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Munjala's Laghumanasa corrected panchangas.

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Shri A. Sharmaji,

Jai Shri Ram!

Thank you for your response. #6444 dt. 28 Oct in Hinducalendar


You have said, “As

AKKji wrote (see below), then why can't we go back to that Munjala's

Laghumanasa corrected Panchaanga?â€



is exactly what is being done these days by all the panchangamakers including

the Rashtriya Pancdhanga, with the only difference that they are doing further  “beeja

(ayanamsha) corrections to beeja corrected†longitudes!



appears you never use Rashtriya Panchanga in any language!  It keeps on

repeating year after year, on the page giving comparative figures of Surya

Sidhanta  mean longitudes vis-à-vis modern astronomy and the “Beeja correctionsâ€

resulting  there from, and I quote, “The planetary position in the (Rashtriya) panchangas

are given on the basis of the Surya Sidhanta longitudes with beeja corrections

as given aboveâ€Â  What the Rashtriya Panchanga calls beeja corrections is

nothing but the difference between the mean longitudes of the Surya Sidhanta planets

vis-à-vis that of modern astronomy which it gives in a separate column on that

very page. 


in the “Indian Astronomical Ephemeris†on the basis of which Rashtirya

Panchangas are published, the same India Meteorlogical Department and

Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkatta, publishers of the Rashtriya Panchanga, keep

on repeating, year after year, “By international agreement the basic

ephemerides are shared between the ephemeris offices of several countries and

the remaining countries receive them according to their requirements.  Our

sincere thanks are due to the Superintendent, British Nautical Almanac Office,

The Directors of the Nautical Almanac Offices of U. S. A. and U. S. S. R and of

the Astronomisches Rechen Institute, Heidelberg for the data furnished by themâ€.


must also be aware that 99.99 percent of Panchanga-makers get all their data,

which theuy reproduce in their panchangas, from none other than from Positional

Astronomy Centre, Kolkatta!  So they are virtually “Munjala’s Laghumanasa

corrected panchangas†because that was what Munjala had desired---to make

planetary longitudes driktulya!  Munjala was not himself sure that the

ayanamsha correction suggested by him would hold correct for a long span of



in Varanasi and another university in Darbhanga are the only two universities/organizations,

the world over that publish panchangas based on the Surya Sidhanta!  And they

also claim that it is with beeja corrections!  However, they get the timings of

Heliacal  rising and setting of planets apart from the timings of eclipses etc.

from Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkatta and they acknowledge the same in their



Kannu Pillai’s Indian Ephemeris for several centuries in the past, that was

based on the Surya Sidhanta, also was after beeja samskaras.  And he has said

it openly in his Preface of those ephemerides that he had worked the longitudes

as per Ketakar Graha Ganitam!  And those longitudes are so called nirayana---based

on astronomical tables of overseas sources!


the aim of beeja corrections in the planetary longitudes of ancient sidhantas

is to make them “drik-tulya†that is those “beeja samskrta†longitudes must

tally exactly with the apparent phenomena!  In other words, the longitudes of

planets supplied from JPL/NASA are the most accurate “drik-tulya†longitudes,

with the only difference that they are not based on the absolutely useless and

wrong data of the Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha but on real observations!


only confusion that “Vedic astrologers†are making worst confounded is by

making yet another “beeja samskara†and that is ayanamsha tonsure!  That way

the “drik-tulya†longitudes remain neither real drik-tulya nor  do they remain

sidhantic nor Pauranic nor as per modern astronomy, and NOT EVEN AS PER PRIMARY



therefore, use your good offices with jyotishis and ask them to desist from

making a mockery of the sidhantas as well puranas and even modern astronomy by

the ayanamsha mess---hundreds of them!


(or is it QEF?)


Shri Ram


K Kaul




do not construe that I am advocating so called sayana longitudes. 

Astronomically and even as per the Vedas and the sidhantas and Puranas, the words

Sayana and Nirayana and even ayanamsha do not exist at all.  They are a post

Munjala phenomenon!




HinduCalendar] Re: Jyotishis Vs Shri Avtar Krishen Kaul - 2






Namaste to One & All.



AKKji wrote (see below), then why can't we go back to that Munjala's

Laghumanasa corrected Panchaanga?





AKKji's Quote start:

" Attempts were made to do

“beeja correctionsâ€Â----a sinister word with an obnoxious meaning---in the

Surya Sidhanta of Surya Bhagwan to some how or the other circumnavigate

around the same SS calculations! Thus we find Brahmasphuta Sidhanta,

Shishyadhivridhida etc. etc. sidhantas in the same vein. Munjala was

the first Indian astronomer to understand the tragic state of affairs

that the calculations of the SS were fundamentally wrong and he advised that

the longitudes of the planets as per the Surya Sidhanta must be corrected by

an amount of one arc-minute per year from Shaka 444 to make them tally with

the exact phenomena. As per Alberuni’s India, we started celebrating

festivals on correct days in India after Munjala’s Laghumanasa, since

otherwise there was a difference of about one week between the dates of Makar

Sankranti and Uttarayana. The Ayanamsha as per Munjala between Shaka

444 and Shaka 854, the gauge year of Munjala’s Laghumanasa, was 6° 50’

at the rate of 1’ per year. Thus after adding the ayanamsha of 6°

50’ to the surya Sidhanta longitudes of the sun, the Surya Sidhanta Makar

Sankranti did actually coincide with Uttarayana i.e. Winter Solstice of Shaka

854 (932 AD). Similarly, the Vernal Equinox did coincide with Mesha

Sankranti with that correction and so on.

Alberuni has said in

“Alberuni’s India†that Utpala of Kashmir had started making correct

pancanga from Munjala’s Laghumanasa.

We also learn from pages 50 and

51 of Laghumanasa of INSA edition that right from 930 AD through 1042

(Bhojaraja, a Parmara king of Dhara in Malava country, to Tamma Yajva (AD

1613) son of Mallaya Yajva, in his Grahaganita- bhastkara, all the Indian

astronomers had used Munjala’s formula for finding the longitudes of plants

etc. “Astronomer Achyuta of Kerala (died 1621), too has framed

several of the rules given in his Karanottama on the model of those

stated in the Laghumanasa†page 50 of Laghumanasa (INSA-1990).

Thus whatever the “Vedic

astrologers†right from Kashmir to Kerala or even Kanya Kumari may say

today, whole of India was actually following a so called Sayana system, after

making corrections of Munjala’s Ayanamsha in the Surya Sidhanta etc.


It is only in around

sixteenth/seventeen th century that tables got turned when the “great

comet†of “Indian astrology†viz. Ganesha Daivajnya was born and he

spawned the nastiest astronomical work known as Grahalaghava, that we are

reeling under the so called nirayana and sayana confusion! " .

Quote end.





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