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upayas;- how they work and precautions to be taken

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Osho, one of the great spiritual minds of our time, concludes his

discussion of the essential nature of astrology in article. Astrology,

the Science of Cosmic Oneness, gives a unique picture of the way the

Universe was at the moment of your birth. " A tiny blade of grass has

an impact on the sun, and the sun has its impact on the blade of

grass. The blade of grass is not so tiny that the sun can say, " I do

not care about you, " nor is the sun so big that it can say, " What can

this blade of grass do for me? " Life is interconnected. Here nothing

is big or small; everything is one organic unity.

(I think this explains the philosphy behind effectiveness of seemingly

minor and insignificant upayas of lal kitab)

He further adds

Astrology recognizes the incompleteness of the perspective that the

past gives the impetus and that the future happens as a result. If one

views a phenomenon in its totality, one sees that the past is

providing the impetus, but that the future is also exercising a pull,

an attraction. The bud becoming a flower is not all that is happening.

The flower is calling out to the bud to become a flower it is

exercising a pull. The past is behind, the future is ahead. Now, in

the present moment, there is a bud; the entire past is pushing the bud

to become a flower, and the entire future is calling on the bud to

become a flower.


Under pressure from both the directions, past and future, the bud will

become a flower. If there were no future, the past by itself would not

be able to create the flower because the future must provide the space

for the bud to become a flower. In the future a place, some space, is

necessary. Only if the future provides the space will the bud be able

to flower. If there were no future, then no matter how much the past

tried, no matter how much it pushed you, it would be in vain. No

matter how much I push you from behind, if there is a wall in front of

you, I cannot make you move forward. Space is needed to move forward.

If I push you and the space ahead accepts you with the invitation,

" Come, be my guest, " only then can my pushing be significant. For my

pushing a space in the future is needed. The past does the work; the

future gives the space.


It is the view of astrology that looking from the standpoint of the

past alone is insufficient and only partially scientific.


The future is calling all the time, drawing us all the time.


We do not know, we are not aware. This is the weakness of our eyes,

this is our shortsightedness we cannot see very far. About tomorrow,

nothing is revealed to us.




The future is not utterly uncertain. Our knowledge is uncertain; our

ignorance is weighty. Nothing of the future seems to be revealed to

us. We are blind nothing at all of the future is revealed to us. And

because nothing seems to be revealed to us, we say it is uncertain.

But something of the future is revealed to us astrology is not merely

the study of what the stars and planets say, or of calculating their

significance. This is only one dimension of astrology.



For instance, take a seed, a mango seed...when we sow the mango seed,

contained within it there must be some sort of built-in program, there

must be a blueprint. If this were not so, the seed would be helpless.

It neither takes advice from a specialist nor does it study at a

university.... How then can a mango tree develop out of this seed?

Still, it produces the mango-tree leaf, it bears the mango fruit.

Concealed in the stone-like seed there must be a complete program.

Without such a program what could the seed do? Everything must be

present within it. Whatever the tree will be, must somehow be

concealed within the seed. It is not visible to us. We can smash it

and dissect it, and it will still not be visible. But it must be there

somehow, otherwise a neem tree might possibly emerge from the mango seed.


It seems that there is never a mistake.


Only a mango tree emerges; everything is repeated correctly. Stored in

this tiny seed is all the information which relates to what the seed

must do how it must sprout, what type of leaf and how many branches to

produce, how big a tree to become, for how long it will grow, how tall

it will grow - all this must be hidden within the seed. How many

mangoes, how sweet, whether they will ripen or not all this must be

concealed within the seed. If all this is concealed just within a

mango seed, then when you come into your mother's womb will there be

nothing latent in your seed?


You must have a program that is built-in in advance. How will certain

bones join together as a hand, and others as a foot? One part will

begin to see, another part will begin to hear. How can all this

happen? Scientists used to say that it is just coincidence. But the

word coincidence seems very unscientific. Coincidence means chance. By

chance a foot might begin to see and a hand to hear. But there does

not seem to be much coincidence; everything seems to be in order,



Astrology says a more scientific thing. It says that everything is

available within the seed. Astrology says that if we study the seed,

if we can discover the language of the seed and if we can decode this

language if we can ask the seed, " What is your intention? " - then we

will be able to draw up the complete blueprint of a human being too.

Scientists have already begun to draw up such blueprints for plants.

Up to now we have considered astrology to be superstition, a matter of

blind faith. But if science draws up such blue-prints, it will in fact

become astrology - and certainly science has already begun to draw up

such blueprints.



If everything is latent within the human seed, then it is only a

matter of studying the seed.



So no one should remain in a fallacy that he is an isolated island,

separate, aloof. Each one is connected to the whole, and each one is

all the time affecting the other and being affected by the other. Even

when you pass by a stone lying on the road, it is throwing its

vibrations in your direction. The flowers too are throwing out their

vibrations. And you are not just passing by, you too are throwing out

your vibrations.


I said that we are affected by the moon and the stars. Another idea

that astrology has is that the moon and the stars are affected by us,

because influence comes from both directions. Whenever a man like

Buddha is born on the Earth, the moon may not realize that it is

because of him that storms are not arising on its surface that because

of Buddha the storms have subsided. The moon is affected and the sun

is also moved.


When spots occur on the sun and storms arise, diseases spread across

the Earth. When a person like Buddha is born on the Earth, a current

of peace flows, the pillar of consciousness grows strong, and the deep

beauty of meditation moves over the Earth; which also makes it

difficult for a storm to arise on the sun because everything is joined



A tiny blade of grass has an impact on the sun, and the sun has its

impact on the blade of grass. The blade of grass is not so tiny that

the sun can say, " I do not care about you, " nor is the sun so big that

it can say, " What can this blade of grass do for me? " Life is

interconnected. Here nothing is big or small; everything is one

organic unity.


Now I come to the precautions.

once a childless couple approached my guru. My guru swept by emotion

instructed them to kep a pair of ******* creatures at their home.

within two months this pair died. the lady conceived and gave birth to

a male child. the couple came to pay homage to my guru. he was besides

himself with joy.

he didn't realise the impact of what was in store for him. he had to

undergo a great ordeal about which he couldn't find any explanation.

eventually he met a sidha who told him the reason of his unhappy

state. he said that due to his penance my guru was destined to repay

the ill karma in his lifetime, otherwise it would have travelled with

his atma. he revealed that my guru was instrumental in the death of

those creatures and had to pay for it. the law of karma makes no


i have seen the suffering with my own eyes. you may be giving an upaya

with a pious mind for someone's help but kindly weigh the pro's and

cons before suggesting.

it's a double edged sword

To be continued ....., please send your comments


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