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Thank you brother

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Dear brother

this article is indeed self-enlightening. Also please send a detailed one for ordinary layman as to how he can awaken the kundalini shakti. The group's name urinetantrasalvation has its full form you are in e-tantra salvation.

WIth best wishes

Arjuntantrayudha <tantrayudha wrote:

http://health.urinetantrasalvation/I am a devottee of the Inner Sight & Sound. People ask me why. It is because this is much akin to the Death Experience, and also that one is advised to cultivate the Divine Energy (Kundalini or Holy Spirit), which opens this Inner Vision and Hearing, which Parapsychologists call Clairaudience and Clairvoyance. I teach an experimental form of Tantra, in order to biochemically stimulate this Divine Energy Force, known as Kundalini Shakti. This, combined with the meditation techniques, found in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, is the Way one can look for this Inner Experience, of which there are two types. One is the opening of the Agni Chakra or Third Eye, situated in the lower forehead. This is seeing

and hearing into another dimension, but does not involve Out-of-the-Body-Experience (OOBE or OBE), otherwise known as Astral Projection or Soul Travel. Therefore, it does not involve an expansion of consciousness into the actual exiting of the soul from the body. For this, Atman (the Soul) must exit from the God Chakra at the top of the head. This enables one to travel in this or other dimensions. For example, travelling in this physical dimension, one can enter a room across the street, to see what someone is doing there. One can even travel into the mind of that person, and can see and hear through that other person's mind, actually seeing and hearing that other person's thoughts, since he thinks in words and pictures. If one can telepathically copy the thoughts behind the words, one can even understand foreign languages. So, there are basically two kinds of Inner Sight and Sound. One is from the Third Eye, which

usually displays a colorful geometric Kaleidescope. LSD is a good way to see this. One can also see a filegree pattern in many things, viewed with eyes open. Svatmarama, author of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, preferred the Anahat Nad, or Inner Sound, as a point to meditate on. These Sights and Sounds, not perceived with the physical senses, bear witness to what is in store for us at death. We have a Soul Body, which can see and hear without physical eyes or ears. This experience prepares us for what might otherwise be a shocking and frightening experience at death. Such negative emotions can send the discarnate soul into a hellish state of Inner Mind (without the brain). Yes, we can also think and wonder with this Soul Body (Atma Swarup). By far the best preparation for death is via Soul Travel, of which Paul Twitchell, with his Eckankar Movement, became the greatest spokesman. The Tibetan Book of the Dead repeatedly

states to the newly deceased: "Be not afraid. Enter the Light of the Bardo (Akasha, the Spirit Realm)". As Jesus said: "When thine eye is single, thy whole body will be filled with Light". The Nag Hammadi Gospels state this Inner Heaven should be attained while in the physical body. This is the Essence of the religion: 1. To purify the Nadis (rivers, Bioplasma), so that Prana (Bioplasma) is in Shushumna (Androgynous, neither male nor female), Androgynous because in the first weeks following Conception (Dwij), the Embryo or Zygote is without any sex differentiation. This causes the Birth of Genetic Rejuvenation and the advent of Siddhis, such as OOBE's, Telepathy and Mind-Over-Matter - what Yukteshwar called "when one's dream becomes reality" - similar to the nature of the spiritual worlds, but now in this physical world. This is accomplished by Rasa Tantra (Vajroli Mudra). This Method was a secret for so long, that it

became extinct, and my Guru had to retrieve the Gnosis of it from dreams, recalling past lives.2. Travel in the Atma Swarup (Soul Body), is to familiarize the soul with its former existence as Spirit, for the purpose of reducing the shock and fear, at the time of one's eventual death. We always hear those who have had a Near-Death-Experience, state that they are no longer nearly as afraid of death as before. Upon dying, the soul will, therefore, not fear, and will be thus "saved from Hell", which is such a risk for those without such Spiritual Experience. Also, there will be less desire to re-enter the suffering of the physical worlds. The Puranas state: "Don't die outside Benares (the confluence of two rivers or Nadis), thus reminding us that we must attain the Kundalini or Holy Spirit before we die. Good karma is meritorious, but does not guarantee Salvation from Suffering. The combination of Selfless

Bhakti Seva Service with Rasa Tantra Sadhana and Meditation, is the True Way to Salvation from the 8-Fold Suffering of 1. Hunger and Thirst, 2. Disease, 3. Senescence (the degeneration of the unregenerated), 4. Death (of those not "Born Again of Water and Spirit"), 5. Low mental intelligence, 6. Emotional depression, 7. Spiritual entrapment of consciousness in the physical dimension, and 8. The impermanence and forgetfulness of the endless round (Samsara) of births and deaths. This State of Permanent Bliss can be had in either dimension - the spiritual or the physical. I preach the Way of Physical Immortality. In Kali Yuga, this Holy Science was unknown to all but very few. Due to this interruption in the transmission of the Sacred Lineage of Sanatana (Eternal) Dharma and the lack of a guru who has practiced this or accomplished it, this Rasa Tantra Sadhana is now experimental. Welcome to the world of Experimental

Dharma. Jai Om. - Swami Tantrasanghahttp://health.urinetantrasalvation/ Beware: People will contact you on your personal mail offering remedies, far from transparency of this group. The risk is yours. Trust only if you initiate correspondence.Post in group for free limited guidance. Send private mails to Umeshji only if ready to pay for full professional consultation.INSTRUCTION:- 1. DO ONLY ONE REMEDY IN ONE DAY, DURING DAY TIME.2. SEND FEED BACK AFTER 15/43DAYS, AFTER HAVING PERFORMED THE REMEDIES.CAUTION: Although utmost care has been taken to select and suggest the remedies, remedies suggested are in good faith with the view to do welfare of Humanity. Consultees should observe and perform these only at their own will, accord and risk.

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