinayanam "

> > > >

> > > > They also forget that Bhishma was waiting for Uttarayana on the


> > of

> > > > arrows to shed off his mortal coil!

> > > >

> > > > It is, as such, only " Vedic astrolgoers " who do not want to see


> > > > writing on the wall! And that is the most tragic state of


> > for

> > > > Hindu dharma these days!

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > HinduCalendar , A Sharma <asharmanz@>


> > > > >

> > > > > Bhattacharjyaji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Indeed. I was seeking a straight answer.

> > > > >

> > > > > While I commend AKKji for submitting your reply to the

> > HinduCalendar

> > > > group, however, I am baffled as to why he did not provide a


> > > > answer. Furthermore, I am even more baffled as to why he added

> > extras.

> > > > >

> > > > > This incident has raised doubts in my mind.

> > > > >

> > > > > ASharma.

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Fri, 10/23/09, Krishen jyotirved@ wrote:

> > > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> > > > <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > > Dear friends,

> > > > > The question asked by Shri A. Sharma was " Does the Sanskrit


> > > > mention " shortest " and " longest " day in this above Sanskrit


> > given

> > > > by AKKji? " . The answer is clear " No " . As usualShri AKK had


> > the

> > > > answer, rather he does not have the moral courage to admit


> > he

> > > > made a false statement. The verse does not mention the shortest


> > > > longest day at all. It says Bhanu (The Sun) in Makara during the

> > > > Uttarayana and any Jyotishi knows that the Uttarayana continues


> > occur

> > > > in a rashi for about 22 centuries before it shifts to the next

> > rashi.

> > > > There is not need of burdening Shri Sharma with unsoloicited

> > > > informations, which have no bearing on the answer. I am sure


> > sharma

> > > > wanted a " to-the-point " reply.

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



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Kaul Ji,


You said you have read articles on my jyotirvidya website. Then, why you

feign to be ignorant of my article about traditional method of

computation of ayanamsha posted there months ago ??


As for your other questions, I have already repeated many times that you

must show how you compute true planets according to Suryasiddhantic

method as given in earliest extant Suryasiddhantic tables (Makaranda).

You have abused Suryasiddhanta hundreds of times, and therefore you do

not deserve anything from me. Abusing a text without trying to

understand it is not a sign of scholarship. We are all human beings and

may err, but what you are doing is not error but sin : you deride a text

which you do not understand. Give me mandaphala equation used by

Makaranda Tables, which were constructed according to Suryasiddhanta. I

reject the wrong interpretation of Burgess because it is nonsensical as

well as different from Makaranda Tables. Burgess was like you : he said

he could not understand the rationale behind the sequence of four

samakaaras for getting true planets, yet he derided the " Hindu " mind

time and again.



===================== ===

, " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:



> Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " a_krishen@

> wrote:




> Shri Vinay Jha ji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> <Mr AKK posted a wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed


> his errors, giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread (in

> Jan 2009, in AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is

> noticeable by

> his language, even if he should hide his name.>


> I d from AIA much before January 2009! Would you,


> pl. give the mesaage number and date of AIA in which I had posted


> computation of ayanamsha!


> I do not know if some one is impersonatimng me! Kindly do point out

> those messages also that have been posted in my name in Janyary 2009,


> that I could see as to what is happening! Is that " namesake AKK "


> a member of AIA?


> I had asked some questions regarding the Surya Sidhanta in message No.

> 196. I am repeating those questions and would request you to please

> answer them one on one so that the other members also get a clear

> picture as to how you have derived an Ayanamsha of 22:38:44 for the


> of 2008, and whether it is plus or minus etc. etc. etc.


> If possible, you can re-post a copy of your message in AIA in this

> forum, which is owned by you.


> Jai Shri Ram.


> A K Kaul





> \

> ===========


> Excerpts from #196 of Oct 25, 09 in Vedic Astrologyforum


> Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to


> it was

> 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date

> i.e.

> whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

> astronomy to

> find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri

> ayanamsha

> is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the

> Surya

> Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming

> that the

> SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is


> to be

> added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

> calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given

> these three

> shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

> purpose at

> all?

> 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

> vis-a-vis

> the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

> calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

> eclipses, rising

> and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have

> to go on

> chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta

> ayanamsha

> have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the


> that

> is available in the market or is it a different one?

> 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we


> to go by

> conjecture work?

> 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to


> present

> Surya Sidhanta or not?

> 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to


> was it

> revealed and when?

> 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

> according to

> you and why?

> 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

> Sidhanta

> correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start


> 3102

> BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect

> manner.

> 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> Panchasidhantika

> Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL


> either

> the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> longitudes,

> nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern

> astronomy.

> What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and

> how have

> they been worked out?

> 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

> longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at

> all tally

> with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do

> they tally

> with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN




> start

> of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

> Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya


> calcuations?

> 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati!


> sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

> sayana---nor

> do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of


> so

> called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

> Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally


> The

> longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the

> audayika

> system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a

> considerable

> period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya

> Sidhanta

> longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> " ardharatrika "

> to " audayika " . Why?

> 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta

> should we

> believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per


> astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the

> Surya

> Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

> " Bhanor

> makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat

> shanmasah

> dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

> Rashi, the

> six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into

> Karkata

> Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya


> calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar

> Sankranti

> does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the

> Surya

> Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months


> Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk


> a

> Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months,

> giving an

> impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and


> on.

> Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are

> correct

> neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a

> sort of

> imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically

> most

> inaccurate! Why



> Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@

> wrote:

> >

> > @carriere.francois :

> >

> > That message was for AKK and not for all members. Mr AKK posted a

> > wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed out his errors,

> > giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread (in Jan 2009,

> in

> > AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is noticeable by

> > his language, even if he should hide his name. I have many evidences

> of

> > his insincerity and incompetence. Hence, I regard him as an


> > person who should not get DIVINE knowledge.

> >

> > As for the technique, there is nothing secret about it and I have

> > already published all major formulae and methods on internet as well

> as

> > in book and almanacs. I have no wish to waste my time over AKK. AKK


> > also not interested in any serious dialogue with me. He pastes his

> > discussions with others, all non-members here, in this forum. He

> abuses

> > and maligns me at other platforms too, eg scribd.com where I


> > my article on ayanamsha. Had he tried to discuss his reservations

> before

> > attacking and abusing me falsely, I would have answered otherwise. I

> am

> > even thinking of taking legal action on him for propagating false

> ideas

> > without being able to substantiate them. He does not know that


> > of expression does not include defamation and abusing. I twice


> > him to conferences, although no astrologer will approve of my

> > invitation. But he rejected the invitation with abuse : he said

> > astrologers are incapable of discussing things crucial to astrology.


> > challenged him to solve the traditional equation of mandaphala

> (equation

> > of centre) according to earliest extant traditional method


> > method which is Suryasiddhantic) : if he solves this equation I will

> > become his disciple. Instead of answering or accepting his

> limitations,

> > he is taking recourse to guerilla warfare which is not expected from


> > supposwed intellectual. Traditional Indian method of solving

> > intellectual differences is shaastraartha (literally = meaning or

> artha

> > of canons), held in assembly of scholars. but says astrologers are


> > scholars. why opponents of astrology should be regarded as experts


> > astrology, esp if they cannot explain astrological equations of true

> > planets ?? Ancient texts make it clear that planets of astrology are

> > incarnations of God in the form of various deities, and therefore

> > astrology should be based on astrological treatiswes and not on


> of

> > physical astrronomy. This statement may sound anachronistic to those

> who

> > believe in evolutism to the extent of taking everything ancient as

> > absurd and unscientific. But if I insist that astrology should be

> tested

> > astrologically and not otherwise, what is unscientific in this

> approach

> > ? Why a thing should be rejected without testing ? Predicting stock

> > prices or rainfall is one of the most difficult things, and I have

> > succeeded in doing such jobs through traditional methods : you may

> look

> > at :

> >

> >




> \

> \

> > epted_by_CAOS%2C_IISc

> >

> > http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Credentials

> >

> > http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Vinay_Jha

> >

> > Persons like AKK have not produced anything genuine in any field of

> > knowledge, and merely rejoice in abusing others. They know


> > vedic astrologers are absent in internet fora, and only modernized

> > astrologers can be found in these fora who are not interested in


> > testing Suryasiddhanta & c.

> >

> > I know the reason WHY they reject Suryasiddhanta without testing.

> > But I also know prejudice cannot be cured by others, one should try


> > cure one's own prejudice.

> >

> > I have no prejudice for or against ancient texts : I was an atheist

> > during my student years and an opponent of astrology, till my late

> Guru

> > taught me the correct method and also showed me proofs of existence


> > God and soul.

> >

> > AKK should be banned from all astrological fora, because he does not

> > want to discuss astrology, he merely abuses it. The criterion of


> of

> > validity of astrology is not this or that formula, but capability of

> > astrology to explain ups and downs in stock indices or rainfall,


> > which all other branches of knowledge have failed to explain

> > satisfactorily. I can explain this with proofs, which AKK & c do not

> want

> > to discuss. He is blind to Bhaskar's formula about precession even

> after

> > explaining it, and keeps on harping about 'idiocy' of Bhaskar and

> > others.

> >

> > -VJ

> > ==================== ==

> > Vedic AstrologyForum , " carriere.francois "

> > yl.car.fr@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mr Jhaa,

> > >

> > > Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@

> wrote:

> > > > I do not want to discuss those things on internet which

> > Suryasiddhanta itself forbids to teach to undeserving students.


> > who are not deserving and are not students should not be given

> > Suryasiddhanta and similar things.

> > >

> > > I am rather saddened to read this from you. From one hand, I

> believed

> > you were interested in providing astrologers a software which was

> making

> > calculations accordingly to this venerated Treatise and I am waiting

> for

> > the next version you may work on (given the stated problems about


> > files).

> > >

> > > Since it is knowned that Mr Kaul is here only to " degrade " (I am


> > it is the good word) astrologers, I wonder why we still give him any

> > " attention " ?

> > >

> > > Should not we put our attention on jyotish and its " mechanics " as

> > revealed in the Traditional Treatises? And if Jyotish rely on

> > traditional way of computing an astrological chart, should not we


> > our efforts in stating this truth, so that every astrologer would be

> > efficient?

> > >

> > > --

> > > With my best regards,

> > > François

> > >

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---


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Shri Hari

Malla ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

<Here your interpretation is correct that the rashis are stellar and thus

approximately tropical but exactly sidereal. Have I understood you correctly>

No! Absolutely not!

Rashis are imaginary divisions of an imaginary zodiac! They can, as such,

never be either sidereal or tropical!

Even the original Greek constellations Aries, Taurus etc. are " effect of

the eye-sight " i.e. they are also imaginary animal divisions and not the

real divisions of Rams and Bulls etc. Why don't you go through some good

books on astronomy?



<Here I do

not understand your contradictory statement, when you call them 'so called

sayan' when in the above you have called them nirayan or sidereal, Capricorn

being actually a 'constellation.' My question is how can a constellation be 'so

called sayan'?>

My dear Hari Malla ji, for God's sake, try to read a statement as a whole

instead of misinterpreting everything out of context! The Greek

constellations Aries, Taurus etc. themselves are imaginary divisions of unequal

size (animals) of an imaginary circle called zodiac! Those very imaginary

divisions of unequal size were lapped by Greco-Chaldean and later by Western

astrologers as equal divisions---still imaginary---of that very imaginary

zodiac! Those astrologers were under the impression that since

constellations contain stars and it is only stars that affect the humans, they

could not admit that the “ imaginary equal groups of animals” had

nothing to do with their namesake stars! They went on following that very

system of predictions----which was absolutely baseless and wrong in the first


Thus the Greco-Chaldean

astrology itself was niradhar---baseless--- even if it was so called sayana or





Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha followed that very Greek system of equal

" animal divisions " of the imaginary zodiac. It was a

sheer chance that the Vernal Equinox, also known as the First Point of Aries

(Mesharambha bindu), was in the Aries constellation division and was on the

verge of entering into Pisces division in around first century BCE/AD.

That is why the Surya Sidhanta has said, " Paushnantam to Bhaganam "

i.e. the " Zodiac starts from the end of Revati division " . It is

the end of Revati division because the VE had precessed in a retrograde motion

from Aries to Pisces, with which Maya clubbed Revati nakshatra also!

If you go

through the Surya Sidhanta yourself, you will find that there is absolutely no

reference to any so called nirayana rashis etc. since the Surya Sidhantakar had

absolutely no idea about precession!  It is actually talking of a tropical

year---a seasonal year---aligned to the seasons, because it has said clearly

that each season comprises two months, named Mina, Mesha and so on. 

We find a

replication/reproduction of the astronomical principles of the Surya Sidhanta

in all the later Sidhantas like Shishya-dhi-vridhi-da etc. that Makar Sankanti

is another name of Winter Solstice.  The same replication has been transposed exactly

as-it-is to  all the Puranas like The Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana

etc. etc. times without number that Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the

year and as such another name of Uttarayana; Karka Sankranti the longest day of

the year and thus Dakshinayana and so on.  Pl. , for God’s sake, go

through BVB6.doc where I have quoted all the shlokas from the Bhagavata, Vishnu

Purana etc. etc. in original together with their translations, and you will see

it for yourself that all those Puranas, including the Bhagavata, which some

people call as fifth Veda, also are talking of nothing but a so called Sayana Rashichakra!


for India, however, the calculations of the Surya Sidhanta are absolutely wrong! 

The duration of the SS year is neither tropical nor sidereal but more than even

a sidereal year by 8 palas i.e. 3.33 seconds.  Since the Surya Sidhanta is

supposed to be a revelation of Surya Bhagwan, it baffled everybody as to why

the calculations did not yield correct results vis-à-vis the statements like

“bhanor maker snakranteh shanmasa uttarayanam” i.e. the six months

of Uttarayana start with the ingress of the sun into Makara Rashi—the shortest

day of the year etc.”.

Attempts were

made to do “beeja corrections”----a sinister word with an obnoxious

meaning---in the Surya Sidhanta of Surya Bhagwan to some how or the other

circumnavigate around the same SS calculations! Thus we find Brahmasphuta

Sidhanta, Shishyadhivridhida etc. etc. sidhantas in the same vein.  Munjala was

the first Indian astronomer  to understand the tragic state of affairs that the

calculations of the SS were fundamentally wrong and he advised that the

longitudes of the planets as per the Surya Sidhanta must be corrected by an

amount of one arc-minute per year from Shaka 444 to make them tally with the

exact phenomena.  As per Alberuni’s India, we started celebrating

festivals on correct days in India after Munjala’s Laghumanasa, since

otherwise there was a difference of about one week between the dates of Makar

Sankranti and Uttarayana.  The Ayanamsha as per Munjala between Shaka 444 and Shaka

854, the gauge year of Munjala’s Laghumanasa, was 6° 50’ at the

rate of 1’ per year.  Thus after adding the ayanamsha of 6° 50’ to

the surya Sidhanta longitudes of the sun, the Surya Sidhanta Makar Sankranti

did actually coincide with Uttarayana i.e. Winter Solstice of Shaka 854 (932

AD).  Similarly, the Vernal Equinox did coincide with Mesha Sankranti with that

correction and so on.

Alberuni has

said in “Alberuni’s India” that Utpala of Kashmir had started

making correct pancanga from Munjala’s Laghumanasa.

We also learn

from pages 50 and 51 of Laghumanasa of INSA edition that right from 930 AD through

1042 (Bhojaraja, a Parmara king of Dhara in Malava country, to Tamma Yajva (AD

1613) son of Mallaya Yajva, in his Grahaganita-bhastkara, all the Indian

astronomers had used Munjala’s formula for finding the longitudes of

plants etc.  “Astronomer Achyuta of Kerala (died 1621), too has framed several

of the rules given in his Karanottama on the  model of those stated in the

Laghumanasa” page 50 of Laghumanasa (INSA-1990).

Thus whatever

the “Vedic astrologers” right from Kashmir to Kerala or even Kanya

Kumari may say today, whole of India was actually following a so called Sayana

system, after making corrections of Munjala’s Ayanamsha in the Surya

Sidhanta etc. sidhantas!

It is only in

around sixteenth/seventeenth century that tables got turned when the “great

comet” of “Indian astrology” viz. Ganesha Daivajnya was born

and he spawned the nastiest astronomical work known as Grahalaghava, that we

are reeling under the so called nirayana and sayana confusion!

Since that

Karna grantha was in accordance with the calculations of the Surya Sidhanta, we

forgot the admonishments of the Puranas like Bhagavata and Vishnu Purana etc.

etc. also that Makar Snakranti is another name of the shortest day of the year

and so on!



understanding is that the rashis as sayan was introduced by Gregory in the west

but in the east it continued to be nirayan or based on the constellation as it

was in the west, previously, in the sense of the constellation, until SB Dixit

wanted to copy pope Gregory in the east too and the G O India introduced the

sayan concept in India in 1957 as desired by SB Dixit.>

Again, you

are talking through your hat!  What has Pope Gregory to do with your Indian

calendar which should be based actually on the Vedanga Jyotisha, that talks of

Madhu, Madhava months and not of so called Sayana or nirayana Mesha etc.


You are

unnecessarily involving the name of S B. Dikshit for your own selfish ends!  It

appears you deliberately malign everybody just to prove your point!

For your kind

information, Lahiri Ayanamsha is nothing but a sort of Ayanamsha that had been

suggested by Dikshit!  It was Dikshit who had suggested that if because of the

attachment to Grahalaghava Sankrantis, a so called Sayana system is not

acceptable to the Hindu public, an imaginary Ayanamsha that is nearest to

Grahalaghava maybe used for some time.  And that was the point against Chitra

in 285 AD that was the nearest to Grahalaghava Ayanamsha in 1940s and that is

why Lahiri used it!

By claiming

that the GOI introduced sayana concept in 1957 as  desired by S. B. Dixit, you

are exhibiting your true colours, since if  the GOI had introduced a so called

sayana calendar in India, there would not have been any need for me to send

representations to the Hon’ble President of India, the Prime Minister of

India and to all the Jagadgurus and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans and so on that we

are following neither a Vedic nor a Pauranic nor sidhantic nor even the

geographic calendar these days but that of “almighty” Lahiri,

thanks to “Vedic astrologers” and “Vedic astrology”. 

You should have known it by now that if we had been following a so called

sayana rashichakra, we could have at least claimed that we are following at

least the rashichakra of the fifth Veda!

Now you want

us to follow a Hari Malla calendar  because our neighbouring country has

introduced it!  The Hari Mall calendar is actually  worse than even Lahiri’s

since you believe in “advancing fifteen degrees and then retreating

fifteen degrees”, whereas at least Lahiri ayanamsha is unidirectional!

< Please

correct me if I have misunderstood it anywhere. It is even possible that we

have different meanings to the same terminology. So as to avoid all such cases,

I am trying to start with each others understanding of even the meanings of

english words.Let us not try to charge each other with any bias or prejudice in

the first place. Also please do not bring the word 'ayanamsa,' just to show

your dislike for it. Let us avoid sentiments altogether, so that we do not stir

each others's like or dislike and miss the truth altogether>

I cannot help

it if you misunderstand statements which are so explicit and where nothing “parokshya”

is involved!  People usually complain that I over-explain everything whereas

you complain of not understanding those overstated statements either!

The word ayanamsha

is applicable to rashis and nothing but rashis, and as explained hundreds of

times, the real Vedic calendar does not need rashis at all but Madhu, Madhava

etc. months and the four cardinal points apart from nakshatras and seasons

etc.  So if you really want a Vedic calendar, you will have yourself to rise

above all this sectarian view of sayana versus nirayana and so on.

Regarding missing

the truth altogether, by now I am sure that almost all the Hindu community knows

that we are celebrating all our festivals on wrong days.  As such, they are

missing the truth for reasons not difficult to discern---thanks to “Vedic

astrologers” and their “Vedic astrology”!  And you want that

we should be out of the frying pan into fire by jumping out of “almighty”

Lahiri Ayanamsha and hugging “mightier than the mightiest” Hari

Malla Ayanamsha!

Sorry, I am

no party to your offer!

Jai Shri Ram.

A K Kaul





HinduCalendar ,

" hari " <harimalla



> Dear shri Kaulji,

> namaskar! When there is disagreement between two perosns, we ask some

third person to act as a referee or arbitrator.Let us for the time being ask

Shri Sharmaji, to be one. Is this acceptable to you? Then let both of us try to

satisfy him. Let him give his opinion.


> <Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation, it

> has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice just

in early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other astrological

rashis! >


> So much so good. Here your interpretation is correct that the rashis are

steller and thus approximately tropical but exactly sidereal. Have I understood

you correctly?


> < It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called sayana rashis----- that

have been reflected in the Puranas>


> Here I do not understand your contracdictory statement, when you call them

'so called sayan' when in the above you have called them nirayan or sidereal,

Capricorn being actually a 'constellation.'! My question is how can a

constellation be 'so called sayan'?

> My understanding is that the sayan concept was introduced only by

Gregory.Before that the nirayan concept of rashis was prevalent both in the

west and in the east. Thus after Gregory discovered that the difference of

seasonal value reached 10 days he corrected it at one go and thereafter

introduced the sayan concept into the rashis of the west, so that the previous

error between the dates and the season would not repeat again. This is my

undertanding.Am I right? please give your opinion.

> My understanding is that the rashis as sayan was introduced by Gregory in

the west but in the east it continued to be nirayan or based on the

constellation as it was in the west, previously, in the sense of the

constelaltion, until SB Dixit wanted to copy pope Gregory in the east too and

the G O India introduced the sayan concept in India in 1957 as desired by SB


> Please correct me if I have misunderstood it anywhere.It is even possible that

we have different meanings to the same terminology.So as to avoid all such

cases, i am trying to start with each others understanding of even the meanings

of english words.Let us not try to charge each other with any bias or prejudice

in the first place. Also plaese do not bring the word 'ayanamsa,' just to show

your dislike for it. Let us avoid sentiments altogether, so that we do not stir

each others's like or dislike and miss the truth altogether.

> thank you and

> Regards,

> Hari Malla



> HinduCalendar ,

" Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Hari Malla ji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > < My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from makar


> > does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly seasonal. It


> > nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also another uttaryan

> > which is 'lunar' uttarayan.>

> >

> > As usual, you advance by " fifteen degrees " like your

ayanamsha and then

> > again " retreat by fifteen degrees " again like your


> >

> > Why do you forget that Makar Sankranti is a Sanskrit equivalent of


> > Capricorn astrological sign, reproduced as-it-is by Maya the mlechha


> > his Surya Sidhanta? Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation,


> > has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice

just in

> > early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other

> > astrological rashis! It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called

> > sayana rashis----- that have been reflected in the Puranas!

> >

> > Why don't you go through BVB6.doc? Why are you trying to thrust down

> > the throat of Hindu community a calendar that is neither sidhantic,


> > Pauranic, least of all Vedic? Why do you go on repeating " lunar

> > Uttarayna " and " lunar dakshinayana " . We know by now

that you have a

> > mission to proapage a particular calendear, but for God's sake, donot

> > try to justify it on the basis of dharma shastras!

> >

> > We are already having hundreds of ayanamshas like Lahiri, Revati,

> > Chitra, Ramana and so on. Pl. do not make the confusion worst


> > by adding yet another ayanamsha, which does not have, I repeat, does


> > have any astronomical or scientific or Vedic or scriptural sanction.

> >

> > Pl. stop such a misleading campaign, as it is going to do more harm


> > the already derailed Vedic calendar system.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram.

> >

> > A K Kaul

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Shri vinay


Jai Shri Ram!


you are making additions to your own posts through your own rejoinders!

The post you have " replied " also is from you, addressed to me, but

you are replying it yourself!

The long and

short of your post as well as rejoinder is that, “Unless and untill you

qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic Jyotisha or

participating in any shaastraartha” which means that as on date anyone

who is not a “parangata” in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit

for learning, much less practicing “Vedic Jyotisha”, and “participating

in any shastrarta”

In other

words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have not studied and

qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling themselves “Vedic

jyotishis” even then, are making false claims! So your post is

aimed more at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a “Vedic

jyotishi” at all much less practicing it!

Anyway, instead

of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing your own trumpet, it

would have been much better if you had answered the fifteen points, one on

one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of everybody, since as per your

own claims, you are a " parangata " in sidhdanta jyotisha.

At least pl. do

explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of " 22:38':44. " % for

end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February 17/18, 3102 BCE, and with an

oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the " chakra " @ 54 " per

year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of 22:38:44 plus

or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya Sidhanta longitudes to

make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever or was it to be subtracted

from them and why? What is the relevance of ayanamsha in the Surya


How are we

supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and setting of planets etc. from

the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for " phalita jyotisha

graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets of modern


Though I was

not surprised at all at your “bravery” by deleting even “BVB6.doc”

from your forum, since that post actually caught you on the wrong foot because

we are really celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days, much

against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana, Vishnudharmotara

Purana and even the sidhantas like the Surya Sidhata etc., as they are all

talking of Makar Sankranti being the shortest day of the year and a

Karkata Sankranti the longest day of the year and so on! In other words,

they are all talking of a so called sayana Rashichakra instead of the so called

nirayana rashichakra, whether of Lahiri or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which

you want the world to believe is as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay

even the Vedas!

I am again

posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope that you will ponder on

the facts adumbrated therein.

I am also

repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do not answer them

even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita

2/35-36 for you, which are:

bhayad ranad

uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,

yeshm chai tvam

bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam


vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,


samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim

Being a scholar

extraordinary, I know you will be able to understand the meaning of these

shlokas from the Gita.

Jai Shri Ram

A K Kaul


Excerpts from #

196 in Vedic Astrologyforum

Would you

kindly throw some light on the following points:

1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to how it was

22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date i.e.

whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern astronomy to

find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri ayanamsha

is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the Surya

Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming that the

SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is it to be

added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given these three

shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

purpose at


3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy vis-a-vis

the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating eclipses,


and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have to go on

chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta


have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the one that

is available in the market or is it a different one?

5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we have to go


conjecture work?

6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to the present

Surya Sidhanta or not?

7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to whom was it

revealed and when?

8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

according to

you and why?

9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya Sidhanta

correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start in 3102

BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect manner.

10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the Panchasidhantika

Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL with either

the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha longitudes,

nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy.


What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and how have

they been worked out?

11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at all tally

with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do they tally

with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN IT ALL,


of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta


12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati! No

sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or


do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of the so

called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally completely! The

longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the audayika

system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a considerable

period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta

longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

" ardharatrika "

to " audayika " . Why?

13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta should we

believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per modern

astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the Surya

Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

" Bhanor

makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat shanmasah

dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara Rashi,


six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into Karkata

Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya Sidhanta

calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar Sankranti

does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the Surya

Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months of

Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk of a

Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months, giving an

impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and

so on.

Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are correct

neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a sort of

imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically most

inaccurate! Why

End excerpts.



--- In

, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16

Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar

Krishen Kaul - 2


Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with

this not-so-useful post,


Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous rejoinder in

this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions : the

proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological (phalita)

test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets. Since

you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know its

worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a person

who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic Jyotishis. I

know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal wards of

some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades. It

does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.


First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A new

Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic Jyotishis ?

What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to malign

you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of Vedic

Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly. That

point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of Jyotisha

which may be labeled as :

Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do not

care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I am


willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance of

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA , vowing

publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How do I

know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised by

me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my



Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.


You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will not

solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your views

seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you will

never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion will be

decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere. It is

the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

(intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and

" mlechchhas " like

my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I never

met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay homage

to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha


he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a Rishi,

but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c from

him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or not.

Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura who

stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed to

have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve great

questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has guts to

solve any question now or later provided right questions are put forth

at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed clever

Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes like

Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but later

found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world of

knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag of

potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.


Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by dint

of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint of

being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter). Each

real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God resides

secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real sanyaasis.

Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not get

the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all four

ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in Mahabharata

during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be


otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give up

comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the comforts

of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are NOT a

Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to throw

stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual life.

Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you will do

neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

further question and will become your follower in every respect. Each

word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.




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Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful post,


Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous rejoinder in

this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions : the

proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological (phalita)

test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets. Since

you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know its

worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a person

who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic Jyotishis. I

know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal wards of

some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades. It

does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.


First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A new

Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic Jyotishis ?

What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to malign

you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of Vedic

Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly. That

point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of Jyotisha

which may be labeled as :

Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do not

care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I am not

willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance of

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA , vowing

publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How do I

know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised by

me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my



Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.


You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will not

solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your views

seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you will

never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion will be

decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere. It is

the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

(intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas " like

my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I never

met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay homage

to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha because

he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a Rishi,

but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c from

him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or not.

Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura who

stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed to

have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve great

questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has guts to

solve any question now or later provided right questions are put forth

at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed clever

Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes like

Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but later

found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world of

knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag of

potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.


Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by dint

of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint of

being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter). Each

real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God resides

secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real sanyaasis.

Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not get

the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all four

ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in Mahabharata

during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be obtained

otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give up

comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the comforts

of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are NOT a

Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to throw

stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual life.

Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you will do

neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

further question and will become your follower in every respect. Each

word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.



=================== ==

, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Kaul Ji,


> You said you have read articles on my jyotirvidya website. Then, why


> feign to be ignorant of my article about traditional method of

> computation of ayanamsha posted there months ago ??


> As for your other questions, I have already repeated many times that


> must show how you compute true planets according to Suryasiddhantic

> method as given in earliest extant Suryasiddhantic tables (Makaranda).

> You have abused Suryasiddhanta hundreds of times, and therefore you do

> not deserve anything from me. Abusing a text without trying to

> understand it is not a sign of scholarship. We are all human beings


> may err, but what you are doing is not error but sin : you deride a


> which you do not understand. Give me mandaphala equation used by

> Makaranda Tables, which were constructed according to Suryasiddhanta.


> reject the wrong interpretation of Burgess because it is nonsensical


> well as different from Makaranda Tables. Burgess was like you : he


> he could not understand the rationale behind the sequence of four

> samakaaras for getting true planets, yet he derided the " Hindu " mind

> time and again.


> -VJ

> ===================== ===

> , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vedic AstrologyForum , " Krishen " a_krishen@

> > wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Vinay Jha ji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > <Mr AKK posted a wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed

> out

> > his errors, giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread


> > Jan 2009, in AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is

> > noticeable by

> > his language, even if he should hide his name.>

> >

> > I d from AIA much before January 2009! Would you,

> therefore,

> > pl. give the mesaage number and date of AIA in which I had posted

> wrong

> > computation of ayanamsha!

> >

> > I do not know if some one is impersonatimng me! Kindly do point out

> > those messages also that have been posted in my name in Janyary


> so

> > that I could see as to what is happening! Is that " namesake AKK "

> still

> > a member of AIA?

> >

> > I had asked some questions regarding the Surya Sidhanta in message


> > 196. I am repeating those questions and would request you to


> > answer them one on one so that the other members also get a clear

> > picture as to how you have derived an Ayanamsha of 22:38:44 for the

> end

> > of 2008, and whether it is plus or minus etc. etc. etc.

> >

> > If possible, you can re-post a copy of your message in AIA in this

> > forum, which is owned by you.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram.

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >




> \

> > \

> > ===========

> >

> > Excerpts from #196 of Oct 25, 09 in Vedic Astrologyforum

> >

> > Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> > 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to

> how

> > it was

> > 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date

> > i.e.

> > whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

> > astronomy to

> > find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri

> > ayanamsha

> > is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the

> > Surya

> > Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them,


> > that the

> > SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> > 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is

> it

> > to be

> > added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to


> > calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given

> > these three

> > shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve


> > purpose at

> > all?

> > 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

> > vis-a-vis

> > the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya


> > calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

> > eclipses, rising

> > and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we


> > to go on

> > chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta

> > ayanamsha

> > have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> > 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the

> one

> > that

> > is available in the market or is it a different one?

> > 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we

> have

> > to go by

> > conjecture work?

> > 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to

> the

> > present

> > Surya Sidhanta or not?

> > 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to

> whom

> > was it

> > revealed and when?

> > 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

> > according to

> > you and why?

> > 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start

> in

> > 3102

> > BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect

> > manner.

> > 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> > Panchasidhantika

> > Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL

> with

> > either

> > the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> > longitudes,

> > nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern

> > astronomy.

> > What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta


> > how have

> > they been worked out?

> > 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The


> > longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not


> > all tally

> > with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do

> > they tally

> > with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO


> > IT ALL,


> the

> > start

> > of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that


> > Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > calcuations?

> > 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati!

> No

> > sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

> > sayana---nor

> > do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of

> the

> > so

> > called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta


> > Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally

> completely!

> > The

> > longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the

> > audayika

> > system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a

> > considerable

> > period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> > " ardharatrika "

> > to " audayika " . Why?

> > 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which


> > should we

> > believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per

> modern

> > astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> > 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the

> > Surya

> > Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same?


> > " Bhanor

> > makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat

> > shanmasah

> > dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

> > Rashi, the

> > six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into

> > Karkata

> > Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar

> > Sankranti

> > does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the

> > Surya

> > Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months

> of

> > Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> > 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which


> of

> > a

> > Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal


> > giving an

> > impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year "


> so

> > on.

> > Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are

> > correct

> > neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a

> > sort of

> > imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is


> > most

> > inaccurate! Why

> >

> >

> > Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > @carriere.francois :

> > >

> > > That message was for AKK and not for all members. Mr AKK posted a

> > > wrong computation of ayanamsha, and when I pointed out his errors,

> > > giving the correct method, he withdrew from the thread (in Jan


> > in

> > > AIA), and now he says that was some other AKK ! AKK is noticeable


> > > his language, even if he should hide his name. I have many


> > of

> > > his insincerity and incompetence. Hence, I regard him as an

> undesrving

> > > person who should not get DIVINE knowledge.

> > >

> > > As for the technique, there is nothing secret about it and I have

> > > already published all major formulae and methods on internet as


> > as

> > > in book and almanacs. I have no wish to waste my time over AKK.


> is

> > > also not interested in any serious dialogue with me. He pastes his

> > > discussions with others, all non-members here, in this forum. He

> > abuses

> > > and maligns me at other platforms too, eg scribd.com where I

> published

> > > my article on ayanamsha. Had he tried to discuss his reservations

> > before

> > > attacking and abusing me falsely, I would have answered otherwise.


> > am

> > > even thinking of taking legal action on him for propagating false

> > ideas

> > > without being able to substantiate them. He does not know that

> freedom

> > > of expression does not include defamation and abusing. I twice

> invited

> > > him to conferences, although no astrologer will approve of my

> > > invitation. But he rejected the invitation with abuse : he said

> > > astrologers are incapable of discussing things crucial to


> I

> > > challenged him to solve the traditional equation of mandaphala

> > (equation

> > > of centre) according to earliest extant traditional method

> (Makaranda

> > > method which is Suryasiddhantic) : if he solves this equation I


> > > become his disciple. Instead of answering or accepting his

> > limitations,

> > > he is taking recourse to guerilla warfare which is not expected


> a

> > > supposwed intellectual. Traditional Indian method of solving

> > > intellectual differences is shaastraartha (literally = meaning or

> > artha

> > > of canons), held in assembly of scholars. but says astrologers are

> not

> > > scholars. why opponents of astrology should be regarded as experts

> of

> > > astrology, esp if they cannot explain astrological equations of


> > > planets ?? Ancient texts make it clear that planets of astrology


> > > incarnations of God in the form of various deities, and therefore

> > > astrology should be based on astrological treatiswes and not on

> texts

> > of

> > > physical astrronomy. This statement may sound anachronistic to


> > who

> > > believe in evolutism to the extent of taking everything ancient as

> > > absurd and unscientific. But if I insist that astrology should be

> > tested

> > > astrologically and not otherwise, what is unscientific in this

> > approach

> > > ? Why a thing should be rejected without testing ? Predicting


> > > prices or rainfall is one of the most difficult things, and I have

> > > succeeded in doing such jobs through traditional methods : you may

> > look

> > > at :

> > >

> > >

> >




> \

> > \

> > \

> > > epted_by_CAOS%2C_IISc

> > >

> > > http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Credentials

> > >

> > > http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Vinay_Jha

> > >

> > > Persons like AKK have not produced anything genuine in any field


> > > knowledge, and merely rejoice in abusing others. They know

> traditional

> > > vedic astrologers are absent in internet fora, and only modernized

> > > astrologers can be found in these fora who are not interested in

> even

> > > testing Suryasiddhanta & c.

> > >

> > > I know the reason WHY they reject Suryasiddhanta without testing.

> > > But I also know prejudice cannot be cured by others, one should


> to

> > > cure one's own prejudice.

> > >

> > > I have no prejudice for or against ancient texts : I was an


> > > during my student years and an opponent of astrology, till my late

> > Guru

> > > taught me the correct method and also showed me proofs of


> of

> > > God and soul.

> > >

> > > AKK should be banned from all astrological fora, because he does


> > > want to discuss astrology, he merely abuses it. The criterion of

> test

> > of

> > > validity of astrology is not this or that formula, but capability


> > > astrology to explain ups and downs in stock indices or rainfall,

> etc,

> > > which all other branches of knowledge have failed to explain

> > > satisfactorily. I can explain this with proofs, which AKK & c do


> > want

> > > to discuss. He is blind to Bhaskar's formula about precession even

> > after

> > > explaining it, and keeps on harping about 'idiocy' of Bhaskar and

> > > others.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ==================== ==

> > > Vedic AstrologyForum , " carriere.francois "

> > > yl.car.fr@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mr Jhaa,

> > > >

> > > > Vedic AstrologyForum , " VJha " vj.jyotish@

> > wrote:

> > > > > I do not want to discuss those things on internet which

> > > Suryasiddhanta itself forbids to teach to undeserving students.

> Those

> > > who are not deserving and are not students should not be given

> > > Suryasiddhanta and similar things.

> > > >

> > > > I am rather saddened to read this from you. From one hand, I

> > believed

> > > you were interested in providing astrologers a software which was

> > making

> > > calculations accordingly to this venerated Treatise and I am


> > for

> > > the next version you may work on (given the stated problems about


> > > files).

> > > >

> > > > Since it is knowned that Mr Kaul is here only to " degrade " (I am

> not

> > > it is the good word) astrologers, I wonder why we still give him


> > > " attention " ?

> > > >

> > > > Should not we put our attention on jyotish and its " mechanics "


> > > revealed in the Traditional Treatises? And if Jyotish rely on

> > > traditional way of computing an astrological chart, should not we

> put

> > > our efforts in stating this truth, so that every astrologer would


> > > efficient?

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > With my best regards,

> > > > François

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >






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Shri Hari Malla ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

<Here your interpretation is correct that the rashis are stellar and thus

approximately tropical but exactly sidereal. Have I understood you


No! Absolutely not!

Rashis are imaginary divisions of an imaginary zodiac! They can, as such,

never be either sidereal or tropical!

Even the original Greek constellations Aries, Taurus etc. are " effect of the

eye-sight " i.e. they are also imaginary animal divisions and not the real

divisions of Rams and Bulls etc. Why don't you go through some good books

on astronomy?




<Here I do not understand your contradictory statement, when you call them

'so called sayan' when in the above you have called them nirayan or

sidereal, Capricorn being actually a 'constellation.' My question is how can

a constellation be 'so called sayan'?>

My dear Hari Malla ji, for God's sake, try to read a statement as a whole

instead of misinterpreting everything out of context! The Greek

constellations Aries, Taurus etc. themselves are imaginary divisions of

unequal size (animals) of an imaginary circle called zodiac! Those very

imaginary divisions of unequal size were lapped by Greco-Chaldean and later

by Western astrologers as equal divisions---still imaginary---of that very

imaginary zodiac! Those astrologers were under the impression that since

constellations contain stars and it is only stars that affect the humans,

they could not admit that the “ imaginary equal groups of animals” had

nothing to do with their namesake stars! They went on following that very

system of predictions----which was absolutely baseless and wrong in the

first place!


Thus the Greco-Chaldean astrology itself was niradhar---baseless--- even if

it was so called sayana or nirayana!




Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha followed that very Greek system of equal

" animal divisions " of the imaginary zodiac. It was a sheer chance that the

Vernal Equinox, also known as the First Point of Aries (Mesharambha bindu),

was in the Aries constellation division and was on the verge of entering

into Pisces division in around first century BCE/AD. That is why the Surya

Sidhanta has said, " Paushnantam to Bhaganam " i.e. the " Zodiac starts from

the end of Revati division " . It is the end of Revati division because the

VE had precessed in a retrograde motion from Aries to Pisces, with which

Maya clubbed Revati nakshatra also!


If you go through the Surya Sidhanta yourself, you will find that there is

absolutely no reference to any so called nirayana rashis etc. since the

Surya Sidhantakar had absolutely no idea about precession! It is actually

talking of a tropical year---a seasonal year---aligned to the seasons,

because it has said clearly that each season comprises two months, named

Mina, Mesha and so on.


We find a replication/reproduction of the astronomical principles of the

Surya Sidhanta in all the later Sidhantas like Shishya-dhi-vridhi-da etc.

that Makar Sankanti is another name of Winter Solstice. The same

replication has been transposed exactly as-it-is to all the Puranas like

The Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana etc. etc. times without number

that Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year and as such another

name of Uttarayana; Karka Sankranti the longest day of the year and thus

Dakshinayana and so on. Pl. , for God’s sake, go through BVB6.doc where I

have quoted all the shlokas from the Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana etc. etc. in

original together with their translations, and you will see it for yourself

that all those Puranas, including the Bhagavata, which some people call as

fifth Veda, also are talking of nothing but a so called Sayana Rashichakra!


Unfortunately for India, however, the calculations of the Surya Sidhanta are

absolutely wrong! The duration of the SS year is neither tropical nor

sidereal but more than even a sidereal year by 8 palas i.e. 3.33 seconds.

Since the Surya Sidhanta is supposed to be a revelation of Surya Bhagwan, it

baffled everybody as to why the calculations did not yield correct results

vis-à-vis the statements like “bhanor maker snakranteh shanmasa uttarayanam”

i.e. the six months of Uttarayana start with the ingress of the sun into

Makara Rashi—the shortest day of the year etc.”.


Attempts were made to do “beeja corrections”----a sinister word with an

obnoxious meaning---in the Surya Sidhanta of Surya Bhagwan to some how or

the other circumnavigate around the same SS calculations! Thus we find

Brahmasphuta Sidhanta, Shishyadhivridhida etc. etc. sidhantas in the same

vein. Munjala was the first Indian astronomer to understand the tragic

state of affairs that the calculations of the SS were fundamentally wrong

and he advised that the longitudes of the planets as per the Surya Sidhanta

must be corrected by an amount of one arc-minute per year from Shaka 444 to

make them tally with the exact phenomena. As per Alberuni’s India, we

started celebrating festivals on correct days in India after Munjala’s

Laghumanasa, since otherwise there was a difference of about one week

between the dates of Makar Sankranti and Uttarayana. The Ayanamsha as per

Munjala between Shaka 444 and Shaka 854, the gauge year of Munjala’s

Laghumanasa, was 6° 50’ at the rate of 1’ per year. Thus after adding the

ayanamsha of 6° 50’ to the surya Sidhanta longitudes of the sun, the Surya

Sidhanta Makar Sankranti did actually coincide with Uttarayana i.e. Winter

Solstice of Shaka 854 (932 AD). Similarly, the Vernal Equinox did coincide

with Mesha Sankranti with that correction and so on.


Alberuni has said in “Alberuni’s India” that Utpala of Kashmir had started

making correct pancanga from Munjala’s Laghumanasa.


We also learn from pages 50 and 51 of Laghumanasa of INSA edition that right

from 930 AD through 1042 (Bhojaraja, a Parmara king of Dhara in Malava

country, to Tamma Yajva (AD 1613) son of Mallaya Yajva, in his

Grahaganita-bhastkara, all the Indian astronomers had used Munjala’s formula

for finding the longitudes of plants etc. “Astronomer Achyuta of Kerala

(died 1621), too has framed several of the rules given in his Karanottama on

the model of those stated in the Laghumanasa” page 50 of Laghumanasa



Thus whatever the “Vedic astrologers” right from Kashmir to Kerala or even

Kanya Kumari may say today, whole of India was actually following a so

called Sayana system, after making corrections of Munjala’s Ayanamsha in the

Surya Sidhanta etc. sidhantas!


It is only in around sixteenth/seventeenth century that tables got turned

when the “great comet” of “Indian astrology” viz. Ganesha Daivajnya was born

and he spawned the nastiest astronomical work known as Grahalaghava, that we

are reeling under the so called nirayana and sayana confusion!


Since that Karna grantha was in accordance with the calculations of the

Surya Sidhanta, we forgot the admonishments of the Puranas like Bhagavata

and Vishnu Purana etc. etc. also that Makar Snakranti is another name of the

shortest day of the year and so on!




<My understanding is that the rashis as sayan was introduced by Gregory in

the west but in the east it continued to be nirayan or based on the

constellation as it was in the west, previously, in the sense of the

constellation, until SB Dixit wanted to copy pope Gregory in the east too

and the G O India introduced the sayan concept in India in 1957 as desired

by SB Dixit.>


Again, you are talking through your hat! What has Pope Gregory to do with

your Indian calendar which should be based actually on the Vedanga Jyotisha,

that talks of Madhu, Madhava months and not of so called Sayana or nirayana

Mesha etc. Rashis?


You are unnecessarily involving the name of S B. Dikshit for your own

selfish ends! It appears you deliberately malign everybody just to prove

your point!


For your kind information, Lahiri Ayanamsha is nothing but a sort of

Ayanamsha that had been suggested by Dikshit! It was Dikshit who had

suggested that if because of the attachment to Grahalaghava Sankrantis, a so

called Sayana system is not acceptable to the Hindu public, an imaginary

Ayanamsha that is nearest to Grahalaghava maybe used for some time. And

that was the point against Chitra in 285 AD that was the nearest to

Grahalaghava Ayanamsha in 1940s and that is why Lahiri used it!


By claiming that the GOI introduced sayana concept in 1957 as desired by S.

B. Dixit, you are exhibiting your true colours, since if the GOI had

introduced a so called sayana calendar in India, there would not have been

any need for me to send representations to the Hon’ble President of India,

the Prime Minister of India and to all the Jagadgurus and Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavans and so on that we are following neither a Vedic nor a Pauranic nor

sidhantic nor even the geographic calendar these days but that of “almighty”

Lahiri, thanks to “Vedic astrologers” and “Vedic astrology”. You should

have known it by now that if we had been following a so called sayana

rashichakra, we could have at least claimed that we are following at least

the rashichakra of the fifth Veda!


Now you want us to follow a Hari Malla calendar because our neighbouring

country has introduced it! The Hari Mall calendar is actually worse than

even Lahiri’s since you believe in “advancing fifteen degrees and then

retreating fifteen degrees”, whereas at least Lahiri ayanamsha is



< Please correct me if I have misunderstood it anywhere. It is even possible

that we have different meanings to the same terminology. So as to avoid all

such cases, I am trying to start with each others understanding of even the

meanings of english words.Let us not try to charge each other with any bias

or prejudice in the first place. Also please do not bring the word

'ayanamsa,' just to show your dislike for it. Let us avoid sentiments

altogether, so that we do not stir each others's like or dislike and miss

the truth altogether>


I cannot help it if you misunderstand statements which are so explicit and

where nothing “parokshya” is involved! People usually complain that I

over-explain everything whereas you complain of not understanding those

overstated statements either!


The word ayanamsha is applicable to rashis and nothing but rashis, and as

explained hundreds of times, the real Vedic calendar does not need rashis at

all but Madhu, Madhava etc. months and the four cardinal points apart from

nakshatras and seasons etc. So if you really want a Vedic calendar, you

will have yourself to rise above all this sectarian view of sayana versus

nirayana and so on.


Regarding missing the truth altogether, by now I am sure that almost all the

Hindu community knows that we are celebrating all our festivals on wrong

days. As such, they are missing the truth for reasons not difficult to

discern---thanks to “Vedic astrologers” and their “Vedic astrology”! And

you want that we should be out of the frying pan into fire by jumping out of

“almighty” Lahiri Ayanamsha and hugging “mightier than the mightiest” Hari

Malla Ayanamsha!


Sorry, I am no party to your offer!


Jai Shri Ram.


A K Kaul





HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla wrote:


> Dear shri Kaulji,

> namaskar! When there is disagreement between two perosns, we ask some

third person to act as a referee or arbitrator.Let us for the time being ask

Shri Sharmaji, to be one. Is this acceptable to you? Then let both of us try

to satisfy him. Let him give his opinion.


> <Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation, it

> has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice just in

early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other astrological

rashis! >


> So much so good. Here your interpretation is correct that the rashis are

steller and thus approximately tropical but exactly sidereal. Have I

understood you correctly?


> < It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called sayana rashis----- that

have been reflected in the Puranas>


> Here I do not understand your contracdictory statement, when you call them

'so called sayan' when in the above you have called them nirayan or

sidereal, Capricorn being actually a 'constellation.'! My question is how

can a constellation be 'so called sayan'?

> My understanding is that the sayan concept was introduced only by

Gregory.Before that the nirayan concept of rashis was prevalent both in the

west and in the east. Thus after Gregory discovered that the difference of

seasonal value reached 10 days he corrected it at one go and thereafter

introduced the sayan concept into the rashis of the west, so that the

previous error between the dates and the season would not repeat again. This

is my undertanding.Am I right? please give your opinion.

> My understanding is that the rashis as sayan was introduced by Gregory in

the west but in the east it continued to be nirayan or based on the

constellation as it was in the west, previously, in the sense of the

constelaltion, until SB Dixit wanted to copy pope Gregory in the east too

and the G O India introduced the sayan concept in India in 1957 as desired

by SB Dixit.

> Please correct me if I have misunderstood it anywhere.It is even possible

that we have different meanings to the same terminology.So as to avoid all

such cases, i am trying to start with each others understanding of even the

meanings of english words.Let us not try to charge each other with any bias

or prejudice in the first place. Also plaese do not bring the word

'ayanamsa,' just to show your dislike for it. Let us avoid sentiments

altogether, so that we do not stir each others's like or dislike and miss

the truth altogether.

> thank you and

> Regards,

> Hari Malla



> HinduCalendar , " Krishen " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Hari Malla ji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > < My point is the statement that uttarayan starts from makar sankranti

> > does not mean that makar sankranti is sayan, or exactly seasonal. It is

> > nirayan but it is the 'solar' uttaryan.There is also another uttaryan

> > which is 'lunar' uttarayan.>

> >

> > As usual, you advance by " fifteen degrees " like your ayanamsha and then

> > again " retreat by fifteen degrees " again like your ayanamsha!

> >

> > Why do you forget that Makar Sankranti is a Sanskrit equivalent of Greek

> > Capricorn astrological sign, reproduced as-it-is by Maya the mlechha in

> > his Surya Sidhanta? Whreas Capricoroun is actually a constellation, it

> > has been " (mis)aligned by Western astrologers to Winter Solsice just in

> > early centuries of Christian Era. Same is the case with other

> > astrological rashis! It is these very sidhantic rashis---so called

> > sayana rashis----- that have been reflected in the Puranas!

> >

> > Why don't you go through BVB6.doc? Why are you trying to thrust down

> > the throat of Hindu community a calendar that is neither sidhantic, nor

> > Pauranic, least of all Vedic? Why do you go on repeating " lunar

> > Uttarayna " and " lunar dakshinayana " . We know by now that you have a

> > mission to proapage a particular calendear, but for God's sake, donot

> > try to justify it on the basis of dharma shastras!

> >

> > We are already having hundreds of ayanamshas like Lahiri, Revati,

> > Chitra, Ramana and so on. Pl. do not make the confusion worst confouded

> > by adding yet another ayanamsha, which does not have, I repeat, does not

> > have any astronomical or scientific or Vedic or scriptural sanction.

> >

> > Pl. stop such a misleading campaign, as it is going to do more harm to

> > the already derailed Vedic calendar system.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram.

> >

> > A K Kaul







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Shri vinay Jhaji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Surprisingly, you are making additions to your own posts through your own

rejoinders! The post you have " replied " also is from you, addressed to me,

but you are replying it yourself!


The long and short of your post as well as rejoinder is that, " Unless and

untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA skandha of

Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic Jyotisha or

participating in any shaastraartha " which means that as on date anyone who

is not a " parangata " in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit for learning,

much less practicing " Vedic Jyotisha " , and " participating in any shastrarta "


In other words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have not studied

and qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling themselves " Vedic

jyotishis " even then, are making false claims! So your post is aimed more

at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a " Vedic

jyotishi " at all much less practicing it!


Anyway, instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing

your own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in sidhdanta



At least pl. do explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of

" 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February 17/18, 3102

BCE, and with an oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the " chakra " @ 54 "

per year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of 22:38:44

plus or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya Sidhanta

longitudes to make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever or was it

to be subtracted from them and why? What is the relevance of ayanamsha in

the Surya Sidhanta?


How are we supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and setting of

planets etc. from the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for " phalita

jyotisha graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets of modern



Though I was not surprised at all at your " bravery " by deleting even

" BVB6.doc " from your forum, since that post actually caught you on the wrong

foot because we are really celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on

wrong days, much against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata, Vishnu

Purana, Vishnudharmotara Purana and even the sidhantas like the Surya

Sidhata etc., as they are all talking of Makar Sankranti being the

shortest day of the year and a Karkata Sankranti the longest day of the

year and so on! In other words, they are all talking of a so called sayana

Rashichakra instead of the so called nirayana rashichakra, whether of Lahiri

or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which you want the world to believe is

as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay even the Vedas!


I am again posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope that you

will ponder on the facts adumbrated therein.


I am also repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do not answer

them even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita 2/35-36 for

you, which are:


bhayad ranad uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,


yeshm chai tvam bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam


avachya vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,


nindantastava samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim


Being a scholar extraordinary, I know you will be able to understand the

meaning of these shlokas from the Gita.


Jai Shri Ram


A K Kaul





Excerpts from # 196 in Vedic Astrologyforum


Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to how it


22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date i.e.

whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern astronomy


find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri


is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the Surya

Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming that


SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is it to


added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given these


shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

purpose at


3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy


the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating eclipses,


and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have to go


chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta ayanamsha

have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the one


is available in the market or is it a different one?

5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we have to

go by

conjecture work?

6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to the


Surya Sidhanta or not?

7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to whom was


revealed and when?

8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta according


you and why?

9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya


correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start in 3102

BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect manner.

10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the


Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL with


the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha


nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern


What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and how


they been worked out?

11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at all


with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do they


with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN IT




of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta


12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati! No

sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or


do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of the so

called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally completely! The

longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the


system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a considerable

period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya Sidhanta

longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

" ardharatrika "

to " audayika " . Why?

13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta should


believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per modern

astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the Surya

Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

" Bhanor

makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat shanmasah

dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara Rashi,


six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into Karkata

Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya Sidhanta

calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar


does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the Surya

Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months of

Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk of a

Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months, giving


impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and so on.


Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are correct

neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a sort of

imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically most

inaccurate! Why


End excerpts.







, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16


Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful post,


Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous rejoinder in

this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions : the

proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological (phalita)

test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets. Since

you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know its

worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a person

who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic Jyotishis. I

know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal wards of

some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades. It

does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.


First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A new

Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic Jyotishis ?

What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to malign

you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of Vedic

Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly. That

point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of Jyotisha

which may be labeled as :

Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do not

care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I am not

willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance of

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA , vowing

publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How do I

know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised by

me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my



Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.


You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will not

solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your views

seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you will

never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion will be

decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere. It is

the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

(intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas " like

my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I never

met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay homage

to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha because

he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a Rishi,

but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c from

him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or not.

Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura who

stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed to

have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve great

questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has guts to

solve any question now or later provided right questions are put forth

at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed clever

Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes like

Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but later

found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world of

knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag of

potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.


Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by dint

of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint of

being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter). Each

real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God resides

secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real sanyaasis.

Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not get

the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all four

ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in Mahabharata

during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be obtained

otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give up

comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the comforts

of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are NOT a

Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to throw

stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual life.

Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you will do

neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

further question and will become your follower in every respect. Each

word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.









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Shri Kaul Ji,


My statement was :



Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.



It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, because I

also stated that you are " Abusing " frauds " like me " . One cannot learn

anything from a person by means of abusing. But you deliberately

changed the context of my specific statement for an abuser and distort

it to become a general statement for everyone, which is not expressed in

my statement. Deceit, lie, abuse, etc are part of warfare, but you

missed following statement from me : " please give up warfare tactics and

set down to discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of

discussion will be decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA

skandha " .


You have stated earlier that you were a jyotishi, but now you deny it

and apply my statement to be for all jyotishis. You are debating in

field of siddhanta jyotisha, hence you have no right to apply my

statement for those who do not pose as experts of sidddhanta.


Your following statement is malafide :



instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing your

own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

sidhdanta jyotisha.



You have enclosed the word " parangata " in direct speech, but I never

said said so. You will not feel ashamed for quoting me falsely. Whether

I am a parangata or not is not the point, the point is you are not a

parangata because you do not know the basics of siddhanta, yet you want

a debate on siddhanta. I am not your paid servant to to be under any

obligation to teach you siddhanta skandha at your order. I can answer

all your 15 questions, but it is a wastage of time because you are not a

real learner, you are prejudiced. Even more important is your fitness

for learning. If you cannot solve the traditional equations of

Graha-spashtikarana (finding True longitudes out of mean planets), which

is the most fundamental thing in Jyotisha, you are a cipher in this

field. Even if a person is cipher, it is welcome if one wants to learn.

But if a cipher poses as an expert and abuses knowledgeable persons,

then the person is a mere cheat and a fraud. You call all vedic

astrologers, including me, as frauds. Then you say you want to learn,

but still your language is insulting and warlike.


Unless and until you solve the mandaphala equation, I am not going to

answer any question from you. You must either prove your fitness for a

shaastraartha in siddhanta, or discard your arrogance and become a true

learner (which you will never do).


It is an astrological forum not meant for anti-astrologers. Why you fail

to understand that the only proof of astrology is ASTROLOGICAL TESTING



The following statement is fit on you " spitting all the venom and a

slanging match and blowing your own trumpet " . Who started abusing all

vedic astrologers ? Who is blowing his own trumpet by refusing to abide

by time honoured rules of shaastraartha ?? I know your intellectual

worth and moral integrity. I advise you to keep away from vedic

astrology if you hate it. This forum should not be allowed for spreading

venomous abuses against all vedic astrologers by an ignorant who is

incapable of explaining even the formula of equation of centre required

in making true planet from mean one.


Sir, you can change the tone of this dialogue if you wish. The ball is

in your court. But you HATE all vedic astrologers, hence I do not hope

any change in your offensive language.



======================= ===

, " jyotirved " <jyotirved wrote:


> Shri vinay Jhaji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> Surprisingly, you are making additions to your own posts through your


> rejoinders! The post you have " replied " also is from you, addressed

to me,

> but you are replying it yourself!


> The long and short of your post as well as rejoinder is that, " Unless


> untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA

skandha of

> Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic

Jyotisha or

> participating in any shaastraartha " which means that as on date anyone


> is not a " parangata " in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit for


> much less practicing " Vedic Jyotisha " , and " participating in any

shastrarta "


> In other words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have not


> and qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling themselves

" Vedic

> jyotishis " even then, are making false claims! So your post is aimed


> at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a " Vedic

> jyotishi " at all much less practicing it!


> Anyway, instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and


> your own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered


> fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

> everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in


> jyotisha.


> At least pl. do explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of

> " 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February 17/18,


> BCE, and with an oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the " chakra "

@ 54 "

> per year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of


> plus or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya Sidhanta

> longitudes to make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever or

was it

> to be subtracted from them and why? What is the relevance of

ayanamsha in

> the Surya Sidhanta?


> How are we supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and setting


> planets etc. from the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for

" phalita

> jyotisha graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets of


> astronomy?


> Though I was not surprised at all at your " bravery " by deleting even

> " BVB6.doc " from your forum, since that post actually caught you on the


> foot because we are really celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas


> wrong days, much against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata,


> Purana, Vishnudharmotara Purana and even the sidhantas like the Surya

> Sidhata etc., as they are all talking of Makar Sankranti being the

> shortest day of the year and a Karkata Sankranti the longest day of


> year and so on! In other words, they are all talking of a so called


> Rashichakra instead of the so called nirayana rashichakra, whether of


> or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which you want the world to

believe is

> as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay even the Vedas!


> I am again posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope

that you

> will ponder on the facts adumbrated therein.


> I am also repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do not


> them even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita

2/35-36 for

> you, which are:


> bhayad ranad uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,


> yeshm chai tvam bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam


> avachya vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,


> nindantastava samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim


> Being a scholar extraordinary, I know you will be able to understand


> meaning of these shlokas from the Gita.


> Jai Shri Ram


> A K Kaul





> ===


> Excerpts from # 196 in Vedic Astrologyforum


> Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to

how it

> was

> 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date


> whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern


> to

> find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri

> ayanamsha

> is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the


> Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming


> the

> SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is

it to

> be

> added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

> calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given


> three

> shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

> purpose at

> all?

> 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

> vis-a-vis

> the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

> calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating


> rising

> and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have

to go

> on

> chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta


> have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the


> that

> is available in the market or is it a different one?

> 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we

have to

> go by

> conjecture work?

> 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to


> present

> Surya Sidhanta or not?

> 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to

whom was

> it

> revealed and when?

> 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta


> to

> you and why?

> 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

> Sidhanta

> correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start

in 3102

> BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect


> 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> Panchasidhantika

> Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL


> either

> the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> longitudes,

> nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern

> astronomy.

> What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and


> have

> they been worked out?

> 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

> longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at


> tally

> with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do


> tally

> with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN


> ALL,



> start

> of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

> Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya


> calcuations?

> 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati!


> sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

> sayana---nor

> do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of

the so

> called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

> Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally

completely! The

> longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the

> audayika

> system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a


> period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya


> longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> " ardharatrika "

> to " audayika " . Why?

> 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta


> we

> believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per


> astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the


> Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

> " Bhanor

> makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat


> dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara


> the

> six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into


> Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya


> calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar

> Sankranti

> does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the


> Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months


> Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk

of a

> Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months,


> an

> impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and

so on.


> Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are


> neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a

sort of

> imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically


> inaccurate! Why


> End excerpts.





> *****************************************




> , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@


> Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2




> Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful post,


> Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous rejoinder


> this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions : the

> proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological


> test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets. Since

> you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know its

> worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a


> who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic Jyotishis. I

> know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal wards


> some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades. It

> does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.


> First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A new

> Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic Jyotishis ?

> What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to


> you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of Vedic

> Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly. That

> point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of Jyotisha

> which may be labeled as :

> Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do not

> care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I am


> willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance of

> SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

> challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA , vowing

> publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

> succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How do


> know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

> correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised by

> me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my

> question.


> Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

> learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.


> You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will not

> solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your


> seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you will

> never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

> society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

> discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion will


> decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

> Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere. It is

> the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

> Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

> (intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas " like

> my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I never

> met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

> Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay


> to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha


> he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a


> but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c from

> him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or


> Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura who

> stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed to

> have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve great

> questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has guts


> solve any question now or later provided right questions are put forth

> at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed clever

> Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

> God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes like

> Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but later

> found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

> Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world of

> knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag of

> potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.


> Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

> non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by dint

> of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint of

> being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter). Each

> real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God


> secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real


> Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not get

> the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all four

> ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in Mahabharata

> during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

> Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be obtained

> otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give up

> comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the


> of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are NOT


> Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to throw

> stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual life.

> Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you will


> neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

> mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

> further question and will become your follower in every respect. Each

> word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.


> -VJ







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Dear Friends,


I humbly request you to stop abusing each other. This is serving no purpose. The

topic is great, but the discussion is lousy.


I am forced to moderate now.





, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Shri Kaul Ji,


> My statement was :


> <<<

> Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

> learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> >>>


> It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, because I

> also stated that you are " Abusing " frauds " like me " . One cannot learn

> anything from a person by means of abusing. But you deliberately

> changed the context of my specific statement for an abuser and distort

> it to become a general statement for everyone, which is not expressed in

> my statement. Deceit, lie, abuse, etc are part of warfare, but you

> missed following statement from me : " please give up warfare tactics and

> set down to discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of

> discussion will be decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA

> skandha " .


> You have stated earlier that you were a jyotishi, but now you deny it

> and apply my statement to be for all jyotishis. You are debating in

> field of siddhanta jyotisha, hence you have no right to apply my

> statement for those who do not pose as experts of sidddhanta.


> Your following statement is malafide :


> <<<

> instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing your

> own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

> fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

> everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> sidhdanta jyotisha.

> >>>


> You have enclosed the word " parangata " in direct speech, but I never

> said said so. You will not feel ashamed for quoting me falsely. Whether

> I am a parangata or not is not the point, the point is you are not a

> parangata because you do not know the basics of siddhanta, yet you want

> a debate on siddhanta. I am not your paid servant to to be under any

> obligation to teach you siddhanta skandha at your order. I can answer

> all your 15 questions, but it is a wastage of time because you are not a

> real learner, you are prejudiced. Even more important is your fitness

> for learning. If you cannot solve the traditional equations of

> Graha-spashtikarana (finding True longitudes out of mean planets), which

> is the most fundamental thing in Jyotisha, you are a cipher in this

> field. Even if a person is cipher, it is welcome if one wants to learn.

> But if a cipher poses as an expert and abuses knowledgeable persons,

> then the person is a mere cheat and a fraud. You call all vedic

> astrologers, including me, as frauds. Then you say you want to learn,

> but still your language is insulting and warlike.


> Unless and until you solve the mandaphala equation, I am not going to

> answer any question from you. You must either prove your fitness for a

> shaastraartha in siddhanta, or discard your arrogance and become a true

> learner (which you will never do).


> It is an astrological forum not meant for anti-astrologers. Why you fail

> to understand that the only proof of astrology is ASTROLOGICAL TESTING

> ??


> The following statement is fit on you " spitting all the venom and a

> slanging match and blowing your own trumpet " . Who started abusing all

> vedic astrologers ? Who is blowing his own trumpet by refusing to abide

> by time honoured rules of shaastraartha ?? I know your intellectual

> worth and moral integrity. I advise you to keep away from vedic

> astrology if you hate it. This forum should not be allowed for spreading

> venomous abuses against all vedic astrologers by an ignorant who is

> incapable of explaining even the formula of equation of centre required

> in making true planet from mean one.


> Sir, you can change the tone of this dialogue if you wish. The ball is

> in your court. But you HATE all vedic astrologers, hence I do not hope

> any change in your offensive language.


> -VJ

> ======================= ===

> , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri vinay Jhaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > Surprisingly, you are making additions to your own posts through your

> own

> > rejoinders! The post you have " replied " also is from you, addressed

> to me,

> > but you are replying it yourself!

> >

> > The long and short of your post as well as rejoinder is that, " Unless

> and

> > untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA

> skandha of

> > Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic

> Jyotisha or

> > participating in any shaastraartha " which means that as on date anyone

> who

> > is not a " parangata " in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit for

> learning,

> > much less practicing " Vedic Jyotisha " , and " participating in any

> shastrarta "

> >

> > In other words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have not

> studied

> > and qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling themselves

> " Vedic

> > jyotishis " even then, are making false claims! So your post is aimed

> more

> > at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a " Vedic

> > jyotishi " at all much less practicing it!

> >

> > Anyway, instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and

> blowing

> > your own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered

> the

> > fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

> > everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> sidhdanta

> > jyotisha.

> >

> > At least pl. do explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of

> > " 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February 17/18,

> 3102

> > BCE, and with an oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the " chakra "

> @ 54 "

> > per year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of

> 22:38:44

> > plus or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya Sidhanta

> > longitudes to make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever or

> was it

> > to be subtracted from them and why? What is the relevance of

> ayanamsha in

> > the Surya Sidhanta?

> >

> > How are we supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and setting

> of

> > planets etc. from the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for

> " phalita

> > jyotisha graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets of

> modern

> > astronomy?

> >

> > Though I was not surprised at all at your " bravery " by deleting even

> > " BVB6.doc " from your forum, since that post actually caught you on the

> wrong

> > foot because we are really celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas

> on

> > wrong days, much against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata,

> Vishnu

> > Purana, Vishnudharmotara Purana and even the sidhantas like the Surya

> > Sidhata etc., as they are all talking of Makar Sankranti being the

> > shortest day of the year and a Karkata Sankranti the longest day of

> the

> > year and so on! In other words, they are all talking of a so called

> sayana

> > Rashichakra instead of the so called nirayana rashichakra, whether of

> Lahiri

> > or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which you want the world to

> believe is

> > as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay even the Vedas!

> >

> > I am again posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope

> that you

> > will ponder on the facts adumbrated therein.

> >

> > I am also repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do not

> answer

> > them even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita

> 2/35-36 for

> > you, which are:

> >

> > bhayad ranad uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,

> >

> > yeshm chai tvam bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam

> >

> > avachya vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,

> >

> > nindantastava samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim

> >

> > Being a scholar extraordinary, I know you will be able to understand

> the

> > meaning of these shlokas from the Gita.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> ========================================================================\

> ====

> > ===

> >

> > Excerpts from # 196 in Vedic Astrologyforum

> >

> > Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> > 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as to

> how it

> > was

> > 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that date

> i.e.

> > whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

> astronomy

> > to

> > find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as Lahiri

> > ayanamsha

> > is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it the

> Surya

> > Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them, presuming

> that

> > the

> > SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> > 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor is

> it to

> > be

> > added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is to be

> > calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta given

> these

> > three

> > shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve any

> > purpose at

> > all?

> > 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern astronomy

> > vis-a-vis

> > the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya Sidhanta

> > calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

> eclipses,

> > rising

> > and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we have

> to go

> > on

> > chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta

> ayanamsha

> > have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> > 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is the

> one

> > that

> > is available in the market or is it a different one?

> > 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we

> have to

> > go by

> > conjecture work?

> > 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant to

> the

> > present

> > Surya Sidhanta or not?

> > 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and to

> whom was

> > it

> > revealed and when?

> > 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

> according

> > to

> > you and why?

> > 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really start

> in 3102

> > BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect

> manner.

> > 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> > Panchasidhantika

> > Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT ALL

> with

> > either

> > the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> > longitudes,

> > nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern

> > astronomy.

> > What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta and

> how

> > have

> > they been worked out?

> > 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The mean

> > longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not at

> all

> > tally

> > with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor do

> they

> > tally

> > with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO CROWN

> IT

> > ALL,


> the

> > start

> > of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that even

> > Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > calcuations?

> > 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including Aryabhati!

> No

> > sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana or

> > sayana---nor

> > do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start of

> the so

> > called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya Sidhanta of

> > Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally

> completely! The

> > longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take the

> > audayika

> > system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a

> considerable

> > period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> > " ardharatrika "

> > to " audayika " . Why?

> > 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which sidhanta

> should

> > we

> > believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per

> modern

> > astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> > 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of the

> Surya

> > Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same? E.g.

> > " Bhanor

> > makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat

> shanmasah

> > dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

> Rashi,

> > the

> > six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun into

> Karkata

> > Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta Makar

> > Sankranti

> > does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does the

> Surya

> > Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six months

> of

> > Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> > 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which talk

> of a

> > Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal months,

> giving

> > an

> > impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year " and

> so on.

> >

> > Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which are

> correct

> > neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just a

> sort of

> > imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is scientifically

> most

> > inaccurate! Why

> >

> > End excerpts.

> >

> >

> ************************************************************************\

> ****

> > *****************************************

> >

> >

> >

> > , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@

> >

> > Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful post,

> >

> > Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous rejoinder

> in

> > this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions : the

> > proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological

> (phalita)

> > test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets. Since

> > you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know its

> > worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a

> person

> > who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic Jyotishis. I

> > know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal wards

> of

> > some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades. It

> > does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.

> >

> > First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A new

> > Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic Jyotishis ?

> > What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to

> malign

> > you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of Vedic

> > Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly. That

> > point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of Jyotisha

> > which may be labeled as :

> > Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do not

> > care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I am

> not

> > willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance of

> > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

> > challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA , vowing

> > publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

> > succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How do

> I

> > know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

> > correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised by

> > me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my

> > question.

> >

> > Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

> > learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> >

> > You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will not

> > solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your

> views

> > seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you will

> > never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

> > society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

> > discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion will

> be

> > decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic

> > Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere. It is

> > the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

> > Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

> > (intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas " like

> > my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I never

> > met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

> > Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay

> homage

> > to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha

> because

> > he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a

> Rishi,

> > but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c from

> > him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or

> not.

> > Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura who

> > stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed to

> > have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve great

> > questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has guts

> to

> > solve any question now or later provided right questions are put forth

> > at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed clever

> > Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

> > God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes like

> > Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but later

> > found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

> > Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world of

> > knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag of

> > potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.

> >

> > Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

> > non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by dint

> > of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint of

> > being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter). Each

> > real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God

> resides

> > secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real

> sanyaasis.

> > Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not get

> > the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all four

> > ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in Mahabharata

> > during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

> > Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be obtained

> > otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give up

> > comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the

> comforts

> > of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are NOT

> a

> > Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to throw

> > stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual life.

> > Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you will

> do

> > neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

> > mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

> > further question and will become your follower in every respect. Each

> > word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Shri Vinay Jha ji,


Jai Shri Ram!


<It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, (that)

Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha>


I never claimed to be a Vedic astrologer, nor did I ask anybody to teach

me the same! So how and why is your comment addressed " for me " ?


I just asked you to explain as to how you had arrived at a particular

ayanamsha for a particular date and whether it was plus or minus and so

on. Does that mean a shastrartha?


My dear friend, instead of hair-splitting and resorting to all the hue

and cry unnecessarily, it would have been much better for everybody if

you had answered the fifteen points raised by me.


Pl. do it now.


Jai Shri Ram


A K Kaul



, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Shri Kaul Ji,


> My statement was :


> <<<

> Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either

> learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> >>>


> It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, because I

> also stated that you are " Abusing " frauds " like me " . One cannot learn

> anything from a person by means of abusing. But you deliberately

> changed the context of my specific statement for an abuser and distort

> it to become a general statement for everyone, which is not expressed


> my statement. Deceit, lie, abuse, etc are part of warfare, but you

> missed following statement from me : " please give up warfare tactics


> set down to discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of

> discussion will be decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA

> skandha " .


> You have stated earlier that you were a jyotishi, but now you deny it

> and apply my statement to be for all jyotishis. You are debating in

> field of siddhanta jyotisha, hence you have no right to apply my

> statement for those who do not pose as experts of sidddhanta.


> Your following statement is malafide :


> <<<

> instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing


> own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

> fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit of

> everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> sidhdanta jyotisha.

> >>>


> You have enclosed the word " parangata " in direct speech, but I never

> said said so. You will not feel ashamed for quoting me falsely.


> I am a parangata or not is not the point, the point is you are not a

> parangata because you do not know the basics of siddhanta, yet you


> a debate on siddhanta. I am not your paid servant to to be under any

> obligation to teach you siddhanta skandha at your order. I can answer

> all your 15 questions, but it is a wastage of time because you are not


> real learner, you are prejudiced. Even more important is your fitness

> for learning. If you cannot solve the traditional equations of

> Graha-spashtikarana (finding True longitudes out of mean planets),


> is the most fundamental thing in Jyotisha, you are a cipher in this

> field. Even if a person is cipher, it is welcome if one wants to


> But if a cipher poses as an expert and abuses knowledgeable persons,

> then the person is a mere cheat and a fraud. You call all vedic

> astrologers, including me, as frauds. Then you say you want to learn,

> but still your language is insulting and warlike.


> Unless and until you solve the mandaphala equation, I am not going to

> answer any question from you. You must either prove your fitness for a

> shaastraartha in siddhanta, or discard your arrogance and become a


> learner (which you will never do).


> It is an astrological forum not meant for anti-astrologers. Why you


> to understand that the only proof of astrology is ASTROLOGICAL TESTING

> ??


> The following statement is fit on you " spitting all the venom and a

> slanging match and blowing your own trumpet " . Who started abusing all

> vedic astrologers ? Who is blowing his own trumpet by refusing to


> by time honoured rules of shaastraartha ?? I know your intellectual

> worth and moral integrity. I advise you to keep away from vedic

> astrology if you hate it. This forum should not be allowed for


> venomous abuses against all vedic astrologers by an ignorant who is

> incapable of explaining even the formula of equation of centre


> in making true planet from mean one.


> Sir, you can change the tone of this dialogue if you wish. The ball is

> in your court. But you HATE all vedic astrologers, hence I do not hope

> any change in your offensive language.


> -VJ

> ======================= ===

> , " jyotirved " jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> > Shri vinay Jhaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

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To Moderator :


I joined this group in the vain hope of having discussions about

astrology. But I have consistently been forced to waste my time on

haters and abusers of astrology. I recently declared many times that I

have no time to discuss non-astrological or anti-astrological topics

with non-astrologers. Hence, I am now leaving this group for good of

everyone, because my posts on astrological topics such as forecasts on

stock prices evoke no response. Thanks.



==================== ===

, " jyotishi " <raj wrote:


> Dear Friends,


> I humbly request you to stop abusing each other. This is serving no

purpose. The topic is great, but the discussion is lousy.


> I am forced to moderate now.


> raj



> , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> >

> > Shri Kaul Ji,

> >

> > My statement was :

> >

> > <<<

> > Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for


> > learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> > >>>

> >

> > It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, because


> > also stated that you are " Abusing " frauds " like me " . One cannot


> > anything from a person by means of abusing. But you deliberately

> > changed the context of my specific statement for an abuser and


> > it to become a general statement for everyone, which is not

expressed in

> > my statement. Deceit, lie, abuse, etc are part of warfare, but you

> > missed following statement from me : " please give up warfare tactics


> > set down to discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of

> > discussion will be decided by that person who qualifies in


> > skandha " .

> >

> > You have stated earlier that you were a jyotishi, but now you deny


> > and apply my statement to be for all jyotishis. You are debating in

> > field of siddhanta jyotisha, hence you have no right to apply my

> > statement for those who do not pose as experts of sidddhanta.

> >

> > Your following statement is malafide :

> >

> > <<<

> > instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing


> > own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

> > fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit


> > everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> > sidhdanta jyotisha.

> > >>>

> >

> > You have enclosed the word " parangata " in direct speech, but I


> > said said so. You will not feel ashamed for quoting me falsely.


> > I am a parangata or not is not the point, the point is you are not a

> > parangata because you do not know the basics of siddhanta, yet you


> > a debate on siddhanta. I am not your paid servant to to be under


> > obligation to teach you siddhanta skandha at your order. I can


> > all your 15 questions, but it is a wastage of time because you are

not a

> > real learner, you are prejudiced. Even more important is your


> > for learning. If you cannot solve the traditional equations of

> > Graha-spashtikarana (finding True longitudes out of mean planets),


> > is the most fundamental thing in Jyotisha, you are a cipher in this

> > field. Even if a person is cipher, it is welcome if one wants to


> > But if a cipher poses as an expert and abuses knowledgeable persons,

> > then the person is a mere cheat and a fraud. You call all vedic

> > astrologers, including me, as frauds. Then you say you want to


> > but still your language is insulting and warlike.

> >

> > Unless and until you solve the mandaphala equation, I am not going


> > answer any question from you. You must either prove your fitness for


> > shaastraartha in siddhanta, or discard your arrogance and become a


> > learner (which you will never do).

> >

> > It is an astrological forum not meant for anti-astrologers. Why you


> > to understand that the only proof of astrology is ASTROLOGICAL


> > ??

> >

> > The following statement is fit on you " spitting all the venom and a

> > slanging match and blowing your own trumpet " . Who started abusing


> > vedic astrologers ? Who is blowing his own trumpet by refusing to


> > by time honoured rules of shaastraartha ?? I know your intellectual

> > worth and moral integrity. I advise you to keep away from vedic

> > astrology if you hate it. This forum should not be allowed for


> > venomous abuses against all vedic astrologers by an ignorant who is

> > incapable of explaining even the formula of equation of centre


> > in making true planet from mean one.

> >

> > Sir, you can change the tone of this dialogue if you wish. The ball


> > in your court. But you HATE all vedic astrologers, hence I do not


> > any change in your offensive language.

> >

> > -VJ

> > ======================= ===

> > , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Shri vinay Jhaji,

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > >

> > > Surprisingly, you are making additions to your own posts through


> > own

> > > rejoinders! The post you have " replied " also is from you,


> > to me,

> > > but you are replying it yourself!

> > >

> > > The long and short of your post as well as rejoinder is that,

" Unless

> > and

> > > untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA

> > skandha of

> > > Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic

> > Jyotisha or

> > > participating in any shaastraartha " which means that as on date


> > who

> > > is not a " parangata " in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit for

> > learning,

> > > much less practicing " Vedic Jyotisha " , and " participating in any

> > shastrarta "

> > >

> > > In other words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have


> > studied

> > > and qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling


> > " Vedic

> > > jyotishis " even then, are making false claims! So your post is


> > more

> > > at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a

" Vedic

> > > jyotishi " at all much less practicing it!

> > >

> > > Anyway, instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and

> > blowing

> > > your own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had


> > the

> > > fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit


> > > everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> > sidhdanta

> > > jyotisha.

> > >

> > > At least pl. do explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of

> > > " 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February


> > 3102

> > > BCE, and with an oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the

" chakra "

> > @ 54 "

> > > per year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of

> > 22:38:44

> > > plus or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya


> > > longitudes to make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever


> > was it

> > > to be subtracted from them and why? What is the relevance of

> > ayanamsha in

> > > the Surya Sidhanta?

> > >

> > > How are we supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and


> > of

> > > planets etc. from the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for

> > " phalita

> > > jyotisha graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets


> > modern

> > > astronomy?

> > >

> > > Though I was not surprised at all at your " bravery " by deleting


> > > " BVB6.doc " from your forum, since that post actually caught you on


> > wrong

> > > foot because we are really celebrating all our festivals and


> > on

> > > wrong days, much against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata,

> > Vishnu

> > > Purana, Vishnudharmotara Purana and even the sidhantas like the


> > > Sidhata etc., as they are all talking of Makar Sankranti being


> > > shortest day of the year and a Karkata Sankranti the longest day


> > the

> > > year and so on! In other words, they are all talking of a so


> > sayana

> > > Rashichakra instead of the so called nirayana rashichakra, whether


> > Lahiri

> > > or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which you want the world to

> > believe is

> > > as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay even the Vedas!

> > >

> > > I am again posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope

> > that you

> > > will ponder on the facts adumbrated therein.

> > >

> > > I am also repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do


> > answer

> > > them even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita

> > 2/35-36 for

> > > you, which are:

> > >

> > > bhayad ranad uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,

> > >

> > > yeshm chai tvam bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam

> > >

> > > avachya vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,

> > >

> > > nindantastava samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim

> > >

> > > Being a scholar extraordinary, I know you will be able to


> > the

> > > meaning of these shlokas from the Gita.

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram

> > >

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> > >

> >



> > ====

> > > ===

> > >

> > > Excerpts from # 196 in Vedic Astrologyforum

> > >

> > > Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> > > 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as


> > how it

> > > was

> > > 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that


> > i.e.

> > > whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

> > astronomy

> > > to

> > > find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as


> > > ayanamsha

> > > is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it


> > Surya

> > > Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them,


> > that

> > > the

> > > SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> > > 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor


> > it to

> > > be

> > > added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is

to be

> > > calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta


> > these

> > > three

> > > shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve


> > > purpose at

> > > all?

> > > 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern


> > > vis-a-vis

> > > the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya


> > > calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

> > eclipses,

> > > rising

> > > and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we


> > to go

> > > on

> > > chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta

> > ayanamsha

> > > have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> > > 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is


> > one

> > > that

> > > is available in the market or is it a different one?

> > > 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we

> > have to

> > > go by

> > > conjecture work?

> > > 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant


> > the

> > > present

> > > Surya Sidhanta or not?

> > > 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and


> > whom was

> > > it

> > > revealed and when?

> > > 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

> > according

> > > to

> > > you and why?

> > > 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the


> > > Sidhanta

> > > correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really


> > in 3102

> > > BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect

> > manner.

> > > 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> > > Panchasidhantika

> > > Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT


> > with

> > > either

> > > the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> > > longitudes,

> > > nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per


> > > astronomy.

> > > What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta


> > how

> > > have

> > > they been worked out?

> > > 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The


> > > longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not


> > all

> > > tally

> > > with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor


> > they

> > > tally

> > > with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO


> > IT

> > > ALL,



> > the

> > > start

> > > of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that


> > > Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > > calcuations?

> > > 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including


> > No

> > > sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana


> > > sayana---nor

> > > do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start


> > the so

> > > called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya

Sidhanta of

> > > Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally

> > completely! The

> > > longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take


> > > audayika

> > > system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a

> > considerable

> > > period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > > longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> > > " ardharatrika "

> > > to " audayika " . Why?

> > > 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which


> > should

> > > we

> > > believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per

> > modern

> > > astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> > > 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of


> > Surya

> > > Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same?


> > > " Bhanor

> > > makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat

> > shanmasah

> > > dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

> > Rashi,

> > > the

> > > six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun


> > Karkata

> > > Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya

> > Sidhanta

> > > calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta


> > > Sankranti

> > > does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does


> > Surya

> > > Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six


> > of

> > > Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> > > 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which


> > of a

> > > Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal


> > giving

> > > an

> > > impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year "


> > so on.

> > >

> > > Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which


> > correct

> > > neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just


> > sort of

> > > imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is


> > most

> > > inaccurate! Why

> > >

> > > End excerpts.

> > >

> > >

> >



> > ****

> > > *****************************************

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@

> > >

> > > Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful


> > >

> > > Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous


> > in

> > > this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions :


> > > proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological

> > (phalita)

> > > test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets.


> > > you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know


> > > worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a

> > person

> > > who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic

Jyotishis. I

> > > know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal


> > of

> > > some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades.


> > > does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.

> > >

> > > First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A


> > > Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic

Jyotishis ?

> > > What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to

> > malign

> > > you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of


> > > Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly.


> > > point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of


> > > which may be labeled as :

> > > Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do


> > > care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I


> > not

> > > willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance


> > > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

> > > challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA ,


> > > publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

> > > succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How


> > I

> > > know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

> > > correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised


> > > me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my

> > > question.

> > >

> > > Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> > > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for


> > > learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> > >

> > > You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will


> > > solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your

> > views

> > > seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you


> > > never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

> > > society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

> > > discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion


> > be

> > > decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of


> > > Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere.

It is

> > > the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

> > > Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

> > > (intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas "


> > > my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I


> > > met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

> > > Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay

> > homage

> > > to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha

> > because

> > > he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a

> > Rishi,

> > > but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c


> > > him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or

> > not.

> > > Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura


> > > stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed


> > > have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve


> > > questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has


> > to

> > > solve any question now or later provided right questions are put


> > > at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed


> > > Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

> > > God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes


> > > Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but


> > > found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

> > > Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world


> > > knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag


> > > potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.

> > >

> > > Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

> > > non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by


> > > of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint


> > > being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter).


> > > real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God

> > resides

> > > secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real

> > sanyaasis.

> > > Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not


> > > the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all


> > > ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in


> > > during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

> > > Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be


> > > otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give


> > > comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the

> > comforts

> > > of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are


> > a

> > > Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to


> > > stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual


> > > Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you


> > do

> > > neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

> > > mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

> > > further question and will become your follower in every respect.


> > > word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Shri Jha,

I appreciate your point of view. I am sad to see you go. I recommend that you

stay on and I will do everything I can to keep the discussions civil and



warm regards,




, " VJha " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> To Moderator :


> I joined this group in the vain hope of having discussions about

> astrology. But I have consistently been forced to waste my time on

> haters and abusers of astrology. I recently declared many times that I

> have no time to discuss non-astrological or anti-astrological topics

> with non-astrologers. Hence, I am now leaving this group for good of

> everyone, because my posts on astrological topics such as forecasts on

> stock prices evoke no response. Thanks.


> -VJ

> ==================== ===

> , " jyotishi " <raj@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > I humbly request you to stop abusing each other. This is serving no

> purpose. The topic is great, but the discussion is lousy.

> >

> > I am forced to moderate now.

> >

> > raj

> >

> >

> > , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Shri Kaul Ji,

> > >

> > > My statement was :

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> > > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for

> either

> > > learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> > > >>>

> > >

> > > It was specificqally addressed for you and not for everyone, because

> I

> > > also stated that you are " Abusing " frauds " like me " . One cannot

> learn

> > > anything from a person by means of abusing. But you deliberately

> > > changed the context of my specific statement for an abuser and

> distort

> > > it to become a general statement for everyone, which is not

> expressed in

> > > my statement. Deceit, lie, abuse, etc are part of warfare, but you

> > > missed following statement from me : " please give up warfare tactics

> and

> > > set down to discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of

> > > discussion will be decided by that person who qualifies in


> > > skandha " .

> > >

> > > You have stated earlier that you were a jyotishi, but now you deny

> it

> > > and apply my statement to be for all jyotishis. You are debating in

> > > field of siddhanta jyotisha, hence you have no right to apply my

> > > statement for those who do not pose as experts of sidddhanta.

> > >

> > > Your following statement is malafide :

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and blowing

> your

> > > own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had answered the

> > > fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit

> of

> > > everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> > > sidhdanta jyotisha.

> > > >>>

> > >

> > > You have enclosed the word " parangata " in direct speech, but I

> never

> > > said said so. You will not feel ashamed for quoting me falsely.

> Whether

> > > I am a parangata or not is not the point, the point is you are not a

> > > parangata because you do not know the basics of siddhanta, yet you

> want

> > > a debate on siddhanta. I am not your paid servant to to be under

> any

> > > obligation to teach you siddhanta skandha at your order. I can

> answer

> > > all your 15 questions, but it is a wastage of time because you are

> not a

> > > real learner, you are prejudiced. Even more important is your

> fitness

> > > for learning. If you cannot solve the traditional equations of

> > > Graha-spashtikarana (finding True longitudes out of mean planets),

> which

> > > is the most fundamental thing in Jyotisha, you are a cipher in this

> > > field. Even if a person is cipher, it is welcome if one wants to

> learn.

> > > But if a cipher poses as an expert and abuses knowledgeable persons,

> > > then the person is a mere cheat and a fraud. You call all vedic

> > > astrologers, including me, as frauds. Then you say you want to

> learn,

> > > but still your language is insulting and warlike.

> > >

> > > Unless and until you solve the mandaphala equation, I am not going

> to

> > > answer any question from you. You must either prove your fitness for

> a

> > > shaastraartha in siddhanta, or discard your arrogance and become a

> true

> > > learner (which you will never do).

> > >

> > > It is an astrological forum not meant for anti-astrologers. Why you

> fail

> > > to understand that the only proof of astrology is ASTROLOGICAL


> > > ??

> > >

> > > The following statement is fit on you " spitting all the venom and a

> > > slanging match and blowing your own trumpet " . Who started abusing

> all

> > > vedic astrologers ? Who is blowing his own trumpet by refusing to

> abide

> > > by time honoured rules of shaastraartha ?? I know your intellectual

> > > worth and moral integrity. I advise you to keep away from vedic

> > > astrology if you hate it. This forum should not be allowed for

> spreading

> > > venomous abuses against all vedic astrologers by an ignorant who is

> > > incapable of explaining even the formula of equation of centre

> required

> > > in making true planet from mean one.

> > >

> > > Sir, you can change the tone of this dialogue if you wish. The ball

> is

> > > in your court. But you HATE all vedic astrologers, hence I do not

> hope

> > > any change in your offensive language.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ======================= ===

> > > , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri vinay Jhaji,

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > > >

> > > > Surprisingly, you are making additions to your own posts through

> your

> > > own

> > > > rejoinders! The post you have " replied " also is from you,

> addressed

> > > to me,

> > > > but you are replying it yourself!

> > > >

> > > > The long and short of your post as well as rejoinder is that,

> " Unless

> > > and

> > > > untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in SIDDHAANTA

> > > skandha of

> > > > Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for either learning Vedic

> > > Jyotisha or

> > > > participating in any shaastraartha " which means that as on date

> anyone

> > > who

> > > > is not a " parangata " in sidhanta skanda of jyotisha is not fit for

> > > learning,

> > > > much less practicing " Vedic Jyotisha " , and " participating in any

> > > shastrarta "

> > > >

> > > > In other words, according to you, all those jyotishis, who have

> not

> > > studied

> > > > and qualified the test of sidhanta skanda, but are calling

> themselves

> > > " Vedic

> > > > jyotishis " even then, are making false claims! So your post is

> aimed

> > > more

> > > > at those jyotishis than at me, since I am not calling myself a

> " Vedic

> > > > jyotishi " at all much less practicing it!

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, instead of spitting all the venom and a slanging match and

> > > blowing

> > > > your own trumpet, it would have been much better if you had

> answered

> > > the

> > > > fifteen points, one on one, that I had asked you, for the benefit

> of

> > > > everybody, since as per your own claims, you are a " parangata " in

> > > sidhdanta

> > > > jyotisha.

> > > >

> > > > At least pl. do explain as to how you calculated the ayanamsha of

> > > > " 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD " when it was zero for February

> 17/18,

> > > 3102

> > > > BCE, and with an oscillatory movement like a pendulum of the

> " chakra "

> > > @ 54 "

> > > > per year up to 27 degrees plus and minus! Was that ayanamsha of

> > > 22:38:44

> > > > plus or minus, i.e. whether it was to be added to the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > > > longitudes to make them so called nirayana or sayana or whatever

> or

> > > was it

> > > > to be subtracted from them and why? What is the relevance of

> > > ayanamsha in

> > > > the Surya Sidhanta?

> > > >

> > > > How are we supposed to have calculated eclipses or rising and

> setting

> > > of

> > > > planets etc. from the Surya Sidhanta if that sidhanta is only for

> > > " phalita

> > > > jyotisha graha-spashta " and not meant for calculating the planets

> of

> > > modern

> > > > astronomy?

> > > >

> > > > Though I was not surprised at all at your " bravery " by deleting

> even

> > > > " BVB6.doc " from your forum, since that post actually caught you on

> the

> > > wrong

> > > > foot because we are really celebrating all our festivals and

> muhurtas

> > > on

> > > > wrong days, much against the canons of the Puranas like Bhagavata,

> > > Vishnu

> > > > Purana, Vishnudharmotara Purana and even the sidhantas like the

> Surya

> > > > Sidhata etc., as they are all talking of Makar Sankranti being

> the

> > > > shortest day of the year and a Karkata Sankranti the longest day

> of

> > > the

> > > > year and so on! In other words, they are all talking of a so

> called

> > > sayana

> > > > Rashichakra instead of the so called nirayana rashichakra, whether

> of

> > > Lahiri

> > > > or Ramana or even the Surya Sidhanta, which you want the world to

> > > believe is

> > > > as per the shastras and the sidhantas, nay even the Vedas!

> > > >

> > > > I am again posting that BVB6.doc on your forum hoping against hope

> > > that you

> > > > will ponder on the facts adumbrated therein.

> > > >

> > > > I am also repeating all those fifteen points below and if you do

> not

> > > answer

> > > > them even then, all I can do is recite the shlokas of the Gita

> > > 2/35-36 for

> > > > you, which are:

> > > >

> > > > bhayad ranad uparatam mansyante tvam maharathah,

> > > >

> > > > yeshm chai tvam bahumato bhootva yasyasi laghavam

> > > >

> > > > avachya vadanshchai vadishyanti tavahitah,

> > > >

> > > > nindantastava samarthyam tato dukha taram nu kim

> > > >

> > > > Being a scholar extraordinary, I know you will be able to

> understand

> > > the

> > > > meaning of these shlokas from the Gita.

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Ram

> > > >

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> ========================================================================\

> \

> > > ====

> > > > ===

> > > >

> > > > Excerpts from # 196 in Vedic Astrologyforum

> > > >

> > > > Would you kindly throw some light on the following points:

> > > > 1. Kindly demonstrate in a step by step manner scientifically as

> to

> > > how it

> > > > was

> > > > 22:38':44. " % for end of 2008 AD? Is it plus or minus as on that

> date

> > > i.e.

> > > > whether it is to be deducted from the syana longitudes of modern

> > > astronomy

> > > > to

> > > > find the so called nirayana Surya Sidhanta longitudes just as

> Lahiri

> > > > ayanamsha

> > > > is subtracted to find Lahiri longitudes or do we have to add it

> the

> > > Surya

> > > > Sidhanta longitudes to find the Sayana longitudes from them,

> presuming

> > > that

> > > > the

> > > > SS longitudes are so called nirayana?

> > > > 2. If it is neither to be deducted from the sayana longitudes nor

> is

> > > it to

> > > > be

> > > > added to the SS longitudes etc, what is its relevance and why is

> to be

> > > > calculated at all? In other words, why has the Surya Sidhanta

> given

> > > these

> > > > three

> > > > shlokas of " trimshat kritya yuga bhanam.... " if they do not serve

> any

> > > > purpose at

> > > > all?

> > > > 3. Does it i.e. the ayanamsha have any relevance to modern

> astronomy

> > > > vis-a-vis

> > > > the Surya Sidhanta? I mean are we to work just with the Surya

> Sidhanta

> > > > calculations for preparing horoscopes alone but for calculating

> > > eclipses,

> > > > rising

> > > > and setting of planets or even the sunrise/sunset etc.etc., do we

> have

> > > to go

> > > > on

> > > > chanting the mantra " NASA sharnam gachhami " ? Does Surya Sidhanta

> > > ayanamsha

> > > > have any relevance to those " drik calculations " ?

> > > > 4. Which Surya Sidhanta are you talking about i.e. whether it is

> the

> > > one

> > > > that

> > > > is available in the market or is it a different one?

> > > > 5. If it is not available in the market, how do we get it or do we

> > > have to

> > > > go by

> > > > conjecture work?

> > > > 6. Is the Surya Sidhanta of Panchasidhantika in any way relevant

> to

> > > the

> > > > present

> > > > Surya Sidhanta or not?

> > > > 7. Who was the author of the Surya Sidhanta according to you and

> to

> > > whom was

> > > > it

> > > > revealed and when?

> > > > 8. What is the date of " creation/revelation " of the Surya Sidhanta

> > > according

> > > > to

> > > > you and why?

> > > > 9. How far are the durations of yugas and yuga theories of the

> Surya

> > > > Sidhanta

> > > > correct and reliable according to you? Did the Kali Era really

> start

> > > in 3102

> > > > BCE according to you since that is what the SS says in an indirect

> > > manner.

> > > > 10. The mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta, whether of the

> > > > Panchasidhantika

> > > > Surya Sidhanta, or the currently available one, do not tally AT


> > > with

> > > > either

> > > > the so called Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara or any other Ayanamsha

> > > > longitudes,

> > > > nor do they tally with the so called sayana longitudes as per

> modern

> > > > astronomy.

> > > > What type of longitudes, as such, are there in the Surya Sidhanta

> and

> > > how

> > > > have

> > > > they been worked out?

> > > > 11. You have talked about Bhaskara-II vis-a-vis ayananamsha. The

> mean

> > > > longitudes of the Sidhanta Shiromani by Bhaskara-II as well do not

> at

> > > all

> > > > tally

> > > > with either Lahiri or Ramana or any other nirayana longitudes nor

> do

> > > they

> > > > tally

> > > > with the so called sayana longitudes as per modern astronomy! TO


> > > IT

> > > > ALL,


> at

> > > the

> > > > start

> > > > of kali Era nor at any other perioid! Why? Does it not mean that

> even

> > > > Bhaskara-II of around twelfth century had no faith in the Surya

> > > Sidhanta

> > > > calcuations?

> > > > 12 Same is the case with all the other sidhants including

> Aryabhati!

> > > No

> > > > sidhanta tallies with either modern astronomy---whether nirayana

> or

> > > > sayana---nor

> > > > do they tally with one another for any era, except for the start

> of

> > > the so

> > > > called Kali Era, where Aryabhati (ardharatrika), the Surya

> Sidhanta of

> > > > Pancha-sidhantika and mordern Surya Sidhanta sidhanta tally

> > > completely! The

> > > > longitudes at the start of Kali era also do not tally if we take

> the

> > > > audayika

> > > > system of Aryabhata---that had been prevailing in India for a

> > > considerable

> > > > period! In other words, even Aryabhata had no faith in the Surya

> > > Sidhanta

> > > > longitudes, either to start with or later since he shifted from

> > > > " ardharatrika "

> > > > to " audayika " . Why?

> > > > 13. With such a confusion in the sidhantas themselves, which

> sidhanta

> > > should

> > > > we

> > > > believe and why----especially since all of them are wrong as per

> > > modern

> > > > astronomy and also as compaed to one another?

> > > > 14. Is there any difference between the calculated longitudes of

> the

> > > Surya

> > > > Sidhanta and the authoritative/authentic statements in the same?

> E.g.

> > > > " Bhanor

> > > > makar sankranteh shanmaah, uttarayanam, karkyadestu tahtaiva syat

> > > shanmasah

> > > > dakshinayanam " . means that with the ingress of the sun into Makara

> > > Rashi,

> > > > the

> > > > six months of Uttarayana start and with the ingress of the sun

> into

> > > Karkata

> > > > Rashi, the six months of Dakshinayana start " . As per the Surya

> > > Sidhanta

> > > > calculations, this is an impossible situation. Surya Sidhanta

> Makar

> > > > Sankranti

> > > > does not at all coincide with the start of Uttarayana, nor does

> the

> > > Surya

> > > > Sidhanta karkata Sankranti coincide with the start of the six

> months

> > > of

> > > > Dakshinaya? How do you reconcile the two?

> > > > 15. There are quite a few statements in the Surya Sidhanta which

> talk

> > > of a

> > > > Tropical year i.e. a year related to the seasons and seasonal

> months,

> > > giving

> > > > an

> > > > impression that " Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year "

> and

> > > so on.

> > > >

> > > > Its calculations, however, yield some surprising results, which

> are

> > > correct

> > > > neither for a Tropical year nor for a sidereal year! They are just

> a

> > > sort of

> > > > imaginary year---and imaginary calculations---which is

> scientifically

> > > most

> > > > inaccurate! Why

> > > >

> > > > End excerpts.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> ************************************************************************\

> \

> > > ****

> > > > *****************************************

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " VJha " vinayjhaa16@

> > > >

> > > > Fwd: Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Shri Kaul Ji and whoever maybe concerned with this not-so-useful

> post,

> > > >

> > > > Please do not get annoyed with my answers (Read my previous

> rejoinder

> > > in

> > > > this thread). You do not know you are raising wrong questions :

> the

> > > > proof of astrological accuracy of SS is ONLY the astrological

> > > (phalita)

> > > > test of its results, and not the positions of physical planets.

> Since

> > > > you are not ready to test SS astrologically, you will never know

> its

> > > > worth. As for me, I will never try to prove the worth of SS to a

> > > person

> > > > who has consistently abused it besides abusing all Vedic

> Jyotishis. I

> > > > know a large number of Vedic Jyotishis need births in criminal

> wards

> > > of

> > > > some central jail. But so are many practitioners of other trades.

> It

> > > > does not mean we should throw the baby with the bathtub.

> > > >

> > > > First think what you are. A former astrologer ? An evangelist ? A

> new

> > > > Buddha eager to enlighten others about the fraud of Vedic

> Jyotishis ?

> > > > What is your qualification ? I am not raising these questions to

> > > malign

> > > > you, but to draw your attention towards the entrance point of

> Vedic

> > > > Jyotish which you have jumped over without qualifying properly.

> That

> > > > point is SIDDHAANTA, which is the bed-rock of that variety of

> Jyotisha

> > > > which may be labeled as :

> > > > Indian/Vedic/Bharatiya/Subcontinental/Whatever-you-call-it. I do

> not

> > > > care for the label, although I prefer " Vedic " owing to reasons I

> am

> > > not

> > > > willing to discuss here. Here, I am point towards the importance

> of

> > > > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Jyotisha. Why you do not think that I have

> > > > challenged you to solve some basic equations of SIDDHAANTA ,

> vowing

> > > > publicly that I will become your disciple in all respects if you

> > > > succedd? I know nobody in the world will help you in doing so. How

> do

> > > I

> > > > know it ??? Because I am a Vedic Jyotishi and I am PREDICTING

> > > > correctly that you will not succeed in solving the question raised

> by

> > > > me. So far, you have proven this prediction right by evading my

> > > > question.

> > > >

> > > > Unless and untill you qualify in this test, you are a failure in

> > > > SIDDHAANTA skandha of Vedic Jyotisha, and therefore not fit for

> either

> > > > learning Vedic Jyotisha or participating in any shaastraartha.

> > > >

> > > > You may keep on building your castles in the air, but that will

> not

> > > > solve anything for you or for others. Astrologers do not take your

> > > views

> > > > seriously, and even if all anti-astrologers side with you, you

> will

> > > > never be able to impose a ban on Vedic Jyotisha in a democratic

> > > > society. Therefore, please give up warfare tactics and set down to

> > > > discussions like a real intellectual : the agenda of discussion

> will

> > > be

> > > > decided by that person who qualifies in SIDDHAANTA skandha of

> Vedic

> > > > Jyotisha, because the questions you raise belong to this sphere.

> It is

> > > > the most difficult and secret skandha of Vedic Jyotisha ( " rahasyam

> > > > Brahma-samjnitam " ). It is time honoured rule of shaastraartha

> > > > (intellectual debate). Abusing " frauds " like me and " mlechchhas "

> like

> > > > my original Guru Maya the " reformed " Asura will not help you. I

> never

> > > > met Maya the " reformed " Asura as far as I know, yet it is part of

> > > > Rishi-Yajna to pay homage to originators of shaastras, and I pay

> > > homage

> > > > to Maya the " reformed " Asura by calling him my Guru in Jyotisha

> > > because

> > > > he gave the world many disciplines besides Jyotisha. He was not a

> > > Rishi,

> > > > but was indeed a teacher of great Rishis who learnt Jyotisha & c

> from

> > > > him. It is useless to discuss whether he was a superhuman being or

> > > not.

> > > > Such questions will not solve anything. Aristotle, the great Asura

> who

> > > > stole ideas of philistine sophists and got them killed, is reputed

> to

> > > > have said : the mark of genius is not the capability to solve

> great

> > > > questions, but to raise a genuine question, because humanity has

> guts

> > > to

> > > > solve any question now or later provided right questions are put

> forth

> > > > at right junctures. The proof of Aristotle being an unreformed

> clever

> > > > Asura lies in his name : Ari + stotra = The Praiser of Enemy (of

> > > > God/gods), ie The Praiser of Devil. So is the meaning of prefixes

> like

> > > > Ali, Ale, etc. I devoted decades on comparative linguistics, but

> later

> > > > found my findings will be opposed by all those members of Rascal

> > > > Societies and Ignoble Committees who create divisions in the world

> of

> > > > knowledge by distributing prizes which are worth less than a " bag

> of

> > > > potatoes " according to Jean Paul Sartre.

> > > >

> > > > Sir, no real sanyaasi has ever been defeated in shaastraartha by a

> > > > non-sanyaasi. A real sanyaasi is superior in shaastraartha not by

> dint

> > > > of superior bookish knowledge or other worldly traits, but by dint

> of

> > > > being the Chosen Lamb of God the Father Dyaus-Pitr (> Ju-piter).

> Each

> > > > real sanyaasi is a God-the-Son : Bhaagavata Purana says that God

> > > resides

> > > > secretly in every Jeeva, but is overtly manifest only to real

> > > sanyaasis.

> > > > Without practising brahmacharya like Ishu Shreshtha, you will not

> get

> > > > the blessing of Holy Mother. Brahmacharya is essential for all

> four

> > > > ashramas, including grihasthas (Lord Krishna said so in

> Mahabharata

> > > > during war between Arjuna and Ashvatthaama using brahmaastras).

> > > > Brahma-vidya or " rahasyam Brahma-samjnitam " like SS cannot be

> obtained

> > > > otherwise. You are in your later ashrama but do not want to give

> up

> > > > comforts of grihastha ashrama. If you do not want to leave the

> > > comforts

> > > > of grihastha ashram even after crossing half of full Age, you are


> > > a

> > > > Vedic brahmin youself, and therefore do not deserve the right to

> throw

> > > > stones at others, esp at those who follow Vedic Dharma in actual

> life.

> > > > Hence, either shut up or accept a fair shaastraartha (I know you

> will

> > > do

> > > > neither) on SIDDHANTA-JYOTISHA , and show me how you can solve

> > > > mandaphala equations of SS as in Makaranda Table. I will put up no

> > > > further question and will become your follower in every respect.

> Each

> > > > word of a Vedic Brahmin must be a promise.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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