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2-MARK, Q How to dissolve the confusion or tension of malefic planets and Are we getting influenced

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Hi Mark,


Talking to you is always a grace and betterment for

one's understanding about life.


1)What you said about tension and

confusions,unnecessary worries all were there a year

ago,I have left it there itself and came into a world

with better understanding,deep thoughts,calmness,smile

on a face,leaving anguish etc etc.


A year ago I met my Dharma Guru,he became ascetic at a

age of 17 years,he was millionaire or his father still

has millions of rupees,But he left it all and become a

Jain priest since last 25 years.I almost every sunday

and discuss with him.When ever I am with him,I

experience a shanti shanti and shanti.These people are

having so much calmness,quiteness,silence that one

cannot imagine.People wh has this, can make you feel

too that what I understood after meeting him such a



Than looking back to my chart,I was making my jupiter

more and more stronger and Mars too,as I was gainig

confidence a lot within myself.And negative effect or

Rahu and Saturn started declining slowly and slowly.

Feeling more mature in terms of Understanding about



I came to an amazing concept about this world,in

reality there is nothing such as darkness or

lightness.Time doesn't exist.No male or Female.As our

mind is Rahu actually binding our Gunas,Soul to our

Body that is why we are expeiencing a effect of



So every person is a mixture of sattvic,Rajasic and

tamsic materials and these planets in different signs

pratibodh or charges these ingredients that exist in

our Body and Mind too.As our mind reacts to our Body.

Mind is root cause of everything.My Guru says in

reality when you reach Moksha Mind doesn't exits.There

is only soul and Soul is everything.You are vidyaman

or into a Universe or Universe is into you,one and a

same thing.As I am a follower of Jainism He show me

some photos, Universe is bigger than a person can ever

think of.Our Mahavir Swami has shown us a path to that

and also explanied How universe exist and Where we are

in that and where we will go and where we should

go.Mark I will just explore this part too,It will be

really interesting.


Back to my chart analysis,Just got carried away.So

know I feel I am getting more influenced by Mars and

Jupiter in Leo and they are the strongest.


You told go inner,inner, you right about that.But when

you are with your friends and they want ot have fun

with you ,But you have a kind of a feeling to be

alone, That time What you will do and you can't just

go away from there.


Controlling about oneself can be done very well,But

what about influences that we experince going out

doing job,with friends.Those influences are very

powerful to your chart and it does distract you a lot

from your path too.So being myself ,How can I not get

influenced by outside world,I am not talking in terms

of listening to somebody and doing things.But I am

saying lets take example, I don't want to go to

party,But when people gather's around you around 4 to

5 and forcefully take you to party,What will you do

with a help of astrology to avoid such a situation.A

million dollar question isn't it?.You don't want to

create a bad relationship with them and that's why you

have to go and need to do what they doo.


Influence of surrounding people chart on our chart,I

think is a very interesting concept in astrology and

need to be explored.More examples...


Girls in INDIA not more outward than in USA,because of

surroundings.I want your comment on this.Husband and

Wife influencing each other etc.Father and Mother on

children.Childrens in Big Family house.





--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> Hi Mark,


> Well said agian.Let's move further ahead,my vision

> is

> getting more clearer discussing with you.


> Let's take my chart for example...


> Shripal....





> Dear Shripal....


> Okay!,.... we're on a roll!

> hehe


> See below:






> Hi Mark,


> Well said agian.Let's move further ahead,my vision

> is

> getting more clearer discussing with you.


> Let's take my chart for example as I will be able to

> tell my experience very well.

> DOB:16th March 1980

> Place:Rajkot

> Time:21:00hrs.


> 1)Libra rising,Mars+Jupiter+Saturn+Rahu in 11th

> house,opposed by Ketu+Mercury.


> As I am having a conjuction in my chart of Mer+Ketu

> and Currently runing Mer-Ketu dasa, I wil predict

> as,

> my ideas are well ahead of time.I have to currently

> support it all alone.They are from very well fertile

> mind, expecting no returns.People will follow them

> When i will stop talking about that.I will sometime

> little frustrated and aloof from others.


> So I am experiencing peak of my conjuction

> currently.when ever Moon hovers or opposes, I am too

> much inner,than outward.


> Don't think of it as being 'too inner'.... think of

> it as being inner!


> With your Moon in your chart, in Pisces, with your

> Sun, in other words, a

> New Moon,

> you should find the transits, very important to you.


> And when the " Moon's hovering here or there', as you

> said, then, you should

> learn...


> to be more in-tune with all that!


> Even if you want to be outward

> knowing all this things,you just cannot be that.


> People strain all the time, against what they what's

> going on in their

> bodies, hearts,

> and souls...


> Jyotish has taught me how to perceive really what

> needs to be done...


> And doing 'that', then, life got immediately better,

> more effortless, and

> successful!


> But

> inner means I am not depressed.But happy withing

> myself,beacuse I know.I like to remember good times

> of

> past and smile with that and feel a little

> frustrated as

> currently I cannot experience a same.


> When you're feeling to be inner, let yourself be

> inner, have a blast being

> inner,...

> go with it...


> And let go of any illusion, or mistake of intellect

> that you're being lazy,

> or no-good,

> because you're being inner.....


> We aren't taught the importance of the inner, in

> this World...


> We're taught to go,go,go!


> And, not to pause, to rest, rejuvenate, or

> transform....


> So, we will have many tapes in our hearts and minds,

> associate with being

> inner,...


> But, meditating since 1970, has taught me a whole

> world of appreciation

> about the value,

> the joys and the incredible 'worth'....of that

> 'inner'....


> Now, I go forth, happily, joyously....when the time

> for the inner comes!


> I let life, my body, my mind, my dasas!, hehe,...

> even the transits, tell me

> when it's time to go

> in, and when it's time to go out....


> Jyotish has helped to re-claim a whole world of

> naturalness, that otherwise,

> gets overshadowed and lost!


> I wonder sometime,As I am able to put into words all

> that I am able to experience because of

> Mars+Sat+Rah+Jup opposing Mercury. Am I going

> right?


> re-read above...


> and the importance of being able to 'read', ...

> inside of yourself,...


> what is needed?


> Do I feel find?

> Do I feel the need to rest?


> Am I feeling aggitated? angry?, worried?, sad?,

> happy?


> Reflect!


> Identify,....'that'....


> And then, especially if we identify a malefic

> situation,...

> then, deal with 'that'....


> If we're tired, then, ... rest...


> If we're angry, where is it coming from?


> Is it due to Mars, out there in the transits?

> Is it due to Mars, in our dasas?

> Is it due to Mars, inside, my Physiology? or in my

> chart?


> Finding where the malefic block or obstacle is,...is

> key....


> Then, we heal that!


> We release the bad energy....


> We shed the light of life, upon that block of

> darkness!


> And, then, correcting that....having brought the

> light!


> We live in the light!


> And then, all goes well!


> Once we've balanced ourselves,.... and the darkness,

> of our malefics... have

> been replaced

> by the literal, 'light' of .....LIFE!......


> Then, we're found living our lives, ...and all is

> going well...




> Mr. Mark.These opposing planets always fight to come

> out with better next time.You want to be known by

> other's isn't it.AS this was my first part.


> Learning how to dissolve this 'fight', this tension,

> between these warring,

> fighting, or

> opposing planets is one such battle of confusion, or

> darkness....


> One of mine was I had Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Ketu

> all in Leo, in my 11th,

> Libra Rising...


> And until I discovered how to dissolve the tensions

> that were there, there

> was a major block

> in my life...,too


> Your 'opposing planets' there, in Leo, remind me of

> my battle...


> Describe to me, more detail as to the nature of the

> 'fight', and what you

> feel are the confusions.


> Once you begin laying out the battle, the

> confusions,...

> you then, can bring the light,...


> and once the light is brought,...then the confusion,

> due to the darkness of

> that inner tension, can be released!



> Second part

> 1)Mar+sat+rah+jup conjuction in Leo.Know sometimes

> because of Transit and Mahadasa involvement,I feel

> Saturn is strong,sometimes Mars,sometime Jupiter and

> suddenly something happend, yes Rahu is also there,

> that makes me feel,all of them act both ways benefic

> and malefic too.So How I should able to make a

> general

> staement out of these 4 planes which one is

> strongest

> and all the time influential.Yes one thing I can say

> not too malefic, as I am not getting too angry or

> having bad habits in life.


> Very good. You're beginning to sort this out...


> Each planet represents a part of us, that is either

> healthy, balanced, ...or

> not...


> Jyotish helps us understand the nature of balance

> and health planets...


> Planets over there, are good, because they're in

> their own sign, exalted,

> friendly signs,

> or good houses...


> Planets not in their own signs, or even friendly

> signs, in un-healthy

> houses, or conjunct with

> other malefic influences....


> are the problems!


> Learning to release the tension, and the confusion

> that may be there due to

> their close proximity is a natural and inevitable

> part of your Jyotish...


> One of the things I did with all my planets in Leo,

> was I ...threw up my

> hands one day, and said, " Okay, you guys,...go into

> that, time out room, and

> sort it out! "


> Then I watched them, sheepishly go into some

> room,...and begin talking,

> converseing, yelling, being bratty, doing their

> thing,....


> and then, I watched as the wisdom of Jyotish, came

> forth,...and they all

> knew the truth,... and

> as they complained, I noticed, a part of me,

> comforted them, and geared them

> towards self-enquiry...and then, wisdom...


> For, me, one of the issues was sooooo much leo...


> And Jyotish has taught me that only one of those

> planets really loves being

> in Leo...


> Venus in Leo for example, is too selfish in terms of

> love, Mercury in Leo,

> is too rigid in it's thinking patterns...because of

> it's placement in Leo...


> The Sun is in fact, the only entity that is supposed

> to be there....


> Then, there was the tension of being too close

> together...


> Sun was at 18 degrees, and Venus was only 16

> degrees, and Ketu was also 16

> degrees, and Mercury was only at 10 degrees!


> So, major combustion going on, and on top of that,

> both Mercury and Venus

> were retrograde...


> It took me awhile, to sort these tensions, this

> battle out....


> But, eventually I realized I could keep the Sun in

> Leo,...

> but release the others to find their more happy,

> natural dispositions...


> focusing on giving,....has been of vital importance

> to me...


> that, and not being rigid with my points of view,

> has helped a lot...


> and not letting the Sun,....dwarf out the other

> important planets, ...helped

> with the combustion!


> Sooooo, you need to figure out the battle that's

> there...


> What is the tension between Saturn & Jupiter?


> What is the result of Mars in Leo, in Saturn &

> Jupiter in Leo....


> good luck!


> Will be fun to hear your thoughts...




> What do you say MARK about this.



> enjoy!



> Mark Kincaid



> Reading this once, then re-read it again...then, let

> the ideas settle in....

> and percolate...

> hehehe


> ciao!




--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> > Hi Mark,

> >

> > Very Well said,It is always nice to hear from you.

> >

> > Now as a individual you have explained it very

> wll/

> >

> > But what about traits that you expreience because

> of

> > other planets influences.for example

> >

> > 1)Saturn + Moon: So Moon is getting afflicted by

> > Saturn.So indidual is going to be too emotional in

> > nature and may be remaining tense lots of time.But

> > same conjuct may be bringing him a lot of money

> > from

> > mother side etc.So Moon is malefic or benefic.

> >

> > 2)Venus + Moon :A person of very caring nature and

> > sweet spoken and nice with every one.Who doesn't

> > want

> > to fight with any one etc.Even this conjuct bring

> > lots

> > of money.But he will be passive in sexual matters

> > and

> > very girly kind.Cannot take decision on spot and

> > because of that may loose money or may loose

> someone

> > important of his life.So Who is malefic andWho is

> > benefic and reason for a same.

> >

> > I want answer for this.Still more to

> > Come......................

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Shripal:

> >

> > Very good, advanced question. Many people

> > understand the basics.

> > Planets act malefically if they're ruling,

> > generally, 6th, 8th & 12th

> > houses.

> > Other times, certain planets act malefically if

> > they're in their 'poor' or

> > debilitated

> > houses.

> >

> > Your question...about Moon & Saturn being

> together,

> > brings up another level

> > of question.

> >

> > Moon almost always acts benefically, unless it's

> in

> > Scorpio, so generally,

> > when with Saturn

> > it's of course, Saturn that'll probably be acting

> > malefically.

> >

> > In my experience of Moon & Saturn together, in the

> > 12th house, you can

> > really sense it.

> > Saturn's lord of my 5th & 4th, so that lordship is

> a

> > 12th house loss, but

> > even Sani in the

> > 12th is challenging.

> >

> > But, Moon, too is acting 'weak' may be a better

> way

> > of saying it, because

> > it's the 10th house

> > lord in the 12th... and the quality of loss, of

> the

> > 12th house is involved

> > with the Moon too.

> > So, for much of my early life, I was devoid, or

> > empty, or at loss, of the

> > naturally positive

> > sides of the Moon, shy, unhappy, lonely, poor

> > memory, and lack of intuition.

> >

> > Though the size being only 1 house away from my

> Sun

> > in the 11th, may have

> > also been responsible

> > for that.

> >

> > Also, in my experience, it's helped me, learning

> how

> > to simultaneously

> > strenghthen both Sani, and

> > the Moon....

> >

> > From both angles we can learn to strengthen,...

> but

> > certainly, leaning

> > towards improving any of the

> > more obvious functionally malefics, is a good

> idea.

> >

> > You said:

> >

> > Saturn + Moon: So Moon is getting afflicted by

> > Saturn.So indidual is going to be too emotional in

> > nature and may be remaining tense lots of time.But

> > same conjuct may be bringing him a lot of money

> > from

> > mother side etc.So Moon is malefic or benefic.

> >

> > And you're right. I noticed feeling very too much

> > emotional, too sensitive,

> > would get my feelings

> > hurt easily when I was growing up.

> >

> > But, I never experienced money from my Mother.,

> > hehe. When Sani's with

> > Moon, usually grief from

> > Mother is the rule, or distance and no happiness

> > with Mother.

> >

> > In my case, I also had a better Jupiter/Pisces, in

> > 6th aspecting both the

> > Moon & Saturn, and that

> > brought to be a lot of grace and wisdom from my

> > Mother, too.

> >

> > In fact, my Mother, had Jupiter in Pisces, also so

> > we were very close in my

> > very early years, but...

> > even as nice as my Mother would be, I still felt

> > sad, and lonely, and afraid

> > to be away from her.

> >

> > Only when I learned to meditate, and especially

> > learned about the Moon, that

> > I needed to strengthen my own, very Moon, did

> things

> > start to really change!

> >

> > And finally, you said:

> >

> > 2)Venus + Moon :A person of very caring nature and

> > sweet spoken and nice with every one.Who doesn't

> > want

> > to fight with any one etc.Even this conjuct bring

> > lots

> > of money.But he will be passive in sexual matters

> > and

> > very girly kind.Cannot take decision on spot and

> > because of that may loose money or may loose

> someone

> > important of his life.So Who is malefic andWho is

> > benefic and reason for a same.

> >

> > Generally you're right, Moon & Venus together are

> > very sweet, and represent

> > a very careing person.

> > For sexuality however, you have to look at Mars'

> > placement and the 8th house

> > lord.

> >

> > Also, 'passiveness' in terms of especially

> decision

> > makings tends to be more

> > Mercury, and loosing

> > money or loosing someone important in one's life,

> > tends to be Saturn's

> > influences.

> >

> > However if either Moon or Venus rules the 8th or

> > 12th houses, then

> > especially the 12th house lord

> > can give losses.... whatever house it's in, and

> > withwhom.

> >

> > My Mercury rules my 12th house, and being in the

> > 11th, Lord of the 12th, in

> > the 11th, brings losses.

> >

> >

> > good questions....

> >

> > ciao

> >

> >

> > Mark K.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > Dear Mark,

> > >

> > > Wonderful exposition of the point .. if its not

> > > asking too much, it will be

> > > very useful if you can indicate the positives

> and

> > > negatives of all the 9

> > > planets ...

> > >

> > > Also I am curious to know how these negative and

> > > positive traits manifest

> > > per the lordships ..

> > >

> > > Say what negative/positive qualities of saturn

> > show

> > > up

> > > naturally for capricorn as against the aquarius

> ..

> > >

> > > I sometimes wonder and think that the whole

> > process

> > > of a person being born

> > > in different signs in different births is to

> learn

> > > to balance the qualities

> > > shown by that particular sign ..

> > >

> > > In effect one way to salvation is when the soul

> is

> > > wise enough to experience

> > > all the 12 ziodiacs and learns to balance all

> the

> > > positive and negatives

> > > given by them ...

> > >

> > > which is what Spirituality of asthanga Yoga is

> all

> > > about ... balance and

> > > transcendance !!

> > >

> > > Thanks!

> > >

> > >

> > > Surya Vishnu

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3/4/05

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Surya:

> > >

> > >

> > > You said: " if its not asking too much, it will

> be

> > > very useful if you can

> > > indicate the positives and negatives of all the

> 9

> > > planets ... "

> > >

> > > In short one could say with each planet, there

> are

> > a

> > > number of Jyotish rules

> > > that would lead one to suspect whether or not

> any

> > > Planet is acting

> > > malefically.

> > >

> > > However, there's another way to answer this.

> > >

> > > One can look to see if one is experiencing any

> of

> > > the negative or un-happy,

> > > qualities associated with that Planet, and that

> > can

> > > lead one to get a head's

> > > start on determining that.

> > >

> > > For example, with the Sun.... because the Sun

> > rules

> > > self-confidence, and

> > > self-esteem, whenever a person has powerful or

> > > health self-confidence, then,

> > > it's probably true that their Sun is acting

> > > benefically.

> > >

> > > However, if a person experiences a strong amount

> > of

> > > 'lack' of

> > > self-confidence, and you look at their chart,

> and

> > > maybe they have the Sun in

> > > the 8th or 12th houses, then one can form a good

> > > guess that it's functioning

> > > as a malefic.

> > >

> > > For the Moon, if the person is fragile

> > emotionally,

> > > or gets their feeling

> > > hurt easily, or especially, has emotional

> > problems,

> > > this is the sign that

> > > the Moon may be acting malefically.

> > > However, if a person is very even, emotionally,

> or

> > > has very good intuition,

> > > and a strong, happy emotional constitution,

> then,

> > > these may be good

> > > indicators of strong Moonish beneficness.

> > >

> > > For, Mercury, the functionings of the intellect

> > are

> > > the Astrological 'signs'

> > > whether Mercury is acting maleifically or not.

> If

> > > intellect is clear, and

> > > decision makings are easy and effortless then

> > > Mercury may be benefic.

> > > However, if it's hard for a person to think

> > clearly,

> > > say in the case of

> > > someone with Mercury in Pisces, then, Mercury

> may

> > be

> > > acting malefically.

> > >

> > > For, Venus, the planet that represents the

> > > expressive, or affectionate

> > > heart, one's ability to love, and to appreciate

> > are

> > > the signs of a healthy,

> > > balanced Venus. If however, the person is cold,

> > or

> > > unexpressive, or even

> > > critical then Venus may be acting malefically.

> I

> > > know a number of

> > > individuals who have Venus in Virgo, and they're

> > > extemely hard on

> > > themselves, and have a very difficult time,

> > > appreciating circumstances or

> > > even others.

> > >

> > > For, Saturn, balance, health, losses, grief,

> > delays,

> > > frustrations are all

> > > the negative associations for Sani.

> > > If Saturn is healthy or in it's Own Sign, etc.

> > then,

> > > one is more patient,

> > > calm, and mature, capable to good discipline,

> and

> > > doing the right thing at

> > > the right time.

> > >

> > > For, Mars, if Mars is positive, one has natural

> > > enthuiasm, good energy,

> > > strong, firm, and a great defender of the weak.

> > If

> > > Mars is found acting

> > > malefically, all kinds of significations of it's

> > > maleficness, will be found.

> > > Some of these include, criminal behavior, going

> > too

> > > fast, having accidents,

> > > being too pushy, angry, negative, etc.

> > >

> > > For, Rahu & Ketu, the primary important issues

> > > include healthy desires or

> > > not. Rahu/Ketu, therefore, represents the

> 'desire

> > > mechanism', so if

> > > Rahu/Ketu is positive one has desires but they

> > don't

> > > control, or obsess the

> > > person. However, if Rahu/Ketu is acting

> > > malefically, then, one is prone to

> > > obsessions, addictions, unhealthy pursuit of

> > money,

> > > power, fame and ego.

> > >

> > > I hope this answers what you were asking.

> > >

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ps... As you probably know there may be many

> > reasons

> > > why any planet is found

> > > acting malefically, or benefically.... but to

> > me,...

> > > the key is once we figure out that 'it's'

> probably

> > > acting malefically, then

> > > that can alert us to do anything to try and turn

> > > that planet around....

> > >

> > > In future emails we can talk about exactly what

> we

> > > can do to create more

> > > beneficness, especially when a planet's been

> > leading

> > > us astray and acting

> > > malefically.

> > >

> > > I'll give one example.

> > >

> > > Let's say, we are experiencing some kind of

> strong

> > > lack of self-confidence,

> > > and Sun is found to be either in the 12th house,

> > or

> > > ... say in the 7th

> > > house.

> > >

> > > I did the chart the other day of a lady and she

> > told

> > > me one of her most

> > > challenging parts of her entire life was having

> a

> > > very strong lack of

> > > self-confidence.

> > >

> > > When I looked at her chart, all I could find was

> > her

> > > Sun was in the 7th

> > > house. Her Sun was ruling her 10th house, and

> she

> > > had a quality of being in

> > > business with partners, but...

> > >

> > > when she told me she had a strong lack of

> > > self-conficence, and feared being

> > > able to do 'it', 'life', or being a success by

> > > herself...

> > >

> > > the qualities of her malefically acting Sun

> became

> > > more apparent.

> > >

> > > I've seen this in many others when the Sun's in

> > the

> > > house of the 'other' or

> > > the 7th house, often, there's an accompanying

> > 'lack

> > > of self-confidence' that

> > > goes along with that...

> > >

> > > So, it was a no brainer, really to tell her, her

> > Sun

> > > was probably

> > > functioning in a malefic situation, and she

> might

> > > want to take some steps

> > > that would have the effect of strengthening her

> > Sun.

> > >

> > > She got excited about that, and I told her some

> > ways

> > > to do that.

> > >

> > > ciao

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Mark

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for the quick analysis.

> > >

> > > But I have come across somewhere that saturn

> being

> > a

> > > lagna lord for aquarius

> > > asc doesnot affect the native negatively.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Jugal

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Jugal:

> > >

> > > This can be true, but I'll tell you a great

> > Jyotish

> > > truth.

> > >

> > > The best way to tell whether a planet is

> 'acting'

> > > malefically, ....is...

> > >

> > > and you know I've come across lots of people

> with

> > > Saturn's in their Own

> > > signs,

> > > and even Exalted, who....are still experiencing

> > the

> > > negative 'sides' to

> > > Saturn....

> > >

> > > anyway....the best way to 'tell'...

> > >

> > > is to ask yourself,....Q Am i experiencing the

> > > negative consequences of

> > > Saturn...

> > >

> > > impatience,

> > > frustration,

> > > grief,

> > > loss, losses,

> > > sufferings,,...

> > > ill-health...

> > >

> > > delays,...

> > > pain in the body,

> > > cold,

> > > dry,

> > >

> > > etc...

> > >

> > > Or am I experiencing the positives of Saturn?

> > >

> > > patience,...

> > > smoothness,...

> > > peacefulness, within....

> > > composure,

> > > doing the right thing at the right time...

> > > deeeeeeep, silence...within...

> > > no cravings,

> > > integration of silence along with activity....

> > > getting my desires fulfilled without losses....

> > > or if losses happen, you know things go up and

> > down,

> > > anyway,....

> > > then, I'm not adversely affected by those

> changes

> > on

> > > an outer level....

> > >

> > > I know people like this!

> > >

> > > who exhibit these wonderfully positive sides of

> > > Saturn....

> > >

> > > Also, it may be true what you read about,....

> > Saturn

> > > being the Lord of

> > > Aquarius, and the Lord

> > > of your first House, in the 5th house may have

> > some

> > > positive associations...

> > >

> > > Certainly better then the Lord of the 8th,...in

> > the

> > > 12th...for example...

> > >

> > > But, don't forget, your same Saturn is also

> > > simultaneously the Lord of the

> > > 12th,...and the

> > > Lord of the 12th in the 5th, is supposed to be

> > > functioning, more

> > > malefically,... and some of

> > > the repercussions of this will be.... delays and

> > > disappointments, set-backs,

> > > with....

> > >

> > > children,....

> > > raising them,...

> > > education,

> > > breaks in education....

> > >

> > > etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > Finally, the fact that Saturn's also

> > simultaneously

> > > aspecting your Sun....

> > > would also be indicative of 'things' going more

> > > slowly then you'd like...

> > >

> > > Also, one thing I forgot to mention, is that

> > > Saturn's aspecting also, the 11

> > > house, which is the

> > > main house of desires....

> > >

> > > In other words how we move and fulfill our

> desires

> > > is goverened by the 11th

> > > house,...

> > > so, the fact that Saturn's in the 5th, aspecting

> > the

> > > 11th....

> > > is like Saturn in the 11th,....and often in

> > people's

> > > charts, who have Saturn

> > > in the 5th or 11th,

> > > even 9th.... all of which can negatively affect

> > the

> > > 11th house....

> > >

> > > Just remember to ask yourself, 'am I

> experiencing'

> > > the positive or negative

> > > side of this planet!

> > >

> > >

> > > ciao

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > " jugal joshi " <jjugal@r...>

> > > " jugal joshi " <jjugal@r...>

> > > 3 Mar 2005 14:31:45 -0000

> > > " Mark Kincaid " <m.kincaid@m...>

> > > Re: 2-jugal, re.... Jyotish/Astrology

> is

> > > the Ultimate

> > > Self-Improvement Technology...> Mark Kincaid 3

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Mark

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for the quick analysis.

> > >

> > > But I have come across somewhere that saturn

> being

> > a

> > > lagna lord for aquarius

> > > asc doesnot affect the native negatively.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Jugal

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 Mark Kincaid wrote :

> > > >Dear Mark

> > > >

> > > >I was going thru your article, its really

> > amazing.

> > > >

> > > >I have been feeling lot of frustration for

> quite

> > > some time now. Not knowing

> > > >what and where I have to go. May be it is

> > beacuase

> > > I am running Rahu

> > > >Mahadasha or may be something else.

> > > >

> > > >My rising sign (at the time of birth) is

> aquarius

> > > and other birth details

> > > >are as under:

> > > >Date 20/08/1973

> > > >Time 20.00 Hrs

> > > >Place nagaur ( 27.30N and 74.20E)

> > > >Thanks N Regards

> > > >Jugal

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >Dear Jugal:

> > > >

> > > >Glad you enjoyed it. I'm looking up your chart

> > > fairly quickly,... and I'm

> > > >comparing it to your short description, above.

> > > >

> > > >I find that people, we all, express our charts

> > > through our very words, very

> > > >spontaneously. And when I read your

> > words,...these

> > > particular one's jump

> > > >out, at me.

> > > >

> > > >#1 you said... " feeling a lot of

> > > frustration " ....and " not knowing what and

> > > >where to go. "

> > > >

> > > >Both these descriptions remind me of Saturn....

> > > >Saturn's the planet that holds us back,.... and

> > the

> > > flavor you said,...of

> > > >'not knowing, 'what', and where to go...are

> also

> > > interesting...

> > > >

> > > >Do you know about Jyotish aspects?

> > > >

> > > >Well, in your chart, your Saturn's in the 5th

> > > house, in Gemini, the 3rd

> > > >sign, ... and Sani aspects fully the 3rd house

> > away

> > > from it, and 3 houses

> > > >away, is your Leo, which is where your Sun

> is...

> > > >and though the Sun always loves being in Leo,

> > I've

> > > known people with Saturn

> > > >aspecting Sun's/Leo before, and quite often a

> lot

> > > of frustrations result...

> > > >

> > > >So, if we've identified, the right planet

> that's

> > > causing you your

> > > >'frustrations', then,

> > > >we might talk about some ways to strengthen,

> > > Saturn....

> > > >

> > > >My take on Jyotish is, simply put, that the

> > > malefics in our charts, are not

> > > >only symbolic

> > > >of our problems,...but ....

> > > >they're even much more profoundly,....about

> those

> > > very things that we should

> > > >consider differently,... and adjusting

> > > ourselves,... in the ways of those

> > > >'planets' or malefics,.... should transform

> > > ourselves, quite naturally!

> > > >

> > > >So, let's try....

> > > >

> > > >In your chart, I believe your 'frustrations'

> are

> > > Saturn based.

> > > >

> > > >They could be pitta or Mars based if Mars was

> so

> > > aspecting but I think

> > > >Saturn's the one.

> > > >

> > > >So, consider for a moment that you could

> > > strengthen, and therefore, improve

> > > >your Saturn!

> > > >

> > > >Then, the way you'll be able to tell that

> you're

> > > progressing, is those same

> > > >flavors of frustration, .... start to go away!

> > > >

> > > >Now, I believe it's also helpful to understand,

> > > that where we have our

> > > >malefics, is where we're experiencing

> > > 'frustrations' and challenges, but not

> > > >understanding that we're the one's who are

> > creating

> > > those in the first

> > > >place.

> > > >

> > > >For example, if you were having a problem with

> > > Mars, you might be having

> > > >accidents, and feeling frustrated because you

> > > thought you were going the

> > > >right speed, but lo, and behold, you kept

> finding

> > > yourself slipped, on the

> > > >ground...

> > > >

> > > >So, these malefics represent where our thought

> > > patterns are not quite

> > > >correct, or in-tune with Nature...

> > > >

> > > >In the case of Mars it's more obvious, that

> > > Nature's telling us...'We're

> > > >going too fast! "

> > > >

> > > >But, in the case of Saturn, we don't see so

> > > obviously....

> > > >

> > > >but, this is where Jyotish comes in and

> helps...

> > > >

> > > >The idea with Saturn is we're out of tune, with

> > the

> > > timing of things.

> > > >Impatience or feelings of frustration,

> > themselves,

> > > are common responses, of

> > > >being

> > > >out of tune, with Saturn...

> > > >

> > > >So, by directly, strengthening or growing in

> the

> > > wisdom of Saturn, let's see

> > > >if your

> > > >experience of frustration might subside...

> > > >

> > > >First of all, let me ask,.... how are you

> > feeling?

> > > >

> > > >Are you sleeping well?

> > > >Getting enough rest?

> > > >Well rested?

> > > >And plenty of energy, after you wake up?

> > > >

> > > >Most people are not getting enough rest,...

> > > >or going to bed early enough....

> > > >

> > > >One of the things we learn from Ayurved is the

> > > importance of regular habits,

> > > >going to

> > > >bed on time, early enough....

> > > >

> > > >Also, what will help Saturn is to put yourself

> on

> > a

> > > more balanced routine...

> > > >

> > > >Go to bed early, 10pm latest for a week....

> > > >Get up, when you first wake up.... wash,

> shower,

> > > get ready....

> > > >If still groggy, meditate, if you know how,....

> > do

> > > some yoga....

> > > >and then go about your day....

> > > >

> > > >eat at roughly the same time,

> > > >listen to your body,....

> > > >eat if you're hungry....

> > > >don't overeat or undereat...

> > > >

> > > >Ayurved says " listen to your body "

> > > >Eat as much as your fire of digestion, is

> > hankering

> > > for....

> > > >

> > > >And then, eat lighter at night, and again go to

> > bed

> > > earlier....

> > > >

> > > >Do, this for a few days.... especially the part

> > of

> > > getting more rest....

> > > >

> > > >and see if you don't start to

> > automatically....feel

> > > better!

> > > >

> > > >Frustrations can be outer oriented, but my

> > > experience is most of our

> > > >frustrations, are

> > > >inner based,...primarily....

> > > >

> > > >And once you correct the

> > > imbalances....inside....subjectively.....

> > > >

> > > >then, the outer manifestations.... go away!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >good luck....

> > > >

> > > >and let me know what happends....

> > > >

> > > >ciao

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >Mark Kincaid

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " jugal joshi " <jjugal@r...>

> > > > " jugal joshi " <jjugal@r...>

> > > >3 Mar 2005 06:44:10 -0000

> > > >m.kincaid@m...

> > > >Re: Jyotish/Astrology is the

> > Ultimate

> > > Self-Improvement

> > > >Technology...> Mark Kincaid 3/2/05

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 Mark Kincaid wrote :

> > > > >

> > > > >Astrology is the Ultimate Self-Improvement

> > > Technology!

> > > > >

> > > > >Join the Astrology Quiz!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Dear Friends:

> > > > >March 2, 2005

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >You hear a lot about self-improvement and

> > > positive thinking groups, today

> > > > >In fact, the entire 'New Age' movement is

> full

> > of

> > > ennumerable ways in which

> > > > >to unfold or improve human potential.

> > > > >

> > > > >One day I was reflecting upon this and it

> > occured

> > > to me that

> > > > >Jyotish/Astrology was the original, and

> maybe,

> > ..

> > > perhaps, the best.... even

> > > > >the Ultimate Self-Improvement

> > > > >Technology!

> > > > >

> > > > >Why?

> > > > >

> > > > >First of all because every area of life is

> > > included in our Astrology charts,

> > > > >anyway.

> > > > >

> > > > >Physical Exercise,.... it's there, in our

> > > charts...

> > > > >Balance between rest & activity,...is there,

> in

> > > the Saturn's in our

> > > > >charts...

> > > > >Yoga, it's there!

> > > > >Ayurveda!, ... it's there....

> > > > >Self-esteem, for better or worse, it's

> > > there,...in the Sun's in our

> > > > >charts...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Also, I think Jyotish/Astrology ... is

> supreme,

> > > because it's so individual,

> > > > >specific, and precise, whereas most

> > > self-improvement Philosophys, are too

> > > > >general.

> > > > >

> > > > >In the Jyotish book I'm presently writing

> > there's

> > > a section on comparing

> > > > >Astrology to other Philosophys and I compare

> to

> > > Philosophys, like those of

> > > > >Deepak Chopra, Dr. Johnny Gray, even Oprah,

> has

> > a

> > > Philosophy....

> > > > >

> > > > >All Philosophys, are contained in

> > Astrology,....

> > > but not, all Philosophys

> > > > >are as comprehensive as Astrology.

> > > > >

> > > > >Therefore, embrace your Astrology....!

> > > > >as the ultimate self-improvement technology!

> > > > >

> > > > >#1 ... Define the thing you wish was

> different

> > in

> > > your life!

> > > > >

> > > > >Whether it's better physical health, or

> mental

> > > peace of mind,... or... more

> > > > >money, more love, more attunement with

> > Nature,...

> > > etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >#2.... Then, find the Planets, Houses, and

> all

> > > Astrological configurations

> > > > >that are involved with that particular part

> of

> > > your life.

> > > > >

> > > > >#3... Once we've discovered which planets and

> > > configurations are holding us

> > > > >back, or frustrating us, .. then,....

> > > > >

> > > > >#4... Make a decision to focus on

> strengthening

> > > that Planet!

> > > > >

> > > > >This is the key to Jyotish/Astrological, and

> > life

> > > improvement, is to

> > > > >identify that Astrological 'trigger', which

> is

> > > literally responsible for

> > > > >that challenge!

> > > > >

> > > > >The problem is,.... for each person, 'that'

> > > switch is different.

> > > > >

> > > > >For example, to improve one's love life,

> Venus

> > is

> > > the predominate Planet

> > > > >that's responsible, for love.

> > > > >

> > > > >However, for each person, the 5th & 7th

> houses,

> > > are also indicative of

> > > > >success in the field of pre-marital, and

> > > committed, marriage success.

> > > > >

> > > > >Then, you have to take into account all the

> > > various aspects of one's chart,

> > > > >and you can come to a very complete picture

> of

> > > what's holding us back.

> > > > >

> > > > >I'll give you an example.

> > > > >

> > > > >Jason is a man whom I did his chart last

> year.

> > > > >

> > > > >He wanted too, to improve his relationship

> with

> > > his girlfriend.

> > > > >In fact, it was his girlfriend who was

> > 'dragging'

> > > him to come have his

> > > > >chart, read.

> > > > >

> > > > >So, we reviewed his chart from the point of

> > view

> > > of his experiences, and he

> > > > >got very excited that we could guess what he

> > was

> > > like and especially the

> > > > >deeper motivations that were going on,

> > underneath

> > > his experiences.

> > > > >

> > > > >He said: " I can't believe you can pin point

> > > what's really going on. I mean

> > > > >I don't even know if I understood, exactly

> but

> > > you've really helped me

> > > > >understand myself better! "

> > > > >

> > > > >This is the key to life,....and perhaps, one

> of

> > > Astrology's greatest

> > > > >attributes.

> > > > >Astrology can lead to more self-wisdom.

> > > > >And, as we know ourselves better, we begin to

> > > understand what qualities,

> > > > >what characteristics we are bringing to the

> > > 'relationship', or our job, or

> > > > >our family, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >Then, we talked about how we could strengthen

> > the

> > > 'relationship' Planets and

> > > > >even the 5th & 7th houses, which we had just

> > > discovered were, in fact, at

> > > > >the basis of his frustrations.

> > > > >

> > > > >One of the biggest problems in life, is that

> we

> > > 'blame', others....

> > > > >for our situations.

> > > > >

> > > > >We blame our 'mate' for our frustrations.

> > > > >We blame our job, the company we work for.

> > > > >Heck, we even blame God, for giving us such

> > > frustrating challenges!

> > > > >

> > > > >But, Jyotish/Astrology helps us see that the

> > > World, is truely,...as WE ARE!

> > > > >And once we see, that all the qualities,

> > > situations and aspects to our life,

> > > > >are there, in our charts,...then, we begin to

> > > accept....

> > > > >that yes,... our life is really our....own.

> > > > >

> > > > >And all we really have to do,....is begin the

> > > process of self-change,...

> > > > >self-improvement....

> > > > >

> > > > >And, good Jyotish/Astrology, knows exactly

> how

> > > and with what Planets, or

> > > > >switches of ours, we need to turn on!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >So, take the Astrology challenge!

> > > > >

> > > > >Jyotish Quiz!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >o Identify the part of your life that you

> wish

> > > was different!

> > > > >

> > > > >o Health problems __________?

> > > > >o Financial problems _________?

> > > > >o Relationship problems __________?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >o Then, find the Planet(s), or Chart

> > > configurations, houses & signs,

> > > > >that are

> > > > > literally, reflective of those challenges!

> > > > >

> > > > >o Is it Saturn that's causing you your

> > problems?

> > > ________

> > > > >o Is it Mars ______?

> > > > >o Is it the Sun ______?

> > > > >o Is it the Moon ______?

> > > > >

> > > > >Let us know...

> > > > >

> > > > >It's not that 'these' Planets are causing us

> > our

> > > problems!

> > > > >

> > > > >The 'malefics' in our charts are just those

> > > aspects of life, that we didn't

> > > > >understand

> > > > >before we came to this Earth....

> > > > >

> > > > >Identifying which aspects of ourSelves, are

> > > responsible for our

> > > > >unhappinesses,...

> > > > >is the key to true growth in life.

> > > > >

> > > > >This is what's going on in our lives, even

> > before

> > > we ever heard of

> > > > >Astrology.

> > > > >

> > > > >Someone's having accidents or is extremely

> > > accident prone, and at some

> > > > >point, 'they get it'.... " Ahhhh, I'm going to

> > > fast! "

> > > > >

> > > > >Then, they begin to adjust, and even if they

> > end

> > > up having to re-organize a

> > > > >bunch of different parts of themselves, but,

> > the

> > > point is... they do adjust,

> > > > >and the Mars, energy inside of them, ...

> starts

> > > to change!

> > > > >

> > > > >Imagine what it would be like, if we could

> > learn

> > > to adjust more early!

> > > > >

> > > > >And, not just because we've gotten sick

> again,

> > > and we've finally gotten sick

> > > > >of staying up too late, eating all kinds of

> > weird

> > > food, and smoking too

> > > > >much.

> > > > >

> > > > >Imagine if we could have learned earlier,

> from

> > > our chart's how to change our

> > > > >eating habits!

> > > > >

> > > > >Like that, we all can enjoy an amazing

> > > improvement in the quality and

> > > > >character, of our lives through the innocent

> > > application of good Astrology.

> > > > >

> > > > >I was thinking the other day and it occured

> to

> > me

> > > that the key to life, is

> > > > >growth.

> > > > >

> > > > >But, Astrology has such a long habit of

> belief

> > in

> > > fate and pre-determinism,

> > > > >and flash! I realized, Astrology needs to

> > embrace

> > > it's own, self-improvement

> > > > >nature, and when it does, then Astrology will

> > > finally move into it's proper

> > > > >place as the Ultimate Self-Improvement

> > > Technology.

> > > > >

> > > > >We now, need to revive this bias in present

> day

> > > Astrology. We need to

> > > > >understand that Astrology understands about

> > > life's transformations, even as

> > > > >much as it understands about our 'fates'.

> > > > >

> > > > >They do both exist, but our present age shows

> > us

> > > that those who learn to

> > > > >grow, to adapt, to change and transform, they

> > > teach us about possibilities!

> > > > >

> > > > >Astrology, too needs to embrace it's powerful

> > > ability to accomplish.

> > > > >

> > > > >Join me in a discussion as to How to Do these

> > > things we've been talking

> > > > >about.

> > > > >

> > > > >Anyone who would like, feel free to write me

> > back

> > > and we'll go through this

> > > > >process.

> > > > >

> > > > >Tell me about the thing in your life, you

> wish

> > > was different!

> > > > >

> > > > >If you know your chart, tell me your date of

> > > birth info, and especially

> > > > >Rising Sign.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Then, let's explore together, how we can

> learn

> > to

> > > strength those Planets

> > > > >which seem to be causing you any

> frustrations.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Sincerely,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Mark Kincaid

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >Astrologer,

> > > > >Founder Nature's Astrology.

> > > > >Teacher of Meditation

> > > > >Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, and teacher.

> > > > >

> > > > >Starlight Inc.

> > > > >>641 472-0000.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > " Love is the beauty of the soul " " For it was not

> into

> > my ear you whispered,

> > but into my heart.It was not my lips you kissed,

> but

> > my soul. "

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> > Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

> > Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web

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