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Rashi Drishti - Doubt Views - 2

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Dear Respected members


Continued from previous mail -


I feel the commentators have arrived so, after drawing a diagram

with rashis positined in 8 directions(Aries/Taurus in East,Gemini in

NE etc).This diagram will show a linear opposition between Mesh and

Vrischika in a 2 dimensional piece of paper.My personal view is this

assumption may not be a correct one.In a spatial sense Aries opposes

Thula and not Vrischika.


Sage did not speak about chara,sthira etc regarding rashi drishti -

those were interpretations of Commentators is my understanding.


Now i have two humble views regarding the above shloka -(My sanskrit

is zero and you may help me here)


A)Abhipashyanthi is just pointing to the mutual aspects between

rikshanis(Rashis). Front is not at all meant.Can we use prefix abhi

with Pashyanthi in such a context - pls correct me.


The whole set(SUtras 2,3,4) means rashis aspect each other except

with the ones on their sides(Parshwa) viz 2 & 12.It then covers

Griha drishti as well.Degree of aspect (Full/Quarter)varies and it

has been mentioned in other texts.


B)If abhi can mean front as in Abhimukha - Then Rashis have a very

difficult chance of facing each other as mentioned by commentators.


The spatial /circular zodiac may not be properly understood using a

two dimensional paper.On the other hand 7th rashis as in griha

drishti are in opposition(Aries/Thula).


My preference is option A.


I request learned members to throw more light.More learned may hold

different views and kindly pardon.




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