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Correct dates of festivals for 2010-11

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T. K. P. Ghopalji,


Shri Ram!


this mail has any Scientific matter !?!?!? You are talking much about

scientific astrology! But you give much importance to mails like these.>


real Vamadevas were astronomers in the real sense of the word, unlike their

modern namesakes, for whom the Vedas have nothing else to do except to decipher

the janmapatri of every Tom, Dick and Harry!


festivals are a part of Vedic rituals and are based on seasons, seasonal

months---both solar and lunar---tithis and nakshatras!


are because of the phenomenon of seasons, about which you must have read in

primary school level geography books. Seasonal months---both lunar and

solar---are two months of each season, as per the Vedic lore. They are

all thus geographic phenomenon.


are the distance between the Moon and the sun, divided by twelve. These

are known as lunar phases, since purnima (Full Moon), Amanta (New Moon) etc.

are all lunar phases from zero to thirty and are as such a part of



is only through nakshatras, Junction Stars, that we are able to say that the

Vedanga Jyotisha is a work of about 1400 BCE, because that work refers to the

New Moon falling in Dhanishtha nakshatra, which coincided with Uttarayana i.e.

Winter Solstice! That could have happened only in around 1400 BCE. We

are also able to decide the dates of Yajur Veda as around 3000 BCE, because it

talks of " Krittikas not swerving from the East " . There are

similar other instances!


these details about calculating tithi, nakshatra, ritus and months-----but not

rashis and planets!------have been given by Acharya Lagadha in his Vedanga

Jyotisham in around 1400 BCE, but maybe " Vedic jyotishis " like you

are unaware of the same, because, according to them " Vedanga

Jyoitisha " means nothing but predicting as to who will have a heart

attack on what date or who will be the minister in which year of his life, as

per the sade sati or kalasapra dosha etc.etc. that may be running

in his/her horoscope! And blissfully, jyotishis like you are unaware

of the fact that Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis, whether so called sayana or so

called nirayana, are imaginary twelve division of a still imaginary circle

known as ecliptic!


Mangal is the owner of the first imaginary division, Venus the owner of second

imaginary division and so on! And no wonder, all these “properties”

are “benami transactions”, but even then they have been “registered”

by “almighty jyotishis” in the names of inanimate wandering bodies

known as planets!


they fight tooth and nail to prove all that phantasmagoria as scientific and

decry streamlining the Hindu calendar as unscientific!


kaale vipareeta budhih!


Shri Ram


K Kaul

, Ghopal TKP

<astrogopalji wrote:


Does this mail has any Scientific matter !?!?!?

You are talking much about scientific astrology!

But you give much importance to mails like these.

Is it because you are unable to resist or you are for it


I simply cant understand your science in astrology.




TKP Ghopal M.Com.,D.E.E.,

KP Astro Analyst


093666 23444// 04290 244374



Poompatty,Tholasampatty Post.,

SALEM-636503 TN India



On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 9:27 PM, jyotirved <jyotirved



from jyotirved included below]

Dear friends,

Jai Shri Ram!

Here is the

list of correct dates of some of the important fasts, festivals and fairs for



This list

has been compiled as per the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisham, Puranas and

siddhantas. In fact, this is almost a ditto copy of the list of

festivals prepared by Shri Darshaney Lokesh in his “Mohan Kriti

Tithi-Patrak” in Hindi, priced at Rs. 80; postage extra.

His address is:

Shri Darshaney Lokesh; 276, Gama-1, Greater Noida (UP)-201310




On perusing

this list, you will see that there is a lot of difference from the dates of

festivals as per Rashtirya Panchanga, which is actually “almighty”

Lahiri Panchanga, and is thus neither as per the Vedas nor the

Siddhantas, nor even modern astronomy, leave alone dharmashastras!

Those Lahiri

festivals are being observed because we are surrounded by “Vedic

astrologers” who are actually anything but Vedic. And since those

“Vedic astrologers” cannot “make correct predictions

(sic!)” from any Rashichakra other than that of Lahiri, that is why they

want the entire Hindu community to celebrate muhurtas and also

festivals on “Lahiri” days!

It is, though,

a moot point as to how accurate (sic!) their predictions on the basis of

“almighty” Lahiri Rashichakra are, since---just to cite one

example---it was on the basis of that very Rashichakra that the NDA government

had been advised by Jyotishis galore to advance the elections by several

months, and the results are there for anybody to see---Poor Vajpayee’s

Rajya suffered an “akalamrityu”---thanks to “Vedic

astrologers” and their “Vedic astrology”.

You will find

from this list that these jyotishis want us to celebrate Pitra Amavasya on the

day of Dipavali, celebrate shradha paksha during a time which is very auspicious

otherwise, celebrate kharamasa and dhanurmasa when they are not

prevailing and so on and so forth! They are also thrusting down our

throat an adhika Vaishakha masa in 2010, when there is no adhikamasa as per the

Vedanga Jyotisham during this year!

It may be of

interest to these “Vedic astrologers” that in the past, all the

horoscopes were prepared from panchangas based on siddhantas like the Surya

Siddhanta by Maya the mlechha, and all the siddhantas talk of “Bhanor

Makar Sankranteh Shanmasah uttarayanam, karkyades-tathiava syat shanmasa

dakshinayanam. Dwirashinathah ritavastatoapi shishiradayah, meshadayo

dwadashaite hbagastaireva vatsarah” i.e “The six months of

Uttarayana start from the day of Makar Sankranti (the shortest day of the year)

and the six months of Dakshinayana from the day of Karkata Sankranti (the

longest day of the year). Thence also are reckoned the ritus like

Shishira etc. of two months each. These twelve rashis, commencing with

Mesha are the months of which a year is made up.” (Surya Siddhanta

–Madyamadhikara 9-10)


In fact, the

same thing has been repeated in almost all the Puranas, whether the Bhagavata

or the Vishnu Purana or the Shiva Purana etc. etc. that Makara Sankranti

is the shortest day of the year, Karakta Sankranti the longest day of the year,

Mesha Sankranti the day of Vernal Equinox (when day is equal to night), Tula

Sankranti the day of Autumn Equinox, when the day is equal to night

again! All these points have been clarified in BVB6.docs; 1999b.docs etc.

All these

clarifications and pramanas from shastras as well as modern astronomy were sent

to all the dharmacharyas. If in spite of that, these jagadgurus,

who are supposed to be sarvajnyas, or “his holienss of art of this thing

or that thing” or babas and yogis and tantriks etc. are acting like

blind and deaf towards such a travesty of dharma, we must certainly try

to find the reasons for the same!

What is all the

more surprising is that Arya Samajis, who are supposed to go by the Vedas and

nothing but the Vedic lore, are also succumbing to “almighty”

Lahiri Rashichakra which is anything but Vedic---since there are no Mesha etc.

Rashis in the Vedas, as such no Makar or Kumbha Sankranti--- nor siddhantic,

least of all as per modern astronomy!

All these

“nimitas” (omens) are certainly not good for the Hindu community as

a whole!

It is, as such,

a Clarion Call to a common Hindu that he/she must revolt against such tyranny

in the name of phalita-jyotisha by “Vedic astrologers” who are

anything but Vedic, and start celebrating all the festivals and muhurtas on

correct days!


Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul



interested in understanding/discussing the gamut of the revised Hindu calendar

may please join


forum where

posts are not moderated and all the view points are discussed thoroughly.








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jyotirved [jyotirved]

Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:00 PM


Cc: 'hinducalendar '

Correct dates of festivals for 2010-11




Dear Shri Rajendra Pandeyji,


Many thanks for sending me a copy of your esteemed " Sarvmangla " magazine for

April 2010.




It is really heartening to see that you are also making laudable efforts to

have the derailed Hindu calendar put back on right track. As such, the

thorough discussion on the topic of panchanga standardization in your

esteemed magazine is quite heartening.




The controversy regarding so called sayana versus nirayana is actually

meaningless as far as the real Vedic calendar goes. In fact, my own

phalita-jyotisha journey has been quite rewarding in this respect. Since

you are an esteemed member of HinduCalendar forum, I am sure you must have

gone through the documents like koshur6, bvb6 etc. in the files section.


To start with I was a firm believer in Grahalaghava panchanga, since there

was none other available in Kashmir then! Later, I started believing in

Rashtriya (read Lahiri!) Panchanga as that was supposed to be the most

scientific! On reading articles by late Dr. B. V. Raman etc. in the

Astrological Magazine that nirayana was the only correct system for

predictions, as it was based on the Vedas, I tried my hand at sayana system

just to vindicate the stand taken by Dr. Raman etc.


Thus I became a sayana astrologer, and tried to look for nirayana rashis in

the Vedas!


To my utter disappointment, I could not find any Mesha etc. rashis, whether

so called sayana or nirayana, in the Vedas or the Vedagna Jyotisham! On the

other hand, all the Siddhantas and Puranas talked of so called sayana

rashis i.e. the day of Vernal Equinox was known as Mesha Samkranti, the day

of Winter Solstice as Makara Samkranti and so on! All this has been amply

demonstrated by me in BVB6 and 1999b and rashi5 etc. documents.


Since there is absolutely no phalita jyotisha in any of the Vedas or the

Vedanga Jyotisham or Yajur Jyotisham, not even in Puranas, as all those

shastras advise " karmanyaeva adhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachanai " , obviously,

the phalita business, has been thrust on us by some overseas vested

interests. And as phalita business coiuld not go on without the crutches of

Rashis, they were said to have been revealed by Surya Bhagwan through none

other than Maya the mlechha!


And unfortunately for the entire Hindu community, people like Varahaminjira

fell hook line and sinker for the same, with the result that Hindus became

known as nothing but jyotishis and predictive gimmicks were named as Vedic



The double whammy has been that it is because of that very " Vedic astrology "

that we are celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days!


I am sure you are aware of the fact that as far as posts to Hinducalendar

forum are concerned, there are no copyright hassles involved since it is a

sort of public property for dissemination of knowledge. As such, pl. feel

free to include any article or mail from any member in your esteemed

magazine, that you think will further the cause of calendar reform.


BTW, I was amused to see the letter/article of the Director General of India

Meteorology Department in the April issue of your magazine. PAC3 document

in the files section will be of great help in this regard, if you want to

follow up the issue with him.


With warm regards,




A K Kaul


PS If you so desire, you can publish the list of correct dates of

festivals, besides my " covering letter " of the same in your esteemed

magazine " as it is " in English, and I do not think Hindi readers will have

any difficulty in deciphering the dates of festivals etc. I am forwarding a

copy of MSWORD version of the same document, since you can change the font

etc. in that format whereas it cannot be changed in the pdf form.









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Dear Rajji,


I hope either/bothof these documents can be uploaded in the files section.

Pl. give me the address of the same, since I could not find any files in












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