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[VFA-members] from personal correspondence

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Dear All,

Mount Kailasha near Lake Manasarovar in Himalayas is the Real abode of LORD SANKARA, the first among 11 RUDRAS.It is in Tibet which is now illegally occupied by China.Hence, to visit Mount Kailasha one has to get Chinese.Visa and millions visit Mount Kailasha every year.If one is sincerly devoted o LORD SANKARA and perform Yoga and visit Mount Kailash one can definitely see LORD SANKARA with spritual eye.He is ne of the 330million Devas mentioned in Vedas and Allied Literature and one of the TRMURTIS.Indian Government issues to the Pilgrims who llike to visit Mount Kailash every year during Indian Summer on some condxitions, one of the most important condition is that the pilgrims should healthy and physically and mentally fit.Ihave forwarded the photos of Mount Kailasha earlier to all e-groups in which I am either a founder, moderator or member.By

the by Lake Maanasarovar the Lake in the highest place than any other lake on Earth and the Mighty River Brahmaputra originates there.According to a legend Lord SANKARA performed severe Tapas to get a boon from LORD BRAHMA and got a boon.At the time the river originated from the mind of LORD BRAHMA and the lake was formed since the lake originated from the mind of LORD BRAHMA it is called MANASAROVAR, meaning Lake originated from the Mind an d since, the river originated from LORD BRAHMA it is called BRAHMAPUTRA meaning Son of LORD BRAHMA.



website: www.vedascience.com



Parama Karuna <xparamakarunaVFA-members ; kapidhvaja Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 1:44:09 PM[VFA-members] from personal correspondence








>MAtaji I have the pictures of mount kailash, it is so extremely beautiful.

>Can you please kindly tell me the significance of this? Can one go there as a pilgrim to >get spiritual benefits from it? Can it offer connection with the Divine? Liberation? and >devotion to the Lord?


Kailash is a holy place, the abode of Shiva Mahadeva.

Certainly by visiting the holy pilgrimage places one can get spiritual benefits and connect with the Divine, and ULTIMATELY attain liberation and devotion to the Lord. Lots of other spiritual/religious practices offer the same benefits – we are given a wide choice so that we can pick what best suits us according to taste, time, place, circumstance, resources and abilities.

So we need to evaluate what is the best thing for us to do in every particular circumstance.

If you have a job that does not allow you sufficient vacations, a family that needs your constant care, or you do not have sufficient money or health, traveling to a holy place of pilgrimage is not the best thing for you to do just now. You may wait for some better opportunity in the future, and in the meantime you can practice the best of all the pious/auspicious/ devotional activities: the japa yajna, the chanting of the holy names, either loudly, softly or even mentally.

That is something anyone (who has a human form of life) can do in any circumstance. And it is perfectly sufficient to get you all the benefits you desire – material and spiritual.


>you said nectar means essence of truth, can you please kindly explain the meaning of >"essence of truth"? (as I really dont know), can you please give me example where it >gives us eternal life, could it be studying Gita and putting it into practice.


Of course. It is studying Gita and putting it into practice.

The meaning of “essence of truth†is a truth that is always valid, for everyone, in all places and at all times.


>you also mentioned that we recognise knowledge through "our nature", can you explain >"our nature" please, but for someone who is embodied like myselves (covering the >atman), how am I able to tell actual knowledge (according to scriptures)?


Paramatma is residing in everybody’s heart, no matter how embodied we are... :-)

We need to learn to control our mind and to study the scriptures, so that we become able to distinguish between the knowledge coming from the Paramatma and the delusional blabbering of our mind. It is a process, and asking questions from someone who knows the scriptures and has attained some genuine level of realization always helps... :-)


>your also mentioned, if its not nectar...... reject, can you please explain this , what is "not >nectar"?


The paramahamsa has learned to tell the difference between truth and illusion; truth is nectar and illusion is “non-nectarâ€. Both nectar and non-nectar may be found in the same place, especially when people who are personally not self-realized repeat or quote the teachings of people who were originally self-realized.

Such repetition or transmission can be vitiated and distorted by the four inherent defects of the conditioned soul:

1. tendency to commit mistakes, misjudge situations and persons, make the wrong choices, fail to understand or to evaluate the important factors or the missing points, etc

2. tendency to fall under illusion - personal identification and/or attachment, flattery, cheating perpetrated by others, etc

3. imperfect senses –the perception senses and the mind are material, and therefore limited by time and space; they have intrinsic range limits and are subject to disease and old age

4. (conscious or unconscious) tendency to cheat, in order to appear a better person than what one actually is, or to protect one’s interests (individual or collective) etc.


>you have mentioned that I need to be self-sufficient, please explain the meaning of self >sufficient? how am I able to achieve this? (at the moment still covered by ignorance, >still attached to oneself, fruits of action, etc...)


Becoming self sufficient is a process. You cannot become self-sufficient instantly.

However, ultimately we all need to learn to stand on our own feet, because we do not know whether we will be able to get the proper assistance/support when we need it.

So we must learn. Some people are blessed with unfavorable circumstances during childhood – which may seem a bad thing – and they can learn to become more self-sufficient. ... practically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

However, we all need to grow up eventually.


>Gaura Purnima which is this Sunday 28/02/2010 as kindly advised by your holiness.

>Mataji can you please advise of what I should do on this auspicious day of >MAhaprabhu, so that I am able to get the Lords blessing?


The best recommendation I can offer is to worship this great personality, Krishna Chaitanya, by “tuning in†with his sentiment and following his instructions – specifically, to chant the holy names of the Lord.


>Is it also ok to read about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on this day?

Of course it is. You can read Chaitanya Bhagavata, Chaitanya charitamrita and other biographies, or what the previous acharyas have written about him.

However, I would avoid hearing about him from people who are not self-realized themselves.


>Mataji is it ok to chants Shivaji's name on this day (as it is no different to the Lord) or >Narayana's name? or Krsna's name as God is God and Mahaprabhuji (and your holiness >said ) it can be ANY of the Lords name (as stated in Shikshashtakam) , and your also >mentioned that in one of your articles that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to chant Lord >Shivajis name such as "Shiva Shiva" and was in ecstacy.


Of course you can chant the names of Hari Hara if that is your ista devata.

Also, it is true that Chaitanya manifested spiritual ecstasy while chanting Shiva’s name, but that was when he was visiting the temples of Shiva.

Generally Chaitanya preferred to contemplate Radha Krishna and Jagannatha, so it is better not to forget them.


>Mataji the other topic relates to association with self realised person. Please kindly >correct me for any mistakes I have made. I have heard that from Srimad Bhagavatam, >that if one associates with a self realised person FOR A MOMENT can/will give >perfection to that person. Mataji is this true? Mataji please kindly quote which verse it >relates (sanskrit verse and its meaning and commentary, many thanks)


nehabhikrama naso 'sti pratyavayo na vidyate, sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya, trayate mahato bhayat (Gita 2.40)


tulyama lavenapi na svargam napunam bhavam, bhagavat-sangi sangasya martyanam kim utasisah (Bhagavata purana 1.18.13)


satam prasangam mama virya samvido, bhavanti hrt-karna rasayanah kathah, taj-josanad asv apavarga vartmani, sraddha ratir bhaktir anukramisyati (Bhagavata purana 3.25.25)


vayam tu saksad bhagavan bhavasya, priyasya sakhyuh ksana-sangamena, suduscikitsyasya bhavasya mrtyor, bhisaktamam tvadya gatim gatah sma ((Bhagavata purana 4.30.38)


ata atyantikam ksemam, prcchamo bhavato 'naghah, samsare 'smin ksanardho 'pi, sat-sangah sevadhir nrnam (Bhagavata purana 11.2.30)


For the translation and commentary.. .. you may check the files of Gita I have already given you for 2.40, and for the Bhagavatam you can look for any available translation (or wait for mine... which may take some time).


>Mataji I would like to ask the meaning of association?

>As per above can this refer to Gurus/Lords instructions? what is more important >physical presence of self realised soul or his/her instructions? or both? or remembering >them

>Mataji it says for a moment can give perfection, now this moment is it the literal >meaning? Mataji can association with self realised soul be done via email/personal >correspondence? over the phone? reading through books? listening to thier chanting?


“Association†is a general definition that includes all the above, but “vani†or instructions is the most important part. Remembering the Guru is useful because we are automatically reminded of the instructions/ teachings we have received.

There is a famous example of the mosquito sitting on the lap of the king on the throne – that can also be applied to the Guru and the Lord. THAT type of association is not recommended. The personal company of the Guru against the Guru’s instructions brings more problems than benefits.


It is important to understand that association with a self-realized soul is INSPIRATION – but you need to do the rest of the work... :-)

We cannot expect others (not even the Guru) to do everything for us: our direct participation and effort is absolutely necessary. Again, physical association with a self-realized soul is not sufficient if we do not accept to do our part – to get rid of our bad habits, misconceptions, identifications and attachments. It is a gradual process, but we need to work at it, it’s not automatic.


Therefore sometimes we see that people who lived side by side with great self-realized personalities did not develop spiritually, and rather than becoming purified they became very bad persons. This is because they did not really surrender.

The key is SURRENDER. :-)


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