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Saturn in Upachya

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Hello Ashwini ji,


I just have come on forum from last night, i was busy in some other

work so didnt got time to come online.


Yes these combination are also there, but if we find a chart of total

drunkard, drug addicted person then deep analaysis on this can be done.


But the problem is the new generation in India, even in my small city,

girls and boys who are in college spend there evenings in Bars,

drinking/smoking is a passion for them. Donot know what is there

mentality but this is going on.


Parents think that there girls even cannot smoke but they do.

So budh's involvement can also be said if this thing happens in youth

or in childish behavior. But yes till we donot get quantity charts,

just pin pointing by one horoscope will not be good.


But yes like venus is karak for spouse money etc...the same way

Rahu-Saturn is a cause for such habits.


Finally i think Quantity charts are necessary to find the duration and

attitude of person towards intoxication.


Many thanks for your valubable inputs.


I also thank other members who took part in this thread.


Warm Regards,



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, " Tarun " <tarun.virgo wrote:


> Hello Ashwini ji,


> I just have come on forum from last night, i was busy in some other

> work so didnt got time to come online.


> Yes these combination are also there, but if we find a chart of total

> drunkard, drug addicted person then deep analaysis on this can be done.


> But the problem is the new generation in India, even in my small city,

> girls and boys who are in college spend there evenings in Bars,

> drinking/smoking is a passion for them. Donot know what is there

> mentality but this is going on.


> Parents think that there girls even cannot smoke but they do.

> So budh's involvement can also be said if this thing happens in youth

> or in childish behavior. But yes till we donot get quantity charts,

> just pin pointing by one horoscope will not be good.


> But yes like venus is karak for spouse money etc...the same way

> Rahu-Saturn is a cause for such habits.


> Finally i think Quantity charts are necessary to find the duration and

> attitude of person towards intoxication.


> Many thanks for your valubable inputs.


> I also thank other members who took part in this thread.


> Warm Regards,


> Tarun



Dear Tarun, probably any where on the world is similar situation. I

don't now exactly for India but we are in Kali yuga and things is

probably going to worse unfortunately.

I just gave on some forum on my local language which I member for some

time, question of such chart or data birth of such person. Probably

many subtle string is responsible for such behavior, 5 bhava and lord,

bud like you say,etc.I hope that very soon I have few more charts for





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yes affliction to second house and its lord or negative aspects will not

only cause one to have tendency to speak falsehoods but will also make one

consume things that are undesirable including intoxicants. I also have a

12th house Saturn and can vouch for the devastating nature of Saturn as at

one time I was using drugs in my teens to cope with life. it is very nice

that we are addressing Saturn as he is the great teacher but he also is a

very powerful planet (I believe benefically as well when understood with the

big picture in mind).










Raja G. Gursahani

*: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

*: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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in college here in the usa where I was born and raised it is very normal to

use drugs during those times. of course when I have visited india there were

many well to do youngsters who also did the same, actually when traveling

around the world this is just a normal teenage experience. drugs are part of

culture and society. the lucky part for me is that through Jyotish is that I

was able to realize these destructive tendencies. the debate on drugs is a

tough one. you can't ban them because they are part of the fabric of society

but at the same time they can be so destructive for a person who does have

limitations with their nerves to handle stress. I mean the drugs is for

coping with the stresses of life. many times due to the stress of my

dominating father did I have to use it in my early teens. the domination of

my father has still continued, Jyotish has spared me from fighting with him

on his mundane level. you may be born with not the perfect parents and

Jyotish actually teaches you that. however some people are meant to defy

their parents as that is their karma. Jyotish is complex and that is why its

study is so powerful for the individual who is willing to take on this

arduous path of self discovery and life changing fulfillment.










Raja G. Gursahani

*: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

*: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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Hare Rama Krsna; : Om Gurave namah

Dear Tarun,

Is this discussion about saturn in upchaya (3,6,10,11 bhavas) or the

apoklima ( 3,6,9,12) or the dusthana ( 6,8,12)

I think u need to correct the Discussion thread name.

Secondly i have a saturn ® with rahu in 12th ( leo) and i am a teetotaler.

More so they are in venus nakshatra which shoudl considerably bring saturn

aspect result to 2nd house. Thus we need to re assess such a derivation

based on a single placement.

Would like your views on it.


om tat sat


On 9/13/07, Raja Gursahani <rajagursahani wrote:


> in college here in the usa where I was born and raised it is very normal

> to

> use drugs during those times. of course when I have visited india there

> were

> many well to do youngsters who also did the same, actually when traveling

> around the world this is just a normal teenage experience. drugs are part

> of

> culture and society. the lucky part for me is that through Jyotish is that

> I

> was able to realize these destructive tendencies. the debate on drugs is a

> tough one. you can't ban them because they are part of the fabric of

> society

> but at the same time they can be so destructive for a person who does have

> limitations with their nerves to handle stress. I mean the drugs is for

> coping with the stresses of life. many times due to the stress of my

> dominating father did I have to use it in my early teens. the domination

> of

> my father has still continued, Jyotish has spared me from fighting with

> him

> on his mundane level. you may be born with not the perfect parents and

> Jyotish actually teaches you that. however some people are meant to defy

> their parents as that is their karma. Jyotish is complex and that is why

> its

> study is so powerful for the individual who is willing to take on this

> arduous path of self discovery and life changing fulfillment.


> namaskar,


> ________


> Raja G. Gursahani

> *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)



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Dear Raja ji,


Actually Saturn gives self Conscious to a person.


If it is weak then person lacks the truth of life and he is weak to

accept it. So he follows a way to accept Drugs and intoxicants. and

Rahu and Mars increases saturn's negative tendancy.


Sun , guru , venus, budh trys to correct it to some level , but are

unable till saturn itself is not strong.


So saturn when in 2/8 axis if we take 2nd house as hosue for consuming

food or eatables , saturn donot promises to be Good and so bad food

i.e. drugs or alcohal may be consumed.


So finally Saturn if good, person will move on right path and will not

follow bad company.


Thanks and Warm Regards,





, " Raja Gursahani "

<rajagursahani wrote:


> in college here in the usa where I was born and raised it is very

normal to

> use drugs during those times. of course when I have visited india

there were

> many well to do youngsters who also did the same, actually when


> around the world this is just a normal teenage experience. drugs are

part of

> culture and society. the lucky part for me is that through Jyotish

is that I

> was able to realize these destructive tendencies. the debate on

drugs is a

> tough one. you can't ban them because they are part of the fabric of


> but at the same time they can be so destructive for a person who

does have

> limitations with their nerves to handle stress. I mean the drugs is for

> coping with the stresses of life. many times due to the stress of my

> dominating father did I have to use it in my early teens. the

domination of

> my father has still continued, Jyotish has spared me from fighting

with him

> on his mundane level. you may be born with not the perfect parents and

> Jyotish actually teaches you that. however some people are meant to defy

> their parents as that is their karma. Jyotish is complex and that is

why its

> study is so powerful for the individual who is willing to take on this

> arduous path of self discovery and life changing fulfillment.




> namaskar,




> __________


> Raja G. Gursahani

> *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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, " Raja Gursahani "

<rajagursahani wrote:


> yes affliction to second house and its lord or negative aspects will not

> only cause one to have tendency to speak falsehoods but will also

make one

> consume things that are undesirable including intoxicants. I also have a

> 12th house Saturn and can vouch for the devastating nature of Saturn

as at

> one time I was using drugs in my teens to cope with life. it is very


> that we are addressing Saturn as he is the great teacher but he also

is a

> very powerful planet (I believe benefically as well when understood

with the

> big picture in mind).




> namaskar,



Dear Raja,


I m simha lagna,I have shani in 12 bhava, in navamsha is in 4 house in

karka vargotama. But when I run antardsha of shani I been involve in

rigorous and ascetic style of life. I practice raja yoga 6-7 hours per

day and I almost not go out from my apartment.My shani give to me such

type of energy, isolation and practice of yoga.Just one example of

shani in 12 bhava.






> ____


> Raja G. Gursahani

> *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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Hello Swati,


you can take evil houses, rather than upachya or whatever apoklima.


The point i started was, Is saturn responsible ?? and i asked for

practical charts, i donot run for discussion other than charts or

practical horoscopes.


I donot think to consider Tea as Intoxicant.


Here if you have some charts of drunkars / chain smokers /drug addicts

you can post the charts it would be great.


now if we move to nakshatra then we also see Sublord of the house and

sub lords of the planet, but the point here is... Like venus is karak

for spouse / money etc..


then what planet we should blame for such activities.


Warm Regards,









, " healing spaces "

<healingspaces wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna; : Om Gurave namah

> Dear Tarun,

> Is this discussion about saturn in upchaya (3,6,10,11 bhavas) or the

> apoklima ( 3,6,9,12) or the dusthana ( 6,8,12)

> I think u need to correct the Discussion thread name.

> Secondly i have a saturn ® with rahu in 12th ( leo) and i am a


> More so they are in venus nakshatra which shoudl considerably bring


> aspect result to 2nd house. Thus we need to re assess such a derivation

> based on a single placement.

> Would like your views on it.

> Nirvanika

> om tat sat


> On 9/13/07, Raja Gursahani <rajagursahani wrote:

> >

> > in college here in the usa where I was born and raised it is

very normal

> > to

> > use drugs during those times. of course when I have visited india


> > were

> > many well to do youngsters who also did the same, actually when


> > around the world this is just a normal teenage experience. drugs

are part

> > of

> > culture and society. the lucky part for me is that through Jyotish

is that

> > I

> > was able to realize these destructive tendencies. the debate on

drugs is a

> > tough one. you can't ban them because they are part of the fabric of

> > society

> > but at the same time they can be so destructive for a person who

does have

> > limitations with their nerves to handle stress. I mean the drugs

is for

> > coping with the stresses of life. many times due to the stress of my

> > dominating father did I have to use it in my early teens. the


> > of

> > my father has still continued, Jyotish has spared me from fighting


> > him

> > on his mundane level. you may be born with not the perfect parents and

> > Jyotish actually teaches you that. however some people are meant

to defy

> > their parents as that is their karma. Jyotish is complex and that

is why

> > its

> > study is so powerful for the individual who is willing to take on this

> > arduous path of self discovery and life changing fulfillment.

> >

> > namaskar,

> >

> > ________

> >

> > Raja G. Gursahani

> > *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> > *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)

> >

> >

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i have recently started studying astrology.i have joined this group to

learn more.

I am trying to see as many charts as i can so as to learn.

The person who helps around the house ----his ......DOB is 6-9-79,TOB

is 2.25 am, POB--wardha.

His lagna is kark.He has surya,budha,shukra,guru,shani,rahu in

simha in the second house..chandra and ketu in eight house in

makar.and mangal in mithun in 12 house.

I have heard he drinks and beats his sisters.his father had come to


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dear tarunji,




that might be very much so as I have rahu and mars in both the house of

jupiter and Saturn is opposite rahu and at that time it was very true that I

didn't understand the truth of life. I also I am still very self conscious.

is there a way to improve on that?










Raja G. Gursahani

*: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

*: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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Dear Raja ji,


I don't have your chart, but Saturn's teachings are life long and when

we realize the pain of others, it is self improved.


Actually people take it bad planet but the reality is when Saturn is

not able to give its strength , the person is not able to

differentiate between right and wrong. People make it responsible for

evil things but thing is opposite. Like it is said saturn in 2nd

house, person will speak lie, but the real thing is , if saturn is

weak in 2nd house then person will speak lie and if saturn is strong

he will follow path of truth.


Like the current generation who have weak saturn, moves on wrong path.


But yes making evil aspects weaker or say by donating things related

to rahu. mars if not yoga karak for the individual then saturn can be



Thanks for sharing your experience with Saturn, as this point has

given me more clues about Saturn's reality.



Warm Regards,

















, " Raja Gursahani "

<rajagursahani wrote:


> dear tarunji,




> that might be very much so as I have rahu and mars in both the house of

> jupiter and Saturn is opposite rahu and at that time it was very

true that I

> didn't understand the truth of life. I also I am still very self


> is there a way to improve on that?




> sincerely,




> __________


> Raja G. Gursahani

> *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)







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, " Tarun " <tarun.virgo wrote:


> Dear Ashwini ji,


> If you have charts of such persons , it would be great to share.


> Saturn is definately a major cause of taking intoxicants , rahu's

> conjuction makes it on little higher level or in quantity.


> Food or consuming items are taken by mouth so 2nd house is for sure

> responsible for such.


> Warm Regards,


> Tarun


Dear Tarun I m gonna have such chart for few days of ex drug addict,

so we can study shani or some other graha who is responsible for that








> > > Dear Tarun, I have one more chart with shani in 8 bhava in rashi

> > chart for dhanur lagna, in navamsha in 10 bhava.

> > Shani aspects surya lord of 9 bhava in 2 bhava in rashi chart, in

> > navamsha shani again aspect surya in 1 bhava from 10 bhava,mangal and

> > rahu in 8 bhava in navamsha, mangal have aspect from 8 bhava on kethu

> > in 2 bhava. I now that person 11 years and every time when have shani

> > in some dasha period he love to go to bars and to drink etc.

> > Indication is aspect of shani on graha in second bhava.

> >

> > regards,

> > ashwini

> > > ashwinikumaras <ashwinikumaras@> wrote:

> > > , " vreality_au "

> > <reality_v@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Tarun

> > > > I hve Sa conj Ju in 12th, aspected by Ma fr 6th. I'm averse to

> > > > intoxicants.

> > > > I think the whole chart needs to be taken into consideration.

> > > >

> > > > rgds

> > > > Su

> > > >

> > > > , Krishna Chandra Dwivedi

> > > > <kcdd8@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Tarun

> > > > >

> > > > > I have Saturn (conjunct with Lagna Lord, Venus and aspected by

> > > > Jupiter from 6th house) in the 12th House of my chart. I had been

> > > > smoking heavily, though I have given it up completely now. I have

> > > > also been a social drinker of alcohol in moderate quantity.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think the conjunction and aspect by the benefics may

perhaps be

> > > > the reason for these not to take the form of severe addiction

in my

> > > case.

> > > > >

> > > > > K C Dwivedi

> > >

> > > Dear Tarun I have shani in 12 bhava retrograde in rashi chart, in

> > > navamsha in 4 bhava. In one period in my life I smoke and live

not to

> > > some normal rhythm, but in mangal dasha not shani.

> > >

> > > I think that drishti from 8 and 12 bhava from shani on some

graha in 2

> > > bhava give some indication for intoxication.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > ashwini

> > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Tarun <tarun.virgo@> wrote:

> > > > > Hello Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > Please share your views about Saturn in Upachya house and

> > Intoxication

> > > > > by the native.

> > > > >

> > > > > i.e. consumption of Alcohol and drugs, tobacco, smoking etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > Is this observed by you too in charts that saturn in 3/6/8/12

> makes

> > > > > native to consume such things.

> > > > >

> > > > > Warm Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Tarun

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with

> > > > Autos.

> > > > >

> > > > >

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If Saturn conjuct with Ketu is placed in Libra Lagna, What

characteristic a person will have and what are the ways to overcome

the implications coz rahu will be on 7'th, the moon is on sagittarius.





, " Tarun " <tarun.virgo wrote:


> Dear Raja ji,


> Actually Saturn gives self Conscious to a person.


> If it is weak then person lacks the truth of life and he is weak to

> accept it. So he follows a way to accept Drugs and intoxicants. and

> Rahu and Mars increases saturn's negative tendancy.


> Sun , guru , venus, budh trys to correct it to some level , but are

> unable till saturn itself is not strong.


> So saturn when in 2/8 axis if we take 2nd house as hosue for


> food or eatables , saturn donot promises to be Good and so bad food

> i.e. drugs or alcohal may be consumed.


> So finally Saturn if good, person will move on right path and will


> follow bad company.


> Thanks and Warm Regards,

> Tarun




> , " Raja Gursahani "

> <rajagursahani@> wrote:

> >

> > in college here in the usa where I was born and raised it is very

> normal to

> > use drugs during those times. of course when I have visited india

> there were

> > many well to do youngsters who also did the same, actually when

> traveling

> > around the world this is just a normal teenage experience. drugs


> part of

> > culture and society. the lucky part for me is that through Jyotish

> is that I

> > was able to realize these destructive tendencies. the debate on

> drugs is a

> > tough one. you can't ban them because they are part of the fabric


> society

> > but at the same time they can be so destructive for a person who

> does have

> > limitations with their nerves to handle stress. I mean the drugs

is for

> > coping with the stresses of life. many times due to the stress of


> > dominating father did I have to use it in my early teens. the

> domination of

> > my father has still continued, Jyotish has spared me from fighting

> with him

> > on his mundane level. you may be born with not the perfect

parents and

> > Jyotish actually teaches you that. however some people are meant

to defy

> > their parents as that is their karma. Jyotish is complex and that


> why its

> > study is so powerful for the individual who is willing to take on


> > arduous path of self discovery and life changing fulfillment.

> >

> >

> >

> > namaskar,

> >

> >

> >

> > __________

> >

> > Raja G. Gursahani

> > *: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

> > *: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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