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Dear K.B.C.,

First of all i am sorry to say thay i have no knowledge about

Shivalingam Stone(s) care and maintance!

But i analysis your chart as per Birth detail you given in your mail.

As per your chart my astrological observations are:

1. You are highly intelligent and your mind is forever active.

2. You are deep thinker and like to meditate and reflect.

3. You enjoy a challenge and you rarely mistake.

4. You are a skillful organizer.

5. You are usually lucky in money-matters.

6. You do not like to be in a frezied atmosphere and hate being

hurried into making a quick decision.

7. You are quiet, reserved and sometimes have difficulty in

communicating with others.

8. You have a good sense of humour and this is particularly

appreciated in times of crisis.

9. You are certaily not afraid of hard-work and is thorough in all

that you do.

10. You have a wide variety of interests. You enjoy studying all

manner of subjects and are capable of undertaking quite detailed

research and becoming a specialist in your chosen area.

11. You are very loyal to your family and friends.


May God bless you

Umesh sharma

lalkitab , " mikemoon527 "

<mikemoon527> wrote:


> Dear Umesh Sharma



> Its a long story, but I have made the same post 3 times because of

> my messages being kicked back with an error attached, so I post the

> third time on your site and found to other of my posts! Sorry!!!


> They are basicly all the same!


> I need a reading badly and some info about Shivalingam Stone(s) care

> and maintance!


> To save some of your valuable time I reposted on this page!

Hello Mr. Umesh Ji


> I wanted to ask you about Shivalingam Stone(s) care!


> I bought a couple of them a few days ago and I'm not sure if I need

> to clean them with salt or saltwater. So far I just put them into

> rain water to energize them(it doesn't rain much here in the

> desert), but the rain has a lot of energy when it does)!

> Do I need to know or do anything as far as programming them as well?

> Do I need to do a weekly maintenance care for them as well or any

> other type of care as well?


> I'm here in the USA and I have done a lot of searching on the net,

> but no luck as far as finding any information(care, maintance,

> or/and if I need to do something to activate or program them) in

> this area.


> I have read many of your posts and you are a very kind and helpfull

> person to be so generious to so many people!

> Sometimes I think people don't stop to think that you might have as

> many issues going on with your life as them! Compassion should be a

> two way street(flow)!


> I would like to get a reading from you! Please ask me anything that

> you require for this reading!


> Born: May 27, 1953

> Time: 4:26 AM (pst)

> Place: El Monte (L.A. Area, I think its 118 deg) California USA

> Kenneth Alan Beck (Alan)



> My life has been on hold in many ways(I haven't worked in over 2

> years), as my job has gone to many different countries(out-sourced)!

> I'm afraid of being stuck in the same in the same spiritual rut as

> before!

> I get the feeling that I'm suppost to find something and need to do

> a lot of traveling to find it!



> Thanks so much for your time and thoughts!


> Peace to you and yours



> K.A.B.

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